Favorable days for sowing carrots and onions. When to plant carrots according to the lunar calendar

Carrots are a crop that has been growing for two years. How is this possible? By planting it in 2018, you can get the vegetable itself and tops, and in the future 2019 you can get carrot seeds. Carrots are a very valuable, healthy and nutritious product, rich in provitamin A. As a rule, carrot seeds do not sit in the ground for a long time and sprout within twenty days after planting. This means that in two and a half months it is already possible to harvest this useful root crop. When to plant carrots in open ground in 2018? We invite you to find out the answer to this question.

When to plant carrots outdoors in 2018

When to plant carrots in 2018?

Carrots tolerate cold weather very well, which is why they can be planted as in early spring, and closer to autumn. The main rule of planting carrot seeds is that this work must be done on the waning moon (in general, all root crops are usually planted on the aging moon, so they are better accepted and give good harvest).

In 2018 good days for planting carrot seeds, according to the Lunar calendar, the following days in April are considered: 17,18,23,28. In May: 4,14,15,19,24,31. In June: 1,7,10,11,15,16,20,30. It will not be too late to plant carrots in July, then it will ripen in time for the middle of autumn, July 12, 15 and 18 will be successful for planting.

For optimal growth and development of carrots, it is enough to comply with a number of conditions:

  • The beds should be located so that the sun shines on them as much and as long as possible.
  • The soil for planting carrots should be oxygen-permeable and should not contain stones.
  • The soil should be light, otherwise the carrot does not grow straight down, but gives side branches, bends and does not have a beautiful appearance.
  • The soil should not be moist, otherwise the carrots will quickly rot.

As a rule, carrots are sown all the same during May days, when warm and dry weather sets in. Those varieties of carrots that need to be harvested for the winter, which ripen longer, are sown in June, July.

Planting carrots in open ground

Before sowing carrots, soak their seeds in a little water overnight, so they will germinate faster. When sowing carrots, it is important to maintain a row spacing of thirty to forty centimeters. You should not plant seeds very close to each other, in order for the roots to develop well, they need a free distance of at least five centimeters. It will not be superfluous to add sand or ground dried coffee to the soil before planting seeds.


When planting carrots, you must follow the rules of crop rotation. Do not plant carrots where dill, fennel or parsley were grown last season. The fact is that after these plants, pests overwinter in the soil, which are not averse to feasting on carrots. But after cabbage and tomatoes, carrots will receive excellent soil, which received a lot of these vegetables nutrients... It is very good to plant carrots where potatoes grew last year. After this root crop, there are no diseases and pests left in the ground that could damage the carrots, moreover, after it, the soil remains loose and saturated with oxygen.

In order for the carrots not to be attacked by a fly or aphid, an onion or garlic should be planted next to it. Essential oils contained in them, perfectly drive away these pests. And the calendula sown around the carrots will further contribute to obtaining a good harvest of carrots.

Now you know when to plant carrots in open ground in 2018? Finally, it is worth noting that for the favorable growth of carrots, the soil should not be too moisturized, since it resists dry weather quite well. But moderate watering will not hurt, due to which the roots will grow larger in size.

When to plant carrots in 2017 lunar calendar?

Carrots are not only a very tasty vegetable, but also a whole set of all kinds of vitamins. Carrots are widely used. Salads are made from it, added to all kinds of soups, canned and harvested for the winter. Many gardeners grow carrots on their plots. In order to get a good harvest, you need to properly grow your plants. An important factor is the definition correct timing landing. In this article, we will tell you when to plant carrots in 2017 according to the lunar calendar.

The timing of sowing carrot seeds depends on many factors, namely:

  • Carrot variety.
  • Climatic conditions.
  • Some features of agricultural technology.

If you want to get early carrots, then you should plant ultra-early ripening carrots. Such varieties ripen on average 50-55 days after germination. In the event that you need to get a crop that will be stored for a long time in winter, then you should focus on late-ripening varieties. Of course, the landing dates will vary. The same cannot be said about the climate in which you will grow vegetables. Much depends on this too.

Photo: Auspicious days for planting carrots in 2017 according to the lunar calendar.

Auspicious days for planting carrots in April 2017:

  • April 16.
  • April 17th.
  • April 18th.
  • April 23rd.

Auspicious days for planting carrots in May 2017:

  • 9th May.
  • May 14.
  • May 19.
  • May 24.

There is practically no point in planting in June.

Planting carrots 2017: agricultural technology.

The garden for sowing carrots must be prepared in the fall. It is necessary to select and dig up a site. Carrots love loose soil.

Carrots love soils with pH 6-7, with a ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of 2.5: 1: 4. Before sowing, the soil must be prepared. This will need to be done in the fall after the previous harvest. The site needs to be dug up, loosened and fertilized: 3-4 kilograms of manure per 1 square meter, wood ash 1 glass per 1 square meter. The soil can be fertilized immediately before planting. mineral fertilizers... If you have acidic soil, then you need to add another 300-500 grams of lime per 1 square meter.

The agricultural technique for planting carrots is very simple. Throughout the entire bed, rows are made at a distance of 20-25 centimeters from each other, in which the seeds are planted. Sowing is done to a depth of 2-3 centimeters. To create a humid favorable microclimate, the crops are covered with a film.

Carrots are a fairly cold-resistant crop. It can be planted quite early. It is reliably known that carrots can withstand even short-term frosts.

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Many gardeners pay attention to the phases of the moon before planting carrots. After all, the lunar calendar plays an important role in growth vegetable crops... When to plant carrots, which days are favorable and which are not, what to look for - these and others interesting questions we will consider in our article.

Influence of moon phases on carrots

The change in lunar phases has a significant effect on the growth of vegetables, as well as their fruiting. This was noticed many centuries ago by our ancestors. Now vegetable growers are increasingly resorting to, because it has been repeatedly proven that sowing crops on certain dates gives amicable shoots and an excellent harvest. Carrots are also subject to the influence of the moon.

Important! Usually optimal time for planting, the first week of the new moon is considered. But this period is not suitable for carrots, because interested in root crops, and not overgrown tops. Accordingly, the dates of disembarkation should be shifted.

The lunar month consists of 4 weeks. Each week is marked with a corresponding lunar phase. When the luminary grows, it looks like a bright crescent, the width of which tends to increase. It is during this period that active striving begins nutrients from the ground to the roots of carrots, and later to the foliage.

The most popular questions about the influence of the moon on carrots

Those who have not yet come across planting carrots according to the lunar calendar are asking many questions. Let's consider the most common ones:

  1. Whether to plant carrots when full moon? During the full moon period, carrots are sufficiently weakened root system, she is sensitive to any interference. Therefore, you should not carry out loosening and thinning, because this can damage the delicate roots. So on full moon days, planting carrots is not worth it.
  2. How does the waning period of the moon affect carrots? Astrologers say that when the moon begins to wane, healthy juices from the tops begin to move to the root crops, and nutrients from the soil rush to the roots. Therefore, for carrots, this period is the best for planting. If seeds are placed in the soil on the waning moon, then the active growth of the root system will begin, which is very good for our orange fruit. And if at this time the vegetable is already in the ground, then root crops will violently form. In the phase of the waning moon, it is also recommended to water and feed the carrots, various will be effective too!
  3. Can you plant carrots on the new moon? During new moon the growing process is gradually inhibited, therefore it is not recommended to plant at this time, as well as weed the planted carrots. At the time of the new moon and on days close to it, carrots may not respond properly to the fertilization introduced.
  4. Is it possible to plant carrots in moon eclipse? The planting of carrots, as well as any land work during the eclipse of the moon, should be postponed.
  5. Should I take into account the signs of the zodiac? Each lunar day passes under the reign of a certain zodiac sign. For carrots, the best signs that relate to the elements of the Earth are Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn.

Important! Of course, when planting carrots, first of all, weather conditions and soil conditions are taken into account. But if these parameters coincide with the lunar indicators, then you can get an amazing harvest.

The best time to plant carrots is the waning moon

Favorable and unfavorable days

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar 2017 for planting carrots:

  • March - 18, 22;
  • April - 17, 18, 23, 28;
  • May - 4, 14, 15, 19, 24, 31;
  • June - 1, 7, 10, 11.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar of 2017 for planting carrots:

  • April - 8, 9, 15, 25, 26;
  • May - 7, 8, 25, 27;
  • June - 3, 9, 15.

To obtain an excellent harvest, watering and feeding must be carried out according to the lunar calendar.

On each summer cottage there are always beds with fluffy bushes of carrots. Not a single meal is complete without this bright root vegetable. BUT medicinal properties sowing is very highly regarded by connoisseurs traditional medicine and traditional classical. Therefore, getting a good quality harvest is the task of the gardener. However, this does not always work out.

The main reasons for the decrease in yield or nutritional value of carrots are:

  • illiterately chosen sowing time;
  • inconsistency of the variety and the region of cultivation;
  • violation of agrotechnical requirements.

Useful and necessary to obtain desired result is knowledge about the influence of lunar cycles on plants. Seeds sown in time have greater endurance and protection from diseases. Correct application the timing of processing, watering and feeding significantly increase yields.

Why is it necessary to take into account the phases of the moon?

The main days from which the countdown of the new phase begins are the days of the new moon and full moon. At the same time, one should reckon with the month of the Zodiac, through which the Moon passes. For sowing carrots, the third and fourth phases of the luminary or the waning moon will be the most fruitful. At this time, all the energy of nutrients is concentrated in root crops - underground parts of plants. The beneficial effect is increased by the signs of the Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. It is necessary to select such days not only for sowing and planting root crop seedlings, but also for removing weeds and feeding.

When the luminary passes other signs, the influence on plants changes. The quality and quantity of vegetables obtained will be worse, but with sufficient effort during the growing period, this can be corrected. You need to avoid the signs of Air - Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. These days do not take risks, otherwise the harvest will upset the gardener.

Sowing dates

Depending on when the sowing is carried out, the yield and the possibility of using root crops change. Carrots are cold-resistant crops. Seeds germinate even at a positive temperature of only 3-5 ° C. However, depending on the variety and sowing time, carrots can be grown:

  1. Early ripe. The growing season for these varieties is about 85-100 days. Ultra-early and early ripening varieties ripen from 40 to 60 days. Such carrots will decorate the summer table, nourish the body with vitamins, but are not intended for long-term storage. Therefore, you will have to sow as much as you can spend.
  2. Mid-season. The growing season is from 90 to 120 days. Very juicy carrot rich in vitamins. Some varieties are distinguished by their ability to crack, which does not at all reduce the taste and nutritional qualities. Possesses good keeping quality, can be stored until mid-winter.
  3. Late ripening. Matures in 140 days. Stored until early spring, when good conditions storage much longer.

April is considered a month of intense work for gardeners. For sowing carrots, taking into account the recommendations of the lunar calendar, you need to choose among the numbers - 12, 16, 17, 18, 23, 28. If some reasons do not allow sowing carrots on these days, then you can do it on others. It is only necessary to avoid completely unfavorable lunar days and select the desired variety.

May is the most laborious month, which requires a lot of time and effort from the gardener. This is the only way to get a rich, generous harvest. In this article, we will talk about when is the best time to plant carrots and what you need to consider in order to collect a good and useful harvest... After all, you need to approach the disembarkation process competently, otherwise all your efforts and wasted time will be wasted. Therefore, in order to avoid possible disappointments, use our tips.

What do you need to know about?

Please note that the best month for planting carrots is May. However, this should be done when morning and night frosts "go away". In this case, the soil temperature should not be less than 8 ° C. It is also important to take into account the fact that seeds sprout for about twenty days. As for the root crop itself, it will grow for about 2.5 months. Thus, if you want to get a ripe crop at the end of August, you need to plant the crop in May, in the last days of the month. If the spring is warm and dry, you can safely land in early May.

The seeds must be planted so that the distance between the rows is about thirty-five centimeters, and between the seeds - five centimeters. This will be enough for the plant roots to develop freely.

About dates

When choosing dates, you should look at the lunar calendar. So, on April 15, the full moon will await us, and then, starting from May 9, we can safely start working. The most favorable dates are 9-10, 14-15, 16 and 21 numbers. Unfavorable days this month is not, which, you see, can not please.

Remember that it is not enough to choose a favorable date for planting carrots, this culture requires the creation of special conditions for it. Therefore, do not neglect the basic rules. So, when preparing the soil, loosen it well. If the planting of root crops is done too close, they will need to be thinned out, which is time-consuming. But when choosing a variety, you should first of all rely on the climatic conditions of your region. There are species that ripen quickly and are poorly stored, there are those that need more time to ripen, but they can be stored much longer. So, for example, for the ripening of the most early varieties it takes only sixteen weeks, but unfortunately, such gifts of nature will not be stored. The choice is yours. But in order to protect the plant from pests, namely fly larvae, plant onions or fennel in the garden. The smell of these plants is strong and repels insects, which in turn is favorably reflected on the crop itself, since the risk of seed death is reduced to zero.

It should also be borne in mind that if for some reason you cannot plant carrots in May, you can do this procedure next month. June is also rich in favorable dates and has no unfavorable dates.