Actor Vasily jumped out of the window. Vasily Stepanov: the star of the "Inhabited Island" jumped out of the window

The media reported the sad news about the suicide attempt of the 31-year-old star of the movie "Inhabited Island" Vasily Stepanov, who, after the release of this picture on the screens, woke up famous. Despite the fallen fame, the actor could not find a job and fell into a protracted depression. And then, already last winter, he injured his spine from an accidental fall, because of which he was forced to postpone filming in a new project where he was called.

And today it became known that he jumped out of the window of his apartment on the fifth floor. Vasily survived, but he has many fractures and bruises. Now he is in the hospital, where they put a cast on all his injured limbs. Stepanov even managed to talk to the press himself. “Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me ... Now everything is fine with me, they put a plaster cast on me and let me go home. It’s just a pity that I let people down with the shooting, missed the deadlines, ”said the artist.

His old friend Lena Lenina commented on what happened. She noted that she tried to get through to Vasily's family, but so far could not. “He wanted to commit suicide. And left the window of his apartment. Fortunately, or unfortunately for him, he did not succeed, and he survived, but was very badly injured. But it is difficult to list all the harm that he did to himself, it is easier to say that he did not break. His poor mother! His poor dad, Sergei Vasilievich, who courageously bears all the problems of the family on his shoulders! His poor brother Maxim, who, although the youngest, always took care of his brother like an older one. And even poorer Vasya himself, who, with unearthly beauty and great success, was broken by the glory that fell upon him. Now he will forever remain disabled, ”Lenin wrote on the social network.

Actor Vasily Stepanov was hospitalized after falling from the fifth floor, reports The artist is best known for his role in the film "Inhabited Island" by Fyodor Bondarchuk.

31-year-old Vasily Stepanov fell out of the window of his own apartment on the morning of April 12. The actor was urgently hospitalized in the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a fracture of the pelvis, both heel bones and the right shoulder, as well as numerous bruises.

The artist's brother said that Stepanov's act was not an attempt to commit suicide. However, as eyewitnesses testify, the actor deliberately jumped out of the window. Subsequently, the actor himself commented on his fall.

“Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me ... Now I’m fine, they put a plaster cast on me and let me go home. It’s only a pity that I let people down with the shooting, missed the deadlines,” Stepanov admitted.

The doctors prescribed the star a four-week bed rest, while Stepanov's mother refused to place him in a psychiatric ward, as the experts suggested. The actor now believes that he jumped from the third floor, and not from the fifth, as official sources say.

Law enforcement authorities confirm the fact of the fall of the star "Inhabited Island". "The police received a message that a man had fallen from the window of a residential building on Davydkovskaya Street. Currently, an investigation is underway into the fact of the incident, the results of which will make a decision," the press service of the GUMVD in Moscow told TASS.

Stepanov himself previously planned for the first time after a seven-year break to take part in the filming of a movie - the actor was approved in the new project of Natalia Verevkina and the film "Taxi Drivers". “I had to wait seven years for offers to appear in films,” Stepanov admitted, regretting that he had to stop preparing for roles because of what had happened. Currently, Stepanov is cared for by relatives at his home in the west of the capital.

Stepanova's ex-lover, actress Daria Egorova, said she did not believe in the tragedy that had occurred. “This is what his mother comes up with so that they will be paid attention to again. I will now find out if he really jumped out of the window, but I doubt it. If this is true, then he did it out of weakness. If a person commits such a sin, then he is weak and does not want to fight," Egorova said.

Russian actor Vasily Stepanov, who starred in two films "Inhabited Island" from director Fyodor Bondarchuk, jumped out of the window of a five-story building. The 31-year-old actor was taken to the hospital with multiple injuries. Doctors suspect Stepanov has schizophrenia.

It is reported that in the morning Vasily Stepanov jumped out of the window of a high-rise building. According to various versions, the actor jumped from the third or fifth floor. This is not the first time that the actor was about to commit suicide after a long depression associated with failures in his film career.

As the site became aware, the artist received a fracture of the pelvis, both heel bones, a fracture of the bones of the right shoulder and arm, as well as multiple bruises. After providing first aid, the doctors put the victim in a plaster cast. A video from the scene has surfaced online. The footage shows Vasily Stepanov being carried on a stretcher to the ambulance.

The actor himself admitted that he deliberately jumped out of the window, and this was not an accident. Now the artist regrets what happened, because in May he was scheduled to shoot. Commented on the situation and take Vasily Stepanov, Maxim Stepanov. He said that despite all the damage, Vasily Stepanov is a “healthy, strong man” and “there is nothing terrible in what happened,” but “now he does not want to communicate with journalists.”

After a suicide attempt, doctors suspected the actor of schizophrenia. They tried to take the artist to a psychiatric hospital, considering it dangerous to society, but the actor's mother and brother said that everything was in order with Stepanov's mental health. After the police and specialists talked to Vasily Stepanov, the actor was allowed to go home. Currently, the actor has received medical assistance, and he is at home in the west of the capital, where his relatives are taking care of him.

The dilogy of science fiction films "Inhabited Island" based on the novel by the Strugatsky brothers was released in 2008 and 2009. Vasily Stepanov played the main role of the young pilot of the Free Search Group Maxim Kamerer, who ended up on the unknown planet Saraksh. Fyodor Bondarchuk's films have become one of the most expensive science fiction productions in modern Russia: almost $40 million was spent on filming two parts.

The actor commented on his fall from the window and told how he feels now:

Vasily Stepanov fell out of the window

Russian actor Vasily Stepanov, known as the lead actor in the film "Inhabited Island", Pcommented on the incident with his fall from the fifth floor.

According to the man, It didn't happen by chance, but he's already on the mend.

"Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me ... Now I'm fine, they put a plaster cast on me and let me go home. It's just a pity that I let people down with the shooting, missed the deadlines"- said Vasily Stepanov.

Now the actor is at home under the supervision of relatives.

Recall that the protagonist of "Inhabited Island" jumped out of his apartment the day before. He was taken to the hospital with fractures of the pelvis, right shoulder, both heel bones and numerous contusions.

Note that the reason for this act could be the lack of demand for the actor in the profession- Stepanov complained in various interviews that after Bondarchuk's film no one invited him to shoot and he was unemployed for several years. But in April and May, Stepanov is scheduled to shoot in the film "Taxi Drivers" and shoot in a new project, where he is approved for the main role.