Business plan: sample, title page, structure. Business plan title page: design example

The title page is one of the significant elements of the business plan, a kind of pass, clothes, by which it will be met by potential investors or other interested parties. An unsuccessfully formulated project name or incorrect design can become good reason so that the entire business plan migrates to the pile of rejected works. Therefore, it is worthwhile to thoroughly deal with each element of the title page, as well as with different options design.

Approximate title page structure

Enterprise data(see example 1). Specify the name of the enterprise, its address, phone number and other contact details.

Destination. Mark who exactly the business plan is addressed to: the bank, investors, employees, partners, or other persons and structures.

the name of the project. In the title page, be sure to include a short and full name of the project. Think carefully before you formulate a name, because it should be clear enough, easily perceived and fully reflect the essence of your project. At the same time, a short name may later appear in the press, advertising, so it should be well remembered.

Project developers. Be sure to indicate the head of your enterprise and the person who prepared this project.

Timing. In the title page, it is recommended to indicate the start date of the project, its duration and the time interval from the date on which the submitted data is relevant to the start of the project. This information will help the investor plan his activities in relation to the presented project. Also write down the date of the business plan.

Privacy Notice. This mark indicates that your project is associated with commercial activities, which imposes certain obligations on the one to whom you present the business plan. He must sign a confidentiality memorandum, which guarantees the protection of the information you provide.

Approval stamp. The stamp of approval (see example 2) is placed in the upper right corner of the sheet. It indicates the position, full name of the director of the enterprise, date and stamp.

Instance number. The presence in the upper right corner of the copy number will show the investor that the company has a strict procedure for accounting for external and internal documentation.

Design options

Business planners recommend adhering to the standards and requirements that specific organizations impose when designing the title page, as well as focusing on the target audience. So, when targeting company employees, you can limit yourself to a title page with a small number of main elements; when demonstrating a project, a bank should focus on the bank's policy. If you are applying for state guarantees, then in this case you must issue title page strictly according to the established standard, which is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1997 N 1470 on the procedure for providing state guarantees (see example 3).

The title page of a business plan - 9 main sections of a business plan + 7 components of the title page + 10 "golden" rules for writing it.

The first impression of a person is formed in 7 seconds ...

The title page is the face of your document. If you have correctly compiled each item of the plan, make sure that the "front" page is properly designed.

What is really important to consider when compiling a title page?

The success of the entire presentation of the plan depends on how well the “face” of the idea is designed.

A competent title page will allow you to create the right impression about the developer, his intentions and goals.

    Formatting information on the title page- the first thing that catches the eye of those who open a business plan.

    50% of business plans do not pass even the first stage of investor analysis - visual. An inaccurate font, incomplete information, an incomprehensible name - this is a "gibbon" for the designer.

    In addition to the design of the test, of course, it is important content specifics.

    Each section must be formatted according to general requirements and standards.

    It is not uncommon for an entrepreneur to be able to prepare unique and informative content, but the thought “jumps” from one detail to another, the structure of the narrative is broken, there is a lot of “water” in the text.

    Such a title page will not attract attention, but only destroy the expectation. As an outcome - the idea is not perceived, the work is rejected.

    General design of the title page is another important fact.

    Cover, paper weight, color solution, presence of a logo. Little things decide everything.

    Having picked up a weighty sheet with a neat frame, the reader is more willing to study its content.

    Think back to yourself - do you have a desire to read thin, sloppy woven brochures?

To say that the presentation of information is more important than the content is wrong. Exactly the same as vice versa. These two indicators must be in balance.

Then yours will not only look attractive, but also convey all the necessary thoughts to investors.

Title page - main character articles. Not sure how to make the right impression on an investor?

So let's look at a few tricks.

The title page of a business plan - how to do it right?

In this section, you will learn the basic requirements for the structure and design of the cover page of a document.

Are you fed up with vague theory on other sites? - Let's move on to understandable practice!

The main components of the first sheet

  1. The name of the company.
  2. Product name.
  3. Name of the head of the company.
  4. Name of the document designer.
  5. Institution address.
  6. Contact information - phone number, fax.
  7. Date of.

As you can see, the structure of the first sheet is clear.

Of course, this procedure for submitting information is not regulated by law. But this is exactly the kind of structure investors expect when they open your business plan!

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in the design. You only need to enter the necessary information on the title page of the document. To help you, below is a diagram of how it should look.

*Example of title page structure.

10 golden rules for writing a business plan cover page

    Correct name - concise, informative, unlike others.

    You need to put the essence of the product in the name of the project and, at the same time, attract the client.

    Confidentially– the plan is the property of the design company.

    If the investor is not interested, he is obliged to return the document to the developer. Don't forget to put it on the sheet!

    Logo - do not be lazy to work with graphics or use the services of a designer.

    A logo is a very powerful marketing ploy. 80% of information a person perceives with the help of vision. Your efforts will be appreciated by a potential contributor.

    Contact details- always indicate valid phone numbers, mail, fax.

    Pay attention to this little moment. The contributor may be interested in the manufacturer of the document, and want to communicate personally.

    Be concise Don't clutter the page with redundant information.

    Business style implies clarity and conciseness of statements.

    Take care - each line should be absolutely unambiguous and clear to the reader.

    Marketing - the uniqueness of the offer should not raise doubts among a potential investor.

    This is especially true for the name and logo. Create a unique product offer from the first lines of the title.

    Correct dating- indicate the exact dates for the development of the project, because time is the greatest factor influencing the business.

    Increasing inflation, innovations in legislation, market fluctuations can destroy all financial and strategic planning of the project.

    Relevance rule– never present “expired” ideas.

    The contributor will not only refuse to work with you, but will also form negative associations about the developer.

    Important details - legible font, A4 sheet, black and white background (only if a color logo is placed, this rule can be violated).

Use all of the above rules. Remember - every detail plays a role ("rule of 7 seconds").


A business plan is an official document that contains a description of all stages, step by step guide for an entrepreneur. Earn investor confidence difficult task for the developer.

Is it difficult to write a good business plan yourself?

The first step is a well-formed business plan cover page.

By adhering to the 10 golden rules, you will be able to create the "face" of your idea in the right format and interest the contributor in reading the content.

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Suppose you have an idea in your head to develop your business, and you want to work for yourself. Ideas are not enough, you need to think through in detail every stage of the formation of your company, namely: from market analysis to the moment when all your investments pay off and the business starts to bring money.

Business plan: what is it for

A business plan is not just Talmuds with a bunch of incomprehensible words and numbers. The future business owner must understand that before putting his idea on the market or to search for an investor, he must know for sure that his project pays off and can be profitable in the future. In fact, that's what it's made for.

A potential investor, having studied your project, will find out what audience it is aimed at, what, how and where you will sell, how you will produce (carry out), what costs are expected, what profit you will receive and after what period.

Therefore, in order to create a document in accordance with all requirements, it is necessary to study examples of business plans, cover page samples and other sections.

Today we will get acquainted with the structure of projects for business and requirements.

Business plan. Title page sample

The cover should interest the reader. It is important to draw it up correctly and indicate the following data (using the example of a sandwich shop):

  • project name - "Business plan for opening a sandwich shop";
  • place of creation of the development - the name of the city;
  • cost and implementation period;
  • period of relevance of prices since the creation of the plan;
  • creators of the project, name and location of the enterprise, contact details;
  • a confidentiality memorandum speaks of privacy and non-disclosure of information in case the investor is not interested in investing;
  • return request to authors.

A sample cover page of a business plan for an individual entrepreneur is considered below.

It must be remembered that the sample business plan cover page can only serve as a guide for developers. An individual approach is welcome. You can indicate the logo of the future company on the cover or add your own design style.

Annotation to the plan

A business project sometimes contains an annotation. It describes the basics of a business plan with theses. Annotation sequence:

  1. Business name.
  2. Company address.
  3. Phone and fax number.
  4. Name of the head of the enterprise.
  5. The essence of the proposed project and the place of implementation.
  6. Results of the project implementation.
  7. Funding strategy.
  8. Payback period of the project.
  9. net income.
  10. Proposed form and conditions of participation for the investor.

Business project body

A well-written document consists of ten sections. In essence, these are the steps that an IP must perform in order to create a business plan:

1) Summary. This section is completed last. Here the businessman briefly describes the essence and calculations of the plan.

2) Market research and analysis. You need to analyze the market. That is, find out the target audience, conduct all kinds of research (surveys, competitor analysis, SWOT analysis, market capacity).

3) The essence of the proposed project. Describe the proposed project - in all its glory, tell the investor about your idea and its advantages.

4) Production plan. Tell: production process, necessary equipment, premises (rent or construction, arrangement), raw materials and materials, justification of the selected supplier, maintenance costs, wage, depreciation deductions, prime cost, security environment namely waste disposal.

5) Marketing plan. Choose a pricing method, advertising sources and advertising budget.

6) Legal support of the company. Name the type of activity according to OKVED, the founding documents, the list of costs for obtaining permits from authorities.

7) Organizational plan. The structure of the enterprise and the management structure, positions and requirements, the schedule for the implementation of the project are considered.

8) Possible risks and their assessment. Here the investor must understand what risks await him. Describe the types of risks, methods of insurance, calculation of the break-even point.

9) Financial plan. Assumes plans of income and expenses and cash flow.

10) Funding strategy. Here you need to talk about what funds and how much you have, how much you lack, and where you plan to get them. Provide a calculation of net present value.

This is where the structure ends.

The title page of the business plan is its front page, in terms of content and appearance which gives an impression of the project. Since the document is necessary to provide to partners and investors for the purpose of reviewing and evaluating activities, you should take a responsible attitude to its main page. It should be of interest to the person viewing it. If it was not possible to attract the attention of a partner in a few seconds, then he is unlikely to want to open the document to evaluate its contents and probably will not think about partnerships. How to correctly reflect the idea of ​​the entire project on its front page and arrange it in such a style as to attract attention?

How to draw the attention of a partner to a project business plan

general information

The business plan displays a description of the entrepreneurial idea and the procedure for its implementation.

Separate sections of the document contain a direct description of the project, its target audience and sales market are determined, as well as the principle of generating profit and increasing profitability. The document addresses such practical aspects activities like production methods and financial matters. It takes into account potential risks and draws up a recovery plan in case of difficulties in the implementation of the planned. In document applications, diagrams, diagrams and tables displaying information about the production process, data calculations, and their comparison.

However, the wrong design of the title page of the business plan can lead to an unsuccessful presentation of the business. Due to its insufficient information content and inefficient design, the issue may not reach the consideration of the contents of the document.

How to issue

The first sheet of the document with the displayed presentation of the entrepreneurial idea and plans for their implementation should be well-formed, which will form a positive impression of its developer, as well as the thoughtfulness of his goals and the seriousness of his intentions in achieving them.

Having picked up a business presentation, the partner immediately conducts a visual assessment of it. Statistical analysis indicates that more than half of the projects are put aside by investors due to the failure of developers to pass the first test - visual analysis. When considering a project, all visual factors are taken into account, such as the font, its size, the location of the text on the page, the completeness of the display of information, or the incomprehensible name of the project.

When compiling a document, it is recommended to focus on the example of the title page of a business plan, which has been approved by partners more than once. FROM successful samples can be found on the worldwide web. When designing the main sheet, even the density of the paper and its color must be taken into account. If there is a logo, it is recommended to put it on the first page, since any little thing can be attributed to the developer.

Title page formatting

It is worth remembering that it is always more pleasant to hold in your hands a document drawn up on thick paper, which forms its thickness, implying full coverage of the issue. Thin brochures do not reflect the seriousness of the developer's intentions. Each section of the main page should be designed in accordance with the standards. Do not neglect the generally accepted rules.

An entrepreneur's efforts to create unique and informative first page content will be thwarted if the structure of the presentation of information is not followed, if superfluous information is included in it, and if data is displayed inconsistently, necessitating constant switching from one thought to another.

Cover page of a business plan, sample

Despite the fact that in general rules documents are provided for positions that identify the developer by certain signs, the procedure for submitting information is not regulated. However, most investors expect to see the first page of a potential partner's business presentation with information displayed on it:

  • The name of the company;
  • information about the leader;
  • information about the organization and its specialist who was involved in the development of the project;
  • location address;
  • Contact Information;
  • date of approval of the document.

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When designing the first sheet of the project, the developer is required to enter the necessary information according to the template. However, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the perception of the document in order to properly arrange the information. This will immediately interest the partner.

In the text of the page, you need to focus on advantageous positions and imperceptibly mention the parameters that you would not like to focus on, but they should be present in it according to the regulations.

Information that the company is at the registration stage or does not have a permanent location should not be entered on home page. Alternative solution is to mention them in small print at the bottom of the sheet or to enter information that does not carry accurate data on these issues. For example, in the company name section, you can reflect its reserved name, and its location indicate the home address of the head. Advantageous positions can be a beautiful name, convenient location or promising direction activities. In this perspective, it is recommended to highlight them large print or positioned in the central part of the sheet.

Design nuances

Business plan title page template

To impress a partner with a proposal for cooperation, confirmed by the intentions reflected in the business plan, it is necessary to take into account practical and psychological nuances. The business plan is drawn up on white thick sheets of A-4 paper. The text part of the document must be in black and white. Allowed color design logo.

Project Description

The project description section should contain brief but informative information. The submission of information should be unique and compare favorably with the information reflected in the documents by the leaders of similar projects. It should fully reflect his essence and preferential positions that would attract a partner with their originality.


To avoid plagiarism by unscrupulous subjects, the uniqueness of the project should be fixed. At the bottom of the sheet, it should be mentioned that the document is the property of the developer and cannot be used as a template for other projects. If a potential partner is not interested in cooperation, it is his responsibility to return the document to its owner.