Work for the 1st category of a doctor. The Ministry of Health clarified the procedure for certification for the qualification category

Scheme and content of the doctor's attestation report

The certification report of a doctor on the work done is, in fact, a scientific and practical work in which the doctor analyzes the results of his professional practice and performance over the past three years on all issues of his specialty.

Below are the sections that should make up a normal attestation report of a doctor.

I Introduction

Briefly and discreetly provide information about your medical institution: number of beds, number of visits, types of diagnostic and medical procedures etc. Focus on the features of the institution.

3. Characteristics of your structural unit (for example, branches)

Again, in a lapidary style, present the characteristics of the department: the main tasks and principles organizational work. The equipment of the department (for functional, laboratory, physiotherapy, etc.) The regular structure of medical personnel and the place occupied by the doctor in the described structure. Indicators of the work of the department for the reporting period by years.

II. The main part of the certification report is the personal work of the doctor over the past three years

All indicators are compared with an annual analysis of data for the last three years. It will be appropriate to compare your data with those of the institution, region, or country. Each digital material (table, graph, chart) should be followed by an analytical explanation that reveals the essence of the dynamics of the numbers (or lack thereof), which will demonstrate your ability to critically analyze.

1. Characteristics of the contingent

The structure of the treated patients by age, gender, by groups with the allocation of the most frequent nosological forms, complex cases. Features of the clinic, age-related pathology. Analysis of the contingent (in comparison with previous years).

2. Diagnostic system

Display the diagnostic system (tables, algorithms and conclusions) for profile (most common) nosological forms. Demonstrate your knowledge of modern diagnostic methods: possibilities, limitations, indications, interpretation. Give examples of the most difficult diagnostic cases from practice.

3. Medical work

Display medical work (tables, algorithms and conclusions) for profile (most common) nosological forms. Analysis of the results of treatment with an assessment of the world, own experience in the use of certain methods. Describe clinically interesting cases from practice.

4. Mortality analysis

Analysis of lethal cases by nosological units.

5. Innovations

Rationalization work or development and implementation of new methods of diagnostics and treatment, prevention and rehabilitation. It is especially important to describe the therapeutic and diagnostic effect achieved as a result of the introduction of new methods.

6. Advisory work

See treatment work analysis

7. Organizational and methodological work

As a rule, this section of the attestation report is intended for department heads. Development guidelines, instructions, implementation of a system for monitoring and analyzing the quality of work, etc.

III. Sections of the attestation report that may be required

V different regions can establish their own rules of the game and demand to disclose additionally certain questions in their attestation report.

IV. Conclusion

V. References

Requirements for the preparation of a doctor's attestation report

The information below is in accordance with GOST 7.32–91 and the international standard ISO 5966–82. For more detailed information refer to the relevant documents.

At the first stage of writing a certification report on the work done, it is convenient to put the printed sheets into a folder with multifors (“transparencies”). At the final stage (depending on the requirements of the regional attestation commission), the attestation report, together with all the collected documents (with the exception of the attestation sheet), will need to be bound, bound or left in a folder.

General requirements

  • The attestation report must be printed on a typewriter or printer. Text must be black and on one side standard sheet white paper A4 (210 x 297 mm).
  • Detected errors and typographical errors should be corrected by shading with white paint (corrector) and then inscribing corrections in black ink.
  • The pages of the attestation report must have the following margins: left - at least 30 mm, right - at least 10 mm, top - at least 15 mm, bottom - at least 20 mm.
  • Paragraph indent - 1-1.5 cm.
  • Line spacing - 1.5.
  • The main text of the work should be justified.
  • You should use the standard font in the "regular" style. For example, Times New Roman. The font size (size) is at least 12 points (the height of lowercase letters is 1.8 mm).
  • Hanging lines (single lines at the beginning and end of the page) should be avoided.

Title page of the doctor's attestation report

  • Top right - approval with the signature of the head physician, certified by a round seal medical institution in which the doctor works (or worked).
  • In the center is the heading: “Report on the work of such and such a specialist doctor or the head of the department of such and such a medical institution (name of the institution), full name. doctor (write in full), for such and such years (indicate the reporting period).
  • At the bottom of the sheet - the name of the settlement, the year of the work.

The second page of the certification report of the doctor

The second page of the attestation report should contain a table of contents indicating the page numbers of the main sections of the attestation work.

There should be a strict style of the table of contents. Page numbers are put down without a dot at the end, and on title page the number "1" is never put, but it is taken into account that the next page has the number "2".


  • The headings in the report are highlighted with more saturated and large print, never underline or end with a dot. Heading hyphens are not allowed. Between the title and the text there should be an interval of at least 6-12 points.
  • Higher-level headings are centered, headings low level aligned to the left. It is possible to highlight high-level headings in capital letters or special effects(shadow, bulge).
  • It is advisable to number the headings and start the chapter on a new page. Headings are numbered with Arabic numerals, nested subheadings are numbered with a period ("1", "1.1", "2.3.1", etc.).

Design of tables, figures, graphs

The attestation report of a doctor must include such elements of non-textual information as drawings, graphs, tables.

For all these types of additional information, continuous numbering is used throughout the work. For example, if there are two diagrams in the first chapter, then the first diagram in the next chapter will have the third number, not the first number. All these elements of non-textual information are numbered if the corresponding element occurs more than once in the work. For example, if there is one table in the work, then it is not numbered and the designation "Table 1" is not written above it.

Table design

The table is indicated by the word "Table" and a number written in Arabic numerals in the upper right corner (the "No" sign is not indicated). This should be followed by a centered table header. Tables, depending on their size, are placed after the text in which they are mentioned or on the next page.

The reference to the table in the text is made out as follows: see table. 1. If there is only one table in the work, then the word “table” is not abbreviated: see table. Usually, at the first link, the word "see." not written: From the table. 1 shows that... For further references, they are marked in brackets: see table. one.

When using tables, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • If possible, you should not use the column “number in order” (“No. p / n”), since in most cases it is not needed.
  • Numbers are right-aligned (for ease of comparison), text is left-aligned, heading text is left-aligned or centered.
  • All table cells are vertically aligned in the middle.
  • Repeating elements, for example, the designation of percentages, ("%"), are placed in the heading of a column or row.
  • One repeated word in the table is abbreviated with quotation marks, two or more - with the phrase "same".
  • The table must not contain empty cells. If you do not have the necessary data at your disposal, then it is written like this - “no information.”
  • If the table does not fit on one page and it has to be moved to the next, then new page write the words “table continuation” and indicate its serial number, then repeat the cells containing the column headings, and then the table continues.
  • Footnotes to the text or figures in the table are drawn up only with asterisks (so that there is no confusion with the exponent) and are printed immediately below the table.
Design of drawings

Under the figure write the name, which is preceded by the abbreviation "Fig. " and the serial number as a number written in Arabic numerals (the "No" sign is not indicated). All this designation is centered under the figure.

Application design

Applications, unlike other types of additional information, are located outside the text of the certification report. Applications may include text, tables, pictures, photographs, drawings. All types of additional information in the appendices are numbered in the same way as in the main part of the work.

  • Each application must start on a new page.
  • Applications are identified by the word "APPENDIX" typed in capital letters and a serial number (Arabic numerals) in the upper right corner (without the "No" sign). This is followed by a centered application title.
  • References to applications in the main text of the work are performed as follows: see Appendix 5.

Good luck!

List of documents for medical certification

In different regions, the list of documents that a doctor needs to submit to the certification commission may be supplemented or slightly changed.

The list of documents submitted to the certification commission for the assignment (confirmation) of the qualification category of a specialist doctor

1. Personal statement addressed to the chairman of the attestation commission.

Well, for example: I ask you to certify (or recertify) me in the specialty "Therapy" for the second (or, for example, the highest) category. Previously not certified (or I have the first / highest qualification category of a general practitioner, confirmed in such and such a year). I am familiar with the regulation on certification. Date. Physician's signature.

In law enforcement agencies, they write a report (application) addressed to the head of the department (institution), who himself draws up a referral to the certification commission.

2. Certification sheet of the established sample.

The correctness of the specified information in the certification sheet is certified by a specialist in the personnel department and the seal of the institution. By the way, for the accuracy of the information in the certification sheet and the report, the person being certified and his manager are personally responsible.

An attestation sheet can be obtained from the secretary of the attestation commission.

3. Photocopies of the following documents, which must be certified by a specialist of the personnel department and the seal of the institution:
  • diploma of graduation from a medical university;
  • marriage certificate (if the surname was changed after receiving various kinds of diplomas, certificates, etc.);
  • certificate of specialization / internship in the attested specialty;
  • certificate of improvement in the attested specialty for the last 5 years;
  • specialist certificate;
  • employment history;
  • category identification.
4. The original of the certificate of the existing category.
5. Attestation report on work for the last 3 years.

The attestation report should be an analysis of the indicators of the professional and performance of a doctor on all issues of his specialty. The attestation report is approved by the head of the institution and certified by a seal. Volume for the highest category - 30-35 sheets, for the first and second category - 20-25 sheets of A4 format typewritten text in 1.5 intervals. About the reliability of information - see above.

6. Review (review) of the attestation report.

A review (review) of a doctor's attestation report is given by a highly qualified specialist of the relevant profile, who is not the immediate supervisor of the person being certified, preferably a member of the certification committee.

7. Service characteristic.

The performance report should reflect the performance of the specialist doctor, his business and professional qualities (responsibility, exactingness, volume and level of knowledge, practical skills, etc.) and certified by the seal of the institution.

8. Additional materials.

Some regions may require test certificates within the previous 12 months for:

  • HIV infection;
  • the organization and tactics of the civil defense medical service, the organization of emergency medical care and the provision of emergency medical care;
  • disinfection and sterilization.

At certification (re-certification) of private practitioners or those working in institutions private form property may require a copy of a license for the right to practice medicine for individuals or legal entities

Good luck!


service characteristic

Word " characteristic" comes from the word "character" [< лат. charactër отпечаток, особенность, своеобразие < греч. charaktër печать, клеймо; особенность, своеобразие]

(from explanatory dictionaries)

service characteristic- this is an official document containing a review of the official, scientific and other activities of an employee, which includes an assessment of his business, psychological and moral qualities.

Service characteristics are written in any form from the third person. As a rule, the head of the structural unit draws up a service description, and approves - the head of the institution, affixing his signature with the seal of the institution.

Three blocks can be distinguished in the text of the service characteristic:

1. Personal data, where the name, patronymic and surname of the employee, date of birth are indicated; position held and date of appointment to this position, academic degree and title (if any). Additionally, you can provide information about the education received (what schools where and when he graduated), duration of work in this institution, career growth (what positions he held).

2. Evaluation level of professional skills, business and personal qualities. The indicators for which such an assessment is carried out are given below.

3. Final part The service characteristic contains an output that indicates the purpose of the characteristic.

Performance indicators

Typically, the evaluation is carried out according to the following indicators.

Work experience and practical skills, professional knowledge in their specialty, erudition in other official matters, self-education, interest in best practices, knowledge of the necessary regulatory and legislative documents, knowledge of their rights and obligations.

performance. Degree of activity in work, quality of work performance, timeliness of performance official duties, organization of personal working time, measure of responsibility for the results of work, the effectiveness of solving tasks, the ability to adapt to innovations, behavior in difficult situations.

Business qualities(for management team). The ability to organize a team to perform official tasks, exercise control over subordinates, the ability to resolve conflicts in the team, establish business relations with the heads of related departments, the ability to analyze the effectiveness of their structural unit, and engage in planning.

The level of general culture, relationships with colleagues and clients, sociability, friendliness, responsiveness, modesty, psychological stability, the ability to self-esteem.

Service characteristic-2 or what the official document hides (carefully!)

Service characteristic - 2

The most interesting thing in music notation lies between the lines.
Gustav Mahler, Austrian composer.

How to read service specifications

The following text has been compiled from various sources found on the Internet.

Professional Competence

  • Has exceptionally high qualifications: does not do big stupid things
  • Uses every opportunity for his development: a sycophant, knows how to serve his superiors
  • Does not always follow the instructions of the management accurately: understands better than the authorities
  • Accurate, delves into all the details: a bore
  • Expresses thoughts clearly: can link two phrases together
  • Favorably different from others: 200 times smarter than a single-celled organism
  • Possesses alternative knowledge: stupid ignoramus


  • Zealous and diligent worker: stubborn as a donkey
  • Shows zeal at work: self-confident type
  • Has unlimited potential: it looks like it will stay with us until retirement
  • Works hard: has no idea about ergonomics
  • Resourceful: always finds explanations for his mistakes
  • Uses resources efficiently: shifts work to others
  • Original thinker: jerk
  • Independent thinker: crazy
  • He approaches problem solving creatively: he will always find someone who will do his job
  • Ready to work after the end of the working day: wife is a bitch, family problems
  • Shows diligence: able to work only under control

Business qualities

  • Has the properties of a leader: a boor with a loud voice
  • Subtle analyst: able to confuse everything
  • Great organizational skills: easily distracts other employees for “smoke breaks”
  • He knows how to inspire others and lead him: his subordinates follow him in a crowd, but only out of pure curiosity
  • Often consults with colleagues and management: everyone is already sick of it
  • Promising, will go far: has a "hairy paw" among the higher

Psychological qualities and work ethics

  • Proud of his work: self-satisfied egoist
  • Social nature: often drinks with colleagues
  • Tactful: knows when to shut up
  • Witty, with a great sense of humor: constantly sticks out on joke sites
  • Charming: sly bastard
  • Uninhibited, dynamic: psychopath
  • Attentive, polite: shy coward
  • Strict, disciplined, true to his principles: just an asshole
  • Visually oriented: deaf as a capercaillie
  • Impressively athletic: fat or dystrophic
  • Young at heart: youthful old fart
  • Follows company development: chief local gossip
  • Exceptionally loyal: not able to get a job anywhere else


  • Deserves a raise: get that idiot away from us!

performance impression

When writing a job description, it is very important to choose the right words, because the overall impression of the language in which the job description is written can make a positive or negative impression.

10 best words: activity, individual, evidence, achievement, skills, experience, planning, development, participation, effect.

10 worst words: always, hate, never, nothing, mistake, panic, bad, problem, failure, terrible.

Thank you -

Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated July 25, 2011 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 23, 2011 Registration N 21875. Published in "RG" N 216 dated September 28, 2011 on p. 21)

I. General provisions

1.1. The Regulation on the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) determines the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers (hereinafter referred to as specialists).

1.2. Obtaining qualification categories by specialists is carried out on the basis of checking the conformity of professional knowledge and their professional skills (hereinafter referred to as the qualification exam).

1.3. The qualification exam aims to stimulate the growth of specialist qualifications, improve the selection, placement and use of personnel in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation, and increase personal responsibility for the performance of professional and official duties.

1.4. The process of obtaining qualification categories is provided by attestation commissions and includes procedures for obtaining qualification categories - stages of assessing the conformity of professional knowledge and skills of specialists (hereinafter referred to as qualification procedures).

1.5. Attestation commissions in their activities are guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, these Regulations, departmental regulatory legal acts, regulatory legal acts of bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation.

1.6. Principles of the qualifying examination:

independence and objectivity of expert assessments;

openness of qualification procedures;

consecutive assignment of qualification categories;

observance of norms of professional ethics;

compliance with a strict sequence of qualification procedures provided for by these Regulations;

high qualification and competence of persons carrying out qualification procedures.

1.7. The system of attestation commissions includes:

the Central Attestation Commission, created by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation;

attestation commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, created by the health authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

departmental attestation commissions, departmental attestation commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in healthcare, scientific and educational institutions medical institutions created by federal executive bodies and other departments according to their affiliation.

1.8. The attestation commissions consist of expert groups corresponding to the specialties (directions) for which the attestation commissions carry out the established qualification procedures, and the Coordinating Committee of the Attestation Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), which coordinates the work of the expert groups.

1.9. The expert groups include employees of health authorities, members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, heads and specialists of medical, scientific and educational organizations with sufficient knowledge to conduct a qualification exam in the declared specialties.

1.10. The Committee consists of the Chairman - Chairman of the Certification Commission, Deputy Chairman - Deputy Chairman of the Certification Commission, Executive Secretary - Executive Secretary of the Certification Commission, Deputy Executive Secretary - Deputy Executive Secretary of the Certification Commission, members of the Committee.

The expert groups include the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary, members of the expert groups.

In the absence of the chairman of the Committee (expert group), his powers are exercised by the deputy.

1.11. The personal composition of the attestation commissions and the regulations on their work are approved by order of the body under which they are created. The personal composition of the attestation commissions is updated as necessary.

Changes in personnel are approved by order of the body under which they are created.

1.12. Attestation commissions carry out their activities in accordance with the sequence of qualification procedures established by these Regulations. Qualification procedures are aimed at assessing the professional qualifications and competence of specialists.

1.13. A specialist can receive a qualification category both in the main and in the combined specialty.

1.14. Qualification categories are assigned in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties.

II. The procedure for obtaining qualification categories

2.1. Qualification categories are assigned to specialists with a level of theoretical training and practical skills corresponding to qualifications specialists, and work experience in the specialty:

the second - at least three years for specialists with higher and secondary vocational education;

the first - at least seven years for specialists with higher professional education and at least five years for specialists with secondary professional education;

higher - at least ten years for specialists with higher professional education and at least seven years for specialists with secondary professional education.

2.2. When assigning qualification categories, the following sequence is used: second, first, highest.

2.3. Specialists who have expressed a desire to obtain (confirm) a qualification category, submit to the certification commission:

an application of a specialist addressed to the chairman of the attestation commission, which indicates the qualification category for which he is applying, the presence or absence of a previously assigned qualification category, the date of its assignment, the personal signature of the specialist and the date (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 1 to this Regulation);

a printed qualification sheet, certified by the personnel department (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 2 to this Regulation);

a report on the professional activity of a specialist, agreed with the head of the organization and certified by its seal, and including an analysis of professional activity over the last three years of work - for specialists with higher professional education and beyond Last year work - for employees with secondary vocational education with their personal signature (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 3 to this Regulation). The report should contain the conclusions of a specialist about his work, proposals for improving the organization of the provision and quality of medical care to the population. The report must contain reliable data in the description of the work performed by the specialist, rationalization proposals, patents. If the head of the medical organization refuses to agree on a report on the professional activities of a specialist, the head issues a written explanation of the reasons for the refusal, which is attached to the rest of the examination documentation;

copies of documents on education (diploma, certificate, certificates, certificates of a specialist and other documents), work book, certified in in due course;

in case of change of surname, name, patronymic - a copy of the document confirming the fact of change of surname, name, patronymic;

a copy of the certificate of assignment of the qualification category (if any) or a copy of the order on the assignment of the qualification category.

2.4. The head of the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities creates conditions for:

submission by a specialist of qualification documentation drawn up in accordance with the requirements for completeness and correctness;

interaction of the organization with the attestation commission regarding the procedure for obtaining a qualification category by a specialist;

submission to the attestation commission of information on the number of specialists who carry out professional activities in a medical organization and have passed the procedure for obtaining a qualification category (indicating the attestation commission and the qualification category received), as well as specialists wishing to obtain (confirm) a qualification category in the next calendar year;

notification of a specialist who has expressed a desire to obtain a qualification category.

2.5. The requirements specified in paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 of these Regulations, in terms of the need to certify the documents submitted by the specialist and ensure the interaction of the organization with the certification commission, do not apply to specialists engaged in professional activities in private system healthcare.

2.6. The documents that make up the qualification documentation must be neatly executed and bound.

2.7. Qualification documentation is sent to the certification commissions by mail, as well as directly by a specialist, official organizations authorized to interact with the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities with the certification commission.

2.8. In order to maintain the previously assigned qualification category, the specialist sends the qualification documentation to the certification commission no later than four months before the expiration of the qualification category. When sending the examination documentation later than the specified period, the date of the qualification exam may be scheduled after the expiration of the qualification category.

III. The procedure for the meeting of attestation commissions

3.1. The meeting of the attestation commission is appointed within a period not exceeding three months from the date of registration of the examination documentation.

3.2. Specialists of federal state institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation submit qualification documentation to the Central Attestation Commission.

Specialists of state institutions under the jurisdiction of other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation submit qualification documentation to the relevant departmental attestation commissions.

Professionals carrying out medical and pharmaceutical activities in organizations state system healthcare of the subject of the Russian Federation, municipal system of health care, as well as specialists engaged in professional activities in the private health care system, submit qualification documentation to the certification commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the territory of which they operate.

3.3. The qualification documentation received by the certification commission is registered in the document registration log (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 4 to this Regulation) after checking its compliance with the requirements for completeness and correct execution within 7 calendar days. If the qualification documentation does not meet the specified requirements, the person submitting the qualification documentation (an official of the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities, authorized to interact with the organization with the certification commission) is informed of the reasons for the refusal to accept the examination documentation with an explanation of the possibility of their elimination.

Refusal to accept the qualification documentation received by the attestation commission must be sent to the specialist no later than 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the examination documentation by the attestation commission.

To eliminate the shortcomings of the qualification documentation, the specialist is invited to eliminate the identified shortcomings within a month.

3.4. Control over compliance with the registration procedure, the requirements for completeness and correctness of the qualification documentation submitted to the certification commission is carried out by the executive secretary of the relevant certification commission.

3.5. The executive secretary of the attestation commission no later than one month from the date of registration of the qualification documentation determines the expert group of the attestation commission corresponding to the specialty (direction) declared in the qualification documentation, and coordinates with its chairman the terms of the qualification examination of a specialist.

3.6. Based on the results of consideration of the qualification documentation, the chairman of the expert group determines the members of the expert group for reviewing the report on the specialist's professional activities.

3.7. The chairman of the expert group determines the need to involve independent specialists (experts) in reviewing the report on the specialist's professional activities.

3.8. A review of a report on the professional activities of a specialist is signed by the members of the expert group participating in the review or by independent specialists (experts) and the chairman of the expert group.

3.9. The review should reflect:

possession of modern methods of diagnostics and treatment, adequate qualification requirements applied to specialists of the second, first and highest categories;

participation of a specialist in the work of a scientific society or a professional medical association;

availability of publications and printed works;

the duration and timing of the last advanced training;

forms of self-education used by a specialist;

compliance of the volume of theoretical knowledge, actually performed diagnostic and therapeutic practical skills with the qualification requirements for specialists in the declared qualification category.

3.10. The term for examination of qualification documentation by an expert group may not exceed 14 calendar days.

3.11. Based on the results of the review, the expert group prepares a conclusion on the assessment of the specialist's report and, together with the executive secretary of the attestation commission, determines the date of the meeting in the specialty stated in the qualification documentation.

The secretary of the expert group notifies the specialist of the date of the meeting.

3.12. As part of the meeting of the expert group, the specialist is tested and interviewed.

Testing provides for the performance of test tasks corresponding to the declared qualification category and specialty, and is recognized as passed by a specialist provided that at least 70% of correct answers to test tasks are given.

The interview involves a survey of a specialist by members of an expert group on theoretical and practical matters corresponding to the specialty declared in the qualification documentation.

3.13. At the meeting of the expert group, the secretary of the expert group keeps individual protocols of specialists undergoing qualification procedures (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 5 to these Regulations). Each individual protocol is certified by the members and the chairman of the expert group.

3.14. The decision on the compliance of a specialist with the declared category is made based on the results of testing, interviews and taking into account the assessment of the report on the professional activity of the specialist and is entered in the qualification list.

3.15. The expert group of the attestation commission at the meeting makes one of the following decisions:

assign a second qualification category;

improve the second qualification category with the assignment of the first;

improve the first qualification category with the assignment of the highest;

confirm the previously assigned qualified category;

remove the first (highest) qualification category with the assignment of a lower qualification category;

to deprive the qualification category (second, first, highest);

reschedule certification;

refuse to assign a qualification category.

3.16. When depriving, lowering or refusing to assign a higher qualification category, the individual protocol of a specialist indicates the reasons why the expert group of the attestation commission made the appropriate decision.

3.17. The assessment of the qualification of a specialist is adopted by open voting if at least 2/3 of the number of members of the expert group of the attestation commission are present at the meeting.

3.19. When deciding on the assignment of a qualification category to a specialist who is a member of the certification commission, the latter does not participate in the voting.

3.20. The specialist has the right to pass a re-qualification exam, but not earlier than one year after the decision on non-compliance with the qualification category is made.

3.21. Individual protocols of the examined specialists are sent to the executive secretary of the attestation commission for the preparation of the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 6 to this Regulation). The protocol of the meeting of the expert group is certified by the members of the expert group and approved by the deputy chairman of the attestation commission.

3.22. Substitution of a member of the expert group by another person who is not included in its composition is not allowed.

3.23. The draft order on the assignment of a qualification category is prepared by the executive secretary of the attestation commission on the basis of its decision. The body under which the attestation commission is established, within one month, issues an order on the assignment of a qualification category.

3.24. Within a week from the date of issuance of the order on the assignment of a qualification category, the executive secretary of the attestation commission draws up a document on the receipt of the qualification category, which is signed by the chairman of the attestation commission and certified by the seal of the body under which it was created.

3.25. A document on the assignment of a qualification category is issued to a specialist or a person authorized by him (on the basis of a power of attorney) upon presentation of an identity document of the recipient, or sent by postal service (with the consent of a specialist).

3.26. The issued document on the assignment of a qualification category is registered in the document registration log.

3.27. In case of loss of a document on the assignment of a qualification category, on the basis of a written request from a specialist to the certification commission, a duplicate is issued within a month. When it is issued, the word "Duplicate" is written on the left side at the top.

3.28. Qualification documentation, copies of orders for the assignment of qualification categories and other organizational and administrative documents relating to the work of the certification commission are stored in the certification commission for five years, after which they are subject to destruction in accordance with the established procedure.

3.29. The specialist has the right to familiarize himself with the documents submitted to him by the certification commission.

3.30. The decisions of the attestation commissions within thirty days from the date of their adoption can be appealed by sending an application with justification of the reasons for disagreement to the bodies under which the attestation commissions were created, as well as to the Central Attestation Commission.

3.31. In conflict cases, the employee may appeal the decision of the certification commission in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.32. Information (certificate, extract from the protocol, etc.) about specialists who have received a qualification category can be issued at the written request of the specialist himself or at the request of law enforcement agencies.

IV. Forms of work of the attestation commission

4.1. Certifying commission:

analyzes the activities of specialists with higher and secondary vocational education who have submitted documents for obtaining qualification categories;

summarizes the experience of work and implementation of qualification procedures and provides an annual report to the body under which it was created;

considers the need for off-site meetings.

4.2. The need for an off-site meeting is determined by the attestation commission on the basis of petitions from organizations and other structures representing the interests of specialists. When studying the issue of the need to hold an on-site meeting, the attestation commission has the right to request data on the quantitative composition of specialists wishing to obtain a qualification category and the specialties (directions) declared for the qualification exam.

4.3. The chairman of the attestation commission sends to the body under which the attestation commission is created, the rationale for the need (absence of the need) to hold an offsite meeting of the attestation commission.

4.4. When preparing a justification on the need (lack of need), the following are taken into account:

the level of workload of the expert groups of the attestation commission and their members at the main place of implementation labor activity;

circumstances due to which specialists wishing to pass the qualification exam cannot appear at the meeting place of the attestation commission;

the quantitative composition of specialists wishing to pass the qualification exam;

information on the qualifications of these specialists, provided by the organizations in which they carry out their professional activities;

the possibility of compliance with the requirements, including the qualification procedures established by these Regulations, during the off-site meeting of the attestation commission.

4.5. The body under which the attestation commission is established makes a decision to hold an offsite meeting of the attestation commission and approves by its order the personal composition of the attestation commission and expert groups, the timing of the offsite meeting of the attestation commission and its tasks.

The qualification of a doctor is determined in the course of attestation procedures and makes it possible to identify the level of correspondence of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to the qualification characteristics of the relevant specialty. Certification for the assignment of a category is carried out at the initiative of the medical worker himself, it is a good incentive for his professional growth. Subsequently, the established category gives the doctor the right to provide medical services defined for a given specialty, affects the amount of wages, increases the prestige of the doctor, contributes to his further advancement in the profession.

Qualification categories and the procedure for obtaining them

The qualification of a doctor can be assigned to the main or combined position and is determined in accordance with the requirements for the second, first and highest category.

During the certification procedures, the employee must undergo professional retraining (training in courses and internships in leading medical institutions), then personally attend a meeting of the certification commission, where the evaluation of the certification report on the work done, testing and interviews are carried out. When assigning a category, the education and experience of a doctor in an attested position are also taken into account, which must meet the requirements:

The second category - experience of 3 years, higher and secondary vocational education;
- the first category - the experience of 7 years in the presence of higher and 5 years in the presence of secondary vocational education;
- the highest category - the experience of 10 years in the presence of higher and 7 years in the presence of secondary vocational education.

Category expiration dates

The validity of the assigned qualification category is 5 years from the date of signing the order. If it is impossible to certify after 5 years (maternity leave, temporary incapacity for work), its validity can be extended only if the certification commission agrees with the application for the extension of the category, signed by the head physician of the institution where the doctor works.

On August 4, 2013, the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2013 No. 240n “On the procedure and terms for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to pass certification to obtain a qualification category” (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) began to operate. In this regard, the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2011 No. 808n “On the Procedure for Obtaining Qualification Categories by Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers” has become invalid. Today we will tell you what has changed in the certification procedure for medical and pharmaceutical workers, and compare the previous and current procedures. .

General provisions

The procedure establishes the rules for passing certification by medical and pharmaceutical workers. This procedure applies to specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education, specialists with higher professional education engaged in medical and pharmaceutical activities.

As before, certification of specialists is carried out for the positions provided for by the current nomenclature of positions of medical and pharmaceutical workers, in three qualification categories (second, first and highest) once every five years. At the same time, the qualification category assigned to the employee is also valid for five years from the date of issuance of the relevant administrative act. Specialists may apply for the assignment of a higher qualification category even before the expiration of the said period, but not earlier than three years from the date of assignment of the qualification category.

The requirements for work experience for obtaining qualification categories have been adjusted in order. The length of service in the specialty now does not depend on the education received by the employee. So, to obtain the second qualification category, at least three years of work experience in the specialty (in position) is required, to obtain the first category - at least five years of experience, the highest category - at least seven years of experience.

For comparison, let's say: earlier, in order to obtain the highest qualification category, it was necessary to have at least 10 years of experience for specialists with higher professional education and at least seven years of experience for specialists with secondary vocational education.

In addition to the length of service, the Procedure establishes requirements for the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of specialists. In particular, based on P. 8 of the Order, a specialist applying for a second qualification category must:

  • have theoretical training and practical skills in the field of their professional activities;
  • navigate in modern scientific and technical information, possess the skills of analyzing quantitative and qualitative performance indicators, compiling a report on the work.
To obtain the first qualification category, a specialist must:
  • have theoretical training and practical skills in the field of their professional activities and related disciplines;
  • use modern methods diagnosis, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and own medical and diagnostic equipment in the field of their professional activities;
  • be able to competently analyze the indicators of professional activity and navigate in modern scientific and technical information;
  • participate in solving tactical issues of organizing professional activities.

To obtain the highest qualification category, on the basis of clause 10 of the Procedure, a specialist must:

  • have high theoretical training and practical skills in the field of their professional activities, know related disciplines;
  • use modern methods of diagnostics, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and own medical and diagnostic equipment in the field of their professional activities;
  • be able to evaluate data special methods research to establish a diagnosis;
  • navigate in modern scientific and technical information and use it to solve tactical and strategic issues of professional activity.

Formation of attestation commissions

To conduct certification, as before, commissions are created, which, depending on the bodies that form them, can be central, departmental and territorial. The rules for the formation of commissions and their composition are regulated in detail by the Procedure.

The attestation commission consists of a coordinating committee (hereinafter referred to as the committee) that performs the functions of organizing the activities of the attestation commission and expert groups in specialties (hereinafter referred to as expert groups) that review documents and conduct a qualification exam.

The composition of the certification committee includes:

  • leading specialists of organizations engaged in medical and pharmaceutical activities;
  • representatives of medical professional non-profit organizations, employers;
  • representatives of a public authority or an organization forming an attestation commission, and other persons.
The personal composition of the attestation commission is approved by the administrative act of the state authority or organization that created the attestation commission.

The general management of the activities of the attestation commission is carried out by the chairman of the commission, who is also the chairman of the committee. The deputy chairman of the attestation commission is recognized as the deputy chairman of the committee and acts as the chairman of the attestation commission in his absence.

The position of the executive secretary of the commission remains, which registers and reviews the documents of specialists arriving at the certification commission who have expressed a desire to undergo certification for obtaining a qualification category, for compliance with their requirements for the list and execution of documents, forms materials for sending to expert groups, prepares materials for meetings and draft decisions of the committee.

The expert group also has a chairman, a vice-chairman and an executive secretary.

It should be noted that the Procedure defines in sufficient detail the functions of both the committee and the expert groups. For example, the committee coordinates the work of expert groups, determines the methods, methods and technologies for assessing the qualifications of specialists, prepares and submits for approval to the body that created the certification commission, a draft administrative act on the assignment of qualification categories to specialists. The expert groups, in turn, consider the documents submitted by specialists, prepare conclusions on reports, conduct test control of knowledge and interviews, and make decisions on assigning qualification categories to specialists.

Based on clause 18 of the Procedure, committee meetings are held, if necessary, by decision of its chairman, and meetings of expert groups - at least once a month. A meeting of a committee or an expert group is considered competent if more than half of the members of the committee or expert group, respectively, are present at it.

Decisions of the committee and the expert group are taken by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the meeting of the committee or expert group is decisive ( Clause 19 of the Order). It should be noted that in the previous attestation procedure, the presence of at least 2/3 of the members of the commission was required to make a decision, and in the event of an equality of votes, the decision was considered adopted in favor of the specialist.

The decisions of the committee and the expert group are documented in minutes, which are signed by all members of the committee and the expert group who were present at the meeting of the committee and the expert group, respectively.

The procedure for certification

Specialists who have expressed a desire to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category, submit a set of documents to the certification commission. The list of documents included in the qualification documentation has not changed, but there is one exception: now, instead of a qualification sheet, a specialist must submit an attestation sheet.


In the previous procedure for obtaining qualification categories, it was established that the head of a medical or pharmaceutical organization must create conditions for specialists to obtain qualification categories when interacting with the commission, submitting documentation and notifying the specialist. Now there are no such obligations to assist.

An innovation in terms of submitting documents is the need to submit a duly certified translation into Russian of documents issued on the territory of a foreign state and executed in a foreign language.

Also, an innovation is the ban on participation in sending documents by an official of the organization authorized to interact with the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities with the certification commission. The procedure established that only the specialist himself can send documents by mail or present personally. In addition, the requirement to bind documents is excluded.

Documents must be sent to the address of the state authority or organization that created the certification commission, by mail or presented personally by a specialist no later than four months before the expiration of the existing qualification category. If this deadline is violated, the qualification exam may be held. later than the date expiration of the existing qualification category.

For your information

Clause 16 of the Procedure establishes that attestation can be carried out using telecommunication technologies (remote attestation) and in the form of an offsite meeting.

The rules and terms of certification have been adjusted in order. In particular, on the basis of clause 22 of the Procedure, documents received by the attestation commission are registered by the executive secretary of the committee on the day they are received by the attestation commission. Within seven calendar days from the date of registration of documents, they are submitted for consideration to the chairman of the committee (previously, documentation was registered after a seven-day check of its compliance with the completeness requirements).

If there are no documents provided for by the Procedure or they are incorrectly executed, the executive secretary of the committee must send a letter to the specialist refusing to accept documents explaining the reason for the refusal also within seven days (previously this period was 14 calendar days). In this case, the specialist can send the documents again. At the same time, he was previously given a month to correct the shortcomings, but now such a period has not been set at all.

The chairman of the committee, no later than 14 calendar days from the date of registration of documents, determines the composition of the expert group for certification and sends the specialist's documents to its chairman (clause 23 of the Procedure). At the same time, the expert group must consider them no later than 30 calendar days from the date of registration of documents, approve the conclusion on the report and set the date and place for the test knowledge control and interview (previously, the period for reviewing documents was 14 calendar days).

Note that the requirements for the content of the conclusion to the report have changed. In particular, on the basis of clause 24 of the Procedure, it is no longer necessary to take into account:

  • the duration and timing of the last advanced training;
  • forms of self-education used by a specialist;
  • compliance of the volume of theoretical knowledge, actual diagnostic and therapeutic practical skills with qualification requirements.
The decision of the expert group on the appointment of the date and place of the test control of knowledge and interview is communicated to the specialist no later than 30 calendar days before the date of the test control of knowledge and interview, including by posting the relevant information on the official website on the Internet or information stands public authority or organization that created the attestation commission.

Test control of knowledge and interview are held no later than 70 calendar days from the date of registration of documents.

Based on clause 27 of the Procedure, based on the results of the qualification exam, the expert group can take one of two decisions: assign or refuse to assign a qualification category to a specialist. Recall that earlier there were several types of decisions taken by the expert group. For example, it was possible to improve the second qualification category with the assignment of the first one, confirm the previously assigned qualification category, remove the first (highest) qualification category with the assignment of a lower category, or deprive a specialist of the qualification category.

The decision to assign or refuse to assign a qualification category to a specialist is made by the expert group no later than 70 calendar days from the date of registration of documents, drawn up in the minutes of the meeting of the expert group and entered in the certification sheet of the specialist by the executive secretary of the expert group. If a specialist is denied the assignment of a qualification category to a specialist, the minutes shall indicate the grounds on which the expert group made the appropriate decision. A decision to refuse to assign a qualification category to a specialist can be made on the following grounds:

  • the presence in the conclusion on the report of a negative assessment of the theoretical knowledge or practical skills of a specialist necessary to obtain the qualification category declared by him;
  • the presence of an unsatisfactory assessment on the basis of the test control of knowledge;
  • non-appearance of a specialist to pass a test control of knowledge or an interview.
A completed protocol containing a decision to assign or refuse to assign a qualification category to a specialist is sent by the chairman of the expert group to the committee within five calendar days from the moment of its signing. The latter, no later than 90 calendar days from the date of registration of documents, prepares and submits for approval an administrative act on assigning a qualification category to a specialist (clause 31 of the Procedure).


The administrative act on the assignment of a qualification category to a specialist must be issued by the state authority or the organization that created the certification commission no later than 110 calendar days from the date of registration of documents. Previously, an order to assign a qualification category to a specialist was issued within a month from the moment the commission made a decision.

The specialist must receive, by mail or by hand, an extract from the administrative act on assigning him a qualification category no later than 120 calendar days from the date of registration of documents.

It should be noted that the Procedure has extended the period for appealing the decision of the attestation commission from 30 days to a year. The term for appeal is counted from the date of adoption of the decision by the attestation commission.

As you can see, the procedure for certification of medical and pharmaceutical workers has undergone significant changes in terms of the timing of certification, the procedure for processing documents and the results of certification. Moreover, there are still unexplained points. In particular, it was previously envisaged that within a week from the date of issuance of an order on conferring qualifications, a specialist was issued and issued an appropriate document. Now, the specialist is issued only an extract from the order on assigning him a qualification category, and not a word is said about the document. We believe that these points will be clarified by the competent authorities in the course of the procedure.

The nomenclature of specialties of specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the field of healthcare of the Russian Federation, approved. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2009 No. 210n.

As you know, the presence of a qualification category confirms the qualifications of a medical worker and affects wages. The dentist of one of the polyclinics in Kirov decided to get the second category, asked his colleagues for advice, but, oddly enough, it turned out that no one had medical categories. The doctor turned to the personnel department, but, oddly enough, he also did not receive a response to his request. I had to turn to hotline» trade union «Action».

The assignment of a medical category is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2013 N 240n "On the Procedure and Terms for Medical Workers and Pharmaceutical Workers to Pass Certification to Obtain a Qualification Category".

Each doctor has the right to receive a category in several specialties at the same time, if they are related. The main requirement is work experience in the required specialization.

Requirements for obtaining the second category:

At least 3 years of practical experience in the specialty,

Requirements for obtaining the first category:

At least 5 years of practical experience in the specialty,

Personal attendance, including testing, participation in the assessment of the report, interview.

Requirements for obtaining the highest category:

At least 7 years of practical experience in the specialty,

Personal attendance, including testing, participation in the assessment of the report, interview.

To obtain a category, a specialist must apply to the regional health authority (Ministry of Health, department, committee, administration - each region has its own) to the executive secretary of the certification commission in his specialty. All questions regarding the category are resolved through the responsible secretary. The doctor draws up an application addressed to the chairman of the attestation commission (in case of recertification, the application is submitted four months before the date of its occurrence). The application shall indicate passport data, the existing category (if any) and the date of its receipt, the qualification category for which the doctor claims, consent to receive and process personal data, personal signature and date. Also, in printed form, an attestation sheet and a report on the work done for the last 3 years are filled out, approved by the head physician and the personnel department of the medical facility where the certified person works. Copies of documents on education (diploma, certificates, certificates, certificates of a specialist), work book and assignment of the current qualification (if any) are also sent to the commission, in case of a change in the last name, first name, patronymic - a copy of the document confirming the fact of their change.

What is a physician certification report? It consists of three parts - introduction, main part and conclusion.

The introduction includes data about the identity of the doctor and the medical institution where he holds his position. The characteristics of the department, its equipment and staff structure, the performance of the department in the form of statistical data are described.

The main part consists of the following items: characteristics of the contingent undergoing treatment in the department; the possibility of carrying out diagnostic measures; carried out medical work with the indicated results for profile diseases; fatal cases in the last 3 years and their analysis; introduction of innovations.

The conclusion of the report consists of summarizing the results, indicating possible problems and examples of their solutions, opportunities for improvement. If there are published materials, their copies are attached. The list of literature used and studied over the past few years is indicated.

If the head of the organization where the specialist works refuses to approve the report, the latter is given a written explanation of the reasons for the refusal, which is attached to the application for obtaining a qualification category.

Documents are sent to the address of the state authority or organization that created the attestation commission, by post or provided personally by a specialist to the executive secretary of this commission.

Certification is appointed no later than three months from the date of receipt of data about the specialist. If the data does not match the requirements for them, a refusal to accept documentation is received (no later than 7 days from the date of its registration). After eliminating the grounds that caused the refusal to accept the documents, the specialist has the right to re-send the documents to the certification commission.

The secretary coordinates with the chairman of the expert group of the required specialization the duration of the examination. The members of the expert group review the attestation works of doctors for the category, filling out a review for each of them, displaying the following data: the level of practical skills of a specialist; participation in social projects related to the medical field; availability of published materials; self-education of the certified person; correspondence of knowledge and skills to the declared category of doctors. The review must take place within 30 days of receipt of the report. The result of the review is an indicator of the possible outcome of the certification.

The secretary informs the specialist of the date of the meeting, including the interview and testing (no later than 30 days before this date). Testing is considered passed when more than 70% of correct answers are received. The interview takes place by questioning the person being certified according to theory and practice, knowledge of which must correspond to the requested qualification. The meeting is accompanied by the execution of the protocol, which is signed by the members of the expert group and the chairman. The final decision is noted in the qualification sheet. The specialist receives the right to retake the exam only after a year. A document confirming the receipt, upgrade, downgrade or refusal to assign it is issued to the specialist or sent by mail by the responsible secretary of the certification commission (no later than 120 days from the date of registration of the application for certification or recertification).

The decision of the attestation commission may be appealed to the state authority or organization that created the attestation commission within one year from the date of adoption of the appealed decision by the attestation commission.

The attestation commission may decide to extend the period of validity at the request of the head physician of the medical institution. If a doctor refuses to appear on the commission, his category is removed automatically after a five-year period from the date of assignment.

Also, the administration of a medical institution can send a request to the certification commission for the doctor to be deprived of his qualifications or to be upgraded ahead of schedule (specialists can apply for a higher qualification category no earlier than three years from the date of receipt of this category). In this case, documents are sent to justify the decision. The commission considers the issue in the presence of a specialist. Absence without a good reason allows a decision to be made in his absence. From the date of the decision, the doctor or health care facility may appeal the result within 30 days. To do this, it is necessary to issue an application specifying the reasons for disagreement and send it to the commission under the regional health authority (Ministry of Health, etc.).

Certification sheet

1. Surname, name, patronymic (if any) ________________________________

2. Date of birth ______________________

3. Information about education*(1) _______________________________________________


4. Information about work activity*(2)

from _____ to ______ ____________________________________________________________

(position, name of organization, location)

Employee's signature personnel service and the seal of the personnel department of the organization,

whose employee is a specialist.

5. Work experience in medical or pharmaceutical organizations

6. Name of the specialty (position) for which the

certification for obtaining a qualification category ___________________

7. Work experience in this specialty (in this position)


8. Information about the existing qualification category in the specialty

(position) * (3), for which certification is carried out ______________________

9. Information about the available qualification categories for other

specialties (positions)*(3) _______________________________________

10. Information about available academic degrees and academic titles*(4) _________


11. Information about available scientific works (printed) * (5) ________________


12. Information about existing inventions, rationalization proposals,

patents*(6) _______________________________________________________________

13. Knowledge of a foreign language __________________________________

14. Business address and work phone __________________________________

15. Postal address for correspondence on attestation issues with

attestation commission _______________________________________________


16. Email(in the presence of): _________________________________

17. Characteristics for a specialist * (7): _________________________________



Signature of the head and seal of the organization of which he is an employee


18. Conclusion of the attestation commission:

Assign / Refuse to assign ________________ qualification

(highest, first, second)

(name of specialty (position))

"___" ________ 20___ N ______*(8)

Executive Secretary

Expert group signature I.O. Surname


*(1) Indicates the level of education (secondary, higher, postgraduate or additional professional education), the subject of the advanced training course or professional retraining(for information about additional vocational education), the name of the assigned specialty, the number and date of issue of the document on education, the name of the organization that issued the document on education.

*(2) Dates of commencement and termination of employment in relevant position, name of the employing organization, its location.

*(3) The existing qualification category, the name of the specialty (position) for which it was assigned, and the date of its assignment are indicated.

*(4) The available scientific degrees, academic titles and dates of their assignment are indicated.

*(5) Information is indicated only on printed scientific works, including the name scientific work, date and place of publication.

*(6) The registration number and date of issue of the relevant certificates are indicated.

*(7) Includes information on the effectiveness of the professional activities of a specialist, his business and professional qualities (including an assessment of the level of responsibility, exactingness, available skills, practical skills).

*(8) The details of the minutes of the meeting of the Expert Commission, at which the decision was made to assign a qualification category to a specialist, are indicated.

The publication was prepared within the framework of the project “Legal Support for Employees of Medical Organizations in the Russian Federation and Monitoring of Current Problems in the Sphere of Social and Labor Relations in the Context of Reforming the Public Health Sector” using funds from a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society.