Dream of the devil in the image of a person. Unclean

While sometimes just not be vacated in a dream! Many believe that in this state it is easy to raise the veil of the mystery of the future. It is considered bad to consider dreams, in which a person sees the dead, is a weaken, all sorts of entities from the other worlds. And if the Satan himself will bring to see ... Dreamniki tell us very detail us about what the devil dream is in a dream.

Satan personifies the universal evil, but it is often not necessary that seeing it in a dream is an exceptionally bad omen. And this is confirmed by many dreams:

What dreams of the devil in various guards

The demon can dreamed of beautiful man or a seductive woman, a loved one or a familiar person. It is worth paying attention to a dream interpretation. Much can tell about this image of the dream book: The Devil in the image of a man.

If you dream of the dwal In the male appearance, then, perhaps, in reality, you should be afraid of the hypocrisy and be more careful not to get into the west. Dream Interpretation, Tracting, what dreams the devil in the male appearance, also promises a dream of vicious ties and debauchery, suppressing hidden desires. Married woman In reality can decide on treason. For a man: may indicate the need to be alert with business partners and friends. It is worth a fool and the girl: new acquaintances can turn into danger, especially if the devil tried to lure her to himself.

How to express a dream in which my boyfriend is the devil? A possible interpretation is as follows: Officers who dream that their partner takes the appearance of a demon, far from reality and do not know how to deal with people.

The dream in which the devil was standing and took off the mask of the tempter, can talk about the treason of a partner. Satan in the image of a woman may be a sign that in reality a person has to get into the situation with a difficult choice, where, besides, it will have to intentionally soling. Satan in the image of a child - an unkind sign for those who begin new projects. Such a dream talks about the upcoming difficulties.

What dreams Satan in man's appearancewe figured out. And if it comes in a dream in his original form: with horns and hooves? It foreshadows troubles and threatening danger, an unsuccessful way or collapse in business, temptations, in front of which it is hardly possible to resist. Here are still possible interpretations:

Freud's sleep interpretation

Dream Interpretation Freud interprets dreams about demons not with mystical, but from a psychological side. They are about our hidden desires and unfulfilled expectations. A woman of the devil in a dream may indicate problems in relationships. Perhaps she perceives his partner as a enslator and is afraid of him, internally opposing such a union.

The demon opposed to good, the silent collapses from the path of benefactors, selecting the soul mentioned in many religions and myths.

This is understandable to all people the image through which the subconsciousness gives a warning by sending it to sleep. Dreams with such a symbol are often so bright and emotional that, barely waking up, a person is looking for a dream book, the devil is always a grand character of sleep plots.

The devil warned on temptations and danger. A good sign will be defeated in a fight with him, destroy, expel. To avoid the lifting trouble and figure out what the devil is dreaming, you need to remember the dream details as much as possible.

Interpretation of dreams

If you dreamed of the devil young manThis means a danger can wait on the part of friends, partners.

  • For a young girl - most adversely, you should stay away from suspicious personalities, doubtful dating, bad companies.
  • If a woman dreamed of a devil in the image of an attractive man - the temptation to change the spouse. The appearance of a cavaller with evil intentions.
  • For a man - business partners or friends can proclaim the unkind, provoke, draw in the adventure and substitute.

A demon who attacked by a child - new projects will ruin you, poor time for undertakings. Small dirty, difficulties, quarrels.

If the devil visited the dream of a woman's dreams, it can be interpreted as a situation with a double bottom, deception in salvation (or illusion of salvation). The position when it is impossible to make a choice that allows you to avoid victims.

Treked beautiful man The opposite sex, this sleep character can have an erotic subtext. In this case, he points to forbidden wisheswhich you suppress. Perhaps you just think it is wrong?

The devil's kiss is a betrayal, disappointment. Treason of your loved one, love triangle. Intimacy, sex with the devil - attention from empty people. You are perceived non-serious, or you are not sure of your senses to your partner.

If the devil in a dream settled in man

1. In a friend, a friend - you are poorly understood in people. When you need to trust a person, suspicions are beginning to be tormented.

2. In an outsider - you may want to take advantage, fraudulently achieve patronage and location.

3. The demon instilled in you - an increase in social status, authority, improved material condition, carelessness.

4. You can interpret yourself, what dreams the devil, having fallen into you - change internal stateassociated with obsession, can be interpreted literally, for example, rage, wisdom, temptation to speak you.

5. The devil, united in the animal - the fear of the unknown, anxious state.

Exile of the devil, fighting him

If you managed to win - a way out of hopeless situation, a favorable outcome of confusing cases, the disclosure of the mystery, a triumph of cunning enemies, invulnerability.

The demon won the top - additional difficulties where they should not be obstacles in everything, everything will work against you. Misunderstandings, problems swell out of trifles.

Exile of the devil from himself - cleansing, self-improvement, overcoming the temptation, net conscience. You will make the right choice on the turn of fate.

Exile of unclean strength from a friend, relative. Help close man, give very important Council, play in his fate a significant role.

Exile demons from a stranger - inexplicable events, strange stories, you can witness otherworldly phenomena.


  • I hear Satan's voice in a dream from afar or in the head - well think about your actions. The decision taken in the hot decision will strongly resort life in the future. Control emotions, otherwise you have to put up for a long time with the consequences.
  • Schire, argue, keep the devil - a gift of fortune, unexpected profit or inheritance.
  • Deal with the devil - bad for business. Betrayal, plot.
  • Sell \u200b\u200bthe soul - carefully make decisions, be careful and listen to the voice of the mind and heart.


What dream of the devil in a dream from Sunday for Monday? Such a dream will not come true. The secret meaning in it is not worth looking for. Pay attention to the emotional saturation of sleep, perhaps this is the reflection of those feelings that have long accompanied your days. Young people who are not in a pair, seen on this night, the devil can warn about meeting a bad man.

From Monday to Tuesday, warnings about the danger, deploying the activities of enemies, conflicts. It should be taken into account such a dream and be alert.

If the devil dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday, this is a warning about your mistakes and flaws. Analyze where the wrong choice was made. Close up and to friends. Perhaps you will get bad news or unreliable information. Travel risky.

On Thursday there is a caution associated with a career, business, work. Care should be exercised when transferring money, conclusion of transactions, making employees. Perhaps this is a sign that you need an audit check.

On Friday, dreams often have things. It should be very serious about ill signs. To sleep not come true - tell him to someone before lunch.

What dream of the devil on Saturday? Extraordinary tests, rock, changes in life. The universe gives a hint how to cope with trouble. On Sunday you will receive signs regarding the fulfillment of desires.

Whatever you see in a dream, do not be scared! Dreams are a reflection of our thoughts and experiences, so the subconsciousness says. What did it want to tell you?
Posted by: Anastasia Tetherova

In reality and in a dream, Satan causes feelings of fear and tempting to break the taboo. With these contradictory emotions and is guided by the dream book, interpretation, why the sinister and attractive symbol is simultaneously dreaming.

Dark side of the person

The devil is very cunning, cunning and unprincipled. Such qualities can demonstrate a person who is accustomed to trust.

Medea sees in the image of the devil. Human nature. It is no secret that emotions and desires sometimes have to suppress society.

A frightening appearance personifies initially hostile and incredulous attitude towards the surrounding world, which in reality often spoils the dream of a dream.

Children and demons

If the devil dreamed of a woman, the dream foreshadows pregnancy, not the fact that the desired one.

If the hell is clearly small, it means that the danger threatens your or well familiar child.

Confrontation and cooperation

If you dreamed that you were forced in the dream of the devil himself to recognize your defeat, Introduce any difficulties to you.

If a deal with an unclean force was dreamed, your plans are destined to come true, but the result will not be like you imagined.

If you take a gift or do something for nothing, it means that the way you earn your life does not suit you from a moral and ethical point of view.

What dreams of the help of Satan, directly depends on the final result. If in a dream, an unusual tandem gained safely to the goal, the dream book believes that in reality you are typical to dramatize events or underestimate your capabilities. Sometimes the Shaitan in a dream takes the appearance of a true cause that interferes with the desired.

If the first takes the first in the battle of the demon and angel, try to avoid meaningless disputes.

An unexpected visit

Sometimes Shaitan comes in a dream in an unearthly guise. The internal transformation will have to sleep.

If Satan in a dream comes dressed quite respectable, nevertheless, you know exactly who in front of you, beware of people who show unreasonable interest to you.

Guarding health

The overall dream book explains natural causes to what Satan comes to visit. Perhaps the fault of the irrepressible consumption of strong drinks.

The interpreter believes that something that Satan is dreaming is associated with a mental illness or an occult effect in the form of a damage or a declamation.

good and evil

Dream Loffa considers Satan an interesting symbol. The very fact of his appearance in a dream indicates the significance of the upcoming events. What it means in every particular case will prompt the plot details.

If in a dream it happened to see himself in the image of Satan, the dream book advises not to take too much: in real world You are hardly endowed with so broad "powers."

Explaining what Satan is dreaming, Miller's dream book considers the unfinished sign. The athlete threatens defeat, Farmer Farmer and Pader's cattle, traveler road trouble. Dreaming calls for young girls to intelligibility in dating.

Esoteric dream book claims that Satan is in a dream to teach the understanding of good and evil. Disadvantages reveal the possibilities of working on themselves, difficulties are more stronger. The dark and light side forms spiritual harmony and supports the equilibrium of the universe.

comments 15.


    I dreamed that I was in some hotel, there are many people familiar to me. The girl comes to me and people sitting with me and says that in another hotel you need to light the candle and spend some rite. After that, a battle with evil will take place. The girl I have a bag and says that the battle is expected with the queen evil or something like that and items in this bag will help us. There was a lot of holy water in small bottles, stones, similar to granite, cards and some other items, with an obvious Christian force. Other guys conducted a rite and as if darkness had come around the world, Korolev had come to us. She looked at us, I was scared very much. After that, she took my hand and as if she became scary, as if she saw something from me. Then she began to hurt my leg. I felt this pain. Battle began, I did not understand anything that happened around. As a result, it all ended and I was told that we killed the whole army of the witches, but she did not kill her. And that maybe another battle will take place. Then everyone stood discussed this battle, and I woke up. The dream was very bright and colorful, and as if I was in reality.

  • I dreamed, as if I live or in the church, or similar to an old castle, but inside everything was furnished in modern, furniture, interior, modern renovation. I and two unfamiliar girls went to the secret room, which is deeply underground, to get there, it was necessary to open the secret door, we entered there, inside the torches were burned in both sides. The room was like long corridor, later spiral staircaseThat led us deep down, we descended and saw the middle hole in the floor similar to the passage, we climbed there and turned out to be in the corridor. At the end of the corridor was a big wooden door, we opened it and entered, found themselves in small roomwhere a lot of candles burned, to the right and left in a row benches, it was like that we were in the church, we had an altar in front of us, we needed to collect something at the altar and give the priest. While we were collected, one of the girls disappeared, she opened the door that was forbidden to open. I and the remaining girls were frightened, heard a rustle, whose whisper, we realized that you need to run until the devil and his minions caught up with us. They fled along the ways, as they came, was very scary, when they drived before the entrance, we slammed the door and the priest read the prayer so that he did not come out. We started to gather, leaving to Jerusalem, only there we can escape and defeat the devil. We all left, next to me were my relatives, close. As if we had already arrived, stopped in the building itself, where priests lived. In the room in which we stopped there were a lot of crosses, there were devils with holy water on the table and the war began, chaos was going on on the street, it became dark around, people from all over the world fled to Jerusalem to escape. In the room, besides me and relatives, there was a middle-aged man, it was a priest who knew how to protect us and the whole world, he had some kind of subject, and the objects of the ritual, when the devil would come to fight him.

  • Help! About 2 weeks ago, I stayed at a friend to spend the night, above the bed where we slept, she had an icon (in her house I didn't put an icon, baptized, the cross is not buried). I could not fall asleep for a long time, I had a feeling of suffocation. I had the fact that I would never forget. I remember how in a dream I saw something with horns, smile, narrow eyes, a very thin body, some bones, it seemed to be painted on beige, thick paper, despite the fact that it was hugged to the cross, the paper was very old. And there were two such creatures, one described above, and the other is very similar to it, the same thing is the same, but the 2nd creature was not so thin, I remember it was some kind of polka dot fabric, it was also smiling. This entire drawing was made exclusively in black and beige tones. It looked at me for a long time without movement, and then evaporated. After this sleep in the zone of the clavicle there was a severity. Fear appeared on the soul. I have never dreamed of this before. And I repeat, this is my first time in my life when I slept under the icon. I'm terribly scary. I have never experienced such fear. What should I do? What was the creature in the picture? Help.

  • Hello! I dreamed unfamiliar people. Man and woman. Husband and wife. They grieved that her daughter had died. After that, I came to an unfamiliar room and there was a strange girl with a cross-long braid (hair). Hair light beige colour. She said that she killed her and showed me what she was in the past bad. Then we kissed. She, as if he knew how, and I felt my excellence. At the same time, I felt her teeth. And her eye strange became terrible. And then I noticed in the door of a person with a camera, and I began to prove that we do not do anything like that and I am generally married. And I woke up. What is it for?

  • Having dreamed of Woland from Master and Margarita, although I did not read this film for a long time ago and did not look at this film and book. I said the offer from some kind of men to ride the yacht name I do not remember. Do not refuse to be fun. And gave live flowers, a huge bouquet. In a dream, it was nice from such a gift, but woke up in a cold sweat.

  • I dreamed not to understand that. I was in some camp. There were grandparents, women and men. They celebrated something. And I stayed with children. I look, and 3 cats ran into my room. I began to drive them out. One took dragged to the street, and it turned out on the street. There were some bones and a horse skull. (Human body) It blew me somewhere, and we sat on the bench. It said that it serves Satan and what type he passed me that horror would soon come. But since I loved to explore this myth about Satan, I told that I was looking at different videos about Satan, that they call the number 666. It said: 666? This is not his number. He said to recruit 91 he scored 91 from the first time no one answered. He called again, and Satan shouted into the phone. I was not afraid, because it heard in the video. And then woke up.

Meeting with unclean power is not a rare phenomenon in the Kingdom of Morpheus. What does the devil dream, can the evil who have seen seeming negative events? To answer this question, you should remember the details of sleep and refer to the proven sources.

See in a dream devil - not a very good sign

To see the devil - not a very good sign. Most often, this image reports that a close dream man leads a double game behind his back. According to the interpreter, the sleep must be met with the forces and take measures to calculate the traitor as soon as possible and minimize its influence on its family.

If the devil dreamed before a long trip, then sleeping is better to postpone the journey, because nothing but disappointment is not expecting it now. Sleep, the devil in which appears before the dream in the image of an elegant gentleman, indicates the possibility of deception on the part of business partners. Therefore, the sleep should be more attentive at work and try not to take part in dubious transactions.

Most often, this image reports that a close dream man leads a double game for his back

In the world of dreams, a person himself can reincarnate in the devil. According to the modern dream room, this plot suggests that the sleeping is trying to hide from someone compromising his details. However, do not forget that the truth always comes out, and sooner or later, the truth will become known.

What dream of the devil (video)

Dream Interpretation Tafleisi

According to the dream of Tafleysi, seen in a dream Lucifer is an exceptionally unfavorable sign, because it indicates that someone cursed a dream, and now in his life the failure will come. If it dreamed that a person tries to resist the devil and wins, then the Lord would sleep his blessing to him, and he will be able to cope with all the problems. A dream in which sleeping leaves before an evil spirit, indicates its inconsistency, inability to behave in difficult situations. The interpreter believes that he's time to stop hiding behind the backs of patrons, it is necessary to do something for improving your life.

If a person not only saw a devil in a dream, but he tried to give something to him, which means his property acquired with a dishonest way, and soon he could lose his wealth. Itself takes gifts from Lucifer means that sleep will lose faith in the Lord. The devil in human appearance dreams in the case when a two-room person appears surrounded by a sleeping person, which is only submitted by another, and in fact he has conceived some kind of dirty.

According to the dream of Tafleysi, seen in a dream Lucifer is an exceptionally unfavorable sign

Vintage french dream book

The French esoterics of a man who saw in the dream of the devil, considered an obsessed with some kind of idea that could harm his property and position in society. If a demon with big horns, claws and tail comes in night gold, then sleep will be in the desperate position, tormented from his impotence.

To find out what the devil's expulsion dreams, sleep must remember his emotional condition. If he was afraid of a demon and could not cope with him, it means that in reality he is hazardous. A dream, in which a person fearlessly struggles with evil spirits and many people came to admire this process, promises him getting a large amount of money. According to the dreams, exorcism in a dream may also mean that the dreams are fighting with its inner fears.

If you dreamed that the Sleeping was dragged by the devil, it means that there is a mass in reality happy events. Perhaps he will be raised in his position, or he will suddenly receive an inheritance from a practically unfamiliar person. A long and happy life promises a vision in which a dreaming of the devil is arguing in sleeping.

Dream Miller

The famous psychologist Gustav Miller believed that the peasant the devil could dreamed shortly before the crop death or livestock disease. If the image of Lucifer was greeted athlete, it means that he should be more careful because there is a high probability to get injured at competitions. The author is sure that if there is an opportunity, it is better to refuse to participate in the tournament.

Sometimes a person dreams of dreams in which the devil in the image young man Call them to the house. Miller believed that thus the highest strength warn the dream of a trap, which the hypocritical man broke.

He knows the dream book and about what the devil's obsession is dreaming. If the demon convinced the soul of the very dream, it means that he will have the opportunity to achieve fame and honors. A dream in which the evil spirit Missed in another person, indicates that the sleeping is mistaken about the people around him. Probably, the dreams evaluates a person only by appearancewithout taking into account his internal qualities, which comes from him many friends. If it was obsessed with close relative The dream, it means that in reality he will threaten the danger, but sleep will be able to save him.

Try to escape from the devil in a dream - to persecutions in real life. If the dream in a dream had to come to the Lucifer's lair and talk to him, it is likely that it will make an impermanent act, as a result of which unpleasant changes may occur in his life. Exelling the devil in a dream means that the sleeping can make a liar and save himself from trouble that this man prepared for him.

Vintage Russian dream book

The authors of the ancient Russian dreams do not give an unequivocal answer to the question, what dreams the devil in a dream. In their opinion, this image can foreshadow both positive and negative events. For example, if the sleeper was obsessed with a demon, it means that his financial condition improves significantly, but for this he will have to participate in the unjust file. Communicate with Lucifer as an old acquaintance - to loss of money, impoverishment, treason.

A married woman conversation with the devil predicts acquaintance with a hypocritical man. The authors do not exclude the possibility of appearing in her life to be a muster Uhager, who will first give her hope of happiness, and then brutally betray.

What dreams of the evil spirit that came with sleeping in intimate communication? As a rule, close relationships with evil spirits are a bad sign indicating the betrayal of a loved one. So sleeping should be heard higher power And try to calculate the hypocrite as soon as possible.

Is it possible in a dream to sell the soul to the devil (video)

Other interpretations

As believes Autumn dream book, Lucifer in human appearance, ghived in a dream - a sign that the sleeping need to think about how well he understands people. Probably, the dreams gathered around himself not too much good peopleAfter pushing truly devotees.

Summer Dream Interpretation of the evil spirit, having dreamed in a dream, explains how the desire of the sleeping is to frown at the expense of another person. The interpreter believes that the dreams should try to fight the temptation, otherwise the evil forces will worry his consciousness, and he will continue to perform bad actions for which in the future will have to answer.

As assures Modern dream book, The devil in a dream means that the sleeve will be tempted. If the dreams talked with evil spirits, it means that fake people will be able to deceive him. The dream, in which the sleeper saw the devil's eyes sparkle with a fiery flame - a very bad omen. As a rule, this vision indicates that the sleeve will affect the influence of an evil person, which will lead to a big trouble.

As the autumn dream book, Lucifer in human appearance, ghived in a dream - the sign that the sleeping need to think about how well he understands people

The fear of the dream, in front of the unknown, symbolizes the vision in which the devil united into some animal. A sexy scene with a demon in the appearance of an excellent young man unmarried lady dreams as a warning that she should more carefully treat the partner's choice. Probably her present elects use her feelings in their own interests, forgetting that she is also a person, thirsting for love and affection.

Dreaming in which the demon delays a girl in his home - a sign that she can contact a person suffering mental disorder. Also, this vision may indicate that there is a chance to become a victim of violence. Therefore, the dream is worth being more prudent and avoiding relationships with unfamiliar people.

ATTENTION, only today!

A dream in which a man dreams of the devil, Satan, never has a positive interpretation. It is always a hoax, slander and evil goats in impeccable outdoor guise.

Those who relate to the Earth, he promises crumbs, despite the good weather conditions, cattle case, etc.

A very dangerous sleep in which it appears in front of you canceled and tastefully dressed devil-man - in this case you can largely deceive the fraudster, looking from the point of view of trust almost flawlessly.

For a man, a dream in which the devil-Woman is fulfilled in front of him, he foreshadows a meeting with the lady, which he subsequently preferred to bypass for three hundred miles. However B. this moment He will perceive this meeting as a gift of fate, and for his rash will pay too expensive.

The devil in the bottom of the child dreams to Western, to avoid mono only at the very initial stage. Next, everything will take place on the inclined plane until it reaches its sad culmination.

Exell the devil in a dream is a dream warning of the deceptivity of an external impression. It will seem to you that the risk has passed, some problem is solved, and you will relax. This will be the appearance of your fatal mistake.

To fight the devil in a dream - to an attempt to rethink your behavior, get rid of the vice. The outcome of this struggle will show you how fruitful your spiritual revision will end in reality.

If you happened to run away from the devil - you are smallery and in real life.

Devil, Satan, Loffa Dream

The appearance of the devil, Satan in our dreams, is primarily connected with the aesthetics of the perception of this image in reality. What is it for you in life: ominous messenger outdoor world, the enemy on the battlefield with sin or just a certain odious character with a certain psychological image? It is extremely important for deciphering the vision, but in any case, the interpretation of sleep should be made through the prism of the influence of this ominous character on all dotnation participants.

If there is a deal with the Devil, Satan - this reflects the subconscious fear of the temptation, bordering violence. The temptation itself in this case implies a gross violation of moral and ethical and social taboos. In this case, this transaction may imply not only the classic "sell the soul of the devil", but also smaller from a spiritual point of view compromises with their own conscience.

Approximately the same value may have a dream in which a kiss with the devil is present, but in this case we are talking No longer about fear of such an agreement, but about his subconscious search.

If a person dream of the exile of the devil, it may indicate the opposition in complicity in some illegal deal, as well as the subconscious fear of retaliation for this refusal.

In the case when the expulsion of the devil is dreaming - this struggle takes a more serious internal scale of moral opposition to the life facilities, priorities, contradictions.

The dream in which you yourself - the devil reflects the mirror perception of the events of the events by your inner "superago", especially in cases where it helps you in a dream to achieve something desired.

If the devil present in you, on the contrary, prevents the implementation of the intended, then it personifies the evil in a dream, the interference with which you are about to come across in life, and which will have a veiled, unrecognizable image in its negative.

What the devil or Satan dreams, dream book Longo

The phenomenon in the dream of Satan's image foreshadows shame, humiliation, which will be experienced due to excessive gullibility and inability to separate the spoles from the grains.

If you dream of the son of the devil, the child - the dangerous adventure will appear in reality, and the consequences may be serious, up to prison sentence.

If the devil is drawn in your dream - you are in dangerous delusion that everything around is good, and your actions are unpunished. Most likely, you are in a very strong captivity of your own delusions, and the understanding of the true situation of things will be late and very painful.

Fighting the devil in a dream symbolizes your attempts to reveal someone else's influence, get out of some dependence that you put in the category of negative, negative. It may be the usual fight against smoking, and far from comic spiritual brand.

If you managed to kill the devil in a dream, it still does not indicate your final championship in a certain confrontation in reality. As a chiter and cunning this character, it can also be your imaginary victory.

Devil, English Dream Interpretation

A dream in which the man is Satan, the devil, should be considered terrible. This means that in real life you too closely submitted to this character. Perhaps such a dream will be the last warning before the faithful destruction of your soul.

Devil, french dream book

To see in a dream of the devil in his classic guise (with a tail, hooves, pits -ttroses and horns) - to despair, which will be extremely painful.

If you have dreamed of the devil-child, you will rise in an extremely dangerous thing. What follows him, you can now imagine even with the most unfavorable situation consequences. If you are thinking about to do something into the bypass of laws, including moral - better refuse. The more you have acquired wealth, the more expensive you pay for it.

What the devils dream is a modern dream book

A dream, in which Satan is present, unfavorable in any plot.

The most dangerous sleep in which you enter into contact with this character are rapid about the discussion (even if this is a dispute, and your position in it is diametrically opposite), not to mention the fact that you sell your soul in a dream. After such a dream, review everything that you were going to do, with a loaf on the most adverse consequences that it can give. Of the people most of all we can go flat.