Traditional baptismal divination for the betrothed. Divination for the betrothed on the night of Epiphany

Many are interested in what the future holds for us. To find out the unknown, people often resorted to divination. Our ancestors often guessed during Christmas time - until January 19th. And on the morning of 19, on Epiphany, they washed themselves, doused themselves with holy water or bathed in an ice hole to wash away this sin from themselves.

If you want to know your fate, before January 19, you still have a chance to resort to such fortune-telling:

Divination for the groom

An unmarried girl needs to take the number of apples corresponding to the number of her boyfriends. They need to be identified by carving on each side the initials of one suitor. Then all the apples need to be put in some kind of dish and turn off the light. Thoroughly mix the apples, and then start taking a bite from each, choosing the most delicious. Look who's guessed on the one that you liked the most - that guy has the most serious intentions.

There is also one the old fashioned way discover, who will be future husband - divination with a rooster. The girls took several plates, poured water into one, poured grain into another, put a mirror into the third, and a chicken figurine into the fourth. They released the rooster and he indicated to the fortuneteller who her betrothed would be: a drunkard, rich, handsome or a womanizer.

Fortune telling on a prophetic dream

Before you go to bed, you need to say “Saint Samson, show me a festive dream...“ and think about what you want to know. For example, what will your future husband look like when you get married or what awaits you this year. After that, you can't talk to anyone.

Divination for prosperity

To find out how materially successful the next year will be, they did this. You need to take three plates and one coin and ask someone to hide the coin under one of the plates, it is better to leave the room at this moment. Then you should randomly choose a plate. If there is a coin under it, the year will be successful and profit awaits you, if you guess where the coin is from the second time, there will be no monetary losses, and if not, then you should save your money this year and refrain from big expenses.

Divination on the rings

Several girls gather in one room. Each brings a ring with her, they should all be different: copper, silver, gold and with a stone, you can borrow from someone specifically for this occasion. There can be two more rings than the number of girls.

The rings are placed in a container with grain or cereals and mixed thoroughly. Then, in turn, each of the girls takes a handful of grain. If she comes across a ring, it was used to judge the future. Copper ring - the husband will be from a poor family, silver - from a middle-class family, with a stone - the husband will be a man from the upper class, gold - the husband will be a rich and famous person. If the girl came across a ring that she brought or that she liked, this is a good sign - the implementation of the plan. And if the ring did not come across, then this year you should not expect changes.

Divination for marriage

This divination allows you to find out what this year promises you. They took three things: a hat or other headgear, a piece of bread and a small plank. It's all put together in one large capacity and mix thoroughly. Then they closed it, blindfolded it, made three turns and then pulled out the first thing that came to hand. If this is a headdress - marriage this year, bread - you will walk in girls for another year, a tree - some unpleasant event in the family or relatives will happen - illness or death.

Divination for the future

A basin is taken, water is poured into it and placed on the table. Events are written on paper strips of the same size (engagement, travel, wedding, addition to the family, etc.) and laid out around the pelvis at the same distance.

A small candle is placed in half of the nut shell and lit, lowering it into the middle of the basin. Next, you need to wait until the shell approaches any edge and read the event near which it will be - then it will come true.

It is necessary to take as many cups as there are fortunetellers. Arrange the ring, coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt in cups, pour a little water into one cup. Then the cups are quickly and quickly swapped, after which the blindfolded girls take turns choosing their own fate. Whoever gets the ring in the cup will be the first to marry. Bread means a prosperous life with a rich man, sugar - a sweet romance, but no more, onions - a romance with a neurotic. Salt - to break. But water symbolizes constancy - there will be no changes in the fortuneteller's life.

Divination for the betrothed

This is one of the simplest and most accessible divination. It is necessary to write on small pieces of paper male names and put it under your pillow at night. In the morning, pull out the first leaf that comes across. Whatever the name will be, that will be the name of the betrothed.

On the Epiphany evening, the girls guessed at the future husband by wedges or fence slats. In a modern way, you can guess by the cars parked in the yard. Passing by, the girl counted the bars, saying: “Rich, poor, widower, bachelor.” According to the last bar, on which the rhyme stopped, they judged which husband would fall.

Divination of fate by the shadows

The feast of the Epiphany (Theophany) is associated with severe frosts, dipping into the hole and divination. On the night of January 18-19, the water becomes sacred, and the atmosphere is filled with magic and magic.

Divination for the betrothed

Young people at baptism unmarried girls fortune telling in the name of the betrothed and the date of the wedding. On this holiday, higher powers come to earth and give a sign.

Fortune telling on apples. Take apples according to the number of fans. On each of them, carve the guy's initials. Then stir in the apples and blindly taste each one. Choose the tastiest. The guy whose initials will be carved on it is planning a serious relationship.

Divination on the rings. Fortune telling is carried out in the company of girls. Prepare rings: copper, silver, gold, a ring with precious stone. There should be twice as many rings as there are fortunetellers. Hide them in a cereal bag. Take turns approaching the bag and take a handful from it. Whoever gets a copper ring will marry a poor man. The owner silver ring spouse will a good man from a wealthy family. The girl who pulls out a gemstone ring will marry famous person. Who will get Golden ring- at that family life will pass in wealth and luxury. If a girl picks up a handful of cereals without a ring, then in the next year she will not get married.

Divination by the hair color of the groom. On the eve of Epiphany, hang a comb in the barn. At night, the bridegroom will come and comb it. In the morning, carefully examine the comb. What color hair you find on him - the future groom will have the same.

Rite at the window. At midnight, sit by the window and say: “Narrowed-mummer, drive past my window!”. If after these words you hear the sound of a fast passing car, with music and screams, then in the future you will have a happy marriage and a carefree life full of adventures and joyful events. If the car passes slowly, then the groom will not be rich.

Fortune telling in the snow. On the evening of January 18, go outside, take off your chains, belts, rings, and undo your braid. Then lie down in a snowdrift without crossing your arms and legs. After that, get up and, without looking back, quickly go home. In the morning, return to the place of the ceremony and look at the trace left in the snowdrift. The fuzzy outline of the silhouette and the snow scattered around testify to life with a jealous husband. A smooth print portends a loving spouse with a complaisant character. A deep trace marks several marriages. If there are no traces left in the snow, then in the coming year you will not be able to get married.

Ritual with a mirror. Stand in an empty room in front of a mirror and take an apple pre-cut into 9 parts. Looking at your reflection, eat 8 pieces and throw the 9th over your left shoulder. At this moment, the image of the betrothed will appear in the mirror.

Divination for the future

On Epiphany, a special atmosphere of magic reigns on earth. On this holiday, ask higher powers discover the secrets of the future. magical rites show upcoming events. Good signs will give strength and energy to achieve your goals.

Fortune telling on glasses. Take six glasses, pour some water into them and put one small symbol object at a time. A coin portends wealth, a match - the birth of a child, a ring - the next wedding, sugar - happy life, bread - satiety, salt - misfortune and tears. You can use other items and invest in them eigenvalue. Shuffle the glasses and, with your eyes closed, choose one at random. The object that comes across will predetermine the events of the coming year.

Divination for a prophetic dream. On the eve of Epiphany, lie down in bed and say: "Saint Samson, show me a festive dream." Mentally think about what you would like to know in a dream. The events that are dreamed will be fulfilled soon.

Needle ritual. Prepare a piece of bread, salt, a brick shard and coal. Place the bread in front of the salt and the charcoal in front of the brick. Thread a long thread into the eye of the needle. Then raise it above the prepared objects to the level of the head and start swinging. If the needle moves from bread to salt, then happy events are expected in the future, and if from a piece of brick to coal, a difficult year lies ahead.

Divination for the fulfillment of desires

At Epiphany, people make wishes and ask higher powers to help make their dreams come true. Magic rituals let you know if what you want will come true.

Divination on the mirror. On the eve of Epiphany before midnight, bring to the bedroom small mirror and fir branches. Write on the mirror cherished desire and put it under the bed. Place branches around it. Look at the mirror in the morning. If the inscription has disappeared, then the plan will be fulfilled in the near future.

12 wishes. Prepare 12 pieces of paper and write your cherished dreams on them. Before going to bed, shuffle the papers and put them under your pillow. In the morning, pull out three leaves at random. The wishes written on them will come true in the coming year.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires. Focus on your cherished dream, take a handful of small items (buttons, nuts, peas, seeds) and pour it out in front of you on a flat surface. Then count the number of items. Even number indicates that the wish will come true in the near future. An odd number indicates failure.

Card reading. Pick up a deck of cards and make a wish. Then blindly draw a card from the deck. Red symbolizes good luck, black - disappointment. If the map turns out to be large and black, then great difficulties will stand in the way. A small red card portends the fulfillment of the plan, but not in the way you wanted.

Epiphany Eve, Epiphany Christmas Eve - January 18, is considered the main day Christmas divination. Many are interested in what the future holds for us. To find out the unknown, people often resorted to divination. Our ancestors often guessed during Christmas time - until January 19th. And on the morning of 19, on Epiphany, they washed themselves, doused themselves with holy water or bathed in an ice hole to wash away this sin from themselves.

If you want to know your fate, before January 19, you still have a chance to resort to such fortune-telling:

Divination for the groom

An unmarried girl needs to take the number of apples corresponding to the number of her boyfriends. They need to be identified by carving on each side the initials of one suitor. Then all the apples need to be put in some kind of dish and turn off the light. Thoroughly mix the apples, and then start taking a bite from each, choosing the most delicious. Look who's guessed on the one that you liked the most - that guy has the most serious intentions.

There is also one old way to find out who the future husband will be - fortune telling with a rooster. The girls took several plates, poured water into one, poured grain into another, put a mirror into the third, and a chicken figurine into the fourth. They released the rooster and he indicated to the fortuneteller who her betrothed would be: a drunkard, rich, handsome or a womanizer.

Fortune telling on a prophetic dream

Before you go to bed, you need to say “Saint Samson, show me a festive dream...“ and think about what you want to know. For example, what will your future husband look like when you get married or what awaits you this year. After that, you can't talk to anyone.

Divination for prosperity
To find out how materially successful the next year will be, they did this. You need to take three plates and one coin and ask someone to hide the coin under one of the plates, it is better to leave the room at this moment. Then you should randomly choose a plate. If there is a coin under it, the year will be successful and profit awaits you, if you guess where the coin is from the second time, there will be no monetary losses, and if not, then you should save your money this year and refrain from big expenses.

Divination on the rings
Several girls gather in one room. Each brings a ring with her, they should all be different: copper, silver, gold and with a stone, you can borrow from someone specifically for this occasion. There can be two more rings than the number of girls.

The rings are placed in a container with grain or cereals and mixed thoroughly. Then, in turn, each of the girls takes a handful of grain. If she comes across a ring, it was used to judge the future. Copper ring - the husband will be from a poor family, silver - from a middle-class family, with a stone - the husband will be a man from the upper class, gold - the husband will be a rich and famous person. If the girl came across a ring that she brought or that she liked, this is a good sign - the implementation of the plan. And if the ring did not come across, then this year you should not expect changes.

Divination for marriage

This divination allows you to find out what this year promises you. They took three things: a hat or other headgear, a piece of bread and a small plank. This was all put into one large container and mixed thoroughly. Then they closed it, blindfolded it, made three turns and then pulled out the first thing that came to hand. If this is a headdress - marriage this year, bread - you will walk in girls for another year, a tree - some unpleasant event in the family or relatives will happen - illness or death.

Divination for the future
A basin is taken, water is poured into it and placed on the table. Events are written on paper strips of the same size (engagement, travel, wedding, addition to the family, etc.) and laid out around the pelvis at the same distance.

A small candle is placed in half of the nut shell and lit, lowering it into the middle of the basin. Next, you need to wait until the shell approaches any edge and read the event near which it will be - then it will come true.

Divination for the betrothed
On the Epiphany evening, the girls guessed at the future husband by wedges or fence slats. In a modern way, you can guess by the cars parked in the yard. Passing by, the girl counted the bars, saying: “Rich, poor, widower, bachelor.” According to the last bar, on which the rhyme stopped, they judged which husband would fall.

Behind Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year, Christmas time, Epiphany is coming ...

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord, as it were, completes Christmas time. This day is celebrated in memory of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the waters of the Jordan River. This holiday is also called Theophany, because during the baptism of Jesus Christ, a dove flew down from heaven - the Holy Spirit - and the voice of God rang out, saying that Jesus Christ is His beloved Son.

At Epiphany, churches bless the water. It has long been a custom for Orthodox Christians to bring holy water home and store it carefully. This water is considered healing, they drink it, wash their faces with it, sprinkle the house.

In ancient times, Baptism was considered a turning point. That evening they hoped for the best, made plans, made wishes. “On the Epiphany night, the sky opens,” the people said. And of course, no Epiphany Christmas Eve was complete without fortune-telling. Any fortune-telling at all times was condemned by the church, since the fortune-teller entrusts his soul to evil spirits for a while. It is for this reason that divination was timed to coincide with 12 o'clock at night. The next day, on Epiphany, they always plunged into the hole, thus washing away their sins.

Today, nothing has changed, and many girls also cannot resist the temptation to know their fate. On a frosty Epiphany night, beautiful girls gather at one of the girlfriends at home and begin to guess.


❦ Divination with a shoe

This is the most famous and widespread type of divination. So our great-great-grandmothers in the villages guessed. Remove the shoe from your left foot and throw it over the gate (you can through the window). If after that you are lucky and you find the discarded shoes, carefully look at how they lie. If the toe is towards the house, then this year marriage does not shine for you.

❦ Fortune telling on rings and grain

Let each of the girlfriends guessing with you bring rings from different metals. Take an opaque container, pour grains or cereals into it and hide the rings there. Mix thoroughly. Each of you must take a handful of grain, and by what ring she gets along with the grain, one can judge her future.

For example, a copper ring means that a girl will marry a poor young man, silver - for a simple guy from a good family, a ring with a pebble - for a wealthy person, and gold - for a very rich person. Your ring will fall, which means that the most cherished desire will come true. If there is nothing in the handful, then there will be no changes in the new year.

❦ Fortune telling on the ring, bread, brush and tobacco

Take 4 identical opaque cups, put a ring in one of them, a piece of bread in the second, a brush in the third, tobacco in the fourth and cover them with paper. Mix the cups and choose one of them. Look inside the cup: bread - to wealth, a ring - the groom will be a dandy, a brush - a simple man, tobacco - a husband will be caught smoking.

❦ Ring in the water

Take an ordinary glass with a smooth bottom without any patterns. Pour three-quarters of the water into it and carefully lower it to the middle of the bottom wedding ring after cleaning it first. Concentrate and look inside the lowered ring. Those who possess rich imagination, assure that this is how you can see the face of the future groom.

❦ Fortune telling with chicken

Buy a live chicken from the market and bring it home. Scatter various objects on the floor (a piece of bread, gold, silver and copper rings), immediately put a mug of water - and give the chicken freedom of choice. If she starts drinking water, it means that your husband, alas, will abuse alcohol, if he starts pecking at bread, the spouse will be sensible and wealthy. He will go to a golden object - to be a rich husband, he will choose a copper ring - you, poor fellow, will live all your life with a poor lazy person. On a chicken, you can guess both alone and in a large company. If there are many people, everyone puts their item. Whose good will please the feathered friend more, that girl will marry faster.

❦ Fortune telling under the window

At midnight, open a wider window in the house, and then sit down with your girlfriends in a row and take turns saying: “Betrothed-mummers! Drive past the window! After whose words some sounds are heard outside the window, that one will be the first to marry.

❦ Divination on a towel

Hang a towel outside the balcony at night. If by morning it is wet, then this is for marriage, if it is dry, you will sit up in your parents' house.

❦ Divination on burning paper

Write the name of your beloved on a piece of paper, put it on a plate and set it on fire. If the piece of paper does not burn completely, it means that the desire that you associate with this person will come true.

❦ Snow divination

At midnight on the street, take a handful of snow and throw it against the wind. If the snow falls right on you, your future husband will be young and handsome. If the snow flies to the side, then you should marry the old man.

You can also walk on fresh snow at night. If by morning no one crosses the tracks, tramples, your life will be spacious. If on the contrary, you and your husband will swear all your life.

❦ Eavesdropping

At midnight, go with your girlfriends to eavesdrop on other people's windows. The one who hears a quarrel and abuse is waiting bad life in marriage, and the one who hears the fun, happiness will not pass.

❦ Divination at the crossroads

At midnight, go out with your girlfriends to the crossroads and, each guessing about your future groom, draw a circle around you. Standing in it, listen: if you hear laughter and singing, then you will soon get married, if you hear crying, swearing and lamentations, then you will sit in girls and shed tears.

❦ Divination by the barking of a dog

This the way is fine those who wish to marry without fail a foreigner. If you go outside at midnight, ask: “Ball, bark, doggy! Find out, find out, betrothed! - you definitely can’t avoid a wedding with a foreigner from far abroad, if, listening, you can hear the barking of a dog somewhere in the distance. The more muffled the barking, the farther abroad. But if you hear a dog yapping nearby, then your betrothed lives on the next street.

They say that by the barking of a dog, one can also judge the age of the groom. A hoarse bark promises an old groom, and a sonorous bark promises a young one.

❦ Divination on a string

Take threads of the same length with your girlfriends and set them on fire. Whose thread burns first, she will be the first to marry. Whoever has less than half of the thread is never destined to marry.

❦ Fortune telling with matches

Think of a young man. On the sides matchbox insert two matches and light them. If the burnt heads of matches are facing each other, it means that the hidden person is thinking about you and you will be together.

❦ Fortune telling on a needle

Write on paper the names of the people you are interested in, spread the leaves in a circle. Lower the needle and thread into the middle of the circle. Hold the needle by the thread so that it, leaning on the very point, stands freely on the table. In the direction of which name the needle swings and stops, that person is your destiny.

❦ Fortune telling on cards

A deck of cards will answer your most secret questions. Mix them thoroughly, remove them with your left hand. Ask questions while opening the cards. If the card is red, then the answer is yes and your dream will come true, if the black card is not. If the card is black and small, then there will be just a slight disappointment. If black and large - big difficulties await you ahead. If the card is red and small, then the wish will come true, but not quite the way you would like. But if the card is red and large, everything will be fine.

❦ "My light, mirror, tell me ...", or divination on mirrors

People have long noticed that fortune-telling on mirrors is one of the most right ways not only to find out if the girl will marry, but even to see her betrothed.

Just be warned that this is a dangerous activity. It is believed that the mirror has the ability to release evil forces into the world of people.

Since ancient times, mystical properties have been attributed to the mirror. Breaking a mirror means calling death on someone.

You need to guess on mirrors at midnight, somewhere in a secluded room. The windows should be closed and curtained, the light is weak, dim. It is better to guess in non-residential premises or in the attic. One girl with flowing hair should guess, spectators may be present, but at a sufficient distance.

In Russia, people used to tell fortunes on mirrors in the village so-called black bath, because, according to popular beliefs, evil spirits live here.

❀ Divination 1

In ancient times, girls used this divination to see a very real gentleman. To parents and grandmothers, frightened by such a strange vision, the girl explained that in front of them there was no real person, a spirit, a ghost. Some believed.

Place two mirrors (one large, the other smaller) opposite each other; the smaller mirror should be located closer to the fortuneteller. Light two candles between the mirrors. Say: “The betrothed-mummer! Come have dinner with me!" — and look through the top of the smaller mirror. You'll see long corridor, little by little darkening in depth. Look into the darkness - and after a while you will begin to see various objects there, by which you will determine your future. And sooner or later, the future betrothed will appear in the mirror. You must overcome your fear and try to get a better look at this person. Then you need to throw a handkerchief prepared in advance on a smaller mirror as quickly as possible and shout loudly: “Stay away from me!”

They say that an “unclean” girl can be slapped with a good slap, the traces of which will not disappear until the wedding itself.

❀ Divination 2

Place two mirrors (one large, the other small) opposite each other, light a candle between the mirrors. Sit down so that, looking into a large mirror, you see 12 reflected small mirrors in it. Quickly pronounce the cherished words: “Narrowed-mummers! Show me in the mirror!”

In the last, twelfth, mirror, a reflection of a young man should appear. Do not lose your head from fear, but carefully consider his facial features, clothes. As soon as you shout: "Stay away from this place!" - the image should disappear.

If no image appears in the mirror, it means that you are not threatened with imminent marriage.

❀ Divination 3

Cut an apple into 9 equal parts and, standing in front of a mirror, eat eight of them. Throw the last slice over your left shoulder. In this case, the narrowed one should appear in the mirror.

❀ Divination 4

Go out at the crossroads at night, taking a mirror with you. Outline circles around you, peering intently into the mirror, say: "Narrowed-mummer, come to me along the path and along the white snow." And if you are destined to a quick marriage, you will see your betrothed walking towards you along the road, you will hear the ringing of bells or cheerful singing.

❀ Divination 5

Before midnight, prepare a medium-sized mirror and a few spruce branches. Before going to bed, put a mirror under the bed, spread spruce paws around it. On the mirror, write the name of the person you are thinking about, or your deepest desire. Waking up in the morning, look: if the inscription on the mirror has disappeared, then your wish will surely come true or marriage will soon await you. If the inscription remains on the mirror, then the desire will not come true, and your darling will never be with you.

❀ Divination 6

When the moon shines brightly in the sky, take a small mirror, stand by the window and position the mirror so that the moon is reflected in it. Look closely at him. After a while, a few months should appear in the mirror. How many months you count in the mirror, so many close relatives your future husband will have.

❀ Divination 7

Place a glass carafe of water on the table, and lighted candles on three sides of it. Place a mirror behind the decanter and look into it through the decanter. What you see in the mirror will come true.

By folk beliefs, the eve of Epiphany the evening of January 18, the famous "Epiphany evening" - the time of rampant evil spirits. She strives to enter the house as a werewolf - in any guise. To protect the dwelling from the penetration of evil spirits into the house, they put chalk on all doors and window frames signs of the cross, which is considered reliable protection from everything demonic. Do not put a cross on the doors on Epiphany Christmas Eve - be in trouble, they thought in the old days.

If you do not protect your home in time and “let in” evil spirits, you can get rid of its pranks as follows. A knot is found in the floor of the house, which does not have to protrude above the floor, but can simply be indicated in parquet board. Ring finger right hand they circle the knot with a triangle, then step on it with their left foot and say: “Christ is risen, not you, demon. Amen".

The werewolf "Fire Serpent" is especially dangerous on Epiphany night, appearing to girls in the form of a beautiful young man. They say that if the "Fire Serpent" falls in love with a girl, this love is incurable forever. “Not loving, you will love, not praising, you will praise,” old women warn young girls about the appearance of a handsome man. “He, the villain, knows how to fool the soul, he knows how to make speeches, he will play, ruthless, with a girl’s heart, he will drown the girl in a hot embrace. From his kisses, the girl burns with a ruddy dawn. Without him, the girl sits in anguish; without him, she dries herself. You can protect yourself from visiting a handsome werewolf by drawing a cross on the door or by pouring snow collected on Epiphany evening on the stove.

But in the absence of stoves in modern apartments, you can wash yourself with snow water in the morning on the day of Epiphany: according to a sign, from this “they are white without whitewash, they are ruddy without rouge”. You can not limit yourself to washing, but try to swim in the hole. It has long been a custom in Russia to swim in the hole at Epiphany, despite the fact that Epiphany frosts considered the most cruel.

Those who guessed on the night of the New Year, at Christmas time and at Epiphany, bathed or doused themselves with water without fail: in this way they washed away sin, because fortune-telling was always considered conspiracy with evil spirit.

In Russia, many beliefs about the fate of a person are associated with the feast of the Epiphany. If someone is baptized on this day - be him happiest person for life. It is also considered a good omen if on this day they agree on a future wedding. "Epiphany handshake - to happy family', the people said.

Those girls who had not yet waited for their fiancé went out in the evening for Epiphany and called out to their betrothed. If a young guy comes across a girl - good omen if the old man is a bad omen.

There was a custom that both boys and girls followed with pleasure: to ask the name of passers-by - for women it is male, for men it is female. By popular belief, so they will call the future groom and, accordingly, the bride.

On a clear moonlit Epiphany evening, the girls went to the doors of the locked church and listened to the silence: some of them seemed to have either a wedding choir or a funeral service - that which promised them New Year. The sound of a bell (marriage) and a dull knock (imminent death) had the same symbolism.

There was a custom described by V. A. Zhukovsky - throwing a shoe. The girls went out of the village and threw a slipper from their left foot in front of them. They looked in which direction the toe of the shoe was pointing - from there the groom would come and in that direction the girl would leave home. If the toe of the shoe pointed back to the village, this meant that the girl would not get married this year.

Ancient divination for baptism

From time immemorial, people want to know their fate. According to popular belief, the evening of January 18 is the time of rampant evil spirits. This is the last day of Christmas divination, and they were considered the most truthful. And after Baptism, “torturing fate” was forbidden.

Fortune telling has always been considered a conspiracy with evil spirits and a lot of beliefs are associated with it. Fortunetellers had to take off pectoral crosses and belts, untie knots on clothes, untie braids. And then pour water or swim to wash away this sin.

For the older generation, fortune-telling is more of a festive fun that allows you to get a little distracted from everyday troubles. Therefore, basically, fortune-telling was considered the prerogative of young people - boys and girls. They were always interested in looking into the future, to find out something about their betrothed or betrothed. The old books describe many ways. Here are some of them:

Divination in the name of the betrothed.

Finding out the name of your betrothed is very simple. You need to go outside and ask the first man or woman you meet (depending on who you need) what to call-dignify.

If you don’t feel like going anywhere, take several sheets of paper, write on each of them one male or female name and put, for example, in a hat. Shake several times and pull out one leaf at random. The name that will be written on the sheet will be the name of your future husband or wife. Similarly, you can find out the age, zodiac sign.

Fortune telling on the betrothed.

You can see and learn about who will be narrowed in prophetic dream in several ways:

Method number 1.

Before going to bed, comb your hair with a clean comb, then put it under the pillow and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me, comb my hair.”

Method number 2.

Eat something salty at night and don't drink after that. And when you go to bed, say: "Betrothed-mummer, come to me and give me water to drink."

Method number 3.

Put four card kings under the pillow before going to bed, saying: "My betrothed, mummers, dream of me in a dream."

It is better to say the phrases in the first, second, and third ways several times so that the subconscious mind remembers your request to see the groom.

If in the third way you dream of a king of spades, the groom will be much older than you, either in age or higher in social position, or multifaceted in its internal personal development; he can also be very jealous or just mean. If the king of the cross is dreamed, the future husband will be a military man or a business person or simply having such a temperament. But the king of diamonds is a person you desire, most likely already familiar to you, beloved. The red king prophesies a rich groom, but it may happen that he is already married or has a passion, that is, you will have to fight for him in earnest.

Nobody dreamed? Then just pull out from under the pillow at random, without hesitation for a long time, one of the cards and interpret your female share on your own.

Divination for marriage.

There are also several ways to find out who will be the first of the girlfriends to marry:

Method number 1.

Cut the threads of the same length and set them on fire. Whoever burns out the thread ahead will be the first to be married. If the thread went out immediately and less than half burned down, then you will not get married.

Method number 2.

Take a gold ring and a large piece of black velvet. Roll the ring in turn, saying: “I will roll the ring around the city, and I will go after that ring myself, I will reach my dear one.” Where the ring stops, put a mark. Whose ring stops first, that girl will marry before the others, and if the ring rolls farther than the others, she will marry later than everyone else.

Method number 3.

Take a piece of bread and a ribbon. Put in an empty and clean pot or box. Then blindfold and take the first thing that comes across to you. If you took a ribbon, then wait for the matchmakers, if bread, then you remain a girl for now.

For those who are no longer interested in the issue of marriage, you can tell fortunes for the distant future, for the birth of children, etc.

Also, how old are you when you get married. It is necessary to pour two-thirds into a glass of water, hang a wedding ring on a thread. And taking the end of the thread, lower the ring into the water, to the bottom. Then gently raise the ring above the water and follow its movement. It will begin to sway (the hand must be motionless). How many times the ring hits the walls of the glass - at that many years you will get married. For owners long hair instead of a thread, you can use your own hair. When the ring begins to swing like a pendulum or describe a circle, many feel the presence of something supernatural.

Divination of fate by the shadows

This type of fortune-telling, due to its simplicity, is very common in the modern girlish environment. The girl sets fire to the crumpled paper sheet, and then examines the shadow of the burnt paper. Everyone takes a blank sheet of paper, crumple it, put it on a dish or on a large flat plate and set it on fire. When the sheet burns down or almost burns out, it is displayed on the wall with the help of a candle. Carefully examining the shadows, they are trying to find out the future.

Divination on wax

There are several ways to learn about what awaits you in the future. Here, for example, is one of them. Melt the wax in a mug, pour milk in a saucer and place it at the threshold of an apartment or house. Say: "Brownie, my master, come under the threshold to drink milk, eat wax." With the last words, pour the melted wax into the milk. Now watch carefully. If you see a frozen cross, some kind of illness awaits you in the new year. If the wax “blooms” with a flower, then marriage awaits you or will appear in your life. new friend. If the beast appears, journeys, flights and long journeys await you. If the wax falls like stars, expect good luck in the service, in your studies.

Divination with a boat

For this divination, they take a basin of water so that it is not completely filled with water. Bent strips with the names of fortunetellers are hung or attached to the sides of this basin or possible events are written on them: wedding, infatuation, abduction, passionate love, failures, illness, etc. take the shell walnut(its half) and in the middle of it they set a small candle stub (can be a Christmas tree). They let the boat into the middle of the pelvis, and depending on which edge it approaches and which piece of paper it sets on fire, such an event will happen to the one whose name is written on the piece of paper or who is guessing.

Divination with a cat

Make a wish, call your cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, the wish will come true. If it's right, it's not destined.))

Forecast for the year

Take six small glasses, pour some water into them. Put in cups in turn (so that there is something in each cup) - salt, sugar, a piece of bread, money (coin), a ring, a match.

* Salt - to tears, to grieve ...

* Sugar - sweet life, successful in the year

* Bread - bread, well-fed life in a year

* Money - to money in a year

* Ring - marriage / marriage in the year

* Match - to the child.

Then blindfold them in turn and come up and choose a glass. With what they pull out - this is a forecast for the coming year! The most truthful - for the first time, you can draw out the second time - this is like the background of the year.

Fortune telling (with a ring or a needle) on the gender of the unborn child

Method number 1.

Certain actions are performed with a ring or a needle (the ring is lowered into a glass of water, a woolen cloth is pierced with a needle), then, suspended on a hair or thread, they are slowly lowered near the hand of the one they are guessing at. If the object (ring, needle) begins to make circular movements, a girl will be born (less often - a boy), if pendulum-shaped - a boy (less often - a girl), if the object does not move, there will be no children.

Method number 2.

Put the gold ring in a glass of water and put it overnight in the cold (or in the freezer if it's thawed). See the result in the morning. Frozen water without tubercles means a childless life. How many tubercles there will be, so many sons will be born, and if there are only pits on the frozen surface, expect daughters. Remember, whatever happens to you in fortune-telling, the good will come true, but don’t believe in the bad, the main thing is to be confident in your happiness.

On the evening before Epiphany, write twelve of your desires on pieces of paper and put them under your pillow before going to bed. Waking up in the morning, take out three leaves at random, those desires that will be indicated on these leaves and must be fulfilled.

Before going to bed on Epiphany evening, put a mirror brought from the street under the bed and spread spruce branches around it. Write your wish on the mirror with your hand. If the inscription disappears in the morning, the wish will come true.

Scatter a handful of small items on the table, such as nuts, seeds, etc. Make a wish and count the number of items. If their number is even - the wish will come true, respectively, the number of items is odd - the wish will not come true.

Divination for love

You need to guess at love, of course, by candlelight, from evening to morning, the most romantic time. Everyone heard about fortune-telling in front of mirrors, looking out of a betrothed, some even did it, but for some reason few talk about what they saw. Let's not guess what is there - something terrible or something uninteresting, it's better to talk about funny or original ways know the future:

- Run out into the street and ask the name of random passers-by. That will be the name of the groom. If fortune-telling takes place in a company of different sexes, the guys can thus find out the name of the future bride. The main thing is not to scare the girls passing by.

- Put two matches on the sides of the box and set them on fire. The matches burned out and leaned towards each other - the hidden couple will be together. If not, then they will disperse. It is advisable to put out the matches on time, without waiting for the whole matchbox to light up and flare up.

- Divination by hairs in a bowl of water. At night, you need to put a pinch of salt, sugar and ash into the water, mix everything and let the water calm down. Then lower your hair and betrothed. If by morning the hair is intertwined - be a wedding. If not, then no luck. On the next Epiphany, boldly pull out the hair of the next guy.

Money conspiracy for baptism

It is done on the night of Epiphany, or Epiphany (from January 18 to 19). Exactly at 12 o'clock at night, you need to dial a can of water for a conspiracy for Baptism on the river, in a well or in an ordinary water tap. The can must be made of unpainted metal (aluminum or steel).

On the edge of the can, you need to strengthen a wooden cross made of coniferous tree- Christmas trees, pines, cypress or juniper. The cross can be made independently by cutting with a knife or by tying two branches crosswise. Also, along the edges of the can, three church candles need to be strengthened. Throw three coins of different denominations and, preferably, different metals into the water. In the old days they threw copper, silver and gold. Modern man it is difficult to get them, especially gold. If you cannot find three coins of different metals, you can take coins of two metals (but not one). Over this water, read twelve times a conspiracy for Baptism:

I get up at night, I take holy water. Holy water, holy night, sanctify your soul and body, come on, angels, overshadow with quiet wings, bring the peace of God, bring God to my house. I welcome God, I seat God at the table, I pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and John the Forerunner: To the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme prophet, the first martyr, mentor of fasters and hermits, purity to the teacher and close friend of Christ! I pray, and resorting to you, do not reject me from your intercession, do not leave me fallen by many sins; renew my soul with repentance, like a second baptism; cleanse me, the sins of the defiled, and compel me to enter, even though it enters badly, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

After that, a prayer to the Epiphany of the Lord is read over the water and coins.

In fact, there are a great many Epiphany fortune-telling, from scary to funny, and the point is, first of all, how you feel about them. If with healthy humor, then this is an opportunity to spend a few winter evenings with your girlfriends beautifully and cheerfully. Just do not take the results of divination seriously, whatever they may be. Although no, let's put it another way. Believe only in rainbow predictions!