Meditation to attract a loved one and happy events. Meditation to attract a loved one and happy events in your life

the main objective meditation, throw all the troubles out of your head and relax. Remember that you always need to strive for the best, be optimistic, enjoy life.

Be more tolerant of other people's shortcomings. Perhaps your life is wonderful and everything is going well for you, and you will live happily ever after, but with meditation you can improve all this several times.

Love meditation will help open up to attract new feelings. After all, it so happens that you do not even realize that you yourself have built a barrier that fenced off you from the perception of love.

This practice will help you find a loved one.

  • First you need to put on relaxing, pleasant music. It's not important that you like her, because you can end up concentrating only on her.
  • Sit in a position that is comfortable for you and relax, concentrating on a point in the forehead (above the eyebrows). Do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts, irritants. When you are ready, imagine the harmony around you, the world of dreams in which you are comfortable. Perhaps it will be a beach, a sea of ​​palm trees, a meadow with beautiful daisies ... The main thing is you should be happy.
  • Imagine that happiness fills you and you fly. You are not worried about gray everyday life, everyday life, all this city bustle, you are not in a hurry, but just enjoying relaxation.
  • Make a wish, previously invented, it should only be positive. Do not wish evil and it will not visit you. After making a wish, imagine the person you are ready to love.

Soon it will appear in your life, it only remains to open up.

This person is like fire ball that you take into your world, let it dissolve into you. Then you can slowly come out of meditation. Are you ready to receive love, you are open.

With this technique, you will be filled with the energy of love. Soon, she will attract others to you.

Time: 2-3 times a week, from 15 minutes to an hour a day.

Meditation for women

Female harmon he and I - this is the unity of the 4 elements (fire, water, earth, air)... This allows the female function to be performed more harmoniously. A woman creates beauty and love around her.

The greatest destiny of a woman is to do good, to bring life into this world. The harmonization of a woman makes her a progenitor.

It is better to practice on the growing moon in order to throw out stagnant energy. If you meditate in the summer, then it is better to do it in nature.

Practice meditation

  1. Sit upright, your back is straight, breathing is deep, measured. Feel the light around the heart chakra, direct this stream of light to the nucleus - the egg.
  2. Ask the Earth for more energy and strength. Take in everything that you are able to realize, feel.
  3. Open your third eye, look at the hitherto unknown. Direct the flow of energy into the sky, feel the force of the wind. Ask the fire for strength and support.
  4. Feel the connection with the 4 elements together.

Time: Practice 2 times a month.

Let's summarize, to overcome daily problems and there is meditation.

The constant regime, over time, will overcome any laziness and accelerate your progress, you cannot replace how you grow above yourself. After you realize how wonderful daily meditation is, nothing can distract you from it.

A daily ritual will make meditation a part of your life, as will eating, brushing your teeth, etc. After studying different forms and meditation techniques, you can identify one or two of the most attractive and practice them daily, alternating.

Changes in your inner world, improved self-control, and the overall benefits of meditation will become noticeable over time. There are no quick results in this practice.

To tell the truth, you will learn to understand not only the outer world, but also the inner spaces. Expand your understanding of your mind, emotions, body.

Your world will become wider, more complete. You will work better and more efficiently, because the ability to concentrate on a certain object will protect you from external stimuli.

While meditating, tune your subconscious mind to peace and tranquility. Relax, the worries that fill you every day should not absorb you completely.

Listen and meditate online

We suggest that you start your practice right now by playing meditation music.

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Every person living on the planet strives to be happy, successful, rich, loved, have a family and a good job.

Meditation is one of the most effective ways, thanks to which almost anyone can have everything they dream about.

The main thing is to understand the essence of this important part of the spiritual techniques of the East, since the basis of all yoga exercises is the concentration of the human mind on the object that he wants to attract into his life.

The most increased interest is observed in meditations aimed at truly spiritual values, in particular, at attracting love and a loved one. Since very often people who have achieved significant heights in work, career, business, successful and rich, beautiful in appearance, remain lonely and unhappy, not understanding why this is happening to them.

It is meditation, from the point of view of its founders - yogis, that can help a person get what he wants - love and a loved one. To do this, you need a little knowledge about meditation itself, existing practices and a willingness to do this at least 2 times a week.

What is the essence of meditation

Any meditation involves focusing a person on an object that he wants to see in his life. If we want to attract love, accordingly, we must concentrate on this feeling.

Yogis say that feeling cannot arise by itself. For it to appear, you need to open your heart to Universal Love, because love is an energy that a person is not able to create on his own.

Only higher powers can help here. A person can only accept the fact that this energy exists in the Universe, and he can only be its conductor.

On the other hand, in order for love to enter a person's life, you need to radiate it yourself, and not just ask someone specific. It may happen that this is not your half at all, and instead of joy and happiness, disappointment will come.

Therefore, in order for your desires to become material, you need, first of all, to sincerely open your heart, so that love will enter it and fill the entire human essence.

If you do not strive for this, your desire will remain an unfulfilled dream.

We create conditions

Before proceeding directly to the meditation process, we recommend that you make some preparations, which will make it easier and faster to delve into the meditation procedure itself, namely:

  • Try to choose a time when you are sure that no one can interfere with you.
  • Find a place that is most comfortable for you and allows you to quickly relax. It is desirable that during the exercise there reigned semi-darkness or diffused light.
  • Turn off all phones, smartphones, computers, laptops, in general, everything that can suddenly interfere with the meditation process and, thus, knock you off the right mindset.
  • Find the appropriate music. These can be sounds of nature, the sound of rain, or special meditation music. It is not recommended to play popular songs or music with sharp changes in key - it will rather interfere with concentration than contribute to it.
  • Light candles using pleasant, non-harsh scents.
  • If something bothers you and you can't relax, try breathing deeply for 2-3 minutes or soak in the bath using essential oils.

Vessel cleaning technique

This spiritual technique is practiced by yogis almost before all meditations, since it is a kind of door that allows you to open the heart and soul of a person to perceive the messages of the Universe.

Our life is mostly filled with disappointments, resentments, fears, anger, which is one of the main reasons why pure feelings, such as love, bypass us.

It is the “Purification of the Vessel” meditation that allows you to spiritually cleanse the accumulated negativity and let true true love into your heart. This requires:

  • Take a few deep breaths and then close your eyes.
  • Imagine that you are near a stream with a clean clear water holding a vessel that resembles your heart, and you see that your vessel is in dust, and this dust symbolizes your accumulated fears, pain, suffering, anger, which all the time poison your life. You take a clean white handkerchief out of your pocket, moisten it in a crystal clean water stream and begin to wash the vessel. Gradually, it becomes clearer, all negative feelings gradually leave your imaginary vessel.
  • And now your vessel is clean and empty. Fill it with love and light in your mind.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale.
  • Open your eyes.

Breath of Love Technique

Breathing is one of the main elements of any meditation, as it helps to tune in to the desired frequency of waves sent by the universe.

It is the breath that is the main component of the Breath of Love meditation.

  • Close your eyes.
  • Imagine in your mind that Divine Mother sends you a ray of love, which, passing through your entire being, goes straight to your heart.
  • Take a breath and feel how love penetrates you, while repeating the mantra: "I am love itself."
  • Exhale, thereby releasing love from yourself, saying: "I love." Feel how this feeling penetrates into every cell of your being and breaks out, illuminating everything around.
  • Say to yourself, “I love you,” and repeat until you get a feeling of being filled with love.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly again.
  • Open your eyes.

This meditation involves not only the attraction of love and a loved one into your life, but also the opportunity to accept the world with his flaws and suffering.

Technique for attracting love

This technique will help open and fill your heart with a feeling of true love, get rid of the accumulated negativity, and also thanks to it, exactly the person you have been waiting for will appear in your life.

  • Get into a position in which you feel most comfortable. This can be the traditional yoga position of the lotus, or you can lie on the floor with your arms outstretched at will.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Inhale and exhale deeply and slowly, trying to completely relax.
  • Focus on a point just above your brows.
  • Drive away all thoughts and concentrate fully.
  • Imagine that you are in a crowd of acquaintances and strangers. Among them you see relatives, friends, people whom you met only once, completely strangers, people with whom you are not very pleasant relationship... They are, just like you, in complete silence.

  • Realize that every person from this crowd is worthy of happiness, love, prosperity.
  • Understand that if all people live in goodness and peace. Then they will be absolutely happy.
  • Thanks to such visualization, warmth will begin to arise in your heart, which, as it grows, will turn into a ray of light.
  • Present this ray to all the people around you, without exception, wishing them peace, love, and happiness from a pure heart.
  • Breathing in and out deeply, open your eyes.

Technique "Energy of Love"

This technique can dramatically change your life if you practice it every day. Your perseverance will be rewarded with interest: new horizons for activity will open, new ones will appear interesting acquaintances, your life will be filled with happiness and love.

  • Sit in a position that is comfortable for you.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Concentrate on a point on your forehead.
  • Imagine that you are in front of tightly closed door that opens the way to your heart.

It is closed, because you yourself locked it with a key, having experienced pain, suffering, disappointment.

  • But then you slowly open the door and you see a huge shiny diamond inside. Huge rays of love energy emanate from him. These rays, falling on you, penetrate into every cell of your body, filling them with light. After being saturated with this energy, your body begins to give it to the outside world, leaving through your fingers. Everything around you turns golden from your touch. You continue to radiate the energy of love, directing it to loved ones, acquaintances, strangers and little pleasant people. Remember that the more you are able to give, the more you will receive in the future.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale.
  • Open your eyes.

Technique "Child - Adult"

This meditation in yoga it is considered one of the most powerful and effective. It is aimed at preparing the perception of love, removing subconscious blocks that impede concentration, readiness to accept a loved one into your life.

  • Relax and get into a position that is comfortable for you.
  • Close your eyes and focus on a point on your forehead.
  • Plunge into yourself, listening to your inner feelings, blocking any thoughts.
  • Imagine that you have just been born, you are a child, you are the purest being who appeared in this life to be happy, radiate joy, receive and give love.
  • Now imagine that you are a young boy (girl). Your body is filled with love, it is beautiful, it radiates love, transfers it to others, and this light of love begins to attract people. Feel this light within yourself, be filled with this love, love yourself this way.
  • Now you are transforming again. You are an adult, self-sufficient person. Consider yourself from all sides. Correct all the flaws in your mind. Make your body perfect. Throw away all the complexes that prevent you from enjoying life. Breathe youth, joy, love into your body. Let it sparkle and glow.

It is such a body that is most attractive to the opposite sex, it is ready to meet with true love, it is able to give and receive love.

  • Imagine that rays emanate from the heart and connect with other hearts. Feel how they strive to get closer to you, your light attracts them. Stay in this state for as long as possible so that your body is completely filled with love and light.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale, gradually returning to reality.
  • Open your eyes.

Technique "Two halves"

This meditation will allow you to gain the confidence that everyone has their own soul mate. And if you haven't found it yet, then the "Two Halves" practice will most likely be able to help you with this.

  • Play music that is pleasant for you and strike a pose for the most comfortable feeling during meditation.
  • Close your eyes and try to relax as much as possible.
  • Imagine that you are on the shore of your beloved sea all alone. You lie comfortably on the yellow hot sand and watch the clouds, warming your body in the sun. All your grievances, fears, worries and everyday worries remained where you came from. You feel bliss and oneness with the universe. The soul is filled with light, warmth, love.
  • But then a man appears on the shore. He slowly moves in your direction and you understand that this is the one (that) the only one destined by fate. Do not try to imagine this person, let the one who is destined for you by fate come, because very often your ideal image, compiled by the mind, rarely coincides with reality. Accept the person who comes, unquestioningly, and over time you will understand that this is really yours.

  • Finally, your half approached you. Think about what you would like to do with her (him): wander along the shore, lie on the sand, swim, dance, etc. Do what you want and how much you want.
  • But now it's time for you to leave. You let go of your soul mate without sadness - you are sure that she will come to you again.
  • Slowly bring your consciousness back to reality by doing breathing exercises and opening your eyes.



For modern man meditation to attract love is one of the options for acquiring inner balance, pacification, harmony with the outside world. It helps to attract into a person's life those things that he needs, and many, thanks to this meditation, finally find the happiness of being loved and happy. Meditation - the best way develop a positive attitude towards the world around you, as well as tune and open your heart to new feelings.

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Meditation is easy. Almost each of us unconsciously plunged into a state of meditation, for example, thoughtfully thinking about something or freezing with happiness. But such meditation does not lead to the achievement of clearly set goals; in this case, a slightly different practice is needed.

There are many techniques, and everyone can choose the most suitable for themselves. ... Through meditation you can not only learn to calm down and restore your moral integrity, but also influence your own life.

If you devote at least 15 minutes a day to this, you can attract happy events and love to yourself.

Basics of meditation

The essence of any meditation in being able to simultaneously relax and concentrate as much as possible, to direct all your feelings to one thing. At this moment, the mind should not be loaded with thoughts, you should clear your consciousness of all that is superfluous.

This is a very big psychological work that requires extreme concentration, but everyone can learn this, just a little patience and desire to achieve results are enough.

In moments of meditation the body rests, the brain relaxes, thoughts do not bother a person. In such an unconscious state, you can easily tune yourself to waves of happiness and love, health and purity. The mind should not interfere with relaxation.

An important role in meditation is played by breathing technique, Scientists believe that it is because of breathing that brain processes slow down, and a person falls into a kind of trance. During this immersion in a state bordering on sleep, a person can experience unfamiliar sensations, feel something new.

It is in it that you can tell your the desires of the universe and ask her for happiness. In addition, meditation helps to relax and feel peace of mind, many psychologists consider it beneficial for harmonization. internal state person.

With meditation, you can:

  • Achieve a harmonious inner state, calm the nerves;
  • Attract happy events and love into your life;
  • Heal ailments, get rid of some diseases;
  • Learn to relax as well as manage emotions.

To meditate correctly, you need to remember the following rules. Choose the right time, the best time to do your meditation is at sunrise and sunset. It's good if you do it twice a day, but even once will be enough if you don't have the time or energy.

Meditate in a Quiet Place where no one will disturb you - lock yourself in your room or find a secluded place in nature. Always take the correct posture - the lotus position is considered ideal, but it is not necessary. Just keep your back straight and your body free from discomfort.

It is very important that you feel comfortable and that nothing distracts you. Learn to relax. Every muscle, every muscle must be relaxed, you can achieve this if you exercise regularly. This is very good for the body and gives him the necessary rest after daily stress and strain.

Last but not least, focus on your breathing, visualization, or mantra, and don't let any unnecessary thought slip through. Remember that if you think about how not to think about anything - this is already a thought, and this is wrong! Learn to get out of your head all problems and worries.

To attract a loved one

Love is necessary for everyone in order to feel happy and desired person. A happy family, in which respect and mutual understanding reign - an indispensable attribute of happiness, but not everyone has this simple joy.

Many men and women are lonely, waiting for their soul mate until old age, but nothing ever happens. In order not to get into their ranks, you should meditate purposefully then a loved one will come into your life. Inaction in this case is not the best choice, only the concentration of spiritual forces on the desired will correct the situation.

An important component of success is morale... If you do not believe in the result, you think that you are doomed to loneliness, nothing will come of it. You must definitely believe in the best and know that your person is somewhere nearby, and you will certainly meet.

To attract into your life someone who will sincerely love you, you need to radiate love yourself, give it to everyone you meet! This will help this visualization: on the street, always imagine that a golden ray emanates from your heart, which penetrates into the heart of any passer-by, or gets inside a person through the crown of the head.

Also, try smile to everyone to meet, do good and love people sincerely, with all my heart. The love given to the world will return to you a hundredfold. As you help people, they will send you blessings that will thin plan will attract love and happiness into your life, but evil will only cause curses that worsen karma.

Having learned give love, you can get it. One more important nuance- self-love. If you do not love yourself, someone else cannot love you! Learn to respect and value yourself. In addition, meditation can be interfered with indoor unit for example, if you are afraid of love because you have been hurt in the past.

In this case, you first need to do other meditations, to relax, forgive and heal the soul, and only then start attracting love. When you are able to achieve the necessary spiritual attitude, you can proceed.


Visualization is something that can help in this situation, but it is necessary to represent not the details of the appearance and the character of the future loved one, but his image as a whole. That is, imagine someone who would suit you, with whom you would feel comfortable.

It is advisable to imagine the details of your acquaintance, the development of a relationship, a wedding, happiness, loyalty and a feeling of warmth. Visualize the place where your meeting took place, for example, it can be your favorite cafe or square in which you walk. After that, you should visit there as often as possible.

Sitting in the park, you need send love all passing and again mentally visualize the relationship that you are waiting for. This will help you speed up the process, bring your meeting closer.

Now is the time to talk directly about meditation, which will certainly have an effect if you fulfill all the conditions described above. Pick a secluded spot, turn off your phones, relax, and close your eyes.

Imagine that you you are in a great place where you feel good and comfortable. It could be forest clearing, the seaside or the beach by the river, the main thing is that you feel good there. Imagine how the sun's rays warm you, birdsong sounds around, the grass rustles.

Suitable for you your Guardian Angel, it radiates light and goodness. You greet him, thank him for his help, for the fact that he never leaves you. After that, you tell him that you dream of living in harmony and love, that you are waiting for a person who can become an ideal couple for you.

Ask the Angel for help, tell him that you believe him, that you know that he himself will choose the ideal time for the appearance of such a person, and you will wait. Thank him again, and then take his hand and fly into the tent, in which you have to wait for your soul mate.

Sit right in the center, see how from your heart golden light streams filling the room. When everything is full of this light, you will notice a silhouette among it. The figure will come closer, and you must believe that this is the person who is perfect for you in everything. When he approaches, his body will also fill your light of love, and you will be bound by bonds.

Imagine how you feel, how happy you are to be with him, how you feel warmth and mutual love... At the end of the meditation, imagine that you are lying together on a cloud of rose petals, cheerful and joyful, and after that you can open your eyes. It is best to do this meditation daily for 40 days.

For the constancy of a loved one

In order for the beloved man to be constant and to love only you, you can use arrithmations. It's a way to tune in to a positive outcome and get a good outcome.

Surely achieve loyalty using arrhythmia much more difficult than health or well-being, because this is already an effect on another person, and not on oneself, but the result can still be achieved.

The essence of arrhythmia is to formulate your desire and express it to the Universe in perfect time, that is, as if it had already been fulfilled. So, in this case, say every day: “My beloved is only interested in me”, “my beloved person feels desire and love only in relation to me,” and so on. You can formulate phrases yourself, the main thing is that they contain a positive message, without denial.

Be sure to thank the Universe even for small achievements. You should also get rid of fears, because if you are afraid of betrayal, you channel so much energy into this channel that your fear is fed and can come true.

There is another way to improve relationships with a loved one, if they give a lurch. This meditation is called "Flame of Love" and is suitable for girls who are already in a relationship, but feel that the flame of love is starting to fade. Get into a comfortable position, relax, feel the tension release from all your muscles and joints.

Press your arms to your chest and imagine that there is a spark in its center, which smolders and radiates heat. This little spark is your love, and to make it stronger in life, imagine how you are directing into it rays of energy, feed it. The sparkle grows, flares up, you feel warm and good.

Take a deep breath at this point and exhale with some delay. This will help trap the energy of love within you. You can share it with others, including your beloved, and over time you will see how your relationship improves, your happiness becomes more.

If you have not met a loved one yet, but want to attract into your life someone who will love you and will be faithful to you, practice the following meditation. Imagine that you are sitting on the seashore in a beautiful cafe, looking at the waves.

You feel good and warm, you have delicious tea in your hands, and the sun caresses you with its rays. Suddenly they start to approach you strangers of both sexes who smile at you and give you gifts. You thank everyone and accept gifts.

And now you see a man who you yourself feel like a gift, only a gift of fate. You thank her and accept the man into your life. You need to meditate in this way for at least five minutes a day for a month.

For happy events

Attract happy events into your life you can through meditation. First of all, you need to allow yourself to experience desires, to want happiness. Concentrate on what you want out of life, like happiness.

Imagine all the details of what will bring you happiness, such as how you meet love or something else. Want it as badly as you can, and then let it go. Stop thinking about it all the time, just be sure that everything will come in due time... And it will come, do not hesitate.

Attract happiness and events that will bring joy, you can use the following meditation. Close your eyes, relax, gradually enter into a mental dialogue with every part of your body, relax every muscle. Start with the muscles of the face and end with the tips of your toes.

As soon as you feel that you have reached the desired state, start imagining the faces of all those people who form your social circle. Start with those you love and who love you, then move on to those with whom you have stable and indifferent relationships, and then - to the enemies who feel negativity towards you and to whom you feel it.

Wish each of them to find themselves, to reach a higher state than the one in which they are in this moment... Love everyone, sincerely wish everyone well and want each of them to be truly happy. Tell them that you want real freedom, real peace and true joy for them. Wish them all to be kinder and develop your consciousness.

After that, imagine how light emanates from your heart, and send each person a ray of your love. After that, you will have to feel purification and happiness, giving love to others, you get it from the universe wishing happiness to others, you yourself come to happiness. Now open your eyes and try to keep this light in you for as long as possible.

Another one meditation that is capable of to attract happy events and good luck into your life, is as follows. Sit as comfortable as possible, relax, close your eyes. Breathe deeply.

Imagine how all your energy is concentrated in the center of your crown, and at the same time, imagine a powerful sweat of silvery light coming from space to you.

Take a deep breath, inhaling this light, then exhale keeping it within you. Imagine that your whole being is soaked in this space energy, it fills every part of your body. Breathe in this way for a while, letting in the silvery light.

Say in your mind: “I breathe in the energy of happiness and joy. I am the embodiment of happiness! There are many happy events in my life, something good happens every day. " When you feel fulfilled, thank the Universe and open your eyes. If you do this meditation regularly, happy events and well-being will come into your life.

Our universe consists of various sounds with their own vibrations. Vibrations are formed when a certain syllable is pronounced and permeate the entire Cosmos.... To attract health, love and happiness to oneself, they use practices such as a mantra to attract a loved one and happy events. Whether you want to attract love into your life or maintain happiness, this practice will help you realize your dream.

It is impossible to find a person who would not want love. Everyone wants to have a loved one next to him. There are proven ways to achieve this goal, Eastern traditional practices help everyone who is determined to be happy.

Listen to online mantra to attract a loved one

Mantra texts

Any text should be read in silence as soon as full moon appeared in the sky. There should be no clouds, only a clear sky. After reading, it is imperative to observe the fast for several days. Avoiding fatty and meaty foods and using meditation.

  • A universal spell is the mantra for finding harmonious and happy relationships:


  • To restore a relationship with a loved one, you need to read:


  • Finding love:


  • Prosperity, love and happiness:


    three days in a row.

Mantra for achieving love and harmony

If a woman wants to find on her life path beloved man and create family happiness, the vibrations of sacred sounds will come to the rescue.

You do not need to think that using them, you can immediately achieve a result and your loved one will appear and will be with you. As you speak the text, you should focus on the ritual, directing all your energy towards achieving the goal. This should be approached responsibly. By learning how to pronounce the formulas correctly, you will achieve your goal. Some women turn to sorcerers or fortune tellers, while most effective way are their own efforts focused on attracting a loved one.

Correct reading of the mantra

In the culture of nations there are magical traditions, they are given Special attention... Mantras are used in Hinduism, reading them allows you to attract love. Words that are spoken out loud have power. Under their influence, the energy field of a person falls, which is cleared. Before choosing a text, listen to it. Then stop at one of them.

In the sacred text, strength and freedom, which helps to overcome different life situations and helps to achieve the intended goal.

How and when to read

The most best time the full moon is for reading. Before that, you need to prepare. Before you start chanting, you need to read the sacred hymns for several days, and reduce the diet. This will cleanse your spirit and body.

The words should be pronounced clearly and very quietly, without deviating from the original text. Audio recording will help you with this.

Some women fail to build a relationship with a man. This happens because there is not enough female energy... To replenish energy while reading words, you need to stand in the open air. Stretch your palms straight towards the moonlight. It is necessary to pronounce the text on each full moon, which has 12 lunar cycles. This will allow the woman to fill herself with maternal and feminine energy.

Determine Which Yoga Is Right For You?

Choose your goal

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 0 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 2 ")]

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

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What is your physical condition?

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 ":", ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 0 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u0434 \ u043 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 1 ")]

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

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What pace do you like doing?

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 0 ":", ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u0434 \ u043 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 1 ")]

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 1 ":"), ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u0434 \ u043 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

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Do you have diseases of the musculoskeletal system?

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 0 ":", ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 2 ")]

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

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Where do you like to study more?

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 0 ":", ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 2 ")]

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Do you like meditating?

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 1 ":"), ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u0434 \ u043 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 1 ":"), ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 0 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u0434 \ u043 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 2 ")]

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Do you have any yoga experience?

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 0 ":", ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 2 ")]

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

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Do you have any health problems?

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

[("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 0 ":", ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 2 ")]

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Classic yoga directions will suit you

Hatha yoga

Will help you:

Suitable for you:

Ashtanga yoga

Iyengar yoga

Try also:

Kundalini yoga
Will help you:
Suitable for you:

Yoga nidra
Will help you:

Bikram yoga


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Determine Which Yoga Is Right For You?

Techniques for advanced practitioners are right for you

Kundalini yoga- the direction of yoga with an emphasis on breathing exercises and meditation. Lessons involve both static and dynamic body work, medium intensity physical activity and more meditation practices... Prepare for hard work and regular practice: most kriyas and meditations must be done for 40 days on a daily basis. Such classes will be of interest to those who have already taken their first steps in yoga and love to meditate.

Will help you: strengthen the muscles of the body, relax, invigorate, relieve stress, lose weight.

Suitable for you: video lessons of kundalini yoga with Alexei Merkulov, kundalini yoga classes with Alexei Vladovsky.

Yoga nidra- deep relaxation practice, yogic sleep. It is a lengthy corpse meditation led by an instructor. It has no medical contraindications and is suitable even for beginners.
Will help you: relax, relieve stress, get acquainted with yoga.

Bikram yoga is a set of 28 exercises that are performed by students in a room heated to 38 degrees. Through constant maintenance high temperature, sweating increases, toxins are removed from the body faster, and the muscles become more flexible. This style of yoga focuses only on the fitness component and leaves aside spiritual practices.

Try also:

Aeroyoga- Air yoga, or, as it is also called, "yoga on hammocks" - this is one of the most modern trends yoga, which allows you to perform asanas in the air. Aero yoga is held in a specially equipped room, in which small hammocks are suspended from the ceiling. It is in them that asanas are performed. Such yoga makes it possible to quickly master some complex asanas, and also promises good physical activity, develops flexibility and strength.

Hatha yoga- one of the most common types of practice, many of the author's directions of yoga are based on it. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Hatha yoga lessons help you master basic asanas and simple meditations. Classes are usually held at a leisurely pace and involve predominantly static load.

Will help you: get acquainted with yoga, lose weight, strengthen muscles, relieve stress, cheer up.

Suitable for you: video lessons of hatha yoga, pair yoga classes.

Ashtanga yoga- Ashtanga, which means "eight-step path to the final goal", is one of the complex styles yoga. This direction combines different practices and represents an endless stream, in which one exercise smoothly turns into another. Each asana must be held for several breathing cycles. Ashtanga Yoga will require strength and endurance from its adepts.

Iyengar yoga- This direction of yoga is named after its founder, who created a whole health complex, designed for students of any age and level of training. It was Iyengar Yoga that for the first time allowed the use of assistive devices (rollers, belts) in the classroom, which facilitated the performance of many asanas for beginners. The goal of this yoga style is health promotion. Much attention is paid to and correct execution asanas, which are considered the basis for mental and physical healing.

Aeroyoga- Air yoga, or, as it is also called, "yoga on hammocks", is one of the most modern yoga trends, which allows you to perform asanas in the air. Air yoga is held in a specially equipped room, in which small hammocks are suspended from the ceiling. It is in them that asanas are performed. Such yoga makes it possible to quickly master some complex asanas, and also promises good physical activity, develops flexibility and strength.

Yoga nidra- deep relaxation practice, yogic sleep. It is a lengthy corpse meditation led by an instructor. It has no medical contraindications and is suitable even for beginners.

Will help you: relax, relieve stress, get acquainted with yoga.

Try also:

Kundalini yoga- the direction of yoga with an emphasis on breathing exercises and meditation. The lessons involve both static and dynamic work with the body, medium intensity of physical activity and many meditative practices. Get ready for hard work and regular practice: most kriyas and meditations need to be done for 40 days on a daily basis. Such classes will be of interest to those who have already taken their first steps in yoga and love to meditate.

Will help you: strengthen the muscles of the body, relax, invigorate, relieve stress, lose weight.

Suitable for you: video lessons of kundalini yoga with Alexei Merkulov, kundalini yoga classes with Alexei Vladovsky.

Hatha yoga- one of the most common types of practice, many of the author's directions of yoga are based on it. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Hatha yoga lessons help you master basic asanas and simple meditations. Classes are usually held at a leisurely pace and involve predominantly static load.

Will help you: get acquainted with yoga, lose weight, strengthen muscles, relieve stress, cheer up.

Suitable for you: video lessons of hatha yoga, pair yoga classes.

Ashtanga yoga- Ashtanga, which means “the eight-step path to the final goal,” is one of the most difficult styles of yoga. This direction combines different practices and represents an endless stream, in which one exercise smoothly turns into another. Each asana must be held for several breathing cycles. Ashtanga Yoga will require strength and endurance from its adepts.

Iyengar yoga- This direction of yoga is named after its founder, who created a whole health complex, designed for students of any age and level of training. It was Iyengar Yoga that for the first time allowed the use of assistive devices (rollers, belts) in the classroom, which facilitated the performance of many asanas for beginners. The goal of this yoga style is health promotion. Much attention is paid to the correct performance of asanas, which are considered the basis for mental and physical recovery.

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Exposure to sounds

The mantra for attracting a loved one is prayer and incantation. All forces are directed towards the energy force of the world. After reading the text, positive changes begin to occur for the reading or singing woman. Her desire is starting to come true.

Each woman selects the sounds individually. Having chosen one, the best, in her opinion, she should start listening online, reading or watching it on video, with these actions the practice becomes more effective and stronger.

Pronunciation rules

If the rules are not followed, reading performance is lost. Mantras should be recited strictly according to the original. When reading is rejected, the action is reduced. Audio recording will help to learn correctly, to pronounce words. You should read in the morning and in the evening in a whisper, passing energy through yourself so that it can easily fly to space and higher forces.

You don't have to look for the meaning of your chosen text. The main thing is to pronounce it correctly. By repeating 108 times, you can amplify the effect. In this figure high power in one, divine perfection, creation at zero, and the symbol of perfection in eight. In order not to get lost in counting the reading, sort out the beads of the rosary.

Mantras for beginners

  • 1 day five times.
  • 2 day six times.
  • 3 day five times.
  • 4 day break.
  • 5 day five times.

A stone has a strong effect on attracting love. Therefore, it is advisable to have a rosary with rose quartz. Move over the pebbles as you read. Be sure to believe in the fulfillment of what you dream about.

It is impossible to control what is happening in relationships and love. When you decide to use practice to achieve a goal, you will certainly see positive results. However, this does not happen immediately. Do not despair, continue this ritual. Your wish will come true unexpectedly.

Meditation to attract a loved one

Meditation will keep your mind clear. When there is little experience in meditation, first of all, you need to learn to concentrate. Concentrating your attention on achieving the goal, think only about the good. Thinking that someone is going to be bad leads to a loss of concentration. You should never touch someone else's will, forcing a person to act in your interests. Desires should only be pure and light.

As you begin to meditate, take a comfortable lotus position. Close your eyes and focus your attention on your breathing. Listen to inhalation and exhalation and feel how air enters your body and back out. At first, different thoughts will creep into your head, knocking you down. Learn not to be distracted and free yourself from them.

Learn to perform the above rituals, and you will certainly achieve effective results in attracting a loved one and finding family happiness.

Good luck in your endeavors!

The meditation that I want to introduce you today is designed to attract happy events and loving people into your life, as well as to achieve inner harmony.

It is carried out Suzanne Semyonova, energy psychologist, renowned trainer of TMP - Meridian Tapping Technique.

It is best to turn on this meditation before bed, so that all the work has already been done and nothing distracts you. By listening to the tape before bed, you are sending a clear signal to your subconscious mind. Good, deep dream allows you to relax your body and refresh your mind.

And when you wake up in the morning, you will feel extraordinary lightness and calmness. You will feel confident in your ability to change your life for the better and attract happy events to it!

Now let's start ...

Close your eyes, take a long, slow breath, hold your breath for a bit and exhale calmly, letting go of all thoughts. Listening easily and naturally brings you recovery and relaxation.

All you need to do is just relax. Just open yourself up and let your mind and body receive this information. And even if you fall asleep, your subconscious mind will write everything down, because it always hears and never sleeps. The subconscious, unlike consciousness, never criticizes or analyzes information.

Therefore, by following simple and effective affirmations, we will prescribe a positive program to attract happy events and loving people into your life. Once positive thoughts become familiar to you, your life will change ...

Friends, this was a text fragment from a meditation to attract happy events, the video with which is below.

It gives special key words NS Inner Peace with the ability to open a "straight line" between consciousness and subconsciousness.

By pronouncing these words at any time, wherever you are, you will be able to attract the Power of the White Light to yourself, creating a strong and powerful protection.

Meditation to attract happy events (video)


You can download this audio recording for free by clicking on the buttons of your social networks... After that, the page will be refreshed and the "download" button will become available.

Remember - the more often you practice, the faster you will change your thoughts, and with them the world around you. After doing meditation for 21 days in a row, your subconscious mind will learn to create and attract happy events to you that will bring you whatever you desire.

Enjoy your meditation!

Arthur Golovin

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