Chicory root, planting and care in the open field. Machinery, equipment and technologies for growing vegetables, growing fruits, seeds, marketing, processing (purchase and sale), some recipes Chicory fields

Chicory is an elegant perennial bush, decorated with pale blue flowers. This is not only a beautiful, but also a very useful, medicinal plant. Chicory is even used in folk medicine as an elixir of youth.

The homeland of chicory is the Mediterranean. This drought-resistant perennial plant is widespread in the temperate zone. It grows along the banks of rivers, along roads, near settlements, in wastelands. For medical purposes, chicory root is used, in cooking - the root and leaves. In many countries, the plant is grown on purpose, setting aside entire fields for planting.

How to plant chicory?

Chicory is an unpretentious plant. In the wild, it grows on the edges of forests, along roadsides, and in meadows. The main condition for its cultivation is a well-lit place. He does not like acidic, marshy soil, but any other will suit him. The plant easily survives short frosts. To get even, fleshy root crops, plants are grown from seeds. You can propagate chicory and root cuttings.

The technology of growing root chicory from seeds is similar to the technology of growing carrots. The seeding rate is 0.3-0.4 g/m². Sowing depth - up to 3 cm. Single-row sowing pattern every 40-45 cm or 2-3-row tape. After sowing, the soil is compacted.

Chicory is a good partner in joint crops. If chicory grows between beet plants, you will not meet a harmful nematode there! Seedlings are thinned out twice. In the phase of the first or second true leaf, 5-8 cm are left between plants, in the phase of three or four leaves - 10-15 cm. First of all, plants with a rosette of leaves pressed to the ground are removed - they are prone to premature stalking. The optimum density is about 20 plants/m².

After the first thinning, the plants are fed. 0.7-1 kg of ammonium nitrate, 2.5-3 kg of superphosphate, 1.5 kg of potassium sulfate or 1 kg of potassium salt are added per hundred square meters. The second time the plants are fed after 2-3 months from the emergence of seedlings, during the intensive growth of root crops. Then 0.5 kg of ammonium nitrate and 0.8 kg of potassium salt are added per hundred square meters.

During the season, the aisles are loosened three times, increasing the depth from 6-8 to 14-16 cm. At the same time, weeds are weeded in the rows. In the absence of rain, the plants are watered 2-3 times, spending 20-25 liters of water per 1 m². With a lack of moisture in the soil, the number of stalked plants increases.


Harvesting begins in the fall, before the onset of stable frosts, preferably in dry weather. For processing root crops, they are dug up and freed from leaves. The leaves are good fodder for livestock. Harvesting salad chicory is more difficult. Before harvesting, plants with a horizontal rosette, diseased and flower stalks are removed.

Plants are dug up and stacked in heaps with roots inside and leaves out. Then the leaves are cut at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the head. Root crops need to be sorted by size. For distillation, root crops with a diameter of 3-5 cm are most suitable, and small and too large ones do not form a high-quality head of cabbage.

Root chicory is processed shortly after harvest. Root crops are washed, cut and dried in the air. Then fried until light brown and dried in a pan until it starts to crumble. They store it in this form, and use it in a hammer to make a coffee drink.

Part of the roots of lettuce witloof chicory can be left to winter in the garden soil in order to get etiolated cabbage heads directly from open ground in the spring. Before growing back in the spring, you need to take care of reliable shading of the plants, because the green heads of cabbage begin to taste bitter, their leaves become stiff.

The chicory crop should be harvested carefully. If small root crops or large debris remain in the soil, then next year they will become a malicious weed.

The benefits of chicory

The popularity of chicory is explained by the beneficial properties and composition of the substances found in its roots.

In addition to vegetable proteins, they contain:

  • organic acids;
  • pectin;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.

Of particular note is the high content of inulin (up to 60% of the dry weight of the root). This polysaccharide is well absorbed and leads to a decrease in blood sugar, which makes chicory a valuable product in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with diabetes.

Chicory preparations help to improve metabolic processes in the body and strengthen the nervous system, which is useful for sick, weakened people and those who want to lose weight.

Decoctions, tinctures and compresses from chicory root can be of great benefit to patients suffering from skin diseases, such as:

  • seborrhea,
  • neurodermatitis,
  • eczema,
  • chicken pox,
  • furunculosis,
  • acne,
  • psoriasis.

Chicory is a powerful diuretic, this is its benefit and harm at the same time. For people with high blood pressure, this property will be useful, but for low blood pressure, it can be harmful, as the pressure can drop even more.
Useful properties of chicory and recipes based on it

The beneficial properties of chicory have been known since antiquity. Another famous physician, Ibn Sina (Avicena), recommended taking the root of the plant for gastrointestinal disorders and eye inflammation.

Medicine uses decoctions of chicory as:
  • antimicrobial,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • diuretic,
  • choleretic,
  • antipyretic,
  • antihelminthic agent.

Intibin glycoside was found in chicory roots (gives a bitter taste), which is used in pharmaceuticals as a vasodilator, relieves tachycardia attacks and, together with B vitamins, contributes to the normalization of the nervous system.

Traditional medicine recipes

Skin compress:
Pour the crushed chicory roots with boiling water in a ratio of 50/50%, apply to the affected area for 20 minutes.

Decoction for those who want to lose weight:
Boil 1 teaspoon of crushed chicory roots like coffee in 0.5 liters of water, then cool, strain, take 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day.

These properties alone could justly make chicory popular, however, the roasted and ground root of the plant is better known as a coffee substitute.

Chicory in cooking

The roots and leaves of cultivated chicory species can be used in salads (with sweet peppers, cucumbers and onions), vinaigrettes (with pickles, green peas, carrots, onions, eggs).

Chicory in any form gives food a particularly piquant taste, stewed in vegetable or butter, with egg-butter sauce, used as a side dish for potato or meat dishes.

Chicory - coffee substitute

Chicory coffee is a product derived from chicory root and used as a coffee substitute. It perfectly quenches thirst and invigorates. It can be drunk by pregnant women and children over three years of age.

In the middle of the last century, when natural coffee had to be “gotten”, chicory-based drinks were more popular. With the increase in the supply of coffee, the popularity of chicory has declined, but more and more health-conscious people are remembering it.

People who need to give up coffee can start drinking chicory drinks. A morning cup of delicious coffee may well be replaced by a chicory drink. Its aroma and taste is different from coffee, but no less pleasant.
chicory coffee recipe

They dig up the roots of chicory in the fall, they are cleaned from the ground, washed, cut and dried, then roasted in the oven until golden brown. Before use, finely grind in a coffee grinder.

Chicory is brewed like coffee: 0.5-1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Sugar and milk to taste. Advice: if at first the taste of a chicory drink seems unusual or not tasty to you, then you can add a little ground coffee to it.

Properties of chicory coffee

Chicory coffee contains the complex carbohydrate inulin (10 to 15%). Once inulin is in the body, it slowly lowers blood sugar so it can keep it at a constant level.

  • Inulin

Inulin is also considered a type of soluble fiber, making it useful for preventing constipation and absorbing toxins from the intestines.

Since inulin is very resistant to the action of digestive enzymes, it reaches the intestines almost unchanged. There it is exposed to the microorganisms of the intestinal flora, which use it in their diet. Thus, inulin is considered a prebiotic because it can stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria.

  • Intibin

In addition to inulin, chicory root is rich in a valuable substance - intibin. Intibin stimulates the production of bile, which, in turn, increases appetite and promotes digestion.

  • Minerals, Omega 6 and Omega 3 acids

We must not forget that chicory coffee is rich in minerals, including potassium, phosphorus and calcium, as well as essential fatty acids: linoleic (Omega 6) and alpha-linolenic (Omega 3).

Benefits of chicory coffee compared to regular coffee

Coffee is primarily a stimulant. Chicory can be considered as a regulator of digestion and bowel function. Both coffees have diuretic properties, but they do so in very different ways.

Chicory has many advantages over coffee without the negative properties of caffeine, here are the main ones:

  • Coffee is a stimulant because the caffeine it contains increases cellular metabolism. Chicory contains a set of nutrients (magnesium, calcium, potassium, fiber, Apigenin, vitamin C, etc.) that increase diuresis without affecting the nervous system.
  • Caffeine has muscle relaxant effects. Chicory is also able to reduce muscle pain, but with the help of other components (apigenin, magnesium, rutin, etc.)
  • Both coffees have antioxidant properties.

Chicory is a herbaceous plant. Gardeners usually grow common, lettuce and root chicory.

Chicory root when grown on the site is a biennial plant that forms a rosette of leaves and a root crop in the first year. The second year of chicory takes on the formation of a peduncle and the ripening of seeds.

Chicory is grown to obtain a coffee surrogate from its roots. Most often, chicory coffee is added to natural coffee, and chicory heads are used for salads.

In this case, do not confuse varieties of chicory. Endive chicory and escariole are annual salad varieties, and, for example, witloof chicory is a biennial salad variety. Varieties Witluf, Express, Tardivo, Blanca, Productive are good for forcing heads of cabbage. But they can also be used to obtain a coffee substitute.

White sprouts of lettuce chicory have excellent taste and contain a lot of B vitamins and carotene. They have a beneficial effect on the liver, help the digestive organs and the cardiovascular system.

A slightly bitter taste can be corrected by washing the leaves for 20 minutes in warm water.

The composition of chicory root crops contains a lot of inulin and fructose - easily digestible carbohydrates. They also contain macro- and microelements, organic acids and P-vitamin phenolic compounds. Extracts and decoctions from chicory roots increase appetite, improve digestion, and help with anemia and scurvy. They also have astringent and antibacterial properties, enhance heart function and help in the treatment of diabetes.

Growing chicory roots

Sow the root salad chicory at the same time as the salads, planting the seeds to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Distance between lines - 20cm, between rows - 50cm. When the first 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving a distance of 4-6 cm between plants. Take care of chicory as well as all root crops.

Chicory Witloof prefers well-fertilized, loamy soil, loves potash fertilizers. If it lacks potassium, the witloof will start stalking early.

Root crops are harvested before frost. At the same time, the plants are carefully dug up, trying to select all parts from the ground. The remaining parts of the plant may prove to be weeds the next year. For distillation, root crops with a diameter of 3-5 cm are selected. Chicory leaves are cut 2 cm above the neck and stored in plastic bags, sprinkled with sand. It is best to store at a temperature of 0 ... +1 degrees. Forcing can be carried out throughout the winter.

For distillation, root crops are planted in boxes close to each other, positioning them so that the tops are at soil level and covered with wet sand, peat, earth or sawdust with a layer of 25-30 cm. Light for distillation is not needed, because in the light the leaves of chicory turn green and become unsuitable for food.

The healing properties of chicory have long been known. Even in the writings of ancient authors, cases were recorded when this plant helped a sick person feel much better. Chicory is widely distributed in wildlife - in Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, Western Siberia. Despite this, in our country the plant is cultivated on specialized agricultural farms. Chicory is indispensable for those who cannot afford to drink real coffee due to high blood pressure, stomach or heart disease.

The benefits of chicory

Why is chicory so useful? The answer is simple. It contains the substance inulin. Chicory inulin improves digestion, controls blood sugar and generally helps to improve metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, chicory is effective in losing weight and is indicated for diabetics. Again, prevention with the use of chicory will help get rid of many ailments so common in the modern world. In general, chicory certainly deserves a place of honor in the garden, along with other herbs, and its root has a place in the home first aid kit.


Speaking about the benefits, one cannot but mention the possible harm. When asking this question, most people mean is instant chicory useful? Indeed, the product that is on the shelves, obtained artificially and in most cases, chemically enriched with vitamins, is not as useful as it is claimed. But we are talking about the chicory root grown in the beds, obtained in the most natural way. However, it also has certain contraindications. For example, chicory is not desirable for people who are allergic to ascorbic acid, because. it contains a lot of vitamin C. You should not use chicory for people suffering from varicose veins and hemorrhoids, bronchial asthma.

Varieties of chicory

Cultivation of cichorium intubus (cultivated chicory) occurs approximately in the same way as table beets. During the first year, the formation of a leaf rosette and a root crop occurs (the mass of the root crop reaches from one hundred to four hundred grams). It is the root crop that is the main product of chicory cultivation. The second year is the time of flowering of chicory (as a rule, it occurs in the second decade of July), the seeds ripen in the same year. It is popularly believed that it is with the flowering of chicory that the real summer comes.

In our country, the main place of industrial production of root chicory for the needs of coffee factories is the Yaroslavl region. Agronomists tested early (Slesazka, Luxor, Wixor, Kharpachi), mid-season (Yaroslavsky, Novipa, Bilogorka OS-2, Lard Rooted, Podluga Kuyavsk, Polyanovitsk, Bilogorka OS-3, Tid Wog Spicak) late (Albino RVP, Berguce, Wonfblan , Gavrilo-Yamskoy, Cassel) of European, domestic and Canadian varieties. During the tests, experts came to the conclusion that early-ripening varieties of chicory are ideal for a temperate climate. The vegetation period for such plants is up to 125 days, their roots are conical, short, intensively accumulating inulin.

Late varieties (for example, domestic Gavrilov-Yamsky) have cylindrical fruits, give a higher yield (two kilograms against one), they contain much more disaccharides. But, unfortunately, late-ripening varieties do not have time to ripen either in the North of our country, or even in the middle lane. Being saturated with water, the roots of late-ripening chicory are stored much worse.

Agronomists have found that the flowering of chicory does not depend on the ripening period, but on the plant's response to a decrease in air temperature (on the intensity and duration of cooling). Podzimny sowing of chicory is undesirable - too many flowering plants grow.

In our country, breeders who conducted an experiment with the best varieties managed to create a variety of root chicory with a shortened root crop. The variety was named Petrovsky. In terms of yield, Petrovsky chicory is significantly superior to foreign analogues, and even the Yaroslavsky variety, which has become the "progenitor" of a new variety. In addition, Petrovsky is preferable for the content of sugars and dry substances in root crops, for the marketability of root crops. In terms of the amount of phosphorus salts and inulin, Petrovsky is at least not inferior to other varieties.

Noted in the output of new varieties of chicory and French breeders. Varieties such as Alexandrite, Fluor and Krizolit are included in the Register of Breeding Achievements along with Petrovsky.


Chicory loves light fertile soils, but it can grow in any non-waterlogged and non-acidic areas. Agronomists do not advise growing chicory near other root crops (there is a risk of plant infection with wireworms).

Chicory is sown in rows with row spacing of forty-five to seventy centimeters at the same time as spring cereal crops. The soil at the time of sowing should warm up to five degrees Celsius. Root chicory is drought tolerant, but if watered, yields will be higher. Basically, care for industrial chicory comes down to plant nutrition and loosening of row spacing. The first loosening is done immediately after the emergence of shoots.

Garden chicory is very attractive to insects, so it is cross-pollinated with a wild plant. To get your own chicory seeds, you should isolate the seed plants with gauze caps. A month passes from the flowering of chicory to the ripening of seeds. Seeds crumble very easily, so you need to cut the testicles without waiting for the full "income" of the seeds. Sheaves are hung under a canopy for ripening.

Well-dried chicory seeds retain excellent germination for five years. In the first year, seven hundred to nine hundred seeds can be obtained from one plant. In addition, chicory propagates by particles of the root crop. One particle is one new plant.


Root crops are harvested from the last ten days of September until the first frosts. Chicory is perfectly adapted to winter in the soil, and withstands frosts of thirty degrees, without losing such properties as the beginning of sap flow and the time when the first leaves appear.

On personal plots, root crops can be dug up in the spring, as soon as the snow melts. Mother (seed) plants are also able to survive the winter.

At dug out chicory, the upper part is cut off along with the basal neck. Root crops are washed in running cool water.

Root crops intended for processing are cut into small (eight by six millimeters) sticks and dried in an oven heated to fifty to seventy degrees.

After processing, a raw material that is odorless is obtained. The taste of dried chicory is slightly bitter, as it accumulates glycoside, tannins and intibin. Intibin is especially abundant in wild chicory, so this plant is considered especially useful. Chicory tincture was used by ancient Slavic healers. With the help of decoctions, they increased appetite, strengthened the nervous system, heart, and improved the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Varietal chicory contains more vitamins (C and B), as well as polysaccharides and inulin. Root crops are sweet, fleshy, with a slight bitterness. Outwardly, the roots of varietal chicory resemble a radish. Chicory root is used in dietary nutrition and in the nutrition of diabetics.

The main use of varietal chicory is the production of raw materials for an aromatic drink that is very difficult to distinguish from real coffee. Dried root crops are fried in an oven at a temperature of 180 degrees, constantly stirring. Roasting occurs until a light smoke and chicory aroma appear in the air. Roasted root vegetables are cooled, then ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting brown powder should be stored in a jar with a tightly closed lid. It is from this powder that a fragrant, tonic and healthy drink is prepared.

Chicory as a medicinal plant was known to the ancient Egyptians, Romans, Greeks. The history of its use goes back over 4000 years. The mention of chicory can be found in the writings of Pliny the Elder, Galen. The great physician and philosopher of antiquity, Avicenna, dedicated his Treatise on Chicory to this plant.

In the East, several thousand years ago, they began to prepare a drink from roasted crushed chicory roots, which resembled coffee in taste and aroma. This drink was recognized by Europeans only in the 17th century. A drink made from chicory roots gained particular popularity during economic crises, such as: the Great Depression (USA, 1930s), the Coffee Crisis (East Germany, 1976-1979). Russian peasants have long used chicory leaves and roots for food (salads, botvinia, syrups), used for medical purposes, but the first data on the use of chicory roots as a coffee substitute appeared in Russia only in 1800.

Chicory- a very popular culture in Europe. Of the most consumed vegetables, chicory is in second place in Belgium, third in the Netherlands and fourth in France.

Currently, the world's largest producers and exporters of chicory are: France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain; as well as the USA, China. In small quantities, chicory is cultivated in Russia (in the Yaroslavl, Novgorod and Ivanovo regions), in Belarus and Ukraine.

Plants genus chicory (Cichorium) belong to the family Asteraceae (Asteraceae), or Compositae. The name of chicory Cichorium in Latin means "entering the fields."

Culture Features

Chicory is a large perennial herbaceous plant up to 1.5 m tall, with a thick fleshy long taproot, a straight (round or ribbed) hard branched rough stem, sharp-toothed lanceolate, stem-bearing leaves and reed flowers in large inflorescences - baskets located in the axils of the upper leaves and branches. Flowers - blue, less often - blue, lilac, pink, white; sensitive to changes in illumination. The diameter of the flower basket is 2-4 cm. Flowering continues from June to October. The lower leaves are bristly, serrated, notched, pinnatipartite, collected in a basal rosette.

Chicory is propagated by seeds or parts of the rhizome.

The fruits are prismatic 4-6-sided achenes (2-3 mm long) with a very short bristly tuft (light brown or brown, oblong), have high germination.

Plants of the genus chicory are good honey plants.

Features of agricultural technology of chicory

No. p / p Index Chicory
Witloof Escariol Endive
1. Predecessor 1) desirable: cucumber, cabbage, onion and legumes; 2) unacceptable: lettuce, carrots, Jerusalem artichoke, parsley, tarragon, artichoke.
2. area, lighting Light-loving cultures. Well-lit areas (preferably).
3. Temperature regime Cold resistant crops. Minimum growth temperature 8°C; resistant to short-term frosts up to -5 ... -6 ° С; root crops - up to -20 ... -30 ° С.
4. The soil Fertile soils. Mechanical composition: loose, with good air and water permeability (light loamy and sandy loam). Does not grow well in acidic, heavy clay soils; does not tolerate fresh manure.
5. Soil preparation for planting 1. In the autumn, after harvesting the predecessor, carry out fine loosening of the soil with a rake.2. Introduce rotted manure into the soil, dig the soil in two weeks to a depth of more than 30 cm.3. In the spring, apply complex mineral fertilizer, ash, dig the soil to a depth of 25-30 cm.
6. Landing time It depends on the variety chosen and the method of planting. Conduct from the end of March to August (for seedlings - March-April; in open ground - May). Keep in mind that it takes 3-4 months to form normal root crops.
7. Landing method 1) seedlings (to obtain an earlier harvest); 2) seeds (sowing in open ground).
8. seedlings For seedlings, sow seeds in containers from the end of March - the beginning of April. In phase 2-3 of this leaf, dive into peat pots. In the phase of 4-5 true leaves, seedlings at the age of 30-35 days are planted in open ground. Water generously after planting.
9. seeds Loosen the soil before sowing. Sow seeds in open ground when the soil warms up to 8 ... 10 ° C (from the beginning of May); then roll the soil a little. Seedlings appear after 4-12 days; loosen the soil.
10. Planting scheme (sowing) The depth of seed placement is 1-2 cm. When planting seedlings, the root neck is on the surface of the soil. 1) in rows with row spacing of 30-40 cm, the distance between plants in a row is 20-30 cm; 2) two-line tapes: distance between lines 20-30 cm, between tapes 40-50 cm; 3) landing in a square-nested way according to the scheme 30x30, 25x25 cm; thickened fit 20x20 cm.
11. Care 1. Regular watering; 2. Periodic deep loosening of row-spacings, mandatory after watering and rain; 3. weeding; 4. Thinning seedlings: the first - in phase 1-2 of this leaf (distance between plants 5-10 cm); the second - in the phase of 4-5 true leaves (20-30 cm).
12. Watering Regular moderate watering with water heated in the sun (poorly tolerates overdrying and waterlogging of the soil). During the period of drought, during the formation of root crops and active growth of leaves, watering should be increased.
13. top dressing If necessary, top dressing with complex mineral fertilizer.
14. Harvest and storage In October-November, before severe frosts, in dry weather.1. Dig up root crops with garden pitchforks.2. At root crops? 3-5 cm, cut the tops at a distance of 2-4 cm above the neck and lateral roots. 3. Root crops before distillation should be stored at 0 ... -3 ° C in dry sand (sawdust), in a horizontal position. Before the onset of frost, rosettes of plants can be dug up, planted in containers (boxes, flower pots), placed in a cool room with a temperature of 10 ... -15 ° C. Leaves can be used as needed.
15. Features of agricultural technology Distillation Whitening
16. Varieties and hybrids They differ from each other in terms of planting, the shape and color of the leaves (leaf, root varieties). Universal, not regionalized; mostly foreign selection (Belgium, the Netherlands, France).

Types of chicory

In total, 12 species of chicory are known, common in Europe, North Africa and Asia (Northern India and Northern China), of which four are found on the territory of Russia. As an alien plant, chicory grows in South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, North and South America.

Species of economic interest: common chicory(Cichorium intybus L.) and chicory salad(Cichorium endivia L.).

(Cichorium intybus L.). Chicory ordinary - unpretentious plant. It is distributed everywhere: along roadsides, paths, ditches, ravines, in meadows, glades, field edges, edges, on screes and city wastelands, near houses, on river banks, fallow lands, in crops, in weedy places. Cultivated varieties (forms):

Chicory ordinary (sowing)(Cichorium intybus var. sativum L.). Grown in order to obtain raw materials (root crops) for the preparation of drinks and alcohols. Its roots contain more inulin than the roots of wild chicory.

Chicory Witloof(Cichorium intybus var. foliosum L.) (translated from the Flemish language "Witloof" - "white leaf"). Witloof is grown as an annual plant - a forcing crop. In the first year, it develops a large basal rosette of leaves and a tap root. The grown root crop is used for forcing sprouts with wide leaves of white, creamy white or light yellow color, which are eaten. Witloof leaves taste juicy, tender, crispy with a slight bitterness.

In the second year, a straight stem is formed with blue or white flowers.

There are several versions of the origin of witloof. According to the most common of them, Witloof chicory in 1850-1851. was received by the chief gardener of the Botanical Garden of Brussels, Franz Brezier, by forcing heads of cabbage with smooth light leaves from common chicory roots.

Brezier identified the main necessary factors for forcing high-quality witloof - this is absolute darkness, a certain temperature and humidity. Witloof was first introduced to the Brussels market in 1867, Paris - in 1879. Over time, the methods of growing witloof have been improved, in modern forms the sprouts have become larger and stronger.

Chicory Radicchio(Cichorium intybus var. foliosum L.) - has wide red, dark red or red-violet (rarely pink) leaves with creamy white veins.

Chicory salad(Cichorium endivia L.) is a biennial plant that is cultivated as an annual (in the first year a rosette of leaves and a root crop is formed, in the second - a flower stalk and seeds).

Leaves and roots of chicory are used for food. There are special leaf and root varieties. After bleaching, the inner leaves of the lettuce chicory rosette become pale green, tender and less bitter in taste.

Varieties of lettuce chicory:

chicory endive(Cichorium endivia var. crispum L.), or frieze (translated from French "fris?e" - curly) - has a straight branched stem up to 60 cm tall. The leaves are green and yellow-green, thin, oblong, curly, cut (dissected). Lilac flowers.

chicory escarole(Cichorium endivia var. latifolium L.) - has a straight stem 60-80 cm high with large, wide leaves collected in a large basal rosette up to 40 cm in diameter. The leaf blade is slightly cut. The leaves are green or yellow-green. Flowers are blue or pink.

Escarole tastes less bitter than Frize and Witloof.

Ending to be

Anna Vasilina

crop production



ECONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE. Chicory is an important industrial crop. Its wild species are common in regions with a temperate climate and grow near roads along the borders, in dry meadows.

The root of wild chicory is thin, stiff. The roots of cultural chicory contain 14-20% inulin, which, upon hydrolysis, turns into fructose. They also contain 2-3% sugars, 1.5-4% protein, 0.6% fat. Chicory leaves have a high nutritional value.

Chicory is a valuable raw material for making coffee, extracting alcohol and fruit sugar (fructose), which is widely used in the confectionery industry.

Chicory occupies a significant area in the Khmelnytsky and Zhytomyr regions of Ukraine, and it is also grown in the Ivanovo and Yaroslavl regions of Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium, the USA and other countries.

Chicory leaves have a high nutritional value. In terms of dry matter, it contains about 22% crude protein, up to 5 fat and 35-40% nitrogen-free substances. In France and Great Britain, chicory is grown for green fodder, silage. Green mass of chicory and silage are fed to cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, geese. Chicory increases the productivity of animals and has a positive effect on their health. Chicory crops can be used for green fodder for 2-3 years.

BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS. Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) belongs to the Asteraceae family. This is a biennial plant. In the first year of life, like beets, it forms a root and a rosette of basal leaves, and in the second, very branched stems 100-150 cm tall. The flowers are blue, collected in inflorescences-baskets. Cross pollinated by insects. The fruit is a gray or brown achene. Weight of 1000 seeds 1-1.9 g.

The root crop of chicory has a conical shape similar to carrots. There are plants that bear fruit in the first year of life and give a small crop of root crops.

BIOLOGICAL FEATURES. Chicory is a crop of temperate climate, demanding on the presence of moisture,

however, it also tolerates short droughts quite well. Young plants withstand slight spring frosts down to minus 6 °C, and under snow cover - frosts down to minus 30 °C.

Chicory is quite picky about soil fertility. The largest crops are harvested on deep fertile soils. Heavy waterlogged and acidic podzolic soils are unsuitable for its cultivation.

The most common varieties of chicory are Umansky 90, Umansky 95, Yaroslavsky 30.

Growing technology. As a wake-up culture, chicory is grown in crop rotation after fertilized winter cereals, legumes, potatoes, sugar beets. Chicory in a crop rotation where sugar beet is grown contributes to the destruction of nematodes. Due to the fact that it grows from the remains of the roots that remain in the soil, it is recommended to grow fodder mixtures or row crops after it.

The soil for chicory is treated in the same way as for sugar beets. After cereals, stubble plowing is carried out, and later - deep autumn plowing. It is recommended to use soil dredging.

In early spring, the field is harrowed or flattened, two cultivations are carried out, and before sowing on loosened soils - rolling with ringed rollers.

Under chicory, you need to make organic and mineral fertilizers. With a root yield of 250-300 c/ha and leaves of 120 c/ha, it removes 100 kg of nitrogen, 120 potassium, 45 phosphorus and 60 kg of calcium from the soil.

If chicory is grown after tilled crops, only complete mineral fertilizer (N30Р45К50-60) is used, if after winter cereals in autumn 20-30 t/ha of manure is applied under autumn plowing.

Sow chicory after the spring frosts have passed and the soil has warmed up. Too early sowing leads to flowering, because chicory seeds are easily vernalized. It is sown in a wide-row way with a row spacing of 45-50 cm. The seeding rate is 3-4 kg / ha, and the depth of small seeds is 1-1.5 cm. If the soil is dry during sowing, the crops must be raked with ringed rollers.

After the emergence of seedlings, the soil is loosened between the rows (sharovka) with tractor cultivators. The soil crust after the emergence of seedlings on crops is destroyed by harrowing across the direction of the rows with light harrows. Break through chicory in the phase of 2-4 leaves, leaving the plants after 10-15 cm, later loosen the soil between the rows and weeds in the rows, remove flowering plants.

Top dressing of chicory with local (manure, bird droppings) and mineral fertilizers significantly increases the yield of root crops.

The crop is harvested in late September - early October, when the leaves of the plants begin to turn yellow. During this period, the technical ripeness of root crops begins. They dig them up with beetroots, clean them by hand, like sugar beets, and store them in heaps. Since they are poorly stored, they must be immediately taken to the factories. The average yield of root crops is 200-300 q/ha. The leaves are fed to animals and can be ensiled with other crops.

Chicory for seeds is grown in the same way as sugar beets. Root crops are planted in spring with a feeding area of ​​70 x 70 cm, two in each nest. Fertilizers and care are the same as for sugar beet seedlings. Chicory blooms for a long time and ripens unevenly, and its seeds crumble easily. The stems are cut during the yellowing period of 60-70% of the baskets, tied into sheaves and dried in pasterns. Sheaves are threshed with combines. The yield of seeds is 3-5 q/ha.