Fulfillment of cherished desires through a personal pyramid of light.


Archangel Michael and Ronna Herman will guide us through the Meditation and Ceremony of Access to the Living Light of the Celestial Cities of Light higher dimensions through your personal Fifth Dimensional Pyramid of Light.


In the Name of God, I AM, I call upon the presence of Beloved Archangel Michael, Master El Morya and all Ascended Masters and Angels of the Blue Flame of God's Will. And I ask for your hourly and daily patronage - guidance and protection.

Beloved Michael, always be present in my life and help overcome the darkness and obscurations of the condensed energies of mine and our joint negative accumulations with Your Sword of the Blue Flame of Protection and Support. Release and deliver me from all the negativity attracted by the mistakes of past manifestations - accumulations.

I ask you to reign the Dazzling Blue Pillar of the Divine Will of Love over my Being, earthly home and family, my work and everyone who helps me in the implementation of the Great Divine Plan for Gaia - Earth and Humanity. I cry and ask for guidance and support that is necessary for me, so that I can manifest God's Will in all Its manifestations in my life while fulfilling my Divine Mission here in the world of matter and making my transition - Ascension into the Light of Eternity.

I call and affirm the manifestation of God's Will throughout the wonderful planet Gaia \ Earth, as in Higher Spheres ah Light of Freedom and Love Thank you that my request was heard and satisfied in accordance with the Holy Will of the Supreme CREATOR!

May YOUR WILL be done! So Be It, Beloved I AM!


And so, sit comfortably or, if you prefer, lie down on the floor (the surface should be flat so that the spine is straight). Take a few deep breaths and slow exhalations; when you inhale, the air goes into the abdominal cavity and further into the middle and upper parts of the lungs and your chest expands ... If you wish, you can do several cycles or spirals of the "breath of infinity," which we talked about ...

Deep, deep inhale... and exhale; inhale... and exhale slowly... As you do so, you focus on moving deeper and deeper into your Sacred Heart Center. You must endeavor to move into the Chamber of your Sacred Heart Center very quickly... It is there that you can find stillness - the Center of your Essence, your Being and the still Point of Creation.

So, as you breathe and listen to my voice, try to focus on moving deeper and deeper into this Chamber of your Sacred Heart...

You imagine, visualize or see with your inner eye a beautiful, spacious, brightly lit room, in the center of which on a pedestal is the Core of your Diamond Core God Cell (in the form of a multifaceted diamond-shaped prism). Look around. You see all the radiant colors of the Twelve Rays from the Twelve Flames that permeate and transcend this room. In this case, the degree or level of illumination depends on your imagination ...

Now imagine a radiant Being of Light standing behind your Divine Cell. This is your Essence, your Being in the Etheric form looks at the Diamond Divine Cell and merges with it...
Feel how you merge with your Etheric form... And now feel a wonderful sensation, a blissful feeling of merging with your Higher Self...

Now you imagine, imagine or see on the screen of your inner vision a beautiful sphere of Light that descends along your personal Pillar of Light that connects you to the Source of Life, Our Creator. Watch as it emerges from your Crown Chakra and moves down... down and down and down... approaching your Sacred Heart Chamber.

See how this sphere of Light surrounds your Etheric body. This sphere of Light is for you; you are guaranteed complete security during your journey to the Higher Spheres; you are not threatened with any overload. Each time you travel to the Higher Dimensions, this spherical capsule-ship will be cleaned and prepared especially for you. Thus, you will always be protected and will be in an atmosphere of vibrational frequencies calculated especially for you.

And now feel how you, along with this capsule of Light that you are inside, are being pulled back; the door swings open and you are taken to the Higher Dimensions...

You will be delivered safe and sound to your personal Pyramid of Light, which is located at the level of the Fifth Dimension that is appropriate for you. You are helped to lie down on a crystal table in the middle. Male energies predominate in one conductor - he is courageous, stately and strong; the other is the bearer of gentle, affectionate and loving female energies.

Mentally or telepathically, they will ask you questions and if you are ready to begin this transformational process, answer mentally or telepathically by saying "Yes!"

Are you ready to release any remaining negative energies from the past that you still have within you, in the appropriate amount and at the right time for you?

Are you prepared to be a Carrier of Light, a vessel for higher frequencies of Light?

Will you strive to remain calm, collected - concentrated in your heart, trying to bring your Mental and Emotional bodies into harmonious balance?

Will you try to incorporate, absorb the most large quantity Light of the Creator, which you are able to contain without damage to yourself?

Do you agree, using the amount of the Creator Light Substance that is necessary for you, to transfer the rest to the Earth, a part of which She will keep for Herself, and the rest will return to you, so that you can share with Humanity through the Sacred Breath technology that we have taught you?

Do you feel that you are sufficiently prepared and ready to enter the Path of Accelerated Ascension under the guidance of the Angelic Helpers and Teachers specially provided to you?

Are you willing and willing to attune your will to the Will of your God Self, the God Particle within you, for the Greater Good of All, including yourself?

You are not required to be absolutely perfect. You are only asked to try your best.

Always turn to your Angelic Helpers, Guardian Angels, Guides and Teachers for help and blessings; ask that everything be done with EASE and GRACE.

If you answered yes to all questions, they will bless you and mentally say: SO BE IT! AND BE THERE!

And now you see how an even more spacious sphere of Light is descending from above along a huge crystal that hangs above the crystal table on which you are sitting. She surrounds you. Together with it, you are slowly moved upward along this crystal, the opposite end of which protrudes above the top of your Pyramid of Light.

From the top of the Pyramid, your spherical capsule of Light begins to quickly rise along the Light Spiral (the ascent goes clockwise) higher and higher and higher...

Suddenly, two magnificent Arches, vibrating with golden Light, appear right in front of you. The one on the right is the entrance to the City of Light of the first level of the Sixth Dimension; left arch - exit. You are invited to enter through the right arch. Two even more radiant Angelic Beings appear: one of them is full of strength and dynamism of masculine energy, and the other radiates gentle, affectionate, loving feminine energy.

You are now at the 1st level or position of the Sixth Dimension (there are seven levels - positions or sub-dimensions in each dimension). Look around at the incredible beauty of this place. A soft light emanates from the walls, similar to the multi-colored Aurora Borealis - the Northern Lights. Thousands of different sizes, shapes and shades of crystals, located on the walls, emit a multi-colored iridescent glow. On a wavy ceiling of various sizes, colors and shapes, crystals send their glow, partially touching the walls, onto the floor.

You see a fairly wide corridor and on both sides of the passage, in the walls of this corridor, close to each other, there are arched niches in which there are crystal chairs. One can see hundreds of such niches all around the perimeter of this 1st level City of Light.

You hear endless melodies that follow each other, which are incomparably more inspiring and sweet-sounding than anything you have ever heard before. You feel a light breeze and an aroma whose origin you cannot determine, but you know for sure that you have experienced something like this before... And this thought brings back wonderful memories... of the distant past...

You are directed to one of the niches and offered to sit on a crystal chair. And instantly directed rays of Light of all sorts, incredible colors and shades, which you can only imagine, are directed at you from the ceiling of the arched niches, from the walls and the floor. They will sort of isolate you in this Accelerated Ascension Chamber. Turn deep into yourself and feel this acceleration, these vibrations that you felt. Give yourself the opportunity to feel them. It's like being able to be in two places at the same time. For you feel how this Energy permeates your Etheric body, which is inside your capsule - the Light Sphere; and when you shift your consciousness, you can feel this sensation inside your Physical body, which is in this moment sitting or lying... in physical world... Allow yourself to linger in this state for a while so that you can properly experience this sensation or state ...

Know that you are bathing in a carefully calculated combination of frequencies of Light, especially for you, maximum amount, which, without any damage to yourself, you can contain at the moment ...

Breathe deeply... because the deeper you breathe, the more fully you absorb the Living Light, being saturated with the Divine Elixir of Life. You can stay in this chamber for as long as you wish.... This process is immune to any accident and you will never be allowed to absorb more higher level frequency energy than you are able to do at this stage...

The intensity of the Light waves slowly weakens and soon they completely fade. Your Angelic Guides are lifting you along with your sphere - the capsule of Light - from this niche - the Chamber of Accelerated Ascension. And it seems that their Light spheres - cocoons merge with yours and you find yourself between them while they quickly carry you around the entire perimeter of this First level of the Sixth Dimension. Completing the circle, you see and feel how you leave Sparks of Light coming from you along this huge corridor... What you see is your energy trace - an autograph. It is your harmonic frequencies of earth vibrations that are added to the Divine Scheme - Blueprint of this level...

You have been given an invaluable gift and you also leave your personal gift there. Your gift will be added to the Cosmic Repository of Knowledge, which will find use in the future...

And now you return to the Exit Arc and say goodbye to your Angelic friends. They will be waiting for you every time you return to absorb or absorb more and more of this wonderful Divine Elixir, the Great Gift of our Creator, this wonderful Transforming Energy, which contains qualities, aspects or characteristics and virtues - all that what you may need to create Joy, Beauty, Balance and Harmony, Loving Relationships and Abundance on planet Earth or in some other reality...

The fact is that after leaving the Earth plane, we will continue to help create worlds of the greatest unimaginable beauty in others. star systems, universes and galaxies...

So, you pass through the Arch of Exit and as you move forward, you begin your descent, moving counterclockwise along the Spiral of Light, and return to your personal Pyramid of Light in the Fifth Dimension... After a short rest on the crystal table, you are guided to the exit and you quickly return back to your Earthly World....

Breathe deeply and as this Divine Elixir of Light of Life begins to spread throughout your body, through your bodily form,... feel the tingling of the flow of energy through your entire body... You are bathed in this Light. Let this Divine Light fill you, give strength, balance your Etheric body, surrounded by a wonderful cocoon - a capsule of Light, consisting of the same particles that you will project into the world... A harmonious sphere of Light balances and protects you. This creates a wonderful environment. And wherever you go, you will always be protected by the Light Sphere - a cocoon of impregnable armor. This environment will quickly introduce you to the energy signature, the frequency signature of the Fifth Dimension, just what you establish or affirm on Earth!

Feel this Energy. After passing through the Hypothalamus and Pituitary gland, it moves through the structure of your brain to the Ascension Chakra - Mendula Oblangata at the back of the head, at the base of the skull.

Feel, realize the existence of different levels of dimensions within the structure of your brain and now, when you raise your frequencies, you are already able to open ever higher levels of your genius, your consciousness and awareness, the pantries of your memory. You will freely enter the higher, spiritually cleansed levels of your brain structure. In this way you can begin to manifest your wonderful creations, to communicate with the Masters, Angelic Guides, with whom you resonate or vibrate at the same frequencies; with your Higher Self, your Christ Self, your God Self, and other great Beings of Light that you belong to or are a part of.

They know about your desires and you do not need to declare them; there they know what you would like to say - although it would seem that you remain silent - for communication there is telepathic, at the level of thought forms. There you are transparent; you have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of, you use your gift of insight and then you become a Master.

Feel how this Energy moves down and activates the Thyroid gland, and further into the Sacred Heart, where it nourishes the Triple Flame, raising the vibrations of its central Golden Sun of wisdom, to the left of which is the beautiful, luminous Pink Flame of the Divine Mother, nourishing the Creator, directing the Energy of Love to All Creation ; on the right - the Blue Flame of the Divine Power of Will, Valor, Truth, the Desire to move forward, into the unknown, in order to create anew in accordance with the Divine Plan - the Project, which is aimed at Creating the Highest Good for All.

Feel the Light and radiance of this Energy and feel that the radiance of your Diamond God Cell intensifies, it begins to burn in the very center of your Sacred Heart. As your God Cell begins to radiate more and more bright colors, it sends flashes to its center coming from behind, left and right ... And you continue to inhale this Divine Elixir of Light, sending it down the spine through the Thymus or Thymus gland by activating it. This gland is the Master of Light among the glands.

This Energy moves down to the Solar Plexus, clearing out all the negative energy codes that have come to you from others. As you return your lawful energies to yourself and return other people's energies with LOVE, you begin to expand that Barrier, that Spiritual Armor that radiates the forceful dynamic perfection of your Spiritual Self.

Feel how this Energy is on energy level moves down into all your organs and tonsils, even those that have been physically removed. She will charge them and on the etheric or subtle level they will be restored so that they can function again in perfect health. This Energy permeates the circulatory system, tissues, muscles, the entire bone structure, penetrating the very DNA...

Feel the tingle as various condensed crystalline energies are activated in your shoulders, shoulder blades, back and palms, knuckles of arms, fingers... Moving on, this Energy balances and harmonizes the Energy Centers, reaching the Root Chakra... And the question of survival no longer bothers you!... Your Ego Desire Body becomes the Desire Body of your Spirit... In this way, whatever you choose to manifest will be for the Greatest Good for All... And your desires will be compatible with the Greater Good of All , including you.

Everything related to sexual relations will be balanced and adjusted to highest level when you return to a relationship based on Unconditional Love, Innocent Love and Compassion, instead of the duality or polarity of male and female energies contained in a male or female body...

In this way, you bring the masculine and feminine energies into exceptional harmony...

As the Energy moves down to the lower extremities, you will not have any problems with the hips, hips, knees... Watch how this Energy envelops, impregnates, lubricates the bones and joints of your body, filling them with exceptional health. All tendons, cartilage and tissues of your entire body are strengthened, lubricated, their mobility, firmness and elasticity improve; you become flexible, vital and vital. Through this, your ability to understand is strengthened. You will enjoy your Physical Body - Vessel by increasing its vitality and mobility...

And so the Energy moves down to your feet, activating the condensed crystalline energy in your feet... Now, wherever you go, you can move at the speed of Light and soar...

You see how this Energy comes out of your Root Chakra (Kundalini), in the coccyx area, ... and continuing to move further and further down, it penetrates into the Earth, reaching the Core of Mother Earth. Pay attention to how it flares up with a bright Light as it moves through numerous labyrinths and great caves, through crystalline structures, all those Sensitive Spirals of Light of the Crystalline Grid of the Earth, these Great Crystalline Energies that contain the Imprint of the Great Plan-Project our past and future...

See how this Energy starts their activation. Each person involved in this Round of Evolution and wishing to take part in this great Process of Transformation and Transmutation makes a contribution and receives an even greater amount of this Living LIGHT of the Creator so that the Earth and everything that exists on Its surface can be transformed, balanced and brought into Light. Truths and harmony... so that everyone who heard the wake-up call could return to the Higher Dimensions along the Spiral of LIGHT as quickly as possible, easily and naturally.

And now feel how this Pillar of Light, which returns along with the flow of the beautiful Golden Energy of Mother Earth and rises through your Root Chakra, reaching your Energy Heart and Solar Plexus, mixes with your part of the Divine Elixir. It is you, the Carriers of Light, who have opened the way so that (in a counter-clockwise downward Spiral) this triple stream of Light flows down, drop by drop, tiny crystalline droplets, and through you penetrates into the Earth when you have the opportunity, through method of Sacred Breathing, that is, when you breathe intentionally and with Love, thinking that you are Anchoring this Divine LIGHT... With each breath you will consciously project this LIGHT into the surrounding world, into the Earth system, into its anchoring this Energy of LIGHT, of which YOU ARE a particle!...

This Energy will spread and unite or merge with the Energy of your like-minded people, awakened dear souls and joined in the work of Warriors - Workers - Carriers of Light. As we have said more than once, the Legions of Light on Earth are engaged and are rallying their ranks. Together with you, they will carry out their mission until this Light penetrates into every darkened corner of the planet Gaia - Earth, deeply penetrating into souls and hearts sleeping in darkness, waiting for their awakening...

Remember that you must continue to breathe deeply, for SACRED BREATH IS THE CONDUCT OF THIS ENERGY.

Deep breath in... and breathe out... breathe in... breathe out, and breathe in... and breathe out...

Feel the tingling sensation when the streams of this wonderful Energy penetrate deep into your Being and constantly wash you with this Light - the Divine Elixir of the Creator that fills you... Now, on a conscious level, feel how this Energy goes through you to the Earth... And you continue to breathe take a deep breath... and exhale...

And now you are sharing with the world around you... Feel how the Living Light begins to come from you, when you mentally, having moved the sign of infinity from a vertical position to a horizontal one, breathe "chamomile," the petals of which, like "signs of infinity," come from a motionless core - your - Energy Center Solar Plexus. For some time, send this Light into the world around you: on the inhale - in front of you, and on the exhale - from the back... (six times).

When you feel the filling - the completion of the process, once again focus your attention on the Divine Cell of your Sacred Heart. Feel how your Heart expands... Feel how the Force of Life pours into you and what a charge of Energy you received!... Slowly return your breathing to your usual rhythm. Feel a sensation in your limbs - move your arms, your feet... You again feel your physical body... Breathe slowly for a while, returning to full consciousness. And when you're ready, open your eyes...

Archangel Michael always emphasizes that You and I are precisely those who must bring the Living LIGHT to the Earth and Humanity from the Higher Spheres, to fix and manifest on Earth the samples of vibrations of the higher frequencies of the Fifth Dimension.

We are the ones who will establish the New Power Places on Earth. We have the ability to create Earth Cities of Light, regardless of the relative density of the current Shadow Energies. These abilities, verily, are given to us as an opportunity to become Co-Creators of Our New World.

Thanks to Ronna, Archangel Michael and the Forces of Light for taking care of us!


In the name of God - Mother - Father, I call and pray the Blue Flame of the Divine Will of Love of the Archangel Michael to purify and protect my Path, Mission from any interference in the implementation of the Divine Plan for the Earth and Humanity. I ask you to strengthen my faith and help to realize my Ascension. Beloved Michael, fill my Soul with the Energy of God's Will, inspire submissive adherence to my sacred oaths and vows when I entered this life accumulation of experience in the World of Matter.

I ask you to place me under the Golden Dome of the Protection of the Firmament of Heaven, so that it protects me hourly and daily from any negative energy that opposes me and the Light, of which I am and serve. I ask that Your Blue Flame Legions stand beside me. By the power of Your Blue Flame Sword, deliver and free me from all disharmonious energies within me, my auric field, in the world around me where I live and work.

I thank You for Your unfading Love, for faithful service to the Earth, Humanity and Our CREATOR. Thank you for your constant, gentle and loving help to me on my Path of Ascension - Ascension. Help me develop and strengthen True Faith in God - Father - Mother, Our Supreme Creator and myself. Let be blue arrows and spherical lightnings of Divine Love perform purification and transformation - transmutation inside and around me, covering the whole Earth - Mother. I AM the Creator's Child and Your Sister. With my Glory, I will increase YOUR Glory! So be it, my beloved I AM!

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Magneta Semo CAS

Day 12 of the Ninth Solar Moon Intention Plasma Alpha. Sirius. Force Time - Space (Tollan). HRAUM My country is the unborn primordial realm. I release a doubled electron at the South Pole. ...

Creation of the Pyramid of Light/Power - Archangel Michael

Via Ronna German

Imagine, as best you can, a pyramid of Light and declare with intent that it will manifest in the fifth dimension. The top of your pyramid includes a spiraling Rainbow Ray of Light containing all the colors, virtues and qualities of our Father/Mother God.

Having entered the pyramid, look around: the walls and floor radiate inner Light, but in the middle of the hall there are 12 crystal chairs in a circle (you can add more chairs if you wish).

In the center is a crystal table, and when you lie down on it, it takes the form of your body. Above the table in the center hangs a majestic transparent quartz crystal. The crystal is faceted at both ends, and its upper part penetrates the top of the pyramid.

This is the main structure of your pyramid, however, we advise you to add your personal touches while visiting the sacred temple, which will make it your property.

We will give you some examples of how you can make the most of your pyramid.

Let's assume that you are in a conflict situation with someone. In a meditative state, go to your sacred pyramid; sit down on one of the crystal chairs and imagine a person sitting across from you at the crystal table.

Ask the Higher Self of that person to join you, you may want to talk to that person, but let your ego be in a passive state, speak from your heart, guided by your soul. Speak objectively about the situation and then place it on the crystal table, asking for the "Divine Decision" and the highest result serving both of you.

Imagine the Violet Flame of Transformation glowing from under the table surrounding the situation as the energies within the thoughtform/situation balance and harmonize. Now imagine that a large crystal hanging over the table begins to glow and radiate streams of Golden Light (they will somewhat resemble flashes of lightning during a thunderstorm).

At first, the rays of "Lightning" will be focused on the crystal table and on the situation, then they will reach each of you, eventually filling the entire space. You are entering the energies of "Divine Source" and you, the other person and the situation will be "charged" with the Cosmic Life Force of Creation. Then, you must leave the decision to the wisdom of the Spirit. You must switch to "autopilot" without knowing where you are going, but trusting that everything will be in the highest order.

If you want to focus on your physical body, illness or unbalanced situation, place yourself on the crystal table. State your desire, it can be a specific desire or a general "setting" as you would say.

Ask your Higher Self or I AM Presence to be your cosmic facilitator, watch the process as the Violet Flame flares and surrounds you as the Lightning beams are activated.

This will greatly increase and accelerate the release of residual dense negative energies within the physical structure and the process of building your body of Light. You will understand that you are not allowed to put anyone on your crystal table without their permission or with the permission of their Higher Self on special occasions.

Spend time inside your Pyramid of Power when you want to make a decision, affirm and energize your visions and aspirations. This is where you can apply the Universal Laws of Manifestation in their most dynamic form as you become masters of Creation.

Spend time clarifying your vision for the future in all areas: spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. Earlier we gave you a guide to materialize your desires; now we ask you to apply them within your Pyramid of Power and watch miracles happen.

If a we are talking about a group situation, say within the family or at work, imagine all the persons involved sitting on crystal chairs, and place the situation in the center. Ask the Higher Selves of each individual to stand behind them, presenting and asking for the best outcome for all.

Again, place the situation on the crystal table, presenting and asking for the best outcome for all. Ask for a "Divine Solution" and then spend as much time as needed focusing on the energy of the situation, watching as the Violet Flame magically assimilates it and Spirit Lightning transforms it into a higher form.

Personal Pyramid of Light-Force in the 5th dimension


Imagine, as best you can, that you are traveling up the dimensions into the Pyramid of Light.

There is a capstone on the pyramid, it contains a spiraling Rainbow Ray of Light of all colors, virtues and attributes of our Father/Mother God. Moving inside the world pyramid, look around: the walls and floor radiate inner Light, and in the center - a holographic image of the Earth.

Above Mother Earth hangs a majestic transparent quartz crystal. The crystal is pointed at both ends, and the top of the crystal penetrates the capstone of the pyramid.

The Pyramid of Light contains many levels of crystalline chairs. You have a seat on one of the crystal chairs.
Breathe in Light through your crown chakra and breathe out Love to Mother Earth through your heart chakra.

Your breath and thoughts/intention govern this process. You bring Light and send Love.

Your Love activates the particles of Light that the angelic beings collect and use for the highest good of all.

When we pray, as AA Michael taught us, we tune in to our Divine Mission and the Will of the Creator. When we do this, our Guides, Teachers and Angelic Assistants are given permission to help us move forward on the path of Ascension with ease and grace. We have Free Will and the Beings of Light do not interfere unless we give them permission to do so.

Translation by Alena Starovoitova

(Saint Petersburg)

Great family!

The 10:10:10 portal has opened up many opportunities for us to move into a better space every day. He showed how simple, in fact, this act of creation. However, many still remain in indecision, continuing to stand in front of the open gates, afraid to take a step forward. The reason for this is that we are used to feeling safe only when we see something in the distance (perspective). and it no longer matters whether what we see is positive or negative. THE MAIN THING IS TO KNOW WHAT IS AHEAD.

If it's joyful - fine, if it's negative - at least there is time to get ready to go through this segment of the path with the least losses. Or even go the other way. Lack of vision of the situation in advance and causes the greatest stress and drama of a person of all times and peoples. Stress from not knowing which way to rush or continue to stand still; drama from the habit of seeing the negative rather than the positive in the new and unknown. The easiest example is your friend / girlfriend, relative, acquaintance, family member stayed late in the evening, it’s dark outside, it’s cold, there’s no connection with him ... video clips in the mind, showing a serial horror movie from clip to clip, forcing panic, turning the person waiting into a paranoid shuddering at the slightest rustle.

Moreover, the one who is waiting is so drawn into the artificial horror of his position that he begins to draw out the outcome of the situation for himself in order to "see the whole picture as a whole", so to speak, the perspective in all details. At the peak of this, a knock on the door at any hour of the night is already seen as a relief from the opportunity to finally have confirmation of one's worst fears. The one who is waiting opens the door and sees the "culprit" of his worries cheerful, joyful, happy and with a cake in his hands.... lucky face.

It’s a paradox, but after the anxiety experienced in the inflamed brain, the expectant feels thrice deceived and his whole appearance says: “What impudence !!! YOU ARE ALIVE !!! You should have returned at least with a broken arm !!! Well, at least out of respect to me, with a black eye..."

It's funny .... but we all live like that, the question is: regarding what exactly do you create your horror films and who / what is "expected" for you: a new partner, work, children, ideas, moving, home, meeting with the authorities, crisis, inflation, payment for an apartment, a failed date, the need to set your boundaries or declare yourself, ascension, non-ascension?...

Anything, I assure you! For a person who relies only on three-dimensional reality, life itself is stress under the motto: "Life is the main cause of death." And at this stage, we are happy to see in our participants, using and applying the New Tools of the Spirit, a real improvement in life, through the perception of it as an endlessly expanding universe of wonderful new, better, brilliant opportunities. Their ability to live a higher life from a better perspective without even seeing the whole picture!!! A HUGE THANK YOU, FAMILY, HUMAN THANKS, for applying the knowledge gained.

And now the question is:

What helps a person and our participants to joyfully live the highest reality without seeing the whole picture as a whole - to go to bed peacefully in the absence of a delayed relative, having previously prepared a porcelain service and brewing for fragrant tea for the morning cake?


Trust in the Spirit backed up by real physical actions to use the Tools of the Spirit.

Yes, it's simple - there is no reason to fight for survival, being in the center of prosperity. There is a "magic" place for solving all situations and not only, to which access is open to every person on our planet, -


Moreover, in the New Energies, many build their pyramids already in higher dimensions. This wonderful Gift was given to Humanity by the Archangel Michael.

For you to master this wonderful tool - we offer free access to materials from one of our first webinars " Practical Tools Spirit: Pyramid of Love and Power".

Part 1

Part 2

I offer audio meditation "Pyramid of Light". It contains specific instructions given by Archangel Michael that will lead you to your Wish Fulfillment Pyramid. Enjoy your listening and let your dreams come true faster and better than you could imagine! The highest good! To help you with recommendations for performing audio meditations

"Beloved, try to visit your Pyramid of Light and Power every day. Get used to feeling the subtle energies in the pyramid, where your burden seems lighter, where hope begins to stir in your heart. Here you can find the courage and support you need to get through trials and tests of everyday life Here you will receive all the unconditional Love and Light of God and be able to integrate them Here you can help those in your life who are searching for the Path by radiating love and understanding, blessing them with the transformative energies of the Violet Flame Leave us your burdens and worries in your Pyramid, dear hearts, and you will see that your burden of life has become much lighter.

By joining us in the Pyramid of Light and Power in the fifth dimension, you are also helping to bring the subtle energies of Source down to the vibrational level of Earth and humanity. This makes these energies available to those who do not yet have the ability to reach the level of the Source of Power. In this way, you benefit the Earth and humanity on many levels. Do not for a moment doubt the significance of your role in this grand plan. Each of you is needed, and all of you are an integral part of the process."

Sacred Search: Messages of the Archangel Michael.
conductor: Ronna Herman (2008)

You can get a sound file of this audio meditation for independent work as part of a cycle of audio meditations, which includes 7 meditations for opening the heart and 8th, an additional wish fulfillment meditation.

Here full list Meditations of this cycle:

  • Light and Love - 20 minutes; 37 MB(mp3 file)
  • Self love - 22 min; 42 MB(mp3 file)
  • Love of Earth and Heaven 15 minutes; 28 MB(mp3 file)
  • Lake of love 13 min; 31 MB(mp3 file)
  • golden galaxy - 19 min; 43 MB(mp3 file)
  • The warmth of your heart 16 min; 25 MB(mp3 file)
  • Gratitude - 15 minutes; 38 MB(mp3 file)
  • Wish Fulfillment Meditation 17 min; 39 MB(mp3 file)

Archangel Michael:

Pyramid of Light and Power in the 5th dimension

Archangel Michael and Ronna German: Beloved masters, it's time to stop pretending that you and your world don't change with every moment and every thought. It's time to stop ignoring the offensive New Era and deny that with every thought and every action you are making the decision to follow the Light or the shadow. Do not extend your thoughts to the future and please allow the past to correct itself, for it will do so as you ascend into the fourth dimension and all the negative energies from earth's history will come into balance.

We recently talked about using your space resources. Let us enlighten you even more about how thoughts and conscious intentions affect the future. There are many possible futures for planet Earth that have been created by collective beliefs from the consciousness of humanity. You also have many parallel, or probable, futures that you have created for yourself - some strong, others weak - and there is usually one that has the highest probability because you have put the most energy into it. Soothsayers usually turn to the possibility that has the most intense energy, but thanks to your free will, the future is obedient to you and can change at any moment.

We have also explained how we collect the energy of the collective human consciousness each year and, after carefully studying the "state of the Earth", decide which of the possible options we should focus on. Earth is still a planet of free will, however some rules have been put forward to help you in your evolution and ascension process. When you align your intentions with Spirit by saying, "It will be done," or by crying out for "the highest good of all," you allow us to add your loving energy to the whole, and its scale increases dramatically. This also means that many possible options of the future, endowed with less energy, become less likely or disappear altogether, because they do not receive any reinforcement. Will this help you understand why you and the Earth are evolving so fast and making such big leaps in consciousness? Many of you are beginning to realize that you are truly creating your reality and are becoming quite adept at materializing what you want. However, in the learning process, you still do it with varying degrees of success. You are still limited by the energies of the third dimension when you touch the higher frequencies of the fourth and sometimes the fifth dimension. Let us give you an example of how most of you are accessing different levels of vibration and creating with the energies available to you.

Imagine that you are in an elevator that can take you to a place that we will call "Space Trade Center". The elevator stops at the 3D floor and you get off. Imagine a huge room filled with everything you can imagine, but there is complete chaos and confusion. Much is damaged and defective, and you must fight your way through all the levels, rooms, and departments to find what you want or what is in good condition. There is a cacophony of sounds, arguments and riots all around, because everyone on the floor is fussily trying to find what they want. The crowd feels frustrated with their useless running from place to place, and there is a sense of restlessness, impatience and fear in the room.

You return to the elevator and it takes you to the center of the 4D floor. As you exit the elevator, you notice that everything is much more orderly here. There is some confusion here, but it is easier to get to the place where the treasure you are looking for is stored. In some places, things also have flaws - as they say, second-rate goods. However, if you learn to focus on what you want, then you will quickly get to where it is and you can easily take it. There seems to be a lot of levels here, and if you have the "Keys of Mindfulness" you can open doors to even more valuable items. Gradually, you gain access to much of what you dreamed about and aspired to. As long as your intentions are pure and your vision unshakable, you can take the “object of your dreams” and bring it with you into the world of matter.

After a while, you can return to the elevator that goes up to the lower level of the fifth dimensional floor. Coming out of the elevator, you are surprised, our heart rejoices when a wonderful panorama opens up in front of you. Here is all the most beautiful that you could imagine; it touches all our senses and you know that this is where you would like to stay. However, you realize that this is not possible, because you came here only to find what you dreamed of and take it back to Earth with you. Whatever your heart desires, appears in front of you in that very second. Everything on this floor is perfect - there are no spoiled or second-rate goods here. You find that your desires are rapidly changing, and you want to acquire not so much "things" as qualities, virtues and properties. You are learning to seek a harmonious "State of Being". Now that you know that you can have whatever your heart desires, creating "things" takes on a whole new meaning.

Does what we have described seem like a fairy tale to you, dear ones? This is not a fairy tale. This is how you create in the world of matter. Sometimes you touch a small amount of higher dimensional energy and it seems to you that the fulfillment of your desires is a miracle. And you don't understand why sometimes "it" works and sometimes it doesn't. Now we will tell you about the right way appeal to the fifth dimension and its treasures at any time you want.

We often talked about pyramid and her power. We have helped you build a pyramid in the fifth dimension where you connect with your spiritual family and other star travelers. I hope you go there often, uniting in loving intent to send Light and Love and healing energy to the Earth and humanity. Now we will help you build the Pyramid of Power where you will go during rest and sleep to receive healing and support, to create what you want, and also to find the "Divine Solution" for all difficult situations and problems in your life.

Visualize the Pyramid of Light as best you can and express your intent for it to appear in the fifth dimension. At the top of your pyramid is a spiraling Rainbow Ray of Light that contains all the colors, virtues and attributes of our Father Goddess Mother Goddess. When you enter the pyramid, look around. The walls and floor glow from within, and twelve chairs of crystalline matter form a circle (you can add more from time to time). There is a crystal table in the center, and when you lie down on it, it fits perfectly to your body. Above the center of the table is a transparent quartz crystal. The crystal is faceted at both ends, and its upper part goes to the top of the pyramid. This is the main structure of your pyramid, however, we suggest that you arrange this sacred temple at your discretion so that it becomes only yours.

We will give you some examples of the most effective use pyramids. Suppose you have a conflict with some person in your life. In a state of meditation, enter your sacred pyramid, sit down on one of the crystal chairs and imagine that this person is sitting at the opposite end of the room, and between you, in the center, there is a crystal table. Ask your opponent's Higher Self to join you; you may want to talk to this person, but please keep your ego silent - speak from your heart, as your soul tells you. Objectively describe your vision of the situation, and then place it on the crystal table and ask for the "Divine Solution" and the highest result for both of you. Imagine the Violet Flame of Transformation emerging from under the table and surrounding the situation, bringing its energies into harmony and balance. Now imagine how a large crystal hanging over a crystal table begins to glow and emit rays of golden Light (this will be similar to the flashes of lightning that we see in the sky during a thunderstorm). This Light will first focus on the crystal table and situation, then it will spread out and reach each of you, eventually filling the entire room. You have touched the energy of the "Divine Source", and now you, the other person and the situation will be "charged" with the cosmic life force Creations. Then you must provide the outcome of this work to the wisdom of the Spirit. Engage "autopilot" so to speak, not being able to know where you are going or where it will lead, but trusting that it will serve a higher order.

If you want to focus on your physical shell, illness, unbalanced situation, then lie down on the crystal table yourself. Formulate your desire - it can be specific or, as you say, just "outline". Ask your Higher Self or "I AM" Presence to be your cosmic assistant and watch as the Violet Flame surrounds you and the flashes of Light come into play. As a result, the process of getting rid of the residual negative energies of your physical structure and creating your body of Light will become easier and more effective. You will find that you cannot place anyone else on the table without their permission or, in special cases, without the permission of their Higher Self.

Go to your Pyramid of Power when you need to make a decision, breathe energy into your thoughts and hopes. Here you can use the Universal Laws of Materialization in the most effective way, becoming a skilled master of co-creation. Go to the Pyramid when you need to clarify your vision of the future in all areas: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. We have already told you how to manifest your desires. Now we ask you to apply this practice in your Pyramid of Power and watch as your life is filled with miracles.

If we are talking about a group of people, such as family or colleagues, imagine all the participants in the situation sitting on chairs, and place the situation itself in the center. Ask the Higher Self of each to stand behind them, watching the process. Put the situation back on the crystal table, asking for the highest outcome for everyone. Ask for a "Divine Solution" and then spend as much time as needed focusing on the energy of the situation and visualizing the Violet Flame magically neutralizing it and the Glow of Spirit transmuting it into its highest form.

Sometimes you will want to be alone in the Pyramid of Power, and sometimes you will be able to expand it to any size, placing there many people and situations - both significant and not so - that need to be given the highest form of expression. By entering your fifth dimensional Pyramid of Power, you are getting rid of the negative distorted energies of the third dimension, of the contradictory and ambiguous energies of the fourth. The time has come to regain the ability to act on the refined levels of Light, where there is nothing but perfection. Beloved friends, you are becoming multidimensional Beings of Light, merging with your Spiritual Self and gradually transcending your personality. Many of you have reunited with your Solar Self, Galactic Self and are on the right path to your Source Self. This is what ascension is all about, beloved: regaining the many wonderful facets of your Self that you left as you descended into fairyland called Earth. We know how quantitative you really are, we see your limitless potential.

Enter our world, dear hearts; we are waiting for you.

I AM Archangel Michael

Channelings and Meditations of Archangel Michael:

By chronology of writing

Archangel Michael: Mastery Course

(Practical teachings of Archangel Michael on 8 pages, channelings, meditations, practices):

Archangel Michael and Celia Fenn:

Archangels and Angels:

Church of the Transfiguration
Painting in the Church of the Savior Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior. Built in 1814. with. (formerly Nikolo-K...