Fire hose sizes and lengths. Fire hose diameter and length, fire hose pressure

Many regulatory documents indicate the types of fire hoses so that the proposed classification allows for a more efficient choice of equipment, while the consumer finds for himself the right model that would meet the requirements.

And when browsing directories, pay attention to the specified parameters (including fire hose diameter), it is by them that you can provide a complete picture of the product.

What can be a fire hose at the place of application

The objects where the fire hose is attached can be static or mobile. Accordingly, allocate:

  • Models for PC and motor pumps that can be delivered to the place of fire extinguishing.
  • Models for special vehicles. They are wear-resistant, they are credited with high working pressure, most often 1.6 MPa or 3 MPa.

Because specialized hoses primarily deliver water or foam, they can be vulnerable when used at low temperatures. In view of this, manufacturers also use additional markings for equipment, which indicates the climatic zone where it is possible to use pressure fire hoses, and they will not let you down.

Based on this, another classification was created:

  • Hoses for temperate climates (index U). They are used at a minimum of minus 50 and a maximum of plus 45. The temperature "gates" are significantly expanded, but at the extreme points there may be difficulties during long-term operation.
  • A model for a region with a cold climate (index HL), which in terms of parameters corresponds to GOST 15150.

What material is the fire hose made of, the price of various models

Different types of fire hoses are made of materials that differ in structure, chemical treatment, so there is the following classification:

  • Rubberized hoses. They are quite hydro-resistant, they are often used in the elimination of fires. They are further divided into four types by specialists. Today we have rubberized hoses with increased strength, also reinforced, normal models, plus special ones.

There are also non-rubberized types of fire hoses, which are classified according to the degree of wear resistance into normal, lightweight and reinforced. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the pressure of the water supply to them will be reduced, therefore it is recommended to regulate the supply of liquid under pressure from fire hydrants.

  • Robust latex fire hose used in safety kits of professional organizations. The model withstands high pressure, so the jet of water intensely beats over a long distance.
  • Model with a bilateral polymeric covering.

What is the best fire hose to buy

Each model of equipment is assigned a certain functionality, so there is another classification that demonstrates the method of operation of special-purpose fire equipment.

So what can be fire hose, buy which is right for you.

  • Pressure models that are flexible enough to withstand excess pressure. On average, their length ranges from 15 to 20 meters. Sleeves with a diameter of 51, 77 or 150 mm are often ordered, as they are considered more practical. Pressure equipment is filled with foam or pressurized water. According to the technology, these models can be made of natural flax fibers or have a waterproofing coating inside, and there can also be a latex fire hose with a double-sided polymer protector.
  • Suction-suction hose operated by a vacuum system. It is very soft, flexible, yet durable. On average, the length of the model is 4 meters, and its characteristic diameters are 75, 100, and also 125 mm.
  • Suction fire hoses are also distinguished, which are quite rigid. The standard length is 2 or 4 meters, the standards provide for several diameters of fire hoses of this variety. Their material is a two-layer vulcanized rubber, protected from the outside by a dense fabric.

Types of sleeves are classified according to various criteria, so you should decide in advance which one will be fundamental for you, and then select a product from the catalog.

Fire hoses are designed to transport water or foam to the source of fire, which are used by fire services and rescuers. This equipment does not pass moisture, is resistant to abrasion and aggressive environments. You can purchase this type of product from the Teharsenal company.

The products presented in the catalog have passed quality control, which is confirmed by certificates issued by the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

For ease of use, at the request of the customer, we can complete the sleeves with sleeve heads and trunks, which are tied with soft galvanized wire GOST 792 with a diameter of 1.6 mm.

To determine the type of sleeve you need, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with their characteristics.

  • Latex sleeves. They are used to supply water and aqueous solutions of a foaming agent from mobile fire fighting equipment to the source of ignition. The complex production technology uses natural Latex, produced in Malaysia, in which it is uniformly applied on both sides of the cover frame, forming a waterproofing chamber. This technology gives the sleeve additional advantages

The surface of the inner chamber has an increased water repellency, providing the greatest pressure and water flow rate.

The sleeve is most resistant to mold

With such a coating of the upper layer, the operational qualities of the sleeve are increased, namely its durability and abrasion resistance.

Diameters 100 and 150 mm - with a pressure of 1.2 MPa.

  • Sleeves with "Latex Type" impregnation.

The most budgetary version of the latex sleeve.

It also has an internal waterproofing chamber, produced using a similar technology, by impregnating the frame with a composition based on natural latex, which gives wear-resistant properties, as well as durability, resistance to abrasion and mold. Has great elasticity. Are used for a complete set of motor-pumps and external fire cranes.

Produced with a pressure of 1.6 MPa in diameters of 50, 65, 80 mm

  • Sleeves with a bilateral covering of Armteks. The fire hose cover is made of high-strength polyester threads and has a double-sided rubber coating. The design of the sleeve along the entire length provides for the application of longitudinal corrugations on the outer coating. Rifles increase the resistance of the sleeve coating to abrasive wear. Products are durable, resistant to thermal effects, do not wear out. This type of sleeve can be used up to 10 years in the most severe conditions. Resistant to aging and destruction, do not crack under adverse conditions, resistant to abrasive and aggressive environments, do not cake and require virtually no maintenance (thorough drying and talc coating)

Produced with a pressure of 1.6 MPa in diameters 50, 65

  • Sleeves with a waterproofing chamber "Classic".

The pressure fire hose is an uncoated outer canvas cover with an internal waterproof chamber treated with vulcanized EPDM rubber compounds. This sleeve is designed for use on fire hydrants with a working pressure of 1.0 MPa.

The products are completed with fire cabinets, as well as motor pumps. Thanks to a special production technology, this type of sleeve can be used for work in cold and moderately cold climates, both indoors and outdoors.

They are produced with a pressure of 1.0 MPa in diameters of 19, 25, 40.50, 65 mm.

  • Sleeves with a waterproofing chamber "Premium".

Pressure fire hose is made of high-quality polyester yarn without a protective outer layer, with a waterproofing chamber made of thermoplastic polyurethane, has excellent technical characteristics, and is suitable for completing mobile fire fighting equipment. Excellent performance in extreme conditions. Optimal in terms of price-quality ratio.

Of the main characteristics can be distinguished:

  • high elasticity and resistance in a wide range of temperatures, including cold climates
  • resistant to fats, solvents, oils
  • high moisture resistance and extended service life
  • resistant to mold and decay, economical in maintenance
  • Produced with a pressure of 1.6 MPa in diameters 19, 25, 40.50, 65, 80, 100, 150 mm

Also in the Teharsenal online store you can buy a pressure-suction type fire hose manufactured in accordance with GOST 5398-76. Pipes of different flexibility are made of rubber with a textile frame. The rigidity of the products is provided by internal metal spirals. At the ends of the sleeves there are soft cuffs for attaching fittings. Suction products (class 1) are used in public utilities for pumping water from open reservoirs. Pressure-suction (class 2) - for the intake and injection of water under pressure.

Fire hose maintenance

All pressure fire hoses have a textile base, which ensures its strength characteristics when exposed to excess pressure, and like any textile product, the hose must be protected from all types of external mechanical damage, scuffs, creases and twists.

Fire hoses require regular maintenance. The operation can be performed only by specialized enterprises and units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Such a rule is spelled out in the "Methodological guide for the organization and operation of fire hoses" dated 11/14/2007.

According to the Fire Safety Rules, fire hoses must be rolled to a new edge. The regularity of the procedure - once every six months, is carried out by organizations with the appropriate license.

In order for the sleeve to last as long as possible, it must be properly washed and dried after use.

Due to its physical properties, the wire used to bind firefighter heads and barrels stretches over time and loses its original characteristics. In this regard, the rebinding of fire hoses should be carried out as needed, but at least once a year.

If corrosive changes are found on the metal components in the form of rust and other damage, it is necessary to stop using this type of equipment until all damage is completely eliminated.

Hand barrels, pressure hoses, transitional and connecting pressure heads are widely used types of fire equipment. They are used in buildings and structures in Moscow, equipped with an internal fire-fighting water supply. For each fire hydrant, a set consisting of a fire hose and a hand barrel must be provided. Connection elements are installed on the sleeve, valve, barrel - pressure heads of the same type and size.

Cranes-hydrants are located on each floor of the building. For them, a special box with a front opening glass wall is provided. It also houses a pressure hose folded in a special way and a manual barrel. All elements of this fire-fighting equipment are made in such a way that the deployment and connection of the hose to the barrel and the hydrant requires a minimum period of time.

Hand fire barrel

Its main purpose is to create a powerful jet of water directed to the place of ignition. The hand barrel is equipped with a pressure connection head. With its help, connecting the barrel to the pressure hose is simple and quick. The design of the barrel is thought out to the smallest detail. It takes into account the hydrodynamics of high-speed water flow. At the same time, the barrel is reliable, simple and very easy to use.

Manufactured modifications of manual fire nozzles have the same purpose. They differ in some functional features and external design. On an enlarged basis, they consist of a body and a pressure coupling - head. Trunks are mandatory equipped with all types of fire equipment: cars, motor pumps, internal hydrant cranes.

The material for the manufacture of hand barrels is most often a durable aluminum alloy.. This design is lightweight and comfortable to hold. The most common modifications are fire barrels RS-50 and RS-70. They are identical in connection method, operation features and differ in the power of the generated jet (flow rate). So, the RS-50 fire nozzle provides a jet with a flow rate of at least 3.6 l / s, respectively, for the RS-70, this flow rate is at least 7.4 l / s.

Pressure fire hoses

The main purpose is to supply water under pressure over a distance. The standard length of the fire hose is 20 m, the inner diameter is 51 mm, and the working pressure is at least 1.0 MPa. Fire hoses are an indispensable element of fire equipment. They are completed with fire boxes of hydrants in public and industrial buildings. They are part of the equipment of mobile fire extinguishing systems - fire trucks, trains, ships.

Fire hoses are made from special durable, wear-resistant fabrics.. Previously, the material for them was a tarpaulin impregnated with a special compound. Now polymer synthetic materials are widely used for these purposes. To improve the characteristics of fire hoses in their manufacture, various types of reinforced fabrics are used, for example, Armtex. Improving water resistance is achieved by using a continuous internal polymer coating.

Fire hoses are stored coiled or less often folded into an accordion. Given the long service life, they require care and respect. After each use, the sleeve must be dried, and then carefully folded (rolled up). In this case, twisting, creases are not allowed. Periodically, it is necessary to unwind and stack them in order to check the condition, and so that the places of the kinks change during the new installation.

Fire pressure connection heads

Are intended for reliable, fast, tight connection among themselves of different parts of the fire equipment. Made of aluminum alloys, synthetic materials are used as seals. They consist of two main parts: a bearing sleeve with a sealing ring and a holder with two fangs and inclined platforms for closing the connected heads.

To connect fire hoses in one row or with other equipment, hose pressure heads (GR) are used. They also produce adapter heads (GP), trunnion heads (HC), coupling heads (GM), plug heads (GZ).

You can buy manual barrels and pressure hoses in Moscow of various types, as well as transitional and connecting pressure heads for them, in our online store at affordable prices.

In order to create a truly efficient, perfectly functioning fire system, it must be supplemented with reliable ones. Now they are supplied in a wide range. That is why unprepared users may have difficulties in the selection process. To make it much easier to navigate, it is worth knowing what exactly to consider.

Fire hoses. Specifications

In order to make it much easier to navigate, as well as quickly determine the appropriate model, it is imperative to take into account the technical characteristics of fire hoses:

  • Fire hose inner diameter

The inner diameter can be .

Suction and are distinguished by the fact that their inner diameter can be 125, 75 and 100 mm.

In order for the effectiveness of fire hoses to be sufficiently high, it is necessary to know exactly what the product will be connected to, what are its dimensions.

By the way, when conducting tests, it is imperative to control the diameter, since it depends on it whether you can normally supply fire extinguishing agents to an ignition source.

  • Rolled-up fire hose length

Usually has a length from 10 to 20 meters.

Suction and pressure-suction fire hoses - about 4 meters.

  • Pressure

For inherent pressure in 1.6 MPa.

Suction and are distinguished by the fact that the pressure level in them can reach 3 MPa.

It is very important to know that sometimes manufacturers make certain adjustments. And in order for the service life of fire hoses not to be reduced, these facts must be taken into account.

You may be interested in these products

  • Temperature at which fire hoses can be operated

If we are talking about a temperate climate, then for all three types the temperature range in which they can be operated will be - 40 - +50 degrees. Undoubtedly, there are limitations for certain models. Therefore, this fact should be taken into account. Otherwise, there may be difficulties. The maintenance-free period will also be reduced.

  • The strength of the bond of the present inner layer with the fabric of the carcass at break

When it comes to sleeves, which include one-sided coating, then in this case this indicator for all three types will be 7 N/cm. For sleeves with double-sided coated this figure will increase to 10 N/cm.

  • Fire hose weight

Different models of fire hose may vary weighing. The weight largely depends on what materials are used for manufacturing, what diameter the sleeve has. This fact should be taken into account when making a selection.

Various materials can be used to prepare fire hoses. So, the most popular material for use is considered rubber. At the same time, manufacturers are trying to use vulcanized rubber, because it stands out for the best performance.

To create an additional layer can be used latex, polymers, special impregnated fabrics. With their help create high quality waterproofing layers.

Additionally, when preparing fire hydrants, it can be used metal braid. It helps to increase the level of strength, resistance to mechanical stress.

  • Lifetime

The service life of almost all crane models is about 20 years. At the same time, it is very important to comply with the basic requirements, to perform maintenance correctly and in a timely manner.

So, periodically you need to carry out cleaning, drying and rolling fire hoses. And for this you can use the appropriate equipment.

Fire hose diameter

In order to ensure the effective supply of the required amount of water, fire extinguishing agent to the ignition source, it is necessary choose the right fire hose. And one of the main parameters of a fire hose is diameter.

Different types, models of fire hoses may have different diameters. So, for more inherent dimensions of the inner diameter, such as 25, 40, 50, 65, 80, 90 or 150mm. As for suction and, then they have such dimensions of the inner diameter as 125, 75 and 100 mm.

The diameter must be checked periodically. To do this, you can use special measuring tools, for example, caliper. If the diameter has not changed, then there are no visible violations. If there are certain changes, then you need to perform a more detailed check, conduct tests. This will allow at the initial stage to identify all the shortcomings, shortcomings, as well as eliminate them.

Fire hose length

When choosing a fire hose, it is imperative to take into account and roll length. It may vary from 10 to 20 meters for. For suction and more inherent length in four meters.

The significance of this parameter is enormous. After all, a fire hose is used to move a fire extinguishing agent directly to an ignition source. And in order for a person who is engaged in extinguishing a fire to be at a considerable distance from the fire, he must use sufficiently large fire hoses.

Fire hose pressure

No less significant, important parameter is considered fire hose pressure. After all, its excess can lead to the fact that the fire hose will begin to rapidly collapse. But the lack of pressure can be the main reason that the jet of fire extinguishing agent will not be supplied to the required distance.

In order to carefully control the level of pressure, it is worth using such a high-quality device as manometer. With the help of this device, you can understand exactly what condition the fire hose is in.

It is necessary to use pressure gauges, check the pressure quarterly. All data obtained must be recorded in the relevant technical documentation.

Buy a fire hose at a low price in Moscow

If you want to purchase quality products, you can visit our store. Especially for you, we have prepared catalogs, distributing all fire hoses into the relevant sections. Each model is accompanied by a detailed description, including technical specifications. You can conduct a comparative analysis in order to quickly navigate.

If you have any questions during the selection process, you can always contact our representatives. Contact details can be found in the relevant section.

With us you can purchase at the lowest price in Moscow. After all, we prefer cooperation with manufacturing companies, but we do not involve intermediaries.

We deliver goods throughout Russia. As a rule, it takes a couple of days, because we have our own fleet of vehicles.

How to choose a fire hose for an office, warehouse, public building?

Suction and pressure-suction hoses are used as part of the fire equipment of fire engines.

Designed to complete a fire hydrant in a public building pressure hose , which is also popularly referred to as the "fire hose". It is about him and will be discussed.

The use and operation of fire hoses are regulated by the following documents:

· it is also necessary to be guided by the project documentation for the building in which your enterprise is located.

To choose the right fire hose, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:
inner diameter, working pressure and length, as well as hose configuration.

What should be the diameter of the fire hose?

It depends on the fire water supply installed at your facility. Pressure hose diameter standards (according to GOST): 25, 38, 51, 66, 77, 89, 150 mm. The most common is 51 mm, much less often 66 mm, the rest are not very common. In addition, there are specialadapter heads allowing you to switch from a larger diameter to a smaller one.

How much pressure should the sleeve withstand?

Of course, the more pressure the fire hose can withstand, the better. However, these sleeves are much more expensive. To complete a fire hydrant in a public building, as a rule, a pressure of 1.0 MPa (MegaPascal) is sufficient.

What is the standard length of a fire hose?

According to GOST R 51049-97, pressure hoses must have a length of 10.15 or 20 m, with an error of ± 1 m. Sleeves 18 m long are on sale (most often Chinese). Due to this, they are cheaper, but do not meet the requirements of GOST R. When buying, follow the labeling.

Factory marking
the pressure hose should be located at a distance of not more than 0.5 m from both ends and contain:

name or trademark of the manufacturer;

· type of a pressure head sleeve; conditional pass; operating pressure;

length of pressure hose, m (for RPK pressure hoses);

special execution (if any); climatic version according to GOST 15150;

date of manufacture (month, year).

How to attach a fire hose to a fire hydrant?

We recommend to purchase "imposed" sleeves, i.е. with already imposedconnecting heads (GR) . Coupling heads are used for fastening a fire hose to a fire hydrant, for fastening fire hoses to each other (when water supply is required, over a distance exceeding 20 meters). Heads sleeve meet both metal, and plastic.

It is important to correctly match the head to the type of barrel and the type of sleeve being used. So, the GM-50 pressure coupling head is mainly designed to work with 51-mm pressure hoses equipped with GR-50 heads, and the GM-70 head - with 66-mm hoses with GR-70 heads. If the diameters of the hose lines do not match, adapters are used (for example, from 51 mm to 66 mm, and from 66 mm to 77 mm). In Russia, heads with two diametrically located grippers ("fangs") are used. Sometimes the head is called a "half nut".

How much does a fire hose cost?
LLC "RCS" offers fire hoses from leading Russian manufacturers with imposed aluminum GRs.
Fire hose retail price:
- sleeve diam. 51 mm, with GR-50 (al.) - 870.00 rubles / pc.
- sleeve diam. 66 mm, with GR-70 (al.) - RUB 1,740.00/pc.

There is a system of discounts.

For the storage of fire hoses in a protected facility, they are used