How to register for classmates for the first time. How to create a page in "Odnoklassniki"

Recently, social networks are greater popular among Internet users. Today it is probably very difficult to find a person who was not familiar and not registered at least one of the social networks. In Russia, such as "Vkontakte", "Twitter", "Facebook", "My World" and "Odnoklassniki" are most popular. Almost everywhere, in any social network users exchange photos, congratulate on various holidays, create their audio and video albums, play games, create or join groups in their views, hobbies and of course communicate with their friends and relatives from anywhere in the world.

Today we will look at how to create an account in Odnoklassniki.

A little about the history of this social network. Today, Odnoklassniki takes the seventh place in popularity in Russia. The creator is Albert Mikhailovich ass. The site was launched on March 4, 2006. The ownership of all rights to this social network belongs to Mail.Ru Group. According to statistics daily "classmates" attend over 40 million people.

Registration in Odnoklassniki

It is pretty simple and free.

So, go to the main page of the site at Click on the "Registration" button

Hold your attention to the password. Try to create a rather complicated password. With a slight password there is a high probability of hacking your page by attackers who can harm or delete your data. You doubt that you will not be able to remember the difficult password, use the program to store your personal data and passwords. For example, KeePass (read more in our article ""). After all the fields are filled with, click "Register".

That's all. We have been registered on the site classmates. However, to fully access the capabilities of the site, we will be asked to specify the mobile phone number. It is very important. In the future, if you forget the password that you can always restore access using the phone. Let's talk about this in more detail in one of the following articles. In the meantime, we offer to specify the number in the alerts section.

Click on it and enter your phone number.

Specify only the real number, because a SMS message will come to it. Click send.

If you correctly specified your number, then after a few seconds you will receive an SMS message with a code of 6 digits. Enter this code in the field and click to activate.

Immediately we will notify that the profile is activated.

From this point on, we have a full-fledged user of the social network classmates. Now we can add friends, communicate with them, share photos, music and much more.

That's all today. If you have any problems with registration in Odnoklassniki, then ask your questions in the comments to this article. Good luck everyone!

Social network classmates is one of the largest social networks in RuNet. The audience of this network is advantageously consistent with people over 30 years old. This is one of the features and raisins of the network, in which it is difficult to find people of the new generation now in the social network there are 150 million people who wish to go to the social network every day. The social network is friendly welcomed every user. On the site you can communicate and add a new friend to yourself.

Create a social page on the site can every person from novice to an advanced user who has basic knowledge of working with a computer. To create a new account, you need to enter the site and go through a simple registration procedure to go and use the site features.

However, as studies have shown. Any social network contains several hundred thousand dead pages. These pages do not update the information for various reasons. It often arises such a situation that the social network does not accept your password and it is impossible to go on the page. To avoid loss of communication with friends with former classmates, you can create a new account. Logging to a new page will be available immediately after that.

Also, the second social network page may be needed to control the younger family members who can enter the site and encounter unfriendly information or become a victim of fraudsters who often use social networks now. After all, the creation of a new profile does not take much time and does not take strength.

Repeated registration

Registration on the site is quite simple and does not require great knowledge or assistance to consultants. A new page in classmates can be started free, immediately go into it and use all the functions of the social network.

The first step in the actions algorithm will be at the OK RU page. If you are already authorized at the moment, you need to get out of your page to register anew.

After the output, you will get to the main page of the OK RU, on which you want to click on the green button "Register".

It is worth reminding that in order to register you need a mail box. If you do not have a second e-mail, then it can be relatively easy to create anew. The most popular sites for creating an email are Mail.Ru, as well as foreign Google, with their Gmail Mail. Get a new mailbox can be completely free.

Creating a new mailbox

You need to go to the site, such as Mail.Ru, click on the "Registration in the post office" button. On the next page, you must enter your data directly to the appropriate fields. Specify the necessary information, such as name, surname and year of birth to the corresponding graphs, as well as come up with a login and password.

Login and password should not be single or consist only of some numbers. The most important recommendation is the harder the password, the less likely that you are hacked in the future. Try not to use the memorable dates, the names and the names of relatives, their birthdays. It is best to use capital and lowercase Latin letters, add one or more digits to them, as well as characters, such as: " [Email Protected]# $% ^ &? ". It is also not recommended to use the same username and password for registration on various sites.

Save data to enter email, as they need after some time.

The next step is invited to either enter your phone number, or enter captcha. Almost all users choose the second way, as the phone number can still need. After that, enter your box.

Second step after creating e-mail

After you have a new e-mailbox, we return to the site of classmates. Next, fill in the standard registration form. And again create a login and password to enter Odnoklassniki RU.

It is worth noting that we need a new phone number. If you have free rooms, it's great. If there are no such, see the attached video.

After you entered your number left just click on the Register button and the new page is ready. You can use your page now.

Fast registration in classmates.

Classmates - social network: registration of a new user through login and password: registration rules

The experienced user does not arise problems when registering on pages of various social networks. Search for this kind of information they do not need. We collected detailed instructions and tips for novice users who cannot independently register on one of the most visited pages on the Internet.

The number of people of mature age prevails among the permanent users of this social network. Young people are registered immediately on several resources, therefore experience in filling the registration form in young people more.

The number of people of mature age prevails among the permanent users of the social network classmates

Consider in detail the process of passing registration in classmates:

  • Open the official resource page: If you get the name of the old domain (it looks like the as follows), then you will also get the page you need. The short name of the domain is written like this:
  • We will open the page to log on to the resource. Now we need to click the "Registration" button.
  • In the window that opens, two fields will appear to fill data. Let's start with the top: we need to choose from the country drop-down list in which you live and are at the moment. Go to the bottom field where you need to specify the current mobile phone number. After entering the number, click on the "Next" button.
  • We are waiting for messages with the code (it will be sent to the phone number you specified for a few minutes). Enter the numbers of the received code into the "code from SMS" string. To proceed to the next step, press the "Next" button.
  • We come up with a complex password (be sure to write a password and login to a notebook or a notebook, and do not use the Microsoft Word program for this so that the data cannot use the dishonest people). The password must consist of 6 or more signs. Do not choose only letters or numbers only.
  • Pick complex combinations so that the page is not subjected to further hacking. Enter the password in the "Come on Password" string. If you scored too simple password, the system itself will inform you about it using a pop-up field. If the password is complicated, then you will see the "good password" inscription. In short, try to achieve this inscription.

How to register in classmates

If you specify your own phone number when registering, then login is your mobile number. With the introduction of the phone number of a person to you (for example, brother, sisters, father) You will have to come up with a login. Otherwise, when you have the need to make changes to the user profile, or during the password change, you will not be able to get an SMS with a confirmation code. This means that you will not be able to eliminate the problem on your page in classmates.

Come up with login or use the email address to which your account account will be tied to classmates. Use the email address is more convenient to use an account as login, since you are restored to the account in the future only through the mobile phone number. But he may not be near you, or, for example, you will forget it at work.

Use the email address is more convenient to use the account as you restore the account in the future only through the mobile phone number

Several important points regarding the creation of a password and login:

  • Pointing instead of login when registering an email address, you can log in to the resource page at once from two logins. The convenience of such a registration method can you be evaluated if you suddenly randomly forget one of the logins or allow an error when entering.
  • Why is it important to invent a difficult password? Now there are many attackers who steal accounts. In free access, even articles on how to hack an account. What is it for? To send spam from the open account or call on to list the money on the bank card number. So the resource "pays" for its popularity among users.

Password should consist of letters of different register, numbers and other characters
  • Simple passwords are not recommended. What password will be considered complicated? The minimum number of signs should be 10-12. The password must consist of letters of different register, numbers and other characters. In order not to break the head of the password for a long time, type any Russian word, turning on the English layout.
  • Complicate password with multiple numbers inside, in the middle, add other signs. But you will need to remember this password. Otherwise, it is possible that you have to request a password recovery. The best way to memorize a complex password will be its record on the leaf of paper.

If you do not have time to study detailed instructions, then look at the video.

Video: registration for classmates ru

How to go to the main page in classmates and register for the first time by phone number: Login, Instructions

But what to do if the page in classmates does not open? For example, you enter a password and login, and the system issues an error: the pop-up window indicates an error when entering a password or login.

How to go to the main page in classmates and register for the first time at the phone number.

In this case, there are two options to enter the page:

  • by recovering a password (click on the "Forgot password" button and follow further instructions)
  • if you can not go to the page, and the system issues a message. "I have not registered yet," then proceed to another way: so that the page becomes available, go from the very beginning registration, with the introduction of all the necessary information and filling the questionnaire

Video: Odnoklassniki - how to restore classmates and change password

How to fill out a questionnaire for registration in classmates?

  • The password and login are recorded in the notepad, entered into the fields allotted for this. Click on the "Next" button. Now we have to fill out a small form.
  • We enter the name and surname in the two first lines. Choose from the drop-down list of your birthday. Indicate the floor. To do this, simply click on the desired button. Save by clicking on the appropriate button at the bottom of the window.
  • To friends of childhood, youth, student years, work colleagues and just familiar could find you on the social network page, be sure to pick up a photo. Click on the avatar and add the desired photo.
  • Sometimes users simply choose an attractive image and upload it. You can also do, just do not even be surprised if the page with an eccentric character ignore and familiar is not in a hurry to add you to friends.
  • If you do not make a mobile number when registering, you can't fully use the site (for example, the pages of your friends will not be available). Do not fear cash credit from the account on the phone.
  • The binding of the user's officially executed number is for both needed to maximize it from the score of the account. After receiving a new password to the phone, the page will be completely restored.

After receiving a new password on the phone, the page will be fully restored
  • The registration process is completed by clicking on the "Register" button, but you need to perform a few more steps to activate the profile. Open your e-mailbox and confirm the registration. The fact that all actions are fulfilled correctly, testifies the appearance on the window page with the inscription "Thank you!".
  • Now you can do the most interesting: fill in the corresponding fields with data about yourself. If you decide to change information about yourself introduced into the registration form before (name and surname, place of residence), you can easily do this by changing the settings of your account. To do this, we are looking for the "Settings" tab and click the "Change Settings" button. Next, you must click in the field in which you want to change and enter new data.
  • In order to complete information about educational institutions in which you studied, about the place of work, the military unit need to click on the "Tell me where you studied." It is located in the settings menu. From the pop-up list, you must select the desired name and click in the window, putting a tick.

Registration in classmates without phone number

Despite the fact that the system requests the water phone number, the user can register in classmates, without entering the corresponding field of this data. After all, if you have registered several pages on this resource, the moment will inevitably come when all telephone numbers registered for you will already be used. How to go through this important stage of registration? Watch the video.

Video: How to register in classmates without a phone number?

Video: How to create a page on classmates without a phone number?

Registration in classmates via email: instruction

When registering on the resource, you must specify the email address. You need to specify that electronic box to which there is access. From the video presented below, you will learn how to register for classmates through the Google mail.

Video: Create a page in ok via Google mail without a phone number

Video: Create Google mail and page in classmates

Does registration register in classmates?

  • Most recently, the social network users paid the activation of the account on classmates. The cost of a paid message was 30 rubles.
  • Now paid registration on classmates remained only in the memory of those who were registered after October 25, 2008. In compensation, these users were able to use one of the paid services of the service.

How to create a page in Odnoklassniki anew, Repeated: Registration of a new profile

If you decide not to stop after creating one page in classmates (it happens, if, for example, a husband or sister uses one computer and they expressed the desire to create their own account on the resource), the release will be the creation of an additional page.

Instructions for creating a new profile in classmates:

  • We are looking at the right corner at the top of the page button and leaving the page.
  • We again go to the resource of classmates and follow the advice on the passage of the registration set out above.
  • You can register through another Internet browser.
    When creating a new profile, the earned earner phone number and email address are not used. If you ignore this item, you can't open the first page.

Video: How to open multiple pages to work in OK?

To create a page in classmates, you will not need to spend a lot of time or pay for this service, in this article we will try to figure out all the details and nuances of this process. Now this procedure is literally a couple of minutes and will not require any costs. Let's get started?

Create a page in Odnoklassniki: Instruction

  • First of all, in order to create an account, go to the site of the social network OK.RU. It can also be found in the search engine or enter in the address bar.
  • We immediately ourselves on the main page of the site, where we will find the button "" on the right part. Just we need us - click.
  • Here you need to enter your phone number and click the "Next" button. Specify reliable information! The fact is that the registration code for the registration code should come to this number.

Tip: For the sake of the security of your personal data, do not use too simple password (for example, the date of your birth or the phone number), and also periodically change the combination of characters. It seems obvious, but many neglect such a simple rule.

  • Next, we see a small form-form, which must be honest and reliably filled (this is in our same interest). The convenience of using the social network will be delivered from the reliability of the data introduced - if everything was introduced honestly, your relatives and friends will be able to find you quickly.

Good news - your page in classmates is created! What's next?

Basic profile settings

Of course, you will agree that there is no point in creating a page in classmates and leave profile blank. In this regard, consider what basic settings are in classmates.

  • Click "Change photos" and select a photo that will serve you avatar.

  • Click on the photo in the upper right corner of the screen and find the "Change Settings" item. Here you can specify information about yourself - the name, date of birth, gender and city. You can also bind email, configure privacy, notifications, etc. In other words, social network provides a wide range of opportunities to make the use of the profile as comfortable as possible for you. Be sure to create a page and try yourself!

Creating a profile in classmates - what can go wrong?

It happens that you clearly follow the instructions, but the expected result does not work. What can be wrong?

This may occur due to network failure. We advise you to wait some time (at least 5 minutes) and click "Request Code again" and then you will be able to create your own profile.

Perhaps that's all. We hope you have become clear how to create a new page in Odnoklassniki. This fairly simple and fast procedure that does not take a lot of time even in those who do not know how to work with a computer.

Creating a page

No, no, and it happens so that you need to register in Odnoklassniki for the second time. Someone got excited with the removal of the previous profile, someone likes (or very necessary) to stay in the network secretly, under the guise of another person (although there is already a page). Well, some comrades and excitement would not be newly registered, so lost the login and password or the phone (and even taken everything together), which used for authorization on the social network. And urgently need someone in Odnoklassniki find and inform something important ...

This article will help you to re-create an account on OK.RU and, thus restore the formerly lost and acquire new communication links in the space of your favorite social network.

And if you did not lose account and only for the first time you are going to visit Odnoklassniki,

Starting re-registration ...

Consider, you will not be able to use the phone number from the old profile (even if it is removed). When you try to enter its input, the system will issue a message "Unfortunately, this number is already used." To register again with another number, you will need to execute one of the following instructions (first option is recommended).

Method number 1: Ask to help a friend or buy a SIM card

1. Ask a person who trust, take advantage of his phone to register in Odnoklassniki. If you ask for help from anyone, buy a new SIM card (no and such an opportunity? Then see Method No. 2). One way or another, you should have a "unkind" social network number mobile network.

2. Open in the browser -

4. In the Country field, click the "Arrow Down" icon. In the drop-down menu, select the state in which they live.

5. Specify the phone number in international format (for Russia prefix - "+7", for Ukraine - "+380", etc.; After selecting the country, the required code appears in the field automatically).

7. Type the code from the SMS message and again clap the link "Next".

8. The message "Your login in classmates will appear on the panel. Come up with and enter a complex password with a length of at least 10-12 characters consisting of numbers and Latin letters. The level of its resistance to cracking will be displayed under the field (for example, a "good password").

10. Inform your personal data in the form "Fill out a questionnaire" and clat the "Save" button.

Method number 2: Use a virtual phone

With current Internet technologies and this is possible. Special online services provide phone numbers and real-time displays SMS messages that come to them.

However, they are provided to all those who want users. And if one of them has already used the selected virtual number to register on OK.RU, then you will not have such an opportunity. In this case, you can try to get a number on another service. Also note that in Odnoklassniki, you need to specify the country of residence corresponding to the virtual number, and comply with the international format (+7, +380, etc.).

Select service

There are a huge number of sites providing virtual rooms for a fee and free of charge, with registration and without it.

The most convenient use includes the following:

1. (requires registration; Authorization through Google+ and Facebook is supported).

2. (free, anonymous).

3. DoubleSMS.RF (rooms from different countries are provided, the list of SMS sent is updated every 10 seconds).

check in

Consider receiving a virtual number on the example of the site

1. Open the main page of the resource. In the Panel on the left click of the mouse, highlight the number.

2. Click the "Copy" option (the phone number will be copied to the computer clipboard).

3. On the new tab, open OK.RU, "Registration" cland. Specify the country (in relation to this service it will be Russia).

4. Install the cursor in the "phone number" string. Press the CTRL + V key combination simultaneously. Remove the prefix from the inserted number (it is already added to the field automatically).

6. Return to, wait for SMS messages from classmates (it will be displayed in the "Text ..." block).

7. On OK.RU Print the received code in the appropriate field.

8. Fill out the profile and proceed to design a profile.

Thanks for the room, but your best!

Methods No. 1 and No. 2 can be safely attributed to emergency solutions. It is advisable to use when you need to create a profile very quickly. But upon subsequent use of it for security purposes, it is recommended to specify the phone number that belongs to you in the settings. It is necessary to restore access to the account in case of password loss. In addition, the social network service notifies the user by SMS to change the profile settings, about the attempts of entering the account by third-party persons.

There is a new personal page, but how to remove old?

Method number 1: If there is access to it

2. Scroll down the page down. Follow the link "Regulation".

3. Under the list of rules and requirements, click "abandon the services". Confirm the deletion of the profile in the optional window.

Note. If you have forgotten the username to enter the old account, specify the phone attached to it or the address of the e-mailbox attached to it.

Method number 2: If there is no login / email / phone and password

1. Go to your new profile. Go to the instructions "Appeal to the Technical Support Service" page (

3. Fill out the form "Appeal ...":

  • « Purpose" - Select the "Access" category;
  • "Subject" - "Forgot Login / Phone / Email";
  • "Information" - Specify your personal data (name, age, place of work), link to the profile (it can be seen in the address bar of the browser, if you go from another account).
  • "Email" - Your mailbox (valid!) For feedback.
  • "Attach file" - Load the photos that are published on the old personal page.

4. Click the Send Message button.

5. After these actions, the technical support of the site "Odnoklassniki" will send to the specified e-mailbox message with a request to provide data confirming what you are the owner of the account (your photo on the background of the display on which the correspondence is visible with the support OK.RU; Photo, Passport details, date of last visit, etc.)

6. Send to service all the necessary information. After confirming the belonging, the social network service will delete your profile from the server.

Enjoy your communication in Odnoklassniki!