Tatar male names by month. Tatar names male and female

Any name in any language that has a positive meaning is considered Muslim.

Read about the ceremonies associated with the birth of a child in.

Gazi(Arab.) - making a hike, procession; striving; warrior.
Ghalib(arab.) - the winner.
Ghani(Arab.) - rich, owner of untold wealth. One of the names of the Most High.
Ghafoor(Ghaffard) (Arabic) - forgiving, merciful. One of the names of the Most High.
Gayaz(arab.) - an assistant, helping.
Gayard(Arab.) - courageous, brave, brave, decisive.
Gayas(Arabic) - savior, helper.
Gufran(Arabic) - forgiving.

Delil(arab.) - accurate, correct, truthful; guide (showing the way).
Damir- (Arab) conscience, mind; (Turkic) derivative from "timer-dimer" - iron; persistent.
Danil(Daniyal) (Hebrew - Arab.) - a gift from God, a person close to God; God is my judge.
Danis(pers.) - knowledge, science.
Danif(arab.) - the sun declining.
Daniyaz(Arabic-Pers.) - desire, need, need, necessity.
Daniyar(pers.) - smart, prudent, sensible.
Dauzhan(Turk.) - generous.
Daulat(Davlet) - wealth, country; happiness.
Dout(Dowd) (Arabic) - beloved, dismissive.
Dahi(Pers.) - the owner of great knowledge, foresight, a great writer.
Dayan(arab.) - rewarding for what he did, a great judge. One of the names of the Most High.
Dzhambulat- Bulat (Arabic) - very strong; Jan (Turkic) - soul.
Jamil(Arabic) - beautiful.
Dilyar(pers.) - sincere, heartfelt; comforter.
Dindar(Persian-Arabic) - very God-fearing.

Zhamal(Arabic) - camel (meaning endurance and diligence inherent in this animal).
Jaudat(arab.) - superior, irreproachable, spotless, without flaws; generous, generous.

Zabir(Arabic) - strong, strong, hardy.
Zayed(arab.) - growing.
Zakaria(Hebrew - Arab.) - remembering the Almighty; a real man .
Zaki(arab.) - smart, wise, capable; clean, straight.
Zakir(Arabic) - remembering, remembering; praising God.
Flood- the word “zalim” (the stress falls on the first syllable) is translated from the Arabic language as “unjust, cruel”. But "zalim" (the stress falls on the second syllable) is like an ostrich; oppressed, offended.
Zamil(Arabic) - friend, comrade, colleague.
Zamin(Pers.) - land, founder, ancestor.
Zarif(Arabic) - affectionate, attractive, sophisticated, beautiful; beautifully speaking; resourceful, witty.
Zafar(Zufar) (Arabic) - the winner who reaches the goal.
Zahid(Arabic) - pious, humble, Sufi, ascetic.
Zinnat(Arabic) - decoration, gorgeous, smart, beautiful, good.
Zinnur(Arabic) - light, radiant, illuminating.
Zia(arab.) - light, light of knowledge.
Ziyad(Arab.) - growing, increasing, maturing.
Goit(Dobit) (Arabic) - officer; rule, system, order, control.
Zubair(Arabic) - strong, smart.
Zulfate(arab.) - curly; loving.
Zulfir(Arabic) - predominant, superior; man with curly hair.

Ibrahim(Ibrahim, Abraham) (Hebrew - Arab.) - the father of peoples. One and the same name has different sounds: Ibrahim is used in the Muslim environment, and Abraham is used in the Jewish and Christian ones.
Idris(arab.) - diligent, learner, charming. The name of one of the prophets of the Most High.
Ikram(Arabic) - respect, reverence.
Ilgiz(Turkic-Persian) - wanderer, traveler.
Ildan(Türko-Tatar-Pers.) - glorifying the homeland.
Ildar(Tatar-Pers.) - having a homeland, leader, master of the state.
Ildus(Tatar-Pers.) - loving homeland.
Ilnar(Tatar-Pers.) - the fire of the homeland, the light of the homeland.
Ilnur(Tatar-Arabic) - the light of the motherland, fatherland.
Ilsaf(Tatar-Arabic) - from a combination of "il" ("homeland") and "saf" ("pure, noble").
Ilham (Ilgam) (Arabic) - inspired, inspired.
Ilyas(Hebrew - Arab.) - Divine power, miracle.
Iman(Arabic) - faith, conviction, worship.
Inal(Old Turkic - Tatar) - prince, aristocrat; lord, ruler.
Inar(Arabic-Tatar) - make sure, trust.
Insan(arab.) - a person.
Insaf(Arab.) - educated, modest, conscientious.
Irek(Tatar) - free, independent, independent.
Irken (Irkin) (Tatar) - generous, welcoming, wealthy.
Irfan(arab.) - enlightened, educated, well-mannered.
Irshad(arab.) - a guide, guiding, pointing.
Iskander (Alexander) (ancient Greek) - conquering the courageous.
Islam(Arab.) - obedient to the Almighty, worshiping.
Ismagil (Ismail) (Hebrew) - derived from the phrase "God hears himself."
Ismatulla(Arabic) - "under the protection of God."
Israfil(arab.) - warrior, fighter. The name of the angel announcing the coming of the Day of Judgment.
Ishaq(Hebrew - Arab.) - joyful, cheerful. The name of one of the prophets.
Ikhlas(Arab.) - sincere, sincere, devoted.
Ihsan(Arabic) - kind, good, showing mercy, helping.
Ichtiram(arab.) - honoring, respecting.

Yoldyz (Yulduz) (Tatar) - a star, radiant, light like a star.
Yosif (Yusuf) (Hebrew - Arabic) - the owner of beauty. The name of one of the prophets.

Kawi(Arabic) - strong, powerful, powerful. One of the names of the Most High.
Kavim(Arabic) - direct, honest, correct.
Kader(Arab.) - authoritative, respected, ambitious.
Kadir(arab.) - powerful. One of the names of the Most High.
Kazim(Arabic) - patient, balanced.
Kamal (Camille) (Arabic) - full, mature; brought to perfection.
Kamran(Pers.) - mighty, powerful, powerful, happy.
Kari(arab.) - a reader who knows the Koran, hafiz.
Carib (Caribulla) (Arabic) - close friend ("close" person to Allah).
Karim(Arabic) - generous, revered, sacred.
Kasym (Kasim, Kasym) (Arabic) - dividing, distributing, fair.
Kausar (Kävsar) (Arabic) - the name of the stream flowing in Paradise; living in abundance.
Kapil(arab.) - returning.
Kaharman(pers.) - hero, hero.
Kahir(arab.) - the winner.
Kahhar(arab.) - possessing power. One of the names of the Most High.
Kashshaf(Arabic) - revealing, revealing (all good).
Kayum(Arabic) - eternal, reliable, permanent. One of the names of the Most High.
Kiram(Arabic) - generous, noble, sincere, sincere.
Kudrat(arab.) - strength; a man who can handle everything.
Eid al(Arabic) - sacrificing, not sparing himself for the sake of the Almighty.
Kutdus(arab.) - respected, revered.
Kyyam(arab.) - ascended, resurrected.
Kamal(arab.) - reached, matured.

Latif (Latyf) (Arabic) - open, merciful; funny, witty.
Lockman (Luckman) (Arabic) - looking, caring.
Lutfulla(arab.) - God's mercy, His gift.
Lyabib(arab.) - smart, well-mannered.
Lyaziz(Arabic) - sweet, tasty.

Maqsud(Arabic) - sought, desired; goal; meaning, meaning.
Malik(arab.) - master, leader, king.
Mansour(Arab) - victorious, triumphant victory.
Marat- This is a new name that appeared among the Tatars after the 30s in honor of one of the leaders of the French Revolution, Jean-Paul Marat (1747-1793).
Masgood(Arabic) - happy.
Mahdi(arab.) - walking the right way.
Mahmoud(arab.) - praised, revered.
Minniyar(Arabic-Pers.) - helper, friend, comrade, doing good.
Mirza(Arabic-Pers.) - lord, nobleman.
Mikhman(pers.) - guest.
Mubin(arab.) - able to distinguish between truth and falsehood, open.
Muzaffar(arab.) - a victorious warrior.
Muqaddas(arab.) - holy, pure.
Mukim(arab.) - correcting; building; setting; performing; living, living.
Munir(Arabic) - illuminating, spreading light.
Murad(arab.) - desire, goal; something desired; intention.
Murtaza(arab.) - chosen, outstanding, beloved.
Musa (Moses) - (ancient Egyptian) son, child; (Greek) extracted from water.
Muslim(Arab.) - Muslim; obedient to the Creator.
Mustafa(Arabic) - even, superior, best.
Muhammad(Arabic) - the name "Muhammad" is translated as "praised, praised." Comes from the verb "ha-mi-da", that is, "to praise, praise, thank."
Mukhsin(arab.) - doing good, helping.
Mukhtar(arab.) - the chosen one; having freedom of choice.

Nabis(arab.) - a prophet.
Nadir(Arabic) - rare.
Nazar(Arabic) - this name can be translated as "far-sighted", as well as - "look"; "Looking at things from the good side"; "Vow (promised)"; "Dedicated to the Lord."
Nazim(arab.) - building, putting in order, collecting.
Nazif(Arabic) - clean, straight, healthy.
Nail(arab.) - receiving; gift, gift; benefit, benefit.
Nariman(Old Persian) - strong, hardy, sturdy.
Nugman(Arabic) - merciful, beneficent, gracious.
Nur(arab.) - light, shining.
Nuriman(arab.) - the light of faith.

Ravil(Heb.) - teenager, young man; spring sun; traveler .
Radik(Greek) - sunbeam.
Rais(arab.) - leader, head.
Ryan(Arabic) - the name of the heavenly gates through which those who were observing the obligatory fasting in the secular abode will enter on the Day of Judgment.
Ramadan (Ramadan) (Arabic) - the name of the 9th month of the Muslim calendar, the month of Holy Lent. This is the name usually given to children born in that month.
Ramiz(arab.) - a sign that symbolizes the good.
Ramil- magical, enchanting.
Rasim(Arabic) - accelerated step, move, fast movement.
Rasul(arab.) - a messenger; ambassador; messenger; apostle; precursor.
Rauf(Arabic) - merciful, sympathetic, compassionate. One of the names of the Most High.
Raphael(Heb.) - healed by the Most High. In the Torah - the name of one of the angels (Raphael).
Rafik(Arab.) - friend, comrade, travel companion; kindhearted.
Raheem(Arabic) - merciful, kind-hearted. One of the names of the Most High.
Rahman(Arabic) - merciful, merciful, forgiving. One of the names of the Most High.
Rashad(Arabic) - when the first syllable is stressed, the name is translated as "conscious, prudent"; "adult"; "Walking on the right path", with the emphasis on the second syllable - "consciousness, consciousness"; "Soundness, prudence"; "right".
Rashid(arab.) - walking on the right path.
Reed(arab.) - contentment; agreement; benevolence, benevolence.
Rinat(lat.) - renewed, reborn.
Rifat(Arabic) - high position, nobility.
Rifkat(Arabic) - blessed.
Ruzil(pers.) - happy.
Ruslan(Old Turkic - Tatar) - derivative from Arslan.
Rustam Is a very large person with a powerful body. In ancient Iranian folklore - a hero, a man-legend.
Rushan (Raushan) (pers.) - light, emitting light.

Sabir(arab.) - patient.
Sabit(Arabic) - strong, honest, keeping a promise.
Aloes(Arabic) - very patient. One of the names of the Most High.
Sadyk(arab.) - honest, sincere; friend.
Said(arab.) - lord, nobleman.
Salavat(arab.) - praising; blessing.
Salman(Arabic) - healthy, without grief.
Salah(Arabic) - useful, necessary; pious, God-fearing.
Samat(Arabic) - eternal; supervisor. One of the names of the Most High.
Samir(arab.) - interlocutor, storyteller.
Sardar(pers.) - commander-in-chief, leader.
Sattar(arab.) - forgiving, protecting. One of the names of the Most High.
Safa(Arabic) - pure, sincere.
Suleiman (Solomon) - living in health and well-being.
The sultan(arab.) - king, head of state.
Sufyan(Arabic) - proper name.

Tabris(arab.) - heritage, wealth; pride, greatness.
Tavfik (Tawfiq, Taufiq(Arabic) - blessing; reconciliation, appeasement; success, luck, happiness.
Tair(Arabic) - flying, soaring.
Such (Tags) - initially "Tagi" sounded like "Such", which in translation from Arabic means "pious, devout".
Talgat (Talat) — appearance, face; beauty, attractiveness, grace.
Tahir(Arabic) - pure, sinless.
Timerlan (Timur) (Turkic) - iron, persistent. In ancient times, when physically weak children were born in the family, the next child was given the name Timer, investing in this a plea for his health and resistance to illnesses and hardships of life.

Umar(arab.) - life, living. This name was given in the hope that the child's life would be long; the name of the second righteous caliph.
Umit (Umid) (Arabic) - expected, desired; dream.

Fazil(Arabic) - educated, talented.
Faiz(arab.) - a winner who achieves his goal.
Faik(arab.) - superior; excellent, great, amazing; conscious.
File- giving a good sign, which is a good omen.
Farid(Arabic) - unsurpassed, unique.
Farouk(arab.) - able to distinguish good from bad.
Fattah (Fattakhetdin) (Arabic) - who opens the doors of happiness, the winner; opening the doors of faith. One of the names of the Most High.
Fatykh(arab.) - beginner; winner.
Fayaz(Arabic) - rich, generous.
Fuad(arab.) - heart; mind.
Fyanis(pers.) - a lighthouse that illuminates.

Khabib(arab.) - beloved; favorite; friend; dear, beloved.
Haydar- a lion.
Hayretdin(Arabic) - the best in worshiping the Almighty.
Hakim(Arab.) - wise, educated, scientist.
Khalik(Arabic) - animating, illuminating. One of the names of the Most High.
Khalil(arab.) - a close friend; righteous.
Halim(Arabic) - soft, patient. One of the names of the Most High.
Khamzat (Hamza) (Arabic) - agile, scorching.
Hamid(Arabic) - commendable, worthy of praise.
Hammath(Arabic) - praising.
Hanif(Arabic) - truthful, honest, lover of truth.
Haris(arab.) - guard, defender.
Harun(Arabic) - stubborn, restive, headstrong.
Hasan(Arabic) - good, beautiful.
Hafiz(Arabic-Tatar) - who knows the Koran by heart; retentive. One of the names of the Most High.
Hezir (Khizir, Khidr) - the Holy Quran describes in detail several historical episodes, where the main persons are the prophet Moses and his teacher Khizir

IBRAGIM (Ibrahim, Parham) - ancient Hebrew. the name of the prophet Abraham, the father of nations

IDELA - tat. from Idel, Itil - Turkic name of the Volga river

IDRIS is an Arab. learner

IKRAM - Arab. honor, respect, reverence

IKRIMA - pigeon

ILMAZ (Yilmaz) - daredevil

ILKIN - the first

ILGAM (Ilham) - inspiration

ILGIZ is a Turk. traveler

Ildar (Eldar) - Turk. ruler, leader, master

Ildus (Yuldus) is a Turk. loving home

ILMIR (Almir) - (female f.Almira, Elmira, Ilmira)

ILNAR (Ilnur) - Arab. sublime light, light of the motherland, light of the fatherland

ILSHAT is a Turk. pleasing the homeland, meaning famous

ILYAS (Ilyaz) - ancient Hebrew. God's favorite who comes to the rescue

ILFIR (Elfer) - divine nectar

IMAN is an Arab. faith

INAL - master

INARA (Dinara) - Arab from the word dinar - gold coin; apparently here in the meaning of precious

INDIRA - ind. g.f. daughter of the Indus River (In India)

INSAF - Arab. Justice

IREK is a Turk. will (often found in the Irik form)

IRFAN - gratitude

ISA (Jesus) - ancient Hebrew. God's mercy, God's help

ISAM - guarding, protecting

ISKANDER (Iskandar, Eskander) - 1st other Greek. Alexander, defender, 2nd Arab. - conquering

ISLAM is an Arab. devoted to Allah, obedience to the Almighty

ISMAIL (Ismagil) - ancient Hebrew. God heard one of the names of the Prophet

ISMAT (Ismet) - Arab. purity, abstinence; protection

ISMATULLAH - under the protection of Allah

ISFANDIYAR - ancient Iran, the gift of the holy god

ISKHAK - ancient Hebrew. Isaac - laugh

ITTIFAK is an Arab. union, unity

ITTIFACT -tat. independence

IHSAN - sincerity, kindness, generosity

ISHBULAT - Turkic. similar to steel (damask)

ISHBULDY - Turk. become a friend

ISHGILD - Turk. friend appeared

ISHTUGAN - Turk. native

Tatar names.The meaning of Tatar names

Female Tatar names. Tatar names of girls

IDELA - Idel (Volga river) + -ya (an affix for the formation of female names).

IDELBIKA - Idel (Volga river) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). In a figurative sense: rich, stately, like the Volga.

IDEL - Formed by joining the word Idel (Volga River) with the affix -а, which serves to form female names.

IDEA - Idea, thought.

IDYLL - 1. Living calmly, serenely and happily. 2. A kind of poetry.

IZHADIA - Creativity, creation; inventor.

IKLIMA - Country, region; belt, climate.

ICRAMA - Exaltation, reverence.

ICTIZA - Necessity, necessity; desire, request.

ILIDA - the sun; sunny. From the title of the poem of the famous ancient Greek poet Homer "Iliad". Iliad> Ilida.

ILLARIA - Cheerful.

ILCHIGUL - Ilche ​​(messenger) + gul (flower). Flower messenger.

ILBIKA - The daughter of the country, the people.

ILGAMIA - Inspiration, inspiration, creative impulse, passion; experiencing inspiration, inspiration.

ILGIZA - Traveler, wanderer.

ILGUZEL - People's beauty.

ILGULEM - Flower of the country, people; figuratively: folk beauty.

ILGUL - Flower of the country, people; figuratively: folk beauty.

Ildana - Glory and pride of the country, people.

Ildarina - Formed from the male name Ildar (see).

Ildar - Formed from the male name Ildar (see).

Ildusa - A friend of her country, her people; loving her country, her people. Compare: Dusilya.

ILZADA - Child (daughter) of his country, his people.

ILZIDA - Growth, strengthening of the country's power.

ILZINNAT - Decoration of the country, people; figuratively: folk beauty.

ILNAZ - Nega of the country, people; folk favorite, folk beauty.

ILNARA - Flame, fire of the country, people.

ILNURA - Ray, the radiance of the country, people.

ILNURIYA - Ray, the radiance of the country, people; radiant folk beauty.

ILSINA - Chest of the country; in a figurative sense: the soul, the heart of the country.

ILSIA - Favorite country, people; loving her country, her people.

ILSIYAR - The one that the country, the people will love; the one who will love her country, homeland.

ILSTAN - Garden of the country, homeland.

ILSURA - Horn of the country; figuratively: folk heroine.

ILSYLU - People's beauty.

ILFA - Formed from the male name Ilfat (see).

ILFARIA - Lighthouse of the country, people.

ILFIZA - Silver of the country, people.

ILFIRA - The pride of the country, the national beauty.

Ilfruza - Pleasing her country, people.

Ilyusa - Il (country, people) + usya (growing), the country is growing, getting stronger. Dialectal variant: Ilyuza.

INDZHILA - Radiant; clarity.

INDZHIRA - Fig (southern tree with juicy sweet fruits).

INDIRA - In ancient Indian mythology: the goddess of the hurricane, lightning and war; queen of the gods. Girls are often named after Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India (1966 - 1977), leader of the Indian national liberation movement.

INDUSA - A new name formed by adding the affix -а to the first two syllables of the word industry, which serves to form female names.

INSAPHIA - Conscientious, honest, educated, disciplined.

INSHARIA - A new compound name formed by abbreviating the words inkilabi sharik (revolution of the East).

IRADA - Holy, good desire (wish); experiencing a holy, good desire.

IRANIA - Iran (country) + -ya (an affix for the formation of female names).

IRIDA - Girl, woman - white bone; heroine. V ancient greek mythology: daughter of Zeus's wife Hera. Goddess of the rainbow, youth, women and marriage.

IRINA - Calm; calmness. Affectionate form: Ira.

IRKYA - Gentle, affectionate, sweet child (daughter). Anthropolexeme.

IRKYABANU - Gentle, affectionate girl.

IRKYABIKA - Gentle, affectionate girl.

IRKYAGUL - Delicate, affectionate flower.

IRKYANAZ - Sweet bliss, affection.

IRKYASYLU - Gentle, affectionate beauty.

IRTIZA - Consent, satisfied.

ISANBIKA - A living, healthy girl.

ISANGUL - A living, healthy flower.

ISLAMIA - Islam (see the male name Islam) + -ya (an affix used to form female names). Submission, devotion to Allah; exemplary Muslim.

ISLEGUL - Fragrant flower.

ISMEGUL - The one called "Flower", with the name of the flower.

ISMENAZ - The one called "Nega", "Laska".

ITTAKI - She who takes care of herself, pious.

IFADA - Explanation, clarification.

IKhDA - Presented as a gift, as a gift.

IKHLASA - Sincere, blameless, honest. Variety: Ikhlasia.

IHLASIA - see Ikhlas.

IKHTIDA - Standing on the right path, finding the right path.

ISHBANU - Ish (couple, equal) + banu (girl). The one who, by her appearance, increased the family (about the girl who was born).

ISHBIKA - Ish (pair, equal) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). The one who, by her appearance, increased the family (about the girl who was born).

ISHEMBIKA - Ishem (my pair, equal) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). The one who, by her appearance, enlarged my family (about the girl who was born).

ISHSULTAN - Ish (pair, equal) + Sultan (see male name Sultan).

ISHSYLU - Ish (pair, equal) + sylu (beauty). A beautiful match, a couple.

ISHKHUBDJAMAL - Ish (pair, equal) + Khubjamal (see).

Tatar names Meaning of Tatar names

Male Tatar names. Tatar boy names

KABAI - Bast cradle, cradle. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Siberian Tatars in the name of Kabaev.

KABAN - Wild boar. It was given with a wish to the born boy of the strength of a boar. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Russians in the name of Kabanov. Anthropolexeme.

KABANBAY - Boar (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Preserved in the name of Kabanbaev.

KABANBEK - Boar (see) + bek (master). Preserved in the name of Kabanbikov.

CABLE - 1. Giving a reception, giving an audience, a greeter. 2. Strong, capable. 3. Fit, fit.

KABIR - Big, senior, great; significant

KABIS - From kabis ate - "leap year". This name was given to boys born in a leap year on February 29th.

KABISH - Sheep. This name was given to the boy with the desire to become the father of a large family in the future. Preserved in the names of Kabishev, Kabashev. Synonyms: Bite, Kuchkar, Tyaka.

KABUL - 1. Reception, audience, meetings. 2. Expression of Consent.

KABUTAR - Dove. Preserved in the name of Kabutarov. Synonyms: Kugarchin, Yunus.

KAVAS ~ KAVIS - Onion. Sagittarius constellation in the zodiac. Corresponds to the month of November. Variety: Kauvas.

KAVI - Powerful; powerful, omnipotent (one of the epithets of Allah).

KAVIM - Direct; correct, true, true.

KADAM - Step, step.

KADER - Honor, honor; respect; prestige, authority. Anthropolexeme.

KADERAK - Formed by joining the word kader (honor, respect) with the diminutive-affectionate affix -ak. Preserved in the surname Kaderakov.

KADERBAY - Kader (honor, respect) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

KADERBEK - Kader (honor, respect) + bey (master).

KADERBIRDE - Kader (honor, respect) + birde (God gave).

KADERGALI (KADERALI) - Kader (honor, respect) + Gali (see).

KADERGUL (KADERLIGUL) - Dear person. Compare: Sharafkul.

KADERJAN - Dear person.

KADERISLAM - Dear, revered servant of Islam. Synonym: Sharafelislam.

KADERMUHAMMET ~ KADRELMUHAMMET - Kader ~ Kadrel (honor, respect) + Muhammet (see). Dialectal variant: Kadermet.

KADERSABY - Dear child.

KADERKHAN - Dear Khan. Synonym: Sharafatkhan.

KADERSHAKH, KADERSHA - Kader (honor, respect) + shah.

KADIK - Pole Star.

KADIM - Old, ancient.

KADIR, KADIR - Almighty, mighty, omnipotent (one of the epithets of Allah). Anthropolexeme.

KADIRBEK - Bek is the servant of the Almighty (Allah).

KADIRGALI - Kadir (powerful, omnipotent) + Gali (see).

KADIRGALIBEK - Kadir (powerful, omnipotent) + Gali (see) + bey (lord).

KADIRGUL - Slave of the Almighty (Allah).

KADIRJAN - Child given by the Almighty (Allah).

KADIRKHAN - Khan is the servant of the Almighty (Allah).

KADISH - Formed from the ancient Türkic word qadas ("relative", "brother"). The name of the Kazan prince, who founded the village near Kazan, which was called Kadish. Currently - the name of a Russian village in the Vysokogorsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan. During the Kazan Khanate, in the direction of the Nogai road (in the valley of the Chirpa River) there was a Tatar village of Sarku-Kadish. This name is also found among the Mari.

KADRIMAN - Kader (honor, respect) + iman (faith).

Cossack - 1. War horseman, cavalryman, soldier. 2. A free settler on the outskirts of the Russian state (the Don valley, the Urals, Zaporozhye). Anthropolexeme.

KAZAKBAY - Cossack (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

KAZAKKUL - Cossack (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior).

KAZAKHAN - Cossack (see) + khan.

KAZAN - Kazan (cooking pot). It was given with the wish that the child was always provided with food. Anthropolexeme.

KAZANAI - Formed by joining the name Kazan (see) the invocative-command-imperative affix -ai.

KAZANAK - Formed by joining the name Kazan (see) the diminutive-affectionate affix -ak.

KAZANBAY - Kazan (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Preserved in the name of Kazanbaev. The name Kazanbai is also found among the Mari.

KAZANBEK - Kazan (see) + bey (master).

KAZANGUL - Kazan (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior).

KAZBEK ~ KAZIBEK - Kazi (see) + bek (master). At the beginning of the 19th century, in the possession of Prince Kazibek there was a village of the same name, located at the foot of a high mountain. The name of this village was later given to this mountain peak. Among the Tatars, starting from the 30s of the twentieth century, the male name Kazbek came into use.

KAZI - Judge; kazi. Anthropolexeme.

KAZIAKHMET - Kazi (judge) + Akhmet (see).

KAZIM - The one who does not pour out his anger, is patient. Nickname of the Shiite Imam Musa.

KAZIMUHAMMET - Kazi (judge) + Mukhammet (see).

KAZIKHAN - Kazi (judge) + khan.

KAID - Leader, leader; commander.

KAIL - Speaking, speaking; the narrator; the one who hands over something.

KAIM - 1. Standing on his feet. 2. Existing, living.

Kai - 1. Strong. 2. The name of the Kypchak tribe. Anthropolexeme.

KAYMURZA - Kai (see) + murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility). The head of the Kai tribe. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kaimurzin.

KAYPACH - From the Kaypach tribe. Variety: Kaibych. Allonim Kaibych may have been formed on behalf of Khaibull (see).

KAIKHAN - Khan of the Kai tribe. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kaykhanov.

KAYCHURA - Kai (see) + chura (boy; worker, farmer, warrior; friend). Worker (farmer, warrior) of the Kai tribe. Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryakov) in the names of Kaichurin, Kaichurov. Variety: Kaichur.

Cal - Anthropolexeme, used in the formation of male and female names. From the Tajik and Persian word hol ~ khal, meaning "birthmark".

KALANDAR - A homeless, wandering dervish. Preserved in the name of Kalandarov.

KALBAI ~ KALIBAY - With a mole, having a mole. The name Kalybai is also found among the Mari. Synonym: Minlebay.

KALBARS - Leopard with a mole (happy leopard).

KALBEK - Beck (master) with a mole (happy). Synonym: Minlebek. -

KALDARBEK - Beck (lord) with a mole; happy beck (lord). Preserved in the name of the Kaldarbiks.

KALDY - Survived. It was given to a boy who survived a serious illness. Anthropolexeme.

KALDIGUL - Kaldy (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior).

CALIMULLA - Speaking with God, uttering the word of God. One of the epithets of the prophet Moses. Dialectal variants: Kali, Kalyai, Kalkay, Kalyuk.

KALKAY - Happy, lucky. Preserved in the names of Kalkaev, Kalkin. Synonym: Minlekai.

KALKAMAN ~ KALKANMAN - A man with a shield. Preserved in the name of the Kalkamans.

KALKASH - Eyebrow with a mole. It was given to boys born with a mole above their eyebrows. Preserved in the name of Kalkashov.

KALMURZA - Having a birthmark (happy) murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility). Synonym: Minlemurza.

KALMUKHAMMET - Having a birthmark (happy) Muhammet. The name borrowed from the Kazakhs. Synonym: Minlemukhammet. Dialectal options: Kalmamet, Calmet, Kalmi, Kalmay, Kamet.

KALMYSH - One who will remain safe and sound. Variety: Kalmash.

KALTAI - Having a mole (happy) child. Preserved among the Ural, Siberian Tatars and among the Kazakhs in the name of Kaltaev. This name is also found among the Mari.

KAMAL - Completeness, maturity, perfection; flawless, perfect. Anthropolexeme.

KAMALETDIN - Perfection of religion. Dialectal variants: Kamai, Kamaly, Kamali, Kamkai, Kamuk, Kamush, Kamalyuk.

KAMAR - Month; lunar; in a figurative sense: radiant, light, beautiful, like a month. Anthropolexeme.

KAMARJAN - Kamar (see) + jan (soul, person). Synonym: Mahidjan.

KAMARETDIN - The beacon of religion.

KAMARUZZAMAN - The lamp of the era.

KAMARKHUZYA - Kamar (see) + khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher).

KAMBULAT - Kam (shaman, leader in pagan religions) + damask (steel top grade). Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the name of Kambulatov.

Camille - Perfect in all respects, the best, full, mature. Anthropolexeme.

KAMILDZHAN - Kamil (perfect, best) + jan (soul, person).

CAMILLIAR - Camille (perfect, best) + yar (comrade, friend).

KAMKAY - Formed by joining the word kam (shaman, leader in pagan religions) with the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surname Kamkaev.

KAMRAN - Mighty, powerful; happy.

CAMUS - 1. Ocean. 2. Dictionary. Preserved in the surnames Kamusov and Kamusin.

KAMYSH - Reed; figuratively: a man (boy) as slender as a reed. Preserved in the surname Kamyshev.

KANAK - In the ancient Bulgarian language and the language of the Argu tribe, the word Kanak had the meaning of "sour cream", "cream". This word, having figurative meanings "sweet, beloved, joyful child," in ancient times, Turkic peoples used as a male name. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars, for example, in the village of Molvino (Mulla Ile), Zelenodolsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan, in the name of Kanakov. Varieties: Kanakai, Kanakach.

KANAKAI - 1. An ancient name formed by adding the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai to the ancient Tatar word kan, which had the meaning of Wednesday (day of the week). The boy born on this day was given the name Kanakai. 2. In the Mongolian language, the word Kanakai means "high". Preserved in the surname Kankaev (this surname was owned by the legendary colleague of Emelyan Pugachev, Colonel Bakhtiyar Kankaev).

KANDAR - Sugar; figuratively: sweet. Preserved in the surname Kandarov.

CANDIL - Light source; lamp, chandelier, candle, candelabrum. Synonyms: Sirazi, Shamgun, Shomgy.

KAPKAY - Formed by joining the ancient Türkic word kap (close blood relative) with the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Siberian Tatars in the name of Kapkaev.

KAPLAN - Leopard, leopard. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryakov) in the name of Kaplanov. Anthropolexeme.

KAPLANBEK - Kaplan (leopard, leopard) + bek (lord).

KAPLANGARAY - Kaplan (leopard, leopard) + Garai (see).

KAPSHAI - Hasty; fast, zealous. Preserved among the Siberian Tatars in the name of Kapshaev.

Kara - In the ancient Türkic language the word Kara had the following meanings: 1. Black color. 2. Terrible, strong, powerful. 3. Abundant, rich. 4. Chief, great. 5. Common people, commoners. 6. Land, soil. 7. Look, look (meaning: "be born, be born"). Anthropolexeme.

KARAARSLAN - Black lion, i.e. strong, formidable lion. It was given with a wish to the boy the strength of a lion. Antonym: Akarslan.

CARABAI - 1. Strong, powerful buy. 2. Swarthy boy. Among the Tatars, Bashkirs and other Turkic peoples, it was also used as a nickname, which was given to dark-haired dogs. Compare: Baikara. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surname Karabaev, among the Astrakhan Tatars in the surname Karapaev. Synonym: Karabayan. Antonym: Akbay. Dialectal variant: Karapay.

KARABARS - Kara (black; formidable, strong) + leopard (leopard, tiger). Antonym: Akbars.

KARABATYR - Terrible, strong hero. Antonym: Akbatyr.

KARABASH - 1. Servant, worker. 2. A black-haired (dark-skinned) boy. Preserved among the baptized Tatars in the name of Karabashev. Antonym: Akbash.

KARABAYAN - see Karabay. The name of the Tatar village in the Sabinsky region of the Republic of Tatarstan. Synonym: Karabay.

KARABEK - Kara (formidable, strong; great) + bek (lord). Antonym: Akbek.

KARABI - Strong, powerful bi (prince, nobleman). Antonym: Akbi.

KARABIRDE - Kara (strong, strong) + birde (dal). God has given a boy who will become strong and strong. Antonym: Akbirde.

KARABUGA - Kara (black; formidable, strong) + buga (bull). In a figurative sense: the famous hero, hero. Antonym: Akbuga.

CARABULAT - Kara (black; formidable, strong) + damask steel (premium steel). Antonym: Akbulat.

KARAGAY - Larch ( conifer tree). It was given with the wish that the boy became strong as a larch. Preserved among the Ural and Bashkortostan Tatars in the name of Karagaev.

KARAGAN - The one who looked, looked (i.e. was born). The address book, published in 1875 in Kazan, contains the name Karaganov. This surname is also found among Russians.

KARAGACH - Karagach (tree). It was given with the wish that the boy became strong as elm.

KARAGUZYA (KARAKHUZYA) - Kara (formidable, strong; great) + khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher). Dialectal variant: Karguzya. Antonym: Akhuzya.

KARAGUL ~ KARAKUL - 1. Kara (formidable, strong; great) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior). 2. Watchman, security guard, patrol. Antonym: Akkul.

KARAEGET - Kara (black, swarthy; strong) + eget (young man). Antonym: Akyeget.

KARAISH - Kara (strong) + ish (friend, comrade, close person). Strong, strong friend. Antonym: Agish.

CARAI - Become formidable, strong, powerful. In the XII century it was widespread among the Kazan Tatars. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars, Uzbeks, Azerbaijanis and Russians in the name of Karaev.

KARAKAI - Formed by joining the word kara (black) with the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai. It was given to a dark-skinned boy. Preserved in the name of the Karakaev. Antonym: Akkai.

KARAKASH - Black eyebrow. It was given to black-browed boys. Among the Bashkirs and Kazakhs, the name Karakash is also used as a female one.

KARAKILDE - 1. A swarthy, dark-haired boy was born. 2. A strong, strong boy was born. Antonym: Akkilde.

CARACUZ - Black eyes. It was given to a black-eyed boy. Antonym: Akkuz.

CARACUZAK - Strong pod. It was given with the wish that in the future the boy would have as many children as peas in a pod.

KARAKUCHUK - Strong puppy. It was given with the wish that the boy was as tenacious as a puppy. Antonym: Akcuchuk.

KARAKUSH - Kite, golden eagle. It was given with a wish to the boy the strength and dexterity of a kite. Antonym: Akkush.

KARAM - Generosity, magnanimity; holiness. Anthropolexeme.

KARAMAN - Possessing wealth, strength, power. Preserved in the name of Karamanov.

CARAMAT - 1. Miracle, magic, extraordinary phenomenon, something mysterious. 2. Generosity, nobility.

KARAMATULLA - 1. Miracle, magic of Allah. 2. The Bounty of Allah.

KARAMETDIN - Generosity, mercy of religion. Dialectal options: Karami, Karai.

KARAMULLA - 1. Kara (formidable, strong; great) + mullah (spiritual mentor, teacher, preacher). Antonym: Akmulla. 2. The magnanimity, generosity of Allah.

KARAMURZA - Strong, courageous murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility). From this name, the Russian surnames Karamzin and Kara-Murza were formed. Antonym: Akmurza.

KARAMSHAKH, KARAMSHA - Karam (see) + shah.

KARAMYSH ~ KARMYSH - The child was born. Preserved in the names of Karamyshev, Karmyshev. These surnames are also found among Russians.

KARANAI - With a sullen face (meaning "serious"). Preserved in the name of Karanaev.

KARANIYAZ - Kara (formidable, strong; great) + Niyaz (see).

KARATAY - Kara (black; strong) + Tai (foal). Preserved in the names of Karatay, Karataev. These surnames are also found among Russians. Antonym: Aktai.

KARATASH - Kara (strong, powerful) + tash (stone). Mighty, holy stone. It was given with the wish that the boy became strong as a stone. Antonym: Aktash.

KARATIMER - Kara (black; strong) + timer (iron).

KARATUGAN - Kara (black, swarthy; strong) + tugan (born). Antonym: Aktugan.

KARAKHAN - Kara (black, swarthy; formidable, strong) + khan. Antonym: Akhan.

KARAKHMET - Kara (see) + Akhmet (see).

KARACH - Swarthy (man). It was also used as the nickname given to dark-haired dogs (zoonim). Preserved in the name of Karachev. This surname is also found among Russians.

KARACHAR - 1. Dark-haired, dark-skinned. 2. Having a strong, large family. This name is found in the books of the census of the population of Kazan and Kazan province of the 16th - 17th centuries. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Russians in the name of Karacharov. According to N.A. Baskakov, the Russian surname Karacharov is based on the geographical nomenclature kara dzhar (black yar, coast).

KARACHMAN - Swarthy man.

KARACHURA - Kara (black, dark-skinned; strong) + chura (boy; worker, farmer, warrior; friend). Preserved in the names of Karachurin, Karachurov. Antonym: Akchura.

KARI - 1. Reader; knowing the Quran by heart. 2. In the ancient Türkic language, the word "kari" meant "venerable old man, aksakal".

CARIBE (CARIP) - Close; blood relative, brother. Anthropolexeme.

KARIBETDIN - A person close to religion.

CARIBULLA - A person close to Allah.

KARIETDIN - A person close to religion.

KARIM - 1. Generous, noble, generous, merciful, with a broad soul, honest. 2. Dear, esteemed, dear. Anthropolexeme.

KARIMBAY - Generous, merciful buy.

CARIMBEK - Generous, merciful bey (master).

KARIMGUL - Generous, merciful servant of God (man).

KARIMJAN - Generous, kind soul.

KARIMETDIN - Generous believer respected by other people.

CARIMULLAH - Generous, beloved by Allah person.

KARIMKHAN - Generous, merciful Khan.

KARIMHUZA - Generous, merciful master.

KARIMSAH, KARIMSHA - Generous, merciful Shah.

KARIKHAN - Khan who will live to a ripe old age.

CARL - Brave man, man. A new name that came into use after the October Socialist Revolution and was given in honor of Karl Marx and Karl Liebknecht.

KARLYKHAN - Khan (boy), born during a snowfall or in winter.

KARMYSH - (see) Karamysh.

KARNAI - 1. Horn, horn. 2. A variation of the name Zulkarnay (see).

KARNAK - In the ancient Türkic language, the word karnak meant "having a big belly". It was given to a boy born with a large torso. Preserved in the surname Karnakov.

KARRAM - Winegrower.

KARTBAY - Old buy; a boy who will live to a ripe old age.

KARYNDASH ~ KARDASH - Born by one mother (together with someone), one uterine. This name was given to a child born of another (new) husband. Compare: Kodash. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryakov) in the surname Kardashev and among the Russians in the surnames Kardashov, Kardashev.

KASIM, KASIM - Dividing, distributing, distributing; sharing (with someone). Dialectal variants: Kasai, Kasi. Anthropolexeme.

KASIMBAY, KASYMBAY - Kasim (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

KASIMBEK, KASYMBEK - Kasim (see) + bey (master).

KASIMDZHAN, KASIMDZHAN - Kasim (see) + jan (soul, person).

KASIMKHAN, KASYMKHAN - Kasim (see) + khan.

KASIR - 1. Short, small. 2. Abundant; frequent, numerous.

KATIP (KATIB) - Writer, writing; Secretary. Dialectal variants: Katif, Kuti, Kutip.

KAUSAR - 1. From the word alkausar (the name of the heavenly source). 2. Abundance. 3. Honey sorbet, a sweet drink. The name Kausar in many regions of the Republic of Tatarstan is used only as a female name. In the Agryz region it is also given to boys.

KAFI - Capable, agile, efficient.

TILES - 1. Returning. 2. The one who takes responsibility; educator, guardian.

KAKHARMAN - Hero, hero. Dialectal variants: Karman, Karmanay.

KAKHIR - Winner in the fight, gaining the upper hand, conquering, winner. Dialectal variant: Cairo. From the allonim Cairo, the surname Kairov was formed, which is widespread among the Kazan Tatars. This surname is also found among Russians.

KAHKHAR - Possessor of great power (one of the epithets of Allah).

KACHKYN - Fugitive. In the old days, among the Turkic peoples, it was given to illegitimate boys; this name was also given to men who deserted to this tribe from another.

KACHKYNBAY - Kachkyn (fugitive) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

KACHMAS - Will not run away, will not run away. Preserved among the Russians in the surname Kachmasov.

KASHIF - Discoverer of the new, inventor.

KASHIFULLA - One who recognizes Allah.

KASHKAR - Wolf. A name associated with an ancient pagan custom. The word kashkar is still used in the Chuvash language in the meaning of "wolf". Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Russians in the names of Kashkarev, Kashkarov. Synonyms: Buri, Kashkar, Kurt, Chan.

KASHKARBAY - Kashkar (wolf) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Compare: Bayburi. Synonyms: Buribai, Changbai.

Cashmere - Open, clarify. Anthropolexeme.

KASHFELBAYAN - Kashfel (see) + Bayan (see).

KASHFELGAYAN - Kashfel (see) + Gayan (see)).

KASHFELGILEM - Discover new knowledge, develop science.

KASHFELZADA - Kashfeld (see) + Ass (see).

KASHFELMAGAN - Clarification, disclosure of meaning.

KASHFELMULYUK - Kashfel (see) + Mulyuk (see).

KASHFELHAK - Discovery of truth.

KASHFERAZI - Kashfel (see) + Razi (see). Dialectal variants: Kashifrazi, Kashbrazi.

KASHFETDIN - Knower, cognizing religion. Dialectal variants: Kashbetdin, Kashfi.

KASHFINUR - Find, discover the radiance.

KASHFULLA - Confession, disclosure of the soul to Allah, revelation to Allah.

KASHSHAF (KASHAF) - Discoverer, inventor; the one who explains, interprets. Dialectal variant: Kashap. Anthropolexeme.

KASHSHAFETDIN - Discoverer of religion, interpreting religion. Dialectal variants: Kashap, Kashai, Kashuk.

KAYUM - Eternally alive; unchanging, solid, reliable (one of the epithets of Allah).

KELYASH - see Telyash. In ancient times, the Bulgaro-Tatars used the solar-lunar calendar, according to which the eleventh month of the year was called Kelyau. Boys born this month were given the name Kelyash.

KECHEBAY - Junior buy. It was given to the youngest child in the family.

KESH - Sable (fur animal). Synonym: Samur. Anthropolexeme.

KESHBAI - Kesh (sable) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

KESHBI - Kesh (sable) + bi (prince, lord).

KESHMUKHAMMET - Kesh (sable) + Mukhammet (see).

KIEK - The word "kiyek" in the Old Tatar language was used to designate objects of hunting (deer, saiga, roe deer). Preserved in the names of Kiekov, Kiyukov, Kuekov, Kuyukov. Anthropolexeme.

KIEKBAI - Kiek (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). This name is still found among the Bashkirs.

KIEKKHAN - Kiek (see) + khan.

Keel ~ Kilde - Let it be born; was born. Anthropolexeme.

KILBAY - Keel (let him be born) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

KILBARS - Keel (let him be born) + leopard (strong as a leopard, a tiger).

KILBASH - Keel (let him be born) + bash (child).

KILDEBAY - Kilde (born) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Compare: Baygilde, Baikilde.

KILDEBEK - Kilde (born) + bek (lord). The name of the Tatar village in the Sabinsky region of the Republic of Tatarstan.

KILDEHUZA (KILDEHUZA) - Kilde (born) + Hodja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher).

KILDEGUL - Kilde (born) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior). Compare: Kulkilde.

KILDEKUSH - Kilde (born) + kush (couple, equal, friend).

KILDEMUHAMMET - Kilde (born) + Muhammet (see))

KILDESH ~ KILDEISH - Kilde (born) + ish (helper, child). In the language of the Lithuanian Tatars, the word kildshi ~ keldish means "the one who came to the bride's house, the husband." From this word the surname Keldysh was formed (according to N.A. Baskakov). Compare: Ischkilde.

KILDEYAR - Kilde (born) + yar (loved one). Preserved among the Tatars and Bashkirs in the surname Kildiyarov.

KILDURAZ - Kilde (arrived) + uraz (happiness). Preserved in the surname Kildurazov and in the name of the Tatar village in the Buinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. Compare: Urazgilde, Urazkilde.

KILMAK - The arrived (born) child. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surname Kilmyakov, among the Udmurts in the surname Kelmakov.

KILMURZA - Kil (let him be born) + Murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

KILMUKHAMMET (GILMUKHAMMET) - The earth under the feet of the Prophet Muhammet. Dialectal variants: Kilmet, Kilembet, Kilem, Kilmamet, Kilmi, Kilmay.

KILSENBAY - Let the buy come (be born).

KILTASH - Kil (let him be born) + tash (stone).

KILTIAR - Let the child be born.

KILCHURA - Kil (let him be born) + chura (boy, farmer, warrior).

KILABAY - Bai is born.

KIM - Abbreviation for Communist Youth International.

Kinzel - Wealth, value. Anthropolexeme.

KINZELGAYAN - Kinzel (see) + Gayan (see)).

KINZYA - 1. The youngest child. Dialectal variants: Kintya, Kincha. 2. Wealth, value. Anthropolexeme.

KINZYABAY - Kinzia (the youngest) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Younger buy (child).

KINZYABEK - Kinzya (the youngest) + bek (lord).

KINZYABULAT - Kinzya (the youngest) + damask steel (premium steel).

KINZYAGALI - Kinzya (the youngest) + Gali (see).

KINZYAGUL ~ KINZYAKUL - Kinzya (the youngest) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior).

KINZYAKAI - Formed by attaching the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai to the name Kinzya (the youngest). Preserved in the name of Kinzekiev.

KINZYAKAI - 1. Wealth, value. 2. Young man, young man. 3. Formed by the addition of the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai to the word kinzia, which means "just ripe". Preserved in the names of Kinzyakaev, Kinzikiev.

KINZYAKILDE - Came (born) Kinzia (see).

KINZYAMURAT - Kinzya (the youngest) + Murat (see)).

KINZYANUR - Kinzya (the youngest) + nur (ray, radiance).

KINZYASULTAN - Kinzya (the youngest) + sultan.

KINZYAKHAN - Kinzya (the youngest) + khan.

KINZYAKHMET - Kinzia (the youngest) + Akhmet (see).

KIRAM - 1. Generous, noble. 2. Dear, glorious. 3. Straightforwardness, frankness, sincerity. Anthropolexeme.

KIRAMETDIN - Generous, sincere servant of religion. Dialectal variants: Kirai, Kirami.

KIRAMULLAH - Generous, sincere servant of Allah.

KIRGIZBAY - Kirghiz (name of the people) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). This name is found among the Ural and Siberian Tatars.

KIREA - 1. Razor. It was given with the wish that the boy could resist evil forces like a sharp blade, a razor. 2. Be able to resist death. Preserved in the names of Kireev, Kiriev.

KICHUBAI - Head of the ferry. In ancient times: the position of a person in charge of crossings (in settlements located on the banks of large rivers). Preserved in the surname Kichubaev.

KIYAM - 1. Rise, rebirth. 2. Greet, meet standing. Anthropolexeme.

KIYAMBAY - Kiyam (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

KIYAMETDIN - The rise of religion.

KIYAMNUR - Rise, ascent of rays, radiance.

KIIAS - Comparison, Comparison; example, sample. Dialectal variant: Kiyaz.

CRIMEA - In the ancient Türkic language, the word corum was used in the meaning: 1. Scattered stones, fragments of rocks, boulders. 2. In a figurative sense: a myriad of livestock. This name was in use among the Tatars during the Kazan Khanate. That was the name of the grandfather of the Tatar poet Gabdrakhim Utyz Imani (1756 - 1836). Preserved in the name of Krymov. Stefan Ilchev notes that the surnames Krumov and Krumovsky, found among the Danube Bulgarians, come from the ancient Bulgarian name Krum (Crimea ~ Kyry), which has recently come into use again. Anthropolexeme. CRYMBAY - Crimea (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Bai possessing big amount livestock. Preserved in the name of Krymbaev.

KRYMSARAY - Crimea (see) + barn (palace). A palace with countless treasures. This name was given to a child with a wish for great wealth. Found in the books of the Kazan population census of the 16th and 17th centuries.

KRYMKHAN - Crimea (see)

KRYMKHUZYA - Crimea (see) + khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher). In the sense of "owner of a myriad of livestock."

KUANDYK - We were delighted (at the birth of a child). Synonym: Suyunduk.

KUAT - Strength, courage, power. Anthropolexeme.

KUATBAY - Kuat (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Compare: Baikuat.

KUATBIRDE - God gave strength, power (meaning: God gave a boy).

Cuba - Pale brown (color of animals). Anthropolexeme.

KUBAI - An ancient name formed by joining the word cube (pale brown - suit) with an invocative-reversible-imperative affix -ai. Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Siberian Tatars in the surname Kubaev (Kobaev).

KUBAKAY - A name formed by adding the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai to the word cube (pale brown - suit). Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryakov) in the surname Kubakaev (Kobakaev).

KUBACH - Pale brown (color of animals).

KUBASH - 1. Name of the bird (Shaikhulov). 2. Cuba (see)

KUBYAK - Dog; figuratively: comrade. It was given with the wish that the child was unpretentious, resistant to disease. It was in use among the Bulgaro-Tatars during the Kazan Khanate. From this name, the Tatar and Russian surnames Kubyakov, Kobyakov were formed.

KUGANAK - Formed by the merger of the word kuk, which has the meaning "heaven, god" in the ancient Turkic language, with the word anak, meaning "puppy". In the meaning of "sacred puppy". This name shows the phenomena of totemization (linking to the word anak - totem) and consecration (linking to the word kuk - "heaven."

KUGARCHINN - Dove. Among the Bulgaro-Tatars it was used as a male name. Among the Kazan Tatars and Mari, it was preserved in the names of Kugarchenev, Kugarchinov. Synonyms: Kabutar, Yunus.


KUGUSH - Formed by joining the word kugu, which in the Chagatai (Old Uzbek) language has the meaning "swan", the diminutive-affectionate affix -ish. In the Bulgaro-Tatar language it has the form Kugesh. The name Kugesh is also found among the Mari. The name of the village in the Zelenodolsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan. It has been documented that this village existed even during the times of the Kazan Khanate. The name Kugush was preserved among the Tatars and Russians in the surname Kugushev.

KUDABAY - Kum, matchmaker.

KUDAKAY - Formed by adding the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai to the word kuda (kum, svat). Among the Bashkirs, it is used in the form of Kuzakai.

KUDASH - 1. A name formed by joining the word kuda (kum, svat) with the diminutive affix -sh. In the meaning of "junior godfather, son of godfather." 2. In the ancient Türkic language, the word kudash meant "a boy born from one father, but from another mother (in relation to his half-brothers and sisters)". 3. According to Y. Garay, the name Kudash ~ Kodash is formed from the word kuldash (comrade). Compare: Karyndash. The surname Kudashev is found among the Tatars, Bashkirs, as well as Russians.


KUDRATULLAH - Embodying the power of Allah.

Kuz - Eye. Anthropolexeme.

KUZAK - Pea pod. It was given with the wish that in the future the boy would have as many children as peas in a pod.

KUZBAY - Kuz (eye) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Bai (boy) dear, like the apple of an eye.

KUZBEKK - Kuz (eye) + bek (master). In the meaning of "bek (lord) dear, like the apple of an eye". Compare: Kuzby. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surname Kuzbekov.

KUZBI - Kuz (eye) + bi (prince, nobleman). Bi dear, like an eye. Compare:

KUZGUN - Raven. Among the ancient Turks, the raven was a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, learning. Preserved in the surname Kuzgunov.

KUZI ~ KUZAI - 1. Spring litter. 2. Aries (zodiac sign). The Tatar name of the month is Hamal, which corresponds to the month of March in the modern calendar. The origin of this name is associated with the time of birth of Kuzi - spring litter lambs. The name Kuzi ~ Kuza was preserved in the surnames Kuzaev, Kuchiev and Kuzeev. Anthropolexeme ..

KUZIBAY - Kuzi (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Preserved among the Perm and Siberian Tatars in the names of Kuzibaev, Kuzybaev.

KUZIBALA - Kuzi (see) + bala (child).

KUZIBEK - Kuzi (see)

KUZIKILDE - A spring litter lamb was born. Preserved among the Siberian Tatars in the surname Kuzigildiev.

KUZIMKUL ~ KUZIGUL - Kuzi (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior). Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the name of Kuzimkulov.

KUZKAI - Formed by joining the word kuz (eye) with the diminutive-affectionate affix -kai. In the meaning of "dear child, like the apple of an eye". The name of the village in the Menzelinsky region of the Republic of Tatarstan.

KUIBAGYSH - Sheep grazing. In the meaning of "shepherd's assistant". Preserved among the Siberian Tatars and Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kuybagyshev.

KUICHIBAI - In ancient times, this name was given to boys born in the year of the Sheep according to the Eastern calendar. The Kazakhs still have the name Koishibai.

KUKE ~ KUKI ~ KUKUY> Sayfulla> Fathulla> Khaibulla> Gabdessattar> Gabdrakhman> Fayzerakhman> Gumar> Aivar> Kulsharif.

KUKKUZ - Blue-eyed child. An ancient ritual Bulgaro-Tatar name, given in accordance with the appearance, the color of the eyes of the child.

KUKLYASH - The name derived from the ancient ancient Türkic-Bulgar word koklyash, meaning "to put down roots", "to blossom". Preserved in the surname Kuklyashev.

KUKMURZA - Cook (blue) + Murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility). Perhaps the meaning of "holy murza".

KUKTAI - Gray foal.

KUKTIMER - Blue iron. In the meaning of "sacred metal". Compare: Timerkuk.

Kul - In the ancient Türkic language, the word "kul", in addition to the meanings "slave, servant", also had the meanings "servant of Allah, comrade, companion, farmer, warrior, worker, helper, representative", etc. Dialectal version: Gul. Anthropolexeme ..

KULAI - An ancient name formed by joining the word kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) with the reversible-nominative affix -ai. Dialectal variant: Cool.

KULAIBEK - Nice, pretty bek (master).

KULAHMET - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + Akhmet (see)).

KULACH - Laughing, smiling, cheerful child. Synonym: Kulemsar.

KULBAY - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Compare: Baigul, Baikul.

KULBARS - Kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + leopard (tiger). Preserved in the names of Kulbaris, Kulbaris.

KULBEK - Kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + bek (master). Preserved in the names of Kulbekov, Kulbekov. Compare: Bikkul.

KULBIRDE - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + birde (dal). Allah has given a helper. Compare: Birdekul.

KULGALI - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + Gali (see). The name of the 13th century Tatar poet Kulgali Mirkhadzhi, the author of the famous poem "Kyissa-i-Yusuf". Note: the separate spelling (Kul Gali) is incorrect. Synonym: Gabdelgali.

KULGARAY - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + Garay (see)).

KULGILDE ~ KULKILDE - Came (was born) a kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior). Compare: Kildegul. Preserved in the surname Kulgildin.

KULGYNA - An ancient name derived from the Mongolian word holgona (mouse). In ancient times, this name was given to boys born in the Year of the Mouse according to the "Animal cycle" (Compare: Syskan, Syskanbai; Tyshkan, Tyshkanbai, etc. - Bashkir and Kyrgyz names). The name that had spread among the Kazan Tatars in the XVI - XVII centuries... The name of a Tatar village in the Apastovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

KULDAVLET - Kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + davlet (state). One who serves for the good of the state. Compare: Davletkul.

KULIA Anthropolexema.

KULIBAY - Bai's servant. Preserved in the name of Kulibayev.

KULIBEK - Servant of the bey (master). Preserved in the name of the Kulibekov.

KULISH - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + ish (assistant, companion, child). Dialectal variants: Kulysh, Kulyash.

KULKAMAR - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + Kamar (moon). Servant of God (man) with the beauty of the month.

KULKUMAN - 1. A boy with light brown hair. 2. The old name of the Kipchaks. M.3.Zakiev connects its origin with the words cuba (pale brown) and kyuman (swan). The name Kulkuman is found in the census book of the Kazan province of 1602 - 1603.

KULMAN - Slave, servant, assistant.

KULMURZA - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + Murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility). Compare: Murzagul, Murzakul.

KULMUKHAMMET - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + Muhammet (see). Compare: Mukhammetkul. Dialectal variants: Kulmamet, Kulmet, Kulymbet, Kulmy, Kulmay.

KULMUKHAMMETAMIR - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + Mukhammetamir (see). Dialectal variant: Kulmamir. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the name of Kulmamirov.

KULSADYK - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + Sadyk (see). Devoted slave, servant; true friend.

KULSAIT - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + Sait (see). Compare: Saitkul.

KULSAMAT - Slave of the eternally living (Allah).

KULSARY - Holy, kind servant of God. During the times of the Kazan Khanate, on the side of the Dzhuriyskaya road there was a Tatar village named Kulsary. Variety: Kulsar. The name Kulsar is still found among the Mari.

KULTAY - Kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + tai (in the Mongolian language, tai is a masculine affix). Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks), Kazan and Siberian Tatars in the name of Kultaev.

KULTASH - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + tash (stone).

KULTIMER - Kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + timer (iron). The servant of God is hardy and strong as iron.

KULTUGAN - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + tugan (born).

KULTYABAY - Kultya (sheaf) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). This name was given to a child with the wish of wealth and abundant food. It is found among the Udmurts to this day.

Kulun - Foal. Anthropolexeme.

KULUNBAY - Kulun (foal) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

KULUNTAI - An ancient name formed by adding the affix -tai to the word Kulun (foal), which is a sign of the masculine gender in the Mongolian language. According to ON Trubachev, the Russian surname Kollontai comes from the Tatar name Kuluntai (among the Uzbeks - kulinta, among the Uighurs - kulunta - "wild ass").

KULURAZ - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + Uraz (happiness, joy). Happy servant of God. Compare: Urazgul, Urazkul.

KULCHURA - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + chura (boy; worker, farmer, warrior; friend). Preserved in the names of Kulchurin, Kulchurov. Compare: Churagul, Churakul.

KULSHARIF ~ KULSHARIP - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + Sharif (see). The name of Sait Kulsharif, the main imam of Kazan, who died heroically in October 1552 while defending Kazan from the troops of Ivan the Terrible. The separate spelling of this name (Kul Sharif) is incorrect. The Kazan Tatars have the surname Kulsharipov. Kulsharif is the name of a Tatar village in the Almetyevsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan. Compare: Sharifkul.

KULY - In the middle of the 19th century, the Kazan Tatars used the compound male name Maulakuly ("Slave of Allah"). Its second part (Kuly) was often used as an independent name. The fictional surname of the 17th century Tatar poet Maula Kuly (G. Sattarov). The surnames Kulyev, Kuliev, Kuleev, Kolov were formed on behalf of Kuly.

KUMACHBAY - Kumach (bread) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). The name given with the wish that the child always have a lot of bread and food.

KUMUSH - Silver, a precious metal... A symbol of inner purity, sinlessness. Anthropolexeme.

KUMUSHAI - Silver month. Compare: Altynai.

KUMUSHBAY - "Silver" (pure, sinless) buy. This name is also found among the Mari. Compare: Altynbai, Bulatbai, Kurychbai, Timebay.

Kuhn - 1. Sun. 2. The name of the ancient Türkic tribe Kun ~ Khun (Hun). Compare: Aftab, Kuyash, Shames. Anthropolexeme.

KUNAI - 1. Proud. This name is found in the books of the census of the Kazan Tatars of the 16th century. 2. According to T. Dzhanuzakov, the Kazakh compound name Kunai is formed from the components kun (sun) + ai (month). 3. In the Nogai, Kazakh, Kyrgyz languages, the word kunai (kuna + ai) meant "joy". Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Kazakhs in the name of Kunaev. This surname is also found among Russians.

KUNAK - Long-awaited; born away. Synonym: Mikhman. Anthropolexeme.

KUNAKBAY - Kunak (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

KUNAKKILDE - The long-awaited child was born.

KUNAKKUL - Kunak (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior).

KUNAKHUZYA - Kunak (see) + khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher).

KUNBAY - Kun (see)

KUNBAK - Let a child (boy) be born as radiant as the sun.

KUNBIRDE - God gave a child (boy) similar to the sun.

KUNGUR - Light-haired, brown. It was given to brown-eyed, fair-haired boys. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Russians in the name of Kungurov.

KUNGURBAY - Kungur (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Brown-eyed, fair-haired boy.

KUNDUZ - Beaver. Anthropolexeme.

KUNDUZBAY - Kunduz (beaver) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

KUNTIMER - Kuhn (see) + timer (iron).

KUNTUGAN - The sun has risen. The child was born as radiant as the sun.

KUNTUMYSH - Sunrise. The birth of a child as radiant as the sun.

KUNCHURA - Sun-like chura (boy; worker, farmer, warrior; friend). Preserved in the surname Kunchurin.

KURAMSHA ~ KHURAMSHA - 1. In the Mongolian language, the word kuramsha ~ khuramsha means "gathering in one place, uniting". 2. This name could also occur as a result of a phonetic change in the name Khurramsh ("cheerful shah"). Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the names of Kuramov, Khuramov, Kuramshin, Khuramshin. Dialectal variants: Kuram, Khuram.

KURAN - 1. In the Mongolian language, the word guran (khuran ~ kuran) means "three". In ancient times, it was customary for the third child (boy) in the family to be given the name Kuran (compare: the Russian name Tretyak and - Salis mean "third"). 2. This name is possibly derived from the Mongolian word guran meaning "saiga" (compare: in the Manchu language the word guran means "saiga", in the Altai language the word kuran means "ram"). Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the name of Kuranov. This surname is also found among Russians.

KURBAN - Victim; sacrificing himself, not sparing himself; closeness to Allah. Dialectal variant: Kurman. Anthropolexeme.

KURBANAY - 1. The name formed by joining the word Kurban (see) the reversal-nominative affix -ay. 2. A child born in the month preceding the holiday of the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha. Dialectal variants: Kurmanay, Kurmay, Kurman, Kurmanak, Kurmak, Kurmy, Kurbi, Kurmash.

KURBANBAY - Kurban (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Dialectal variant: Kurmanbai.

KURBANBAKI - Kurban (see) + Bucky (see).

KURBANBEK - Kurban (see) + bey (master).

KURBANVALI - Kurban (see)) + Vali (see).

KURBANGAZI - Kurban (see) + Gazi (see). Not sparing himself in the struggle for a holy cause.

KURBANGALI - Kurban (see) + Gali (see).

KURBANGILDE ~ KURBANKILDE - Came (was born) Kurban (see).

KURBANGUL (KURBANKUL) - Kurban (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior).

KURBANNABI - Kurban (see) + Nabi (see).

Qurbat - A name derived from the Arabic word karabat ("closeness to Allah; kinship, brotherhood; friendship").

KURMAY - see Kurbanay. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the name of Kurmaev.

KURMAN - Quiver. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Russians in the name of Kurmanov.

KURMYSH - Creating a family, family hearth... Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryakov) in the name of Kurmyshev.

KURT - Wolf. In the southern Turkic (Oguz group) language, the word kurt ~ kort is still used in the meaning of "wolf". Preserved in the surname Kurtov. Synonyms: Buri, Kashkar, Chan. Anthropolexeme.

KURTAY - An old name formed by adding to the word kurt ("wolf") the anthroponymic affectionate-addressing-imperative affix -ai. In the meaning of "strong and formidable, like a wolf." Preserved in the name of Kurtaev. Variety: Kortai.

KURTASH - An old name formed by joining the word kurt (wolf) with an anthroponymic affectionate-reversible affix -ash. Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the name of Kurtashov.

KURYCH - Steel (metal). It was given with the wish that the child (boy) grows strong as steel. Anthropolexeme.

KURYCHBAY - Bai (see) strong as steel. Compare: Bulatbai, Timebai; Altynbai, Kumushbai.

KURYCHBULAT - Kurych (steel) + damask (premium steel). Compare: Timerbulat.

KURYCHDZHAN - Steel soul, steel man. Compare: Timerjan.

KURYCHTIMER - Kurych (steel) + timer (iron). Compare: Bulattimer.

KURYCHKHAN - Steel Khan (meaning "strong as steel"). Compare: Timerkhan.

KUSAI - Formed by joining the Mongolian word kusa ~ khusa ("ram") with the nominative-imperative affix -y (-ai). It was given to the boy with the wish to become the father of a large family in the future. Preserved in the surname Kusaev. Synonyms: Tyaka, Kuchkar, Kabish.

BRUSH - Formed by joining the word bushes, in the southern and eastern dialects of the Bashkir language, meaning "younger brother, younger sister", the invocative affix -y. Affectionate form: Bushy. This name is found in the materials "Revision Tales" (Kazan province, 1834 - 1858).

KUSYABAY - The long-awaited bai (boy).


KUSYANAK - Long-awaited (child).

KUSYAPKUL - The long-awaited servant of God (boy).

Kut - 1. Soul, spirit. 2. Happiness, grace. Anthropolexeme.

KUTAN - Happy.

KUTBETDIN - Pole, the beacon of religion (meaning "glorified religious figure"); center of faith. Dialectal variant: Qutbi.

KUTDUSS - Holy, purest; very expensive.

KUTEK - Long-awaited child (boy). Dialectal variants: Kuti, Kutesh.

KUTEM - Long-awaited. Preserved among the Siberian Tatars in the surname Kutumov.

KUTEPALDYK - We finally got the (baby).

KUTEPALDYM - I finally waited for (the child).

KUTKILA - Happiness comes.

KUTLY - Happy, bringing happiness; alive, healthy, prosperous; praiseworthy. Preserved in the names of Kutlyev, Kutleev, Kutluev, Kotlin, Kutlin. Anthropolexeme.

KUTLYAHMET - Kutly (see) + Akhmet (see). Variety: Kutlymet.

KUTLYBAY - Happy buy. Compare: Baykutly.

KUTLYBARS - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + leopard (leopard, tiger).

KUTLYBEK - Happy bek (master). Dialectal variant: Kutbek.

KUTLYBI - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + bi (prince, nobleman). Variety: Qutbi.

KUTLYBIRDE - God gave a happy child.


KUTLYBUKASH - Happy hero, hero. The name of the Tatar village in the Rybno-Slobodsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

KUTLYBULAT - Kutly (see) + damask (premium steel).

KUTLYVALI - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Vali (see).

KUTLYVAFA - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Vafa (see)).

KUTLYGALI - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Gali (see).

KUTLYGALLYAM - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Gaul (see). The happiest person in the world.

KUTLYGALYAM - Kutly (see) + galyam (world, universe). The happiest person in the world.

KUTLYGARAY - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Garay (see). Synonym: Bakhetgaray.

KUTLIGILDE - A happy child came (was born).

KUTLYGUL ~ KUTLYKUL - The happy servant of God.


KUTLYJAN - Happy soul, happy person. Variety: Kutjan. Synonyms: Bakhetjan, Sagadatjan, Urazjan.

KUTLYZAMAN - Happy time... It was given with the wish that the life of the child was happy. Compare: Zamankutly.

KUTLYISH - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + ish (friend, comrade, child). Dialectal variants: Kutlysh, Kutish, Kutysh.

KUTLYKK - Happy man.

KUTLIKADAM - Happy step, a sign of happiness. It was given to the first-born boy.

KUTLYKAZAN - A cauldron full of happiness. It was given with the wish to the child a comfortable and happy life.

KUTLYKAY - A name formed by adding the diminutive-affectionate affix -kay to the name Kutly (happy, prosperous). Dialectal variants: Kutly, Kutlysh, Kuty, Kutysh, Kutui.

KUTLYKACH ~ KUTLYKASH - Lucky. Preserved in the names of Kutlygachev, Kutlygashev.

KUTLYKIL - Let a happy person come (be born).

KUTLIKILDE - A happy child came (was born).

KUTLIKUSH - Happy couple(equal, friend).

KUTLYMARGAN - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Margan (see).

KUTLYMARDAN - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Mardan (see).

KUTLYMURAT - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Murat (see).

KUTLYMURZA - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

KUTLYMUKHAMMET - Kutly (see) + Mukhammet (see). Dialectal variants: Kutlymbet, Kutlymet, Kutlyk, Kuty, Kutym, Kutum, Kutui.

KUTLYRAKHMAN - Happy servant of Allah.

KUTLYSULTAN - Happy Sultan.

KUTLYTIMER - Kutly (see) + timer (iron). Compare: Timerkutlyk, Kutlybulat.

KUTLYKHAN - Happy Khan.

KUTLYKHUZYA - Happy owner.

KUTLYCHURA - Kutly (see)


KUTLYUL - Happy, successful road. It was given with the wish that the child's life path was happy. Compare: Yulkutly.

KUTLYYAR - Happy friend, comrade.

KUTSAL - Give happiness, make you happy.

KUTTAIMAS - Happiness will not turn away from him, he will live a long time. Synonym: Jantaymas.

KUTTUMAK - Kut (see) + Tumak (see).

KUTUI - A happy person. Dialectal variant: Kutai. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surnames Kutyev (Kotyev), Kutaev (Kotaev), among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Bashkortostan Mishars in the surname Kutuev. The surname Kutyev is also found among Russians.

KUTUK - Happiness. Preserved in the surname Kutukov (Kotykov). The surname Kutukov is also found among Russians and Kazakhs.

KUTCHY - A happy person. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the names of Kutchin, Kutsin.

Kuch - Strength, power, energy. Anthropolexeme.

KUCHABAY - Bai (boy), born during the move (wandering).

KUCHARBAY - Bai (boy), who is about to move (migrations). This name shows that the life of the ancient Turkic peoples was associated with cattle breeding and had a nomadic character. Preserved in the surname Kucharbayev. Dialectal variant: Kuchay (Kuchaev).

KUCHBATYR - Bogatyr-power. In the meaning of "a hero with tremendous strength."

KUCHBEK - Head of the nomad (clan).

KUCHKAR - Sheep. Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryakov) in the surname Kuchkarev, among the Siberian Tatars in the surname Kachkurov. Dialectal options: Kuchay, Kachai. The surnames Kuchaev, Kachaev were formed from these names. Synonyms: Bite, Tyaka, Kabish. Anthropolexeme.

KUCHKARBAY - Kuchkar (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Compare: Baykuchkar.

KUCHKARBEK - Kuchkar (see) + bek (master).

KUCHKILDE - Power has come. In the meaning of "the father and mother's helper was born."

KUCHKUAT - Doubled strength. Preserved by the Astrakhan Tatars in the Kuchkuat surname.

KUCHMURZA - Strong Murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

KUCHTIRYAK - Strong poplar, support, support.

KUCHUK - Puppy, dog. This name was given with the wish that the child was tenacious like a puppy. It was actively used by the Kazan Tatars in the 16th - 17th centuries. Preserved in the surname Kuchukov. The surname Kuchukov is also found among Russians. Anthropolexeme ..

KUCHUKBAI - Kuchuk (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Compare: Baykuchuk. Preserved among the Perm Tatars in the surname Kuchukbaev.

KUCHUKKUL - Kuchuk (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior).

KUCHUM - 1. The one who moves, wanders. It was given to a child (boy) who was born during the move (nomad). 2. In the ancient Türkic language, the word kuch meant "country, family, house, tribe, people, group". The name Kuchem (Kuchum) is still used by some Turkic peoples. Preserved among the Siberian and Ural Tatars in the name of Kuchumov.

KUCHUMBAI - Kuchum (see) + buy (boy). A boy born during the move (nomadic).

KUCHUSH - Moving, wandering. It was given to a child (boy) who was born during the move (nomad). Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kuchushev.

Kushsh Anthropolekseme.

KUSHAI - Formed by joining the word kush (paired) with an invocative-command-imperative affix -ai. In the meaning: "find a pair, multiply, multiply, be fruitful." From the point of view of Y. Garay, the name Kushai means "seeker, discoverer". A. Idrisov interprets the name Kushay (Koshay) as "the leader of the bird flock" (figurative meaning: "the elder of the clan"). Preserved in the surname Kushaev.

KUSHBAY - Bai making a pair, making a pair.

KUSHBAKTS - The one who creates a pair is born, makes a pair.

KUSHBAKHET - Double happiness.

KUSHBEK - Beck (master), creating a pair, making a pair.

KUSHGALI - Twice as great. Dialectal variant: Ate.

KUSHDAVLET - Double wealth, wealth.

KUSHKILDE - The one who creates a pair came (was born) makes a pair.

KUSHLAVYCH (KUSHLAUCHY) - The one who, by his appearance, made a couple to the father of the family, i.e. the first boy in the family. The name of the village in the Arsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan (the native village of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay).

KUSHTAMAK - Double throat, with two throats (chins).

KUSHTIRYAK - Double poplar (two grown together poplars); support. In ancient times, the Bulgaro-Tatars had a custom: when twin boys were born, one of them was given the name Ishtiryak, the other - Kushtiryak (H. Mannanov).

KUSHCHI - An old name meaning: "a hunter, a man who breeds birds of prey (golden eagles)". Many Turkic peoples (for example, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Kirghiz, etc.) have tribes of hunters.

KUSHYURAK - Double heart; with two hearts. In the meaning of "brave, courageous person".

KYZYLBAY - 1. Red buy, i.e. bai (child) with reddish-red hair. 2. Merchant. Preserved among the Ural and Siberian Tatars in the name of Kyzylbaev.

KYZYLBASH - Red head. It was given to a boy with reddish-red hair.

KILYCH - Saber, blade, sword. It was given with the wish that evil forces always fear the child (boy), like a blade. Anthropolexeme. Synonyms: Sayaf, Sayf, Hisam, Shamsir.

KYLYCHARSLAN - Kylych (blade) + arslan (lion). It was given with the wish that the child (boy) was lively ("sharp" like a blade) and brave like a lion.

KYLYCHBAY - Kylych (blade) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Preserved among the Perm Tatars in the name of Kylychbaev. Compare: Baykylych.

KYRLAY - 1. The word "kyrlay", formed from "kyrlach ai", means "cold month". Kyrlach is the coldest time of winter; the big kyrlach corresponds to January, the small kyrlach - to February. In the old meaning "calendar" the word kyrlach is used to this day among many Turkic peoples. Among the Chulym Tatars, the expression kyrlach ai means "blizzard month", among the Karaites ulu kyrlash - "severe frost", kichi kyrlash - "weak frost". According to the Chuvash folk calendar, man karlacha uyeh - "month severe frosts", kessen karlacha uyeh -" a month of weak frosts. " 2. Small trader, peddler During the times of the Kazan Khanate, the villages of Old Kyrlaevo and New Kyrlaevo (now Tukai-Kyrlaevo) were located along the Alat road (Zakazanie).

KYRLACH - A boy born in the month of Kyrlach (the coldest month of winter). see Kyrlay.

KYAMAL - Maturity.

KYATIB - Big, great, important, significant

Tatar names Meaning of Tatar names

KABIRA - Big, senior, great; essential.

KABISA - From "kabisa ate" - "leap year". A ceremonial name given to girls born in a leap year on February 29.

KAVIA - Strong, powerful, powerful.

KADBANU - Lady, wife of the owner, mistress.

KADER - Honor, honor, respect, reverence. Anthropolexeme.

KADERBANAT - The most respected, revered girl.

KADERBANU - Dear girl.

KADERBIKA - Dear girl, woman.

KADERLI - Dear, dear.

KADERNISSA - Dear wife.

KADIMA - Old, ancient.

KADIRA - Almighty, powerful, one who can do anything, who has enough strength for everything.

KADRIDJIKHAN - The most respected and respected in the world.

KADRIA - Dear; worthy of honor and respect.

KAILYA - Speaking, talkative, storyteller.

KAIMA - 1. Support, support. 2. Standing firmly on your feet.

KALBIDJAMAL - Beautiful soul.

KALBIKA - A girl with a mole (meaning "happy"). Synonym: Minlebika.

KALBIKAMAL - Beautiful heart, soul.

KALBINUR - Light, radiant soul.

KALZUHRA - Zukhra (see) with a mole (meaning "happy").

KALIMA - 1. A beautiful word; eloquent, able to speak beautifully. 2. Interlocutor.

KALCHAR - Face with a mole. Synonyms: Minleuz, Minlerui.

KALYAMGUL - Flower of speech; figuratively: eloquent beauty. Dialectal variant: Halamgul.

KALYAMZA - 1. The golden word. 2. Keeping her word.

KALYAMKASH, KALAMKASH - Black, thin, gracefully defined eyebrows; thin-browed.

KAMALIA - Kamal (perfect) + -ia (an affix for the formation of female names). Perfection itself, perfect in all respects, without flaws.

KAMAR - Moon. Synonyms: Badar, Mahi. Anthropolexeme.

KAMARBANU - Kamar (moon) + banu (girl, young woman, lady). The girl is beautiful as the moon. Synonyms: Aybanu, Mahibanu, Shahribanu.

KAMARBIKA - Kamar (moon) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). The girl is beautiful as the moon. Synonyms: Aybika, Kamarbika, Mahibika.

KAMARGUL - Kamar (moon) + ghoul (flower). The flower is beautiful like the moon. Synonyms: Aigul, Makhigul.

KAMARIA - Moon, lunar; in a figurative sense: radiant, light, beautiful, like the moon.

KAMARNISA - A woman is beautiful as the moon. Synonyms: Ainis, Makhinis, Badernis.

KAMARNUR - Moonbeam, moonlight. Synonyms: Ainur, Makhinur.

KAMARSYLU - Lunar beauty; beautiful as the moon. Synonyms: Aisylu, Mahisylu.

Kamilia - Perfect in all respects, without flaws.

KAMRYAN - Having achieved the fulfillment of desire, blissful.

KAMYSHBIKA - The girl is slender, beautiful, like a reed.

CANDILA - Light source; kandil, chandelier. Synonyms: Syrasia, Shamgiya.

KANZILBANAT - Dear, dear girl.

KANZILGAYAN - Bright, obvious treasures.

KANZIA - Treasure, treasury; in a figurative sense: a girl who has just reached the age of majority.

KARAKASH - Black-browed.

KARAKASHSYLU - Black-browed beauty.

CARACUS - Black eyes; black-eyed girl.

KARAMA - Generosity; holiness.

KARAMNISSA - Generous, merciful woman.

KARASYLU - Swarthy, dark-skinned beauty.

KARACHECH - Black-haired (girl).

CARIBA - Close; a close, half-blood relative.

KARIMA - 1. Generous, noble, generous, merciful, with a broad soul, honest. 2. Dear, very dear, close. Anthropolexeme.

KARIMABANU - Karima (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

CARIMABIKA - Karima (see) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

KARLIGACH - Swallow. Anthropolexeme.

KARLYGACHBANU - Karlygach (swallow) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

KARLYGACHSYLU - Karlygach (swallow) + sylu (beauty).

KASIMA - Dividing, distributing; sharing with others.

Kasira - 1. Small stature, miniature. 2. Abundant, numerous, frequent.

KASIFA - 1. Thick, tight; 2. Thick, wide.

KATIBA - Writer, writing; woman secretary. Dialectal variant: Katifa.

KATIFA - Velvet, plush. Synonym: Hatfa.

KAUSAR - 1. From the word alkausar (the name of the heavenly source). 2. Abundant, full. The name Kausar in the vicinity of Agryz (Republic of Tatarstan) is also used as a male name.

KAUSARIA - Kausar (see) + -ya (an affix used to form female names).

KAFIL - 1. Caravan; Column. 2. Returning. 3. Taking responsibility upon herself; teacher, female guardian.

CAFIA - 1. Rhyme. 2. Play on words, pun.

KAKHIRA - Winner in the fight, winner. Dialect variant: Cairo.

KAKHRUBA - Yakhont, amber.

KASHIFA - Opener, inventing new things; open, found.

KASHFERUI - Open the face; with an open face.

CASHFIA - Invented, just discovered.

KESHBIKA - Kesh (sable) + bika (girl; lady, mistress); figuratively: dear girl. Preserved in the 17th century testament of the Kasimov Tatars "Kishbika bikach". Dialectal variant: Kishbika.

KIBARA - 1. Elders, big, great. 2. Important, serious, great.

CYBRIA - Pride; greatness.

KINZYA - Youngest child; youngest daughter. Anthropolexeme. Dialectal variants: Kincha, Kintya.

KINZYABANU - The youngest daughter.

KINZYABIKA - The younger girl.

KINZYAGUL - The younger flower, the younger beauty.

KINZYANUR - Younger ray (about the youngest daughter).

KINZYASYLU - The younger beauty.

KIRAMA - Generous, with a wide soul; dear, noble, noble.

KIFAYA - 1. Secured, self-sufficient. 2. Ability, talent.

CLARA - Light, open, pure, immaculate.

KUMUSH - Silver. A symbol of inner spiritual purity, integrity, sinlessness. Anthropolexeme.

KUMUSHBIKA - Kumush (silver) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

KUMUSHNUR - Kumush (silver) + nur (ray, radiance).

KUMUSHSYLU - Kumush (silver) + sylu (beauty).


KUNBIKA - Kun (sun) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

KUNJAMAL - Beautiful as the sun.

KUNNUR - Sunbeam, sunshine.

KUNSYLU - Beautiful as the sun.

KURBANBIKA - A girl who sacrifices herself.

KURBANGUZEL - Beauty who sacrifices herself.

KURBANSYLU - A beauty who sacrifices herself.

KUREKLEBANAT - A prominent, beautiful girl.

KUREKLEBIKA - Beautiful, prominent. This name is found in the epitaphs on the gravestones of the Bulgaro-Tatar graves of the 16th century in the cemetery of the Old Menger village of the Atninsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

KURKYAM - Beautiful, prominent, noble, noble.

KUSYABIKA - The long-awaited girl.

KUTDUSA - Saint.

KUTDUSIYA - Holy, most pure, immaculate.

KUTLYBANU - Happy girl.

KUTLYBIKA - Happy girl.

KUTLYNISA - Happy woman.

KUTLYSULTAN - Happy lady.

KUCHBIKA - A woman-head of a nomad (clan).

KUYASH - the Sun; figuratively: light; height; beneficence. Compare: Aftab, Kun, Khurshida, Shamsiya. Anthropolexeme.

KUYASHBIKA - Kuyash (sun) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). Synonyms: Kunbika, Khurshidabika, Shamsebika.

KUYASHJIKHAN - The sun of the universe. Synonym: Shamsejihan.

KYNA - Touch-me-not, balsam (plant).

Tatar names Meaning of Tatar names

Male Tatar names. Tatar boy names

LAZZAT - Sweetness; pleasure, pleasure, bliss. Dialectal variant: Lazdat.

LAZIZ - 1. Sweet, delightful. 2. Graceful.

LAZIM - Necessary, necessary.

LAIK - Worthy; appropriate, appropriate.

LAIM - Immortal. Dialectal variant: Laim.

LAIS - 1. Lion. 2. Someone who tastes something. Synonyms: Arslan, Gazanfar, Haydar; Shire, Assad. Dialectal variants: Laish, Lais.

LATIP - see Latif.

LATIF - 1. With an open eyes, friendly, charming, handsome, merciful. 2. Handsome, graceful. 3. Frisky, lively, agile, cheerful, playful. Anthropolexeme.

LATIFJAN - Latif (see) + jan (soul, person).

LATIFETDIN - Merciful, beneficent servant of religion.

LATIFULLAH - The Merciful Servant of Allah. Dialectal variants: Laish, Laty, Latuk.

LATIFKHAN - Latif (see) + khan.

LAUZ - 1. Almonds (fruit). 2. Sweet halva.

LACHIN - Falcon; in a figurative sense: symbols of heroism, courage.

LACHINBARS - Lachin (falcon) + leopard (leopard, tiger). An ancient Türkic name given with the wish that the boy was brave like a falcon and agile like a leopard.

LUKMAN - Caring, looking after someone, breadwinner.

LUKMANKHAKIM - Lukman (see) + Hakim (see).

LUT is a Hebrew name. The etymology is unknown.

LUTFETDIN - Doing good, showing mercy in the name of religion.

LUTFI - 1. Merciful, refraining from evil deeds, kind-hearted. 2. Good-looking, handsome, good-looking. Dialectal variant: Lutfi. Anthropolexeme.

LUTFIAHMET - Lutfi (see) + Akhmet (see). Compare: Ahmetlutfi.

LUTFIZADA - Lutfi (see) + Ass (see).

LUTFIRAHMAN - Mercy, the magnanimity of Allah. Dialectal variant: Nutfi.

LUTFIKHAK - Lutfi (see) + Hack (see). Mercy of the Almighty.

LUTFIYAR - A close friend (beloved person) with a wide, kind soul.

LUTFULLA - Mercy, mercy of Allah; God's gift.

LYABIB - Smart, capable.

Tatar names Meaning of Tatar names

Female Tatar names. Tatar names of girls

LEILA (Layla) - Arab. borrowing from other euros.

LEYSAN (Laysan) - spring first rain

LENAR (Lenar, Linur) - Arab. Light of Allah, (j.f. Linur form)

LILY is a Turk. Allah's beauty, flower

LINA (Alina, Elina) - Greek. chosen

LIA (Aliya) - Arab. sublime (male form of Ali)

LUTFI (Lutfi) - kind, friendly

LUTFULLA (Lutfulla) - Arab. God's mercy

LAYSAN (Laysan) - spring first rain

LAZIZA - 1. Sweet, tasty, sweet. 2. Graceful, with good taste.

LAZIMA - Necessary, necessary; the corresponding

LAISA - 1. Lioness. 2. Taste. Synonyms: Arslanbika, Haidaria, Asadil.

LAMIGA - Radiance; radiant. Synonyms: Balkysh, Hala, Balkia. Variety: Lyamiga.

LAMISA - Feeling, cognition through sensations, caressing.

LANDYSH - Lily of the valley (flower).

LARISA - Seagull.

LATAFATE - Elegance, attractiveness, beauty.

LATIFA - 1. Merciful. 2. Pretty, graceful, beautiful. Anthropolexeme.

LATIFABANU - Latifa (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

LATIFABIKA - Latifa (see) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

LATIFILJAMAL - Merciful beauty.

LAUZA ~ LAUZINA - 1. Almond tree, almond. 2. Sweet halva.

LAURA - 1. Laurel tree. 2. In a figurative sense: the winner, triumphant.

LEILA - 1. Night; evening. 2. In a figurative sense: black-haired. Anthropolexeme.

LEYLABADAR - Evening illuminated by the radiance of the full moon.

LEILABANU - Leila (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

LEILABIKA - Leila (see) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

LEILAGUL - Leila (see) + gul (flower).

LEILAJIKHAN - Leila (see) + jihan (world, universe).

LEILI - 1. Evening, night; evening night. 2. In a figurative sense: with hair as black as night. Anthropolexeme.

LEILIBANAT - Leili (see) + Banat (see).

LEILIDZHAMAL - Night beauty.

LEILIDZHIKHAN - Leili (see) + jihan (world, universe).

LEYLIKAMAL - Leyli (see) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws).

LEYLIKAMAR - Moonlit evening; Moonlight night.

LEYLIAR - Evening, night sweetheart.

LEYSAN, LAYSAN - From the Arabic word nisan ("generous"). According to the Old Syrian calendar: the name of the month of April, generous in precipitation. In the Tatar language: the first warm spring rain. Varieties: Leisania, Leysana.

LEYSANA, LAYSANA - A variation of the name Leysan (see).

LEYSANIA, LAYSANIA - Leysan (see) + -ya (an affix serving to form female names).

LEYSARA, LEYSARA - Lioness; tasting.

LEMARA - New name formed by abbreviating the surnames Lenin and Marx.

LEMIRA - New name formed by abbreviating the words "Lenin and the World Revolution".

LENA - 1. From the name of the Siberian river Lena. In the Evenk language, the word lena (elyyona) means "river". A new name that came into use as a memory of the Lena events (1912). 2. The diminutive form of the name Elena (translated from the Greek "torch").

LENARA - A new name derived from the words "Lenin army".

LENIZA - A new name derived from the words "Lenin's Testaments".

LENORA - Daughter of a lion.

LENUZA - A new name formed by abbreviating the words "Lenin-Ulyanov's behests".

LENURA - New name formed by abbreviating the words "Lenin established the revolution".

LEYA - Mountain goat, antelope, gazelle; in a figurative sense: gentle, affectionate (about a girl). Variety: Leah.

LIANA - Liana (climbing tropical plant). In a figurative sense: graceful, thin (with a thin waist), like a liana.

LYDIA is the Greek name for an area in Asia Minor.

LISA - An abbreviated form of the name Elizabeth ("God's oath, vow to God; worshiping God").

LILIANA - Lily (white tulip).

LILY - Water lily, water lily, white tulip.

LIRA - 1. Ancient Greek stringed musical instrument. 2. The symbol of poetry, poetry.

LIA - see Leia.

LOUISE - A feminine name derived from the name of Louis, which in Old French means "glorious battle, clash". A new name in honor of the heroine of the Paris Commune, Louise Machel.

LUKMANIA - 1. Caring, looking after someone, nurse. 2. Possessor of great intelligence.

LUTFIBANU - Lutfi (see male name Lutfi) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

LUTFIBIKA - Lutfi (see male name Lutfi) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

LUTFIDJAMAL - Lutfi (see male name Lutfi) + Jamal (see).

LUTFIKAMAL - Lutfi (see male name Lutfi) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws).

LUTFINISA - Lutfi (see male name Lutfi) + Nisa (see).

LUTFINUR - Lutfi (see male name Lutfi) + nur (ray, radiance).

LUTFIA - 1. Merciful, merciful, refraining from evil deeds. 2. With a pretty face, beautiful, graceful.

LUSIA (LUSIA) - A variant of the French name Lussi ("light"), adapted to the Tatar language.

LUCE - 1. Emitting light, radiant. 2. A new name formed from the second part of the word "revolution".

LYABIBA - Smart, capable, with a sharp mind, resourceful.

LAVIA - In constant motion.

LAZZAT - Sweetness; pleasure, pleasure, bliss. Dialectal variant: Lyazdat.

LAZZATELBANU - Sweet girl, woman.

LAZZATELDINA - The bliss of faith.

LAZATLUNYA - Bliss of the world.

LAZZATELNISA - Sweet girl (woman).

Lyalya - Lilia; Tulip. Synonym: Tulip. Anthropolexeme.

LYALYAGUL - Lily; Tulip.

LYALYAZAR - A meadow overgrown with tulips.

LYALACHEK - Lily; Tulip.

Male Tatar names:

Tatar boy names

Agzam - (Arabic) Tall, sublime.
Azat - (Persian) Noble, free.
Azamat - (Arabic) Knight, hero.
Azim - (Arabic) Great.
Aziz - (Arabic) Mighty, dear.
Aydar - (Tatar) 1. The hair of a man that has not been cut since birth. As a result, a large forelock grew. 2. The most worthy.
Ainur - (Tatar) Moonlight.
Ayrat - (Arabic) Astonishment; (Mongolian) Forest people.
Akbars - (Tatar) White leopard.
Alan - (Tatar) Good-natured.
Ali - (Arabic) Tall.
Alim - (Arabic) Knower.
Almas - (Tatar) They called this name so that the child would not get sick and the evil forces would not overpower him.
Diamond - (Arabic) Diamond.
Albert - (Latin) Glorious, famous.
Amin - (Arabic) Loyal, honest, reliable
Amir - (Arabic) Commander, ruler; Prince.
Anas - (Arabic) Joy.
Anwar - (Arabic) Light.
Arsen - (Greek) Strong, fearless.
Arslan and Ruslan - (Turkic) Leo.
Arthur - (English) Bear.
Asaf - (Arabic) Caring, thrifty.
Asan - (Tatar) Healthy.
Asgat - (Arabic) The happiest.
Ahad - (Arabic) The only one.
Ahmad or Ahmet - (Arabic) Praised.
Ayaz - (Tatar) Clear, light, sunny, radiant.
Bakir - (Arabic) Learner.
Leopard - (Old Tatar) Strong.
Batullah - (Arabic) House of Allah, Kaaba.
Bakhtiyar - (Persian-Arabic) Happy.
Golden Eagle - (Old Tatar) Symbol of heroism, courage.
Bilal - (Arabic) Healthy, alive.
Bulat - (Arabic) Iron, steel.
Bahet - (Arabic) Happiness.
Wali - (Arabic) Close to Allah, saint.
Vasil - (Arabic) Inseparable friend.
Wahid or Wahit - (Arabic) One, the first.
Vilen - (Russian) From Vladimir Ilyich LENin. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Vildan - (Arabic) Child, child.
Vladlen - (Russian) From VLADimir LENin. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Gabdullah - (Arabic) the same as Abdullah.
Gadel - (Arabic) Direct, fair.
Gaziz - (Arabic) Dear, dear.
Gali - (Arabic) Dear, high.
Hamil - (Arabic) Hardworking person.
Gayaz - (Arabic) Assistant.
Gerey - (Persian) Worthy.
Davlet - (Arab) State.
Damir - (Turkic) Persistent, (Arabic) Conscience.
Danis - (Persian) Knowledge.
Dayan - (Arabic) High Court (religion).
Deniz - (Turkic) Sea.
Denis - (Greek) from Dionysus - the god of the fruiting forces of the earth, vegetation, viticulture, winemaking. Son of Zeus and the mortal woman Semele. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Jamil, Jamal - (Arabic) Handsome.
Djigan - (Persian) Universe.
Dinar - (Arabic) gold coin; here in the meaning of precious.
Zabir - (Arabic) Solid, strong.
Zakir - (Arabic) Remembrancer.
Zaki - (Arabic) Virtuous.
Zamir - (Arabic) Mind, mystery.
Zarif - (Arabic) Affectionate, handsome, amiable.
Zahid - (Arabic) Ascetic, ascetic.
Zahir - (Arabic) Helper, handsome.
Zinnur - (Arabic) Radiant.
Zulfate - (Arabic) Curly.
Zufar - (Arabic) Winner.
Ibrahim - (Hebrew) Abraham, the father of nations.
Idris - (Arabic) Learner, diligent.
Ilgiz - (Tatar-Persian) Traveler.
Ildar - (Tatar-Persian) Ruler.
Ildus - (Tatar-Persian) Lover of the homeland.
Ilnaz - (Turkic-Persian) Il (homeland) + Naz (Tenderness)
Ilnar - (Turkic-Arabic) Nar (Flame) + Il (Motherland).
Ilnuri - (Turkic-Arabic) Nur (Ray) + Il (Motherland).
Ilsur - (Turkic-Arabic) Hero of the Motherland.
Ilshat - (Turkic) Pleasing the homeland, meaning famous.
Ilyas - (Arabic) Power of Allah.
Ilgam - (Arabic) Inspiration.
Iman - (Arabic) Faith.
Irek and Irik - (Tatar) Will.
Iskander is an Arabized form as well as in Greek Alexander - a defender, a winner.
Ismail and Ismagil - (Hebrew) God heard.
Ishaq - (Hebrew) Laughter.
Ihsan - (Arabic) Benefit, virtue.
Kadim - (Arabic) Old, ancient.
Qadir - (Arabic) Almighty.
Kamal - (Arabic) Perfection.
Camille - (Arabic) Perfect.
Karim - (Arabic) Generous, noble, generous.
Qasim - (Arabic) Distributing.
Latyf and Latif - (Arabic) A man with an open look.
Lenar - (Russian) Lenin's army.
Magdan - (Arabic) Spring.
Malik - (Arabic) Lord.
Marat - (French) In honor of the leader Fr. bourgeois revolution Jean - Paul Marat.
Mars - (Latin) God of War, planet. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Marina - (female) (Latin) Marine.
Marlene - (Russian) From MARKs LENin. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Marseille and Marseille - (French) in honor of the leader of the French workers, Marcel Cashen.
Masnavi - (Arabic) "Giving", gave the name to the boy who was born the second male child.
Mahmud - (Arabic) Illustrious.
Mirza - (Arabic-Persian) The son of the king.
Munir - (Arabic) Shining, illuminator.
Murat - (Arabic) Desired.
Murtaza - (Arabic) Pet.
Musa - (Jewish) Child.
Muslim - (Arabic) Muslim.
Mustafa - (Arabic) Chosen One.
Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammet - (Arabic) Praised.
Nadir - (Arabic) Rare.
Nazar - (Arabic) View, (Jewish) Self-Sacrifice.
Nazim - (Arabic) Builder.
Nazir - (Arabic) Notifier.
Nail - (Arabic) Gift.
Narbek - (Persian) From the fruits of the pomegranate, (Arabic) light.
Nariman - (Iranian) Strong in spirit.
Nasim - (Arabic) Warm wind, gentle.
Nasretdin - (Arabic) Helping religion.
Nafis - (Arabic) Handsome.
Nizam - (Arabic) Device, order.
Niyaz - (Arabic) Necessity; request, desire; present; grace.
Nugman - (Arabic) Red, boon, flower variety.
Nuri (Nur) - (Arabic) Light.
Ravil - (Arabic) Youth; (Hebrew) His friend is God.
Radik - (Ancient Greek) - Sunbeam

Rais - (Arabic) Leader.
Raikhan - (Arabic) Basil; bliss.
Ramil - (Arabic) Miraculous, magical.
Ramis - (Arabic) The Rafter.
Rasima - (Arabic) Artist.
Rasikh - (Arabic) Solid, steady.
Raushan - (Persian) Light.
Raphael - (Hebrew) God healed.
Rafik - (Arabic) Kind, friend.
Rashid and Rashad - (Arabic) Walking the Right Way.
Rafik - (Arabic) Friend.
Rafis - (Arabic) Notable, popular.
Rafkat - (Arabic) Seeing off.
Renat - (Russian) from Revolution, Science, Labor.
Rinat - (Latin) Newborn
Rizvan - (Arabic) Favor, satisfaction.
Rifkat - (Arabic) Friendship.
Robert - (ancient Germanic) Everlasting glory.
Ruzal - (Persian) Happy.
Ruslan - from Arslan.
Rustem - (Persian) Bogatyr, hero.
Rushan - (Persian) Light, shiny.
Saban - (Tatar) Plow, the name was given to a child born during plowing.
Sabir - (Arabic) Patient.
Sabit - (Arabic) Strong, durable, persistent.
Sagir - (Arabic) Child.
Sadri - (Arabic) First, main.
Sadyk - (Arabic) True friend.
Said - (Arabic) Lord.
Salavat - (Arabic) Prayer of praise.
Salamat and Salim - (Arabic) Healthy.
Salman - (Arabic) Necessary.
Sattar - (Arabic) Forgiving.
Suleiman - (Hebrew) Protected.
Sultan - (Arabic) Power, ruler.
Tahir - (Arabic) Birds.
Talib - (Arabic) Seeker, Desirer.
Tahir and Tagir - (Arabic) Pure.
Timer - (Tatar) So they called the young man so that he was strong as iron.
Timur - (Turkic) Iron.
Tukai - (Mongolian) Rainbow.
Ulfat - (Arabic) Friendship, love.
Uraz - (Turkic) Happy.
Ural - (Turkic) Joy, pleasure.
Uthman - (Arabic) Slow, but the etymology is not entirely clear.
Faiz - (Arabic) Happy, rich.
Fanis - (Persian) Lighthouse.
Fannur - (Arabic) Light of Science.
Farid - (Arabic) Rare.
Farhad - (Iranian) Invincible.
Fatih and Fatykh - (Arabic) Winner.
Fattah - (Arabic) Opener.
Fayaz - (Arabic) Generous.
Fidai - (Arabic) Willing to sacrifice oneself.
Fidail - (Arabic) Doing good.
Fidel - (Latin) Truthful, correct.
Firdaus - (Arabic) Paradise, the Garden of Eden.
Habir - (Arabic) Informant.
Khadi - (Arabic) Leader.
Khazar - (Arabic) Citizen, a person with an average income.
Hakim - (Arabic) Knowing, wise.
Khalid - (Arabic) Eternal, permanent.
Halik - (Arabic) Illuminator.
Khalil - (Arabic) Loyal friend.
Hamza - (Arabic) Sharp, burning.
Hasan - (Arabic) Good.
Khattab - (Arabic) Woodcutter.
Hisan - (Arabic) Very beautiful.
Khoja - (Persian) Lord, mentor.
Khusain - (Arabic) Handsome, good.
Chingiz - (Mongolian) Great, strong.
Chagatai - (Mongolian) Batyr, pleasant, sincere intention; child
Chuk - (Bulgarian-Tatar) A lot, in great abundance.
Chuak - (Turkish-Tatar) Clear, beautiful day
Chyntash - (Tatar) Granite
Shakir - (Arabic) Thanksgiving.
Shamil - (Arabic) Comprehensive.
Shamsi - (Arabic) Sunny.
Sharif and Sharip - (Arabic) Honor, glory.
Shafik and Shafqat - (Arabic) Compassionate.
Edgar - (English) Spear.
Edward - (English) Abundant, wealthy.
Elvir - (Spanish) Protecting.
Eldar - (Turkic) Ruler of the country.
Elmir - (English) Handsome.
Emil - (Latin) Diligent.
Yuldash - (Turkic) Friend, satellite.
Yuzim - (Tatar) Raisin, two faces.
Yulgiz - (Turkish-Persian) Long-liver.
Yunus - (Hebrew) Dove.
Yadgar - (Persian) Memory.
Yakub (Yakup) - (Hebrew) Following, the name of the prophet.
Yakut - (Greek) Ruby, Yakhont.
Yamal - see Jamal.

Female Tatar names:

Tatar girls names

Adeline - (German) Honest, decent.
Azalea - (Latin) From the name of the flower.
Aziza - (Arabic) great, dear.
Aigul - (Turkic-Persian) Moon flower.
Aisylu - (Bulgarian) Beautiful as a month.
Alice - (German) Beautiful.
Alia - (Arabic) Sublime.
Albina - (Latin) White-eyed.
Almira - (Spanish) from the Spanish town of Almeiro.
Alfira and Alfiya - (Arabic) Sublime, long-lived.
Amilya - (Arabic) Worker.
Amina - (Arabic) Faithful, reliable, honest.
Amira - (Arabic) Commander, ruler; Princess
Anisa - (Persian) Lighthouse.
Asia - (Arabic) Consoling, healing.
Bella - (Latin) Beautiful.
Valia - (Arabic) Saint, mistress, friend.
Vasil - (Arabic) Inseparable friend.
Venus - (Latin) Star, planet.
Violetta - (French) Flower.
Gadil - (Arabic) Direct, fair.
Gaziza - (Arabic) Very expensive.
Galima - (Arabic) Knowing.
Galia - (Arabic) Darling.
Gulnaz - (Persian) The tenderness of a flower.
Gulnara - (Persian) Decorated with flowers, pomegranate.
Gulnur - (Persian) Light of a flower.
Damira - (Turkic) Persistent; Russian "Give me a world revolution."
Dana - (Persian) Knowing.
Denmark - (Arabic) Close, glorified.
Jamila - (Arabic) Handsome.
Diana - (Latin) Divine, In ancient Roman mythology, the goddess of the moon and the hunt. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Dilyara and Dilya - (Persian) Beloved, beauty.
Dina - (Arabic) Faith.
Dinara - (Arabic) gold coin; value precious.
Zabira - (Arabic) Solid, strong.
Zakira - (Arabic) Remembrance.
Zakia - (Arabic) Virtuous.
Zalika - (Arabic) Eloquent.
Zalia - (Arabic) A girl with blond hair.
Zamira - (Arabic) Heart, conscience.
Zahira - (Arabic) Helper, handsome.
Zilya - (Arabic) Merciful, purity.
Zulfiya - (Arabic) Pleasant, pleasure, pleasure.
Zuhra - (Arabic) Shiny, light, star, flower.
Ildusa - (Tatar-Persian) Loving homeland.
Ilnara - (Turkic-Arabic) Il (Motherland) + Nar (Flame).
Ilnura - (Turkic-Arabic) Il (Motherland) + Nur (Ray).
Ilsia - (Tatar) Il (Motherland) + Siyarga (to love).
Ilsura - (Turkic-Arabic) Heroine of the Motherland.
Indira - (Indian) Goddess of War. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Irada - (Arabic) Will.
Irina - (Greek) Calm.
Kadima - (Arabic) Ancient.
Kadira - (Arabic) Strong.
Kadriya - (Arabic) Valuable.
Kamaliya - (Arabic) Perfect.
Kamila - (Arabic) Perfect.
Karima - (Arabic) Generous, noble, generous.
Qasima - (Arabic) Distributing.
Lala and Lala - (Persian) Tulip.
Lily of the valley - (Latin) Flower.
Latifah - (Arabic) Gentle, pleasant.
Laura - (Latin) From the laurel tree.
Lenara - (Russian) Lenin's army.
Leia - (Jewish) Antelope.
Liana - (French) From the plant liana, thin.
Lily and Liliana - White flower, tulip.
Louise - (French) Clash.
Lucia - (Latin) Light.
Laysan - (Arabic) Spring rain, the month of April according to the Syrian calendar.
Mavluda - (Arabic) Born.
Madina - (Arabic) City of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Maya - (Latin) From the month of May.
Malika - (Arabic) Queen.
Miriam - (Hebrew) This was the name of the holy mother of Isa (Jesus).
Milyausha - (Persian) Violet.
Munira - (Arabic) Shining, illuminating.
Nadira - (Arabic) Rare.
Nadia - (Arabic) Inviting.
Nazira - (Arabic) Giving a vow, a promise.
Nayla - (Arabic) The one who received the boon.
Nasima - (Arabic) Warm wind, gentle.
Nafisa - (Arabic) Burning out.
Nuria (Nur) - (Arabic) Light.
Rada - (Russian) Joy.
Raila - (Arabic) Founder.
Raikhan - (Arabic) Basil, fragrant flower.
Ramil - (Arabic) Miraculous, magical.
Rana and Rania - (Arabic) Beautiful.
Rasima - (Arabic) Artist.
Raushaniya - (Persian) Light.
Rashida - (Arabic) Walking the right way.
Regina - (Latin) Queen.
Reseda - (French) From the name of a flower with a pleasant aroma.
Renata - (Russian) from Revolution, Science, Labor.
Riza, Rida - (Arabic) Satisfied.
Rinata - (Latin) Reborn
Rosalia, Rose - (Latin) Rose.
Roxanne - (Persian) Dawn.
Rumia - (Arabic) Roman woman.
Rushaniya - (Persian) Light, shiny.
Sabira - (Arabic) Patient.
Sagira - (Arabic) Little.
Sagia - (Arabic) Attentive.
Sadika - (Arabic) Truthful or true friend.
Saida - (Arabic) Mistress.
Sania - (Arabic) Pleasant light.
Sarah - (Hebrew) Mistress.
Sultana - (Arabic) Power, ruler.
Sufi - (Arabic) Pure, transparent.
Tabiba - (Arabic) Doctor.
Tavisa - (Arabic) Peacock.
Taiba - (Arabic) Good.
Taqiya - (Arabic) God-fearing.
Tamara - (Hebrew) Fig; Date palm
Tanzilya- (Arabic) Carrying.
Tansylu (Turkic) Beautiful sunrise
Tanyulduz - (Tatar) Morning Star (planet Venus)
Tatlybike - (Tatar) Sweet
Tahira - (Arabic) Pure.
Tahiya - (Arabic) Welcoming
Tashbike - (Tatar) Strong
Tulip - (Dutch)
Uka - (Tatar) Beautiful
Urazbike - (Tatar) Happy
Faiza - (Arabic) Winner.
Falia - (Arabic) Happiness, will lead to good, will turn out to be good.
Fardana - (Arabic) Required.
Farida - (Arabic) The only one, Self-sufficient.
Farhiya - (Arabic) Delighted, Received the Good News
Fatima - (Arabic) Weaned; That was the name of the daughter of the Prophet (s.a.s.), the wife of the 4th righteous caliph for her, the meaning of her name is she who was excommunicated from the fire.
Fathia - (Arabic) Victory, place of victory.
Fauzia - (Arabic) Winner.
Fahima - (Arabic) Smart, understanding.
Firaya - (Arabic) Beautiful.
Firuza - (Old Persian) Radiant, turquoise, happy.
Khadiya - (Turkic) Gift.
Hakima - (Arabic) Wise.
Khalida - (Arabic) Eternal, permanent.
Khalilah - (Arabic) Close, faithful friend.
Khamisa - (Arabic) Fifth.
Hasana - (Arabic) Good.
Chia - (Tatar) Fruit tree.
Chulpan - (Turkic) Morning Star, Planet Venus.
Shadida - (Arabic) Strong.
Shaida - (Persian) Favorite.
Shakira - (Arabic) Grateful.
Shamil - (Arabic) Comprehensive.
Shamsiya - (Persian) Sunny.
Shirin - (Persian) Sweet (from folklore).
Evelina - (French) Hazelnut.
Elvira - (Spanish) Protecting.
Elmira - (English) Handsome.
Emilia - (Latin) Diligent.
Yuldus - (Tatar) Star.
Julia - (Latin) Wave, hot.
Yulgiza - (Turkish-Persian) Longevity.
Yaria - (Persian) Friend, girlfriend.
Yasina - (Arabic) By the name of the surah of the Qur'an
Yasira - (Arabic) Light, relief.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, experts in esotericism and occultism, the authors of 14 books.

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Tatar names

Tatar male names and their meaning

Tatar names originated from Persian, Arabic and Turkic names.

Male Tatar names

Abdullah- servant of God

Abzaltdin- noble faith

Abdurrauf- of 2 names: Abdul and Rauf

Absalam- from the words abu - son and salam - greeting

Agzam- high, sublime

Adib- scientist, educated

Azat- free

Azamat- greatness, glory

Aziz- mighty, dear

Aydar- worthy, of worthy husbands

Ainur- Moonlight

Ayrat- amazement

Aytugan- moonrise

Akram- generous

Ali- sublime (female Alia)

Alim- knowledgeable (wives of Alim)

Aladdin- believing in Allah, Allah - God, din - faith

Almas- diamond

Diamond- precious stone

Alfanis- of 2 names: Ali and Fanis

Amanullah- faithful son

Amine- faithful, honest (female Amina)

Anas (Anis)- friend (female Anisa)

Anwar (Anver, Enver)- radiant, light (one of the suras of the Quran)

Ansar- assistant

Assad- a lion

Asadullah- the lion of Allah

Asan (Hasan, Hasyan, Hussein, Khusain)- good

Afzal- worthy

Ahad (Ahat)- the only one

Ahmet (Ahmad)- illustrious

Ahmad (Ahmet)- illustrious

Ahmar (Ahmer)- Red

Akhbar- star

Akhund- lord

Ayaz- Starlight Night

Bakir (Bagir)- studying

Bakhtiyar- happy

Bayram (Baryam)- holiday

Bayaz- White

Bikbulat- steel beck, sir

Bikby- too rich

Bilal- healthy, alive

Bulat- hardened iron, steel

Buranbai- was born during a blizzard

Burangul- was born during a blizzard

Bouranches- was born during a blizzard

Vasikh- clear

Vakil- authorized

Vali (Vali)- close, saint

Walid (Fells, Dried)

Vasil- inseparable (Vasil's wife)

Wasim- beautiful

Wafa- loyalty

Vahid (Vahed, Vahit)- single

Vildan- child, child

Wil- close, saint

Dried (Valit, Walid)- child, descendant (female Valida)

Vali (Vali)- close, saint

Gabit- worshiper

Gabdullah (Abdullah)- servant of Allah, servant of God

Gazi- warrior for faith

Gaziz (Aziz)- mighty, dear

Gazim (Azim)- great

Gainutdin- rich in faith

Gainulla- the son of a rich man

Gali- sublime (female Galia)

Galiascar- junior Gali

Ghani- rich

Hanis- from germ. named Hans (Hans)

Gafar (Ghaffar, Ghafoor)- forgiving (female Gafur)

Gayan- noble

Gayard- noble

Gulzar- flower garden (female Gulzifa)

Huseyn (Hussein, Khusain, Hasan, Khasyan)- good

Davlet- happiness, wealth

Dawud- favourite

Damir- persistent (female Damir)

Daniyar- illustrious (female Denmark)

Dowd (Dowth)- favourite

Dayan- hold on

Denise- sea

Jalil- perhaps from Jamil - beautiful

Jamil (Jamal)- beautiful (female Jamil)

Jafar (Jafar, Jabar)- leader, chief

Edigar- holy, kind, beneficent person

Ermek- bearing the yoke (or abbreviated from Yarmukhammet (associate of Muhammad)

Euphratesfresh water, river

Jabar (Jafar, Jafar)- leader, chief

Zainulla- decoration of Allah

Zakir- memorable

Zakia- virtuous

Zamam- time, era

Zahid- ascetic, ascetic

Zahir- assistant (female Zahira)

Zemfir (Zephyr)- type of sweetness (female Zemfira)

Zinnat- decoration

Zinatulla (Zinetulla)- decoration of Allah

Zinnur- radiant, turquoise

Ibrahim- father of nations

Idris- student

Ikram- honor, respect

Ilgiz- traveler

Ildar- ruler

Ildus (Yuldus)- loving home

Ilnur- sublime light

Ilshat- pleasing the homeland, famous

Ilyas (Ilyaz)- God's favorite

Iman- faith

Insaf- Justice

Irek (Irik)- will

Isa- God's mercy

Iskander (Iskandar)- defender

Islam- loyal to Allah

Ismail (Ismagil)- God heard

Ismat (Ismet)- purity, abstinence, protection

Isfandiyar- the gift of a holy god

Ishaq- laughter

Ittifak- union, unity

Ishbulat- similar to damask

Ishbuldy- became a friend

Ischgild- a friend appeared

Ishtugan- native

Kabir- great (female Kabir)

Kadir (Kadir)- almighty (female Kadriya)

Calimulla- good son

Kamal- perfection

Camille (Kafil)- perfect (female Kamil)

Karim (Kirim)- generous, noble (female Karim)

Capis- possibly from Kapyats - a man's headdress

Kasim- distributor (female Kasym, Kasim)

Katib- writer writing

Kashfulla- discoverer, discoverer

Kayum- existing forever

Eid al- victim

Kurbangali- high sacrifice

Kurbat- kinship

Kyyam- the form of the name Kayum

Lazzat- pleasure, pleasure, bliss

Laziz- giving pleasure

Laim- immortal

Lutfulla- God's mercy

Magafur- forgiven

Magsum- protected, clean (female Magsum)

Majit- powerful

Mazhit- powerful

Mazit- powerful

Mysore (Mansour)- winner

Maksuz (Makhsut, Maksut)- desired

Mansour (Mysore)- winner (female Mansur)

Malik- lord, king

Marat (Murat)- desired

Mars- derivative from the French name Marseille

Marseilles- the name of the French city

Masnavi- from the Qur'an giving

Mahmud (Muhammad, Mohammad, Muhamet)- illustrious

Mergen- a skilled hunter

Midhad- praise

Mintimer- iron

Marzagit- from 2 words: peace and Zagit

Myftah- key

Muddaris- teacher, mentor

Mukkaram- revered

Mullagali- from 2 words: Mulla and Gali (great, exalted)

Munis- friend (wife of Munis)

Munir- sparkling (female Munira)

Murat (Marat)- desired

Murza (Mirza)- title in the Golden Horde, son of the emir

Musa- prophet

Muslim- Muslim, adherent of Islam

Mustafa- the chosen one

Muhamedyar- possibly means Mount Muhamed

Mukhtar- the chosen one

Nabis- prophet

Nadir- rare (female Nadir)

Nazir- look (female Nazir)

Nazip (Nazif)- clean (wives of Nazif)

Nariman- strong-willed

Nasikh- advisor, friend

Nafis- graceful, thin

Nizam- device, order

Nur (Nuri)- light (female Nuria)

Nuriakhmet- glorified light, holy radiance

Nurullah- the light of Allah

Ravil- taught by God

Rais- possibly a leader (female Raisya)

Ramil (Ravil)- possibly a disciple of God

Rasil- sent

Rasim- custom (female Rasima)

Rasikh- solid, stable

Rauf- merciful (wife of Rauf)

Raphael (Raphael, Raphael, Raphael)- God healed

Rafgat (Rafkat, Rifkat, Rifat, Rafik)- kind

Rafik (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rifat)- kind

Rafkat (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafik)- kind

Raheem- gracious

Rashid- walking the right path (female Rashidya)

Renat (Rinat)- renewed, reborn (Renata's wives)

Rome (Rem)- Roman, a native of the city of Rome (female Rimma)

Rimzil- having a label, marked with a sign (wives of Ramziy)

Rizvan- favor, satisfaction

Rifat (Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik)- kind

Rifkat (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafik)- kind

Rishat (Rifat, Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik)- kind

Ruby- precious stone

Rufat- the same as Rifat

Rushan- light, shiny (female Rushan, Rushania)

Sabir (Sabur)- patient (female Sabir)

Sabit- strong, durable, resistant

Sadri- the first (female Sadriya)

Sadyk- true

Said- happy (wives Said, Sayda)

Saifi- sword (female Saifiya)

Sayfulla- sword of Allah

Salavat- prayer of praise

Salah (Salih)- good, good, good

Salih (Salah)- good, good, good

Salman- necessary

Samad (Samat)- eternal

Sarvar (Server)- minister

Server (Sarvar)- minister

Suleiman- protected

The sultan- power, ruler

Talgat (Talkha)- the name of the desert plant

Talip- irreconcilable

Tarkhan- probably from tarragon - a plant, a type of spice

Takhir (Tagir)- bird

Timur- iron

Uzbek- the name of the people, which has become a personal name

Ulmas- immortal

Ulfat- friendship, love

Umar (Umyar)- form from pers. Lobster

Ural- joy, pleasure

Urus- the name of the Russian people, which has become a personal name

Usman- slow

Faizulla- the bounty of Allah

Faiz- winner

Faik- excellent

Faizulla- the son of the winner

Fanis- sugar (female Fanisa)

Farid (Farit)- rare (female Farida)

Farhat (Ferhat)- invincible, capable, smart

Fatih (Fatykh)- winner

Fayaz- generous

Foat (Fuat, Fuad)- heart, soul

Franis- sugar

Fuat (Fuad, Foat)- heart, soul

Khabib- beloved, friend

Habibrahman- of 2 names: Khabib and Rahman

Habibullah- the favorite of Allah or the son of Habib

Hadi- leader

Hadith- tradition, legend, story (woman of Hadith)

Haydar- a lion

Hakim- knowing, wise

Khalid (Khalit, Khaled)- eternal, permanent

Khalil- true friend

Halim- soft, kind (female Halima, Halimya)

Khaliullah- son of Khalil

Hamza- sharp, burning

Hamid (Hamit)- glorifying, ascending (female Hamid)

Haris- plowman, plowman or guardian, keeper, protector

Hasan (Khasyan, Hussein, Khusain, Huseyn)- good

Hafiz- defender

Hikmat (Hikmet)- wisdom

Khoja- master, mentor

Chingiz- great, strong

Chukran- Khan, born during the Chuk holiday

Shakir- glorifying, grateful, one who appreciates what he has

Shamil (Shamil)- comprehensive

Shamsi- the sun (female Shamsia)

Sharif- honor, glory

Shavkat- power, greatness, brilliance, splendor


Shavkat- compassionate, merciful

Shafik- gentle, loving, merciful, compassionate

Shahriyar- sovereign, king (from the fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights")

Elfer- free (female Elfira)

Enver (Anver, Anwar)- radiant, light

Yuldash- friend, companion

Yuldus (Ildus)- loving home

Yunus (Yunis)- pigeon

Yadgar- memory

Jakub- accompanying, not lagging behind, following

Yakut- yacht

Yamal- beautiful

Yarulla- son of the mountain

Yatim- the only one

Our new book "Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Tatar names. Tatar male names and their meaning


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Our ancestors also knew that the name is of great importance in a person's life. After all, this combination of letters accompanies us from the moment of birth and leaves with the soul at the moment of death. Modern science has proven that the sound of your name is the sweetest for a person. In addition, it activates the activity of certain parts of the brain that are responsible for certain emotions. Therefore, it is so important to choose a beautiful name with a good meaning for the child, which will help the child find happiness throughout his life. Today we decided to tell you about the Crimean Tatar names, they have a very interesting story and no less unusual meaning. Perhaps this is the name you choose for your newborn baby.

A little about Tatar names

Modern Crimean Tatar names have a certain scheme, expressed in first name, patronymic and surname. This makes them essentially related to modern Russian traditions. After all, children always receive a patronymic and a surname from their father, but the first name is chosen by the parents based on various preferences and desires.

It is interesting that among the large number of different names, only the Crimean Tatar ones are so unique. What is their feature? The thing is that most of them are borrowed from other languages. The influence of the following language groups is especially noticeable:

  • Arabic;
  • Iranian;
  • Persian;
  • Turkic.

The most common names are of Arabic and Turkic origin, which in general had a great role in the development of the Tatar language.

The second feature that distinguishes Crimean Tatar names is the tradition of collecting them from various words. For example, the male name Timerkotlyk consists of the following individual words - "timer" and "cauldron". The first means "iron" and the second means "happiness". There are a lot of such names in the Tatar language.

Over the past hundred years, many have become more Europeanized and acquired a different sound. Also, names taken from various TV series and films have become firmly established. Thus, the Tatar language was significantly enriched. However, it should be noted that this people has very strong ancient traditions, therefore, along with modern ones, ancient Crimean Tatar names are also actively used.

Originality and diversity of names: details about the main

To understand how diverse the names of the Tatar people are, it is enough to find out their number - more than twenty-five thousand. They firmly hold the palm in the world, so they definitely deserve detailed description in our article.

Naturally, they are primarily divided into two categories:

  • for boys.

But this is the case with all peoples and in all languages. Of particular interest among scientists are groups of names by type of education. There are four main categories:

  1. Turkic roots. Most of these names were formed in the ninth to tenth centuries, they have a deep connection with paganism. They, in turn, can be divided into two more groups:
    • Symbolizing the connection of the clan with the totem. This category includes, for example, the name Arslan, meaning "lion", or Ilbuga, which can be translated as "homeland of the bull."
    • Characterizing social status. Sometimes this group also includes names formed from certain character traits. One of the favorite female names of this category among the Tatars is Altynbeke, meaning the phrase "golden princess".
  2. Arab and Persian. They arose during the period of the adoption of Islam by the Tatars and closely echoed with Muslim sounds. Until now, they are extremely popular, but in a slightly modified form - Fatyma, Shamil and the like.
  3. Turkic-Bulgarian. Scientists believe that this group of names belongs to one of the most ancient among Crimean Tatars... At the beginning of the twentieth century, they again became very popular and in demand. The boys were called Bulat, Almaz, Aydar. The name for the girl was also chosen from this category - Azat, Leysan or Alsou.
  4. Merge words from different languages. We have already mentioned that it was natural for the Crimean Tatars to form names by merging different words. They were often borrowed from other peoples. For example, Galimbek is a combination of elements from Turkic, Arabic and Tatar languages.

It is worth adding the Slavic names that became widespread among the Crimean Tatars in the middle of the twentieth century. Especially often girls in this period were called Svetlana. The Tatars saw a certain melody in this sound.

Interestingly, the great variety of names makes it impossible for scientists to determine the meaning of many of them. More than thirty percent of the meanings have not yet been disclosed.

Crimean Tatar traditions of naming children

Nowhere is the tradition of naming more sacred than among the Tatar people. Indeed, in many cases, it is possible to determine the character of the child, his social status, religion and origin.

Interestingly, Crimean Tatar boy names carry a combination of the following characteristics:

  • courage;
  • power;
  • force.

Girls, on the other hand, were supposed to carry the semantic load of tenderness, chastity and beauty. This manifests itself in almost all names, without exception.

According to the customs, which are strictly observed, the name of the first child in the family is determined by the mother-in-law. But the rest of the children are called the closest relatives. In this process, they are guided by several rules:

  • the name is given in honor of relatives, mainly grandparents;
  • often children are named after the heroes of the Tatar epic or prominent statesmen(for example, Alzy is a character of ancient legends);
  • all children in the family must be named with one letter (this is one of the most ancient Turkic customs, adopted by the Tatars);
  • consonance of names - brothers and sisters should be named consonant with each other, this determines a certain family affiliation.

Despite the fact that for a long time the Crimean names have three components - first name, patronymic and surname (we have already written about this), ancient traditions prescribe a completely different scheme. It is in the Crimean Tatar customs to give a child a personal name and a nickname (or surname) of the father. In some cases, the characteristics of the grandfather or the city of birth were added to them.

Unusually, Tatars often add a common name to their personal name. Initially this ancient tradition existed everywhere, but then was not used for many years. Recently, there has been a revival of the customs of ancestors, which is very noticeable if you get into an environment where at least a few Tatar families live. So, common nouns are different:

  • aha - a respectful appeal to an adult man;
  • bey is a respectful prefix to the name of a man of any age;
  • kartbaba - this is how old people are addressed;
  • khanum - a word meaning a married woman;
  • apte - an appeal to an elderly woman.

In some cases, the common noun is closely related to the occupation and characterizes it.

The modern names of the Crimean Tatars are becoming a reading of the old ones. For example, once borrowed from the Arabic language, Ahmed, who was reborn in Amet, again returns to its original form. This trend is observed everywhere.

Ancient names for boys

Our article would be incomplete if we did not include several names with their descriptions here. We have chosen the following among the ancient names of the Crimean Tatars: Aydar, the name Basyr, Kamil.

We will tell you about each one now.

Aydar: an old name with several meanings

Now no one can reliably say when the boy was first named Aydaromo. Since the name was formed from the Turkic language, in translation it means "moon" or "lunar".

Although other peoples give him other meanings: "worthy", "lion", "authoritative" and the like. It is believed that Aydar grows up as a strong and confident boy who can lead a crowd. But at the same time he is romantic and amorous, it will not be so easy for him to bring him to marriage. Aydar will agree to marry only when he meets a strong woman who makes him a worthy couple.

In adulthood, the young man manifests himself as a practical and forward-looking person. He thinks about everything well and therefore rarely makes mistakes. He is often considered arrogant, but this is just an outer mask. In fact, the young man is very kind and always helps everyone in need.

Name Basir: one of the names of Allah

This name came to the Crimean Tatars from the Arabic language, it means "vigilant". From early childhood, boys named in this way are distinguished by courage and willfulness. They differ significantly from their peers and are always very independent.

Many believe that the name Basyr gives a person leadership qualities. He grows up confident and rather tough - he does not ask for support and rarely provides it himself. The boy is always in search of everything new, which brings him incredible pleasure. He is very demanding, in childhood this is expressed by whims, and in an older age in excessive isolation and selectivity.

In friends and partners, Basyr values ​​responsibility and hard work. A young man is always not indifferent to the female sex, but he chooses a strong, intelligent and beautiful companion for life. The girl's excessive whims and stupidity can scare him away.

Perfect Camille

The name Camille is absolutely special, it has two different and independent ways of education. The first has Roman roots and belongs to the clan, but the second is a direct road from Islam.

The name Camille got exactly in connection with Islamization and it means "perfect". However, in childhood, parents simply have no peace from this tomboy, he always acts in his own way, does not obey anyone and fights with his peers. But over time, this passes and the matured Kamil is already quite possible to calm down.

The same thing happens with teaching. In primary school, the boy is restless and inattentive, but a little later he becomes practically an exemplary student and even outstrips many of his peers in academic performance.

In adulthood, a young person becomes serious, responsible, principled and calm. He is intellectually developed and tries to select comrades equal in mind. Camille can be successful in business, but she starts a family late. He is looking for a wife for a long time, but then he does everything so that she and the children do not need anything.

Modern Tatar names for boys

The Crimean Tatars also have a lot of modern names, although their modernity is a rather relative concept. After all, many are already at least a couple of hundred years old, but still cannot be classified as old. The most common are:

  • name Bulat;
  • Dzhigan;
  • Hafiz.

The characteristics of each will be discussed below.

Invincible Bulat

The name Bulat came to the Tatars from the Persians, he is also referred to as Muslim. Translated, it means "steel", which perfectly characterizes the character of the boy.

WITH early years Bulat is cheerful and active, his parents and peers love him. In the company, he is a ringleader, always stands up for friends and comes up with. In adulthood, Bulat becomes quite talented, in his hands many matters argue. But they are not always interesting to him, and since the young man lacks responsibility, he is often lazy to carry out his duties.

Bulat is independent, amorous and loves to be in the spotlight. He attracts with talkativeness and insight, for the sake of his beloved he can move mountains. However, he quickly finds himself a new affection and switches to it. If you want to conquer Bulat, then never give him advice - he will still do the opposite.

Incomprehensible Djigan

The name Djigan originated in the Persian language and has a very sonorous meaning - "Universe". This child is not simple, he is focused on himself and often becomes still in early age a highly qualified specialist in what interests him.

Despite his great energy, Djigan knows how to carefully hide his emotions and look slightly detached. He clearly fulfills his duties at home and is in many ways impeccable. But in response, he demands a certain freedom, because Djigan needs time spent only on communication with himself.

If the wife of Dzhigan understands this, then they will have a very strong affection for a lifetime. Most of all, a person with such a name is attracted to women by understanding and intelligence, he believes that these are the most important components of marriage.

The name Djigan endows its owner with the desire for knowledge and self-development.

Ambiguous Hafiz

This name comes from the Arabic language. It means "protector", but its characterization is far from meaningful. Hafiz is a weak, sickly and in many cases weak-willed young man. He cannot realize himself in life and shifts all responsibility for failures onto other people. The biggest love in his life is himself, which is why Hafiz rarely creates a family.

Ancient and modern names for girls

The names of girls are quite diverse, it is interesting that many of them were formed from male forms and only over time became familiar. Of course, we cannot give them all, but we will tell about two - the name Gul and Latifa. They seemed to us the most interesting and sonorous.

Ghoul - it has a wonderful meaning - "flower" or "blooming". In the Tatar language, it changed its form at different times, but still remained in its original sound. Scientists attribute the name Gul to modern, although it has long been one of the most beloved in families. Girls named in this way are quite difficult, they are distinguished by a sense of their own dignity and a heightened sense of justice. Sometimes it plays a cruel joke with them, because they rush to help people who do not deserve it. Gul has excessive generosity towards those close to her, which is not very good for her, since they begin to use it.

Name with Arabic roots

In the families of the Crimean Tatars, daughters are often called Latifs. This name is taken from the Arabic language and translates as "kind". Fate is very favorable to the Latifs, they give a lot to others, but they also receive no less.

The purpose of the life of a girl with such a name is to take care of loved ones and help those in need. Such women make excellent wives who enjoy coziness and communication with husband and children. Latifa is able to resolve any sensitive issue in a split second, and she does it very delicately. Usually women with this name have many children and a strong marriage.