Themes of scientific works in Russian. Materials in Russian: School Program

The section presents exemplary that can be selected for an interesting study in any class of secondary school, both for an individual project and for group research.

Any interesting topic of research work in Russian language can be taken from the list below and on the basis of it to come up with more appropriate to their hobbies and level of knowledge of the formulation of the topic. When watching the list, select the topic corresponding to your capabilities.

Topics of projects in the Russian language for 1, 2, 3, 4th grade

The head will help you choose interesting topics of projects in Russian students. The topic of research work must comply with the initial knowledge of the student on the topic and at the same time allow it to acquire new knowledge in the study area.

Topics of projects in the Russian language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 class

For easy choice topics of projects in Russian Distributed on students 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the class of general education institution. If desired, the student can choose the research topic in the Russian language from any section, and then expand or reduce it, adjusting to the specifics of its research project.

Below are the topics of research and design work in the Russian language, which have not entered certain classes, some of them are relevant for any class. On the recommendations of the head, in this list, the student can find an interesting topic of work, which will be most relevant and nontrivial among classmates.

Topics of projects in Russian language (general)

List of research works in Russian:

Analysis of the semantic group "Color Names of the Car".
The letters disappeared from the alphabet.
The contribution of A.S. Pushkin in the development of modern Russian language.
The impact of interactive communication on the written speech of students.
The question of the origin of the terms "Rus", "Russia", "Russian" ...
Issues of ecology of the language in the modern world.
IN AND. Dal. Walking for the word. "Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian."
Outstanding linguistic scientists.
Life and work of "aliens" (borrowed words) in Russian.
Tomorrow is a book
Borrowed vocabulary in the names of maritime transport.
Borrowed vocabulary in the name of flowers.
Writer is deserved forgotten ...
Why do you need pseudonyms?
Borrowed words - good or damage to the modern Russian language.
Sound and meaning (on the example of analyzing one - two poems).
Concept ... in the works of Russian literature (experience of the vocabulary).
Own names in proverbs and sayings.
Names, surnames, patronymic in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world.
Case history. Prepositions and cases.
History of communities and verbalies.
Names adjectives in locality names.
Names adjectives in the names of works.
Names adjectives in the names of plants.
Artificial languages.
The history of the origin of the Russian surname.
The study of the Russian language abroad as a method of admission to the culture of Russia.
The story of the letter.
Own names in proverbs and saying.
How does Russian live in a live magazine (on social networks ...)
As led by a diploma in Russia.
How compulsion standards are observed by the inhabitants of our village.
What are the literary premiums today.
Book yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Red Speech Proverb
Krasnos speech by phraseologism.
Who and why hides under a pseudonym mask?
Lexical components of the image of St. Petersburg in Prose F.M. Dostoevsky.
The lexical components of the founding of the Motherland in the lyrics of S. Yesenin.
Linguistic and aesthetic features of "lyrics" futurists.
Linguistic errors around us.
Linguistic geography. How many languages \u200b\u200bin the world?
Literary places of our city
Literary communications network.
People and manuscripts.
The place of the Russian language among other items in our school.
The place and role of neologisms and occasionalism in the lyrics of V. Mayakovsky.
The name of the objects of material culture (clothing, shoes, household items, etc.) in Russian and their relationship with the words of language languages.
Our friends are dictionaries.
Non-verbal means of communication.
The name of the character of a person in comparison with animals in Russian.

Topics of research projects in the Russian language

Some questions of the culture of the speech of the modern Russian language.
Some aspects of a linguistic analysis of the joke.
New professions in the modern world and their name.
Nihilism and nihilists. The emergence of the term, the peculiarity of the personality.
Single Suggestions in Comedy N.V. Gogol "Auditor".
Single delivery in the work of the poet Mikhail Mokshin.
Onomatic store names in my city.
Features of the SMS language messages.
Features of precedent headlines (on the material of the newspaper "Polar Pravda").
Features of the syntactic system of poems M. Tsvetaeva.
Features of the language of "said" in the works of M. Zoshchenko.
Features of the language of "tale" in the works of N.S. Leskova.
Where do Nashia come from?
Reflection of the pagan worldview of the Slavs in the language (phraseology, proverbs, sayings, onomastics).
The reflection of the names of the Slavic pagan gods in these these words of the modern Russian language.
Representations of the ancient Slavs about time and their reflection in the language and literature.
Representations of the ancient Slavs about color and their reflection in the language and literature.
The origin of interdetty.
The use of animal features to describe the character of a person.
Adjectives denoting colors in Russian.
The role of phraseological units in Russian.
The role of communities in artistic literature works.
Russian language and its contacts with other languages.
The originality of the speech characteristics of characters in the dramatic works of A.P. Chekhov.
Declination in ancient Russian language.
Slavic alphabets, their origin and relationship.
Treatment of complex Russian surnames.
The current state of the question of the origin of writing in the Eastern Slavs.
Phraseologisms and idioms in Russian
Functioning of single-maintenance proposals in the texts of different styles of the Russian literary language.
The feasibility of using borrowed vocabulary in the media language.
What is a good speech?
Experiments in the field of the word (on the material, artistic, journalistic literature, the language of the media and the Internet ...).
Emotions in pixels.
Etymology of the words exceptions from the rules of Russian spelling.
Advertising language.

Rubber! 49


It is impossible to imagine any people who had no native language. There is no language without language, but there is no language without the people, on which this people would talk. The language is a system-forming element of national culture, but some languages \u200b\u200bemerge on a more global level, becoming the languages \u200b\u200bof international communication. One of them is our native Russian language ...


Russian language is surprisingly rich and handsome, it is the main generation rod of Russian culture. Without the language, Russian culture cannot exist, so every cultural person is obliged to take care of his native language.

There are many languages \u200b\u200bin the world, each of which is unique in its own way, is unusual, interesting to study. Each people have their own original features, their mentality, their cultural experience - all this is displayed in the language, and it is with the help of the language a people can preserve and multiply their national heritage.

Russian is a high culture language, in Russian, outstanding works of world literature, world theater and cinema have been created. The Russian native language for such generally accepted geniuses, like Lion Tolstoy, Fedor Dostoevsky, Alexander Pushkin and for many other writers, poets, playwrights, critics, public and cultural figures. Modern Russian language occurred not from scratch, it is a consequence of the long transformations of East Slavic languages. Also, modern literary Russian language is a consequence of interaction between different dialects, between the characteristics of the language of various social groups and the segments of the population. This interaction occurred by the wation of several centuries and led to the formation of a modern living Russian language.

The language is a system-forming part of the culture, with its help not only communication between people is carried out, the features of the mentality of the people, the native language are imprinted in each language - the main factor in determining national identity. Culture dies with the death of the tongue, so everyone who belongs to Russian culture and considers themselves a cultural person, should take care of which he says. Of course, the Russian language does not threaten the Russian language, they own several hundred millions of people. Russian is a relatively young language that has yet to be developed and modified in the future. The protection of the language is inextricably linked with its development, it is necessary not only to take care of the tradition and heritage of Russian culture, but also to enrich the culture with new features. The widest opportunities for the language open when society develops its language and develops with it.

Russian is the language of international communication. Already how many of centuries, it is Russian that serves as the most important basis for mutual understanding between the peoples of multinational Russia and other nearby states. The perfect possession of the Russian language not only spiritually enriches a person, but also makes it involved in the great heritage of Russian culture.

Even more writings on the topic: "Russian language":

Today I am one of 170 million people who consider native Russian. I am proud of it, because the Russian is a great world language. Russian refers to the languages \u200b\u200bof interethnic communication, it is among the top ten most common languages \u200b\u200bon the planet. This state language of the largest state in the world in the world - Russia, as well as the second state in Belarus. Russian - Working language of the United Nations.

In the modern world, the Russian language is owned by 110 million people for whom he is not native. There are dozens of countries where Russian is taught in schools and universities. This is especially common in the countries of the former USSR, because Russian was the main language in the Union. For example, half of the population of Ukraine speaks Russian, and in a number of areas it is recognized as regional.

Why is Russian so extended? First, the borders of the Russian Empire, and then the USSR, were very wide. Russians provided, and provide a large political, economic and cultural impact on other peoples.

Now the dissemination of the Russian language in the countries of the former USSR does not like everyone. Some politicians seek him to displace and argue that he oppresses national languages. But people still communicate in Russian among themselves, they read Russian-speaking newspapers and books. The significance of the Russian language is impossible to eliminate artificial methods.

The second reason why Russian is distributed in the world is that in the countries of Europe, in the United States, many emigrants from Russia live in Canada. And the Russians love to travel around the world and communicate with people. I heard that in some American or Israeli cities, all sellers know Russian: they have Russian-speaking buyers. Russian Arabs and Turks are taught: Russians come to rest to them.

The third cause of the significance of the Russian language in the world is literature. Russian literature is one of the greatest in world culture. The names of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and other great writers are known in the distant corners of the planet. Germans, French, Spaniards are studying Russian in universities to read the works of these authors in the original.

Now in the world among languages \u200b\u200bof interethnic communication leads English. English words penetrate even in Russian, often clogging him. But I believe that all this is relative.

First, now the whole army of translators works, translating from Russian to English: Russian culture affects English-language too. Secondly, once already fashioned: everyone spoke French. Then the fashion changed, and people rushed to something new. And the great and rich Russian, Russian culture live in centuries.


Russian language is a national, interstate language of the Great People and our domain. I am proud to be a citizen of the Russian Federation, which was born on our Russian land. The Russian language from my birth has filled my life and is of great importance not only in my life, but also in the life of each of us. Therefore, we must protect our native language.

Since birth, we hear around themselves Russian speech. She accompanies us all his life. In whatever corner of Russia we went, we accompany our faithful assistant everywhere - Russian. At school, at home, in the theater, in the cinema - everywhere we hear Russian speech. But few people think about how important the role in our life is played by the native language. Without him, we could not talk to friends, read an interesting book, write a letter to relatives.

Thus, the Russian language is a language of global communication, is of great importance in our lives and on the world arena. The language acts as a necessary tool for communication. During school change, you can often hear the statements like this: "How old is this lesson of the Russian language! We learn it from the first class! And why learn him? All of him and so know! ". But to know the Russian language is thoroughly impossible, although it is also native. After all, it is limitless! Russian language can be leaning all my life, always recognizing something new, but do not know all its secrets.

The value of the Russian language in my life I would compare with the value of the Motherland for me. As I do not think my life without a homeland, I can't imagine it without the Russian language. Russian language is the basis of our entire spiritual culture, our invaluable gift. I owe much to him. He gave me the opportunity to join the rich, centuries-old culture of people inhabiting Russia, learn everything about the living around us. I am sure that the Russian language will help me find a worthy place in adulthood.

I am grateful to fate that I live in Russia, I study in the Russian school and studyrussian language and Russian Literature, and speak Russian.

Therefore, I argue: "The value of the Russian language in my life is great!".


Russian language is the greatest language in the world and it has the status of an international language. Why? First, a large number of people, knowing him, talk, and he is also widely known worldwide. Secondly, the United Nations in the working language is Russian. Thirdly, our language is informative and expressive, i.e. Each word is synonyms, and there is a name of each subject.

Russian language praised many writers and poets. They were not only Russian, but also foreign poets and writers. For example, I would like to bring the statement of Proster Merim: "Russian language, as far as I can judge him, is the richest of all European lawlessness and seems to be deliberately created to express the finest shades. Gifted with wonderful complication, connected to clarity, he is content with one word to transmit thoughts when whole phrases would take to another language. " Yes, our Russian language is really rich, I'm sure of that. I am proud that my native language is Russian, and I will not be ashamed of that!

About our mighty language during the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945 wrote a poem of a very famous writer Anna Akhmatova:

Not scary under the bullets are dead to lie down,
Do not be bitterly stayless,
And we will keep you, Russian speech,
Great Russian Word.
Free and clean you carry you
And grandchildren give, and from captivity save

Such a "strong" poem, which already affects the soul. Each soldier going into battle, pronounced this poem, it served as a hymn for them. The poem gave them strength, masculinity, stimulus and adrenaline.

But, to preleal, our mighty and rich in their expressions and words, the Russian language is in fifth place in the list of international languages. Sorry, very sorry. With the help of the statement of the Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, I would like to encourage people to take care of our beautiful Russian language and do not forget about him: "Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is the domain of our predecessors transferred to us. Contact respectfully with this powerful weapon; In skillful hands it is able to work wonders. "

I love Russian and proud of them! After all, Russian is for me - it's like a sip of fresh air, like a sip of a thirst for a long-minded water after a long thirst, and as a bright and warm sun ray after a long-long darkness. More Russian language - no language !!!


Many people do not even think that his language is considered the richest. Why is Russian? The answer is very simple, the Russian language is the only language in the world, words in which can be replenished again and again. Of many expressions and invented words, our language is replenished, our culture, because much that was popular with our grandparents and grandparents goes into our conversational vocabulary, and our grandchildren will also speak our phrases.

The Russian language is very complicated, but it does not make it less attractive. Many writers said that in Russian you can drive any conversation: the recognition of love, communication with the enemy, a friendly conversation, because it is he who can convey all feelings and emotions, better than any other language. The main thing to learn to be a competent person should not shout for the whole world that it is too complicated and that too many stupid rules came up.

It should be remembered that the language on which we speak is the gift of our ancestors and not the doctrine of the language - it is equally forgotten about the relatives, not to take their culture, become a stranger among your own. It is especially sad to hear from a small, even growing generation. After all, they still do not know what to know it, you can discover the new world. In Russian, there are many words of synonyms, so the poems will not be a job, choosing the right word meaning will not change. It is very funny to recognize new words, because the word meaning one thing or an action on sound can be associated with a completely different subject.

Having loved the language, it will open for you many possibilities, all this I checked on my personal experience. After reading a large number of books, no longer remember the rules, and freely write offers, without making any mistakes. That's what it means - rich Russian. So it is better to take care of your ratio.

Russian language is the official language of our country, It says most of the population of Russia. The study of the Russian language begins in grade 1, and continues until the end of school education. Moreover, at the initial stage, schoolchildren learn to write, and only then begin to study the rules of the Russian language.

  • Training is approximately divided into three sections, respectively, primary school, secondary school and high school.

What are the Russian language at school

In primary school (1-4 Class) Schoolchildren study the basics of spelling and orthoepia, and also receive basic information about words, suggestions and text. In addition, the basic rules of syntax are being studied.

Grade 5. It is a binder between primary and secondary school programs in Russian. The main parts of speech are studied, and the concept of basic concepts from vocabulary is also given.

6 and 7 classes Dedicated to the study of independent and service parts of speech. The basic rules of spelling and punctuation associated with these parts of speech are considered.

8 and 9 classes Dedicated to the study of syntax. The main types of proposals are studied: simple, complicated and complex (complex, complex, non-union). After grade 9, the exam in the Russian language in the form of GIA is provided.

10 and 11 classes It is more devoted to the repetition of the already studied, as well as the study of culture and stylistics of the language, the study of language means of expressiveness.

It is worth noting that after graduation, students pass the exam in the Russian language in obligatory.

All materials are divided by classes:

Russian language 1 class
Russian language 2 class
Russian language 3 class
Russian language 4 class
Russian language class 5

Secondary education

Line Ukk I. V. Gusarova. Russian language (10-11) (bases., Glub.)

Line UMK Pakhnova. Russian language (10-11) (b)

Line Ukk V. V. Babaitseva. Russian language (10-11) (Glube.)

Line Ukk Kudryavtseva. Russian language (10-11)

Preparing for the exam in Russian: Basic topics for repetition

Seven months remain to final exams. What is the nuances of the exam in the Russian language of this year, what topics are especially important to repeat and how to prepare for the main audit work already from the fifth grade? This is about this tells one of our authors, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature of the Orlov State University of Larisa Bednarskaya.

Work with text

This year the text part intensified, became more diverse and, therefore, more difficult. Tasks No. 1 and No. 2 of demo believements immediately derive to the provisions determining the very concept of "text": content and structure. To fulfill them, you must automate the preliminary analysis of the material. In task number 3, there is a transition directly to the vocabulary: the student must determine the meaning of multivalued words in the context. This is an important skill, since all the nuances of the word value are disclosed in the texts. Task number 26 (Essay) Formulate foggy. According to its constituent, the final text should correspond to the type "reasoning", however, this is not directly indicated. In this task, there are no leading terms in principle.

Textic material, important for successful delivery of the USE, is fully represented in the UMC of the authorship of V.V. Babaytseva. The textbooks understand, among other things, the test frame, the patterns of connecting proposals, keywords and much more - the themes whose knowledge will help the student to cope with the tricky tasks of the textual part.

Unstressed vowels and other orphograms

The exam is still aimed at basic knowledge. However, now one task may include several orphograms at once, which complicates the performance. Having been following the preparation for the exam in high school, you need to reveal what spell the student has already learned what is not. It is important for the child to know what it is for him to learn. In most cases, it is already familiar with the basis of certain rules, and the understanding of this gives him confidence. High-quality preparation for the exam starts from grade 5. For example, the study of the paronyms that are discussed in the task number 5, begins in the fifth grade and requires periodic repetition.

Consider several unsophograms that cause the students the greatest difficulties, and we will analyze how they can be presented.

Unstressed vowels are the most "dangerous" place. Even in Soviet times, statistics showed that they account for 85% of all errors in the letter. Now the situation is even worse, since the vocabulary in children became more meager, and the less words in the arsenal of the student, the harder it is to choose the test word.

Exercise for the development of a vocabulary

We arrange a regular competition "who will write words more." I give for 5 minutes. The student records one- or doubled, like a "goat", "foot". Mandatory conditions: words should be without letters and y (unchanged in an unstressed position), and also do not consider words with full-vagine and inseparable. Prize winner: magazine mark. Experience shows that with a permanent training session, the student can submit to 45-50 words at a time.

Alternating vowels in the root

To acquaint students with the morpheme principle, the main principle of Russian spelling, is also better from the fifth grade (and even from the younger school). First you can post a poster with a funny text that will be remembered to children: "The word is divided into parts. Oh, what's the happiness! Maybe every certificate to build a word out of pieces. " Well, the scientific principle sounds like this: each morphem is written uniformly. The writing rules are recommended to represent the template: where, with what condition what happens. For example: when alternating E / and in the root of the word, in front of the suffix, I.

Methodological manual prepared for the textbook V.V. Babaytseva "Russian language and literature. Russian language. In-depth level. 10-11 classes. " The manual contains the content of the course of the Russian language, subject and metap loat results of its development, approximately ate and thematic planning, activities of students, the subject of search and research work, recommendations on the use of an electronic application to the textbook.

Common roots:

  • Space / cass-, luggage / lag- (in the root, in front of the suffix -, write a),
  • Mountain / Gar, Zor- / Zara- (writing these roots to remember, relying on key phrases or suggestions, for example: "Zorye Dogorel")
  • Ros- / ramp (root, before -t- and, we write a)
  • Mok- / Mac-, Rivne- / equal (rely on single words: mock- like wet, mak- how to dying, etc.)

Spelling E / o after hissing

Here, the morpheme can be root or affix. In the second case, the writing you just need to come down. If we are dealing with the root, then when we write it with e, and in the suffixes and endings, we write O. This rule concerns only names: nouns, adjectives and adverbs.

Spelling and / s after c

In the root we write and, and in the suffixes and endings. An interesting fact is connected with this. If we look at the words C and after C in the root (figure, encyclopedia, zinc), you will find that they are borrowed from the Latin language in which C was soft. The words of the nation also came from the Latin language. But in the Russian endings and suffixes (fighters, sinitsyn), concealed Russian C.

Bog console and root

This is basically a rule of spelling a solid sign. Kommersant is written in one place of the word: after the prefix to firmly consonted before the root E, E, Yu, Ya.

Another important rule on the topic of consoles and root: the transition root and in s. As hearing and write - but there is a mass of exceptions that need to be remembered.

The textbook complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the Middle (Full) General Education, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and is included in the federal list of textbooks. The textbook consisting of theoretical and practical part deepens the knowledge of students about the language as a multifunctional developing system, ensures the improvement of communicative, linguistic, linguistic (linguistic) and cultural competences.

Spelling consoles

Consoles are written uniformly, but two pairs have a special nature. First, this is the consoles on the s / s, where with we put before the deaf. Prefixes are prerequisites and must pay special attention: most often admits, approach, finding in short, and is exceeded by the prefix to re-or the word very much.

Nouns suffixes

  • It is necessary to remember: -the- / is -, it is / agency, then--info-, -ness).
  • Obey the rules: -thel (written after the root d, t, s, s, g), -et- (in the land. Music.R.) / - (in the land When changing the word) / -K, -in- - -ink-).
  • Reductantly-magnifying: -NEK- / -Lex-, -Evy- (always shock, but remember that after it is written in the exist. Husband. R., -And (I remember that in the ex. Wed. r. after it ending -o).

These rules are easy to remember in the form of a table.

Adjective suffixes

Similarly, it is possible to divide into 3 categories and enter into a table of adjective suffixes:

  • It is necessary to remember: -Ev- / -to-, -Iv-, -, -the, -, -the.
  • Submissions to the rules: -N-, -an-, -yan-, -in-, -nub-, -n-.
  • Speed-caressing: -NEK- / -LEK-.

Glading forms

This topic is being studied for two years, in 6-7 classes. The question often arises: why are the same verb we write in different ways, for example: "I saw the sky" and "you will not see the sky"? The case in the formation of verb forms from two bases: present and infinitive. All forms of past time are formed from the basis of the infinitive.

Specifying Nasrachchi

Consider 3 methods of writing:


  • Formed from adjectives full and short: anew spending.
  • Educated from other shortcomings: the next day.
  • Educated from adventure places: down, up, top.

Apart (formed from nouns with pretexts)

  • The former noun, begins to the vowels: in the emphasis.
  • It has case forms: abroad.
  • Replies to the question "How?": On Skak, with the summer.

Through Defis

  • Prefix in-, plus a sequence numerical: first, secondly ...
  • Repeat: a long time ago, exactly in-point.
  • Prefix in, suffix -eo, -ska, -tski, ,y.

Not with different parts of speech

We are guided by the following rules:


  • Nouns, adjectives and adverbs when they can be replaced by synonym without not.
  • No not used.


  • Verbs, verbalia.
  • Nouns, adjectives, adverbs in the presence of comparison or opposition.

There are other spelling rules not, in particular with communities and pronsections that require a separate study.

The directory is designed to prepare high school graduates for a single state exam (USE) in the Russian language. The publication contains theoretical material on all sections of the school course of the Russian language in 6-11 classes, recommendations for performing the tasks of parts of all types of parts 1 and 2 of the examination work. The practical part includes samples of test tasks approximated by volume, structure and selected material to the control measuring materials of a single state exam. At the end of the manual, answers are answered to test tasks.

Knowledge control

Believe how well the student learned the rules on this or that topic, simple tasks will help. It is better not to fulfill them in a notebook, but on a separate sheet.

  • Record from memory, unchanged, studied formulas or tables.
  • Signify with the words one or two rules on the studied themes.
  • Write in a column 5 and more examples on one of the rules.
  • Make a proposal with one of the words and make a syntactic analysis.

Depending on the level of preparation of students, tasks may be more complicated. Such control takes only 5 minutes, not a lot of time from the lesson. At the same time, the tasks deserves an assessment of the log.

The media often reproach teachers in that study turns into a solid workout to the exam. However, the teachers themselves know that only a systemic integrated approach allows to achieve the desired result.

Most modern teachers leans the fact that school students should receive practical knowledge, which will continue to help them successfully integrate into society. To this end, it is recommended to move away from the classic formation of skills and skills and provide children with another model of education associated with the formation of the personality and the development of their creative skills.

In contact with

Naturally, to introduce forms of such education it should be in elementary school. Research activity is one of them. Many themes of research work on various subjects (English, Russian, literature, mathematics and other disciplines) are oriented mainly on high school students. However, it is best to implement it better in primary grades, so that children can learn how to assemble, analyze and evaluate their work as early as possible. Of course, the child must have a wide selection of topics for analysis, we will also talk about this below.

Tasks of research work in elementary classes

The purpose of engaging students of primary classes in research work is the stimulation of their creative and intellectual potential in an interesting form.

The tasks of such work are as follows:

Specificity of research activities in elementary school

Research work includes such steps:

  • the selection of the topic;
  • setting tasks and goals;
  • conducting research;
  • preparatory work on the protection of its topic;
  • protection of work.

The peculiarity of research work in elementary school is the special role of the teacher. It should guide, stimulate and passion children, show them the significance of such work, and also actively attract parents as assistants.

Many parents whose work is not related to pedagogical activities, almost do not deal with the lessons and tasks of children. And research works - great chance to get close to children In order to help them solve those or other tasks - to choose an interesting topic, choose literature, resume our knowledge of English or mathematics and so on.

Basically, from the first to the third class, research work at school has a collective nature, the topic is determined by the teacher himself. But already in 3-4 grade, the child himself can choose the topic depending on its inclinations and hobbies. Someone more like English, someone attracts environmental education or world literature.

Below we give the name of the most fascinating topics of primary school research. They can be complemented, change or expand at their discretion.

List of general nature for primary school students

We offer a list general topics for researchthat can be offered to students of primary classes:

Of course, the above list is far from complete. The child can choose the most interesting for himself with his hobby.

Below we will give lists for research work at school for both students of primary and secondary classes.

Topics for scientific work on Russian literature

School students from 1 to 7-8 class You can offer such topics on Russian literature:

Topics of research on Russian language for students of 4-5 classes

For senior elementary school classes You can choose such research topics if the child is interesting Russian:

Topics of scientific works in English

In this case, it is difficult to say for what students of which theme classes will be calculated, because in different schools, English is beginning to teach differently. Someone already teaches him in the first grade, others - only with the fifth. We offer the most interesting topics that will allow children. to deepen in learning English:

How to organize a study

Work on the chosen topic for children will be not easy. For the first time, the child will be in some confusion, because even if the topic is close to him, he will surely not know how to start it to explore, even if there is a plan.

But everything is very simple. First you need to ask yourself a few questions and record your answers to them:

  • what I know on this topic;
  • how can I appreciate it;
  • what conclusions can do.

Next, you should collect material on the topic of interest. Previously, students used only the library for this, but now, with the development of the Internet, the opportunity is much wider. After all, on the Internet, you can find not only articles on certain topics and directly the literature itself, but also the archives of various magazines and TV shows of different years.

It is not necessary to hesitate to ask something from teachers, parents and other senior comrades.

All data obtained follows write, take pictures, make a video. There are also much more opportunities in this regard, rather than at schoolchildren who studied 20 years ago and before.

It is impossible to be afraid to conduct experiments and comparative analyzes. All conclusions made by the child on their own, are much more worthwhile than the learned izubok text from the textbook on this or that matter. Even if they are naive and poorly reasonable, but this is the charm of creative work.

The more the children of modern schools will be involved in creative activities, starting from the first classes, the wider there will be their horizonsThey will be able to not be afraid of the modern world, learn to draw conclusions for each issue, and not be guided by certain dogmas, which, often, are already morally outdated.