Remembered lunch: Menu. What to cook on commemoration? Is it possible to remember before or later the date of death

Of course, we remember all the relatives, loved ones and friends from us. But there are concrete memorial dates that it is customary to celebrate the traditions that have survived even the times of socialism. These include commemoration a year after the tragic date.

Of course, there are certain rules for conducting, based on ancient customs, which are not known to everyone. So let's briefly understand them. In principle, the anniversary is not very different from the commemoration on the ninth day or sortskins. But there is one exception. If a commemorative meeting, which is held immediately after the funeral, or shortly after them, everyone comes, then the anniversary involves the presence of an extremely narrow circle.

The closest friends of the deceased and his relatives are included in the narrow circle, and only from the organizer of the meeting depends, whether to invite specific people to her, whether it is appropriate. Usually, a memorial day is recommended to start with a visit to the church. Here you can order a memorial prayer, put a candle. Then you should spend the grave of the deceased to give the tribute to him, lay flowers.

And only after that, all invited gathering on a memorial dinner, that is, a special meal with a traditional set of mandatory and secondary dishes, which can be insignificantly modified depending on the region of residence and culinary preferences of people.

What can include a commemorative meal?

The main feasting memorial symbol that came to us from the ancestors is the Orthodox Casca. Slavs were cooked from wheat grains, generously silent by honey, nuts, poppies, raisins and jam. Today, it is often used for cooking. Bucket should be pre-consecrated in the church, sprinkle with holy water to it or read the prayer before the meal. The memorial dinner begins with the koutes. Other foods can be put on the table.

  • Favorite dishes late. It helps more to remember the mustache, divide his tastes, tune in to a conversation about him.
  • As the first you can offer borscht, soup, noodles soup, Solyanka.
  • Any kinds of pies, as baking with fish, meat and sweet filling is very common in the traditional Slavic cuisine.
  • Meat dishes with a side dish or potato mashed potatoes.
  • Traditional pickles, conservation, including herring and other spreadshells.
  • The usual vegetable salads, Olivier, etc., are undesirable only to use exotic dishes such as octopus or truffles.
  • Most often, fruits are served as beverages, compotes from fresh berries or dried fruits.

A good commemant table should not be scarce, but also an excessive diversity of dishes is not welcome. The main thing is to saturate all who came to the meeting, and do not give a reason to impress the excessive economies of the event organizers. If the commemoration is carried out during the post, then the meat in the menu is easily replaced by mushrooms or fish, appropriately several varieties of porridge so as not to leave guests hungry.

As for the venue of the commemoration, the best special features for banquets with a convenient location and a relaxed atmosphere. A specially prepared ceremonium maker will help to understand the intricacies of the event and its organization.

Days of the commemoration after death: on the day of funeral, 9 and 40days, after 1 year.The essence of the sound. What to talk to the commemoration? Measuring words and mourning. Lenten menu.

What to say acknowledged

The first word on the commemoration traditionally gets the head of the family. In the future, the obligation to monitor the general conversation and gently directing its flow is assigned to one of the enough close or relatives, but still not on the nearest relative. Severely expect from a mother, a mourning child, or a spouse, untimely lost his wife that he / she will be able to maintain the order of speeches and at the same time cope with own feelings. This role is chosen man who knew the late and capable of recalling some kind of damage to his character, a pretty habit or event of life, about which you can tell the gathered.

It should be noted that the usual rules of "Sospeople Party" are not applicable to the commemoration.: Do not try to fill in a pause that arise in a conversation or interrupt the silence with minor comments - especially on an abstract theme. Silence on the commemoration is not only normal, but even right: in silence everyone remembers the deceased and fully feels his connection with him.


If you want to speak - stand up, out in short, how do you remember the deceased (naturally, speech only about positive features) What made it a special person in your eyes. If you remember any case when the deceased made for you personally or for someone's abstract, unfamiliar, good deed - tell me about him, but do not tell the stories in which someone appears. Everyone can speak on commemoration, but try yet not too tighten your speech: After all, many of the gathered and so hard.

You may not know absolutely accurately how to "correctly" commemorate - Do not worry too much because of this. The main thing in this case is sincere intention and pure thoughts on the deceased. Making something in memory of the deceased with open heartYou can't make a mistake. It is important to remember only one thing: commemoration in a secular sense Need to more than Alive than the deceased: like any ritual effect in our life, designed to alleviate the experiences and adopt a new reality of life. Therefore, when organizing the alert, do not forget about the feelings of those who come to honor the memory of the deceased.

As for strictly orthodox compensation, here, of course, it is better to do everything in accordance with the canon, in order not to accomplish something unacceptable from the point of view of the ROC. It is better to know about these rules in advance in the church - for example, when you will order the funeral.

Since ancient times, a tradition has been preserved in Russia to celebrate memorable dates, and people honored not only the birthdays of living people, but also days of care from the world of others. This is due to the fact that Christians believe in further posthumous life Together with God. Many citizens do not know how to make a commemoration of 1 year. The rules of holding are pretty simple, help the crash to find peace on that light.

Rubber - the oldest rite, which was still carried out in Ancient Russia. The main task of this ritual is to honor the memory of the past and facilitate his stay in heaven. The basis of the ace is a meal that the relatives of the deceased spend in his apartment, cafe either directly in the cemetery. When the anniversary of death comes with, and how to adequately implement it, you can learn in the temple.

Mind celebrate on such days:

  • on the day of the death or next day;
  • on day 3 after death. Most often this day is the day of the funeral;
  • for 9 days;
  • for 40 days;
  • in the future, the meal is carried out for the sixth month from the day of death, and all subsequent anniversary.

The most important is the pomin on 3, 9 and 40 days after rest. In Christianity, the opinions are adhered to that the first 2 days after the departure in the other world of the man's soul is still on Earth and bypassing all their relatives for her. On the third day, the soul goes to bow to God.

Informative!What is needed on the wrist: value in christianity.

The next 7 days of angels will show the soul of life in heaven and the beauty of Paradise. For 9 days, the soul is again sent to the bow to God, after which it leads to the kingdom of darkness for 30 days - hell.

During the month, the soul of the deceased show the eternal torment of sinners. In conclusion, for 40 days, the soul again raise on the bow to God, where the decision is made, in what kind of place the soul will be before the commitment of a terrible court.

In addition, remember the deceased relative can be on such days:

  • second Tuesday after Easter. The holiday itself is not worth remembering the dead, as Easter is a holiday of living people;
  • the nearest Saturday before the Great Post;
  • 2, 3, 4 Saturdays of the Great Post.

Since baptized dead person is a member orthodox church, I can order a memorial service and a fortyst can practically at any time.

It's important to know!If the anniversary coincides with the day of an important church holiday, it is recommended to transfer it the next day.

Matching in church

The most important to remember the deceased is not a meal, but prayer. If the dead was a Christian, there is nothing more valuable for his prayer on the anniversary of death. In addition, priests advise relatives on the anniversary of death to refrain from luxurious lunch and alcohol.

Lunch must be simple enough and modest. Commemoration 1 year and all subsequent times categorically should not turn into a merry feast, since such a pastime is not welcomed by Christian traditions.

In addition to personal prayer, for a year you must order a pomin in the church:

  • remembering at ambasso. This rite is the first part of the liturgy, during which the priest takes out small pieces for rest and health.
  • most often, "Sorokoust" is ordered, then the deceased will come to 40 services in a row;
  • panhid. It is usually carried out in the temples on Saturdays or Sundays, but if necessary, you can agree with the priest so that he spent it on another day;
  • lithium. Another common kind of clock ministry. It is carried out at any time. It is also possible to leave a priest in the cemetery.

The most important condition is that the deceased to remember and all his close. Not always, the father knows the deceased personally, therefore cannot express those emotions that are experiencing friends and relatives.

The priest, in essence, is only the performer of the rite. The rules of holding allow the reading of the Psaltiri. Such a service is more often carried out in the monasteries, since it is designed for a long time. Depending on the amount of donation, the service will be held a month, six months or even a year.

It's important to know!When ordering a service in the temple, you can enter not only the name of the deceased, but also other deceased relatives.

Fundamental rules

The rules for holding the amendments in 1 year are such that it is necessary to start the event first with a visit to the church. Only after relatives will order a special service, you can go to the cemetery and make a civilian memorial.

After that, relatives must necessarily clean up the grave, mention how good the person was, what kind of good deeds he did. Also, it will not be superfluous fresh flowers. It is very important to remember that the cemetery is allowed to walk only in the first half of the day.

After performing these actions, you can proceed to the meal. It is permissible to conduct it not only in the house of the deceased, but also in the cafe. The priests do not advise you to arrange a chic lunch, dishes must be simple enough. As for alcohol, only red wine is allowed to drink, it is impossible to put vodka on the table.

Measurement lunch

How to remember the deceased in the anniversary of death, only relatives should solve. But the priests advise to pay attention to the oldest traditions. Often close to ask a question not only how to remember, but also than. Dishes for lunch must be modest. It is necessary to prepare not only the first and second, but also a bun (wheat porridge with raisins, zucats and honey). It is recommended to do on this day and snacks (especially if it was decided to put wine on the table). Cognac and Kahors are allowed from alcoholic beverages. Sparkling wines for such a case are not suitable.

Often, parishioners are interested in priests, which is ordered in the church on the anniversary of death, if it falls on the post. In this case, on the table there must be mostly lean dishes and a lot of baking.

In the event that the pomin passes in the cafe, you need to ask for employees to turn off the music and TV. It is not allowed to have entertainment in the neighboring room. It is not worth pronouncing toasts, as it is inappropriate.

It will be better to just say good words About man, remember His good business or read poems on the anniversary of death. You can also share warm memories with relatives.

Reference!What is forbidden to do on the anniversary of death, so it is to say the words that deferred the deceased.

Pomin at home

If relatives have no opportunity to leave the cemetery, as you remember the deceased and what to do in this case. In such a situation, you need to invite everyone home and prepare a special lunch. Many people mistakenly believe that in 1 year the rules imply the mirrors in the apartment and putting the device for the deceased. The priests assure that these traditions exist, but they do not belong to the Orthodox, so they do not necessarily adhere to them.

Each person who came to the house before sit down at the table, must pray. It is desirable that at this time in the apartment burned church candles. After reading the prayer, you can proceed to the meal. Relatives are allowed to talk at the table. The main thing is that there is no woven, jokes and foul language, as it is inappropriate.

According to christian traditions Dishes that are served to the table must be consecrated. In addition to the first and second lunch, also assumes the presence of a dessert. Sweets must be present on the table, as they symbolize the joy that expects all righteous Christians in heaven.

When preparing the table, you can consider such tips:

  1. One of the traditional dishes on the commemoration are pancakes. Usually they are littered with fresh oxygen or full (honey dissolved in water).
  2. On the table it is recommended to place several spruce twigs, and black tapes can be attached to the tablecloth.
  3. During the change of dishes, it is necessary to read prayer for rest. Also prayers on the anniversary of death 1 year (and all subsequent) are read after meals.
  4. Leaving, the owners do not need to say the words of gratitude. On the commemoration it is not accepted.

Independent Pomin

If a person does not have the opportunity to make a comment, you can remember the deceased at home. For this there is no need to arrange lunch. As you know, the anniversary celebrations from the day of death implies reading prayer.

This option will be optimal. Most clergymen advise Psaltry. How to do it is usually described in detail in the Appendix to the book. Between the psalms, it is necessary to read special prayers, and mention the names of the dead relatives in them. This option is the best.

There are some exceptions in which the church does not allow me to remember the departed during the liturgy. This applies to people who were baptized, but never went to the temple. It is believed that this indicates that a person in life was unbelieving. The clergymen call such people in the chiefs.

Also in the church never remember those who committed suicide, as this is a voluntary refusal from the main gift of life. This rule applies to those people that died from the overdose of narcotic drugs, since such death is also considered suicide.

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Let's summarize

Today, more and more people prefer to order a service in the church and believes that this is enough. Despite the fact that the clergymen can also contact the Almighty asking for the release of earthly sins, relatives should pray for the departure.

The appeals of priests, as intermediaries and performers of the Will of God on Earth, reach the Savior faster, but reading prayers at home is also mandatory. First of all, the soul of the deceased hears the words of relatives, and not servants of the Church, so it is necessary to pray to relatives and friends.

Death anniversary (1 year) - Mourning date. On this day, relatives and closest people are going to remember him. According to tradition, the gathered remember good deedsThat the dead man managed to do during his lifetime, share with their memories with each other, express condolences to close relatives.

How to prepare

At a person, it is customary to arrange commemoration. Only people whom the relatives of the deceased want to see for a memorial table are reported about holding a mourning event. Before taking a commemoration, relatives of the deceased person need:

  1. Adjust close people about the approachment of the mourning date in advance.
  2. Select institution (cafe or dining room) for compensation or organize a commemorative table at home.
  3. On the eve of the closer, once again call the invited and find out who is going to come.

Portion dishes It is recommended to make a slightly more declared number of guests. This is necessary if an unreserved dear relative or a deposit colleague comes to the commence. It is not worth paying great attention to the design of the room, where the memorial meal will be held. It is enough to put on a prominent place a photo of a commemorated person, pulled by a mourning ribbon of black.

Pomding 1 year - important dateBut you should not invite too many people. Preferably, if there are close relatives and those people who have loved to love during the invited people. But it is not necessary to refuse those who have expressed the desire to visit the event (the exception is cases when a person who clearly wants to spoil the mourning event).

Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to arrange a commencement before the actual anniversary onset. The church gives permission. For example, if the anniversary of death falls on the working day of the week, it is better to perform a commemoration on the eve of the day off. Not all relatives know whether it is possible to arrange a memorial dinner during the post. This is permissible with the condition that only lean food will be present on the table.

If this option does not suit, then the commemoration is better to organize before - before the start of the post.

Visiting the Church and Cemetery

Christian duty of living - pray for the souls of the dead relatives. Only on sincere prayers, a commemorable person can be forgiven in heaven. That is why, for the year from the day of the death of a person, relatives must be visited by the church, put candles for the soul and order a special prayer - a paneir. A liturgy is served in the temple, in front of which relatives are putting a note with the name of the deceased person. Visit the church must be mandatory in the morning. If a person visits the temple for the first time, he needs to learn from the rector on how to order prayers and put the candles.

After a hike in the Temple, relatives are encouraged to visit the grave of the commemorated person, especially if summer on the street. If a priest is invited to the grave, then he can read akathist and commit Lithium. The rite spent is also part of the commemoration for which the sins are forgiven to man. Relatives should pronounce good words, mentally asking for forgiveness from the deceased. It is recommended to bring live flowers in the cemetery. The priests are categorically forbidden to carry food, alcoholic beverages and cigarettes on the grave. The burial is better to bring candles and lamps. There are and drink on the grave - pagan rite. This contributes to the breeding of all kinds of garbage in the cemetery.

According to Christian traditions, the graves of the departed should be kept clean.

In order for as many people as possible a man, saying good words, one year after death it is recommended to distribute alms. This rite allows living people to make a good deed, the result of which is the improvement of the afterlife of the deceased. Distribute alms usually to those who need me to be poor people. Relatives can treat something delicious colleagues, friends or attribute a small memorial pane into the nursing home or orphanage. A year later, you can give away the personal things of the deceased.

Measurement lunch

Serving the table for remembering lunch should be modestly. It is necessary to prepare the first dish, second, snacks, bun. It is very better to consecrate in the church or sprinkling the holy water yourself - these are the rules. It is recommended to exclude alcoholic beverages. In exceptional cases, you can put a vodka, brandy or koroque on the table. Sparkling wines will be inappropriate. If the day of the avenue falls on the post, then lean dishes must be perfectly on the table. Any baking is suitable as a dessert.

Many are interested in the question of whether toast can be pronounced. During lunch, the gathered appropriate to say good words about the deceased man. Poems, warm words in prose - this is what they say on the commemoration. Permissible to share your memories. One should not turn the annual memorial lunch into a holiday, where people are gossipped, having fun, pronounce words that define the memory of the deceased person.

One year from the moment the funeral of a person was held, a very important mourning date. Prepare for a memorial lunch should be in advance. However, you need to remember that the main objective Lunch and visits to the cemetery - the mercy of the deceased person, committing prayer about his soul. Not only to please the people around people. If for some reason to arrange a comment, visit the temple and cemetery there is no possibility, you can simply mentally remember the person and pray for him.

In our country, it is customary to meet significant dates: for living people this is a birthday and birthdays, and after the death - commemoration. This date is extremely important for Orthodox Christians, because they sincerely believe in eternal life and meeting with the creator. Therefore, the soul for believers there is no end. In the same way, a person who left this world of an anniversary, we will talk in more detail.

Orthodox traditions

Ancient Slavs also remembered the deceased. This action takes place at the time of burial, and then on the 9th and 40th day. For a year after death, it is also customary to organize the appropriate meal. How to remember the late Christian? The main "attribute" is definitely a prayer. It is recommended to refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages. Such an event, like a commemoration, should never turn into a noisy feast, because it does not match orthodox traditions.

What is ordered in the church on the anniversary of death

In addition to private prayer, one year after the death in the temple of the Lord, order:

On any church ritual, all friends and relatives of the deceased must pray. Because the Batyushki does not have the opportunity to invest in prayer those experiences that this moment Fight close people. The priest is only a service performer. Of course, his words are strong, but everything can not be revisted to someone else, because in this case there is a posthumous fate of a person who was very expensive in life.

In addition, for 1 year in the church, the psalter is often ordered. It is done for a long time. It all depends on the donation.

In the shops in the church you can also buy small books: they fit into them who need to commemorate. This little thing can be taken with me to the temple so that they do not miss anything when applying notes. While reading the note with a priest or deacon, it is necessary to pray and yourself.

There are both generally accepted church holidaysTo visit cemeteries and ordinary private commemorations. As for generally accepted events, they should be attributed to the "Parent Day". At this time, it should also remember the deceased, regardless of the date of their death.

Second Tuesday Easter - day of Transition. In many regions of the Russian Federation there is a tradition to go to the cemetery directly on Christ SundayHowever, it is not officially approved - Easter is considered so light and clean day that at this time there are no dead.

Let it be a memorable date from the moment of death, but the joyful "Christ Risen" must be heard of any deceased. This day even the name is suitable. - Radonitsa. For each person there is hope for eternal life with the Lord, because on this day should be rejected by everything - and on earth, and in heaven. On the graves on this day, it is customary to bring painted chicken eggs And the appetizing pancakes, and the remaining food should be picked up.

Decent rest is a kind of crown of all existence true Christian. In prayers for every day there are perisions that the Most High ensures the Non-Dead Grass. The people of Orthodox religion want to come and confess before meeting God. There are special rites committed on dying, which do not repeat after his death.

To mark a decent anniversary of the death, Pumping must begin in the church. Then you should go on the cemetery to the grave and take a civilian memorial over it. Only then should be contacted to the meal, getting to the grave and remember the affairs of the deceased person. Pouring vodka and drinking it is not accepted.

It is better to bring fresh colors on the grave. At the same time, the church planned to limit the decoration of coffins with artificial wreaths, but it was not so easy to cope with this tradition. This custom is aimed at avoiding vandalism, which is often found in the cemeteries of our state.

But from the use of alcoholic beverages It is recommended to completely refrain. Pain and sadness from loss are huge, but other options for solving this problem should be found. After all, the deceased such behavior will not please. It is better not to spend money on alcohol, but to give them to those in need of poor people.

What to do in the anniversary of the death of the house

It also happens that there is no possibility to go to the cemetery for various reasons. In this case, you need to invite home all people who wish to participate in this event. The customs associated with the installation of mirrors and the exhibition of devices for the deceased have nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

Before the meal you need to pray. One of the close friends or relatives of the deceased needs to read the 17th cafium or one of the rank ranks. At the same time, the consecrated candles should be lit. After that, the meal itself begins, at which they must be carried out exclusively decent conversations, laughter and jokes are completely inappropriate.

The meals of the pagan peoples on the departed were extremely pompous. Then they thought that the more magnificent and brighter would be organized by a memorial feast, the more useful it would be for the late person in another world. The meals were characterized not only by abundant absorption of various diet, but also by songs and dances. The essence of Christian commemoration and burial is absolutely different. These rituals must support the light memory of the mustache, which is considered to be transferred to another world, and not even deceased.

Guests are given special dishes. Minding on the table is Cage, which is a sweet wheat porridge, refilled by honey, dried fruits and raisins.

  • Traditional kushan for commemoration - poured pancakes.
  • The table must be served as usual. You can put fresh branches on it, and the edges of the tablecloth can be separated in black lace.
  • With each change of treats, it is necessary to read prayer. It is necessary to pray and after the end of each meal.

After reading the prayers, you can read poems on the anniversary of death. There is no restrictions in this regard. At the same time, some advantages of the deceased, his positive features character and so on. It is clear that any person has shortcomings, but they are not considered to speak about them.

Anniversary from the day of death celebrate both in other countries. In China, Korea and Japan have their own traditions. They will also fast and avoid wines and meat for a while.

How to honor the deceased

For memorizing The deceased is often used by the Psalter. Particular prayers are read between individual psalms in which the deceased are mentioned. You can read Akathists, but the psalms are created much earlier.

It also happens that the charter of the Church is revealed to honor the deceased behind the liturgy and make funeral and memorial in their respect. This concerns the deceased who were baptized, but did not attend the temple regularly, that is, were not choking. Such can only be considered the person who participates in the communion and confession. The rest of the people are called "Possible".

But in reality, some deviations are often made from this rule. It all depends on the bishop. One way or another, this moment should be discussed with the clergy.

Definitely the church does not commemorate the deceased who brought abacus the life on their own. If the deceased died in the war, providing protection to other people, then this is not suicide. In fact, the cum in the war is considered one of the most worthy. But death from overdose of narcotic drugs is one of the types of suicide.

But the church teaches people Hope for God's mercy and grace. Therefore, for suicides, there is even a special akathist, which was designed last century.

If a person has completed his way on Earth, he has no need for a gold coffin, nor in the grand funeral, nor in the monument from marble or bronze. SAMI home HelpRelatives can be provided - sincere prayers and warm words on the anniversary of death. This is not an ordinary tradition, this is a rescue thread, leading the deceased in God's kingdom.