A plant with yellow-violet flowers. purple flowers

Bushy perennial plant up to 2 meters tall. The leaves are rounded, five-dissected, dark green. The flowers are dark purple large, five-leaved, corolla up to 8 cm in diameter. There are many flowers on the shoots. Frost resistant plant. It is used in folk medicine.

Marshmallow officinalis

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 50 cm in height. The leaves are oblong, pointed, located along the entire stem (large below, small above), bluish-green in color. The flowers are solitary, concentrated at the top of the stem, pale pink in color, up to 10 centimeters in diameter. The plant does not withstand severe frosts. Feels good in the suburbs. Widely used in medicine.

Amaranth spiky

Herbaceous plant up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are alternate, oblong, shallower towards the top of the stem. The flowers are small, yellowish-green, collected in dense spike-shaped inflorescences. It grows in fields and meadows throughout Russia and Ukraine. The plant is unpretentious to climatic conditions. It is used in the food industry and medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant up to 40 centimeters in height. The leaves are alternate, bare petiolate, shallower towards the top of the stem. The flowers are large, tricolor, tetrahedral up to 6 centimeters in diameter, on thin pedicels. Frost resistant plant. Grows everywhere. Used in medicine.

wild rosemary

Bush perennial plant up to 2 meters in height. The leaves are small, located along the entire stem, bluish-green in color. The flowers are four-leaved, crimson in color with a bright intoxicating aroma, up to 4 centimeters in diameter. There are many flowers on the pedicel, they are collected in umbrellas. Grows everywhere. It is used in cosmetology and medicine.

Lily-leaved bell

Herbaceous perennial plant of the Bellflower family up to 1.5 meters in height. The leaves are narrow, dark green, sparse. The flowers are small, arranged in a row along the entire upper part of the stem, pale purple. The plant is widespread in Siberia, it also grows in Ukraine. Used in medicine.

Valerian officinalis

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1.5 meters in height. The leaves are upper and lower, long-petiolate, the main stem is slightly leafy. The flowers are pale pink, fragrant, small up to 5 millimeters in diameter, collected in umbrellas. Grows everywhere. Widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Cornflower meadow

Herbaceous perennial weed plant up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are oval-elongated, pubescent, bluish-green. The flowers are pale pink, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, in the inflorescence form a basket. Grows everywhere. It is widely used in traditional and folk medicine.

Cornflower blue

Herbaceous perennial meadow plant up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are pubescent, lanceolate, oval-elongated, bluish-green. The flowers are bright or dark blue, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, in the inflorescence a basket. Grows everywhere. It is used in medicine and cosmetology.

forest anemone

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 20 centimeters in height. The leaves are carved, dark green, located in the root zone of the plant. The flowers are large, white with a pronounced smell of honey. Blooms in warm regions of Russia and Ukraine. Rare protected plant.

Vyazel mouse peas

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1.5 meters in height. Stem branched, creeping. The leaves are small, complex, ash-green. The flowers are small, purple in color, collected in a corolla. Very popular in the vicinity of Novosibirsk. It is used in folk medicine.

Herbaceous perennial dicotyledonous plant up to 40 centimeters in height. Leaves linear, pubescent. The flowers are red, pink, rarely white with five toothed petals. A rare meadow plant protected in the Saratov region.

Geranium meadow

Herbaceous perennial dicotyledonous plant up to 80 centimeters in height. Stem leaves five-parted, upper sessile three-parted. The flowers are large, wide open, numerous, lilac in color with five petals. Grows everywhere. Used as a raw material in medicine.

Highlander snake

Herbaceous perennial plant with a non-branched single stem up to 1 meter high. The leaves are basal, long, feather-shaped. The inflorescence is spike-shaped, dense, with a large number of small pink flowers. Frost-resistant plant of the regions of Western Siberia. Widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Highlander pepper

Herbaceous perennial plant of the Buckwheat family. Reaches a height of up to 90 centimeters. The stem is thin, branched, erect. The leaves are feather-shaped, located along the entire stem. The flowers are small, white, collected in spike-shaped brushes. It is widely used in the food industry, traditional and folk medicine.

Highlander bird

Herbaceous plant up to 50 centimeters in height. Stems branched, weaving, creeping. The leaves are small, dark green, arranged symmetrically along the entire stem. The flowers are small, white, randomly distributed throughout the stem of the plant. Grows everywhere. Used in medicine. Used as a fodder plant.


Perennial shrub up to 1.5 meters in height. Stems dense, short, straight. The leaves are thin, long, dark green in color, arranged symmetrically along the entire stem. Flowers large, solitary, bell-shaped. The flowers are blue, blue or purple. Grows everywhere. It is widely used in folk and traditional medicine.

Adonis cuckoo

Herbaceous perennial plant with a straight stem up to 90 centimeters in height. The leaves are lanceolate, arranged symmetrically from top to bottom along the stem. The flowers are pink, collected in a corymbose panicle and concentrated in the upper part of the plant. It grows in most regions of Russia and throughout Ukraine. It is widely used in folk and traditional medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant up to 40 centimeters in height. The leaves are large, dark green, rounded ovate, serrate. The flowers are small, white-pink in color, collected in straight racemose inflorescences. Frost-resistant plant of the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East. Medicinal plant used in medicine.

goose bow

Herbaceous perennial lily bulbous undersized plant up to 15 centimeters in height. The leaves are long, growing in the root zone as a separate parost. The flowers are small, bright yellow with a pronounced honey smell. Heat loving plant. It is used in cosmetology and traditional medicine.


Bush perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are entire, narrow, light green in color. Flowers orange or yellow. They can be both single and collected in corymbose brushes. Grows everywhere. It is used in cosmetology, traditional and folk medicine.


Bush perennial plant up to 1.5 meters in height. The leaves are arrow-shaped, collected in the basal zone. The flowers are small, collected in a pyramidal inflorescence located on a long peduncle. Flowers can be white, pink, blue, lilac, red, pink, yellow. Grows in warm climates. The plant is used in soap making.

wild bow

Bush perennial plant up to 50 centimeters in height. The leaves are arrow-shaped, like a feather of an onion, but a little thinner. A long thin pedicel on which is located a single, bell-shaped, pink flower. Grows everywhere. Used in the food industry.

sweet clover

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 2 meters in height. The leaves are three-leaved, symmetrically arranged along the entire stem. The flowers are small, yellow or white, collected in racemose inflorescences up to 7 centimeters long. Grows everywhere. Widely used in traditional and folk medicine.

Larkspur field

Herbaceous annual plant of the Buttercup family up to 50 centimeters in height. Self-sowing. The stem is branched and erect. The leaves are small, pinnate, openwork, alternate. The flowers are small, outwardly similar to a small hatchet. Flowers can be blue, purple, rarely pink. Grows everywhere. The plant is poisonous, it is forbidden to use in its pure form.

St. John's wort

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, with a large number of symmetrical leaves. The leaves are elliptical dark green. The flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The flowers are bright yellow. It grows throughout Russia and Ukraine. Medicinal plant, widely used in medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant up to 30 centimeters in height. Leaves trifoliate, complex shape on single stems. Shoots creeping and rooting. Inflorescences in the form of a multi-flowered corymb. The flowers are small, white, with a bright aroma. It grows in warm regions of Russia. It is used in the food industry, cosmetology, medicine.

golden rod

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Stem erect, unbranched. The leaves are oblong, sharp, with serrated edges. The flowers are yellow, small, collected in a panicle inflorescence. It grows in the Caucasus, Western Siberia, Ukraine. It is used in medicine and in everyday life.


Herbaceous biennial plant up to 50 centimeters in height. Self-sowing. Stem solitary, erect. The leaves are oblong, pale green. There are very few leaves on the plant. The flowers are small, pink, collected in an umbrella inflorescence. Grows everywhere. Used in cosmetology and medicine.


Perennial shrub with oval whole leaves and zygomorphic flowers collected in whorls on the upper part of the stem. The shrub reaches 1.5 meters in height. Flowers can be white, yellow or pink. Grows everywhere. Widely used in traditional medicine.


Perennial rhizomatous plant up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem may be single or tufted. The leaves are flat, xiphoid, collected at the base of the stem. Flowers solitary or three in an inflorescence. Flowers can be yellow, purple, white. purple, burgundy, pink. The flowers are similar in appearance to an orchid flower. Grows everywhere. It is used in folk medicine.

Fireweed narrow-leaved (Ivan tea)

Herbaceous perennial plant 50-150 centimeters in height. Stem erect, glabrous, rounded, densely leafy. The leaves are simple, linear-lanceolate, pointed, narrowed, dark green shiny color. Flowers with double perianth, pink, four-membered, bisexual up to 3 cm in diameter. The flowers are collected in a rare apical raceme up to 45 centimeters long. Grows everywhere. An ornamental plant used in folk and traditional medicine.

Kirkazon clematis

Herbaceous perennial liana 50-90 centimeters high with a creeping rhizome. The stem is simple, erect. The leaves are heart-shaped, up to 10 centimeters long. Flowers with zygomorphic perianth, light yellow. It grows in the European part of Russia and the Caucasus. Poisonous medicinal plant. It is used in small doses in traditional medicine.

plowed clover

Herbaceous annual plant up to 30 centimeters in height. Self-sowing. Stem erect, branched. The leaves are trifoliate, linear-oblong, blue-green. Inflorescences-heads of a cylindrical shape, hairy-hairy. Flowers in the form of a small pale pink corolla. Grows everywhere. Used in cosmetology and medicine. Forage plant.

Creeping white clover

Herbaceous perennial branching plant up to 30 centimeters in height. Stem creeping, branched, glabrous, self-rooting. The leaves are trifoliate on long petioles. The leaves are painted green, with white stains inside the leaf. Inflorescences-heads of spherical shape. Flowers in the form of a small white corolla. Grows in temperate zones. It is used as an excellent honey plant, fodder plant, soil improver plant.

clover pink

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. Stem tubular, branched, erect. Leaves are oval, trifoliate. Inflorescences-heads are spherical. The flowers are in the form of corollas, pink or crimson. Grows everywhere. It is used as an excellent honey plant, fodder plant, component in folk medicine.

feather grass

Sod-like perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Stems erect, glabrous. The leaves are linear, narrow, located in the root zone of the bush. Inflorescence in the form of a narrow compressed, pubescent panicle up to 25 centimeters in length. Grows everywhere. Decorative plant.

meadow goatbeard

Herbaceous biennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Self-sowing. The stem is thin, erect, with a purple tint. The leaves are narrow, long, located in the lower knee of the stem. The flowers are yellow, dandelion-shaped on a flower stem-basket. Grows everywhere. Used in the food industry.


Herbaceous biennial plant up to 70 centimeters in height. Self-sowing. The stem is erect, thin, slightly leafy. The leaves are small, entire, alternately arranged. The corolla is bell-shaped. The flowers are purple, collected in a racemose or paniculate inflorescence. Grows in temperate climates. Rare ornamental plant.

Field barnacle

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. Stem erect, slightly leafy. The leaves are hairy, lanceolate, pinnate, located in the root zone of the plant. Inflorescence-heads up to 3 centimeters in height. The flowers are bluish-purple with lanceolate leaflets-wrappers. Grows everywhere. Used as an excellent honey plant.

Burnet officinalis

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 90 centimeters in height. Stem solitary, erect, branched at the top. The leaves are long-petiolate with a large number of small oval leaflets. The edge of the sheet is cut. The flowers are small, dark red, collected in oval corollas-heads. Medicinal plant, fodder plant, honey plant. Grows everywhere. Used in folk and traditional medicine.

European bathing suit

Herbaceous perennial plant 40-100 centimeters in height. Leaves are basal and stem. The leaves are dark green, pinnately dissected, collected in a rosette. The flowers are rich yellow, large, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, with a bright aroma. The flower looks like a small peony. A rare plant protected by the Republic of Belarus, the Tambov region and Poland.

Kupena fragrant

Herbaceous perennial plant 30-65 centimeters in height. Stem glabrous, faceted, erect. The stem, under the weight of leaves and flowers, forms an arc. The leaves are oval, amplexicaul, alternate, glossy and green above, dull and gray below. The flowers are white, small, arranged along the stem. The flowers are similar in appearance to a bell. Grows everywhere. A poisonous plant used in small doses in folk and traditional medicine.

Lily of the valley

Herbaceous perennial plant of the genus Liliaceae up to 40 centimeters in height. The stem is thin, glabrous, erect. The leaves are large, oval, light green in color, located symmetrically in two in the root zone of the plant. The flowers are small, white, with a sugary aroma, collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence. Grows everywhere. Rare plant. It is used in folk and traditional medicine, cosmetology and soap making.

Common flax

Herbaceous annual plant up to 80 centimeters in height. Self-sowing. Stem erect, leafy, branching at the top. The leaves are small, narrow, arranged symmetrically along the entire stem. Flowers solitary, on long stalks, blue, five-petalled. Grows everywhere. It is used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology, in textile production.


Herbaceous perennial primrose up to 30 centimeters in height. The stem is creeping, thin, rooting, with symmetrical opposite rounded leaves. The flowers are yellow, on long stalks, solitary, large, five-leaved. Grows everywhere. Used in folk medicine and as a substitute for tea.

common flax

Herbaceous perennial plant of the Plantain family, can reach a height of 90 centimeters. Stem erect, densely leafy. The leaves are small, linear, pointed. The flowers are yellow with an orange center, small. The flowers are collected in apical brushes up to 15 centimeters long. Grows everywhere. Weed plant, rarely used in floristry.

Lyubka bifolia

Herbaceous perennial tuberous plant 30-60 centimeters in height. Stem solitary and erect, glabrous. Leaves are basal (there may be 1-3 pieces). The leaves are oval, light green, large. Inflorescence in the form of a cylindrical spikelet up to 20 centimeters in length. The flowers are small, white, arranged symmetrically with respect to the spikelet. The flowers have a pungent spicy aroma. It grows in Ukraine and in the European part of Russia. It is used in folk medicine and veterinary medicine.


Perennial shrub 80-120 cm high. Stems erect, woody, leafy to varying degrees. The leaves are palmately compound, of many narrow and long leaves. Inflorescence in the form of an apical brush. The flowers are zygomorphic, alternate, dark blue or purple. Grows in temperate climates. Used in medicine, food industry, pharmacology, cosmetology, floristry.

buttercup creeping

Herbaceous perennial plant 15-40 centimeters in height. The stem is thick, bare, creeping. Leaves trifoliate, petiolate, basal. The flowers are bisexual, regular cinquefoil, solitary, golden yellow. Grows everywhere. It is used in folk and traditional medicine.

field poppy

Herbaceous annual plant 30-80 centimeters in height. Self-sowing. Stem branched, covered with coarse bristles. The leaves are large, alternate, pinnately dissected, gray-green in color. The edge of the sheet is dissected, serrated. Pedicels are long, strong. The flowers are large, up to 7 centimeters in diameter, solitary, bright red or scarlet. The flowers consist of two tiers of petals (four each) and a black stamen with oblong anthers. Grows everywhere. Used in folk medicine, winemaking.


Herbaceous perennial bushy plant 40-60 cm high. Stem erect, branched. The leaves are palmately dissected, rounded, with concave lobes, decorative. The flowers are small, greenish-yellow in color, collected in spherical inflorescences on single pedicels. Grows in warm climate regions. Medicinal plant. It is used in the food industry, folk medicine, floristry.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the Aster family up to 30 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, covered with scaly leaves. Basal leaves dissected by veins, oval or heart-shaped, simple. The flowers are solitary, bright yellow, outwardly similar to a dandelion. Grows in temperate climates. Used in folk medicine, valued as an excellent honey plant.


Herbaceous perennial plant not higher than 30 centimeters. Stem erect, pubescent. Leaves lanceolate, oval, regular, heart-shaped. The basal leaves are much larger than the stem leaves. Flowers with double perianth, bell-shaped in a pubescent basket. Most often, the flowers are blue or blue. Grows everywhere. It is used in cooking, folk and traditional medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the Aster family up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, multifaceted. The leaves are dark green, feather-like, basal. The flowers are solitary, yellow, coming out of a single inflorescence of the basket. All parts of the plant contain thick white juice. Grows everywhere. It is used as a fodder plant, in the food industry, in medicine, in cosmetology.

Comfrey officinalis

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Stem branched, erect. The entire stem is covered with stiff hairs. The leaves are feather-shaped, oblong, lanceolate, alternate, bluish-green. The flowers are purple, bell-shaped, rarely located along the entire upper part of the stem. Distributed everywhere. Used in medicine, excellent honey plant.

Eyebright officinalis

Herbaceous perennial plant of the Cabbage family up to 60 centimeters in height. Stem erect, leafy. The leaves are small, alternate, in the form of small hearts. Sepals straight, short, white, located at the top of the stem. Grows everywhere. It is used in folk and scientific medicine, gynecology, Armenian cuisine.

Primrose officinalis

Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. Stem erect, glabrous. The leaves are large, feather-shaped, bluish-green, clustered in the root zone. The flowers are regular, five-leaved, golden yellow, collected in an umbrella inflorescence. Grows everywhere. It is used in medicine, food industry, as an ornamental plant.

Common tansy

Herbaceous soddy perennial plant 50-150 centimeters in height. Stems erect, branched at the top. The leaves are alternate, palmate, carved, serrated. The flowers are small, regular, yellow, tubular, collected in an umbrella. The plant has a pungent camphor smell. Grows everywhere. It is widely used in the food industry, scientific and traditional medicine.

Pikulnik ordinary

Herbaceous annual plant of the Lamiaceae family up to 50 centimeters in height. Self-sowing. Stem erect, hairy. The leaves are alternate, regular, symmetrically arranged along the entire stem. The calyx is prickly, equal to the corolla tube, with five teeth. The flowers are small, bell-shaped, purple. Grows everywhere. Good honey plant.


Perennial climbing shrub. The stem is thin, weaving. The leaves are dark green, angular-lobed. The flowers are small, white, collected in apical racemes. It grows in countries with a mild climate. Medicinal plant used in folk and traditional medicine.

Bedstraw real

Herbaceous perennial tenacious plant 60-120 centimeters in height. Stem erect, weak, pubescent. The leaves are dark green, narrow, linear, collected in whorls. The flowers are collected in a dense pyramidal panicle. The flowers are small, yellow-colored, with a pronounced honey aroma. Grows everywhere. Good honey plant. It is used in the food industry, in the paint and varnish industry.


Perennial herbaceous shrub 50-200 cm tall. The stem is erect, ribbed, dense, branched in the upper part. The leaves are long-petiolate, twice or thrice pinnately dissected. The whole plant is silvery green. The flowers are small, yellowish, in the form of spherical baskets. The flowers are arranged symmetrically along the entire stem. The plant has a pungent camphor smell. Grows everywhere. It is used in medicine, cooking, in the preparation of insecticides.

Primula vulgaris

Herbaceous perennial plant of the genus Primrose up to 20 centimeters in height. Stem erect, short. The leaves are lanceolate, feather-shaped, wrinkled, serrated, located in the basal zone. The flowers are funnel-shaped, regular, of various colors. Flowers are collected in sessile inflorescences. It grows in temperate regions. Decorative plant.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the Ranunculaceae family up to 40 centimeters in height. The stem is thick, gray, hairy. The leaves are petiolate, collected in a rosette in the root zone. The flowers are solitary, regular, large, purple, with sharp petals. Grows everywhere. It is used in traditional medicine and veterinary medicine. Poisonous.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the Astrov family. It reaches a height of 30-80 centimeters. The stem is erect, leafy, branched upwards. The leaves are small, narrow, carved. Inflorescences in the form of hemispherical baskets. The flowers are regular, white with a yellow center. Grows everywhere. It is applied in cosmetology, in gardening, in floristry.

pharmaceutical camomile

An annual herbaceous plant of the Astrov family up to 60 centimeters in height. Self-sowing. The stem is erect, branched from the base. The leaves are alternate, narrow, small, carved. Inflorescences numerous, in the form of a conical basket. The flowers are regular, white with a yellow center. There are bisexual yellow small flowers. Grows everywhere. It is used in medicine, cosmetology, food industry.

Chamomile yellow

Perennial herbaceous plant from the genus Pupavka of the Asteraceae family. In height reaches 25-100 centimeters. Stem erect naked. The leaves are alternate, pinnate, large. The flowers are collected in single conical baskets on long pedicels. The flowers are regular, yellow with a yellow center. Grows everywhere. Used in medicine and horticulture.

Fritillaries chess

Perennial herbaceous plant of the Ryabchikov genus of the Lilein family. In height it can reach 35 centimeters. The stem is erect, smooth, bending into an arc under the weight of the flower. The leaves are thin and long, sparsely arranged and symmetrical along the stem. Flowers solitary, drooping. The bellflower is painted in burgundy and on the main color you can see dots of dove, arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The range of the species covers almost all of Europe, with the exception of the extreme northern and extreme southern regions. Ornamental rare plant. Used in medicine.

Sverbiga eastern

Perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Sverbig of the Cabbage family. In height it can reach 40-100 centimeters. Stem erect, branched above. The leaves are serrated, oval-lanceolate, located in the root zone, in the region of the first knee of the stem. Flowers up to 5 millimeters in diameter, yellow, collected in corymbose brushes, and brushes collected in a large panicle. The plant is not whimsical to the climate. It is used in the food industry and traditional Armenian medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae or Compositae. The plant can reach a height of 15-90 centimeters. The stem is thin, erect, glabrous. Leaves pinnately dissected, alternate. Inflorescence in the form of a rough basket. The flower is pale pink, solitary or bisexual. Grows everywhere. Excellent honey plant. Used as a dye.


Perennial herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family. It can reach 1.5 meters in height. The stem is straight, glabrous, bluish in color, branched at the top. The leaves are entire, pinnatisected, prickly, serrated. The flowers are small, mostly blue-blue, of the usual umbrella type, collected at the top of the branches in an ovoid head. It grows mainly in the southern regions. It is used in folk medicine and as an ornamental plant.

cyanosis blue

Perennial herbaceous plant 35-140 cm high. Stems solitary, erect, hollow, indistinctly ribbed, simple or branched at the top. The leaves are alternate, pinnate, glabrous, oblong-lanceolate, pointed. Flowers blue to purple, occasionally white; collected in paniculate inflorescences at the ends of the stems. Cup with five blades. Corolla wide open, spike-shaped, bell-shaped with a five-lobed limb. Grows everywhere. Good honey plant. It is used in folk medicine.


Perennial herbaceous plant, semi-shrub, Carnation family. Weed. Stems erect or ascending, branched at the top, up to 50 centimeters in height. The leaves are opposite, sessile, lanceolate, linear, spatulate, ovate. The flowers are monoecious or dioecious, collected in common paniculate or spike-shaped inflorescences, sometimes they are solitary. Corolla white, five petals. Grows everywhere. It is used in folk medicine.

Smolka common

Herbaceous perennial dicotyledonous plant of the Clove family. The stems are erect, slightly branched, reach 30-90 centimeters in height, glabrous, usually sticky at the nodes. Basal leaves on petioles, lanceolate or almost linear, pointed. The flowers are regular, pink in color in dichasial inflorescences. Smolka grows in almost all of Europe, with the exception of the southwest. Decorative plant.


Perennial herbaceous plant of the Anemone genus of the Ranunculaceae family. In height reaches 7-15 centimeters. The stems are erect, covered with thick, protruding, soft hairs. Root leaves on long, not densely hairy petioles, rounded heart-shaped, three-dissected with rhombic tripartite segments. The flowers are purple or white, six-petal, star-shaped, with a yellow center. Rare plant. It is used in folk medicine as a sedative and hypnotic.

Common colza

A perennial herbaceous plant with biennial shoots, the genus Surepka from the Cabbage family. The stem is tall, branched, glabrous or slightly downy, 30-80 centimeters high. Leaves sessile, entire, from lanceolate to obovate, serrated along the edge. Inflorescence - brush, single at the beginning of flowering. The flowers are four-membered with a double perianth, bisexual, golden yellow. The flower has five stamens. Grows everywhere. It is used as a fodder plant, in medicine, in cosmetology, in cooking, in floristry.


Perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family. The stem is erect, pinnate up to 80 centimeters in height. The leaves are palmate, collected in a star, on long legs. Numerous small white or pink flowers are collected in terminal corymbose, paniculate inflorescences. Perianths are double. Grows in temperate climates. It is used in folk and traditional medicine, food industry. Decorative plant.


Herbaceous perennial plant, semi-shrub of the family Asteraceae or Compositae. The stem is erect or slightly curved near the soil surface. The leaves are serrated, carved or pinnately dissected, arranged in a regular order. Inflorescences are small baskets, mostly collected in a common corymbose inflorescence. The flowers are correct, white. Grows everywhere. Medicinal plant.

field tulip

Perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of the Lily family. The stem is dense, erect, with a single peduncle. The leaves are smooth or wavy, elongated, lanceolate, extending from the base of the stem to its middle. An adult plant usually has 2-4 leaves, a young plant always has only 1 leaf. Leaves are bluish green. The flower is single, six-petalled, regular with a large number of stamens. Most often, the flowers are red, yellow, white or pink. Decorative plant.

Meadow violet

Perennial herbaceous plant of the Violet genus of the Violet family. The stem is elevated, branched, erect or ascending 5-20 centimeters high. The leaves are alternate, simple, serrated. The lower leaves are petiolate, rounded oval. Flowers solitary, irregular, zygomorphic, purple. Perianth double, sepals and petals 5, not fused together. The flowers exude a heady aroma. The plant is found everywhere. It is used in cosmetology and medicine.


Perennial spore herbaceous plant of the genus Horsetail, family Horsetail. In height it can reach 40-60 centimeters. Generative shoots are brownish or pinkish, not branched, with triangular brown leaf teeth. Vegetative shoots are green, erect, hollow, with a pico-shaped apex. Leaf teeth are collected in whorls of 6-12, sometimes up to 16 pieces, free or fused. The plant is common in subarctic, temperate and tropical climates. Used in traditional and folk medicine, food industry.


Perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Horseradish of the Cabbage family. The stem is straight, branched, 50-150 centimeters high. Basal leaves are very large, oblong or oblong-oval, crenate, heart-shaped at the base; lower - pinnatipartite; oblong-lanceolate; upper - linear, entire. Calyx about 3 mm long; petals about 6 mm long, white, short-marigolded. Grows everywhere. Used in cooking and medicine.

Chicory ordinary

Perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Chicory of the Asteraceae family. Weed plant. The stem is erect, rod-shaped, green or bluish-green, rough, 15-150 centimeters high. Basal leaves are pinnatipartite, entire, serrated along the edge, gradually narrowed into a petiole at the base. Baskets solitary, numerous or crowded in several at the top of the stem. Flowers are reed. Corolla 15-25 mm long, different shades of blue or white. Grows everywhere. The plant is toxic. Used in medicine and cooking.


Perennial semi-shrub plant with thin stems up to 40 centimeters in height. The leaves are thin, small, hard, oval green. The flowers are collected in small elongated inflorescences of pinkish-purple color with a very fragrant smell. It grows in Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, eastern Russia, the Caucasus. Decorative plant. Used in cosmetology.


A perennial herbaceous plant with a trihedral stem up to 50 centimeters high. It has two oblong sharp leaves. The flower has the shape of a hemispherical white umbrella. Flowering period May-June. Grows in Central, Northern, Southern Europe and Turkey. Grown as a cultivated plant.

Chernogolovka ordinary

Perennial herbaceous plant 15-30 cm high. Leaves petiolate, oblong. The flowers are symmetrical on short stalks in false whorls of blue-violet (rarely yellow-white). The area of ​​growth of the countries of Asia, Japan, North America and Africa, Australia. It is used in folk medicine.


A thorny perennial herbaceous plant with a straight stem up to 1.5 meters high. The leaves are large, hard, prickly. Flowers in the form of a basket of pink or purple. Blooms from early July to late August. It grows in Central Europe and Asia, North Africa, USA. It is used in traditional and folk medicine.


Perennial herbaceous shrub with a straight branched stem 50-100 cm high. The leaves are lyre-shaped, dark green. The flowers are golden yellow, regular shape, collected in an umbrella. Blooms from May to August. Distributed almost everywhere. Used in medicine.


Herbaceous perennial plant or shrub 20-70 cm high. The leaves are oblong grey-green. The flowers are blue-violet, pink or white, collected in corymbose whorls. Blooms from late May to July. Grows everywhere. Widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Rosehip cinnamon

Prickly shrub plant up to 2 meters in height. Leaves pinnate with five or seven slits. The flower is solitary, rarely double-triple, pink or dark red. Blooms from May to July. Distributed in Europe and Central Asia. Medicinal plant.

dog rose

Shrub plant 1.5-2.5 meters high, has rare thorns. The leaves are pinnate, mostly with seven slits. The flower is pink or white-pink in color, 5 centimeters in diameter, practically odorless. Distributed in Europe, North Africa, Western Asia. Used medicinally and as a graft for garden roses.


Mallow. Perennial or biennial herbaceous plant up to 2 meters high. The leaves are alternate, the stem is herbaceous. Self-sowing. The flower consists of five fused petals in white, pink, yellowish, cream or pink. Cultivated everywhere. Used as an ornamental and medicinal plant.


Grass, shrub or shrub with thorns up to 70 centimeters high. Leaves pinnate with stipules. A flower collected in ears, the brushes of which are white, yellow or purple. Distributed in central and southern Europe, Western Asia and northern Africa. Used medicinally or as a fodder plant.


Perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 meter high with a straight, rough stem. Leaves on a long petiole, broadly oval, narrowed towards the petiole. The flowers are large, regular, collected in baskets up to 15 centimeters in diameter, the color can be from pink to red-brown. The plant is native to the eastern United States. Used as an ornamental and medicinal plant.

Echinocystis lobata

An annual herbaceous liana-like plant up to 6 meters long. Self-sowing. The leaves are rounded, pale green, with long petioles. The flower is dioecious, collected in racemes, with a delicate honey aroma. The flowering period is from June to September, the fruits ripen from August to October. Distributed in North America, Central Asia, the Far East, Japan, China.


Perennial herbaceous sun-loving plant 20-45 centimeters in height. Leaf on a long petiole, thrice dissected. Cup-shaped flowers from white to orange. Flowering period from June to October. It grows in western North America. Used for decorative purposes.


Trubnevy perennial herbaceous medicinal plant with a single stem 10-50 centimeters in height. The leaves are broadly lanceolate, narrowing into a petiole. The flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences from lilac to dark cherry. It grows in the mountains of the Caucasus, Crimea, North America, Central and Southern Europe. Used in cooking.

Purple coloring of flowers looks very elegant, mysterious and beautiful.

A variety of shades from pale lilac to deep purple can decorate the interior of any style and will delight with its charm.

What kind of plants bloom purple inflorescences?

Indoor flowers with purple flowers

Himalayan geranium.
A small shrub that grows 30-60cm in length. It differs from other types of geraniums in larger flowers - about 5 cm in diameter, which can be painted in different shades of purple with red veins. Otherwise, the appearance is completely different from all other types of geraniums.

Ahimenes Ehrenberga.
Upright plant 40-50 cm in height. It blooms for several months, throwing out large beautiful flowers, painted on the outside in purple with a pink tint, the inside is light purple. Zev yellow with red spots.

Usambar violet(saintpaulia).
Currently, there are a huge number of its species and varieties. These are house flowers, many of which have all shades of lilac and purple. There are simple and terry varieties, according to color they distinguish between classic, chimeras, bordered, fantasy. Initially, the violet had simple flowers of a rich purple color, it is from it that all hybrids and breeding finds originate.

A perennial tuberous plant, characterized by a very spectacular and elegant appearance. It has large dark green leaves covered with a silvery down.

It blooms with large flowers, shaped like a bell. All varieties are distinguished by very bright saturated colors, including deep purple. The middle is lighter, the edges are often surrounded by a white border. The flowers are velvety to the touch. Flowering can last about 2 months.

Epiphytic plant of the orchid family. It has an upright stem with few leaves. It produces a long peduncle, on which several flowers are placed, ranging in size from 2 to 7 cm. In shape, each flower is similar to a butterfly of the phalenpsis genus. As a tropical plant, it loves warmth and lots of light.

purple calla.
A very majestic elegant flower, the symbol of kings. An upright plant with long leaf blades, heart-shaped or pointed. They feel like wax to the touch, just like the flowers themselves. The leaves are green, densely covered with white patches. The flowers are large, one on each peduncle, funnel-shaped.

Purple passionflower - ornamental plant - liana. Leaf plates are the most common, oval-shaped, grassy green. But the flowers are very beautiful and unusual. They have a rather complex structure. The sepals are purple, ending in transverse bars.

Color - green-yellow. A corolla or crown of curved purple threads is attached to the sepals, thanks to which the flower looks very original and intricate. Unlike other houseplants, it has a very pleasant floral aroma.

Large-flowered upright houseplant. There are varieties with straight, semi-double and double inflorescences. Leaf blades form a neat rosette, a long, thin peduncle appears from it, which ends with large flowers collected in an umbrella. The flowers are usually large, five-petalled, brightly colored, the center of most varieties is yellow.

Cute tropical plant of the Acanthus family. On an erect stem are elongated oval leaves of a monophonic green or mosaic color. Differs in plentiful long blossoming. Most varieties produce purple and lilac flowers, some with blue veins. Does not require complex care, loves bright lighting.

Stapelia shaggy.
Succulent plant with thick fleshy leaves, tetrahedral shape. A small bush that does not grow more than 20 cm in length. The flowers are very large, five-pointed, shaped like a Kremlin star. The color is purple with a brown tint and a pattern in the form of yellow stripes. The flower is covered with purple hairs.

A close relative of the Uzambara violet. Green serrated leaves are collected in a rosette. The flower has the shape of a funnel, located on a long peduncle. The original classic variety has a lilac color with purple stripes. Does not like direct sunlight and excessive humidity.

An evergreen tropical plant of the Cyprus family. The branches are thin, flexible, covered with oval green, sometimes with a red tint, leaves. Flowering is abundant and long. The flowers are drooping, double or simple, consisting of a corolla-shaped calyx and a tube-like corolla. Very unpretentious beautiful plant, requiring only a dormant period in winter.

(alpine violet).
Herbaceous perennial with a thick rhizome. Leaf blades grow directly from it on a long petiole. The color is two-tone - on a dark green background, silver or light gray patterns. Flower - drooping on a long peduncle. Despite the large number of species, the color is found only in white or purple in various shades. At home, Persian cyclamen is most common.

A variety of indoor plants with purple color does not leave indifferent even the most unpretentious gardener. A color that is so rare in nature in its pure form can become an exquisite highlight on your windowsill.

European countries are feverish with purple tones in flowers. The magical charm of color is due to the combination of opposite energies: the restraint of blue and the assertiveness of red. To match the fashion in landscape design, the dacha is populated with purple plants.

Description of purple perennial crops

Purple flowers have 190 tones, so choosing candidates for home and garden decor is easy. Among indoor plants, they prefer the beautiful fuchsia, violet, as well as sour, which is popularly called the clover of happiness. The violet fragrance and color has many followers.

Striking purple colorsperennials in the garden:

  • Italian bullock and gentian;
  • hydrangea and arizema;
  • aconite and callistefus;
  • geranium and pulmonaria.

Psychologists are convinced that each person has his own reaction to a purple hue. The color of the flower buds symbolizes well-being, spiritual wealth, kindness. Birthday is an occasion to give your best friend a homemade flower with purple buds.

Some gardeners believe that purple coloration reflects age and wisdom that comes with time. Purple-flowered petunias have a more intense scent than other varieties. The luxury and depth of double or simple tubular buds is achieved thanks to the floral tone.

In addition to serenity, among the meanings of purple cultures are sadness and longing for the past. Purple flowers are appropriate for romantic natures who dream of the future and the new. Girls who are depressed are not advised to grow such flowers.

For a delicate garden, a combination of purple perennials, coupled with annuals, is just right. The cheerfulness of the flower garden gives the neighborhood with orange or yellow crops.

Plantings look beautiful in a group of white and purple irises. Callas and gladioli are attractive in this arrangement.

To embellish the flower bed with dark shades, purple crops with red and pink flowers are planted. Soloing purple buds against the background of ground cover purslane or another culture will emphasize the originality of the site.

TOP 10 purple perennials

Plants are used for cutting into bouquets, for decorating buildings and decorating a lovely plan. Grow dwarf and tall varieties with numerous buds. Summer residents are interested in the names of the best purple flowers for the garden.


Cultivated as an annual and biennial. The growth of a short bush ranges from 20 to 40 cm. Alyssum has fragrant flowers and a bright color.

Features of agricultural technology

A light-loving plant loves light fertile soil. At the initial stage of development, the perennial needs moderate watering and enhanced nutrition. Alyssum, which belongs to the Cabbage family, is affected by the cruciferous flea.

If the plants are very sick, chemicals are used:

  • Aktar;
  • Fitoverm;
  • Actellik.


The flower dominates the garden in autumn. The favorite of the autumn site is characterized by intense flowering before the onset of frost.

The color scheme is distinguished by a variety of tones: yellow-violet, snow-white, lilac, hot pink. New Belgian aster is a valuable honey plant, on the golden center of which bees flock during flowering.

Features of agricultural technology

When asters are planted, you need:

  • semi-shaded or sunlit flower bed;
  • light breathable soil;
  • the introduction of organic matter and mineral supplements;
  • moderate watering;
  • replanting by dividing the bush every 5 years.


The perennial resembles a crocus. The purple flower's name is colchicum. In the common people they call autumn or autumn crocus. The differences lie in the dimensions of the flowers and the smell. One bulb forms up to four flowers.

Flowering time is three weeks. Then the pollinated flowers immediately dry up, wintering well under the snow.

Colchicums are planted in the rock garden. Flower beds with constant flowering are suitable, as well as ordinary flower beds.

Features of agricultural technology

Kolchikum grows in the sun and in the shade.

However, you will need:

  • soil moisture control;
  • moderate watering during the heat;
  • weeding and removal of weeds;
  • pruning dried leaves in June and at the end of flowering.



Admire the beauty and richness of colors. The elegant purple flower is mentioned in legends. One of them says that a young man named Hyacinth, a favorite of the Greek god Apollo, was injured during the competition. In places where transparent drops of blood flowed, wild flowers appeared, which were named after the young man.

Perennials are excellently cultivated in open ground and at home.

Features of agricultural technology

Spring primroses are susceptible to top dressing. Dry fertilizer is applied after the formation of the first shoots, while also loosening the soil for the first time.

The next time the flowers are fed at the stage of budding under the root. Then a liquid feed is applied after flowering.

Before rooting the bulbs, the earth is not allowed to dry out. Hyacinth is watered periodically, especially in drought.


tenacious creeping

A distinctive feature of the ground cover is the ability to survive. In nature, it is found in meadows and forests.

Varieties are popular with gardeners:

  • Multicolor with catchy purple foliage interspersed with scarlet, yellow or orange;
  • Tenacious Laxmanas with elongated leaves of a grayish color;
  • Geneva tenacious with flowers of white, bluish or pink color.

Features of agricultural technology

The tenacious is resistant to the adverse effects of the weather. The plant is not attacked by pests and phytodiseases. The tenacious blooms with a minimum of sunlight. Prefers loose types of soil with the addition of sand, peat or turf.

On a note. They diligently plan the landing of the tenacious due to the rapid spread and oppression of plants growing nearby.

tenacious creeping


In a different way, the lozinka, or clematis, is a herbaceous perennial plant from the Buttercup family. It grows in temperate climates and subtropics. There are up to 300 species.

On a note. Ideal for vertical gardening. Clematis decorate terraces and gazebos, planted along with roses.

Features of agricultural technology

Heat-loving clematis likes loams and sandstones without close occurrence of gunt waters. Plants are planted at intervals of 2 m.

Liana care consists in watering, feeding, mulching the ground under the bushes: clematis does not tolerate overheating of the root system. Shelter is needed in winter.


The undemanding plant has become famous for its color and smell, which is similar to musk.

Interesting. An impressive example of landscape planting of mouse hyacinth is the famous white and blue Muscari rivers in Holland in the Keukenhof park.

Features of agricultural technology

A 25 cm stalk plant likes abundant watering and sunlight. Grows in partial shade. Reproduction of individual varieties of a small culture occurs by self-sowing.


The inhabitants of decorative flower beds take root and grow even on heavy soil. The addition of coarse-grained sand to the planting holes is appreciated.

Features of agricultural technology

In order for phloxes to please with balls of bright colors, they plant in an open, sunny and wind-protected flower bed. The root neck of the plant is deepened by 2-3 cm. Sandstones need an admixture of clay.


Planting an ornamental culture will ennoble the garden and city streets. Lilac (in Hebrew - lilah, in Persia - fox tail, in Rus' - chenille) pleases summer residents with lilac flowers and amazing aroma from mid-May. The variety of lilac determines the color of the flowers: from pink-violet to white. 3 species grow in Russia, 30 in Eurasia.

Features of agricultural technology

For planting bushes choose fertile drained soil. Cultures are planted in increments of several meters, watered and mulched. In the first years after planting, fertilizer is not applied under the bushes. Then they are fed with ammonium nitrate and urea. Don't forget to trim the plant.

On a note. Fresh lilac leaves heal purulent ulcers and wounds.


Refers to deciduous shrubs that reach 2-3 m in height and are distinguished by long spicate inflorescences.

Features of agricultural technology

Buddley loves the sunny area. Water-loving culture prefers foliar spraying. The flowering of the shrub falls on the age of three. The peak of decorativeness falls in July and continues until October, if wilted inflorescences are removed. Before flowering, they are fed with nitrogen and organic matter. In the flowering phase, fertilize with potassium and phosphorus. In winter, culture needs protection.

The perception of purple garden flowers allows you to find peace of mind and energize.

It is important for gardeners to avoid mistakes when choosing purple perennials.

Nature has not endowed some home and garden flowers with the ability to accumulate chlorophyll, which gives the stems and leaves their usual green color. Instead, the lion's share in the structure of cells is occupied by anthocyanins - plant glycosides, due to which the leaves turn red or purple. There are many such amazing plants: some have only one side of the leaves painted in an unusual color, others have spots, stripes or canvas along the edge of the leaf, while others have purple as the dominant color. Among indoor crops with spectacular foliage, you can find both unpretentious ones that can grow in almost any conditions, and rather capricious care, requiring compliance with certain climatic conditions.

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    Translated from Greek, the name of the flower means "a woman with a tail." This fast-growing crop is grown as an ampelous plant: shoots up to 50 cm long with regular carved leaves hang beautifully from a hanging basket or planter. The surface of the leaves and stems is covered with numerous small purple hairs, due to which the entire guinura bush looks deep purple.

    Of the fifty natural species, only one is grown under room conditions - orange ginura. In the warm season, it blooms with small flowers of a rich yellow-orange hue. However, not everyone likes their smell, so it is recommended to cut off the emerging buds. Abundant flowering is most often a sign that the plant has reached maturity and is preparing to die. By this time, it usually grows and significantly loses its decorative effect - it stretches out, turns pale, its lower leaves fall off, and the stems become bare. But this is not scary, you need to cut the apical cuttings 7-8 cm long and root them in any substrate.

    Ginura is one of the most unpretentious plants, but for successful growth and development, it needs to provide bright lighting and a long daylight hours. If the flower experiences a lack of light, its hairs will lose their purple color, and the velvet leaves will turn dark green. If this happens, it is enough to rearrange the ginura to where a small amount of direct sunlight will fall on it. After 10-15 days, its leaves will acquire a rich purple hue.

    Guinura care rules.

    Air temperature

    16...+24 °С throughout the year


    Bright or moderate. In the autumn-winter period, if the room temperature is above +13 ... +15 ° С, it is necessary to maintain a daylight hours of 10-12 hours using fluorescent or LED lamps

    Air humidity

    Does not play a special role. When spraying, do not allow drops of water to fall on “fluffy” leaves, otherwise ugly brown spots may appear on them.

    Abundant in summer and moderate in winter. Ginura does not tolerate drying out of an earthen coma in a pot, but after watering it quickly recovers

    top dressing

    From March to October every 2 weeks, in winter - once a month


    Every year in the spring. Instances older than 2 years are better not to transplant, but to rejuvenate.

    Any loose with a neutral acidity index. It is preferable to use a mixture of equal parts of leafy soil, turf and sand


    Apical cuttings at any time of the year.

    Purple guinura leaves will look great against a brightly lit window or paired with the light green foliage of other ornamental houseplants. To emphasize the beauty of the flower, it is recommended to pinch it regularly to stimulate the growth of side shoots.


    Zebrina hanging - another flower with purple leaves. True, only the lower part of the leaves has a rich purple hue. The combination of an unusual color with silver-green stripes running along the leaf plates gives the flower a special decorative effect. Zebrina, like most of the tradescantia to which it belongs, is distinguished by its unpretentious character and rapid growth. It can be used as an ampelous or ground cover plant.

    Hanging zebrina is a practically indestructible plant, its vitality can only be envied: when the nodal points come into contact with the soil, roots appear very quickly, and just as easily the cuttings take root in water or any substrate. Zebrina can be safely recommended to beginners, as it is unpretentious in care and easily adapts to any room conditions.

    Air temperature

    16...+24°С throughout the year


    Zebrina is able to grow in a shaded place, but the underside of the leaves will turn pale and turn green. For normal growth and maintenance of decorativeness, the plant requires bright lighting with some direct sunlight. In winter, when growing in a warm climate, it is desirable to provide additional illumination.

    Air humidity

    It does not matter - the flower perfectly tolerates the dry air of apartments

    Abundant after drying the top layer of soil by 1.5-2 cm. Waterlogging of the earthy coma is unacceptable, otherwise the leaves will dry out

    top dressing


    Every year in the spring. It is advisable to replace 2-3-year-old specimens with young ones grown from rooted apical cuttings.


    Apical cuttings - they take root perfectly in water at any time of the year.

    Zebrina loses its attractiveness with age, so it is advisable to rejuvenate it every year: cut off the tops of the shoots and root in water or a pot with nutrient soil. At the same time, at least 5-10 cuttings should be planted in one flowerpot at the same time. After 4-6 weeks, the young zebrina will grow and be ready to take the place of the mother bush.

    Zebrina hanging


    The reo flower belongs to the genus Tradescantia, although until recently it was separated into a separate monotypic genus. The plant is named after the female creature of the same name - the nymph Reo, so the specific name correctly sounds like reo veiled. In addition to the official name, you can also find others: Boat of Moses, motley reo or multi-colored tradescantia. They are the best way to characterize the general appearance of the plant:

    • When reo blooms, small white flowers appear in a box of boat-shaped bracts.
    • From below, the leaf plates are painted in a raspberry-violet color, the saturation of which varies depending on the amount of sunlight that the flower receives.
    • The upper side of the long leaves may have a solid green or variegated color, consisting of longitudinal white and green stripes.

    The rheo stem is fleshy and erect, but under side lighting, the heavy shoots lean to the side and hang, giving the bush an arbitrary shape. The height of the stems of an adult plant reaches 50 cm. As it grows, the lower leaves die off and expose part of the stem, which is why the erect shoots resemble miniature palm trees. Like all tradescantia, reo grows quite rapidly, filling a capacious flowerpot with rhizome shoots in 1-2 years. Plant care is easy.

    Air temperature


    Reo is photophilous, so the lighting should be bright, but without direct sunlight. With a lack of light, the leaves turn pale, and the bright purple color disappears.

    Air humidity

    The plant is undemanding to humidity, but the air in the apartment should not be dry. Periodic spraying with settled soft water is useful.

    Regular, but not too abundant - the soil in the pot should be constantly slightly moist

    top dressing

    From March to October every 2-3 weeks, in winter - once a month


    Young plants need to be transplanted annually in the spring. Adult specimens that have reached an impressive size - every 3 years

    Any for indoor decorative leafy crops


    Apical cuttings, dividing the bush and seeds. With the seed method, varietal qualities (the color of the leaves) are lost.

    Reo has not only an attractive appearance, she is able to improve the life and relationships of households: drive away grievances and raise morale, set in a positive way and protect from bad deeds, find and implement new creative ideas, find happiness and harmony.

    Reo veiled


    Unlike the above house flowers, all the beauty of which lies in attractive foliage, oxalis is both a decorative leafy and flowering plant. The genus of perennials includes varieties with green, burgundy and purple leaves, which, under favorable conditions, from spring to autumn, produce pale pink flowers that gracefully rise above the foliage.

    Amateur flower growers rarely use the official name of the plant; you can often hear other “nicknames” from them:

    • Oxalis - Oxalis leaves are sour in taste due to the high content of oxalic and malic acid.
    • Butterfly flower or Madame Butterfly - triangular leaves in a straightened form resemble the wings of fluttering moths.
    • Day-night - the plant reacts to lighting: at night, it folds the shares of leaves, and with the onset of morning it lifts up.

    Oxalis leaves fold into a triangle not only at night, but also in cloudy weather or from mechanical irritation caused by touch or light shaking.

    In general, oxalis is unpretentious, but some cultivation features must be taken into account.

    Air temperature

    +18...+25 °С in summer, +12...+18 °С in winter


    Diffused light protected from direct sunlight

    Air humidity

    Moderate to frequent to keep the soil slightly moist. It is preferable to water oxalis in a pan and use purified water with a minimum amount of lime compounds. In winter, it should be watered much less often, since the plant has a dormant period at this time.

    top dressing

    From March to October every 2-3 weeks with phosphate fertilizer, do not feed in winter


    Transplant as the bush grows, choosing spring or early summer for planting

    Universal for indoor plants


    By dividing the bush

    When growing Madame Butterfly, it should be remembered that with the beginning of autumn, the flower stops releasing new leaves and enters a dormant period. Such behavior should not be a cause for concern, but a signal to change the conditions of detention: a decrease in air temperature and a reduction in watering. With the advent of spring, when new leaves appear from the ground, you can return to the previous care schedule.


    Irezine is a genus of spectacular ornamental deciduous plants with red-purple leaves, among which there are indoor and garden forms. These are undersized or climbing plants reaching a height of 50-60 cm. If the plant cannot get the required amount of light, its shoots will stretch and turn pale, which will significantly reduce the decorative effect of the flower.

    Growing irezine, you should remember some features of care.

    Air temperature

    In summer +16...+26 °С, in winter +16...+20 °С. In the summer heat, when the thermometer rises above +30 ° C, the leaves may lose their elasticity.


    Diffused light protected from direct sunlight. The optimal day length is 15 hours, so in winter it is important to use lamps with fluorescent or LED lamps.

    Air humidity

    Frequent spraying with settled soft water is useful.

    Soft settled water as the top layer of soil in the pot dries up. In winter, with a cool content, irezine should be watered less often, but the clod of earth should not be allowed to dry completely.

    top dressing

    From March to October every 10-15 days, in winter once a month with a half dose of fertilizer


    In open ground cultivated as an annual. When growing in an apartment, it is necessary to transplant after the plant in the pot becomes crowded. The best time is spring

    Universal for indoor decorative leafy plants


    Top cuttings by rooting in water or wet sand

    The iresine bush will be more lush and attractive if the tops of the shoots are regularly pinched or trimmed. Removing the growing point will result in the formation of numerous side shoots.


    The poinsettia is considered to be one of the most beautiful indoor plants. It is customary to sell it on the eve of the New Year holidays, since it is at this time that bright red bracts appear on the bushes - modified leaves surrounding small nondescript flowers. Traditional varieties of poinsettia have bright red or burgundy bracts, although varieties have already been bred in which they are white, yellow, peach, pink, and even bicolor.

    In flower shops, poinsettia is often sold under the name of a Christmas or Bethlehem star. This is due to the fact that the spectacular flowering coincides with the New Year and Christmas holidays: only in the USA the number of sales at this time of the year is about 100 million copies. It was from there that the tradition came to us to give a bush with a red “flower” for the New Year.

    Poinsettia cannot be called an easy-to-care plant: it is very photophilous, requires regular spraying, does not tolerate excessive waterlogging, drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

    Air temperature

    18...+25 °С, during flowering (in winter) +14...+16 °С


    Bright with plenty of sunlight. In summer, it is useful to expose a flower to the open air - a balcony or a loggia

    Air humidity

    Frequent spraying with settled soft water is necessary

    Before flowering - frequent, after flowering - rare

    top dressing

    From March to October 2 times a month at regular intervals

    After flowering, the shoots must be cut short, leaving no more than 10 cm from the ground level.

    Slightly acidic soil mixture of clay-turf, leaf and turf soil with sand in a ratio of 3:2:1:1


    Apical cuttings: in spring or early summer, they should be kept in warm water so that the milky juice flows out, then dry the sections in the air and plant them in a mixture of equal parts of peat and sand.

    Waiting for re-bloom at home is very difficult, so the Christmas star is usually grown as an annual plant, and thrown away after flowering.

    In botanical literature, poinsettia is called the most beautiful spurge. Like all spurges, the plant secretes milky juice, but it does not pose a danger to humans and animals. Poinsettia juice, if it gets on the hands, can cause mild irritation only in people with hypersensitivity of the skin.

    Poinsettia or Christmas star

    Begonia royal

    Among the numerous forms of begonias, there are varieties with an unusual leaf color - royal, Mason, their varieties and hybrids. Leafy begonias are grown precisely for the spectacularly colored foliage. To date, many varieties have been bred with large green, silver, pink, burgundy, purple and multi-colored leaves. The creative union of nature and man has created forms with intricate patterns, borders, spots, strokes and veins that adorn the surface of leaf plates. The size of the leaves reaches 15 cm in length, and their shape is always asymmetrical. The surface of the shoots and leaves is covered with a light fluff - short and thick hairs, due to which they seem velvety.

    Leafy begonias are quite whimsical and need certain conditions.

    Air temperature

    21...+26 °С during the day and +18...+20 °С at night. The daily temperature difference should not exceed 5-6 degrees. In the warm season, it is useful to take them out into the fresh air, provided that the street temperature is within acceptable limits.


    Bright diffused light with little sun in the morning or evening. To avoid pulling the bush in one direction, it is necessary to turn the pot around the axis by 45 degrees weekly

    Air humidity

    Frequent spraying with settled soft water is necessary. Do not allow drops to fall on the leaves

    Soft (preferably boiled or filtered) water after drying the top layer of soil in a flowerpot

    top dressing

    From March to October 2 times a month with complex mineral fertilizer


    Every year in early spring

    Slightly acidic soil mixture of leafy soil, peat and sand (vermiculite), taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 1


    The division of the rhizome, leaf cuttings, fragments of leaf plates in conditions of high humidity

    Some varieties of begonias shed their leaves for the winter and enter a dormant state. Noticing this behavior of the flower, it is necessary to remove the dried leaves, dry the soil and place the plant in a plastic bag. After 6-10 weeks, when the begonia resumes its growth, you can return to the previous care schedule.

    leafy begonias


    Presented indoor plants with red or purple leaves do not have attractive flowering, but their unusually colored foliage is quite decorative. All of these varieties have a common feature: the amount of coloring pigment produced by plant cells directly depends on the lighting (the longer the daylight hours, the brighter the color of the leaves). Otherwise, the rules for growing are different.