Cement particle board (DSP) - floor application. Cement particle board - flooring applications: technical characteristics, advantages and installation Effect of cement on the strength of cement particle board

Cement particle board (DSP) is a universal sheet building material. It is made from crushed wood chips and Portland cement with the addition of special substances that reduce the harmful effects of one material on another.

The technological process of its manufacture looks like this: from the raw material prepared in the mixer, a three-layer "carpet" is formed (small chips are laid in the outer layer, coarse on the inside).

It goes along a conveyor line to a hydraulic press, where it is formed under high pressure. At the exit, a perfectly smooth multi-layer board is obtained.

The use of cement-bonded particleboard in construction is extensive: it is used for wall cladding both indoors and outdoors, when facing columns, as a screed for flat roofs and floors, and also serves as an external screen for ventilated facades.

Today, CBPB has become a serious competitor to such building materials as fiberboard, plywood and drywall.

Specifications, pros and cons

  • density - 1100-1400 kg / m3;
  • weight of a standard sheet (2700x1250x16mm) - 73 kg;
  • elasticity (in compression and bending - 2500 MPa; in tension - 3000 MPa; in shear - 1200 MPa);
  • change in linear dimensions after 24-hour exposure in water (thickness - 2%; length - 0.3%);
  • sound insulating ability - 45 dB;
  • thermal conductivity - 0.26 W / m · ° C;
  • flammability group - G1 (slightly flammable);
  • service life (in a dry room) - 50 years.

Like all building materials, cement particle board has its pros and cons.

DSP is an environmentally friendly material that does not contain toxic substances such as phenol and formaldehyde. In addition, this material:

  • - frost-resistant;
  • - fire resistant;
  • - moisture resistant;
  • - soundproofing;
  • - non-rotting (due to the calcium hydroxide contained in the plate, the development of fungus and mold is excluded);
  • - resistant to longitudinal deformation (can be used for sheathing the frame of multi-storey buildings);
  • - well combined with wood, metal, polymers;
  • - easy to process (you can cut, saw, drill).
  • - technologically easy to install (facilitates construction and does not require extra costs);
  • - suitable for all types of finishes (plaster, wallpaper, tiles, painting).
  • - large weight and dimensions complicate the installation of cement-bonded particle board on the upper floors of the building, special lifting mechanisms are required;
  • - relatively short service life (with active contact with the external environment - 15 years).

Standard sizes of DSP sheet:

  • length - 2700, 3200, 3600 mm;
  • width - 1200, 1250 mm;
  • thickness - 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24 mm (can be up to 36 mm);

The weight of the sheets varies from 36.5 to 194.5 kg, depending on the size of the canvas.

DSP boards are manufactured in accordance with GOST 26816.

Features of installation and finishing of DSP

The plates should be stored only in a horizontal position, and they should be transported on the edge. It is necessary to fasten the sheet at least at three points with self-tapping screws, having previously drilled holes for them on a hard surface. Recommended sheet thickness for vertical sheathing is 16-20 mm.

It is necessary to work carefully with cement-bonded particle board (the large weight and area of ​​the sheet make it fragile).

The easiest way to finish DSP boards is to paint them with acrylic or silicone based compounds, leaving deformation gaps between adjacent sheets. Since the surface of this material is smooth and non-porous, paint can be applied without preliminary priming (on the cement side of the sheet).

The use of a filler for sealing joints is not allowed. A good option for "masking" the seams is a sealant - this material does not crack, expanding and narrowing under the influence of atmospheric precipitation.

In addition, you can close the joint seams with metal or wooden strips.

DSP boards are one of the best materials for preparing the base and creating a perfectly smooth surface for finishing. It is equally well suited for both external and internal work, taking into account the subsequent application of materials such as plaster, paint, ceramic tiles, wallpaper, linoleum, laminate, carpet, etc.

Compared to analogs, the cost of cement-bonded particle boards is quite competitive. It depends on the size and quantity of the ordered material. On average, sellers ask for 700-900 rubles for a standard sheet (2700x1250 mm, thickness 10 mm).

Estimated prices for slabs of other "popular" sizes are as follows:

  • 2700x1250x12 mm - 800-1100 rubles.
  • 2700х1250х16 ​​mm - 1000-1200 rubles.
  • 2700х1250х20 mm - 1200-1400 rubles.

Sheets with a length of 3200 mm will be more expensive by an average of 5-10%.

From the point of view of practicality and design, the finishing of the facade with DSP slabs for brick is very interesting. It gives the building a presentable look with a minimum of labor. The price of such panels with dimensions of 3200x1200x10 mm is 2200-2600 rubles.

You can verify the correctness of the choice of this material by reading the reviews of those who have already used DSP sheets for repair and construction. Practical experience and important nuances of handling them will be very useful to you.

As a versatile building material, cement particle board It is successfully used in modern construction for interior and exterior works. Products contain natural wood in their composition, but in many respects surpass other analogues (chipboard, OSB), since their positive properties do not end with excellent sound and thermal insulation. DSP sheets have high strength, fire resistance and the absence of shrinkage processes.

DSP manufacturing consists of the following stages:

A smooth surface of the board is obtained due to the special distribution of chips in its structure - larger fragments are inside the product, and small ones are on the surface. During the production of CBPBs, there are no voids in them. Another advantage is that the product is not subject to additional leveling, but can be immediately used for the manufacture of a subfloor and serve as a high-quality, even base for laminate, tiles and other types of topcoats.

To understand what is cement board, it is necessary to consider its composition. Cement particle board is a multi-component sheet building material based on Portland cement and wood chips. In addition, the internal composition of the products is supplemented with special chemical additives to increase the relationship between the main components. The proximity of cement and natural wood under normal conditions does not lead to positive results, since cement causes excessive moisture in the wood, its warping and rotting.

Additives to the composition of CBPB are introduced to level the negative effects of cement on wood, their amount is 2.5-3% of the total volume. In addition, they enhance the heat and fire resistance of the material. Due to the fact that cement predominates in the composition of the slab, it has high strength, frost resistance, sound insulation qualities, vapor permeability and biological passivity - it is not interesting to either insects or rodents.

Cement particle board, application which is absolutely safe, thanks to "pure" chemical additives, it is not afraid of the formation of fungus, exposure to moisture, it is not afraid of thermal shrinkage. And due to its high adhesion, DSP is compatible with many finishing materials.


DSP board, technical characteristics and application which is possible in many areas, is produced at several enterprises in Russia, which makes it possible to maintain a single size range:

  1. Plates can be 2.7-3.2 m long. Three-meter products are most in demand.
  2. In width, the size is set strictly - 1.25 m, which serves as the main reference point when constructing the lathing for sheathing the surfaces of DSP boards.
  3. In terms of thickness, the most popular products are 10, 16 and 20 mm. In general, the thickness of cement-bonded particleboards varies from 8 to 36 mm.

When choosing a material, it should be borne in mind that its thickness directly affects the weight of the product.

Pros and cons of the material

Of the positive qualities of the DSP, the following can be noted:

Among the disadvantages of the material, one can note the large weight and significant dust formation during the processing of the plates. Cutting slabs should be carried out using personal protective equipment - glasses and a respirator.

Types of DSP

DSPs have several varieties:

DSP application

DSP board, application which covers various areas, is a versatile material, but most often it is used for interior decoration.


Cement particle board (DSP) is a whole class of building materials with different characteristics.

They are used for various purposes, using the advantages that they have over traditional finishing and construction materials.

The field of application directly depends on the type and density of the DSP, so we recommend that you read the articles:

  1. DSP production: a step-by-step guide, regulations and necessary equipment.
  2. Fibrolite.

In these articles, we talked about the different types of cement-particle boards, as well as the differences in the original components and their proportions.

Even with the same density, the basic parameters of the boards TsSP-1 and TsSP-2 are very different from any type of fiberboard. This due to different amounts of cement, as well as different requirements for wood filler.

  • what the DSP can be used for;
  • how to choose materials for a particular application;
  • what are the advantages of correctly selected plates over other materials;
  • how to fix panels to walls or to a wooden floor, how to saw, glue together, primer and how to process DSP in a different way;
  • how to lay tiles on a DSP;
  • how to paint the facade of the building on which the DSP is installed, and how to protect this material from moisture and other negative factors.

Here are the main areas in which cement particle boards can be used:

  • structural elements (walls and partitions);
  • insulation of walls, floors and ceilings;
  • soundproofing;
  • exterior and interior decoration;
  • non-removable insulating formwork;
  • the creation of greenhouses, beds and other areas.

Structural elements

From DSP, you can create various partitions that divide the room into separate zones or parts.

Due to their high rigidity and strength, slabs in this area are not inferior to such materials as:

  • wooden plank;
  • plywood;

but to create partitions and walls according to the technology without a supporting frame, only cement-bonded particle boards with a density of more than 1000 kg / m 3 are suitable, and the best results are shown by TsSP-1 and TsSP-2.

Fiberboard boards with equal density are less durable, because they contain less cement.

Nevertheless, it will not be possible to make full-fledged large-sized walls from this material due to the size of the sheet, because the maximum width does not exceed 125 cm, so the sheets will have to be stacked on top of each other.

Therefore, to create full-fledged walls and large-sized partitions a supporting frame is required, but the same limitation applies to other structural elements of comparable size.

The exceptions are cases when it is possible to put cement particle boards vertically and securely fix them from above and below.

Moreover, such a wall will only decorative function and is not designed for any kind of force.

With a slab thickness of 30–50 mm, a door or an arched opening can be cut into a wall of such a structure, the main thing is that its width does not exceed 1.5 times the width of a DSP slab.

If the width of the area that needs to be partitioned does not exceed the width of one sheet, and force is excluded, then a material with a thickness of 10–15 mm can be used (when using fiberboard plates, the thickness must be increased to 20 mm).

At the same time, in comparison with other structural materials of the same thickness, DSP will provide much higher level of noise and heat insulation.

Insulation for facades and walls of the house, floors, ceilings

To insulate a house, you can either use DSP inside or sheathe the facade of the house with this material. It is better to use cement-bonded particle boards of any type as a heater. with a density of 250-350 kg / m 3 however, fiberboard is more efficient due to less cement.

Despite the low density, the strength of sheets of any thickness is sufficient to be attached to the wall with both glue and anchor nails.

CBPBs are somewhat less effective than foam (thermal conductivity of plates - 0.06, foam - 0.04), but water vapor is freely passed through, due to which the premises always maintain a favorable dry climate.

CBPB is only slightly inferior to mineral wool (thermal conductivity of plates with a density of 300 kg / m 3 is 0.06, and wool - 0.05), but an increase in humidity does not affect their characteristics.

Moreover, their can be installed on flat surfaces without a special frame, and a thin layer of plaster or even waterproof vapor-permeable paint is sufficient to protect against precipitation.

Despite the fact that polyurethane foam is easier to apply, to work with it, you need expensive highly specialized equipment, the price of which starts from 40 thousand rubles.

Moreover, polyurethane foam does not allow water vapor to pass through at all, therefore, after warming them in houses with a not very good ventilation system, the climate becomes more damp, and mold and rot also appear.

The costs for working with any type of DSP are much lower, and the equipment can be used for many other works.

When insulating ceilings, cement-bonded particle boards are hemmed from below using glue and anchor nails or self-tapping screws. However, this method of application can only be used in houses and apartments with solid ceilings and reliable ceiling filing.

For these works, fiberboard boards with a density of 250-350 kg / m3 are best suited, because they contain more wood than products of the TsSP-1 and TsSP-2 brands. The maximum thickness of the slabs depends on the strength of the floor and the ability to reliably attach the insulation to it.

With the help of this material, it is possible and completely to make and install the roof of the house, as well as to build the whole house as a whole.

To insulate the floor, the slabs are laid either on a concrete screed or on a rough flooring.

If the base is not too level, then to level the floor it is advisable to pour a layer of solution, this will maximize the potential of the DSP.

After all, all materials of this type, made according to GOST or international standards, are the same in thickness and have an even surface.

Thanks to this, it will be possible to lay parquet, laminate or linoleum on them. without additional layer... The optimum density of material like TsSP-1 and TsSP-2 is 500 kg / m 3, the optimal density of fiberboard is 800–900 kg / m 3.

The technique of laying DSP on the floor along wooden logs is often used, and the thickness and density of the slabs required to ensure the strength of the floor in the house, in this case, will depend on the distance between the installed logs.

Laying DSP on the floor, including wood, under the tiles is an ideal option in bathrooms.

To start the installation of tiles, it is enough to use cement-bonded particle boards apply a couple of coats of regular primer to improve adhesion.

If it is necessary to insulate the base of a warm floor, including if it is mounted under a tile, then the density of the sheets depends on its design. If the heating element will be walled up in a screed, then it is advisable to use plates with a density of 300 kg / m 3.

If the heating element will be placed between wooden or aluminum supports, then it is advisable to use a material of the same density as for a regular floor.

When insulating the floor with cement-bonded particle boards, it is necessary to ensure reliable waterproofing, since the water that gets under the front covering will be absorbed into the insulation, but it will be difficult to go back due to poor air exchange.

Long being in a high humidity state will reduce strength cement-bonded floor and will lead to the appearance of mold and rot in the chips, which will negatively affect its thermal insulation properties.


Residents of Soviet-built multi-storey buildings suffer greatly from poor sound insulation, because in the apartments you can hear everything that happens at a distance of several floors. Often, even residents of private houses are looking for ways to improve sound insulation to reduce the noise level entering the rooms from the street.

Low density cement-bonded particleboards, although they are inferior to many modern materials with the same thickness, are in great demand due to the minimal cost and ease of installation on walls, floors, etc.

The most effective in this area are fibrolite plates of the GB-1 standard and their magnesite counterparts.

The maximum soundproofing effect is achieved not only by increasing the proportion of wood waste, but also located along the slab. Nevertheless, slabs TsSP-1 and TsSP-2 with a density of 250-350 kg / m 3 are also well suited for noise reduction.

To increase the soundproofing effect between the slabs and the wall / ceiling, you need lay a layer of felt 2–6 mm thick.

Sheathing the ceiling with slabs 2-3 cm thick and laying felt, you lower the level entering the apartment noise tenfold... In this case, it is important to tightly join the plates so that there are no gaps between them, otherwise the effectiveness of such sound insulation will sharply decrease.

For exterior and interior decoration

The purpose of interior and exterior decoration is to hide wall defects and make the exterior or interior more attractive. All types of particle board are well suited for rough finishing, over which a fine finish can be applied.

Cement-particle boards of any type have high strength, however, material with a density of less than 700 kg / m 3 cannot be used for exterior decoration, and less than 1000 kg / m 3 for interior decoration.

As the density increases, the rigidity and strength of the product increases, which is especially important in regions with frequent strong winds.

Interior decoration material must be able to withstand a screwed in with a small load, therefore, the use of cement-bonded particle boards with a low density for interior decoration is unjustified.

In most cases, this finishing material must be attached to a special frame that compensates for the unevenness of the walls. In addition, the frame allows air movement under the finish, so that the condensation on the wall evaporates faster and does not lead to an increase in the moisture content of the wall or finish.

If the frame is made correctly, then after installing the plates, they form a flat surface, so it is enough to putty the seams between them with mortar or putty, after which walls are ready for finishing.

Plates of the TsSP-1 type with a polished surface are most effective as a finishing material.

They are attached to the frame with the help of appropriate self-tapping screws - self-tapping screws with wood carvings are needed for wooden bars, self-tapping screws with metal carvings are required for aluminum or steel profiles.

As an interior decoration, sheets based on chip concrete have a significant advantage - they do not emit toxic substances, which cannot be said about:

  • plywood;
  • plastic;

The only materials that can compete significantly in terms of environmental safety are natural board and real MDF made without the use of glue.

However, they have serious disadvantages compared to cement particle boards:

  • less rigidity, forcing an increase in the thickness of the finish;
  • much higher flammability;
  • higher price.

Therefore, as an environmentally friendly material for interior decoration, all types of CBPB are unmatched in the totality of all parameters.

  • do not emit toxic substances in a normal environment;
  • able to withstand high temperatures for a long time before the start of the pyrolysis process in sawdust;
  • do not support combustion and go out after the disappearance of the source of open fire;
  • even during a fire, they do not emit toxic substances, with the exception of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, but any organic matter releases these substances during combustion;
  • albeit insignificantly, they perform the functions of insulation and sound insulation.

For the exterior decoration of the facade of the house, the most popular are cement-bonded particle boards and panels of the TsSP-1 type with a density of 1100-1400 kg / m 3 and a thickness of 1 cm.

With the correct selection of the distance between the frame slats, such a finish of the house from the outside easily tolerates wind with a speed of 40-50 m / s... An example of finishing the facade of a house is shown in the photo below.

Fiber cement boards of the same density must be selected of greater thickness due to the lower cement content, therefore, most often material with a thickness of 15–20 mm is used for outdoor work. He has the same resistance to precipitation and wind load.

Between the wall of the house and the finish, you can install an insulation made of shavings and cement, which has excellent reviews, or another material.

Due to the fact that water quickly drains from the surface of the facade cladding panels during rain, the slabs do not have time to absorb a lot of water, therefore, even in the event of a sharp drop in temperature after a prolonged rain, they will not be severely damaged.

Treatment with hydrophobic paints for outdoor use and preparations that do not affect vapor permeability, further reduces the ability of the material to absorb water.

Thanks to this, DSP of any type as an exterior finish is in no way inferior to traditional plaster.

Due to such properties of the material, the ease of its finishing (painting), as well as according to numerous reviews of residents, the facade cladding of the DSP house can be safely called the best option for the climatic conditions of many regions of Russia.

In addition, manufacturers also produce facade panels that do not require additional finishing for cladding houses, including timber frame, simultaneously performing a decorative function.

For example, facade and basement panels for stone, brick, crumb and others.

Such facade panels are used for finishing the foundation of the house, basement, including on screw piles.

Do-it-yourself fixed insulating formwork

The construction of houses from monolithic concrete is gaining more and more popularity, because it allows you to erect walls much faster than any other method.

Permanent formwork not only creates the shape for the concrete, but performs a warming function, due to which, after the concrete has acquired its full strength, the wall is completely ready for finishing and does not require additional insulation.

The only one competitor cement particle boards in this application - permanent formwork from expanded polystyrene(PPS), however, it completely blocks the vapor permeability of the walls, which is why problems begin in houses with a not very good ventilation system.

Unlike polystyrene formwork, which is supplied in the form of small finished blocks, formwork from cement-bonded particle boards need to be made by yourself.

As in the case of the formwork made of PSP, the formwork made of DSP must be carefully reinforced with numerous lintels in order to avoid squeezing out the slab with concrete.

This is especially true in the case of using heavy concrete, but it will not be superfluous when pouring foam concrete.

In addition, it is necessary reinforce formwork over the entire area with various pegs and struts, which protect it from shear during concrete filling and compaction.

For the manufacture of formwork, it is advisable to use sheets density over 1000 kg / m 3, and the thickness of the sheet directly depends on the desired thermal insulation effect.

Therefore, sometimes a double formwork is made - an internal sheet of cement-bonded concrete with a density of 1200–1400 kg / m3 and a thickness of 10 mm is installed, and a fiberboard sheet with a thickness of 50–100 mm and a density of 300 kg / m3 is placed close to it.

When using foam concrete, such a structure will provide such a low level of heat loss that even in the northern regions no additional insulation required.

However, the permanent formwork made of DSP has also minus- her cannot be used below ground level, since under the influence of groundwater, wood will eventually lose its heat-insulating properties, and the cement stone will collapse.

But as a formwork for internal walls, cement-bonded concrete has no equal, because after the concrete hardens, the surface of the wall is ready for finishing, and even has a small, but heat and sound insulation effect.

Greenhouses and garden beds

Cement particle boards, even when buried in the ground, able to stand this way until destruction for several decades, due to which they are often used to create with their own hands or to enclose greenhouses and garden beds. After all, boards without special processing will rot to dust in 3-5 years, and DSP will stand for 20-40 years without requiring replacement.

Most often, plates are used for this. with a density over 1000 kg / m 3 and a thickness of 8-12 mm.

Another advantage of cement-bonded particleboards is that the greenhouses and garden-bed fences made of CBPB look very neat thanks to the smooth walls.

The same effect is created by a wagon board, but its service life and high price do not allow it to compete with DSP.

Particleboard, plywood and other similar materials also cannot compete with these boards, because even those that are called waterproof quickly collapse when they are in the ground.

With a low wall height, you can do without a frame by connecting the plates to each other using plastic corners, but if the height or length of the structure requires the use of several plates, you cannot do without a frame.

As a frame, you can use both boards impregnated with hydrophobic compositions (such compositions spoil the soil), and structures based on large diameter polypropylene pipes.

If the pipe diameter exceeds 30 mm, and the frame structure is well thought out, then the greenhouse or garden bed turns out to be quite strong.

You can reduce the diameter of the pipes by inserting pieces of metal or fiberglass reinforcement into them, but in this case you will have to fix the DSP use short jumpers.

Due to the fact that the cost of a sheet rarely drops below 500 rubles, many prefer used cement-bonded particle boards, which were dismantled during repairs.

Such DSPs do not have a very good appearance, and their strength is much less than new ones, but they are quite in demand for fencing beds and creating greenhouses, which can be concluded from the numerous reviews of gardeners. And you can buy them very cheap or get it for free.

In addition to the listed areas of application, DSPs, due to their properties and affordable cost, are also used to build baths with their own hands, including floors in it, cladding garages, sheds, building fences, mounted on the roof, etc.

Processing and assembly of sheets

Cement particle board, in terms of its physical characteristics, is very different from most finishing materials, therefore its processing takes place according to a special algorithm and using special tool.

Violation of the algorithm of work and the use of an unsuitable tool is often leads to material damage and the need to replace it, and given the considerable price of any type of DSP, including, for example, sheets for the floor or slabs for a facade such as a brick or a tile, such an attitude turns out to be extremely unprofitable.

How to cut?

To cut this material you will need hand-held circular saw equipped with a disc with carbide (pobeditovy) nozzles or teeth with diamond coating.

If there is no such disk, you can use a suitable size abrasive cutting disc for stone with a landing diameter of 32 mm.

If you need to cut a sheet or cut a rectangular hole in it, then place it on a flat table so that the cutting line recedes from the edge by 2–4 cm.

Mandatory for cutting use a respirator and goggles and also do not forget to button the sleeves on the clothes. Place the base of the saw on the sheet so that the blade is 3-5 mm from it.

Turn on the saw, then smoothly move forward so that the blade is strictly in line with the cut. The speed of the saw depends on the density and thickness of the sheet, so be guided by your own feelings.

At normal driving speed, the sound of the saw motor is almost unchanged, and resistance to forward movement is minimal.

If the sound changes (speed drops) or the resistance to movement increases, then you are moving the saw forward too quickly, which is why the blade does not have time to properly cut the cement stone. To reduce dust and improve cut quality, you can water the sheet along the cutting line.

If the dimensions of the cut piece exceed 20 cm on either side for thin boards and 10 cm for thick ones, then the assistant needs to support the cut piece so that it does not break off.

Need to be careful so that your fingers are not caught in the path of the saw.

To cut a round or oval hole, you first need to draw it on the sheet, then inscribe a rectangle into it. Moreover, the distance from the picture to the edge of the rectangle should nowhere be less than 3 cm.

If you know how to cut with a circular saw not from the edge of the sheet, then cut a rectangle with it, if not, then use a grinder(angle grinder, angle grinder) with abrasive disc for stone.

After cutting out the rectangle, mark parallel stripes in 1-1.5 cm increments on the remaining parts of the slab inside the pattern, going from the edges of the rectangle to the edge of the pattern. Cut through these strips without reaching the edge of the pattern 3–5 mm.

Then cut through sheet by drawing using a jigsaw with a diamond saw designed for cutting glass or ceramics.

This sequence of actions increases the time it takes to cut the hole, but it greatly reduces the chances that you will ruin the material. Indeed, when cutting a hole with a diameter of more than 40 cm, there is a possibility that the cut piece will break off, and the fracture line will affect the remaining sheet.

If you are a skilled experienced finisher and therefore know how to work well with materials such as:

  • ceramic tile;
  • smooth slate,

You can cut or saw oriented strand board than you are used to, because the behavior of these materials when cutting is very similar to that of any type of OSB.

  • self-tapping screws;
  • anchor screws (dowel-nails);
  • rivets.

Self-tapping screws are well suited for fixing DSP to a wooden or metal base.

If you have only ordinary hardened self-tapping screws, then under them you need to drill a hole in the plate, as well as countersink the space for the cap. Without this, the cap will protrude above the surface of the slab, which will create great difficulties during finishing.

Reinforced self-tapping screws can be screwed in without drilling, whose hats are equipped with knives and cut a hole for themselves... The diameter of the hole for a conventional self-tapping screw is 1.2 times the diameter of the self-tapping screw itself, and the diameter and depth of the hole for the cap are 1.5 times the size of the cap.

It is undesirable to use ordinary screws for fixing, because they do not have the required strength, so with their help you will not be able to properly pull the plate to the base.

After installing the screws, the holes for the caps must be sealed with putty, and after drying, sand it with sandpaper.

Anchor screws are used when the panel is needed attach to concrete or wood wall... To do this, the plate is put in place and a hole is drilled for a plastic dowel. For fixing low density slabs (300-500 kg / m 3) it is advisable to use dowels with large caps for more effective fixation.

These caps distribute the pressure created by the dowel-nail over a large area, so that the cement stone is not damaged. In high-density slabs (over 700 kg / m 3), everything is done in the same way as when fixing with self-tapping screws.

Rivets use for quick fixing to steel or aluminum profiles, where for some reason it is impossible to use self-tapping screws.

To do this, the sheet is put in place, then a hole is drilled, the diameter of which is 1.2 times the diameter of the rivet.

After that it is necessary select the bore using a special cutter under the rivet head.

If this is not done, then the cap will protrude above the surface of the plate. It is also impossible to use a conventional drill instead of a milling cutter, because the cutter makes a hole with a flat bottom, to which the head will be tightly pressed, and the drill makes a tapered hole.

The cap will not be able to press evenly against such a hole, therefore, over time, the fastening will weaken, and the plate will begin to dangle. If there is no cutter, it is better to leave the rivet heads outside, they can be closed with a thin layer of plaster. It will be better than using a drill.


The front surface of any cement-bonded particle board is very even, therefore, after sheathing the walls of the house with this material, it is enough to carry out only the finishing.

To do this, first carefully putty the seams, trying not to stain the slabs too much. Then, when the putty dries up, joints and seams sandpaper.

After that, wallpaper is pasted, painted or any other finishing option is performed.

For wallpapering, use an adhesive suitable for the selected type of wallpaper and applicable to brick or concrete surfaces. For facing laying ceramic tiles, use only cement based adhesive, because it has the same thermal expansion as the DSP, so it will not crack at temperature extremes.

In the process, the glue is dispensed with a special notched trowel.

If you decide to paint the walls, then use any vapor-permeable paints and varnishes suitable for painting brick or concrete surfaces.

Related Videos

Below is a video filmed by one of the construction companies in Russia about the advantages of building residential buildings from cement-bonded particleboards using one of these buildings as an example. As you can see, the facade of the house made of this material is ready for painting immediately after its construction:


Cement particle board is a modern finishing material, but it turns out to be most effective only when used correctly.

After reading the article, you learned:

  • what the DSP is used for;
  • how this material is cut and drilled;
  • how slabs are attached to various surfaces;
  • is it possible to lay tiles on the DSP, and how to glue it;
  • can this material be used in the steam room, including for installing the floor in the bath;
  • what types of finishes are applied to the walls of a frame house sheathed with DSP.

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Cement particle boards

Cement bonded particle board (CBPB, CBPB, cement bonded particle board) is a building material with unique properties used in the "dry installation" technology. CBPB belongs to the generation of modern composite building materials with properties that combine the strength and durability of cement with the flexibility and ease of processing wood. The universal technical characteristics of DSPs have already been fully appreciated all over the world.

Due to their high technical and quality characteristics, the slabs have a wide range of applications and are able to facilitate the solution of a number of problems arising during construction and repair work, in interior and architectural projects. The use of cement-bonded particle boards can significantly reduce not only the material and time costs for any construction and repair work, but also optimize the operating costs of the finished building due to the durability, heat-insulating properties and other useful qualities of cement-bonded particle boards.

Cement particle board is used with equal success both on large construction sites and in the construction of summer cottages and cottages.

Cement and wood are two fundamental materials that have been used in construction throughout human history. For a long time, these materials were used separately, and only at the beginning of the 20s of the last century, research began in the field of the physicochemical relationship of cement and wood. In the late 1920s, cement was already widely mixed with wood chips, and in the early 1940s. people have learned to form slabs from a cement-bonded mixture. In 1940, the first fibreboard was produced, consisting of a compressed mixture of cement and long wood fibers. Subsequently, shorter fiber boards were produced, which became the prototypes of modern cement-bonded particle boards.

Plates are made by pressing a molded technological mixture consisting of softwood shavings, Portland cement, minerals and water.

O The main properties of cement-bonded particle boards are:

  • environmental and hygienic safety - do not contain formaldehyde resins, phenol, asbestos and other, poisonous and harmful substances;
  • resistance to decay, not affected by fungus and mold, resist the effects of termites, insects and rodents;
  • resistance to gasoline, oils, urea, solutions of acids and alkalis, solutions of disinfectants;
  • durability (warranty period in building structures is not less than 50 years);
  • high strength and wear resistance;
  • good sound insulation and heat engineering properties;
  • workability similar to wood with higher strength;
  • fire resistance and fire safety: flammability group: G1 (slightly flammable), flammability group: B1 (hardly flammable), flame spread group: RP1 (non-spreading), smoke-generating ability group: D1 (low-smoke), toxicity group of combustion products: T1 (low-hazard);
  • resistance to atmospheric influences: swelling of cement-bonded particle boards in thickness in 24 hours no more than 2%, water absorption in 24 hours no more than 16%;
  • suitability for use both inside and outside residential and business premises;
  • variety of surface finishes: painting, plaster, ceramic tiles, wood, plastic, etc .;
  • suitability for use in all climatic regions.

The quality of the slab is ensured by strict quality control by a certified factory laboratory in accordance with GOST 26816-86 and the European standard RU 634.

Technical characteristics of cement-bonded particle boards

Sizes of cement-bonded particle boards and their maximum deviations:


Limit deviations

for slab brands

TsSP-1 TsSP-2
Length, mm 3200 3200
Width, mm 1200 1200
Limit deviations along the length, mm ± 3 ± 5
Limit deviations in width, mm ± 3 ± 5
Maximum deviations in thickness, mm:
- unpolished 8-10 ± 0.6 ± 0.8
12-16 ± 0.8 ± 1.0
18-28 ± 1.0 ± 1.2
30-40 ± 1.4 ± 1.6
- polished ± 0.3

Physical and mechanical properties of cement-bonded particle boards:

Indicator The norm for slab brands
TsSP-1 TsSP-2
Density, kg / cubic meter 1100 - 1400
Humidity, % 9 (± 3)
Swelling in thickness in 24 hours,%, no more 2,0
Water absorption in 24 hours,%, no more 16,0

Flexural strength, MPa, not less,

for thicknesses, mm:
- from 8 to 16 inclusive
- from 18 to 24 inclusive
- from 26 to 40 inclusive



Tensile strength perpendicular to the plate face, MPa, not less 0,4 0,35
Roughness of the layer Rz according to GOST 7016, microns, no more, for slabs:
- unpolished
- sanded




  • slabs must have right angles;
  • deviations from flatness for plates of the TsSP-1 brand - no more than 0.8 mm, for plates of the TsSP-2 brand - no more than 1.0 mm;
  • the deviation from the straightness of the edges of the slabs, measured on separate segments with a length of 1000 mm, should not be more than 1 mm.

Requirements for the surface quality of cement-bonded particle boards:

Defect Number and size of defects for slabs of grades
TsSP-1 TsSP-2
Chipped edges and chipped corners More than the maximum deviations along the length (width) of the slab are not allowed
Stains, including oil, rust, etc. Not allowed More than 1 piece is not allowed. with a diameter of more than 20 mm per 1 sq.
Dents No more than 1 pc. more than 1 mm deep and more than 10 mm in diameter per 1 sq. No more than 3 pcs. more than 2 mm deep and more than 20 mm in diameter per 1 square meter


  • delamination in thickness, foreign inclusions and mechanical damage are not allowed in the slabs.

Reference indicators of physical and mechanical propertiescement particle boards:

Defect Values ​​for slab grades
TsSP-1 TsSP-2
Flexural modulus, MPa, not less 3500 3000
Hardness, MPa 45 - 65
Impact strength, J / m2, not less 1800
Specific resistance to pulling screws out of the layer, N / m 4-7
Specific heat, kJ / (kg. ˚С) 1,15
Thermal conductivity, W / (m. ˚С) 0,26
Biostability class 4
Resistance to cyclic temperature and humidity influences:
- decrease in bending strength,% (after 20 cycles of temperature and humidity effects), no more 30
- swelling in thickness% (after 20 cycles of temperature and humidity effects), no more 5
Flammability Group of non-combustible
Frost resistance (reduction in bending strength after 50 cycles),%, no more 10

Sizes of cement-bonded particle boards " BZSPlus»:

  • maximum length -3200 mm;
  • maximum width - 1200 mm;
  • thickness - from 8 to 40 mm.

Modern construction widely uses cement-bonded particle boards (DSP) for exterior and interior decoration. We understand what the material is and how it is used.

Modern construction is impossible without the use of modern building and finishing materials. In a huge variety of composites used for decoration, a special place belongs to slabs made of cement and wood shavings. This wood-based material outperforms other particle composites in many respects: OSB, chipboard and others. Let's figure out what the specificity of the DSP is and for what tasks it can be used.

What is DSP board

By its origin, CBPB belongs to composites. For its preparation, Portland cement is used, which is mixed with wood chips with special characteristics. Its shape in the form of long thin needles (with a length of 1-3 cm, the thickness of the chips is only 0.2-0.3 mm) provides excellent operational properties.

In addition to cement and wood chips, the mixture for forming CBPB boards includes:

  • Liquid glass.
  • Aluminum sulfate.
  • Fuel oil or industrial oils in small quantities.
  • Water (about 8 parts out of 100).

The additives make the board resistant to the development of mold and bacteria. In addition, they reduce the ability of cement to destroy wood, increase the plasticity of the mixture, and make it resistant to fire.

High-quality DSPs are a sandwich of 3 or more layers. The outer layers are made from a fine chip mix. They are smoother and easier to finish. The deeper layers are based on coarser, coarser chips, which gives them additional strength.

The surface of the slabs can be sanded to facilitate finishing work. There are also varieties, on the outer layer of which a relief is applied, imitating brickwork or the texture of natural stone.

In addition to decorative properties, DSPs have a number of parameters that determine their applicability in a particular area. Let's consider them in more detail. In order to find out how to properly decorate the walls with plastic panels, see this article.


One of the most important characteristics. The density depends on the ability of the slab to withstand operational loads, as well as its weight. To characterize the density, they usually indicate how much 1 cubic meter weighs. m of material. For DSP, this parameter ranges from 1100 to 1400 kg.


The mass of a DSP is directly related to its density. It is quite large, and exceeds similar characteristics of other composites based on wood chips by 2 times or more. A slab with a length of 2.7 m and a width of 1.25 can weigh from 36.5 kg to 164 kg, depending on the thickness. Such a mass complicates the installation of slabs and other operations with them (transportation, lifting to high floors, etc.). However, it should be emphasized that among all materials based on Portland cement, CBPB is one of the lightest.

The weight of a cement-bonded particleboard is significantly influenced by its moisture content. The standard allows for fluctuations in this parameter within 3% of the base (9%), so that the same plate in different conditions can weigh differently.


The slab has excellent resistance to compression and longitudinal deformation. Its strength characteristics make it possible to use DSP sheets to strengthen walls. However, the ability to withstand bending and especially stretching of this material is much less.

Dimensions (edit)

DSP is a relatively new material. Therefore, the number of sizes in which it is produced is not too large. The standard width of the slabs is 1 m 25 cm.The length varies from 2 m 70 cm to 3 m 20 cm.The thickness is more varied: there are 7 sizes, of which the most widely used are 1 cm, 1.6 cm and 2 cm. The maximum the thickness value reaches 3 cm 6 mm.

Where is cement bonded particleboard used?

Slabs based on cement and shavings are widely used in dry construction. They are most widely used for the construction of buildings according to the wireframe scheme. This is facilitated by the ability of the slab to significantly increase the strength of the frame (with proper installation).

Another reason for the high popularity of CBPB is in the high rates of material safety. The composite does not emit harmful volatile substances either during normal operation or in case of fire. It does not support combustion and does not allow the flame to spread over its surface.

The material has found wide application in low-rise (up to 3 inclusive) construction. It is perfect not only for the construction of cottages and private houses, but also for public buildings: offices, entertainment centers, hotels, industrial workshops. The high safety and environmental friendliness of the cement-bonded composite allows it to be used in the construction of children's institutions, schools, hospitals, and sanatoriums.

Another area of ​​application of cement-particle boards is the construction of street buildings in the home garden. Hozblok, change houses, sheds, cellars, outdoor toilets, built of cement-bonded concrete, serve for many years due to the high resistance of the material to atmospheric moisture, temperature fluctuations, the growth of bacteria and mold fungi.

The low resistance of the material to deformation in bending somewhat limits its scope of application. DSP is either laid on the floor (on a solid foundation), or hung on the frame in a strictly vertical position. You cannot lay this material at an angle or use it to decorate arched structures!

In interior decoration, slabs based on cement and wood chips are also widely used. They are used to make internal partitions, rough floors, window sills. Also, with the help of DSP, the surfaces of the walls and ceiling are leveled.

Installation features

It is allowed to fix the slab to the frame using self-tapping screws or nails. The selection of fasteners is carried out as follows:

  • For self-tapping screws, take a thickness of 2.5 mm. The heavier the sheets, the thicker the screws are selected. The length is determined by the thickness of the "pie" with which the frame is sheathed. Before screwing in the fasteners, drill holes for self-tapping screws with a drill.
  • For nails, the selection of length and thickness is done according to the same principle. The tree must have at least 10 nail diameters to ensure a secure fit.

The DSP slab weighs a lot, therefore, in order to securely fix it on the frame, it is extremely important not to save on fasteners. The table shows the recommended number of fasteners for various sizes, as well as the maximum allowable distance between them.

The sheet is fixed along the perimeter, with strict observance of the verticality of the placement of the plate and the frequency of installation of fasteners. After the sheet is fixed around the perimeter, it is also necessary to pull it along the line that runs in the middle of the plate height (horizontally). On this line, it is permissible to screw in self-tapping screws twice less often than along the perimeter.

Laying DSP on the floor

If a slab is used to create a subfloor, the technology assumes the placement of a log system. A bar is used on the logs (its dimensions: width 5 cm, thickness - 8 cm). Lags are placed on the base, after having laid a layer of sound and waterproofing. The step between the lags is about 0.6 m.

A layer of insulation is placed between the lags. The thickness of the layer is selected so that after laying and covering with a waterproofing membrane, the layer is a couple of centimeters deeper than the lag. Such a gap is necessary for the organization of ventilation.

A DSP slab is placed on the logs (usually with a thickness of 2 cm). The slab is attached to the logs with self-tapping screws, recessed heads flush with the floor surface. Seams are carefully sealed with a sealant. A finished floor can already be laid on top of the slab.

Do-it-yourself installation of a DSP slab. Step-by-step instruction

Before starting the installation, you should draw up a project. It will allow you to understand how many sheets need to be strengthened, where each sheet will have fasteners, into which pieces the purchased plate will have to be cut. Before work, you need to carefully consider how the plate will be held in place until it is fully fixed. Since the cement-bonded composite is very heavy, it is worth considering the possibility of using lifting mechanisms.

In working with DSP, each pair of hands is more important than ever. Therefore, starting work alone is strongly discouraged. Better to work with at least one assistant.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Focusing on the prepared project, we cut the slab into pieces of the required size. The cement-bonded composite is cut with the same tools as for ordinary chipboard, but the files need to be harder.
  • On each piece we drill holes for self-tapping screws.
  • We attach a piece to the frame, checking the verticality with a level.
  • We screw in self-tapping screws in the corners, then along the perimeter and in the middle.
  • We fix the pieces one by one until the sheathing is done. Then we seal the seams with a sealant or close them with a special rail.

In the building, the width of the seam is not less than 0.4 cm, outside - not less than 0.8. Otherwise, the joints will start to crack.

All that remains is to paint the slab or plaster it for a fine finish.

Any business turns out better if you use practical experience. Such a baggage of valuable knowledge about the specifics of the selection and installation of DSPs can be acquired on our own experience, but mistakes will lead to delays in construction and financial losses. Therefore, we suggest watching several useful video clips to get acquainted with the experience of professional builders:

The use of modern finishing materials allows you to complete construction work much faster, without spreading unnecessary dirt and getting an excellent result as a result. Just such opportunities are provided to the builder by using the DSP.

However, before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with all the features of this material. This will help you not to expect the impossible from him and avoid annoying mistakes in editing. We hope that the tips in this article will help you with your work!