I dreamed of kissing a man. Dream interpretation of Wangi - you have a happy family

Kisses in a dream can dream of joyful pleasant events or future troubles. What does it mean to kiss a man, if in a dream the dreamer felt his lips and remembered the plot of the dream, different dream books write a lot.

Interpretation of a kiss with a man in a dream according to Miller's dream book

Miller interprets kissing depending on whether the man was pleasant or not. If this person is beautiful, but unfamiliar to the dreamer, kissing him is a sign of success in business or a new acquaintance.

Kissing a guy or husband - to an unexpected meeting or reconciliation after a quarrel. Lovers dream of such dreams as a sign of compensation for emotions during separation. Kissing in a dream with a freak, old or ugly person, according to Miller, dreams of future troubles, disgust and scandals.

Freud's dream book

Kissing a man on the lips in a dream dreams of a new acquaintance and meeting. Teenagers dream about pleasant events (if the affection is pleasant) to troubles and pressure if kissing an unpleasant person.

A girl kissing parents or relatives of the opposite sex - to reconciliation with them and complete mutual understanding. A forced kiss predicts pressure and quarrels in the family, coercion. Kiss with by a stranger- to surprise. If you like the kiss, the dream is a dream of a new acquaintance or an erotic adventure.


Loff interprets kisses as follows:

  • without erotic overtones - to good news and joy, provided that the partner did not cause disgust;
  • kissing a child, teenager or relative is surprising;
  • a farewell kiss predicts separation, and even the death of the person seen;
  • touching the lips of a celebrity or kissing her is a sign of surprise or success;
  • erotically kissing a pleasant person - to love, success and reciprocity in love;
  • if the dreamer was forcibly kissed by a freak, an unpleasant person - this is a quarrel;
  • a bonded kiss with relatives of the same or the opposite sex dreams of betrayal, pressure, or an extremely unpleasant business.


Passionate kisses in a dream, like lovemaking, dream of a deterioration in well-being and minor troubles. Sometimes a vision predicts the separation of lovers and major troubles in their personal life.


Kissing a man on the lips in a dream (according to Hasse) is a betrayal of a lover and betrayal... If this happened with a partner, husband or lover with whom the girl is in intimate connection, then a dream predicts her disappointment in this person or separation from him. Sometimes a dream can be dreamed before the death of a lover.

A forced kiss with an unpleasant person portends quarrels, troubles and disappointments. If a girl is waiting for a passionate kiss, and in return receives a friendly one, the relationship with a man or boyfriend will quickly come to naught.

Kissing a stranger in front of your boyfriend is a sign of treason and suspicion. For lovers, this plot foreshadows a major quarrel. A kiss with a dead man portends a secret romance or illness and breakdown, sometimes - parting with a lover.



Kissing your loved one- to a quarrel and separation. Such a plot foreshadows jealousy and resentment, sometimes serious quarrels between lovers. Mutual kisses with a celebrity portend success in business and happiness, sometimes - a new and promising acquaintance.

Erotic kisses with relatives of the opposite sex indicate trust and complete understanding. A man kissing a man dreams of success and strengthening of family relations.

Erotic kiss with a stranger portends a new event: if the touch was pleasant, then the events will delight the dreamer. A forced kiss portends a quarrel or being drawn into an unpleasant business.

Kissing a deceased person in a dream is a sign of disappointment and regret.


Kissing a man on the lips in a dream, according to the English interpretation, dreams of deception, betrayal or disappointment in a man. For a married woman, a kiss with a pleasant stranger dreams of a secret romance or temptation. Kissing in public with your spouse like lovers - to family squabbles and quarrels.

Sometimes a dream predicts trouble. If you dreamed that a friend and husband or a dreamer's lover kissed, the dream portends joy and pleasant impressions, but for some people such a vision predicts treason and betrayal loved one.


Such a dream portends illness, slight malaise or disappointment in a loved one. Girls dream of a new acquaintance or an erotic adventure. Kissing with a pleasant, but unfamiliar person dreams of a new acquaintance or surprise, kissing a guy who you like predicts joy and reciprocity in love.

An unpleasant or involuntary kiss with an ex-boyfriend portends experiences and tears, sometimes dreams of a scene of jealousy. If the unpleasant man was unfamiliar, then the dreamer will change her rules and be happy contrary to expectations. Kissing with an enemy or ex-boyfriend, to whom the dreamer dreams of returning - to an unexpected reconciliation.


The modern dream book interprets kisses in a dream differently, especially passionate ones than everyone else. Here are the main examples of interpretations:

The wanderer

In this book, a kiss with a man portends trouble and scandals. Unmarried girls a dream portends a new acquaintance, love relationships, married women dream of a vision of good news and mutual love. To a divorced woman a passionate kiss portends an erotic acquaintance or a deterioration in well-being.

Kissing for a long time in a dream with a familiar man or lover - to a change in relationships. Some people dream of such a plot of separation and worries. A farewell kiss with a man portends separation, suffering and tears.

New family

Modern family dream books interpret a kiss depending on the place and whether the partner was pleasant or not.

The most common interpretations of dreams about kissing a man:


Gypsy dream books interpret a passionate kiss with a man to discord in relations with him. If a person is unfamiliar, the vision portends scandals and quarrels between relatives. For a girl kissing a man - for an early engagement or marriage, for a married woman, a similar dream portends resentment and quarrel with the spouse's relatives or with himself.

Kissing with a foreigner dreams of a quarrel or scandal in the family. Sometimes a dream portends resentment and disappointment. Kissing a dead person - to illness or danger to life.

Oriental female

A dream portends a quarrel, betrayal and parting with a loved one.

Dream interpretation of health

Kissing a man on the lips in a dream is a dream of illness or a sharp deterioration in well-being. If the kiss was friendly, then the patient will recover, and the healthy one will feel disappointed. Kissing with an enemy in a dream means an unexpected meeting or an unpleasant conversation.

A passionate kiss with a mulatto, black man or dark-haired man dreams of danger to health or illness.

Girls often have such a dream before being raped or assaulted. Kissing in a dream with a blonde, a man with blond hair dreams of recovery from an illness or good news. For the sick, such a dream portends good news and improving well-being.


The psychotherapist's dream book interprets a kiss to good news or frank communication.

The exact interpretation depends on who and how kissed in a dream:

  • a passionate kiss with a stranger of pleasant appearance dreams of joy and pleasant surprise, for some people a dream portends success in business;
  • kissing a familiar man, but not a boyfriend and not a lover - to an unexpected meeting or mutual understanding with this person, great love;
  • girls dream of erotic kisses for new acquaintances and the formation of a psychological and external image of a future husband, lover and sexual partner;
  • lovers of passionate kisses dream of a quarrel or the end of a novel. If they are apart, then erotic dreams compensate for the lack of emotions;
  • kissing in a friendly way with a guy who you like or a lover - to separation or resentment, neglect;
  • passionately kissing a bride with another man or a wife with a lover - to discord in a marital or love relationship.

Summer dream book

Autumn dream book

  • kissing a stranger or not seeing a partner's face in a dream is a surprise;
  • to show passionately feelings for a stranger - to jealousy of a partner or a quarrel in the family;
  • a kiss with a husband or boyfriend predicts major troubles or discord in family relationships;
  • kissing with a lover in a dream - to a quarrel or separation;
  • a kiss with a deceased person or a dead person dreams of illness or worsening of circumstances;
  • the September kiss predicts disappointments in love and great experiences;
  • kissing in a dream in October - to minor changes and events that will occur soon after such a dream;
  • November kiss dreams of a change in fate and new love relationship or an unexpected continuation of a love story.

Kissing with her husband in a dream

The interpretation of a dream about kissing with a legal spouse depends on the relationship in which the couple is in this moment.

This is how the dream book interprets different kisses with husband:

  • a friendly kiss dreams of reconciliation after a quarrel or cooling of friendly relations with this person;
  • kissing passionately, as in youth and at the dawn of a relationship - to a breakdown in relationships;
  • a farewell kiss dreams of separation or breakdown in relationships;
  • kiss with ex-husband- to an unexpected meeting with him or to news about this person;
  • passionate kisses with a husband who is far away, dreaming of what he thinks about his wife and misses her;
  • if another woman or girl began to kiss her husband, this is jealousy. Sometimes such a dream comes true literally. In some cases, a dream suggests that suspicions and fears are groundless;
  • to find a spouse in bed with ex-girlfriend or wife - to jealousy or regret;
  • kissing her husband passionately and seeing that he turns away - to a change in life or discord;
  • if a friendly or goodbye kiss comes in response to a passionate kiss, the relationship will change for the worse;
  • to see that the husband is kissing another girl - to a quarrel and scandal in the family;
  • seeing your husband dead and kissing him passionately is a health hazard;
  • kissing in a dream passionately alone - to improve relationships or complete disappointment in her husband;
  • exchange passionate kisses for own wedding- to the illness of the husband or a breakdown in relations with him. Sometimes a dream portends a divorce.

Kissing with a stranger

The interpretation of this dream depends on the nature of the kiss and whether you liked it or not. To understand the meaning of sleep, it is important to remember the man's appearance, the place of the kiss, the impression of what happened.

The main interpretations of plots with kisses, in which the man is unfamiliar to the dreamer:

  • in teenage dreams, the plot means that the girl's subconscious forms an image of her future husband or sexual partner. Sometimes such a dream indicates an acquaintance, which can become fateful, foreshadowing marriage or fatal love and passion;
  • for an adult girl, a kiss with a pleasant man dreams of a new acquaintance or an unexpected meeting;
  • flirting in a dream with a policeman, security guard, military - to try to break some kind of prohibition or rule;
  • a mutual kiss with a doctor dreams of recovery from an illness or an early resolution of an unpleasant situation, but if the touch was unpleasant, the dream portends an illness;
  • kissing a teacher or teacher - to new knowledge or an unexpected meeting, success;
  • a kiss with a personal driver or public transport driver portends an acquaintance that will change the dreamer's life;
  • a kiss with an actor or musician predicts a surprise, adventure or meeting with an insincere person;
  • kissing a celebrity in a dream is a sign of success;
  • if the kiss was with a tramp, a homeless person or an extremely unpleasant person, troubles or illness are possible;
  • kissing a boyfriend or husband of a friend who does not exist - to envy and quarrel;
  • flirting with a married person is a risky act;
  • a bonded kiss is a dream of constrained circumstances or an unpleasant decision.

Kissing a close friend in a dream

Dreams with passionate kisses can dream of a transition to an intimate relationship with this person or to falling in love.

The exact interpretation depends on the nature of the kiss:

Why dream of kissing an ex?

Such a dream is a dream of an unexpected meeting and a change in friendly relations.

The exact interpretation depends on the time that has passed since the breakup with this person and the feelings that the girl felt for the man.

  • kissing passionately with a guy who quit - to news of him or from him, sometimes to try to get the relationship back. If you dreamed of an episode from the past, and the girl kissed him in familiar places, the dream portends a final break, if the lover was dressed in new clothes and the pictures in the dream were not like the past places of dates, a new and unexpected turn in the relationship is possible;
  • a forced kiss with an ex-boyfriend, whom the girl left, dreams of quarrels and his attempt to return the relationship. Shrugging off your ex-boyfriend, not letting him kiss you - to victory over him. If a girl began kissing an ex-boyfriend whom she left voluntarily, without coercion, reconciliation and a new outburst of feelings are possible;
  • kissing a guy who died or lives in another city - to meet a person similar to him or a new outburst of feelings;
  • passionately kissing a man who is married is unexpected;
  • a bonded kiss with an unpleasant person predicts quarrels and scandals.

Kisses with a loved one on the lips with the tongue

This dream means nothing if the woman who had such a dream did not feel disgust.
Unpleasant feelings in a dream portend major troubles in reality.

The meaning of sleeping with multiple men

Kissing on the lips with one man in a dream is a sign of joyful or pleasant events. If you dream of group sex or a dance in which the dreamer kisses with several partners, the dream predicts unexpected events or falling in love.

If the kisses were equally pleasant or unpleasant, then no acquaintance will change the dreamer's life, but if she singled out a man from the crowd, then a new acquaintance or meeting will completely change her life. If all partners were unpleasant, the dream is a dream of tears and worries.

Kissing a dead man in a dream

The interpretation of the dream depends on the relationship in which the woman was with this person, whether he was alive or not, and what the feelings were.

Here are the main interpretations of such a dream:

  • a passionate kiss with your partner, who is alive and who died in a dream, predicts a break in relationships and a love affair, a hopeless relationship;
  • kissing a man who is not alive, but in a dream he is alive - to meet a person similar to him, a meeting with his relatives or a new business;
  • passionately kissing in a dream with a man who is dying and decomposing - to illness and great experiences;
  • a kiss with a disfigured dead person portends illness or new stage in the life of a woman who had such a dream;
  • a friendly kiss with the deceased dreams of a secret or some kind of secret;
  • a farewell kiss with him portends a new stage in life or an unexpected meeting;
  • if the deceased got out of the coffin and began to kiss, the relationship that the dreamer considered complete will take an unexpected turn.

If a kiss with a man in a dream was short

This dream portends a secret or unusual relationship. If the kiss was furtive and shortly passionate, the dream is about a secret romance or a relationship that a woman will have to constantly hide.

In other cases, a dream is a dream of short feelings and disappointment in a man. If he secretly kissed and looked around, then his feelings are insincere.

Kiss with a male relative in a dream

  • a passionate kiss dreams of new plans and joint activities;
  • if the partner was unpleasant, the woman who had a dream will be dragged into a dubious story;
  • a friendly kiss dreams of good news;
  • a farewell predicts resentment or quarrel.

Interpretation of a kiss with a man depending on the place

The place of the kiss tells if the dream is in the past or in the future.

This is how the dream book interprets different places and the circumstances of the kisses:

Interpretation of sleep by day of the week

  • Monday: the partner recalls the dreamer, the dream predicts a new meeting or surprise;
  • Tuesday: separation and trouble;
  • Wednesday: to the news or an unexpected change of circumstances;
  • Thursday: to illness or loss of strength;
  • Friday: to a new novel or a gift from a loved one;
  • Saturday: an empty dream;
  • resurrection: to good news or guests in the house.

Dreams with a kiss always matter. Therefore, if the dreamer had to kiss in a dream with a beautiful or unpleasant man on the lips, this is always a sign. Well, the exact interpretation depends on the circumstances of the dream and impressions.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Sleep kissing video

Why dream of a kiss in a dream. Interpretation:

Why dream of a kiss with a guy in a dream from a dream book?


What kind of relationship did you have with the guy in your dream?

Dreaming of a kiss with an ex-boyfriend ▼

Dreaming of a kiss with your beloved boyfriend ▼

Why dream of a kiss with a guy? A dream promises a short-term one. Do not worry - she will benefit, she will be able to strengthen the current relationship.

Kissing someone else's boyfriend in a dream ▼

Kissing in a dream with a stranger's boyfriend - in reality, something similar can happen. There is romance to be experienced, but it will not last long.

What was the kiss with the boyfriend in your dream like?

Why dream of a passionate kiss with a guy ▼

A dream about a passionate kiss with a guy is a sign of anxiety. In reality, you may feel a lack of attention or. For a married woman, a dream says that they treat you inappropriately, subconsciously want other relationships.

What happened in your dream related to your boyfriend?

Video: Why dream of a kiss with a guy

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Dreamed of a Kiss with a guy, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming of. Kiss with a guy in a dream, just write a dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Hello! My name is Irina!
    She dreams that I'm at the table with friends. I don't see any friends, but I know for sure that they are my friends. A young man is sitting next to me. V real life do we know each other. We see each other very rarely. We are talking to him. And suddenly he turns to me, takes my face in his hands and starts kissing his nose, eyes, covered his whole face with kisses .. and so much tenderness in his actions .. It was an enchanting feeling that in reality did not leave me all day .. I didn’t I know how to proceed, the alarm clock woke me up ..

    I dreamed that we talked well with him. I know that in reality he is going to sell the car and I asked how are you? and why he's going to sell the car. He explained to me. Then, in a dream, a friend called me and my ex gave me a phone number and began to ask what kind of friend. I began to tell him about the girl with whom he allegedly communicates and he began to make excuses that he was not serious with her. And then I dream about the moment that we start kissing and we are interrupted

    I dreamed that I was kissing with my physical education teacher, it was so I don’t remember exactly, I don’t know how to kiss yet, but I felt this kiss as if it were true, I was sitting on something it was dark and he came up and said I still dream about it and kissed me, I immediately answered, at first I was choking on it, then I don't remember exactly I ended up in school and a guy kissed me, I know him, I like him, we kissed for a long time ... ... and that's it.

    1) I felt very small. then the whole dream I was constantly washing my hands in a very scary sink, that's it all the time, and two more little people were running around me who were also constantly washing their hands. and in my head I had that I needed to wash my hands.

    Hello. At the moment, I am more worried about the previous dream, it is difficult to distinguish it from reality. I remember falling asleep on my right side and putting my phone on the left to charge it. Already in a dream, the phone was next to me, on the right. I picked up the phone and saw a white silhouette behind me. I rushed to the door but my legs and arms were numb. Frozen in the doorway, I growled in a voice that was not my own and slowly began to fall back onto the bed. In a dream, I lost consciousness, but quickly came to my senses and was able to somehow run out to my parents' bedroom. Dad was not there (as in real life, he was at work at that time). I began to wake my mother, quietly woke up, I knew that my younger brother was sleeping. Mom woke up, but sent me to bed and then there was another attack in my parents' bedroom. I growled again and began to fall. I crawled into my room and already on the threshold I got to my feet and began to resent the bright light from the neighbors' window. I went to bed and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, the phone was on the right, as in a dream. The neighbors' lights were off, and the clock was 1:41. It was at the same time that a month ago I had a similar dream. Only I was lying on the bed and could not move, my whole body was numb, I could only whine pitifully. I don’t know what to think.

    I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend, we parted for a very long time, but I still have feelings for him, I dreamed of a kiss with him that we rushed to each other and kissed, then we moved away from each other, then I kissed him again, but he didn’t wanted, on his face there was either indifference or something else, but certainly not the features of joy and penetration, it seems he did not even look at me, the colors were dark, gray and black prevailed, only his face was clear and of a normal color, until the moment of the kiss in a dream there were some other events in significantly bright colors, but I did not remember them, the taste of the lips was very memorable, as if it were alive

    I was leaving the office and suddenly, a young man who was standing next to me, who I like, pulled my hand to him and kissed passionately in front of strangers. Inspired by a kiss, I go to a clothing store and choose a beautiful very bright colorful dress.

    My friend and I were on the bus and we were so close and he kissed me on the cheek, I had not seen him before, except by correspondence, and he was dressed all in white, then we went out and went to look for the police station along the way, we were in a hurry that's all

    Hello! I dreamed of a guy who I really like, we work together, he is a deputy chief, I’m an ordinary worker, we have been working together for a little more than a month! so I dreamed of how he told me how to do this or that work correctly, he said all this with a smile on his face, then asked for help in filling out some documents, after that he offered to treat me to coffee as he detained me at work, then we went in a coffee bag, sat, drank coffee, talked, laughed ... after which (this is somehow unexpected and I don't remember exactly how it happened) he kissed me on the lips, very tenderly but at the same time passionately, after that we somehow got embarrassed and he asked for forgiveness, fussed and then I woke up

    I dreamed that we were walking with a guy I like, but in reality no relationship binds us, in the company of his friends. We passed along the bridge of the river, I saw how some girl was drowning a kitten. I started crying. The guy began to calm me down, hugged me, I kissed him.

    I was somewhere on vacation. I lived in the same hotel with this guy. A slow dance was announced. He invited me. I liked the guy. We danced and then he kissed me.
    I'm going to the sea in a week. She recently broke up with her boyfriend.

    I woke up in a dream on the couch with my ex-boyfriend under the covers, then put my head on his shoulder, but he angrily removed it. I got up and went to the shower, saw my mother and for some reason in the kitchen I took shower gel and sugar and started making a face mask, then I applied it to my face, the ex-boyfriend went into the yard, I went up to him and he kissed me for a long time, and then went to training. (we broke up with a guy like that without putting an end to the relationship) and in a dream it was always sunny

    I dreamed of a boy with whom I do not meet, but in a dream we were a couple, kissed and not only, we even had sex in a dream, but about two weeks before this dream, we had a very violent quarrel with him.

    I dreamed that I kissed a guy and I did it very simply, and I was not even ashamed, and this guy answered me with a kiss, and we kissed, and then we were together, but then I don’t remember, I wonder what this I like the guy, but he is very rude to me ...

    I dreamed of my young man, I have such a relationship with him that he studies in London, so in life I am waiting for him a lot, and I dreamed of many girls who were waiting for guys and I waited for mine, hugged and kissed a lot, the emotions were terribly beautiful and I woke up with an excellent mood but then some kind of heaviness was on my soul

    Hello, my name is Dasha, I dreamed about a strange dream, my dad and I were going to a neighboring village, but we arrived at an unfamiliar place, there we were forced to dress as people in this city were dressed (put on a white dress on the floor, it looked like a Greek one) we went to the center of the city, there were not many people, there was a group, in this group there was handsome guy... I took off this dress and danced in my clothes. I noticed that the guy drew attention to me, I decided to go up to him and kiss, but at first he turned away, but then he began to dance with me and kissed himself. like this., after that this guy arranged a competition who would better sing the chorus from his song, with that he will be and I participated, won the competition, although I generally can't sing in real life, but in a dream I started singing .. here such a dream, probably it's just imagination ..

    I had a very strange dream for me.
    I dreamed that I was at the school (in which I study) walking along the corridor I was arguing with unfamiliar guy... Then I shouted something, the young man ran after me, soon he pushed me against the wall ... and kissed me.

    Why this ***** dream?)

    Thanks in advance: 3

    Hello, I had a dream in which at first I saw a snake in my nose, got scared and ran up to my ex-boyfriend and told him that I was very scared. He hugged me and asked: you love me, I say yes, he asks strongly, I say very much. '' And he hugged me and kissed me, and then kissed me several times

    Hello, I dreamed that I was in some beautiful, but unfamiliar place with a young man (close person), warm colors prevailed (it looked like it was autumn), it looked like a square with benches, here we are on one of these benches and sat, only I was sitting on his lap, facing each other, I hugged him by the shoulders and neck, he was around my waist. He gave me a gift, there was an engraved spoon and, for some reason, medical attributes (a hat, a dressing gown, and everything was white and green). After the gift, we started kissing. Can you help in defining a dream?

    Sleep from Saturday to Sunday.
    I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend, whom I still love, looked at me, paid me due attention, and kissed me while listening to music together. the kiss was long and lasting.

    What does this mean?

    I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend and how we were kissing and I don't know what to think, we first sat talking, then I sat down with him and we started hugging him, then I kissed him

    we were next to the club. We moved away from everyone to talk, that in the end he hugged me, admitted that he liked me. I raised him in my arms, I embraced him with my legs and we kissed. later I asked: "What about Danil? Your brother .." He did not answer. all night we stood with him.

    There is a boy at school that I like, but I don't know him. I dreamed that I kissed him and at the same time we were familiar with him (maybe I met or were friends I don't remember exactly)

    It was as if I came to the village from the city, I went to the old school where I studied and there I met Ilya who I like, then we hugged and then we drove to the village and Ilya started spinning with the car and then the car turned over and we for God's sake we managed to get out of the car and then I wanted to confess my love to him and to the campaign he also wanted to confess that he loves me and then we kissed passionately

    a young guy dreamed of him, I know, when we were traveling by train, then got out at some station, then ran and he started kissing me on the lips, I tried to get away from the kiss, but I could not, it was nice to kiss him

    I cleaned the apartment. Then I heard the doorbell ring. opened the door, then a guy I like came in. I was surprised. But he acted as if we had been together for a long time - he came up, hugged and kissed. At this, the dream was interrupted.

    I was at school, my best friend, huh his girlfriend, my best friend, was sitting behind us. We talked with him, gradually he sat closer to me. As a result, he put his chin on my shoulder and thus his face was very close to mine. It was the first time for me and I even liked it a little, but I remembered his girlfriend and asked to remove my chin, but I didn't want to, and then I turned to him and he kissed me on the lips. This was my first kiss. Then he moved back to his girlfriend and told me to forget about everything that happened.

    My friend and I stood at the airport and saw off our guys. In reality, they are not our guys, and I have never even seen my friend's boyfriend. Then my friend and I had to go home to get our shoes, it was autumn or winter outside. We returned to the airport and their flight was postponed for 2 hours. Then we went home. I tried to kiss my boyfriend, but he rejected me. Then he kissed me himself. The light was off. This is where the dream ended

    I dreamed that a guy came to me, whom I don't know at all in the relay, in my opinion it was winter and it was snowing, we walked a little near my house and then went to my house, kissed and he left. What is it for?)

    Today I dreamed about a guy I like and he likes me too, but I have a beloved boyfriend. In a dream, I wanted to kiss this guy on the lips (because I lost my desire and I myself was waiting for this moment for a long time), he looked at me very passionately, but when I reached for his lips I remembered about my loyalty and conscience that I have there is loving guy and ended up kissing him on the cheek and hugging him.

    I was standing in some dark room, it was bright enough, my friends and my boyfriend were standing next to me, but for some reason my friend came up to me and we started talking about something, but I was so funny and comfortable with him, we leaned their noses against each other and he kissed me and as if no one saw, no one did not understand that he kissed me

    Hello! To be honest, I was stunned when my classmate dreamed of me, tonight. So it was like this: As if we were standing in some room, there were a lot of people, and my classmate came up, hugged everyone, looked at me, hugged me, and kissed me on the shoulder , all this was so real for me, but I myself understood that this was a dream, but the touch was sensitive. For a very long time I did not see him and did not remember him, since I graduated from school 5 years ago, we were always in good school relations. I heard that I got married and gave birth to my son. But that was about 2 years ago, I would like to interpret this dream) why would it all) He told me something good in a dream, but I don’t remember what exactly.

    A classmate with whom I kissed, at first he left me, I was looking for him, then he came back I ran away from him without paying attention, then I don't remember what happened, but I began to approach him, he wanted to give me something, but when he approached, he began to move away in the end I kissed him, but after the kiss he had some kind of mucus in his mouth and I pulled away from him and began to spit it out, and at the end the dream changed

    It was at school, I went out into the corridor and his classmates saw me and told him but he did not want to leave, they literally started pushing him out of the class so that he would come up to me, but he broke free and sat down at his desk, I went to him went to the classroom, went up to him and hugged him, he said -What are you stupid?

    I dreamed of a guy who likes in life, but repulses. I dreamed I was visiting, and I was cooking. then he gently hugged me and began to kiss and my hands were not clean from the fact that I was cooking something, I was cutting. and we were in the bedroom and it was already dark. then he asked to wash his shirt and jacket.

    I want to meet a guy to hug him, I think that this will not happen and I meet him, I hug him very much, and he does this on the street closer to spring, then we look into each other's eyes and begin to approach each other and start gently and tenderly kiss each other (this guy is my ex and now we communicate like friends)

    We were sitting in the cafeteria of our college, there were 6 of us, I was offended by the guys for something, wished them luck and decided to leave. One guy with whom I do not communicate, only once talked to him, he caught up with me and kissed me, we returned with him in an embrace, and there was a guy that I like and I just smiled at him.

    It was summer, it was warm and light outside. We walked with a company. At one moment I stumble and almost fall, and then HE catches me, we look at each other, and this is how our kiss happened. and I woke up. (he is my friend and we have known each other since childhood)

    we fought, and pom near football goal started kissing and he said he loved me…. then the ball almost flew into our goal ... I said that I'd better go sit down, otherwise everyone was looking at us and went and sat down and watched the match ..

    In a dream, he offered to make love, I doubted whether it was necessary to do this, because we parted! But he himself hugged and kissed, with the words "come to me"! I reciprocated, it was very calm and good! And the dream was interrupted.

    I was looking out the window on the street there was a guy with whom we communicate very well, I like him. then he was already at my house, we looked out the window together, I moved away, he came up and kissed me. and we are just friends in his words. I answered his kiss and asked, "Do you understand what I might think?" he replied "maybe already enough to think?" kissed, fell on the bed, just kissed and hugged, then got up and started going outside for a walk

    we walked with Vadim (friend). We talked, raged as usual, then goodbye I HUGUIZED HIM AND KISSED HIM on the cheek, he was embarrassed, hugged harder and we parted
    then, I saw that I was already at home, in the evening, at home in my kitchen there were some two guys whom I had never seen in my life, and I was in the bathroom, so one of them decided to try to open the door (she was on the latch is closed) I said something to him, and I heard him cry, how I quickly got dressed, followed him (and the second unfamiliar boy stayed at my house alone) I remember straight, I followed him trying not to show up before sports school, so, he went there, and I walked and cried, my tears were rolling down, he went up to the table by the watch to sign up for the rocking chair, when he turned, he saw me, I stood and sobbed, he went in my direction, I I didn't know what to do, he came up, I tried to mumble something, apologize, chtoli, but he did not listen, he just hugged very tightly and kissed, other guys who were in the rocking chair were watching everything from the window
    then that boy and I went home and I woke up

    I have a boyfriend, however, I like one guy. In a dream, we went with him to a concert, where he kissed me. I leave the club and my boyfriend greets me. I am ashamed to look into his eyes. I didn’t resist the kiss, I liked it.

    I was traveling in a bus or in a car with some kind of unfamiliar guy, I only remember in scraps we were driving somewhere the road was clean on asphalt. but when we were driving back along the road there was an accident the yellow bus seems to have been turned over and the body was lying on the ground ... then I don’t remember exactly before or after, but I kissed the guy around his lips but didn’t touch his lips, while it was pleasant for me and him and we both smiled ... what could this dream be for?

    I dreamed about school. For some reason it was there. Two friends I know who do not get along with each other - Cyril and Danil. At first I was with Danil, went with him and we kissed (no idea how it happened), then I saw Kirill snort somehow and I went with him. There was such a slightly dark corridor and there I already kissed him. What had the feeling that Kirill would kiss me now, but I did it first and in the end he said, "You are brave today." On this the dream ended kind of like. I don’t remember the rest.

    hello, I often dream of a kiss with guys, they change every day, that is, in every dream I have some other guys I know some for the first time I see it in a dream it can be any guy even of their famous people in a dream I like these kisses but when I wake up I feel unpleasant and I thought maybe I was dreaming because I lack the love of romance and I messed up with one guy, we kissed with him, I was good with him, but after 2 months we parted and now kissing again, please interpret it well. whom I gave birth to in a dream. I am 19 years old and I am not married and I have not been married why do I dream of a baby. This is not mine

    I was at some party, an acquaintance who once liked me, maybe a year ago, came up, led me out of some door, being there, he pressed me to the door with his body and began to kiss passionately, I answered, later I for some reason- then she bit his neck, bit a very small part of his neck, he started bleeding, he did not notice it, he just continued to kiss.
    And this guy is my distant sister's boyfriend.

    Having sunk into a dream, I saw his face (one group member who I like a little, but we don't even communicate), he looked at me without taking his eyes off, his eyes glittered from the sun, he smiled, then he kissed me on the lips with a passionate kiss, simultaneously taking my hand in his own, after that he told me to go, it seemed to me to go forward, we went to meet the sun, then it began new dream, not so bright anymore.

    I dreamed how my boyfriend starts kissing me from the bottom of the neck, gradually moving up. After moving to the face, a gentle kiss on the lips followed, after which our lips remained motionless, but pressed against each other

    What could such a dream have when a guy put you on his knees in his bed, began kissing on the neck, then passionately on the lips and began to undress and sex as a result?
    He's not my boyfriend, but I really like him.

    I like the guy, but we are not dating. We correspond, but he made it clear to me that we would never be together. A couple of days later I have a dream, but it is in fragments. We lie on the bed and kiss at my house. Then we walk, on the street we had an intimate relationship. I was pleased. Why is this dreaming?

    I dreamed that I kissed and hugged a man who likes him, he said that he has another woman, he didn’t mind when I hugged him and kissed him. What does this dream mean, this is a man much older than me and I really like him

    Hello! The dream was on Wednesday night, and I remember it only in small fragments. I entered an unfamiliar building, climbed the stairs and saw people fighting. Apparently there was a wrestling section here. I stood talking with the teacher (if you can call it that) and waited for someone. But I didn't know who. At least in consciousness, but in a dream I knew. It turns out. still struggling, my friend. He greeted me and so did I. His "rival" and teacher left, and we were left alone. They did not talk for long. It seemed that I just came to see him. But why? I don't really communicate with him in real life. It was time for me to leave, and he continued to train, so I said goodbye and left. However, for some reason, goodbye, this boy kissed me on the lips (not passionately))) ... But what's even stranger is that I (when I went down the stairs) was very happy about it. I clearly remember how I walked and smiled with happiness. The main thing is that in a dream we were not in a relationship ... This is a boy studying at 11, and I at 9. What does this mean?

    Good day)
    I have a boyfriend and I have feelings for him similar to falling in love.
    We often have quarrels.
    But that's not the point.
    Today (from Thursday to Friday), I dreamed that we were standing on top of each other, I looked at him, and he looked away.
    Apparently he didn't want to look at me.
    (I do not know why
    Well, in general, we are standing means we are standing, and I wanted to kiss him, reached out to him, and he pushes me away.
    I asked: "what's the matter"?
    And he kissed me so timidly (did not kiss)
    And I woke up ...

    I dreamed that I had a younger brother and he was 6 years old. And when my boyfriend came to me, we went to the room. And we started kissing there, but after about three minutes my brother came and saw it. After that I woke up

    At first we ran away from something with him, looking for a secluded place. When they found him, they began to kiss as usual, it happens to me just a kiss without emotions and sensations. But then, after a few moments, I wanted to drown in it. I kissed him endlessly and passionately, and at first it seemed strange to him, but then he picked up my wave. Accidentally I came across his penis, he was firm and stood. The dream ended there. It was incredibly pleasant for me to feel a dream, the sensations were incredible.

    We were at school, my stomach hurt badly, I couldn't even see, then I fell down and it almost stopped hurting me. I somehow ended up in the gym where my boyfriend was, we sat and then he kissed me on the cheek and we went for a walk after school as usual, but I had to school uniform change into a regular one and I somehow ended up with my grandmother, I started to change quickly, but I realized that I had forgotten my jeans, and I didn’t come to him. And he called me and I did not pick up the phone.

    I dreamed in pieces ... First, a handsome tall brunette broke his arm because of me, though I don't remember how. Then, when he was walking somewhere, I stopped him, gave birth to his hand and said that he broke his arm because of me, he just smiled and stood at me. Then we became friends and somehow I ran to his birthday on the street for a change. I congratulated him, we hugged, and then I kissed him on the cheek. Then in the warm spring it started to rain and I ran to class for a lesson. But suddenly, along the corridor to the office, I saw an AI classmate I knew, he was glad for me. And then the stranger and I became a couple.

    We were going to the whole class, apparently for the ruler, almost all the girls for some reason were in our dresses, not the point.
    In general, I see how Lena and Natasha play in the classics, I go up and start filming it for a skit, and then Cyril suddenly arrives (2 days ago I dreamed that he was collecting money for a trip to Turkey, together with Roma, I told him threw 100 rubles through mobile bank) he asked the girls something there, and then I ask: “Kirill, did you get the money? He's like, "no," I go up and start looking at his phone, and it turns out that he is my left hand, squeezed between his left hand and his body and he began to walk in circles, I tried to pull my hand out - did not let go.
    Then he left the girls his bike and went with me, only took my hand.
    If we go, we are talking, then he says: "I invite, stop, I don't even invite, but you just come with me (I don't remember what you named 2 events). Demenkova and Roma will suck on one, Roma will be with a girl on the other, ( I’m lower than him, I seem to reach his shoulder,) I lay my head on his shoulder, while I made my lips so that I didn’t like something, he took it and just kissed it, I was walking in shock
    Cyril says: "As you take a walk now, come to my house later," I was like: "OK, Kirill."
    I walk like this across the square, and I see Inna with some kind of kid, okay, I think, I won't interfere, I'll sit nearby on a bench, I went for a walk, I walk, and Inna screams type stop, I turned around and came up, we greeted her, and I told her this same dream, I tell Cyril, she is in great shock, was happy for me
    I’m already going to Kirill, and I see Korsukova with Dima, and Dima, let me ask me something about KVN, I just ignored it, in a dream I got such cool pictures, I’m like: “Dim, throw off the pictures” I go then and see the girls, who are supposedly from our school for a photo session, only there from 18, I see Lapp there, give her aggression: “What are you, 18? You are sitting here petty "she replied something about the passport, like it is forged
    In general, I came to Kirill, we stood hugging

    This dream was with a guy named Pasha, we are walking in the same company, I used to like it, now I find it difficult to answer. We were standing very close to each other, it was already at the peak and we wanted to kiss, I dropped my eyes and he asked something like, “What am I not able to do? This is the first time?" I just looked away ... Then he asked if I would definitely stay, if I would be with him, if I would definitely walk in a company (I don't walk often, I move to another city soon, so there were such questions), I replied that yes, and he gently began kiss me ... I tried to show my skills so that he would not think that I do not know how at all ...
    In the subsequent events of the dream, I sometimes looked at him on purpose, at that moment he also turned his head and I asked something like “Well, what? What's wrong? (Trying to understand why he is looking), further in the dream there were no such close events ...
    Thank you very much in advance

    I have a boyfriend in real life. We have never kissed. I had a dream that we are standing on the stairs or porch of some tall building and talking, it is winter, it is snowing, he starts kissing me, and I begin to laugh and deny (I was afraid bad smell or how I will kiss, suddenly it will be an unsuccessful kiss), he begins to smile, but he was upset, the dream ended at that moment.

    Where does a kiss lead?
    In a dream I had a boyfriend, although he is not
    I dreamed that in a theatrical performance I was kissing on the lips and my boyfriend was jealous went into the store, I took his hand and went out and asked do you love me? He said nothing, I asked you do not trust me? He said nothing I said I had to. He said I spoke on the cheek and not on the lips! I said that I love you and not about me to someone. He asked why? I said because you love my first love I told you I'll prove it And I kissed him then he took my hand and kiss too

    In a dream, I was driving a car with a guy (not an acquaintance), but it seemed to me that we knew each other. then we went to some house, and it turned out to be his house. Where we went to the 2nd floor, but he dragged me forcibly, I resisted (laughing), he kissed and climbed into an intimate place, and rubbed his front seat in my ass, I told him “no, no, etc.” but did not say that I have a boyfriend. Then I left, went out to the car and began to think about how to tell my boyfriend about it

Kissing children dream of peace and happiness in the family and satisfaction at work.

If in a dream you kissed your mother, you will be successful in entrepreneurship, love and respect from friends.

Kissing a brother or sister - you will get a lot of pleasure from life.

Kissed your beloved in the dark - do not fall into debauchery.

They kissed her in the light - your nobility in relation to women has no boundaries.

Kissed in a dream unfamiliar woman- try to avoid immoral acts.

Gave a kiss to your enemy - you will succeed in reconciling with a friend.

For spouses, a dream in which they kiss each other means spiritual harmony.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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Dream interpretation - Double dream

Sometimes dreams coincide in some amazing way with the phenomena of real life.

We are not talking about prophetic dreams. For prophetic dream warns the dreamer about important event, which ends a period of a person's life or life in general.

A dream paired with an event, as a rule, opens a chain of phenomena going into the future.

Interpretation of dreams from

The dream where a kiss occurred with an ex-boyfriend can be interpreted literally, since in most cases it is prophetic. There is a possibility that a longtime partner has feelings for you, wants to return to their former passion.

Try to be guided in your actions not only by desires and emotions, but also by common sense. A mistake can lead to painful events.

The guy kissed another in a dream

The interpretation of a dream, where a guy kissed another, reports unpleasant events. You are too eager to get married, but this desire will not come true in the near future, since your partner does not want this.

Do not be discouraged and upset. Although luck in this matter will not smile soon, it will certainly happen. A married life will bring a lot of joy and sincere happiness.

I dreamed of a kiss with a familiar guy

Did you have a kiss with a familiar guy in a dream? In reality, a surprise may occur from a loved one, a soul mate. The gift he gives will bring a lot positive emotions, will give a positive.

In the near future, you will only get good impressions. Try not to darken the mood with rash actions and decisions.

Dreaming of a kiss with your beloved boyfriend

According to the Oracle's dream book, a kiss with your beloved boyfriend personifies separation. It will happen soon, but it will not last too long. However, such a combination of circumstances will still affect the most the best way on the emotional state.

You should not indulge in negative feelings, separation will only benefit, strengthening the already reliable relationship, demonstrating the loyalty and devotion of the partner.

Dreaming of a kiss with a stranger

Had a kiss with a stranger? This vision is an auspicious symbol. In the near future, positive news will be received from loved ones. There is a possibility of joyful events in personal relationships.

Perhaps now you are missing positive and vivid impressions. However, it is worth a little patience, in the near future everything will change in better side, a lot of pleasant emotions will be received.

In a dream, a kiss with a guy you like

Dreaming of a kiss with a guy you like? In reality, a lonely dreamer will be able to find a faithful partner, start new romantic relationship... For those who already have a soul mate, the plot foreshadows the strengthening of ties with a partner. Positive messages can also be received from loved ones.

Your love life can change for the better. Try not to darken your mood once again with rash actions and rash decisions.

Dreaming of a passionate kiss with a guy

The meaning of a dream, where a passionate kiss with a guy took place, informs about the presence of anxiety, experiences. The reason for this is a lack of attention or tenderness. The partner is in no hurry to show feelings, which negatively affects mental balance.

Girls are creatures of a subtle mental organization, and therefore they take every dream to heart. This is especially true of pleasant dreams, when a young man is dreaming and his closeness is felt. Why dream of kisses with a guy - the most frequent question that interests young ladies. Let's try to answer it.

So why are kisses dreaming?

Since there are many dream books, interpretations are different. For example, according to famous dream book Miller, if a girl sees herself kissing in the dark, this means her debauchery and some danger. A kiss in the light speaks of a woman's generosity to men.

When in a dream a representative of the weaker sex caresses her lover, this can be interpreted as a sign of mutual affection. Such dreams are more common during separation between partners. Kissing a friend means having a close spiritual bond with him, like a brother and sister. A French kiss in a dream means sexual lust.

If a woman dreams of a kiss with her husband, harmony reigns in their family. When in a dream the feeling that someone noticed the kiss does not leave, expect the betrayal of friends.

Well, according to the esoteric interpretation, kissing in a dream portends a girl a warm relationship with her soul mate. A small dream book says: this "plot" speaks of the existence of gossip. If a woman kisses in secret, big changes and troubles are coming in the family. Kissing an enemy in a dream means an early reconciliation with a dear person.

Freud's dream book says that a kiss with a stranger portends an acquaintance with a pleasant man, but you should be careful.

What does this dream portend?

Studying Longo's dream book, we can conclude: kisses signal good luck. In turn, if you see a stranger in front of you when kissing, this is a sign to be careful.

A gypsy dream book interprets a kiss with a guy as a harbinger of a quarrel, and with a stranger - a fight, misunderstanding, conflict. This is the opposite of the Slavic dream book, which in a similar case says about a find.

Oriental female dream book treats kissing with someone as breaking up a relationship and parting in reality. Jews believe that kissing a vampire is considered a harbinger of death. Dream Interpretation Hasse says: kissing in a dream is a signal of separation from a loved one.

Believe it or not?

So, belief in dreams depends on how susceptible a person is to suggestion. Of course, in dream books you can get a lot of different information, but thoughtlessly agreeing with it is unreasonable. Believe it or not - the right of each of us. Someone notes that dreams come true, and someone says that it was just a "night movie".

And in conclusion, we note that almost all interpreters recommend paying attention to the feelings that the girl is experiencing. If they are pleasant and do not cause fear, then there is nothing to fear.