Divination for a woman's love. Fortune telling for girls on Christmas and Epiphany frosts at home and on carols and Christmas Eve

Free online love divination is the most easily accessible method to penetrate the secrets of your future. And it is not at all necessary to have extrasensory abilities or possess other mystical knowledge. To do this, you just need to choose the form of prediction, and observe a few simple rules. And if you follow all the prompts exactly, you will get answers to your questions, learn about upcoming events, which means you can plan your future. Today, without leaving your home, or rather without leaving your computer, you can tell fortunes about a guy and ask the cards for advice on any life issue that interests you. However, one should not completely break away from reality and trust the predictions without limit, one must not forget to evaluate this or that moment and analyze what is happening.

special attention worth divination on cards for love. Such fortune-telling is very popular all over the world and there is a reason for this. Love is the most exciting and important point your life, and of course every person at least once experienced this fabulous feeling. Divining for love loved one, you can find out about the feelings that he has for you. The result of fortune telling will help you gain confidence in yourself and the future, or vice versa, confirm the existence of problems, but in any case, try to turn the situation to your advantage.

Man creates his own destiny. Divination is a tool that helps him in this. With the help of online fortune-telling, you can open the door to the future without outside interference. It is for this that some sites have been created that offer a large selection of fortune-telling known for more than one hundred years.

Fortune-telling was and remains that unknown that a person so strives to understand and his desire to know his fate does not decrease with time. Clairvoyants and mediums can receive information without various devices. Those who are deprived of such abilities come to the rescue, the symbols depicted on the cards. During its existence, humanity has come up with and continues to come up with such symbols, starting with Tarot cards, folk signs and ending with pagan runes. The cards differ in that they have some information, clearly and quickly respond to calls to them, this makes fortune telling easier.

There are some rules that must be observed when divining:

1. The room where the fortune-telling process takes place should be quiet. Conversations, TV, coughing and even the noise of cars outside the window makes the fortuneteller interrupt his attention, which means breaking the thread of contact. As it is said in one of the books, "The magic of shocks does not endure."

2. When fortune telling, you should not cross your limbs, this narrows the communication channel, just like the resulting blockage prevents the flow of water, and the fortuneteller needs more energy to penetrate the barrier of crossed limbs.

Most fortune-telling can be done at any time, but most best moment these are Christmas time, fortune-telling acquires special power on them.

During fortune-telling, all attention must be concentrated on the question that concerns you. Try not to be distracted and then you will definitely get an answer from the cards. Some symbols do not directly tell about your future, and you will have to figure them out for yourself. There are many varieties of online fortune-telling, starting from the well-known book of changes, from which you can find out the future, and ending with fortune-telling on ordinary cards. If you decide to tell fortunes, then remember that the cards do not change, but only help to look into the future.

The question of how to guess for love is asked by all the girls in the world, because this topic is the most exciting and most important in their lives. Surely, every person on the planet has experienced this at least once. wonderful feeling. We do not argue that it was not mutual for everyone, but even if someone was unhappy in love, he is still waiting for a new, stronger and more joyful one.

Divination in the old days

In the old days, fortune-telling helped an unmarried young woman to find out when she would come to her. big love who will become a betrothed, and whether she will be happy in marriage. Moreover, each knew when and how to tell fortunes about love, without resorting to the help of sorcerers and clairvoyants. V ancient Russia for fortune-telling, even a special time was set aside - Christmas time, starting from Christmas night (January 7) and ending with Epiphany (January 19). Our ancestors believed that during Christmas time the world walks devilry, and the souls of dead relatives descend to earth from heaven. It was they who could predict the future, tell about the past and present, and also transmit information to other worlds.

Today, ancient Slavic divination has lost its magical meaning, some ways that tell how to tell fortunes for love have been completely forgotten, others have changed. Love fortune-telling will help you find your man, find out the whole truth about the feelings of your chosen one, check his attitude towards you, read his thoughts and look into the future.

Divination for modern girls

On the site you can get acquainted with some types of love divination and choose the method that you like.

Divination with cards

For this fortune-telling, you need to choose four kings from a deck, put them under your pillow before going to bed and say the following words: “My betrothed, mummers, come to me in a dream!”

If you dream of the King of Spades at night, your husband will be old or jealous. Cross - official or military. Red - money. Tambourine - the one you love.

How to guess love with a ring? For divination you need: a glass of water and any smooth ring without stones. You need to throw the ring into the water and say: “My betrothed, mummers, show yourself!” It is necessary to look inside the ring for a long time to see the image of the groom.

Fortune telling with felt boots

In the old days, felt boots were taken for this fortune-telling, since the girls did not have any other winter shoes. Now felt boots can be replaced with winter boots or boots. To find out where the groom will be from, you need to throw the boot back over yourself and determine the house of the betrothed in the direction of the “toe” of the shoe.

Divination with mirrors

The most terrible divination, since it is done alone at night in almost complete darkness. Not recommended for sensitive people. For divination, two mirrors are taken, placed facing each other so that a mirror gallery is formed. A lit candle is placed between the mirrors. The girl must peer into the darkness of the mirrors for a long time, trying to see the image of the groom.

Divination with threads

Many people will like this method of guessing for love with threads, because. it can be held in the company of several girls. Each of them must cut off a thread of equal length and simultaneously set fire to one end. The girl whose thread burns out first will marry the fastest. If the thread goes out, you can stay single for life.

Divination for a dream

For divination, you need to put a small mirror and three laurel leaves under the pillow. Before going to bed, say the words: “Whoever dreams of me, let him dream in a dream!”

The article has brought together only time-tested information, thanks to which it will be possible to quickly find optimal solution the problem that has arisen and start guessing on your own to get answers.

Fortune telling for girls on Christmas and Epiphany frosts at home and on carols and Christmas Eve

Fortune-telling for girls on Christmas for the future is carried out as follows: as many cups are taken as the number of fortunetellers, and a coin, ring, onion, salt, sugar, bread are placed in them, and a little water should be poured into one of them. Each of the girls with their eyes closed chooses one cup for themselves. The prediction for the future is determined by the contents in the selected cup.

The designation of objects is as follows: a coin - wealth, a ring - a wedding, an onion - tears, salt - misfortune, sugar - fun, bread - prosperity, water - life without much change.

Epiphany divination for girls, the betrothed is done with the help of a wedding ring. Before the ritual, it must be thoroughly cleaned. Then a simple glass is taken without unnecessary drawings and bends. Water is poured into it, approximately ¾ of the volume of the entire glass, and the ring sinks to the bottom. After that, you should carefully look at the middle of the ring, where the face of the betrothed-mummer will be depicted.

In carols, there is such fortune-telling for girls for the fulfillment of a wish. To do this, you need to take a cat or a cat. The animal must be placed outside the threshold of the room in which the fortuneteller is located, after which you should concentrate and make a wish. As soon as the wish is made, you need to call the cat to yourself. If she steps over the threshold with her left paw, then the desire will certainly come true, but if she steps with her right paw, then many difficulties will arise for the fulfillment of her plan.

Fortune telling during Christmas Eve is a fairly common occurrence, in particular for girls. To do this, take a bowl of water, add a small pinch of salt, ash and sugar there. The water with the contents must be thoroughly mixed and allowed to “stop”.

After that, take two hairs: one - a fortuneteller, the second - a loved one, and throw it into a bowl. Then leave it until morning. In the morning, you should see what happened to the hairs: if they are intertwined, then the wedding is just around the corner; if they parted on different sides, then there will be separation soon, if the hairs drowned, then the owner of this hair will face a serious illness.

Fortune-telling for girls in Novruz Bayram

On the holiday of Novruz Bayram, it is common for girls to tell fortunes using a wedding ring. To do this, take a glass of water, take wedding ring, tie it on a white, clean thread and lower it into the prepared glass three times. After the third time, the ring begins to spin in different sides and beat against the walls of the glass. Girls should carefully listen to the sound of a glass every time a ring hits it. How many times he will ring, at that age there will be a wedding.

Fortune telling on a girl by cards

For such fortune-telling on a girl by cards, you need to take a new, non-playing deck, consisting of 36 cards. Having imagined the image of the girl they are guessing at, you should shuffle the deck and guess the most cherished desire that directly concerns the beloved. After carefully shuffling, you need to divide the deck into visually uniform halves and put them in different directions. The left-hander takes the left pile, and the right-hander takes the right one, and counts how many cards are in the selected pile. If the number comes out even, then the desire will certainly come true, if it is odd, then dreams are unlikely to come true.

Divination for a girl by date of birth

To fortune-tell a girl by date of birth, you need to write the full date of birth of your beloved and your own on a piece of paper, then add each number and subtract 22 from the result so many times to get a number from 1 to 22. Based on the number that came out, you need to look at what it means and judge by this about a joint future.

Love is war Partners will always compete because everyone wants to be the leader in the relationship. It is very difficult for such a couple to find harmony.

The perfect couple. Partners are simply made for each other, like two halves of one whole. Such couples often live up to a golden wedding, maintaining love and tenderness for many years.

Ideal lovers. Partners are perfect for each other in bed, and such an alliance is based on romance. Relationships are unstable and can fall apart due to the influence of others. However, they can also lead to strong family. You should listen to your partner, respect him, find more interests in order to save the union.

Patriarchy. Relations are similar to those described in Domostroy. Constant jealousy on the part of a man, a desire to take control. Frequent scandals.

Misalliance. Partners are different. Sometimes this manifests itself outwardly - a man or woman is decades older. But often this is a union of people who have categorically different understandings of life. People say about such couples “opposites attract”. The only essential purpose of such a connection is the mutual development of two souls, teaching a different point of view, acquiring new experience.

A strong family. Such relationships are built on respect and understanding. However, there is a risk that love will lose itself. Initially, a strong feeling eventually turns into a habit, and marriage rests solely on children and common property.

Companions. This union rests on the joint hobbies of a woman and a man. These are colleagues, travel lovers, and teammates who collect stamps. Partners always know how to support each other, and together they are ready to develop in a common activity.

Partners. Unfortunately, or fortunately, feelings in such a pair will not last long. But a common goal can bring these partners together as friends for many years to come.

Individuality. Such an alliance will not work out in everything to the end. On the energy level, a man and a woman will not be able to create a single whole, since each of them will remain with his personal opinion and his life goals. In the eyes of the surrounding onlookers, such a couple will create the appearance of a full-fledged family, however, the partners, consciously feeling incompatibility at the karmic level, will continue to look for someone else, which will lead to betrayal.

Fragile relationships. Partners are suitable for each other and at the end of some time they can even start a family. Only this marriage is unstable to circumstances coming from outside, and therefore can easily cease to exist due to the evil eye or due to problems that arise in everyday life. You should realize this and be more tolerant of your spouse, and choose dialogue and calm communication instead of scandals.

Union of egoists. Two partners do not intend to meet each other even in the most primitive trifles. As a rule, such relationships do not last long.

The need for sacrifice. This couple is united by true sincere love, however, one day a moment arises at which one of the partners must sacrifice something important in order to preserve this union.

Bad number. The couple will soon cease to exist. Stormy passions. A couple of passionate quarrels and passionate reconciliations await, and how long this can last depends solely on the patience of both.

Lie. One of the partners is definitely hiding something. This may be a child from a previous marriage, infidelity, unpleasant moments from the past. Insincerity creates a hole in the couple's energy field, so such a union can easily destroy outside influence. But it is better not to develop this kind of relationship at all from the very beginning.

Intrigue. One of the partners of such a couple is not serious about the other. Even if it comes to the family, it will soon fall apart. But such couples are well compatible in intimate relationships.

Loneliness. Partners are unable to complement each other in order to become one. Everyone understands that something is missing in the relationship, and they soon disperse.

Matriarchy. In these relations, the woman is the main one, only she makes all the main decisions, and the future of this union depends solely on her desire. With excessive pressure, a man either becomes henpecked, or begins to change, satisfying his personal needs outside the family hearth.

Motion. Partners will pull each other to development, they are interested in exploring the world together. The future of the relationship is entirely in their hands.

Family nest. Tender and quivering relationships. In such families, many children are born, and the spouses remain together right up to old age.

Exam. A couple will face many difficulties at the initial stage and during grinding to each other. But partners will be able to overcome all disagreements and external circumstances, family ties will be strong and long.

Unpredictability. Life will test such a couple all the time. If the partner is really dear, you need to prepare for life like a powder keg.

Fortune telling women's days

Divination by women's days quite simple and interesting. The prediction can be determined by the time of the beginning of the menstrual cycle: morning portends immense harmony, love and well-being in the family; the day before 13.00 - the next month promises joy, happiness and fun; the day after 13.00 portends failures and minor troubles; evening - circumstances will arise that will bring sorrows and worries to life; night - separation from family and friends.

The future is also determined by the days when the monthly cycle begins:
Monday - anxiety, chores, the causes of which can be both pleasant and unpleasant;
Tuesday - a meeting with a person who is close, and maybe an acquaintance with a person who, as a result, will become a family;
Wednesday - troubles and sorrows over the next month;
Thursday - an invitation to a fun celebration, a noisy event;
Friday - intriguing events and news;
Saturday - a successful and favorable development of all subsequent events;
Sunday is a carefree, fun and unforgettable pastime throughout the month.

Women's and men's days in magic

For magical rituals there is a certain division into women's and men's days. Women's days are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. On Wednesday, rituals should be performed to attract women with high level intellectual abilities. On this day, it is recommended to use natural stones, herbs and incense for rituals.

Friday is ruled by the planet Venus, which means that this day is considered the day of female beauty and attractiveness. On such a day, conspiracies are made for family well-being, harmony in relationships and sudden marriage. Saturday is considered the day of motherhood, so it is recommended to cast spells for successful conception and pregnancy.

Men's days are usually considered Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Monday, the most powerful and subtle rituals are held. This day is considered the day of leaders, so it is good to conduct rituals to attract proud and impregnable men. Tuesday is the day ruled by the planet Mars. On this day, stubborn, wise and purposeful men are bewitched. Also, it is Tuesday that is considered an auspicious day for performing combat rituals, as well as rituals to strengthen close relationships at a distance. On men's day Thursday, it is recommended to perform rituals in which the appeal is directed to the moon and the sun. This is the day of meditation rites.

Sunday is considered a neutral day of the week and therefore it is not recommended to perform magic spells and rituals on this day at all.

To tell fortunes about a girl, does she have another, is she cheating on me, is this my destiny, will we be together

In order to find out if a loved one is cheating with another, a special ceremony should be performed. For such a ritual, you need to take a saucer and fill it clean water. After that, light a candle and for some time, without moving, stand with it in your hands so that it is saturated with energy. Then you need to approach the filled saucer with a candle in your hands, stand over it and say the words of the conspiracy: “Spill drop by drop, don’t laugh at me. Light the candle, stranger man, show yourself!”

Via online divination Merchant Platonov's girl can find out how the guy, her soulmate, treats her. This is an online love test, it will allow you to understand what is happening now with her boyfriend or soulmate, how he feels and whether to expect a meeting. You can guess online for 4 questions at once: "How does he feel about me?", Fortune telling online for the question "How does he feel now?" Ask the cards "What awaits him in the near future?" or "Will we have a meeting?".

Divination for love

This online fortune-telling for love will allow you to find out the relationship between you and your soulmate. It will also help answer some questions from a series of "likes / dislikes". Why don't relationships develop? Online alignment on love will tell you about your relationship. You can guess not only for yourself, but also for another couple. Ask a question and use online divination.

Will I get married?

This fortune-telling "Will I get married?" perform once a year. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out whether marriage will occur this year or not. Best of all is this love divination to spend on the kakun of any holiday, for example your birthday. Fortune telling is very simple, but informative. It will help you tune in family life if the fortune-telling answers positively. To start fortune-telling online for marriage, follow the instructions: open one card at a time and look for a couple. Divination for marriage online is considered successful if there are no cards left.

Fortune telling on the guy and the King

With the help of this free online card divination for a guy, you can find out how a young man really treats you and what people around you think about you. Just shuffle the cards and see where the King of Hearts and Queen of Hearts are. But there is a peculiarity in this online divination: only cards from the Jack and above are used here.

Divination for husband's love

This online fortune-telling for your beloved husband will tell you about what your missus is doing now, what thoughts he has now and how he feels. Online layout cards for a loved one will give advice for the future on how to behave with your loved one and how happy your marriage will be. Shuffle the cards and start online divination.

Online fortune-telling for the future of relationships

This online fortune-telling for the future of relationships on the cards will tell you a lot of interesting things about you and your relationship not only with your chosen one, but also with others. The online alignment will answer many questions about the future. The layout is very simple, it has 7 positions, i.e. 7 answers to questions.

Divination for a man online

Fortune telling about a man online you can perform for free. This alignment will tell you about the man you are thinking about. This is a divination of attitude and love. With the help of this free online divination, you can find out what awaits you in love, what kind of relationship you will have with a man. Think of a man and ask a question, then start fortune telling by clicking on a deck of cards.

Divination for marriage and marriage

This online fortune-telling for marriage and marriage is considered the most truthful. It will answer questions about marriage. This online divination is carried out on a playing deck of cards. For this fortune-telling, there is a rule: do not guess after 12 at night, otherwise fortune-telling on the cards will not be true. In addition, this online fortune-telling will answer the question "Will I get married?" and "Will I get married?"

For relationships

This online fortune-telling about a person’s attitude towards you is quite truthful. And all because it is personalized. Everything is very simple. Enter the name of the person for whom fortune-telling, and fortune-telling will tell you answers to questions such as "What does he think of me?", "What does he feel for me?", "What is the development of our relationship in the future?" and other love questions regarding the chosen person. Enter a name and start guessing. Then get a response.

What he is doing now?

What he is doing now? this is a very old divination, it was used in the old days. It was very popular among the young girls of that time. And now we offer you to tell fortunes online. It is accurate, and will allow you to answer the question about your loved one: "What is he doing now?". Everything is very simple. Remove cards one at a time until you find the same Jack and read the prediction.

Divination for the betrothed

This is a very old Russian divination. Young people told them unmarried girls. This is online fortune-telling for a betrothed. It will allow you to find the answer to such exciting questions as "What kind of husband will I have?", "Will he love me?", "When will I get married?". Then the girls took a pebble, laid out a deck of cards and threw a pebble on the cards. Then they turned the card over and looked at the prediction. We also offer you to tell fortunes online for your betrothed.

What does he think about me

What does he think about me? - old Russian fortune-telling, was especially loved by young girls. With the help of divination "What does he think of me?" girls guessed at their beloved. It doesn't matter if it's a husband or boyfriend. Fortune telling is very simple, and we offer you to tell fortunes online to the question "What does he think of me?" Everything is very simple. Guess a guy, focus on divination and choose a card. Then shoot one at a time. If the cards match, then read the answer to your fortune-telling question "What does he think of me."

Divination "Does he love me?"

"Does he love me?" - this is a free online fortune-telling for a guy. It is simple, but true, and will help you find out how the mysterious young man relates to you. All you need for this online love divination is to guess a guy and focus on the question. Then choose a card from the four Kings and find out the answer to the question "Does he love me?". Guess a guy and start online fortune telling.

Does he really love me?

Online fortune-telling "Does he love me a lot?" suitable for those girls who doubt the love of their partner. Online fortune-telling is simple, you only need to guess a man or a guy. Then start divination. Write the name of the person below and read the answer to the question about love.

This divination will help you understand your love relationship with a close friend, tell you how to act in a given situation. It is possible that the result may be stunning, completely different, which you did not even suspect. Then you should look at your relationship with different eyes, turn on vigilance. After all, sometimes blinding love leads to disappointment.

For divination, you need a deck of 36 cards. It is necessary to mix the deck thoroughly and lay out the cards in order. following principle. In the middle of the table there are 3 cards face down, they will mean that you have "on the heart". 3 left and right is the present time period. The top three will tell you about the future. And the three at the bottom are the last period of time (previous events that have already happened). Extra cards must be removed - they do not participate in fortune-telling.

The main cards that testify to love are the ace, jack and nine of hearts. If in the scenario all four aces fall out, a jack and even nine of hearts, get ready for marriage. Aces - get ready for something new. Jack always means chores, peak - unpleasant. Ten - curiosity.

When laying out the cards, you must hold them in your left hand with their shirts down, and remove right hand. And one more unique rule: before starting the fortune-telling process itself, the following spell should be voiced, which contributes to a more correct card forecast: “The ace of wine lay down, and the shawl fell off your shoulders, drink, dear, you wine, why take care of it ... "