Khlestakov's social position in the auditor. Characteristics of Khlestakov from the text (N.V. Gogol "The Inspector General")

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In the comedy "The Inspector General" N. V. Gogol criticized and ridiculed the vices and shortcomings tsarist Russia... The author makes Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov one of the main characters of the play.

Khlestakov Ivan Alexandrovich. “… A young man of 23 years old, thin, thin; somewhat silly and, as they say, without a king in his head ... He is not able to stop constant attention on any thought. "

This petty official, receiving a meager salary, dreams of the life of a "high-flying bird." In St. Petersburg, where he serves, Khlestakov has seen enough of the way of life of high-ranking officials and wealthy nobles and seeks to get into their circle. In his "zalikhvast" lies to the officials of the city of N, the hero reveals his most secret dreams. He seems to be an important person in St. Petersburg, with whom everyone reckons and whose opinion is very authoritative. Khlestakov is lying that he is "on a short leg" with all famous people capital that he is very rich and talented. As if it was he who wrote all the literary works... This "little man", at least in his dreams, seeks to rise, to feel himself a worthy person.

Khlestakov's speech is incoherent, stupid, pompous, woven from contradictions and understatement. Finishing the last word of the phrase, he does not remember its beginning: “They even wanted to make me vice-chancellor. What on earth was I talking about? " Talking with the mayor's wife Anna Andreevna, wanting to show his importance, he says: “I know pretty actresses. After all, I, too, are all kinds of vaudeville ... I often see writers. With Pushkin on a friendly footing. Sometimes, I often say to him: "Well, brother Pushkin?" - "Yes, so, brother," he replies, it happened, "because somehow everything ..." Great original. " Lies, one more terrible than the other, and flies from the language of Khlestakov: "My, however, there are many works:" The Marriage of Figaro "," Robert the Devil "," Norma ". I don’t even remember the names ”.

It is impossible to take the image of Khlestakov seriously, without ridicule. The author of the comedy himself, in his "Notes for Messrs. Actors", reflects his attitude towards the hero, characterizing him as a man "silly, empty, without a king in his head." Servant Osip says this about his master: “… he doesn’t do business: instead of being in office, and he is walking around the prospect, he plays cards. Batiushka will send money, how to hold them back - and wherever ... he went out on a spree: he rides in a cab, every day - to the keyatr, and there, a week later, he sells a new coat ”.

The name Khlestakov has become a household name for a reason, because so many people can be found in our time, whose values ​​do not differ from the values ​​of the hero N.V. Gogol. There are also vain and proud people who want to get everything without making any effort, without having either intelligence or hard work.

Together with the essay "Characteristics of Khlestakov (based on Nikolai Gogol's comedy" The Inspector General ")"

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Creating the comedy "The Inspector General", Nikolai Gogol set out to bring together all the worst that he saw in Russian society. This work, against the background of the 19th century drama, was distinguished by a rather complex problematics. The plan of the composition "The Image of Khlestakov in the Comedy" The Inspector General "" is not easy to draw up, since this hero is rather complicated and contradictory, as even the author himself spoke about more than once.

Laughter denounces evil

Gogol believed that the best way denouncing evil is satire. Proof of this belief is his best works... When writing the essay "The Image of Khlestakov in the Comedy" The Inspector General "" you must have a good knowledge of the content of the play and the ability to analyze on the basis of the phrases expressed by them and typical behavior. Who is the central character in this work?


Khlestakov is a small person, but not in the sense that they are used to investing in this phrase. He has nothing to do with Pushkin's stationmaster or Akaki Akakievich of the same Gogol. Khlestakov's insignificance lies in his inability to work, laziness, limitedness, in his unwillingness to provide for himself and create conditions at least for a satisfactory existence.

The beginning of the composition "The Image of Khlestakov in the Comedy" The Inspector General "" is a characteristic of this unattractive hero. And he is, first of all, the person who despises not only those around him, but also himself. When writing the essay "The Image of Khlestakov in the Comedy" The Inspector General ", one should also take into account that Gogol created in his work a character who is chronically dissatisfied with his own life, but at the same time does not want to make any attempts to change anything in better side... And when the author said that in this play he tried to portray the most unsightly sides of Russian society, he probably meant that he met such "Khlestakovs" in his life path a lot.


Khlestakov leads an idle lifestyle, although with his financial situation he can hardly afford it. He does not try to change his life for the better and does not rely on his own strength. The only thing he is capable of pinning hopes on is a lucky break. The idea that little has changed since the time of Gogol is suggested by the image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General". A short essay on this topic should still be supplemented with a description of the society in which this character is located, and be sure to include this item in the plan.

Pushkin's friend

Khlestakov's tragedy lies in the fact that the world in which he lives is incomprehensible to him. He is not able to understand the connection between things and even in general outline imagine what the activities of the ministers are, what the great Russian poet writes about, who suddenly became his "friend". For Khlestakov, Pushkin is the same person as himself, only, perhaps, more successful.

Other heroes

It is very important to analyze the place that the image of Khlestakov occupies in the comedy "The Inspector General". Writing according to plan involves comparing this character with others. After all, the mayor and his entourage are quite intelligent people who know life. However, they are not at all embarrassed by Khlestakov's self-confident lies and bragging. They, too, seem to begin to believe that everything in life is decided by chance.

Khlestakov's philosophy

There is no need to put in any effort to become a department director. You just need luck. Personal merit, work and intelligence are worth nothing, the well-being of a person does not depend on them. In order to achieve the goal, you just need to wait it out, and on occasion "sit up" someone. These are the beliefs of the protagonist.

What is the difference between Khlestakov and other heroes of the comedy? The first has blatant vulgar stupidity. He lacked quite a bit of ingenuity to completely mislead the representatives of the city government. But at the same time, if his lie were deliberate, he would not be able to deceive Anton Antonovich, who was very proud of his subtle knowledge of people. Khlestakov differs from other characters in that his lies are completely disordered. And this feature makes it extremely unpredictable.

A typical man of his era

Khlestakov was created from contradictions. His senseless and sometimes insane lies, on the one hand, correspond to the times depicted in Gogol's comedy. Khlestakov is a typical figure of the Nikolaev era. His image fully illustrates this time, revealing human vices, which especially developed in the atmosphere of a difficult social and political situation in Russia. Officials realize that he is stupid, but from the height of their rank they cannot carefully examine human qualities. On the other hand, it should be said that Khlestakov is a "phenomenon" common to all mankind. Such a character can appear at any time and in any setting.

The author's intention

"Khlestakovschina" is present in every hero of the comedy. And this is Gogol's main idea. The central feature is the image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General". An essay with quotes, in which the characteristics of other heroes will also be present, should be written in order to comprehend the ingenious author's idea. Laziness, stupidity and the dream of a "goldfish" are present in the soul of every comedy hero, but in different concentrations. And these vices, according to the writer, were widespread in Russian society, and therefore extremely destructive.

The image of Khlestakov is a brilliant artistic generalization of Gogol. The meaning of this image is that it is a combination of grandiose claims and insignificance, "significance" and emptiness.


Even when starved in a hotel room and threatened with arrest, he continues to flatteringly plead with the servant to bring him some provisions. When his request is fulfilled, he forgets about his recent humiliation and sincerely enjoys dinner. And after a couple of minutes, he begins to think of himself as an important gentleman.

One of the main researchers of Nikolai Gogol's work once compared the protagonist of this work with water, which tends to take the form of any vessel. In a sense, the image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General" is unique in literature.

According to the plan, the essay can be divided into the following points:

  1. Characteristic.
  2. Comparative analysis with other characters.
  3. Khlestakov's role in society.
  4. Khlestakov is a typical personality of his era.

The protagonist of the comedy is a concentration of the characteristic features of that era. But, unfortunately, the Khlestakovs still exist today. They, like "Nozdrev", prototypes of one of the heroes of "Dead Souls", "will not emerge soon, and they still walk among us, perhaps only in another caftan."

Option 1:

Khlestakov ... It is customary to consider him a swindler and a deceiver. But is it really so? A person all his life is late somewhere, does not have time, everything is awkward for him, he does not know how to do anything, in everything he is a failure ... At the same time he dreams. And in his dreams he is strong, smart, rich, domineering and irresistible for women.

The reality is sad - Khlestakov lost to smithereens. Only a miracle will save our dreamer from starvation and debt hole.

And a miracle happens. Circumstances are so favorable that Ivan Alexandrovich cannot resist the temptation. And those in power fawn at him, and the first beauties of N-ska are ready to fall into his arms - or provide their daughters. And there is no strength and desire to stop and think about the consequences - it bears, it carries a whirlwind, flattering and venal ...

Khlestakov himself, however, is stupid and cowardly. And the only thing that justifies him in our eyes is even greater stupidity and cowardice of the characters around him. However, he knows how to deftly adjust to the situation, wishful thinking. If you want to see an important official, you will be an important official. If you want to give bribes, he will accept them. If you want a profitable marriage or an influential lover, he will promise you that. It is impossible to stop in the stream of lies, only to leave, which Khlestakov does. Very timely.

Khlestakov - not the main character plays. Rather, it is a natural phenomenon, like a blizzard or drought. He simply by his existence allows others to show themselves in all their glory. Expose your vices and passions on display. Turn inside out under the light of the ramp.

Khlestakov is passive throughout the entire action, he goes with the flow. It doesn’t work - it just encourages others to throw off their masks. By its very existence here and now.

Khlestakov is just a catalyst.

Option 2:

It is this invincible confidence in his right to take care of other people that leads to the fact that Khlestakov is easily drawn into the game offered to him and does not deceive other participants in this game. He so naturally carries himself in the form of a pompous chatterbox that officials have no doubt: this role was invented on purpose to disguise the revision.

At the same time, the model of behavior of all bribe-takers is approximately the same - they also pretend to be silly. Therefore, the events of the play unfold very predictably. The combination of fear with the hope of quick success leads to a loss of vigilance, including among women.

Khlestakov is not a good guy, although he had no bad intentions. This image is especially relevant in our time, when society is focused on consumption, and not on personal development.

Option 3:

Gogol is one of the most ruthless critics moral principles and the foundations of the then public. It is noteworthy that everything described by the author, all the characteristics and life stories are relevant to this day. As the saying goes: "we all came out of the Gogol greatcoat." The same can be said about the comedy "The Inspector General", in particular about Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov, whose character is central to the work. The traits of his character, demeanor, the adventures in which he got involved are so vital and natural that a collective name for this kind of incident appeared - "Khlestakovism".

If you figure out who Khlestakov is, it will become obvious that he is, in fact, not an evil character, but an extremely dodgy, cunning and skillful deceiver. He is even close to acting. Upon arrival in a small town, it was hard for him to make ends meet. Left alone in the room and sending the servant to beg for lunch from the innkeeper, these are the thoughts that come to him: “It's awful how you want to eat! So I walked a little, wondered if the appetite would go away - no, damn it, it won't go away. Yes, if I hadn't taken a drink in Penza, it would have been money to get home. " Obviously, sometimes, very rarely, thoughts of common sense slip through Khlestakov, remorse appears. This happens not because of high morality, but because of the horrors of want. The hero squandered almost all of his father's money into cards. It remains for him to look for ways to earn money, but our character is not so prudent. Instead, he simply took advantage of the situation, pretended to be an important official and circled the residents small town... "After all, you live to pick flowers of pleasure."

Khlestakov is intoxicated by the situation, the imaginary power and the role he has played. Such a person does not have a rod, he floats wherever the current carries him. He is tricky to get out of it, gets dusty in his eyes, wants to appear, not be. Unfortunately, both before and nowadays, a person who received a high post, did not achieve this by his own labor, but by chance, behaves this way. He imagines himself to be a great man, deciding the fate of people, covers his eyes with false achievements, is exalted to heaven, not noticing that there is nothing to support his flight. And we need to answer honestly to each of us, to ourselves, would we not be tempted to hit a big jackpot when he goes into his own hands? What would we do when each of the residents would hurry to please us, to honor and “kiss our hand”. Wouldn't you? “There is no reason to blame the mirror if the face is crooked,” the proverb to the work tells us.

Option 4:

The key figure in Nikolai Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" is Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov.

The writer characterizes the main character of his work negatively. Why? Because Khlestakov behaves so arrogantly and irresponsibly that even the reader has a feeling of dislike for this character.

When we meet Khlestakov, we learn that he managed to spend all his money because of his love of gambling. Now he is in the county town N, unable to pay for the hotel where he is staying. The mayor, who mistook this rogue for an auditor, creates all conditions for Khlestakov where an imaginary auditor can show his "talents" - lies, ambition, money-grubbing. All this leads to the fact that the number of people deceived by Khlestakov is increasing every day, and the anti-hero himself shamelessly uses what could never belong to him by right.

The image of this negative hero became a household name and today we can observe a considerable number of such "Khlestakovs" surrounding us in everyday life.

Option 5:

One of the main characters, as well as the most striking image of the comedy of N.V. Gogol "The Inspector General" is Ivan Khlestakov, he is young, thin and stupid. It is often said about such people: "without a king in the head."

Khlestakov serves in the office, receiving a meager salary and dreaming of incredible heights that are inaccessible to him from birth. He fantasizes about how he will lead a luxurious life and become a favorite of the ladies, although this, of course, will never happen.

By chance, he, having lost everything he had, ends up in a hotel in the district town of N, where he runs into the mayor. He takes him for an auditor, and for the dreamer and liar Khlestakov, previously unavailable opportunities open up. He begins to feel his own significance, even if it is imaginary, and uncontrollably lies about himself, his achievements and position in society. At the same time, he does not even know who exactly he was confused with, the hero lacks the ingenuity to use his temporary position for his own benefit. Albeit unconsciously, but Khlestakov, playing the role that was imposed on him, managed to feed the general fear of the "big man." During his service in the chancellery, he repeatedly tried on the role of serious officials, observing their behavior. And then he had the opportunity to feel significant and important, and the hero, of course, took advantage of it, because his superficiality does not allow him to predict the troubles that might follow. It is worth noting that Khlestakov was not a swindler by nature, he simply accepted other people's honors and was sure that he deserved them, already starting to believe in his own lies.

The governor could not recognize the forgery, because Ivan impersonated an official unintentionally, without the purpose of profit, he innocently considered himself what those around him considered him. But all the same, chance saved him, he left the city on time and thanks to this he avoided retribution for his lies.

The image of Khlestakov illustrates an empty and worthless person who, giving nothing to society, wants to receive all kinds of benefits and honors just like that.

Option 6:

Khlestakov Ivan Aleksandrovich is one of the key characters in Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General". By himself, he is the most mediocre person, who does not stand out from the crowd in any way. positive qualities, a typical "little man". By the will of fate, he finds himself on the crest of the wave of life - by pure chance, the inhabitants of the county town N take him for important person- the capital auditor. And this is where our hero begins real life- the life he dreamed of for so long: the city's top officials invite him to dinner parties, the best women pay attention to him, and officials tremble before a "significant person".

And then, when Khlestakov reaches for the life he dreamed of, his true face begins to manifest itself clearly. Khlestakov unrestrainedly lies, introducing himself as a great writer and public figure, shamelessly taking bribes, fooling two women at the same time. In the middle of the work, we see him no longer as a faceless "little man", but as a truly immoral person. In his character we see frivolity and deceit, irresponsibility and stupidity, superficiality and simply a lack of decency. It is not for nothing that all these qualities in the complex were dubbed Khlestakovism.

It is also interesting that as the action of the work develops, the character of the main character also develops - the negative traits of his character are manifested more and more. It is not known what Khlestakov would have gotten if it were not for a happy accident - just before the hero's deception was revealed, he leaves the city. Probably, it is luck that is the only valuable natural gift that nature has endowed with Khlestakov.

N. V. Gogol in his plays wanted to show the real "Russian character". And "The Inspector General" was one of the first such works. The protagonist of the play Khlestakov reflects in himself worst features, inherent in officials of his time. These are bribery, embezzlement, extortion and other properties.

Meet the character

It is not difficult to compose a short image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General". Khlestakov is a young man who almost constantly suffers from a lack of funds. Moreover, he is a rogue and a swindler. The main feature Khlestakov is a constant lie. Gogol himself has repeatedly warned theatrical actors: Khlestakov, despite his seeming simplicity, is the most complex character in the entire play. He is completely insignificant and despised by everyone. Even his own servant, Osip, does not respect Khlestakov.

Empty hopes and stupidity

Acquaintance with the brief image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General" reveals other facets of this character. The main character is not able to earn money to purchase the most necessary things. He unconsciously despises himself. However, his own narrow-mindedness does not allow him to comprehend the causes of his troubles, to make any attempts to change his life. It constantly seems to him that some lucky chance should happen that will make his existence comfortable. It is this empty hope that allows Khlestakov to feel like a significant person.

Good luck in understanding Khlestakov

Preparing material about the brief image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General", the student can note: the universe in which Khlestakov lives is an absolute mystery for him. He has no idea what the ministers are doing, how his "friend" Pushkin behaves. The latter is for him the same Khlestakov - except that he is more successful. It is interesting to note that the mayor, together with those close to him, although they are smart people, were not embarrassed by the arrogant lies of the protagonist. It also seems to them that everything is decided by his Majesty by chance.

Someone was lucky and he became the director of the department. For this, they believe, no mental or mental merit is required. All one has to do is help the occasion to come true; as is usually the case in the bureaucratic lobbies, to pick on your own colleague. And the difference between these people and Khlestakov is that the main character is downright stupid. If he was even one iota smarter, he would be able to recognize the delusion of those around him, begin to consciously play along with them.

The unpredictability of the hero's line of behavior

In the short image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General", the student can note that one of the main features of this character is the unpredictability of his behavior. In each specific situation, this hero behaves "as it turns out." He is starved to death in an inn, threatened with arrest - and flatters the servant, begging him to bring him something to eat. Dinner is brought in - he starts jumping on his chair with impatience. At the sight of a plate of food, he completely forgets about how he begged for food from the owner. Now he turns into an important master: "I didn't give a damn about your master!" These words can be used in the quotation characteristics of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General". The character constantly behaves arrogantly. Its main features are bragging, irresponsibility.


Characteristics of the image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General" may contain information about the rudeness of this character. In this hero, ostentatious lordship constantly makes itself felt. He uses the word "man" with contempt, as if talking about something unworthy. He does not spare Khlestakov and the landowners, calling them "pentuhi". He even calls his father "old horseradish." Only when the need comes, completely different intonations wake up in the speech of this hero.

Khlestakov's trickery

To briefly prepare the image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General", it is necessary to give a short description of the main features of this character. One of its key features, as indicated, is prodigality. This hero is constantly wasting his last money. He thirsts for entertainment, wants to give himself pleasure - to rent the best apartments, to receive the best food. Khlestakov does not hesitate to play cards, he loves to visit the theater every day. He seeks to impress the residents of the city, to make a splash.

The image of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General" in brief: the character's lies

Khlestakov's lies know no bounds. N. V. Gogol skillfully described his hero. Khlestakov first speaks, and only after that begins to think. Finally mired in a lie, the main character begins to believe in his own importance. His speech is fragmentary, inconsistent. In conversations with others, he constantly makes the reservation that he has nothing to pay for his housing. However, no one listens to Khlestakov. For example, during his conversation with Khlestakov, the mayor does not hear at all what he is trying to tell him about. The governor is only concerned with how to give a bribe and cajole the "important guest". One gets the impression that the more truthfully Khlestakov speaks, the less faith in him on the part of others.

I.A. Khlestakov appears in the town at a time when everyone is waiting for the appearance of the auditor. Officials are frightened, the mayor sees rats in his dreams from fear. The degree of "fear and fear" of officials directly depends on the sins they have committed.

Khlestakov, a young man of fragile constitution, silly, dressed in fashion. I was passing through the city, returning home from St. Petersburg. He loved to play cards, to have fun, which is why he was without money. He lived in a small hotel with his servant Osip, for room and board long time did not pay and therefore was afraid that the innkeeper would complain to the mayor and he would be taken to prison. He sold his expensive things on the market for a pittance and played cards again.

Ivan Alexandrovich often lay on the bed and dreamed of a good life. And then one day the mayor appears in the tavern with his "retinue". Khlestakov expected the worst, but everything turned out as well as possible. Khlestakov is mistaken for an auditor who came incognito to check officials. And since everyone had great sins for themselves, they tried in every possible way to please him.

The governor invited Ivan Alexandrovich to live in his house. Khlestakov agreed, his spirit soared. The fear of oversight leads officials to hypocrite, dodge, lie and please with great ingenuity.

So Khlestakov accepts money from them, not even suspecting that he is taking bribes. However, he guesses that he is mistaken for a civil servant.

At dinner, in the mayor's house, he begins to lie that he lives in the world, has different amenities, is a respected person, writes poetry, "with Pushkin on a friendly foot." And most importantly, he even had to manage the department. And he presented all this in such a way that a shiver ran through all the city officials, everyone was shaking with fear.

The comedy ends with a real auditor arriving in town. The last scene of the work is the famous "silent scene", where, according to the author's idea, the characters, frozen in different poses, stand motionless for almost one and a half minutes before the curtain drops.

Khlestakov is one of those people who are called "empty" in the offices. Spends all the money his father sent on binges, cards and new clothes, because he only sees outside metropolitan life.

The character of Khlestakov is very vividly shown in the episode where he begins to brag to the mayor. His dreams do not go beyond the desire for a higher rank in order to be admired.

Khlestakov believes that happiness is the ability to be higher than others, and this, in his opinion, is not related to the personal qualities of a person. And he ascribes his literary merit to himself solely in order to please the mayor's wife and daughter.

Bragging and arrogance, combined with the stupidity of provincial officials, help him remain undetected.

He is agile, as seen in the love confession episode. Instantly "switches" from daughter to wife, and none of them has time to suspect anything.

It seems to me that the development of the plot was also influenced by Khlestakov's inability to reason logically, consistently. He is used to "going with the flow" and not thinking about the future. An indicator of this is the absence of his remarks "to the side". Often he is not able to stop (as during lunch at the mayor's). Having started talking about something, he “lies”, trying to present himself in the most favorable light.

Khlestakov has pride (he is afraid of the moralizing of Osip, his servant), but he does not hesitate to cheat and talk. There are many in his character negative sides the society of that time - reverence for rank, sycophancy, ignorance ...

"The image of Khlestakov is the type of many things scattered in different Russian characters," Gogol himself writes about him. He ridicules such people, calls for the extermination of "Khlestakovism" - self-affirmation at the expense of his arrogance and resourcefulness. That is why the St. Petersburg society, based on such people, was outraged.