If you feel bad in the shower. How to find pluses in life when the soul is bad

Even the happiest people have moments in their lives when their souls are hard and they want to cry. Sometimes it’s a blues, and sometimes a natural depression. In the latter case, one must not neglect the treatment under the supervision of an intelligent psychotherapist. Otherwise, everything is within your power.

How to find the beginning of everything

This will help you figure out what to do. First of all, try to remember step by step what led to this severity. Find the maximum of serious, precise, and ... funny in this. Much also depends on the reason why it is so hard on the soul.

If you yourself are to blame, for example, you offended someone or committed some kind of offense, you should not suffer too much. Just remember that you have the right to make a mistake and try to forgive yourself. For example, do a little training:

First, name your offense with the word "Mistake". This is not a deadly sin, it is just a mistake. then remember that you are still good. That's right: say to yourself, "I'm good," and hug yourself. And only after calming down, ask yourself what to do. Now that you have cooled down and understood, you can start correcting the mistake.

Be sure to ask forgiveness from the one you offended. Do not hesitate with this, because both of you can boil a lot in your soul and ask for forgiveness, and forgive, it will be more difficult. And nerve cells regenerate slowly and sadly. But only ask for forgiveness when emotions have already subsided and you can reason and react to any words sensibly and calmly.

Or it may be that it is not you, but someone else who is to blame for the hardness of your soul. What to do if offended you? Likewise, understand that a person has the right to make mistakes. Most likely, he did not set himself the goal of offending you, he just stumbled. if it's hard after parting or the departure of your best friend to another city (country), then you just have to take it for granted. Remember all the beautiful things that you had and remain grateful to this person. And get ready for the fact that in later life you will have many new and wonderful people and acquaintances.

Think and speak only good things

This is the simplest answer to the question of what to do when your heart is hard. Thoughts and words are material, therefore negative thoughts will not allow you to get rid of the heaviness on the soul and the blues, but will tighten even deeper. This is the hardest part, but try to keep track of all bad thoughts and forcefully replace them with good ones. This will not help to solve the problem at the root, but it will help here and now.

Unleash your feelings

Do not believe that you cannot help grief with tears. Can. You will release all sad thoughts if you erupt well, and after that you will probably understand that life has not ended yet and will see it in a new light.

Here and now

The most vague and annoying advice in any difficult situation is: "Live in the here and now." This can be done with the help of small trainings and exercises.

  • Do something with your hands: wash, weave, knit, sew, write, connect. You will simply achieve simple completeness and integrity in something small. Just give free rein to the fine motor skills of your hands, which will definitely distract you from your thoughts. If this is not possible, go to the store and grab something with your hands;
  • Having found an unexpected point on your body, imagine that you are drawing it in the air and describing circles;
  • Imagine that you are a comic strip or a running picture. Try as a comic book superhero to get out of all difficult situations;
  • If your soul is cloudy, imagine yourself as a piece of furniture or something else from your household or part of nature (for example, a tree outside the window or a bush). Share the monologue on his behalf. Firstly, this way you can better understand what bothers you and causes severity, and secondly, fuse negativity into something inanimate;

Remember that once you felt good

If so, it will be again. You definitely had happy times, because it was not always hard on your soul. Try to send yourself a letter from yourself during a happy period of your life or from the place where you had the best in life, for example, from the place of the happiest vacation in your life.

Try to recreate as accurately as possible the situation in which you felt good. Assemble it from the smallest parts. If you are not able to fully experience bliss, then at least simulate it. You can use a grain of sand to restore the happiest moment in your life.

Do good to your neighbor

Think about how you can please your family or friends. You can give them small but cute gifts or cook something delicious. If you can make people smile and positive emotions, then they will come back to you.

Give thanks

Try to thank what has led you to such a dead end. Think about the lessons to be learned from this, as well as how to push off from this bottom.

Simple Tips

  • Go to bed... Maybe it's a matter of banal fatigue. In general, try to relax by changing your surroundings. You don't even need to go anywhere, you can just go out and go shopping. Take a small amount of money and buy what you want, however small.
  • Go in for sports. You don't even need to go to the gym - just move. You can turn on a video set of exercises that gives an active load to the body. Or work out on the street - this is ideal.
You can recall old physical skills, such as standing on your arms or brushing up on your stretches. It will also raise self-esteem.

Do not withdraw into yourself

Be sure to share your difficult thoughts with loved ones. You can ask advice from two people at once: sharp and unrestrained in words and affectionate and kind.

If the soul is hard, the usual blues may be to blame. What to do with it? Just don't let me get close, because she can tighten her head.

In the article you will learn:

Hello beloved reader! It always seems to us that our problems are the most serious and that is why sometimes life is not sweet. But is it really so? Or maybe we are worrying in vain? Today I will tell you what to do when you feel bad.

Looking for the main reason

Surely everyone knows the feeling when troubles like a snowball are knocked down. There are more and more of them, large and small, it is more and more difficult to restrain emotions and believe in the best. And one day he finds a terrible despair, even like a wolf howl.

It's one thing, on little things somewhere they got nasty, offended, what was planned or a quarrel with a loved one did not work out. But it is a completely different matter when health problems arise, a divorce is imminent, or something has happened to a loved one. Sometimes you need serious psychological help to adapt to new life circumstances.

And, nevertheless, to make it easier and life to improve, you need to try on your own. Until a person himself wants to help himself, no one will help him. Even the most wonderful psychologist.

So what to do if in my heart bad and scratching cats:

  • The root cause of sadness needs to be dealt with.

This is the first rule. The fact is that difficulties do not appear by themselves, we ourselves are their main provocateurs.

Let's say my friend has a conflict with her boss. As a result, natural pressure began at work.

Every day - experiences, and sometimes nervous breakdowns. As a result - health problems, began to run to the doctors. Then she fell for her daughter, and the already difficult relationship with her worsened. And then the ex-husband reminded of himself so inappropriately ...

However, this whole chain of events was provoked by a single situation - a conflict with the leadership. But in the tumult of days, we forget what was the source and bring ourselves to depression.

If possible, we eliminate

Therefore, you need to understand the main reason why you feel bad, and eliminate it. My friend eventually quit, reconciled with her daughter, the symptoms after the dismissal disappeared by themselves, and in a conversation with her ex-husband, the right words were found by themselves.

Hence, the second rule applies when depression rolls over:

  • If the problem cannot be resolved constructively, remove it.

Sometimes it is much better to quit a disgusting job, get away from bad relationships, give up ineffective treatment, than to experience their negative impact on yourself from time to time.

Having found and solved the main difficulty, you should take up the correction of all other situations that did not resolve by themselves. You can, of course, let everything take its course and plunge into depression to the fullest. Sometimes this is useful too.

However, just enough pay attention to the problem, consider possible solutions and implement them! Moreover, it is necessary to act quickly, possibly with the help of specialists. Because the further - the more difficult.

What else to do when it's bad?

So now, when there is a realization that it is pointless to fall into despondency, it is necessary to correct mistakes, then moral resources will be needed to start acting.

  • You should take care of your health, psychological and physical.

In addition, the correct work of the psyche will require a lot of energy, and if the regime of nutrition, sleep and wakefulness is violated, then the energy will be produced little and there will simply not be enough strength. Apathy, bad mood, weakness will hinder the necessary changes.

Therefore, one of the tasks is to track your nutrition, the time at which you go to bed, etc. And to make it easier and not so bad - more dark chocolate, bananas, cheese, oranges in the daily diet. These foods contribute to the production of the "happiness hormone" - serotonin.

Humility as a virtue

But it so happens that it is impossible to solve, and it is impossible to get rid of the problem.

  • In this case, it is helpful to have a skill like humility.

This is not lack of will, but the ability to accept the situation as it is, if there are no more ways left. " Endure with dignity what you cannot change»©. For example, we will not be able to do anything if a loved one has passed away or if a husband has fallen out of love and left for another woman.

Of course, it is not just possible, but necessary to survive these events, to grieve. Since this is a natural process of adaptation of the psyche. But then you need to come to terms with what happened and let go of the situation or person.

Learning to enjoy life

And if morally poorly from unrealized goals or if you want to experience bad events sooner, then you need to do the following:

  • Gather friends. Loneliness will only aggravate feelings, provoke self-digging, winding yourself up. And the support of close friends, especially those who look at situations with humor and irony, will help to distract and look at everything differently, from the outside.
  • Workout... If there are no friends, even the most overwhelmed friend, then it's time to look for them. And it is best to do this among your like-minded people. Therefore, forward to where people do what you like, to classes and courses dedicated to interesting hobbies. For example, sports, fitness. There you can find friends, a lot of acquaintances, pump up your figure, distract yourself from sad thoughts - only solid pluses!
  • Go shopping. And this advice will appeal to girls! Repeatedly tested on myself. Well, what brings joy to us girls when we yearn alone, without a loved one? Shopping, of course! Treat yourself to a new thing or pamper yourself with the services of a beauty salon or a spa center - a real balm for your soul. Just think, the guy gave up - there is even better for such and such a beauty!

But we must remember that these are only means to cheer up, find the strength to act and solve difficult situations. Since some are confused and addicted to shopping or parties so much that they fall into squandering, frivolity, and in the meantime, troubles are not resolved, but only accumulate. But you just need to keep your hands up and act!

Perhaps that's all. June was with you.

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How can you see the good around you if you feel bad in your soul? You don't want to smile, the daily joyful little things go unnoticed. Oppression is growing, and there are fewer and fewer forces to fight. But what if emotional sadness is not a diagnosis, but a symptom? What if her arrival is considered a positive moment that can get rid of something more difficult? Is this really so and how to deal with constant sadness - in this article.

Can heartache be helpful?

As paradoxical as it may sound, it can. If a tooth suddenly begins to ache, the patient goes to treat it so as not to lose it in the future. If you suffer from a headache, this is a reason to go to a neurologist, to prevent the development of something more serious. It's the same with negative emotions. They demand changes that will help, mental disorders, even suicidal tendencies. In general, the heaviness of the soul indicates the need:

  • rethink your whole life and its individual stages, especially the current one;
  • decide on changes that have been postponed for a long time;
  • reduce the speed, pace of work;
  • deal with chaos in the head, heart, soul;
  • pay attention to your experiences, learn to devote time not only to others, but also to yourself;
  • give yourself a break from the hustle and bustle;
  • take life into your own hands, without shifting responsibility for it;
  • find like-minded people,.

If sadness is just a symptom, then it's time to start treating the entire diagnosis. How can this be done?

What to do when you feel bad

Avoid isolation

The worst thing that can only be done during inner experiences is to close off from the whole world. This is especially true in three areas:

  1. communication with friends, relatives;
  2. hobby, interesting leisure;
  3. external expression of emotions.

Why is it better not to deprive yourself of exactly these three things?

Talking to family members helps you feel the support and care that the upset person needs so much. In addition, it is relatives and good friends who often give good advice. These are people who do not need to ask twice for help, because they will help unselfishly, out of a feeling of love. Even if the problem seems insoluble, they will readily be there, not quit in difficult times.

Favorite activities, interests distract from hard thoughts. They drive away negative thoughts, forcing to let positive in the soul, to give joyful moments. All this has a positive effect on morale.

Expression of accumulated feelings is a way to get rid of negativity, to remove a heavy burden. Without splashing out emotions, deterioration appears, which develops at a rapid pace. A person not only does not get rid of what disturbs him inside, but also begins to accumulate everything, to double. In order to avoid complications, it is still better not to forget to dump unnecessary worries.

Express emotions in creativity

There is a theory that the best masterpieces are created by creators precisely when they are going through a difficult period. If melancholy occurs, this is a great way to test such a concept. On the one hand, such activities allow you to open up, on the other, not to get hung up on the problem, but to be distracted from it. To ease your pain, you can:

  • write poetry, prose, plays;
  • to draw the pictures;
  • come up with songs, compose musical compositions;
  • to put on choreographic numbers;
  • shoot small films, clips;
  • do needlework;
  • to invent something, tinker;
  • look for yourself in sculpture, architecture.

It's a good idea to channel your energy into creativity. Such a decision is quite capable of giving a new meaning to life, a good mood, an incentive to wake up in the morning.

Make an appointment with a specialist

  • find yourself, learn more about true desires;
  • set specific goals;
  • change some character traits - insecurity, alienation, for example;
  • find your own path of self-realization;
  • identify the root cause of the problems;
  • cope with fears, depression;
  • open up, learn to express your emotions, communicate with others.

If the heaviness inside presses too hard, the psychotherapist will prescribe suitable drugs - sedatives, antidepressants. It is at the reception that such a doctor has a real chance to find like-minded people thanks to group sessions. Also, such a specialist will conduct a conversation with loved ones, tell them how to properly respond to the patient's morale.

Plunge into childhood

What can get rid of sadness better than children's play? Childhood for many is a world of fairy tales and magic, where there is always a lot of interesting things. There are no responsibilities, worries, life seems so easy, amazing, rich in miracles and unknown. Nobody has invented the time machine yet, but it is quite possible to become a child for an hour or two. There are several options for this:

  • ride a swing, rides;
  • blow bubbles, paper boats through puddles;
  • take a bath with lush foam;
  • buy cotton candy;
  • read fairy tales;
  • go down the snow slide on a sled;
  • assemble a puzzle or constructor;
  • sing a children's song;
  • watch a good cartoon;
  • make face painting.

Viewing children's photos with the family is also a good solution. Memories from childhood give warmth and joy. And someone, perhaps, will remember an old, long forgotten dream, try to realize it. If there is a special place where a person loved to spend time as a child, then why not visit it? The positive emotions that result are the best medicine for inner pain.

Fall in love

Falling in love is an inspiring feeling that makes you come alive. But since fighting with the heart is a useless waste of time, it is impossible to force yourself to be imbued with this feeling for anyone. Fortunately, the feeling of "butterflies in the stomach" appears not only from love for a person. You can also fall in love with:

  • work;
  • hobby;
  • volunteering or other acts of kindness;
  • nature;
  • art - both in action and in its results;
  • spiritual or moral freedom;
  • life in general.

If the object for the manifestation of feelings is not found in any way, then one of the tips already described will help - consult a doctor. The therapist will tell you where to better direct your feelings. They will also help to make sure that there are so many good experiences that they would supplant all negativity.

Experiencing positive emotions from other people

It turns out that you can still become a different person for a couple of hours. How to personally experience the experiences of an outsider? For this, the following options are suitable:

  • read an interesting book, follow the feelings of the main characters;
  • watch a movie of your favorite genre, observe the states of mind of the actors;
  • visit the theater, get imbued with history;
  • sign up for acting courses, try on a role;
  • share joy with friends;
  • give pleasant emotions to passers-by by handing out flowers, balloons, for example. Then rejoice at their reaction.

If in order to get out of depression, you must first experience someone else's joy, well, so be it. In the end, it doesn't matter where you get a reason for being positive. By the way, you can go through on our website.

When it becomes bad at heart, it is better to look for like-minded people to whom you can open up. This is a reason to start looking for yourself, your place in life, vocation. Being alone with the load of your problems is a dangerous decision that aggravates the condition, removes you from recovery. Inner pain will become a vivid contrast to good emotions, which will seem even more sublime, pleasant.

Our mood is very fluid. Sometimes we ourselves cannot say for sure why it suddenly became sad. First of all, you need to figure out what made you feel sad, and then remember all the actions that you need to do when you feel bad.

Unfortunately, not all days of our life are successful. Sometimes it seems that the world seems to have turned its back on you, and everything, as luck would have it, turns out not at all the way we wanted. In such cases, we always think that we just got up “on the wrong foot” in the morning. Although the reasons for apathy and bad mood can be completely different. I can say for sure - one of them is idleness. Think and you will agree with me. Sometimes you sit at home, stare blankly at the monitor, and nothing pleases you. You go and lie down on the sofa, trying to sleep. Does not work. You get up and start to depict a "pendulum", i.e. you walk from corner to corner, not knowing what to do with yourself.

Stop! It shouldn't be like that. Remember the kind children's "Tale of Lost Time". You don't want to waste precious minutes of your life? Of course not. In this case, we start talking about what to do when the soul is bad.

  • Think good things.

Often we dwell on our apathy and sink deeper and deeper into it. Not worth it stir up bad thoughts and bad feelings. Remember some of the most pleasant moment in your life, and in the smallest details, as if you are living it again. It can be anything: your first kiss, the birth of a sister or brother, your birthday or a vacation at sea.

With happy memories and positive thoughts, the good mood will return by itself.

  • Smile.

If melancholy and bad thoughts overwhelmed you, then go to the mirror and smile at your reflection. Agree that looking at such a beauty, the mood simply cannot remain bad?

  • Appreciate what you have.

Sometimes people, due to their selfishness, become so demanding of themselves and others that do not appreciate what they have, and everyone dreams of some unconquered peaks. No, dreaming is, of course, good, but we must not forget about reality. Agree, sometimes you ignore or even offend a loved one, thinking that you would gladly exchange communication with him now for communication with a certain “person from a dream”. It so happens that we lose someone's friendship or love, completely not attaching special importance to it, and we realize it is too late, when nothing can be returned. This happens not only in relation to people.

For example, you have been waiting for summer and warmth for so long, and now, it has come. However, you ran into some problems that took all your thoughts. What is the bottom line? Missed sunny days and regret that you “didn’t see the summer” and didn’t have time to enjoy it. Do not forget that a bird in the hands is better than a pie in the sky. In other words, it is better to enjoy the present than dream of the future, otherwise your whole life will turn into only one eternal dream of something vague.

  • Learn to enjoy the little things.

With the advent of comfort in our lives, human needs have also changed.

People are corny stopped rejoicing in little things. But it is from them that our whole life is formed.

So, finally, look around and make sure that the world is beautiful! You don't have to go far to do this, just look out the window. What do you see? The sun? Great - it will warm you up. Rain? Not bad too - he will give the earth a drink. Thunderstorm? Great - the air will be filled with ozone, in other words, with freshness. Wind? Super - cleans the brains. In the end, of course, I joked a little. But in general, it is so.

Sometimes it happens that you do not know the reason for your melancholy and what to do when your soul is bad. Here are some really effective ways to relieve sadness.

  • Call your friend.

Just choose a friend who is always positive. No, I understand that friends are not chosen, but if you have several of them, then still follow my advice. Maybe your best friend is not a very funny person by nature. And now you only need POSITIVE, and not boring complaints about another destitute destiny.

  • Run to spend money!

This, in my opinion, is the most effective way to completely get rid of a bad mood. After all, for women it is a kind of medicine, and I absolutely do not understand persons who do not like shopping.

  • Read your favorite book or watch an old movie.

Get your favorite blanket out of the bins of the Motherland, take a book (which you have read 100 times, but you still like it) or a TV remote control, make yourself comfortable in an armchair and start enjoying yourself. It is not often now possible to truly relax: there are always some problems and endless affairs. Take time for yourself and what you love.

  • Go in for sports or at least cleaning.

Yes, I understand, the phrase sounds scary - go in for sports. I will say this: if by nature you are not a sports person (which is most likely the case), then make at least a "swallow" on the balcony or a "birch" on the couch. Okay, let's leave my sports dreams. Remember that movement is life and go for a rag and a bucket. Clean your apartment or room to shine, and then, in such cleanliness, you yourself will simply be ashamed to grieve.

  • Treat yourself to a tasty treat.

Forget about calories for a while. Buy your favorite cake or chocolate bar. Keep in mind that this is not just my advice "from my head", but this is what scientists think. Therefore, listen to the priority opinion of serious uncles.

If you feel bad because of someone

Often we suffer and cannot find a place for ourselves because of a certain person. There may be several reasons for this (quarrel, parting, unwillingness to forget, etc.). Let's figure it out.

  • Let go of the past, love the present and look with hope to the future.

Sometimes we don’t know what to do when it’s bad at heart because of the need to forget a person dear to our hearts and just erase his image from memory. However, if there is no other way out, then you need to go through this pain. You may have to forget your ex-lover or come to terms with the departure of your best friend to another city - it does not matter, the main thing is that at first it is not at all easy to do.

Remember all the good things that connected you with this person, then forcibly convince yourself that you cannot change what has already happened, only after that try to come to terms and accept everything as it is.

Think about the fact that in the future you will have a lot of new acquaintances and meetings with different people, some of whom, perhaps, will someday become relatives for you.

  • Ask for forgiveness.

If the reason for your sadness lies in a quarrel with someone close, and you are to blame, then hurry up to apologize. Think that time is running out, and each of you is overcome with constant thoughts about each other, you are both nervous. So why is all this necessary? Bear in mind that nerve cells do not regenerate, so act immediately. After all, a real person asking for forgiveness is not a shame. Are you a REAL person?;)

  • Let it go.

Sometimes it happens that you dwell on a problem or cannot find a way out of a certain situation, and then thoughts about it become obsessive. Relax, remember the wise phrase that there are no hopeless situations and give yourself at least a day of "respite". Tell yourself and your problem, "I'll think about it tomorrow."

  • Change the environment.

If you feel bad, it may be due to fatigue. Try a change of scenery. It is not necessary to leave the city if there is no such opportunity. Stay with your grandmother, your aunt, or your friend for a couple of days. This will definitely help. During this time, you will have time to miss your native walls and return home absolutely happy.

Know how to deal with a bad mood, with sad thoughts and set yourself up only positive!

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