How durable are the houses made of vulture panels? House of SIP panels: pros and cons, owner reviews, photos

Ready-made frame technologies for the construction of houses have entered our life. Increasingly, information about SIP panels is found, with the help of this material you can quickly, inexpensively build a house. Advertising of products praises the simplicity, reliability of construction from GreenBord SIP panels. But is it worth believing the advertising slogans? Is this stuff that good? It is worth considering in more detail.

What are SIP panels

Versatile material used in construction frame houses... SIP is a structural insulating panel with two upper layers of OSB and an interlayer in the form of insulation. When gluing the interlayer and sheets, polyurethane glue is used. The gluing takes place under high pressure, an effect equal to 18 tons is exerted on the board.

OSB - oriented particle board, consisting of shavings glued in several layers with the use of resins. This material, a novelty, is durable, elastic and replaces the chipboard we are used to. Manufacturers declare its environmental friendliness. Insulation in SIP panels is plastic foamed at high pressure, known as expanded polystyrene. The material is used as a heater for arranging ventilated facades in construction, and has a low thermal conductivity.

She came to us not so long ago - several decades ago, all this time there are disputes about how expedient it is to build such structures in our harsh climate. People do not trust the fragile-looking material and believe that building a house from bricks is more profitable in terms of heat retention and service life. But, nevertheless, there is no such material on the market that allows you to build a house in the shortest possible time and at a minimal cost.

Reviews of those who live in houses from SIP panels

Of course, it is not possible to determine exactly how this technology of building houses is acceptable in our climate. You can draw conclusions by reading real reviews about the technology of those people living in prefabricated houses from SIP panels. It is necessary to analyze everything that is written on the forums. And opinions were divided.

Positive reviews:

1. The house is warm

One of the forum participants, a resident of the Moscow region, talks about a number of advantages of this technology. It is worth noting that he built three houses in a few years. Before the prefabricated house from SIP panels, he erected a building of bricks, and foam blocks - then only SIP panels he is so delighted.

“The house is very warm, even in cold weather, the child runs around the house barefoot. Although they scared that the floor would be cold and freeze in the corners. Nothing of the kind, everything is fine, I even took an infrared thermometer from a friend, measured it, the temperature is the same everywhere. They also said that there would be mice - in two years I had not seen a single one. The company built this house for me in 3 weeks. "

2. Fast and inexpensive

Another person who lives in the Krasnoyarsk region, with its harsh climate, and built a house using this technology, speaks positively about the thermal insulation of his building, considering it a plus. And the climate there is quite harsh.

This is my first building. I doubted for a very long time, chose, the key point, of course, was the price, but in fact it turned out to be a comfortable and warm house. Firstly, everything is smooth, there were no problems with finishing. Secondly, quickly. The walls were erected from panels of 160 mm, partitions 110 mm.

3. Easy-to-use material and excellent results

The foreman, whose team was building a house from SIP panels for the first time, writes on the forum.

We were hired to build a house from SIP panels, before that we only built houses on a frame. But here everything turns out to be much simpler. Panels fit straight - no misalignment tolerances. They used standard fasteners, although they doubted what they would hold, but in practice - everything holds perfectly. The order was completed quickly - the panels are light. We tried to set a piece of material on fire, it was interesting, it should be said, no matter how hard they tried - it doesn’t burn! The smoke goes on as long as you hold the burner, but as soon as the open fire was removed, it immediately extinguished.

Based on the above, the main advantages of SIP panels can be distinguished:

  • good thermal insulation;
  • the geometry is correct;
  • the material is not flammable;
  • light;
  • easy to use;
  • not expensive.

Negative reviews

Not a single material has only positive qualities - there are disadvantages in everything. I had to look on the forms and negative reviews people living in such structures.

1. Many chemical constituents in the material

Written by a user who recently built a house from SIP panels. The review is controversial, although we attached it to negative, but these are just human fears.

The house was built quickly, it seems to me that it is a matchbox, and soaked in all sorts of formaldehyde and resins. The walls are not thick, the house is not cold, but there is no trust. There are no mice, but I believe that this is due to the fact that they do not eat chemistry. I invested in an expensive project for ventilation, I'm afraid to use it - suddenly it will take out all the heat from the house. I want to sell the house and start building a brick one.

2. There is no demand for SIP-panel

A small team engaged in the construction and sale of houses left a review that did not characterize the technical indicators. But it is worth mentioning it, this is an occasion to make sure that new technologies in construction from SIP panels are accepted by the inhabitants of our country with great concern.

We are engaged in the implementation of finished objects. We buy a plot, build a house, and sell it. SIP panels - let down a lot. The house was built quickly, it turned out to be a beautiful building, reliable - but there are no clients. Who does not look, everyone thinks that this is a waste of money, the house will collapse in 10 years. Now put up for sale at cost, to recapture what you spent.

3. Poor soundproofing

Of course, the question of the cost of a real estate object is relevant in our country, there are users who put forward specific claims to houses from SIP panels.

The house was built for two families, they wanted to save money. Naturally, the material was inexpensive, but the insulation from the noise of neighbors is practically zero. While something is happening in the house, the TV is working, the music is playing, it is normal. But in the evening you turn everything off, and the neighbour's children start running, then you are in the house, practically unbearable, the footfall is worth running away. Of course we decided by doing additional sound insulation, but this is also money plus.

4. Application of polyurethane foam

This is rather a question that remained unanswered on the forum because people have enough for a long time those living in a house made of SIP panels are happy with everything.

Seams are sealed polyurethane foam... The manufacturer of the material claims that the foam lasts no more than twenty years, and how things will continue to be is not clear. Disassemble and seal everything over again? What did the tenants who lived in the house for a long time do?

As you can see, there are, of course, disadvantages, but all are subjective, so:

  • application chemical compositions that affect the indoor climate. Indeed, in the production of panels, resin is used to glue the shavings, but people living in such houses speak of a good and comfortable microclimate;
  • low noise insulation, which, in principle, will not affect a single-family house. Not an indicator - a house built of aerated concrete without the use of additional insulation from noise has the same properties;
  • additional ventilation is required. As in any building made of other material;
  • low demand for the material in the construction market. People rarely take new technologies with a bang. In our understanding, a good house should be made of wood, concrete, brick or timber, all other materials cause fear and distrust.

It is worth noting that any material can have negative aspects, and all the disadvantages of the above can be attributed to other materials and criticized.

If in fact, then SIP panels have much more positive characteristics than disadvantages. People are increasingly resorting to this construction technology, because it is a real opportunity to acquire their own housing at a normal cost.


Despite the conflicting reviews, it is worth noting that SIP panels are a promising, inexpensive material that allows you to quickly build a residential building. In our country, the problem of housing is acute, but using this technology, a family with a small budget can afford such a structure.

Despite the distrust of our citizens in SIP panels, it is worth noting that cottages are being erected in Europe, the height of which is more than three floors, and they show themselves excellently in operation.

The main criterion when deciding to build a building for permanent residence by this technology, there will be right choice contractor. Indeed, in most cases, the reliability of a building depends on who built the building. Only thanks to the qualified actions of the builders can you not be disappointed in the construction.

A house made of SIP panels, the pros and cons of which will be discussed below, is a building that consists of a material created like a sandwich.

Multi-layer slab

The slabs consist of three layers; a fairly strong sheet is used as the outer one. It is represented by oriented strand board, wooden planks, Fiberboard or magnesite slabs. The thickness of the canvases varies from 9 to 12 millimeters. Most often, OSB-3 is used in SIP panels for the construction of houses, the thickness of which is 12 millimeters.

general description

A house made of SIP panels, the pros and cons of which should be considered before starting construction, consists of material collected from three layers. Insulation is used in the role of the central part, namely polyurethane foam, mineral wool or expanded polystyrene. The thickness of the material can vary depending on the needs of the customer and varies from 50 to 250 millimeters. The most commonly used polystyrene foam PSB-25 or PSB-S-25, the density of which is 25 kg per cubic meter. The outer layers are bonded to the core during the manufacturing process under the influence of high pressure... As a result, it is possible to obtain a durable composite material.

Positive characteristics

A house made of SIP panels, the pros and cons of which are presented in the article, has excellent thermal insulation qualities. This was achieved at the lowest cost when compared with other popular materials that are used in the construction of walls. This implies an equally important advantage, which lies in the fact that such buildings are considered the largest in terms of area of ​​premises, which is true with the same type of building. Whereas the rooms are cozy and very bright. This is what most consumers like in the first place. This effect was achieved due to the insignificant thickness of the walls. Due to the low heat capacity of the walls, such buildings do not have to be heated for a long time. This is great news for those who prefer to spend their weekends outside the city. In such cases, you can not be afraid to turn off the heating during your absence. Thus, warm up and heat wood or brick house will be much more difficult. While a house made of SIP panels has a low thermal conductivity, this allows you to keep warm in severe frosts.

Reviews of noise insulation and construction speed

Modern owners of private houses within the city and apartments in multi-storey buildings note that they have to carry out manipulations to combat extraneous and external noise. The described buildings have excellent sound-absorbing characteristics, as noted by the owners of such housing. This quality was achieved despite the significant thickness of the walls. Reviews of houses from SIP panels indicate that they have lightness, which is especially noticeable when compared with wooden, concrete and brick buildings. If you independently carry out the construction, then it will be possible to save on the formation of the foundation, making it light, shallow. There will be no additional load on the base. As private developers emphasize, this feature is very attractive for them.

It should be noted, as modern consumers claim, that SIP panels are very economical. Among other things, it is quite easy to work with them. During operation, this material also performs very well. If you decide to purchase a house from SIP panels, it is important to read the reviews of the living. In them you can find information that construction and assembly work do not involve large expenses.

The opportunity to save

You do not have to rent special equipment, which allows you to save cash... If you decide to do this work yourself, then you have to stock up on the help of only 3 or 5 people. At the same time, it is not necessary to have special skills and abilities. The construction will take only 2 weeks. This makes this type of building very attractive for professional and private craftsmen.

Environmental friendliness and aesthetics of appearance

If you want to build a house from SIP panels, you should certainly be interested in the reviews of living people. They testify that the material is characterized by perfect evenness. During operation, it does not lose its advantages and attractiveness. This indicates that there is no need to level the walls after work. Thus, finishing work is carried out to a minimum, while you can start such manipulations immediately after completing the assembly of the house. You may not be afraid of shrinkage processes, and during construction you will manage with an elementary set of materials and tools that almost every owner will have. One-story houses from SIP panels are assembled using a technology that cannot be called too dirty. At the same time, the minimum amount of damage to the landscape and the environment is caused. Among other things, start construction works possible at any time of the year.


A house made of SIP panels is a combustible building. Among the additional disadvantages of the material, one can single out its attractiveness for rodents. This list can scare away and confuse the customer and the developer. However, as you know, any material is fraught with many errors. You can even remember some materials that have more impressive side effects... Thus, if the walls are non-combustible, then this does not at all indicate that a fire cannot occur, since no building is insured against fire. This is due to the fact that the reasons are not the material that underlies the construction, but many factors, including faulty wiring. If you decide to choose a house from SIP panels, the pros and cons, reviews of such a building should be studied in advance. This will allow you to find out that the electrical wiring is equipped according to the rules that apply during construction. wooden houses... Thus, it must be open, which is not always pleasant to future owners. The problem with rodents, admittedly, is somewhat exaggerated in relation to SIP panels. This is due to the fact that animals are interested in insulation, which cannot be said about the canvases that are used in the construction of walls.

Negative reviews


If you decide to build a house from SIP panels, the feedback from the owners will help you make the right decision. Many modern consumers are paying attention to the negligible durability of Canadian homes. Developers promise 50 years of operation. This factor directly depends on the quality of the materials used. If there is a desire to extend the life of the building, then it will be necessary to carry out external finishing of the facade. At the same time, one must count on a significant increase in the cost of construction. But such costs pay off after a while.

So, we examined the advantages and disadvantages of such a construction as a house from SIP panels. The pros and cons, the photos presented in this material will help you make the right choice.

There are four main advantages of sip panels compared to other technologies.

First- high energy efficiency of sip panels. Due to the low thermal conductivity of expanded polystyrene, as well as the minimum number of joints and their good sealing, we get a house that retains heat inside for a long time - about 8 times longer than in brick or concrete structures. In winter, you can warm up a cooled house in two to three hours, and when the heating is turned off, the temperature will drop by only one degree per day.

Second- ease of construction. A standard sip panel measuring two and a half meters by twenty five meters with a thickness of 174 mm weighs only 50 kg. This makes it possible to carry out loading and unloading operations, installation on the second tier without the use of special construction equipment. The panel can be lifted by a team of only 3 people. In addition, the pressure on the foundation from the weight of the structures is minimal. This makes it possible to install houses on difficult loamy soils on screw piles and not be afraid of frosty heaving of soils in winter. A lightweight foundation, in turn, is much cheaper, and this is a large part of the construction budget.

Third dignity of sip panels - quick installation... A house with an area of ​​150 m 2, or rather its thermal circuit, is assembled on average in 2-3 weeks. This speed is achieved due to the ease of assembly and enlarged structures of the sip panels themselves. At the same time, the house is already ready for interior and exterior decoration - you do not need to wait a year until the structure shrinks completely.

Fourth- low cost of the house and minimal costs during its operation. Sip panel technology is the most economical of all existing ones. Savings are manifested both in the purchase of the necessary building materials, due to their low cost, and at the installation stage, since light structures are mounted with simple nodal solutions. And the high energy efficiency of the house will make it possible to recoup the cost of construction in ten years only on heating.

Also, the advantages of sip panels include the ability to carry out construction and installation work in the winter. There are no "wet" processes during construction, therefore low temperature no problem. Work with the foundation can also be carried out in the cold season, since a light house made of vulture panels can even be placed on screw piles.

Cons of sip panels.

Do mice gnaw on styrofoam?

Expanded polystyrene is inedible for rodents, that is, it has no nutritional value for them. Rodents are drawn to heat, so they can crawl under the panels to keep warm. Or make moves in them. Therefore, expanded polystyrene, like any insulation, must be protected. OSB-plates in sip-panels are tightly closed by polystyrene. If you want to take additional measures, you can lay under exterior decoration the walls are metal mesh, but it doesn't make much sense. In any case, you still have to protect a low-rise building from rodents. Effective measures prevention are known.

The disadvantages of sip panels are traditionally considered to be fire hazard. But let's figure it out.

Like any wooden structure, the vulture of the panel without finishing has the third degree of fire resistance. But there is much less material to support combustion in a Canadian house than in an ordinary wooden one. In addition, self-extinguishing polystyrene foam is used in modern vultures, which ignites at a higher (almost 2 times) temperature than wood. You know that all houses are on fire. If the brick structure burns out, the foundation and walls will most likely remain, but will be subject to demolition due to a 60-70% loss in strength. So when we talk about fire safety private house, it is better to discuss sufficient time for the evacuation of people before the destruction of the power structures. In a house made of vulture panels, the floor joists are destroyed first of all, and not the walls. Therefore, they must be treated with fire protection and protected with non-combustible materials. The fire resistance of OSB-3 boards can be increased by painting with fire retardant paints. But it is better with additional finishing with plasterboard or plasterboard without the use of guide profiles. That is, so that there is no air between the surfaces. Such a wall of vulture panels will withstand 45 minutes of exposure to open fire! Of course, a set of fire-fighting measures is necessary both in wood and in any other structure. Fortunately, today there are fire alarms and fire extinguishing systems.

6 August, 2017
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You do not know what material to build a residential or Vacation home? Today I will tell you about one very popular option - houses made of SIP panels. This solution has long been used in Europe and America, and in our country it appeared about 10 years ago and is rapidly gaining popularity. Let's find out about the pros and cons of this technology so that you can make the right decision.

What is a SIP house

We will analyze the main advantages that self-supporting insulated wire houses have, and then touch on the disadvantages. I'll make a reservation right away - the analysis is based on quality options structures, cheap fakes for self-supporting insulated wire, we do not take into account, since they do not even meet the minimum safety and durability requirements.


The type of buildings we are considering has many advantages:

Illustration Description

High reliability rates... The photo shows the structure of a SIP panel, it consists of two OSB boards from the outside and from the inside and a polystyrene foam filler. It provides excellent thermal insulation performance and fills the internal cavity completely. As a result, very durable and at the same time sufficiently light elements are obtained, from which it is possible to build both country houses and houses for permanent residence.

High thermal insulation characteristics ... In order not to give you a lot of boring numbers, the photo shows a comparison of the thickness of different materials with the same thermal conductivity.

As you can see, only 160 mm SIP panels are comparable to more than half a meter of timber.

Such houses are one and a half times warmer than frame structures insulated with mineral wool, this should also be taken into account.

High construction speed... The house kit is manufactured at the factory and delivered to the facility marked. You just have to collect all the elements according to the principle of the constructor.
As practice shows, it takes from one to four weeks to erect a structure. It is much faster than any classic technology, be it timber, blocks or bricks.
Most often it is done like this: while the house kit is being made, you make the foundation and bring communications in order to save time in the future.

The ability to implement a project of any degree of complexity... This is a very important advantage, because you can bring almost any idea to life. The manufacturer will provide you with ready-made projects, and if you do not find anything suitable, then an individual solution will be developed especially for you, taking into account all your wishes and preferences.

Ease of construction... Construction can be done with your own hands. The panels are lightweight, and with 1-2 helpers assemble cottage will not be difficult.

This factor allows you to save a lot of money on construction equipment. And the foundation for such a house is much easier to make, because it will have a small load in comparison with other options.

Ease of finishing... If we consider the structure from the inside, then on a perfectly flat surface you can immediately attach drywall or glue ceramic tiles... No preliminary preparation is not required, the maximum that will have to be done is to apply a primer.

Exterior decoration of houses from SIP panels can be done in different ways: from plastering and putty to siding or any other material.

Reasonable cost... The price of a house kit with an area of ​​approximately 100 square meters ranges from 700 thousand to one and a half million, depending on the complexity of the design and the thickness of the panels.

Concerning country houses, then they will cost even less, the option for 30 squares costs 300-400 thousand rubles.

The cost of the house kit includes a box with a roof. Additionally, you will have to put the door windows and finish.

Disadvantages of SIP houses

This option also has disadvantages, they also need to be disassembled:

  • Flammability... Although the OSB board and expanded polystyrene cannot be classified as flammable materials, with high temperature they can catch fire. But this minus is inherent in all options made of wood, whether it be a self-supporting insulated wire, a frame, a log or a bar. If you follow the elementary fire safety rules, you don't have to worry;
  • Demanding assembly... If during installation the elements were connected poorly, then cold will penetrate through the cracks into the house, and over time, due to moisture, a fungus may begin to form in the joints. That is why it is recommended to buy ready-made slabs, and not to cut them on the spot, and fill all gaps, if any, with polyurethane foam immediately. Good exterior decoration will create an additional barrier to moisture and cold, so it must also be reliable;

  • Low sound insulation performance... With all its advantages, SIP panels conduct sound well, so if you are building a house near noise sources, then it is better to additionally soundproof it. If the house is two-story, then it is also better to insulate the overlap of the second floor;
  • The need for a ventilation system. In such buildings, ventilation is required, since the walls do not allow air to pass through. Provide all communications in advance so that later you do not have to spoil the finished floors.