Prayer is a call to higher powers. Everything has its time

Higher Self or Wise Inner Counselor suggestions can be given in conjunction with a figurative representation of a particular place, or separately as independent suggestions. The following suggestions are intended to aid the decision-making process and build frustration tolerance.

These suggestions can easily be combined with a figurative rehearsal of decision-making actions, which we describe in the following text:

You can create a strong connection with the wisdom that you have acquired during your training in this special place, try to get a sense of what I hope we will agree to call your higher self or your inner adviser ... take the time, try to feel connected to this side of oneself ... with this higher wise and reasonable Self, with this higher Self, which has the power to accept right decisions… to evaluate situations. Soon you will find that you can get closer to it…closer…closer…closer as you move towards attaining this higher self. Soon you will find that it can grow stronger and stronger…within your reach…within your understanding. I will count from one to five. And with each count, you will take a step towards your higher self - wise, strong and able to make decisions. With every count... with every step you take... you breathe deeply, slowly and easily as you feel you can move closer and closer to your higher self. That's right. slow, easy breath. And I think you will agree that it is now much easier for you to get in touch with your ability to think clearly... logically... calmly focus... solve problems... and find solutions... when you are calm and at ease.

One. That's right... take your first step. Notice that you begin to focus more on your higher self... Feel the sense of inner peace and calm spread... the calmness that accompanies this inner world. Enjoy this sense of calmness...peace. Your mind becomes clearer... sharper as you become more relaxed and free. Your ability to think and reason becomes even more focused. Two. And with your second step, you may notice how relaxed you feel. Do you feel even more relaxed than when you sleep? Would you like to let go of some tension that you don't need as you go deeper and deeper... deeper and deeper as you move to discover a higher manifestation of your being? Is your breathing as relaxed and steady as you would like it to be? Maybe you would like to go even deeper? Move closer... even closer. And three... take the third step. Learn... more and more... more and more... with every breath. You have plenty of time. Your higher self, like a magnet, gently draws you to itself. Would you like to know even more about your Higher Self, to discover, to feel even more of its sides? Yes? Then get very close to your higher self...get in touch with your ability to think through problems...calculate alternatives...handle frustration. And four... take your fourth step. Yes. You are almost there. You almost touch that higher part of yourself, you are almost one with it. Just breathe... like this. Breathe in and... breathe out... You really don't have to do anything, nothing to disturb you, nothing to hurt you, while you are turning your attention inward to find peace and quiet, and - at the same time - the ability to focus your mind. And five… with this fifth step you are getting in touch with your higher self… with the wisdom you have accumulated throughout your life… you are in touch with your ability to stay calm and focused… with your ability to think clearly and stay calm… stay calm … stay balanced… stay focused… even when you are under pressure… allow yourself to be aware of your feelings… and yet don’t think about your feelings. It's helpful when you keep focusing on your goals, isn't it?

Yes, you can keep focusing to become the person you respect… the person you want to be… when you think about what you want to achieve… when you connect… access… that higher self… when you think before than you act. When you strategize… ways to be and act… think about the possibilities before you act… Yes, you have learned that this higher self is within you… that the strength and wisdom and power are all within you.

This article contains: prayer is a call to higher powers - information is taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Jesus said: “Praying means sending luminous streams into space. If you do not receive help and protection from Heaven, it is only because you yourself have not sent light. Heaven will not deal with what has gone out. You want it to shine on your calls? Light all your lamps."

How to get in touch with God and the world of the Higher Forces, the world of Beings of Light?

How do our appeals-prayers "work"?

Let us recall one of the religious postulates: "God is everywhere and in everything." Yes, this is true, but many people do not believe in it, they say: "If He is everywhere and in everything, then why do we not see Him?" Indeed, we cannot see the Creator and His helpers, because everywhere and in everything God, prophets, saints and other representatives of the Higher Forces are present at the quantum level, that is, invisible to the human eye, level in the entire Universe. Everything small carries the information of the whole.

In each quantum of light - a representative of the Forces of Light - the effectiveness, strength and consciousness of an integral Being of Light. That is why, according to our prayer-call, which plays the role of a connection and a request, the light quanta of the Higher Forces rush into our fields.

The ongoing micro-discharge processes connect the quantum energies of our biofield with the light quanta of the Higher Forces, to which our prayers are directed. Multiple, diverse in strength, microdischarges release additional energy, which enriches and thickens our biofield.

Therefore, it is very desirable to strengthen the aura by replenishing energy with prayers at least three times a day.

At AURASUDIA, we conducted an experiment using the canonical prayers of different religions. Believers and non-believers, people who pray and those who do not know prayers took part in the experiment. In the process of research, prayers and mantras (Buddhist and Hindu prayers) were said and spoken to themselves.

The result turned out to be surprisingly stable: the deformed aura was leveled off, saturated with light, negative influences disappeared. The work of the chakras became more active and balanced.

Numerous studies and the identity of the results have become proof that the prayers of different religions, uttered by any person, regardless of his religious affiliation, help to get in touch and interact with the Higher Beings represented around us at the quantum (in the form of the smallest energy particles) level: our prayer calls sound for the Forces of Light as a signal "SOS", as a call for help. This help is immediately provided, expanding, normalizing and enhancing the glow of the aura.

The results of the research made it possible to conclude: prayers are not only a religious, but also a subtle-energetic, and therefore physical, phenomenon, as a result of which, due to complex biophysical processes, the aura of living objects is enhanced, the energy of water, minerals, crystals, plants and animals is enhanced.

How to pray.

Prayer is the basis of the life of a true believer. According to St. Philaret of Moscow, "prayer is a private conversation with God." Alexander Men said that prayer is "the flight of the heart to God."

Prayer is the test of our sincerity: can we utter simple words from the bottom of your heart? If we can, prayer will be heard.

Prayers are different:

prayers - calls for forgiveness and well-being;

Do you know how many billions and billions of entities, elements, particles are involved only in keeping you alive? Not! And you are always dissatisfied, outraged. Learn to be grateful!

Right tomorrow morning, when you wake up, thank Heaven that you are in good health - after all, many will not wake up or wake up, but will not be able to move anymore. Say, "Thank you, Lord, for giving me life and health again today so that I can do Your will." When Heaven notices such a rare phenomenon - the ability to give thanks, repeating: "Thank you, Lord!", "Thank you, Lord!" - Heaven is amazed, delighted and sends you all blessings.

When we turn to God with a prayer, filth is cleansed, and we are ready to receive heavenly influences, subtle cosmic energies. This is the hidden meaning of prayer, for prayer calls grace into our hearts.

Read seven times the canonical (main) prayer of the religion to which you are committed, or seven canonical prayers of different religions, if you treat them with equal respect, understanding that God is one.

Then ask in prayers for what is topical at this time for you, your loved ones, the people, the Earth. Ask God for spirituality, courage, an impulse to work, creativity and patience. Help through prayers is a reality higher than what we see with our eyes. If we are attentive and patient, then the fruits of our requests appear firsthand.

In the course of research, it was established that the sevenfold repetition of canonical prayers optimally saturates the human aura, one or even three prayers is not enough to fully saturate the biofield with the energy necessary to ensure all physiological processes in the human body.

Modern researchers believe that when prayers are read next to a burning candle, sound vibrations cause vibrations in the world plasma, and it translates them into waves that ascend to God. Moreover, prayers cause the opposite effect, God's Grace descends on a person - energy and information of very subtle vibrations that heal both soul and body.


“Praying means sending luminous streams into space. If you do not receive help and protection from Heaven, it is only because you yourself did not send the light. The sky will not deal with what has gone out. Do you want it to shine on your calls? Light all your lamps."

How to get in touch with God and the world of the Higher Forces, the world of Beings of Light?

How do our appeals-prayers “work”?

Let us recall one of the religious postulates: "God is everywhere and in everything." Yes, this is true, but many people do not believe in it, they say: “If He is everywhere and in everything, then why do we not see Him?”

Indeed, we cannot see the Creator and His helpers, because everywhere and in everything God, prophets, saints and other representatives of the Higher Forces are present at the quantum level, that is, invisible to the human eye, level in the entire Universe. Everything small carries the information of the whole.

In each quantum of light - a representative of the Forces of Light - the effectiveness, strength and consciousness of an integral Being of Light. That is why, according to our prayer-call, which plays the role of connection and request, quanta of light of the Higher Forces rush into our fields.

The ongoing micro-discharge processes connect the quantum energies of our biofield with the light quanta of the Higher Forces, to which our prayers are directed.

Multiple, diverse in strength, microdischarges release additional energy, which enriches and thickens our biofield.

But not indefinitely, but for a certain time, since the width and density of the aura are not constant, since the energy spent on various physiological processes in the human body thins it out.

So to strengthen the aura, replenishing energy with prayers, it is very desirable at least three times a day.

At AURASUDIA, we conducted an experiment using the canonical prayers of different religions. The experiment involved believers and non-believers, people who pray and those who do not know prayers. In the process of research, prayers and mantras (Buddhist and Hindu prayers) were said and spoken to oneself.

The result was surprisingly stable: the deformed aura was leveled, saturated with light, the negative effects disappeared. The work of the chakras became more active and balanced.

Numerous studies and the identity of the results have become proof that the prayers of different religions, uttered by any person, regardless of his religious affiliation, help to get in touch and interact with the Higher Beings represented around us at the quantum (in the form of the smallest energy particles) level: our prayer calls sound for the Forces of Light as a “SOS” signal, as a call for help. This help is immediately provided, expanding, normalizing and enhancing the glow of the aura.

The results of the research made it possible to conclude: prayers are not only a religious, but also a subtle-energetic, and therefore physical, phenomenon, as a result of which, due to complex biophysical processes, the aura of living objects is enhanced, the energy of water, minerals, crystals, plants and animals is enhanced.

How to pray.

Prayer is the basis of the life of a true believer. According to St. Philaret of Moscow, “prayer is a private conversation with God.” Alexander Men said that prayer is “the flight of the heart to God.”

Prayer is a test of our sincerity: can we speak simple words from the bottom of our hearts? If we can, prayer will be heard.

Prayers are different:

prayers - calls for forgiveness and well-being;

About Omraam's thanksgiving prayer, Mikael Aivanhov writes:

The biggest mistake people make is their ingratitude. They only know how to object, to demand, to shout, to be indignant. But what did they do to have the right to demand? Nothing. That is why Heaven is closed to them and leaves them entangled in difficulties.

Do you know how many billions and billions of entities, elements, particles are involved only in keeping you alive? Not! And you are always dissatisfied, outraged. Learn to be grateful!

Right tomorrow morning, when you wake up, thank Heaven that you are in good health - after all, many will not wake up or wake up, but will not be able to move anymore.

Tell: “Thank you, Lord, for giving me life and health again today so that I can do Your will”. When Heaven notices such a rare phenomenon - the ability to give thanks, repeating: “Thank you, Lord!”, “Thank you, Lord!” - Heaven is amazed, delighted and sends you all blessings.

When we turn to God in prayer, there is a purification from filth, and we are ready for the perception of heavenly influences, subtle cosmic energies. This is the hidden meaning of prayer, for prayer calls grace into our hearts.

Read seven times the canonical (main) prayer of the religion to which you are committed, or seven canonical prayers of different religions, if you treat them with equal respect, understanding that God is one.

Then ask in prayers for what is topical at this time for you, your loved ones, the people, the Earth. Ask God for spirituality, courage, an impulse to work, creativity and patience. Help through prayers is a reality higher than what we see with our eyes. If we are attentive and patient, then the fruits of our requests appear firsthand.

It is desirable to end the prayer ritual with prayerful praise, which, to some extent, through words and thoughts will make it clear to the Higher Forces, the Forces of Light, our gratitude and gratitude to Them.

The research found: sevenfold repetition of canonical prayers optimally saturates the human aura, one or even three prayers are not enough to fully saturate the biofield with the energy necessary to ensure all physiological processes in the human body.

Modern researchers believe that when prayers are read next to a burning candle, sound vibrations cause vibrations in the world plasma, and it translates them into waves that ascend to God.

Moreover, prayers cause the opposite effect, God's Grace descends on a person - energy and information of very subtle vibrations that heal both soul and body.

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Prayers - an appeal to the Higher Forces

Prayer to God's helpers

Archangels and Guardian Angels, my beautiful ones,

Sending you waves of love!

Teachers of joy and happiness,

Let me hug you soon!

What lies ahead for me, tell me,

What's going on around me, explain

Explain the mistakes in my actions,

Decipher the code of my destiny,

I ask you: help yourself and others to understand,

Set me to guide

Learn to do good deeds

Take control of your work and hobbies

Protect from violence and anger,

Bless my family

If I offended anyone, I'm sorry

overshadow my thoughts with light,

Heal your soul and body

Connect the connection of intuition and reason,

Send knowledge to God

Instruct the universal wisdom,

Create a beautiful image for me

Distract from dirty thoughts

Restore my memory

Bless in the knowledge of the worlds,

Bring my prayers to God

And bring me the answers to them,

Light the path in bad weather,

Protect from all misfortunes,

Accompany me along the way

Fix things and transport,

Learn to appreciate yourself and life,

Compose poems about the Light Forces,

Give peace to everyone

I get insights in knowledge,

Help yourself, friends, enemies to forgive,

And strengthen friendship with everyone,

Help deepen the connection with the Lord of Love,

Develop spiritual abilities

Sanctify food and water

Free physical and energy bodies from dirt,

Fill them with holy energy

So that every cell becomes healthy and alive!

For my body to flourish

Gave joy to the soul!

So that my soul is filled with Light

And my love was the answer to everything!

Help my essence to see clearly

And soar to heaven in peace,

Get rid of fear, vanity,

Thoughts are for our joy, but direct God to Glory!

Archangels and Guardian Angels, I love you,

Thank you for the love and booking!

Prayer to Heavenly Father

Heavenly Father! The sun! Holy Spirit!

You open my heart for love!

Come to me and enlighten me!

Shine with your Light!

Learn to live with love!

Light Forces listen to everyone

And give love to everyone!

I acknowledge the love of God

And thank you for the light!

Spirit of God, sanctify the earth,

May all Cains live in Love!

I'm happy with everything Great Spas!

I just want more here and now!

I love you my Light!

Everything is your priority! Amen!

Prayer for the Earth - the cradle of mankind

Creator, Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed, Saint Germain, Kryon, El Morya!

Virgin Mary, Archangels and Guardian Angels, my wonderful Teachers!

We ask you to help!

Protect the cradle of humanity from darkness!

Restore the aura of the Earth!

Connect the connection of the Earth with the Light!

Bless people, birds, fish, animals and plants!

Set us up to guide!

Violet flame burn all the troubles!

Save water, air from dirty energy!

And direct the thoughts of those living on Earth to Love!

So that crystals, forests, fields, orchards and orchards flourish!

So that people in the dwellings of cities and villages do not suffer from fear!

So that all living on Earth breathe clean air,

God gave joy to the Glory of the Universe!

Our teachers, always be with the Earth,

Thank you for the Booking and Love!

Prayer to the Light Forces

Powers of Light! Make a wish

Pay attention to our earthly path!

Help bring love and prosperity to us,

In deeds bless and diligence!

Direct your thoughts to send waves of love to others,

Help to find creativity and happiness in work!

Reward with work and income,

Strengthen Love and Reservation of friends and judges!

Be our mentors here and now,

And reward us with your mercy!

Thank you for guiding us to a better path,

Through which we can bring Light and Love to everyone!

Prayer is a call to higher powers

  • Getting Acquainted


Friends, we live in a world with a full range of diverse energies. There are energies that give us strength, heal, inspire. And others have a negative impact on us.

You probably noticed that after talking with certain person or visiting a place, you suddenly feel overwhelmed? You may, for example, be surrounded by people who seek to replenish their energy at the expense of others. Or do you often visit crowded places that radiate energy that is unfavorable for you. Protection will also be required for healers, anyone who has a lot of contact with other people or travels a lot.

There are many techniques for energy protection, in this article I want to offer you strong prayers which are suitable for different occasions. With the help of them you can protect yourself, your living space, loved ones and your child.


“I call on all the forces of Light, the Purifying Fire, the blinding beam that dispels darkness, the bright sword that cuts through evil!

Surround me with Your radiant power, irrigate me with Your blessed luminous energy rain, cleanse all the negative, give me Your Strength and Energy!

May the Heavenly Shield of Light protect me from earthly and unearthly forces and energies, from evil, from envy, hatred, a bad look, exhausting my strength or manipulating me.

Give me back my original strength and make me immune to evil, no matter where it comes from."

In conclusion, say:

“I am surrounded by the sacred sphere of eternal Divine Love. All the power of God surrounds and envelops me. My life is safe.


"My angel, be with me! You are ahead, I am behind you!”

This conspiracy-amulet has been spoken by people for many years, calling for help from their Guardian Angel!

"Golden Dome" protective prayer of the Archangel Michael:

“I call on the Blue Flame of Divine Love of Archangel Michael to purify and protect my path from any interference with the implementation of my Divine Plan, to strengthen my faith and realize my Ascension. Fill my soul with the energy of the Divine Will and inspire humble adherence to my sacred oaths and vows.

I ask you to place me under the Golden Dome of the Heavenly Vault of Protection, so that it protects me daily from any negative energy opposing me and the Light I serve. I ask that Your Legions of Blue Flame Angels stand beside me. By the power of Your Blue Flame Sword, deliver and free me from all disharmonious energies within me, in the world where I live and work.

Thank you for your inexorable Love, for your faithful service to the Earth and all mankind! Thank you for Your loving help on my path of Ascension. Help me develop and strengthen true faith in God and in myself. Let the blue fireballs of Divine Love perform purification and transformation inside me and throughout Mother Earth! So be it, my beloved I AM!”

Travel protection:

“Mikhail is in front, Mikhail is behind, Mikhail is on the right, Mikhail is on the left, Mikhail is above, Mikhail is below, Mikhail, Mikhail is. wherever I go!

I AM his Love protecting here!

I AM his Love protecting here!”


If you are worried about your child, read this prayer of protection and guidance to ease your soul and help, protect, and guide your child:

“Dana, Hathor, Ishtar, Mother Mary, caring Goddesses and teachers of parents, I entrust my worries to you. Please spiritualize my child and this situation(shine it) so that we can enjoy peace and joy. Please teach me how best to raise my child. Please direct my words in such a way that the truth that I communicate will be heard by them. Please help me stay whole in faith and courage.

Archangel Michael, Artemis, Quan Yin, Vesta, powerful protectors of children, I ask you to guard my child well. Thank you for guaranteeing him safety, health and happiness. Thank you for guiding my child to prosperity, blessings, purpose and abundance. Thank you Dana, Hathor, Ishtar, Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, Artemis, Quan Yin, Vesta, for protecting and guiding my child. I am sincerely grateful to you."

Prayers for protection on a train, ship, plane:

"God is the Almighty Power protecting and guiding this train,

ship, plane, so it moves in a zone of absolute safety.

Driving protection:

“God is All-Seeing and All-Knowing, He sees ahead and will easily help to avoid unwanted contact.”

When you speak:

"God is driving this car"

That Vision of God stretches forward, noticing the obstacles and calculating the distance. You are prompted to drive down the free street because "God is driving this car and my path is clear"

IMPORTANT! Reading protective prayers, remember that you do not fence yourself off from the world and do this not out of fear that someone will not influence you so much, but out of love for people and in order to save your energy and vibrations!

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    Hello dear reader. Welcome to the reality of yoga.

    Speaking of spiritual path It is not possible to bypass the topic of prayer.

    The entire Christian world gives it paramount importance, but the path of sincere spiritual seekers of other directions is also not possible without prayer: because prayer is the most natural and effective remedy"knocking on Heaven, knocking on". Prayer is the call of the heart, dressed in words and addressed to the highest! And God always hears our prayers. But why do the prayers of the saints always work, but the prayers of ordinary people often remain unanswered? What do you need for effective prayer? How to get an answer from God to our prayers and thereby increase our happiness?

    From this article, you will learn all this.

    What is prayer?

    I'll just say it here. You can call your Higher Nature whatever you like: God, the Higher Self, Light, Love… as long as it inspires.

    Prayer is always an appeal to something Higher. In yoga, our true nature is called -

    In order to more effectively tune in to such a level of Yourself, it is very great to turn to this Higher Nature as often as possible in thoughts and feelings. You can do this in several ways.

    Types of prayers.

    Canonical prayers.

    In every religion or even spiritual movement, there are already established forms of turning to the Highest.

    Such prayers can be called canonical.

    In Christianity, the first canonical prayer was the prayer uttered by Jesus Christ: The Lord's Prayer is Our Father.

    A wonderful prayer, just like all the other canonical prayers officially approved by the Christian church. The tremendous power of canonical- ready prayers that hundreds of saints prayed for them! And the power of each time a prayer is said energetically remains with this prayer.

    Even if a person has never read a prayer and sees this prayer for the first time, even if he is not particularly focused and does not really believe in something, then all the same, such a prayer, already read for centuries, helps, cleanses, as it were, connects a person to the energies of its purity, accumulated by all those who previously prayed to her.

    In a very strong and wise Orthodox book - "Frank stories of a wanderer to his spiritual father", there is a story when one nobleman could not get rid of drunkenness. The priest gave him the Gospel and told him to read it every time the desire to drink appears. The nobleman objected: “But I don’t understand anything from what is written!” “Nothing,” the priest replied: “You read the main thing, the demons understand everything.” Soon this man got rid of drunkenness.

    These prayers, and just reading the canonical akathists and psalms, very often purify me. The world of average esotericism is now much darker than official Orthodoxy. And unfortunately, people often get to real yoga only after picking up “knowledge” from isothermal books. And the strongly materialistically oriented masses of the urban population do not strengthen cleanliness at all.

    For me, the main objective canonical prayers precisely in cleansing from the hindering to strive for the Higher energies. It happens that I read akathists to saints (I love Nicholas the Wonderworker very much) in order to the best way some of my wishes came true. Again, such akathists purify my consciousness and help me attune with God. When I feel that there is not enough purity, or I just need to put more energy into the right thing - canonical prayers and akathists are ideal!

    Also, all canonical prayers affect one or another, which of course helps to work them out. Two prayers are very relevant here: the prayer of the Optina elders (I give an example full prayer Optina Elders), and the so-called “Ancient Prayer from the Cell Book of Fr. John Krestyankin" (in fact, this is the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi) - here they are:

    And of course, after the canonical prayers, since at this moment the attunement with the Highest is at its maximum, it is great to address Upstairs in your own words, and this is also a prayer.

    Prayer in your own words.

    The main conditions for effective prayer are a concentrated mind (as in any other matter) and calm feelings. (so that the energies of the senses are again concentrated). In the language of yoga, for real, effective prayer, you need a good

    If the energies are collected in one stream, then any appeal to the top will be heard and taken into account.

    I also use canonical prayers specifically to increase concentration - Dharana.

    And then, if I have any other tasks, besides to cleanse myself and feel the grace of the Superconscious, I turn to God in my own words (in general, I often turn to Him in my own words :). I love most of all to address God as Father, as Mother, and as Beloved. Also, in a purified state and with good concentration, I like to address saints, both of the Christian world and of the Hindu world.

    For those who have a teacher, guru, you can generally no longer contact anyone except him. As Paramahansa Yoagnanda said: "The Guru is the window to the Supreme."

    Of course, I often turn to my guru. But the Christian saints are also very close to me, and as if having many friends, and yet not feeling the need to abandon them, I want to maintain a relationship with all of them.

    One way or another, if you feel that you want to address God and the saints in your own words, if a request for help and love sincerely flows from your heart, such an appeal will always be heard. The more sincere and concentrated a person is, the more effective his prayer will be. And contact with Superconsciousness always purifies and brings positive consequences.

    A life of prayer is the best life.

    1. Prayer clarifies the consciousness and purifies the subconscious, and, therefore, the deeper and more sincerely a person prays, the faster world around him will change for the better.

    2. When we really need help, in reality we need to bring in the situation. Boundless expanses of energy in our own Superconsciousness, with God. And through prayers, attuning with Him, we receive right amount energy (be it health problems, financial difficulties or a difficult exam).

    3. If you need to help someone, then prayer is also the best remedy. After all, especially while a person does not work, with his help he can harm the soul of the one who asks. And if you pray to God, with the wish that everything will work out for the unfortunate in the best way (not to decide how everything should turn out, but leave it to God to decide), then everything will turn out that way - in the best way.

    Conditions for Effective Prayer.

    Time of day and location are not particularly important. Yes, in well-prayed temples, next to relics, the likelihood of effective prayer increases, but this happens due to the fact that there are already a lot of blessed energies in these places. After all, they prayed there ... these places are already, to one degree or another, channels of Divine energies.

    From the very beginning, God often sent the same saints to places with bad energy - swamps, wilds, so that by praying there, they would neutralize the negative.

    They had such strength and this strength, all the same concentration directed at God.

    The higher a person’s ability to concentrate, the more potentially effective his prayer can be. Therefore, it’s very cool to pray after, because it calms the mind and feelings, redirects energies to the Superconscious. Ideal conditions!

    In the right state of consciousness, with a calm mind aspiring to God and calm feelings aspiring to God. Prayer will certainly be successful.

    As an example of prayer after this meditation, you can pray as follows (in this video, from the point of view of the science of yoga, it is amazingly interesting how this prayer works and why it helps):

    Answer from God.

    one more important condition An effective prayer is to receive an answer after turning to God, the Superconscious.

    If we really need something, we want to allow for ourselves complex issue, then it would be good not only to tell God about your problems, but also to listen to His answer.

    Very often people only pray, as if they are having a monologue with themselves, God is very delicate, He will never speak while we are talking. In order for Him to speak, you need to calm the restless mind, agitated feelings and listen.

    This again is best achieved in meditation. And the answer will not necessarily be thunder from heaven. Rather, it may be a quiet whisper in the heart, or just a feeling. In general, God speaks to us through our intuition. Intuition is a channel of communication with the soul, God. The channel is cleaner. the easier it is for us to hear Him and the more opportunities we have to live with Him. So

    For those people in whom it is well developed, the above is easily achievable.

    When you feel the Divine response in your heart. It fills you with joy and confidence that everything will work out in the best way. It is very pleasant to live with such confidence.

    Unceasing prayer.

    In Orthodoxy, there is such an incredible tool for achieving Unity with God as the unceasing Jesus Prayer, I also call it mental prayer:

    "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me."

    It is described in great detail in the book "Frank stories of a wanderer to his spiritual father." I advise everyone to read this book.

    Here I will say that for those who really want to find Unity with God, with their Higher Nature, this technique of unceasing prayer is simply necessary.

    The world of yoga cannot be imagined without such a form of prayer as Mantra, I will talk about them separately in another article. Many of the mantras are also used for incessant repetition, so that the connection with God is strengthened constantly, day and night.

    What is the best thing to pray for? Prayer for yourself and for others.

    The most common case when people pray is the desire to receive something. Someone wants health, someone wants to improve their personal life, someone wants living conditions and material level.

    I can not say that this approach is very wise. The end in itself - to create favorable conditions for your body, feelings and mind - is generally a hopeless business. God, of course, can fulfill everything, but there will be other needs, and still others ... in general, in the long run, such prayers for one's own benefit are futile and even harmful. Very often God does not answer such prayers because

    When washing, one should always keep in mind that God, the Superconsciousness knows better what is good for us. Therefore, after each such prayer, it is very cool to add the phrase:

    For all the love of God or Thy will be done.

    I love prayer so much.

    Lord, strengthen and direct, may Thy will be done.

    It is much better to pray not for perishable things (what is with you in subtle worlds after leaving the body you won’t take it), but in order to become closer to God, it’s good to pray for purification from those qualities that prevent you from always being with God or for granting us those qualities that help to be with Him. This is the purpose of life and the guarantee of unbreakable happiness. Everything else is not so important. Data quality.

    Gives a lot of power and energy prayers for others. If we sincerely wish good, well-being to someone, then a huge gracious energy goes through us to this person, filling us at the same time. And in this case, it comes to us much more than in the case when we just pray for ourselves.

    But prayer must be sincere. If a person prays for others, with the desire to benefit himself, then the flow of energy will decrease sharply, which means that the effectiveness of his prayers will be low.

    Another condition for effective prayer is the state of consciousness not of a beggar, but a firm, confident realization that we are the children of our Heavenly Father, who are entitled to all his inheritance. At the same time, of course, one cannot brazenly demand something, but it is important to be worthy. Humility is necessary, but it is humility that is important, not self-abasement. Real humility is the understanding that Divine Consciousness is much wiser and more loving than all of our own opinions and judgments. The readiness to accept with confidence and any alignment, as the best for us - this is humility. But one must always pray with dignity, as if to say:

    “Father, you know best what to do, I will accept any decision you make. Know what I want (e.g., freeing yourself from worrying about your child). I am Your child and I know that You love me. Please do it. And may it be Your will."

    If you are not at all sure that the fulfillment of your prayer will bring good (in relation to external things, such as cars, the return of husbands and even health, it may very well be that the fulfillment of a desire will not be good - you can separately clarify - if, then what I ask for will really bring good, then do it.In any case, it is better to end your non-canonical prayers to God with the words: May Your Will be done or
    and may the love of God be over everything.

    God is always happy to help his children become better and make the world a better place. And the more often we turn to Him, opening ourselves to His benevolent energies, the better it will be for us and for the whole world. After all, each tuning to His pure energies brings us closer to the state of holiness. And who, if not the saints, being the purest channels of God, bring the greatest good to the world and themselves arrive in indescribable bliss, their true nature

    It is quite easy to feel this bliss through prayer. So pray - for yourself, for others and be happy!

    Write comments and see you in yoga reality!

    “Angels deliver messages to us from the Divine Mind of our Creator. They are like a gift to us from God, so that we always remember our Divine nature, remaining kind and loving, discover and develop our talents - for the good of this world - and protect ourselves from any harm.”
    Doreen Virtue

    How often do you seek help from spiritual guides, angels?

    Do you always get the support you want?

    If you do not see the answers or do not understand what your invisible helpers want to tell you, then you are doing something wrong.

    The main condition under which angels, archangels, spiritual mentors and masters can help you is your request, appeal.

    By the law of free will and choice, being on the other side of the veil, they cannot interfere with circumstances without your permission.

    The main function of our mentors, guardian angels is help and guide us on the path of life.

    Therefore, when you contact them, they strive to fulfill your requests with great willingness and honor.

    And how these requests are executed depends on the wording that you used in referring to them.

    Of course, there are no strictly approved rules for communicating with your mentors.

    But if you want to receive the help and support of higher powers, there is something you should know when you get in touch with them.

    1. Ask in a language you understand

    In books about angels, prayer books describe how to correctly address archangels, angels, how to read decrees and prayers.

    I am not a supporter of such communication. The main thing is that the request should be from the heart and understandable to you by ourselves.

    Many prayers are written in a specific language that few understand.

    Therefore, if you use ready-made decrees, replace them with those words that are closer to you.

    2. Clearly formulate a request to the angels

    “A man rides the subway and thinks: “The wife is a fool, friends are traitors, life has failed.” An angel stands behind him, writes in a notebook and thinks: “What strange desires, and most importantly, the same every day! But there's nothing you can do, you have to do it!

    Your mentors understand everything literally, so clearly and be specific about your requests if you want to be understood correctly.

    Think carefully before making a request. It should be clear not only to you, but also to others.

    Our spiritual teachers and mentors in this respect are no different from real interlocutors.

    Put yourself in the place of the person you are addressing, read the request and evaluate how accurately it conveys the meaning of what was said.

    Would you understand what you said?

    It is a mistake to believe that God, the universe already knows what you want, because you constantly think about it.

    We usually think about what we don't want or about what worries us.

    Analyze what thoughts appear most often in your head. What you think is what you get. Like that joke about the angel.

    Angels answer our requests, only we do not always understand or see the answer.

    3. Ask for a way to solve a problem

    Although the angels are assigned to help us, we chose to go through life lessons ourselves.

    In other words, they will not clean up the house or make a living for you.

    Give strength, confidence or show a way out of problem situation they can, but to act is your prerogative.

    What is the point of turning to them if you still have to solve problems yourself?

    With the help of higher powers, you will find a way out of unpleasant circumstances much faster, and in some cases “miraculously” bypass them altogether.

    At the same time, realize the difference that you do not abdicate responsibility, but pass on the solution to the problem to the wiser part of you.

    Angels are the same us, if we believe in the concept that everything is one, that everything is particles of God.

    Watch the video and learn about non-standard way problem solution.

    4. Feel free to claim

    Appeal to spiritual mentors, archangels is not a plea for help. You have the right to ask and even demand.

    People are used to thinking that it is necessary to turn to higher powers with trepidation and even fear.

    And then sit and wait for the blessing to descend. If they didn’t help, then they were punished for something, then it’s right, get out yourself.

    But spiritual mentors only waiting for us to ask. They know what we do not know, being in the three-dimensional world, in human bodies.

    Many are afraid to ask, they think that it needs to be done somehow in a special way, otherwise they will not understand or even worse, they will become angry because they did not properly apply.

    Angels, spiritual teachers are not better than us, their vibrations are simply higher. Therefore, they see the whole picture, and we are only part of it.

    But in some situations it is necessary to be able to speak harshly about your needs.

    The infographic below describes such cases, but on the contrary, there are ready-made requirements that you can use if you find yourself in such circumstances.

    In an emergency, when life is in danger, angels have the right intervene without your asking.

    Members of the closed group Golden Keys of Mastery on Facebook shared personal experience communication with higher powers:

    “I don’t know if this is a demand or an ultimatum or something else… I have many such examples.

    So at one time I bought an apartment, at market prices of 15-20, bought for ten.

    Up there, to be honest, I didn’t think about where I sent it, I just said: “But I don’t even have 10 yet, like that. But for 10 I'm ready to buy. There will be no apartment, there will be problems ... I won’t survive this .. That’s how you want.”

    That if I stay a little longer in that space, my health will suffer very seriously, and a deplorable outcome is possible ...

    The situation was very tricky... And the main thing was the confidence that there were only such options. Others are not accepted.

    A year before the purchase, I set a date - until April 30th. I made the deposit on April 29… So, in a nutshell.”

    Hope Gunko

    “I start every day with gratitude and end the same way.

    This is automatic, but consciously, sincerely)) like prescriptions for first-graders - without fail. Only for me it is a part of my being, life, a part of me.

    And I do this ritual always with love. I fix it with prayers - and boldly step into a new day!

    When I call on my Angels to help in a specific matter, I give a decree.

    I ask you to arrange everything in the safest, most environmentally friendly way, as easy as possible for me and all participants in the process, for the highest good of EVERYONE!

    I recently had a toothache. She called for the help of the Archangel Raphael and his assistants.

    She asked for help to relieve the pain and save the tooth, if this is in accordance with the Divine plan.

    She asked me to cover me with an emerald ray of healing and be next to me.
    After a couple of minutes, the pain went away, I fell asleep. Later the tooth was treated, everything is ok”

    Irina Lomaka

    “From my experience. When several problems began to be highlighted at the same time, I demanded: “Since you show me so much, then make it easier to work through. Let everything be worked out by the package in a dream!”

    I “spent” a few nights in the Purple Temple, and somehow everything gradually calmed down.

    Now, if this happens again, I do not forget to turn to higher powers.

    Be sure that you really need what you require, and then your request will be heard!

    How and when to connect with spirit guides

    In what form and at what time will communication with angels and spirit guides be most effective?

    1. Before bed and after waking up

    Also at night if you can't sleep.

    Use this time to communicate with your invisible helpers. During such periods, the work of the brain slows down and goes into alpha frequency mode.

    It is this state that we achieve when immersed in meditation. At these moments, the chances of hearing a voice increase significantly. true self.

    2. In writing

    When you write your request, the subconscious opens up. It is possible that the answer will come almost immediately.

    If this does not happen, you will have the opportunity to check your request for specificity and assess whether it is understandable.

    A handwritten request has more power than a mental request.

    In this way he takes on a physical form. And this speeds up results.

    Even if you are used to doing everything yourself, remember that your invisible friends are always next to you.

    Do not rely only on your own strength. You can always turn to the wiser part of you, and your issue will be resolved many times faster and easier.

    When you fix close connection with the spiritual world, you will be in the flow of divine energy, learn to trust, get rid of anxiety.

    The voice and frequency of your Divine, fully revealed eternal "I", your direct connection with the Creator, God. It is the most powerful, concrete, loving, and direct connection to all that you desire, learn, and promote.

    The main task of other mentors and angels is to help you strengthen your conscious so that it, and not your limited, fear-based ego, rules your life. Other mentors take a backseat as your Higher Self sees through your eyes, interacts with others, makes decisions, and evaluates your progress.

    The voice of your Higher Self, unlike other mentors, is the real you, guiding you. When you are connected to your Higher Self, there are no more voices in your head. You are solely focused on becoming a more creative and joyful being. Your ego issues fade into the background when your heart opens up.

    You can look to your other mentors as messengers and coaches to guide you through life and guide you towards your true self. Your Higher Self, on the other hand, is not a messenger, but the highest expression of you. Your guides are mediators, and your Higher Self is the direct source of who you really are. Your mentors' job is to connect you to your Higher Self, and your Higher Self's job is to connect you to God.

    When working with your mentors, you should not leave your life in their hands. When you communicate with the Higher Self, it will not only be right to give your power to it, but also desirable, since this is not some kind of external source, but the real you.

    A client of mine asked me if he needed all the other mentors if his Higher Self was so powerful. No, not needed. Their only role is to help, support, friendship and joy. They help you in your life journey, but their presence is not required. On the other hand, you definitely need a Higher Self. Without it, you will disappear, wallow in fear and anxiety, and everyone who has lost touch with their Higher Self or is not familiar with it will confirm this to you. Your ego takes over, you are devoured by doubts and fears. No matter how hard the ego tries to avoid such a fate, it can never bypass death. Even if you become rich, famous and powerful, you cannot escape death. The more the ego strives for it, the worse you feel.

    The ego loves to be in control, so it isolates you from others by talking, evaluating, and judging yourself and others. It uses every means available so that you don't feel vulnerable and ask for advice. Also, the activities of the ego are so tedious and fruitless that they leave you with very little energy to enjoy all the wonders of life. You very quickly become weak, tired, sick and old. There is nothing you can do about it - if your life is controlled by your limited and fear-driven ego, then you will ruin your whole life.

    The only antidote to this deadly soul disease is to connect with the voice and vibration of your Higher Self and allow it to guide you. This is the part of you that will never die, but lives forever and simply.

    How to connect with your Higher Self? The first step is to silence the voice of your ego. You know what voice I'm talking about. He rants, blames, defends, condemns, justifies, complains, does not forgive, never forgets, expects the worst, and trusts no one. Until that voice is silenced, you will not hear your Higher Self.

    Your Higher Self is softer than all other guides, at least initially, during the first communication. Once you contact him, the signal will get stronger and stronger until it becomes difficult for you to ignore it. It's like trying sugar for the first time: it's sweet, inviting, and so desirable that you want more.

    The best way to hear your Higher Self and quiet your ego is through meditation, in which it is advisable to spend 10-15 minutes daily to calm your brain, alleviate your fears and consciously shift your focus. It's not hard. All you need to do is cut off contact with the outside world for this time and turn inward to your breath, inhaling slowly in four counts and exhaling in four counts. That's all.

    If your mind can't focus, don't be discouraged. Just keep breathing rhythmically. This is a simple exercise, but it takes discipline and practice. The mind doesn't want to be controlled, so it will fight you. You must be prepared for this and persist in doing it every day, preferably at the same time. The more you train on a schedule, the easier it becomes for you. Your subconscious mind will adapt to this regime, and will automatically obey your intention. If you are persistent, then in a couple of weeks you will look forward to this time.

    Second, start doing what I call meditation practices. In other words, you need to do what calms your mind: take a walk, fold laundry, knit, garden or paint - take your attention away from mental conversation and give yourself a break.

    These two exercises will always establish a connection with your Higher Self. They will help you trust that you have a Higher Self that can successfully direct and take full responsibility for your life, and help you stop giving away your power or blaming others for controlling your life. By contacting the Higher Self, you immediately begin to understand when you have gone astray. It can send you a signal through your body, knocking on your heart, speaking to your hindbrain, rumbling in your stomach until you pay attention. In this way, your Higher Self prevents you from feeling good and calm if you are off course. Like a pebble in your shoe or a thorn in your toe, your Higher Self makes you irritated and uncomfortable when you stop being your true, loving, eternal self.

    Unfortunately, many people choose to live with these unpleasant sensations, ignoring them, or incur various problems, trying to drown out these feelings and distracting themselves with external worries or even bad habits.

    When you decide that you no longer want to ignore these signals, once you decide to do anything to get back on the true path, on that day your connection with the Higher Self will work to the fullest. And the day you surrender your ego to your Higher Self, your life will begin to improve.

    Another way to install connection with the higher self- to train your subconscious mind so that it bypasses your ego, and you entrust your life to the Higher Self, simply repeating out loud: "Subconscious mind, now and always take me to my Higher Self." Whenever you feel anxious, frustrated, threatened, angry, hurt, confused, vindictive, or unworthy, say this phrase.

    To further strengthen the connection, every morning, before opening your eyes, say: "Subconscious mind, let my Higher Self, and only it, guide me on this day."

    My friend Nelson used this strategy when he was about to end his failed marriage. And although he and his wife agreed that it was time for everyone to go their own way, their egos were not happy. by the most difficult decision was to sell the house and divide the money equally. On the day they put the house up for sale, they were offered to pay the full price in cash with two conditions - if they accepted the offer within two days and vacated the house within a month. Nelson was ecstatic, ready to start new life. He was sure his wife felt the same way. Instead, she refused to cooperate. He was furious - it was she who first wanted a divorce. Afraid of missing out on the deal, his ego wanted to press hard on his wife. He called me and asked what to do.

    I advised him to address this problem to the Higher Self.

    But I don't have time, he replied. - We have to give an answer to the buyer tomorrow. Turning to the Higher Self is great, but how can it convince my wife to make a deal?

    Reach out to your Higher Self, I repeated. He was silent for five whole minutes.

    What does it advise you? I asked.

    Do nothing, he replied.

    Do you agree? - I said. - In the end, it seems logical to me. There is nothing you can do. Your wife needs to figure things out on her own.

    I think that's good advice," he admitted. "I've never been able to get her to do anything before, so how can I do it now?"

    And he did nothing as he was advised. Ten minutes before the end of the reflection period, the wife called. She only said, "I accept the deal," and hung up. The next day, the papers were signed and the house sold without further quarrels. His Higher Self gave sound advice.

    My client Mary Ellen was beside herself when she accidentally found out that her boss and two other employees were stealing money from the Fund of the investment company where she worked. She loved her job, but she came there later than everyone else, she was the only woman, and her male colleagues did not like her. She was afraid to say something and be attacked by them, but if she kept silent, she would become an accomplice in crime.

    She called me upset, alarmed and indignant, afraid to do anything.

    What is your Higher Self's advice?

    I don't know. My Higher Self says nothing. If I go against my boss, I'll lose my job. I'll become a scammer, and then no one else will hire me.

    I said again

    Assuage your fears and say what your Higher Self has to offer.

    After a long silence, she replied:

    My Higher Self advises me to resign in writing and tell my boss and his boss about the reason without giving names and trust that I will find another job.

    A month passed, and the theft continued to bother her. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore, so she followed her Higher Self's advice and wrote a statement. She left without severance pay or recommendations. She didn't dare to ask for it.

    Three months later, she was contacted from her previous job. They fired her boss and those two employees and wanted to hire her for a promotion. No one even mentioned her resignation and allegations.

    By trusting your Higher Self and turning away from your ego, you may initially feel like you are blindfolded jumping off a cliff. Your ego wants you to feel this way because it's afraid of losing control. However, when you decide to jump, you will find that you are a spirit and can fly. You are freed from the fears of your ego and begin to live the way your spirit wants.

    Keep in mind that:

    By choosing to follow the advice of your Higher Self, you have more freedom than you ever imagined. You begin to live a true and fear-free life based on love. Nothing gives you more power than this. Simply decide that you want to entrust the management of your life to your Higher Self, and confidently declare it. This is the most direct way to realize your dreams.

    And now - practice!

    The best way to connect with your Higher Self is through meditation. Meditation is a skill that can be acquired. Start breathing deeply right now. Notice how your awareness expands as you simply breathe in more air. Do it again. This time, inhale for four counts, hold your breath for a moment, and then exhale also for four counts. Do not hurry. You have nowhere to hurry. Keep breathing until you get into a comfortable rhythm. If you want, you can listen to meditative music.

    Continue breathing in this way until you reach a slow rhythm. As you inhale and exhale, repeat "I am" as you inhale and "peace" as you exhale. If your mind wanders, don't worry. This is fine. Just focus on your breathing again and keep repeating "I am" (inhale) and "peace" (exhale). That's all. You are meditating. Do this exercise for 15 minutes a day. In a week, you will be looking forward to meditation because it calms your mind. And when your mind is calm, you begin to hear your spirit.

    based on materials from the book: Sonya Choket - "Ask your mentors. How to get advice and help from the Spiritual World"