How and when to conduct magical rituals and ceremonies correctly. What conspiracies work especially on Sunday

conspiracies on sunday

Conspiracy from cancer eyes
In the old days, healers called so red, inflamed eyes. To cure this ailment, after sunset, read a special conspiracy over water, which the patient must immediately pour into his palms and rinse his eyes with it. The ceremony is held for three evenings in a row. They start treatment on Sunday. The spoken words are as follows:
Painful eyes, burning tears
The spring of the savior's paradise
Panteleimon the Healer.
May God help me. Amen.

How to speak dorsal dryness
On Sunday, before sunrise, ask the patient to lie on his stomach and touch his vertebrae (through one), reading such a conspiracy seven times in a row:
Adam's ribs did not hurt, did not ache,
When it was divided.
I divide your back into seven parts,
On seven Adam's bones,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...
(and so on until Sunday). Amen.

Healing cerebrospinal meningitis
On Sunday night, melt the bath and remove the underwear from the patient. In a hotly heated bath, put a basin of water, soak the laundry in it and wring it out properly, while reading a special conspiracy in one breath. Please note that before the ceremony, the master must strip naked, loosen his hair and remove pectoral cross. The conspiracy is this:
Sunday, resurrect the servant of God (name)
From severe illness
How the Lord resurrected many people. Amen.
After that, hang the patient's linen on an aspen and leave without looking back.

Pin Spell (for good luck)
On Sunday, when the church is preparing for the service (somewhere around noon), light a candle in the house and, when melting wax runs from it, substitute a new safety pin under the drops so that the wax drips into the round hole at its end. At this time, read the plot for good luck three times in a row. They read it almost to themselves, barely moving their lips. If someone hears you reading the plot, then you will not succeed, so be careful. The spoken words are:
The spirit spell will penetrate this item.
Through this hole I conjure spirits
Stay in this subject
I conjure the spirits to protect me with their strength,
I conjure spirits to carry through this item
I'm lucky on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday
Morning, afternoon and evening. Amen.

Remove discord from family
Fakes for discord are removed on Sunday, in even number, going around his house crosswise and reading a special plot forty times in a row. On this day, you can not receive guests and talk on the phone.
The words of the conspiracy are:
I am made, a servant of God (name), from Adam's body,
I'm filming, banishing the devil's work
Not with a batog, but with a cross.
Not for an hour and not for once,
And for faith in the One God Christ.

My house is strong, the threshold is not broken.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love spell on willow
V Palm Sunday break the willow branch, saying:
Until the willow
Behind the icon will lie,
Until then my husband
Do not fall out of love, do not forget. Amen.
Put the charmed willow behind the icon. Be careful not to throw it away by accident!

How to forget your lover
Go to church on Sunday and put a candle to the icon of the Virgin "Assuage my sorrows." When you leave the church, stand outside the gate and, looking at the domes, say:
Satisfy, Lady, melancholy, sadness
In the servant of God (name)
According to the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the seller does not steal the proceeds
On Sunday, buy a candle and place it near the icon of John the New Sochavsky. Immediately take the holy water and take it to your pavilion. Sprinkle this water on all corners and doors, and then read three times on all corners and doors:
My copper money, my gold money,
any of my money.
Go to my hands, to my wallets.
Go Monday, go Tuesday
go Wednesday, go Thursday,
go Friday and Saturday
go on Sunday.
Who will take my money?
who will steal my money
he will lose his a hundred times.
Let every penny and ruble know me.
Not to other people's hands, but to my wallets.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

How to remove damage from the house
On the first Sunday of the month, pluck aspen branches. On Monday, steam them in a bucket. When the aspen boils, read the plot twelve times in a row. When the water has cooled, wash the windows first, then the doors, then the floor, and then the threshold and porch. Take the water to the crossroads. Put on a solid color when you go to take the wash. On the way to the crossroads, be silent, do not even answer a greeting. Very soon you will notice that the house began to come to life, flowers and animals will be found in the house. You will sleep peacefully, light and goodness will appear in the house.
And now the conspiracy:
Mother of God, remember your home,
where you were born, where you lived, rested,
got up in the morning with a prayer,
Where she ate, where she drank, where she waited for a sign.
Bless my home for salvation
from any bad damage to deliverance.
For the sake of your shelter, help me.
My house, Mother of God, bless.


Conspiracy from drunkenness
On an odd Sunday, go to the cemetery. There, find a grave in which a person is buried who bore the same name as the alcoholic. Put gifts (eggs, gingerbread and sweets) on this grave, bow to her and say:
Lord, help, Lord, bless!
I will get up on Sunday, I will go to the cross,
From the hut through the doors, ahead with heels.
I will find three grave mounds,
I bow to the dead to the navel,
I'll call him, I'll ask:
"Are you lying down or getting up?
Do you drink intoxicating wine or do you not drink?
The dead man is silent
The dead man does not speak
The dead man does not rise from the coffin,
Wine never drinks.
So that the servant of God (name)
I didn’t stretch my hands to the drunk,
I didn't take a sip of the intoxicating drink.
Hop would seem to him like a snake,
It would smell like grave earth.
Be, my words, strong,
It's tenacious to my business.
Keys, locks, lock up
Never ever open up.
What I didn't say, what I forgot
Then my guardian angel will say
The servant of God (name) will order to forget the intoxicating.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Saturday corresponds to the planet Saturn, the zodiac constellation - Capricorn and Aquarius, the elements - earth and air, the type of energy - female, metal - lead, stones - amethyst, granite, quartz, obsidian, onyx.

Saturdays that fall between January 21 - February 19 have special magical power, and in the period July 23 - August 22 they have the most minimal astral influence. Peak maximum magical power falls on the evening twilight. Associated with such gods as Saturn, Chronos.

In Russian, the name comes from the Jewish "Shabbat" (Sabbath), which spread along with Christianity throughout Europe.

Saturday has a special role among all the days of the week, especially in Jewish mysticism, where this day is a link between the heavenly temple in which God dwells and those who worship Him. In some way, the Sabbath itself is a temple in time, but not replacing the heavenly temple, but leading to it. With the coming of the Sabbath day, each person is placed in God's presence and testifies of himself.

The name of the god Saturn, who patronizes this day of the week, is associated with the word "sow", and therefore in antiquity he was considered the god of crops and seeds, but later Saturn began to personify time, perishability human life, philosophy and so on.

From the point of view of magic, Saturday is more conducive to meditation and reflection than to active magical practice. However, now it is possible to perform various ceremonies of worshiping the gods, meet witches like you, hold meetings devoted to the occult, and so on and so forth.

Useful for cleansing energy practices, pray and meditate, work on your karma and make vows.

On the Sabbath, care should be taken with such parts of the body as bones, skin, gallbladder. In nutrition, it is better to give preference to sweet, sour and astringent tastes.

Sunday in Magic

Sunday corresponds to the planet Sun, the zodiac constellation - Leo, the element - fire, the type of energy - male, metal - gold, stones - rock crystal, carnelian, tiger's eye, amber.

Sundays that fall between July 23 - August 22 have a special magical power, and in the period January 21 - February 19 they have the most minimal astral influence. Arcane power peaks around noon. Associated with such gods as Helios, Adonis, Apollo, Aton, Attis, Atum, Dazhdbog, Demeter, Dionysus, Ishoko, Marduk, Mithra, Od, Osiris, Ra, Svarog, Surya, Tammuz, Utu, Freya, Khepri, Hora, Shamash, Yarilo.

In Russian, the name comes from the word "resurrect".

According to the Jewish and Christian calendars based on the Bible, Sunday was considered the first day of the week. It comes after Saturday, the seventh day of the week in the old religious calendars. Christianity borrowed the order of the days of the week from the Jewish calendar. In the Roman Empire, the first Christian emperor, Constantine, introduced a seven-day week in 321 and designated Sunday (the day of the Sun) as the first day of the week and a day of rest and worship. Nowadays, in European countries, Sunday is considered the last day of the week.

The sun often acts as the original symbol of the supreme deity or is identified with it. In many states of antiquity, monarchs ruled on behalf of the Sun and even traced their origin directly to it. That is why this day is often perceived as the beginning of the week, and not its end.

As for magic, witches perform various festive rituals on Sunday, aimed not so much at any specific business, but at attracting positive energies to life. Therefore, on this day it is useful to make amulets and talismans for good luck in any business, increasing the overall energy level giving victory and success.

On Sunday, care should be taken with body parts such as the heart and back. In nutrition, it is better to give preference to salty, sour and spicy tastes.

Many do not know if it is possible to read conspiracies on Sunday. On Sunday, you can conduct rituals, ceremonies and read conspiracies and prayers. The magic before Easter, on the day of Palm Sunday, is especially strong. You can improve your health, attract money and good luck, return peace and tranquility to your family.

Energy on Palm Sunday is special

Any conspiracies on Sunday have great efficiency, especially on the day when Easter eve is celebrated. The energy of this day is special. Simple rituals are obtained even by inexperienced people, and prayers on Palm Sunday are stronger than on ordinary days.

To perform any magical rite, a series of preparatory actions. They are easy to remember:

  • Rites are performed with a clean body, after bathing.
  • Clothing should be without buttons or other fasteners. It is best to sew a hoodie from natural fabric and put it on before any magical action backwards, turned inside out.
  • Hair must be loosened, removing all hairpins.
  • When reading prayers on Palm Sunday, just wash yourself.

Conspiracies for health

On Palm Sunday, the willow consecrated in the church and the water in which the branches stood are considered healing. Willows are touched to the body so that they do not get sick all year. If you want a person to be healthy, lightly whip him with a branch and mentally wish him health.

Health will help to strengthen such a rite on Palm Sunday: on an empty stomach, chew and swallow several palm buds. Wash everything down with holy water, on which they first read:

“As soon as the willow reaches the stomach, then after Palm Sunday not a single disease will stick to me.”

The effect of this conspiracy lasts all year.

In the case when someone in the family is very sick, you can ask for the healing of St. Panteleimon the Healer. You can turn to him by learning one of the appropriate prayers, or in your own words. If you want to apply with your own words, then it is best to compose the text in advance, having thought through each word well.

If a willow branch is stuck under the roof of a house, it will protect the health of all households all year round. In the apartment it can be attached to the ceiling.

Love spells are very simple

Conspiracies on Palm Sunday are almost all associated with willow. They are pretty simple.

For unmarried girls. On a bouquet of willow twigs they say:

“How many buds are on the branches, so many suitors will marry, and I will marry one. I will be married this year."

Reading the plot, mentally imagine a loved one. The branches are dried and stored all year round.

If a girl wants to get a guy's attention. You need to take one willow branch and say to it:

“A year has flown by and you haven’t looked at me. You will notice me in a week, you will answer my love. My beauty is indescribable, my kindness is boundless. As two doves have mercy, so I kiss you.

The branch should be put under the pillow for three days. Such conspiracies on Palm Sunday are a long tradition in Russia and other Slavic countries.

You can speak a willow branch for love and stick it in the door of the chosen one. If he opens the door and lifts it, he will fall in love. If someone else picks up the branch first, nothing will happen. Conspiracy:

“I name the branch with my name, I send you (name). As this willow reaches for the sun, so you will reach for me. You won't be able to eat, drink or sleep without me."

With the help of a conspiracy, you can attract money

Ritual for wealth. The willow consecrated in the church is put into the water and waiting for it to take root. The water needs to be changed daily. A branch with roots is planted near the house and a plot is read:

“I grew a palm tree, planted it in the ground, watered it with water. Grow, willow, grow, and add money to me.

With the growth of willow, prosperity in the house will increase.

With the help of magic, you can speak a coin to attract money. To do this, 5 or 10 rubles are dipped into a glass of water and placed on the windowsill as soon as the moon has risen. A beam of moonlight should fall on the water that is being spoken. Read this conspiracy on Palm Sunday:

“As the moon attracts water, so a coin attracts money. The moon charges, the fire fixes.

Until the morning, the coin is left in the water. In the morning they take it out, light a candle and continue the ritual.

The coin is taken left hand. A candle is carried around the hand with a coin three times, saying:

“The moon is charging. Fire strengthens. The coin attracts money.

The wick is extinguished with fingers. The coin is placed in shoes or boots and worn under the left heel. It is more convenient to put it under the insole. You can’t lose a coin, in this case the money will go with it to the one who finds such a coin.

You can take a willow branch and let it flow along the flowing water (river, water canal, stream). It is believed that when the willow floats away, wealth and good luck will “sail” into the house. You don’t need to read conspiracies, just think about your well-being.

A conspiracy to attract good luck is valid all year round.

This conspiracy is held only once a year, on Palm Sunday. Having defended the service in the church, on the way home, everyone you meet should say:

"Good luck to you!" and add in a whisper: "And good luck to me."

How more people you say it, the better. The conspiracy is valid throughout the year.

Another simple rite - the conspirator needs early in the morning, on Palm Sunday, to sprinkle all the corners in the house with holy water with the help of willow branches, saying:

“I pour holy water, I attract good luck.”

Before every important business "for good luck" you can eat a willow bud. It will also help when conceiving a child, before a long trip, before an exam, and so on. In order for the palm bud to bring good luck, the branches must be consecrated in the church. They store buds for the whole year.

Conspiracy to return a person

If a person has disappeared in the family and nothing is known about his fate, then you can try to bring him back home using the ritual on Palm Sunday. This is a magical rite and must be performed accordingly.

The ceremony is best performed on a waning moon, late in the evening or at night. They perform it according to all the rules and only barefoot: take off your shoes, put on inside out spacious clothes without fasteners (on your naked body) and let your hair down. You need to go outside so that the road or path leading to the house is visible.

Looking at this road, you need to imagine the missing person and try to "see" how he goes to the house. In this case, you should say three times:

"The road is open, I'm waiting at the door."

If he is alive, he should return within a month.

This rite can be used to bring home a man who has gone to jail or gone to another woman's husband.

On Palm Sunday you can not swear, wish evil and swear

It is important that this rite be properly understood, especially the preparation for it. Things, like people, have their own energy. They accumulate it throughout their existence. There are quarrels and grievances in every house, they do not pass without a trace, but remain in the energy field of things. Therefore, the ceremony begins with cleaning:

  • On the eve of Palm Sunday, all old and unnecessary things are thrown away.
  • Everything that can be washed - floors, tables, shelves and other places - is washed by adding ordinary table salt to the water. One tablespoon is enough for a bucket of water. If the solution is made more concentrated, it will dry out and leave whitish streaks. Salt collects negative information, which is then splashed out along with dirty water.
  • Cleaning is done by the whole family.
  • After cleaning, the hostess of the house should take a shower. Then light a church candle and go around the whole house, reading the prayer "Our Father" until the whole candle burns out.

On the morning of Palm Sunday, the mistress of the house should wash herself with holy water. Cross on all four sides and read the plot:

"As Palm Sunday was and is, so is peace in this house restored."

Even one rite that holds the family together. For him, you need to prepare willow branches and colorful ribbons. On Sunday, a wreath is woven from the branches - they are connected with ribbons. Each ribbon is the name of one of the family members. The name is pronounced aloud, attaching a twig. When performing the ceremony, the names of close relatives are listed: mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, children, grandchildren, etc. The wreath is kept all year round. The ceremony is repeated the following year.

It must be remembered that on Palm Sunday, as on other Christian holidays, one cannot swear, wish evil, swear and work. Even festive food is better to prepare in advance. On this day, make conspiracies, attract money and good luck, improve your health, speak for love. It is very interesting, even if not everything works out the first time.

The curator of this day is the Sun. If we draw an analogy with a heavenly body, then the magical purpose of this day will immediately become clear. Constantly, with the sunrise, a new day begins, Sunday is the day that precedes the start of the work week. That is, the ancestors were aware of such an influence and decided to play it safe, because the energy on the last day of the week is updated and replenished with new forces. But not only this day is glorious!

What is Sunday responsible for?

There are a lot of resources in this day. Probably, it is not necessary to distribute the magic of this day in directions, rather, we can assume that this day is magic in its purest form. The energy of the sun is the most powerful but the danger is just as great. Therefore, all the known power of Sunday should be used carefully.


Fortune, one might say, lives this day. If at least a little, but do it regularly, then soon, you will begin to pay attention that without special efforts achieve all your goals. Probably, many will decide that they should create special talismans, perform rituals or read conspiracies for success.

This, of course, is all correct and the effect will be amazing. However, you can just talk to Luck. Have a conversation with her on Sunday, it is advisable to visualize her as a very beautiful young lady. Invite her to visit in your monologues, treat her with drinks, and each time the meetings will become longer and more promising. That is, fortune will become you good friend and will simply help out in difficult situations. You need to make friends with her, and not use one rite for selfish purposes. If luck is offended, then it simply will not come.

Perhaps it seems to you that such a value is given to fortune in vain, then do not even try to invoke it. After all, even in such a small matter as payment utilities it may take some luck, what about big things? Remember how many times we were indignant when, after standing for an hour in the crowd of those who wanted to pay, the program hung in front of us? So, everyone needs luck and always, so it’s not for nothing that the Sun gives her such influence.

Energy of sun

It is enough to imagine once all the power of the Sun in order to understand that Sunday is responsible for the strength within a person and for the external strength. After all, considerable efforts will be required in order to restrain the crushing nature of the solar nature. It is exactly the same with Sunday magic: it not only endows a person with certain powers, but also controls their competent use.

If a woman asks for beauty for herself on Sunday, then the energy of the day is quite capable of dumping it. Yes, only a girl will dispose of such beauty only according to her mind. It seems to me that many have met on their way a lady who does not seem to be a beauty at all, but attracts and commands as if Cleopatra has been living in her for a long time and firmly. Such a woman not only knows her worth, but also enjoys reasonable demand. That's just bravado from eigenvalue she does not experience. The young lady doses her external data for good purposes, this is what is called the breed. In exactly the same way, the energy of the day distributes each quality of a person. Of course, if they asked for it on that day.

Sunday can give absolutely any power, but it is also worth asking for it with restraint. It should be noted here: the Sun is well aware of how much, to whom and what is missing. After all, it is not for nothing that there is an expression that we all walk under it. You can ask for a specific quality today, and how much you need, the day decides on its own. Therefore, even in your fantasies on this score, you should not overdo it.

Family Magic Sunday

Sunday can be safely attributed to the patrons of the family. If you start asking for this day, you can get their full rehabilitation. And if the lovebird wishes to bewitch a married man, then she will absolutely remain alone for many years. And what is extremely likely, femininity and girlish beauty will be pretty spoiled.

The love magic of Sunday applies only to those who truly love. It can affect a couple in love, not yet married. Their union can be sealed with a talisman, you can reconcile those who quarreled or ask for a meeting with a long separation. But the hearts of these people must be in love with each other beforehand.

Within this framework, and can act. After all, people in marriage meet with so many problems, and Sunday will hasten to eliminate them if the magic is aimed at restoring relationships within the family.

Suppose a family happened stressful situation, and the wife has aged dramatically from her, then you can figure out a special tincture that will return the fire to the woman's eyes and wash away extra wrinkles. The husband will look at his former wife and the family will be saved. This is the outcome of Sunday.

Rites for Sunday

Happy ticket

There are interesting words that it is customary to pronounce at the hour when the “lucky ticket” is purchased. It sounds like this:

Happiness with seven tickets has come, another happiness and good luck has brought with it. Ticket to ticket, win to win. As the numbers on the ticket converged, so in the lottery there were tickets to win. I close it with fire, I call for good luck. May it be so!

If you were attentive, you noted that the words contain the expression “I close with fire”. So, be sure to imagine this moment. But God forbid you, represent a fire or combustion of something. You need to imagine the element in the form of a seal on your words.

And one moment. If you decide that these simple words are useful only for buying a ticket, then your opinion is erroneous. They can be spoken when a decision is to be made, on which your position will subsequently depend. For example, two business partners offer their services: one has better contract terms, and the other has cheaper services. What to choose so as not to goof off? If you read these words, then a competent decision will immediately deign to come to you. Just do not abuse magic for every trifling occasion, there will be no sense.

Conspiracy for a smoker

The occasional smoker doesn't need all the willpower and even more in his desire to get rid of the nasty habit. In order for the much needed strength to begin to arrive, it would not be bad to persuade her to come. Stand near the mirror and look into your own eyes, mentally persuade the silushka to come.

However, there is a small snag: it is desirable to read everything on the waning moon, and all words that call for strengthening one's own qualities should be pronounced on the day of the growing star. Therefore, while you are standing in front of your own reflection, choose a growing month. After all, you first need to mobilize the existing perseverance and determination.

Therefore, every Sunday, standing in front of the mirror and looking into your own eyes, you need to ask your inner “I” for help. In other words, ask your soul to be persistent, you can explain the reason. Let it be health or economy Money. The main thing is that all nature responds to the call. Please note that the dialogue should be mental. Then you can choose any other Sunday only with a waning moon. Then the words will be required such that will allow you to quit smoking.

How to neutralize negativity in the family

There is simply a magnificent sacrament that is capable of neutralize all negative energy bundles in a particular family. Of course, it is necessary to put actions into practice on Sunday. And all you need is a few pods of hot pepper. This nuance is important, because the sharper the seasoning, the stronger the influence of the amulet.

Pre-dried spice should be picked up by the keeper of the family hearth. Mentally, she must imagine how all the quarrels, omissions and resentments gather into one unpleasant outwardly lump. And then they simply break on this same pepper. Then spread the charged amulet around the corners of your kitchen. The longer he stays in the corners, the more serious the protection will be.

Knowing little tricks, and directing the energy of the Sun in the right direction, you can realize the most daring wishes. The main thing is to focus on the right vibrations, otherwise the planet will severely burn the one who asks.

Notes on Sunday

  • If you are lucky to sneeze on this day, and the “sneeze” falls on an empty stomach, then the person will become incredibly lucky in love. It is not worth it to specially cause sneezing - love affairs will not increase.
  • When a person is sick, and suddenly on Sunday his temperature jumps sharply, then you can safely wait for recovery. But if this does not happen, then the path to health is still far away.

Magical ceremonies require a responsible attitude. Even the strongest spells and spells will not work properly if mistakes are made during their execution. Any negligence can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

Serious ceremonies are recommended to be carried out only when there is an urgent need for it. Under no circumstances do magical ceremonies out of curiosity or for entertainment purposes! This article presents general recommendations, which should be followed if the description of the ritual does not require otherwise.

What day to read the plot

There are so-called. "female" and "male" days of the week. For women, rites are performed on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday; for men - on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. On Sunday, spells are read very rarely, it is better to devote this day to meditation, prayers and good deeds.

The next important aspect is the lunar cycle. The caster chooses the phase of the moon, based on the features of the upcoming ritual:

  • Growing moon - to increase wealth, for love
  • New moon and full moon - suitable for inducing damage
  • Waning moon - for the healing of diseases

There are several "strong" days in the year that can multiply the effect of the performed magical action. For example, on Easter you can read white prayers for healing from illnesses. On Ivan Kupala, rituals are also performed for the return of youth.

Halloween (originally a Celtic holiday with pagan roots) is suitable for any "dirty" deeds. However, a magician who decides to cause damage or create other evil precisely on the night of October 31 to November 1 should be careful. At that time devilry acquires special power and can harm the caster.

Magic is mystery

If you want to know how to read conspiracies correctly, then the first thing you should understand is that there should be no strangers next to you during the ceremony. No one should see you or hear the words of the spell being cast. This is dangerous, both for a bystander and for the magician himself.

An assistant is allowed to perform the ritual together. You must instruct the assistant in detail about the rules to be followed during the ceremony. The assistant should not talk with the magician, distract him from the ceremony. If the ceremony involves the inscription on the floor or on the ground, then the assistant is forbidden to leave this circle.

Possible consequences

Neophytes from magic are often interested in whether it is possible to read conspiracies, what consequences can come? Consider the possible threats:

  • Talisman making - no danger
  • Treatment of the patient - there is a risk of "dragging" the disease onto yourself
  • Inducing damage, evil eye - the magician can be overtaken by a reverse blow
  • Removing damage - there is a risk of conflict with the magician who brought it on
  • Spells for luck, for love - there is no danger

In order to “pay off” from the disease (or “buy off” their client from it), spellcasters make a lining. It can be a valuable thing or a purse with money. The lining is left where a passer-by can pick it up. Together with material values, a person will “pull” illness, damage or bad luck onto himself. Therefore, you should think carefully before taking such "gifts".

To avoid a reverse strike when inducing damage, magicians use a kind of "lightning rod" - they throw the "return" onto an animal or a person. However, it will not be possible to completely avoid negative consequences (details in the article).

Preparations for the ceremony

How to read conspiracies at home? If a ritual of black magic is to be performed, then all mirrors and reflective surfaces that are in the house should be preliminarily curtained. Otherwise, the evil spirit can "pass" into the mirror, and then begin to spoil the life of the owners.

At the time of the ceremony, the caster must be absolutely sober and healthy! This is very important, as the magician cannot afford to show weakness. People who are going to get serious practical magic, it is recommended to completely abandon the use of tobacco, alcohol and substances that can change consciousness.