A beam of pine or spruce, whichever is better. Spruce log house

picking up quality materials for construction country house buyers often cannot decide which type of timber to give preference to. If the construction budget is not limited, of course, it is better to purchase profiled cedar timber. Another popular material, slightly inferior in performance characteristics cedar, larch is considered. But, if the budget for building a house is limited, then more versatile wood species are preferred - spruce and pine. Also, in order to save money during the construction of the house, it is allowed to combine materials of various breeds. For example, the first crown of the house can be laid from larch or cedar timber, and the rest of the building is erected from pine or spruce.

Pine: advantages and characteristics

3 types of timber are produced from pine:

  • a log edged on 4 sides (solid timber);
  • profiled timber;
  • glued beam.

The golden mean in terms of acceptable cost and High Quality is profiled timber. For suburban construction middle lane In Russia, profiled pine timber 150 150, with a standard size of 200 200, is usually used to build houses in the north. The main advantages of pine as a building material include:

Profiled timber allows you to preserve the natural appearance wooden house due to lack interior decoration walls. Walls of any height made of profiled material are smooth, even and windproof. The connection of the rims of the "thorn-groove" type provides the necessary rigidity of the entire structure.

Spruce is a worthy alternative to pine

Spruce is a representative of coniferous trees, which is also used for the construction of houses and outbuildings. Spruce timber - universal construction material and it is sold at approximately the same cost as pine. For the production of lumber, spruce is grown on an industrial scale in the north of the country. The log house and the harvesting of the material are mainly produced in the cold season, since it is the timber of the winter harvesting that has the best operational parameters.

Spruce and pine timber differ significantly from each other in the following parameters:


wood color

Light, close to white

Light yellow to dark


Less dense



Annual rings are weakly expressed


Rot resistance

The presence of blue

There is no pronounced blue

Ease of processing

Spruce processing is difficult due to the large number of knots

Easy to process

Number of knots

Lots of small knots


Less durable

Scope of application

Production of irresponsible structures, interior decoration

No limits

The best wood building material is coniferous wood - pine and spruce. Wood from valuable species such as cedar and larch have their own advantages and distinctive properties, based on which the use of these varieties is more appropriate, let's try to analyze the main ones.

On the side of pine and spruce, there are tangible benefits, namely:

  • The houses are warm. As a rule, houses are not built from larch - since larch is a denser material, and therefore cold, if it is possible to characterize the property of a wooden house in this way. Cedar wood is looser, more porous - cedar houses from our 4 are the warmest, but the coin usually has a downside, cedar, as a building material, has a lower bearing capacity, so it turns out what to use in housing construction cedar is necessary selectively, adjusting design solutions in order to avoid the loss of overall rigidity and bearing capacity during the operation of the building. A derivative of the heat of the house is the preservation optimal temperature in the summer, hot period - that is, in summer it is cool in such houses!
  • Beautiful appearance. The texture of pine and spruce has a more aesthetic expression than larch wood.
    To summarize, larch as a material for a wall set is less suitable than houses made of spruce, pine and cedar. Cedar has a lower bearing capacity, therefore, when using this material, this feature must be taken into account.
  • Appearance. The uniform color of spruce wood will present the house and walls in a more monolithic look. The wood in glued laminated timber is spliced ​​along the length and the use of pine will give a less uniform appearance, by the way, using pine in a log does not carry such negative aspects due to curvature (cylindrical) and deeper subsequent grinding, in houses made of logs pine in this case it looks uniform and there is no sense of coarseness, which can occur when using pine in glued laminated timber.
  • In houses made of glued spruce timber seams are not visible bars in length.
  • Less resinous. Spruce contains less resin.
  • Higher flexibility And load bearing capacity to the bend.

Based on this best material for houses made of glued laminated timber is spruce.

Spruce - only in Russia grows about 30 varieties of this evergreen tree. The height of a spruce can reach 30 meters, impressive, isn't it? And if you add to everything that this is the most ancient tree view on our planet, it becomes quite clear why at all times in Russia houses were built from spruce. Progress does not stand still and spruce logs have long been replaced by spruce timber.

What will be discussed:

It's no secret that wood is still widely used in construction. Of course, brick and block were invented a long time ago, however, the demand for wood has not decreased at all, rather the opposite. Spruce wood is especially loved and popular. It is actively used in the field of construction or in industry. Almost everywhere you can find houses built of spruce.

Wide use, active cultivation and large volumes of blanks have a positive effect on the final cost of lumber and their demand.

Now let's take a closer look at all the properties and features of spruce timber. We will analyze the shortcomings and even touch on the issue of the cost of the material.

When buying a bar, it is better to give preference to a material made from industrial spruce. Raw materials for manufacturing are mined in the north of our country. The fir trees in this part of Russia are tall, the trunk is straight and Bottom part the trunk has practically no branches and branches. Spruce wood, usually white color, but may also have a yellow or slightly pinkish tinge. But do not forget that over time wood is a subject. Branches do not fall out of a uniform pattern.

Types of spruce timber

Wood is perhaps the very first building material. Our ancestors easily cut down wooden huts for themselves, but without the use of the latest developments, nevertheless, nowhere. Material good quality, can be obtained only if wood is processed using the latest equipment. The most common type of spruce timber is a log edged on 4 sides, such a timber is used for the construction of baths.

In another price category is glued and profiled timber. Due to their properties, wood treated in this way is used for the full-fledged construction of houses. Depending on the level of humidity, the cost of timber also varies. So, for example, artificially dried timber is much more expensive than timber with a natural moisture content.

It should be noted that spruce timber is environmentally friendly and completely natural material. That is, it will not cause an allergic reaction even in a regular allergic person and a small child. On the contrary, a subtle spruce aroma has a beneficial effect on health and even has calming properties.

Advantages and disadvantages

Alas and ah, nothing is perfect in the world, so even a spruce beam has both advantages and disadvantages. Let's talk about them in more detail.


  • Due to its low density, in comparison with pine, spruce wood is much lighter, which affects its thermal conductivity.

  • Spruce is much better processed than other conifers. Of course, it can be argued that this affects the strength of wood, but spruce copes with small loads just fine.
  • The small diameter of the knots, which again greatly simplifies processing and increases strength.
  • There is not much resin in spruce wood, which means it is an additional protection against wall leakage, and in combination with high strength and protection against fungus and mold, it turns out just the perfect building material.
  • Color spectrum. As mentioned above, spruce timber is usually white, but there are yellow, gold and even pink shades. This will help to get rid of the many hassles associated with decorating.
  • Smooth texture greatly simplifies the work with the material.
  • General availability has a positive effect on pricing policy.
  • Spruce is several times lighter than pine and only 10% less durable.
  • Spruce timber does not turn blue with time.

As it turned out, spruce has a lot of advantages, but there are also disadvantages, more about the disadvantages:

  • High tensile strength is not good, thanks to these parameters, spruce is quite difficult to plan and grind. This is largely due to the high strength of knots. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase a planed timber.
  • After some time, it will be necessary to repeat the treatment of wood from fungi and mold in order to prevent the onset of putrefactive processes. This is due to the fact that spruce is less impregnated with resin than, for example, pine. And, as is known from the school natural science course, it is the resin that is an antiseptic.

As we can observe, the advantages, however, are much more than the disadvantages, which cannot but rejoice.

Drawing conclusions

You can talk a lot about the pros and cons, but it will be much more valuable and useful to learn everything about the spruce beam firsthand, that is, from those who know what in question. I propose to consider in detail the buildings made of spruce timber in the photo. As the owners of "spruce" houses say, internal walls you can not decorate at all, the spruce looks so beautiful and noble.

If you set out to paint the walls, then the paint will lie evenly, you will not need to mess around with the color scheme. Unlike pine lumber, which has many shades, spruce lumber almost always belongs to one color scheme.

Buildings made of spruce timber are incredibly beautiful, because the tree will never go out of fashion. Cosy wooden house will be relevant at all times. Material features significantly reduce construction time. In a couple of months, you can build a full-fledged house.

In winter in such wooden house very warm, and in summer there will be no unbearable heat and stuffiness, which is very, very valuable, if you remember what a hot summer it was last year.

Even if you decide to be puzzled by the construction of an extension, it will not be difficult to do this at all. Spruce is the most common conifer tree in endless spaces Russian Federation, so you can buy spruce timber almost everywhere.

Conifers, due to their low density, which provide good thermal insulation qualities, are optimal for building houses. year-round living. But which is better: spruce or pine timber? Pine with a hard, well-tarred core and a loose upper part, a straight trunk and high resistance to decay is most in demand in the manufacture of timber. Mostly this type of wood is used for the construction of residential buildings in Russia, Finland and other northern states. But the spruce is as close as possible to the pine technical specifications, while having a soft core and a hard upper layer. It is slightly more prone to rotting, but under the influence of moisture it does not turn blue, unlike pine.

Advantages and disadvantages of spruce timber

The main characteristics of spruce are as follows:

  • difficult processing due to increased branchiness, leading to an increase in the cost of lumber;
  • an insignificant concentration of resins in the composition of wood, which causes low natural resistance to moisture, fungal attack, and insects;
  • a white shade that does not change over time, and a homogeneous structure of the fibers, which make the material optimal for finishing work.

Spruce is optimally suited for the production of curved elements; it is used in the construction of gazebos and bathhouses. Spruce weight in progress chamber drying is significantly reduced, therefore, with the same standard sizes, spruce lumber is lighter than pine lumber, which saves on the arrangement of the foundation. Spruce during the drying process is highly susceptible to deformation, therefore, without resistance, it will lead it with the help of clamps. The gnariness of spruce is a significant drawback, which leads to a ban on its use in load-bearing structures(knots that fall out during drying negatively affect strength). However, industrial spruce, harvested in the country's northern regions (Arkhangelsk, Vologda), is practically devoid of such shortcomings: it has long and even trunks, the lower part contains a small number of tightly fitting knots. When choosing a spruce lumber, carefully read the manufacturer's documentation, find out about the place and period of wood harvesting (quality materials are harvested in winter).

Advantages and disadvantages of pine timber

The advantages of pine are associated with its high strength and resistance to moisture, fungal infections, which is due to the high concentration of resins in the composition. It is easy to process, malleable (due to this finished materials are inexpensive) and suitable for the manufacture of products complex shapes. The advantages of wood are:

  • the possibility of manufacturing a bar with a different section (the thicker the lumber, the warmer the building built from it);
  • chamber-dried pine practically does not shrink, is not subject to deformation, and is most resistant to torsional forces;
  • high strength of the material at medium density, as well as a small mass of timber, can save money during construction due to the arrangement of light foundations;
  • pronounced structure and saturated shade wood cause the construction of houses from timber with a minimum decorative trim(it is enough to process the materials with tinted varnish to emphasize natural beauty invoices).

Pine timber is great for the construction of residential buildings, installation truss systems, use as roof support beams. But over time, pine wood darkens, acquires a reddish tint, which is not observed in spruce. At the same time, pine is drier, harder and less prone to decay.

Spruce wood is actively used in industry and construction, including the construction of private houses. Wide distribution, active cultivation and large volumes of blanks have a positive effect on the final cost of lumber and their demand. In this article we will consider the properties of softwood timber, prominent representative of which spruce is, we will talk about their advantages and disadvantages, we will touch on the issue of the cost of building materials.

Brief description of spruce wood

When buying spruce timber, you should choose a material made from industrial spruce. Such raw materials are usually mined in forests in the north of Russia: it is characterized by a high straight trunk, the lower half of which is distinguished by a small number of knots. The color of spruce wood is close to white, it may have a yellow or pink tint. Over time, under the influence external factors, wood darkens. The pattern is uniform, the knots are round, sit tight and do not fall out.

Advantages and disadvantages of spruce timber


  • It is warmer in a house made of such building materials. Comparing spruce material with pine timber, it is worth noting that the former is less dense. And this, in turn, directly affects its heat-conducting qualities.
  • Comparable to a small emission of resins. Pleasant and unobtrusive aroma indoors, with an increase in air temperature, the walls “cry” less.
  • Uniform timber texture.
  • Affordable cost.

Weak spots:

  • Difficulty in processing. Due to its high tensile strength, spruce wood is difficult to plan or sand. Therefore, we advise you to buy planed timber! Knots are very strong, so some problems may also arise with them;
  • Additional impregnation. To prevent putrefactive processes, the timber must be carefully treated with antiseptic preparations (due to the lower content of natural antiseptics, resins, than in other conifers).

Types of spruce timber

High-quality material can be obtained only under the condition of processing high-quality raw materials in strict accordance with modern technologies. This remark fully applies to spruce timber. Most affordable option- logs edged on four sides, which are most often used in the construction of baths. More expensive than them are profiled and glued materials, which are distinguished by a clear geometry and special properties. It is already better to use them for the construction of full-fledged wooden houses. Humidity of products significantly affects the final cost: timber natural humidity will cost the cheapest, but dried in special ovens will cost several times more.


The cost of a cubic meter of spruce timber depends on the same factors as the cost of pine material - in many regions, their prices are at the same level. It is natural that the price of a dry timber is higher than that of a building material of natural moisture. Also, a lot depends on its type: glued was and remains the most expensive, followed by profiled, and the cheapest is non-profiled. approximate cost cube of each type of timber is presented in the table below. The data is relevant for 2013 for Moscow.