Mandarin throws off the leaves what to do. Indoor tangerine: home care for an orchard

The homemade tangerine tree is a spectacular and at the same time extremely whimsical plant. You can grow it at home on a balcony, loggia or other well-lit place. In the process of caring for a plant, it is necessary to adhere to a number of certain rules, the neglect of which can result in a deterioration in its condition - the leaves of the indoor tangerine turn yellow or fall off, it becomes lethargic, painful.

Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to find the ideal conditions for keeping a plant. This, in turn, affects his appearance- in particular, the growth of the bush slows down, the foliage fades, turns yellow and actively falls off. If the causes of the disease state of the plant are not diagnosed in a timely manner, this can lead to irreversible changes.

Causes of leaf loss

What to do if mandarin leaves dry for no apparent reason? First of all, you need to understand that for all its resistance to low temperatures, this plant is still a citrus and usually grows in fairly warm countries. If the owner wants the indoor tangerine to actively grow, bloom and bear fruit, the decorative citrus varieties bred through selection need special care.

The main reasons why decorative mandarin leaves may turn yellow and fall off:

Often, mandarin sheds foliage under the influence of several factors at once - this should be borne in mind when diagnosing the cause of the unhealthy state of the plant. To get rid of the problem, you need to make sure that proper care of the tree is being carried out at the moment. The key points of the correct content below will help determine the cause of the negative reaction.

5 ways to solve the problem

One way or another, all problems with leaves for any indoor plants provoked by unsuitable conditions of detention or diseases and pests. Let's look at the main ways to solve typical problems.

Where is the best place to put the plant?

One of the most common reasons indoor tangerines begin to shed their foliage is a lack of light. These plants constantly need the sun, therefore they should stand where there is a lot of natural light - on the windowsill, balcony or loggia, located on the eastern (southern, southeastern) side of the dwelling.

Even if the tangerine was not moved and until a certain moment it felt great in its old place, and then began to fall off sharply, it is quite possible that the level of illumination has changed. In this case, you need to choose a lighter place for the flowerpot.

Illumination can vary for a variety of reasons. For example, when rearranging furniture, or in winter time when the day is very short, the plant may lack natural light and begin shedding its leaves. To prevent this, it can be rearranged or additionally illuminated with a phytolamp.

Optimum content temperature

It is worth noting that if the leaves of a tangerine fall and what to do is not entirely clear, perhaps the reason is in the wrong room climate. For both a young and an adult plant, normal thermometer readings in the warm season should be + 20-25 degrees Celsius. If the tangerine has begun to form buds, the temperature should be reduced - best of all, if it is 20 degrees. With the onset of winter, the numbers decrease to + 5-10 degrees.

Mandarin is most often affected by two types of pests:

  • Shield
  • Spider mite.

The scabbard outwardly resembles an ordinary aphid. Moreover, it is much more dangerous. It is very simple to determine the infection with the scabbard - characteristic dark spots, over time, slimy transparent discharge is also formed.

The spider mite is quite small, and it is difficult to notice it with the naked eye, however, in the process of its vital activity, it secretes a special cobweb that settles on the foliage and contributes to its death.

Correct watering regime

One of the most important points when caring for any plant is its watering regime. For indoor tangerine, it is especially important, because this type of plant is very capricious and even with the slightest deviations from the rules of care it ceases to bloom and bear fruit.

Usually, a homemade tangerine tree is watered 1-2 times a day in the warm season and only once a week in winter - this is quite enough to provide the plant with the necessary amount of liquid. Any deviations, both up and down, are fraught with complications.

How to prepare the ground

Mandarin spends its entire life in the soil, so its selection during planting or transplanting has a decisive effect on the health of the plant. In order for it to feel comfortable, the soil must have a heterogeneous structure and consist of:

  • Sod land (about 50%)
  • Leafy land
  • Humus
  • Sand.

It is imperative to lay out drainage at the bottom of the pot. A young bush should be transplanted every year, and upon reaching the age of 7 - once every 2 years. If you do not carry out this procedure, the plant will become cramped, and it will begin to shed foliage.

In general, in order to get rid of the problem of falling foliage or its yellowing, it is necessary to take proper care of the decorative citrus, to create everything for it the necessary conditions for rapid growth and flowering.

A tropical plant that has long since turned from exotic to native - mandarin - requires even more careful care when grown at home than in its natural environment. But even with the highest quality care, many owners are perplexed why mandarin leaves fall, although they are doing everything right. To find the reason, you should study all the features of the content of citrus trees.

Homemade tangerines may begin to dry and fall off the leaves.

Causes of Mandarin Leaves Falling

In the southern regions, gardeners often grow tangerines outdoors. In most of Russia, this is impossible to do, therefore dwarf tangerine trees grow in the premises. Often their owners do not hope to harvest, but receive aesthetic pleasure from contemplation. flowering plant... But wait for this spectacle will not work if the leaves fall. The reasons for this phenomenon are not always obvious, but it is necessary to understand them in order to protect the tree from death.

Resting state

It is necessary to study the mode of life of the indoor tangerine. If leaf fall occurs in the fall, then this means that the plant is preparing for a dormant period. It lasts from late autumn to the end of winter. At this time, the daylight hours are short, the sun is not enough for citrus. It is necessary to change the conditions of his detention. First of all, the pot must be placed in a room where the average temperature is 15 ° C. The light must be added using phytolamps. You need to water less, and abandon fertilization until spring.

Improper care

Mandarin drops its leaves when it's hot. The room must be at the ideal temperature for him. If the air is dry due to the high temperature outside the window, then it should be humidified by spraying from a spray bottle at least 2 times a day. Special attention need to be given to the crown of the tree. To increase the effect, a container of water can be placed next to the pot, this will increase the humidity in the room. You can arrange a shower for a tree. The problem of dry air for tangerines is relevant not only in summer, but also in winter in highly heated rooms.

Leaves also fall off when cold winds penetrate into the room.

Another one typical mistake care - excessive watering, the plant does not have time to absorb moisture. In summer, you need to water it 1 to 2 times a day, in winter no more than 1 time a week. The crop needs liquid when the topsoil becomes dry.

Optimal light level - important condition normal development of the mandarin. The pot is best placed on an elevated place - a windowsill or balcony, which face the south or east side. Artificial lighting in the cold season is necessary for this tropical plant. Its leaves fall off when the temperature is violated. V warm time year, the average should be 25 ° C. In winter, the temperature should be 10 ° C lower.

Planting and transplanting errors can also cause leaf fall. It may be due to the tree being in a pot that is large for it. The size of the pot should be related to the parameters of the root system; when transplanting, you should treat it with care. In case of damage, treat with special agents.

You need to replant a young tangerine annually. But with a mature tree, this should not be done often. Enough once every 2 years. In a small pot, mandarin roots cannot grow.

When transplanting, the root collar should not be excessively deepened, this leads to premature leaf fall. It can also be due to improper soil composition. It should include:

  • turf, humus, sand in equal proportions;
  • there must be drainage at the bottom.

The tangerine tree sheds its leaves even with improper feeding, when it lacks certain substances. First of all, we are talking about potassium. Its deficiency can be replenished by introducing potassium nitrate. This must be done strictly according to the instructions at certain periods, so as not to cause oversaturation with potassium, which manifests itself in a white bloom on the upper layer of the earth.

Pest attack

The reason for the fallen leaves may also lie in the defeat of harmful insects - spider mites, scabbards. You can see them with a magnifying glass. Leaves do not fall off immediately. The first sign of a tick is the cobweb. The scale insect can be judged by the dark spots on the leaves. Having found pests, you should immediately get rid of them by carefully treating the leaf plates with soap, insecticides, and placing the plant under the shower.

Reproduction errors

When grafting, it is necessary to carefully choose the rootstock and the scion, it is desirable that both of them are citrus fruits, have similar characteristics. The entire grafting procedure must be carefully followed, otherwise the tree will be damaged and leaves will drop.

Restoring a mandarin with fallen leaves

Often there can be several reasons at once why the leaves of a tree fall off; they need to be eliminated in combination. You can completely bring the tree back to life if it is preserved root system... In this case, the plant must be removed from the pot and inspected. Watering is contraindicated for him. It is necessary to spray and cover with a film, creating a microclimate.

The roots of the diseased plant should be examined.

Causes of yellow leaves

Gardeners are very frightened when they notice that the leaves on a tangerine tree turn yellow. You should pay attention to this phenomenon, but do not despair, but try to help the tree.

Substance imbalance

To understand why mandarin leaves turn yellow, it is necessary to find out the level of substances contained in the plant. It needs:

  • gland, the lack of which provokes chlorosis, this is indicated yellow leaves, it can be prevented by using iron chelate;
  • nitrogen, which is applied to the soil in the form of organic and inorganic fertilizers throughout the year;
  • phosphorus, if it is not there, then not only the leaves turn yellow, but flowering does not occur;
  • zinc and manganese, the deficit of which can be compensated by regular application of a complex of fertilizers.

Mandarin leaves turn yellow even when a spider mite settles on them - a rather noticeable insect. First, the tree must be placed under a stream of warm water, then thoroughly wipe all the leaves with a solution laundry soap... You can do this procedure until the yellowness disappears.

Spider mites are visible to the naked eye

Other reasons

Mandarin leaves turn yellow if too much sunlight hits them, it is fraught with burns. This happens in most cases in the summer. Then it is necessary to put the pot in the shade, moisten the plant, increase the watering rate and ventilate the air.

Citrus diseasesto which the mandarin belongs, are to some extent specific, and to some extent characteristic of many fruit plants. In most cases, diseases of the mandarin tree are caused by microorganisms: mycoplasmas, viruses, bacteria, fungi. The consequence of their actions is various defects on trees and fruits: growths, ulcers, rot, spots, etc. They can penetrate inside the plant through the stomata of the leaf, into the wounds formed by mechanical damage, through insects, wind, when spraying or watering. The difficulty is that not all measures to combat mandarin diseases are effective, and in some cases even useless. Below we will dwell in more detail on the most typical diseases and methods of dealing with them.

The disease is caused by the pathogenic fungus Colletotrichum glocosponoides Penz, which develops in a humid environment and settles on the fruits, leaves, and branches of the plant. Infected leaves are initially covered with pale green spots that darken over time. If infestation occurs during a rainy season, the spots may be dark brown. Black dots appear at the tops of the shoots. The branches turn completely brown, then light gray, become covered with many swellings and die off. Affected flowers become covered with reddish spots and crumble. Small dark spots appear on the fruit around the pedicel, which expand and injure the skin. It becomes dark brown and softens. On fruits, the disease can appear during storage. They have bad smell and a bitter-sour taste.

it fungal disease tangerine occurs when high humidity and improper care. In order to combat it, the affected shoots are cut off and spraying with special fungicides is carried out according to the instructions. It is recommended to use the biofungicide "Fitosporin", since it is not toxic. It is added to water for irrigation also as a prevention of fungal diseases. For prevention, gardeners advise spraying tangerines with a solution of Bordeaux liquid (1%) two to three times per season.

Did you know? Mandarin grows in its natural environment for up to 70 years, increasing yields every year. Up to 800 fruits can be harvested from one tree per season.

Another disease caused by a fungus that affects the entire plant. It manifests itself at first as small yellow transparent specks on the leaves, which then transform into pinkish-gray warts. The growths that appear on young shoots grow and turn into an impressive growth, which leads to the death of the branch. When the fruit becomes infected, spots grow on them. orange which turn brown as they grow. In this case, the existing ovaries fall off. The condition for the spread of the disease is high humidity and air temperature. The fight against the disease consists in removing damaged parts of the plant, which it is advisable to burn, so that spores do not spread to environment... The plant is sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid (1%): in March, in June (after flowering) and in July.

The disease, the causative agent of which is the fungus Pythiacystis citrophthora R.E.Sm, manifests itself in the form of protruding longitudinal drops of gum on the bark of a tree. Basically, the infection affects the bark of the trunks and the main roots of the tree, without penetrating into their other layers. Over time, the bark is detached from the rest of the trunk or root. If this happens around its circumference, the branch, root or the entire trunk dies, since the circulation of the juice is disturbed. The fungus can also appear on fruits, causing brown rot.

Important! The fatal consequences of the action of this disease are reflected on the leaves only several weeks, or even months after the death of a branch or trunk.

Before treating a tangerine tree, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that caused the disease.

Some of them may include:

  • lack of potassium and phosphorus with an excess of nitrogen in the soil. In this case, the share of nitrogen and organic fertilizers decreases;
  • lack of drainage under the root system of the tree. For a couple of days, watering is completely stopped, and then resumed carefully and with great restriction;
  • too deep planting of seedlings;
  • mechanical damage, due to which wounds appeared, where the infection got.

In addition to the measures described above, it is necessary to carry out the following. Clean and disinfect the wound with a solution of copper sulfate (3%). To do this, dissolve 30 g of the product and 200 g of slaked (or 100 g of quicklime) lime in a liter of water. After that, the wound is treated with garden varnish. The procedure is repeated until the signs of the disease disappear. If this cannot be achieved, the plant is uprooted and burned.

Citrus Cancer

A disease caused by bacteria that infect the leaves and fruits of the tree. It appears as bright dark brown spots. Citrus cancer cannot be cured. The plant must be removed from the ground and destroyed.

Important! It is possible to find out exactly what pathogen a particular disease is caused by only in a laboratory. Many of the symptoms of diseases caused by both fungi and bacteria are very similar to each other. However, sometimes brown pustules, black spots or gray patches can be seen on infected surfaces - these are fungal spores. When infected with mycoplasmas and viruses, the shape of flowers, leaves, shoots changes. A mosaic pattern appears on them, paniculate stems, dwarfism are observed. At the same time, fungal and bacterial diseases are treated with fungicides, and mycoplasmic and viral treatments cannot be treated, the plant has to be destroyed.

Late blight

Most often, this fungal disease affects tangerine trees that were previously grafted onto an orange. Often manifests itself on young seedlings, which are surrounded by a brown oily spot. Usually the damaged area is cleaned and processed. copper sulfate or a similar product with more high degree actions. It is recommended to dig up the plant and check if the roots are not damaged by the disease. If the inspection is successful, the tree must be destroyed.

It is difficult to detect it, since the roots of the plant are affected. Usually, the disease manifests itself outwardly in an already advanced stage, when the leaves of the mandarin massively fall off. How to reanimate indoor tangerine in this case? Dig up the plant and examine the roots. If damaged areas are found, they are removed with a sharp disinfected instrument. All roots are treated with a rooting stimulant and the plant is transplanted into fresh, clean soil. Then the tangerine pot should be placed in the greenhouse or the leaves should be regularly wiped with a damp cloth, avoiding excessive watering. Give the plant good lighting.

Important! In most cases, mandarin leaves fall off not due to illness, but from improper care. In fact, this is how the plant reacts to stress factors: lack of light, waterlogged soil, low temperatures, etc. Wherein adult plant who is at least three years old may die. The causal abundant leaf fall can be the depletion of the mandarin when it was not sent to rest in the winter. From late October to early March, it is recommended to set a pot of tangerine for 12 hours every day at cool place (14 – 16 ° C) with lighting fluorescent lamp with a power of 20-40 watts.

The cause of the disease is a virus of the same name that infects the entire plant. As a rule, trees over 5 years old become its victims. The first signs are stopping or braking further development and a change in the color of the leaves. At first, they fade, become slightly bronze, then they acquire a yellowish tint near the veins. At the same time, more mature leaves begin to fall off at the base of the branches. After the leaves fall, the branches extending from the trunk weaken and die off. The fruits also change color and fall off early. If you dig up the plant, it turns out that the root system is very badly affected.

Important! There are varieties of mandarin that are resistant to this disease. But they are also carriers of this virus, they just do not activate it.

The disease is transmitted by insects or by budding (grafting of plants). It is not treated. It is recommended to destroy the infected tree.


A virus that can be in a plant and not develop until 10 years old. Outwardly, it is very similar to gommosis, as it damages the bark of the plant. But he is not treated.

An infectious disease that affects plants in open ground in the spring, and indoor - from autumn to spring. The first signs of the disease are the dull color of the leaves. They fall from the tree, while the stalks remain on the branches. After the leaves fall off, the shoots begin to dry out with a simultaneous change in the color of the bark. It becomes carrot or orange-red in color. Drying continues from the end of the branches to the base, and then passes to the main trunk. The disease is not amenable to treatment. The causative agent of the disease Phoma tracheiphila Petri is spread by spores that emerge from shelter in rainy weather and are carried by the wind or working tools.

Did you know? Mandarin is considered not only a dietary fruit, but also a medicinal fruit. They contain a lot of potassium, mineral salts, carotene, fats, proteins, organic acids, sugar, fiber are also found. Therefore, tangerines and fresh juice from them are recommended for people with heart disease. The peel contains a lot of essential oil, so decoctions and infusions from it are recommended for bowel disorders, nausea and other gastrointestinal diseases. Rubbing in the juice helps fight fungal infections on the skin.

Diseases caused by lack of fertilizers and micronutrients

Sometimes the external manifestations of plant ailments turn out to be signs of a lack of important trace elements in the soil.

My son gave me a purchased tangerine with small fruits. But now the flowers and leaves are crumbling, there is no ovary. How to care for tangerines? Can you eat its fruits?

Galina Kuleshova, Gomel region

Tangerines, oranges and all indoor citrus fruits are whimsical plants. It is necessary to create appropriate conditions for them. The air temperature in winter should not be higher than + 15 degrees, humidity - more than 70%.

It is difficult to maintain such conditions in apartments in winter. Therefore, citrus fruits and shed first of all flowers, ovaries and then leaves. Store plants are even more problematic. They have come a long way from where they were grown to your home. For them it is stressful situation... In addition, peat, in which purchased plants are usually planted, is not intended for long-term cultivation of not only citrus fruits, but also other indoor flowers - the number and set nutrients in it are minimal.

Mandarin Rescue Measures

Immediately transplant the tangerine into full-fledged nutrient soil. The composition is approximately as follows: 1-2 parts of sod land, 1 part of humus soil, 1 part of sand. You can also take a special soil for citrus fruits.

The pot for the tree should correspond to the volume of the root system. Citrus fruits do not like overly large dishes. It is advisable to transplant them into a large container, gradually increasing the size of the pot.

During the period of active growth (for tangerines, this is March-April) and in summer (in August), feed with complex mineral and organic fertilizers once every 2 weeks. The rest of the time - less often.

Water sparingly, avoiding stagnant water in the sump, and only after the topsoil dries. Spray frequently. Avoid drafts and cold air.

Watch out for pests (premature leaf fall can also cause severe tick damage).

Is it possible to eat fruits from indoor tangerine?

I would not recommend it. They are unlikely to be useful, since they were grown with the use of a large amount of pesticides during treatments against pests and diseases and have accumulated a lot of harmful substances... Miniature tangerine trees are kept rather for beauty.

Champagne, Olivier, tangerines are an invariable trio at the New Year's table in our country. It's funny that all these components came to us from abroad. Champagne was invented in France, while Maitre Olivier, the author of the famous salad, is of French origin, and tangerines, as you know, grow in hot countries.


Nonetheless, the overseas food has adapted well to local conditions. Crimean winemakers have mastered the production of champagne. The housewives replaced quails and capers in the salad with chicken and pickles. And delicate citrus fruits began to be grown in the northernmost subtropics of the world, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in the subtropical zone. Krasnodar Territory.

Attempts to grow citrus fruits in Georgia began in the Middle Ages. According to historical information, lemons and oranges grew in the Batumi region in the 17th century. The very first industrial plantations were established in the middle of the 19th century under the patronage of Prince M.S. Vorontsov - the governor of the tsar in the Caucasus. In the same period, scientific centers for the acclimatization of subtropical cultures were laid: the Sukhum Botanical Garden, the Kutaisi and Gagra nurseries, and a little later the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea.

Gradually, an assortment of citrus fruits was selected that could grow and give stable yields in local conditions. By the middle of the 20th century, it was Abkhaz tangerines that adorned New Year's tables in the USSR. Unfortunately, with the decay Soviet Union citrus plantations came to fall. The situation was aggravated by several harsh winters. Therefore, now we mainly eat tangerines from Morocco, Turkey, Israel.


Actually, the name "tangerine" is more of a trade name than a botanical definition. In the trade under the name of tangerines, any medium-sized citrus fruit with an orange, yellow or greenish peel is sold. Their shape can be round, flattened, with an elongated spout. Some varieties lack seeds, others have many seeds.

Strictly speaking, real tangerines grow in India and Indochina, they have small, strongly flattened fruits that do not tolerate transportation well. When grown in other countries, mandarins were crossed with local forms of citrus fruits in an effort to increase resistance to natural conditions and consumer qualities.

Tangerine, Mineola, Capamondia, Clementine, Limandrin, Kinnou, Rangpur-that's far from complete list citrus hybrids based on mandarin.

In our country, a frost-resistant form of mandarin is grown - unshiu (or unshu). This plant is notable for its low growth and early maturity. On its basis, varieties zoned for Georgia, Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory were bred: Pioner 80, Sochi 23, Kavano-Vase, Iberia, Michurinets,

Amateur gardeners are trying to grow tangerines and north of the subtropics. With some effort, tangerines can be grown outdoors even in Donetsk, Rostov and Astrakhan regions.

For cultivation, dwarf tangerines of the unshiu group are chosen, and to increase winter hardiness, they are grafted onto a wild lemon poncirus trifoliate. It is a deciduous plant and hibernates for the winter. At the same time, the evergreen scion also slows down physiological processes and tolerates winter more easily. The main tasks in these places are to protect evergreens from winter frosts and to ensure a long growing season for fruit ripening and timber formation.

Back in the mid-70s, scientists have developed many agricultural techniques. For example, as winter shelter a film with a nylon fishing net thrown over it is used. These materials rub against each other under the influence of the wind, and an electrostatic field is created, which traps the heat of the earth. Under such a strange roof in winter the temperature is 5-8 "higher than outside.

Another method that has become more widespread is growing in trenches. For planting, pits-trenches are prepared 1 m wide and about 1.5 m deep. The walls are strengthened from falling off, and supports for shelter are installed on top. It turns out something like a greenhouse-dugout. Fertile soil is placed at the bottom and seedlings are planted so that the crowns of adult plants do not rise above ground level. In autumn, as the cold weather sets in, first a film is pulled from above, and then wooden shields with windows are installed. The ends are first left open and then closed. Before full cover in the trench, throw up dung and water the plantings abundantly. In the spring, as it warms, the shelter is gradually removed.

My son gave me a purchased tangerine with small fruits. But now the flowers and leaves are crumbling, there is no ovary. How to care for tangerines? Can you eat its fruits?

Galina Kuleshova, Gomel region

Tangerines, oranges and all indoor citrus fruits are whimsical plants. It is necessary to create appropriate conditions for them. The air temperature in winter should not be higher than + 15 degrees, humidity - more than 70%.

It is difficult to maintain such conditions in apartments in winter. Therefore, citrus fruits and shed first of all flowers, ovaries and then leaves. Store plants are even more problematic. They have come a long way from where they were grown to your home. This is a stressful situation for them. In addition, peat, in which purchased plants are usually planted, is not intended for long-term cultivation of not only citrus fruits, but also other indoor flowers - the amount and set of nutrients in it are minimal.

See also: Lemon in a pot - growing and care

Mandarin Rescue Measures

Immediately transplant the tangerine into full-fledged nutrient soil. The composition is approximately as follows: 1-2 parts of sod land, 1 part of humus soil, 1 part of sand. You can also take a special soil for citrus fruits.

The pot for the tree should correspond to the volume of the root system. Citrus fruits do not like overly large dishes. It is advisable to transplant them into a large container, gradually increasing the size of the pot.

During the period of active growth (for tangerines, this is March-April) and in summer (in August), feed with complex mineral and organic fertilizers once every 2 weeks. The rest of the time - less often.

Water sparingly, avoiding stagnant water in the sump, and only after the topsoil dries. Spray frequently. Avoid drafts and cold air.

Watch out for pests (premature leaf fall can also cause severe tick damage).

Is it possible to eat fruits from indoor tangerine?

I would not recommend it. It is unlikely that they will be useful, since they were grown with the use of a large amount of pesticides during treatments against pests and diseases and have accumulated many harmful substances. Miniature tangerine trees are kept rather for beauty.

Champagne, Olivier, tangerines are an invariable trio at the New Year's table in our country. It's funny that all these components came to us from abroad. Champagne was invented in France, while Maitre Olivier, the author of the famous salad, is of French origin, and tangerines, as you know, grow in hot countries.


Nonetheless, the overseas food has adapted well to local conditions. Crimean winemakers have mastered the production of champagne. The housewives replaced quails and capers in the salad with chicken and pickles. And delicate citrus fruits began to be grown in the northernmost subtropics of the world, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in the subtropical zone of the Krasnodar Territory.

Attempts to grow citrus fruits in Georgia began in the Middle Ages. According to historical information, lemons and oranges grew in the Batumi region in the 17th century. The very first industrial plantations were founded in the middle of the 19th century under the patronage of Prince M.S.Vorontsov, the Tsar's governor in the Caucasus. In the same period, scientific centers for the acclimatization of subtropical cultures were laid: the Sukhum Botanical Garden, the Kutaisi and Gagra nurseries, and a little later the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea.

Gradually, an assortment of citrus fruits was selected that could grow and give stable yields in local conditions. By the middle of the 20th century, it was Abkhaz tangerines that decorated New Year's tables in the USSR. Unfortunately, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, citrus plantations fell into disarray. The situation was aggravated by several harsh winters. Therefore, now we mainly eat tangerines from Morocco, Turkey, Israel.


Actually, the name "tangerine" is more of a trade name than a botanical definition. In the trade under the name of tangerines, any medium-sized citrus fruit with an orange, yellow or greenish peel is sold. Their shape can be round, flattened, with an elongated spout. Some varieties lack seeds, others have many seeds.

Strictly speaking, real tangerines grow in India and Indochina, they have small, strongly flattened fruits that do not tolerate transportation well. When grown in other countries, mandarins were crossed with local forms of citrus fruits, in an effort to increase resistance to natural conditions and consumer qualities.

Tangerine, Mineola, Capamondia, Clementine, Limandrin, Kinnou, Rangpur- this is not a complete list Citrus hybrids based on mandarin.

In our country, a frost-resistant form of mandarin is grown - unshiu (or unshu). This plant is notable for its low growth and early maturity. On its basis, varieties zoned for Georgia, Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory were bred: Pioner 80, Sochi 23, Kavano-Vase, Iberia, Michurinets,

Amateur gardeners are trying to grow tangerines and north of the subtropics. With some effort, tangerines can be grown outdoors even in Donetsk, Rostov and Astrakhan regions.

For cultivation, dwarf tangerines of the unshiu group are chosen, and to increase winter hardiness, they are grafted onto a wild lemon poncirus trifoliate. It is a deciduous plant and hibernates for the winter. At the same time, the evergreen scion also slows down physiological processes and tolerates winter more easily. The main tasks in these places are to protect evergreens from winter frosts and to ensure a long growing season for fruit ripening and timber formation.

Back in the mid-70s, scientists have developed many agricultural techniques. For example, a film with a nylon fishing net thrown over it is used as a winter shelter. These materials rub against each other under the influence of the wind, and an electrostatic field is created, which traps the heat of the earth. Under such a strange roof in winter, temperatures are 5-8 ″ higher than outside.

Another method that has become more widespread is growing in trenches. For planting, pits-trenches are prepared 1 m wide and about 1.5 m deep. The walls are strengthened from falling off, and supports for shelter are installed on top. It turns out something like a greenhouse-dugout. Fertile soil is placed at the bottom and seedlings are planted so that the crowns of adult plants do not rise above ground level. In autumn, as the cold weather sets in, first a film is pulled from above, and then wooden shields with windows are installed. The ends are first left open and then closed. Before full cover in the trench, throw up dung and water the plantings abundantly. In the spring, as it warms, the shelter is gradually removed.

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    Garden and cottage ›FAQ› If a mandarin has flowers and leaves falling

    The leaves of the indoor tangerine fall; causes and treatment

    During the dormant period, foliage curls and falls.

    It must be said right away that the leaves of a room tangerine fall off quite often, and this does not always indicate a disease. The most common cause of leaf drop is when the plant has entered dormancy. What can be done to stop the leaves from falling off? It is necessary to move the tree to a room where the temperature is cooler, and also to reduce watering and stop applying fertilizers, and if they apply, then in small quantities. This period usually begins late autumn and ends in late winter or in early spring... Those people who have had an indoor tangerine in the house for several years already know its "habits", and therefore they already take the tree to a cool place in advance and avoid too many leaves falling off.

    Leaves can fall off for the most commonplace reason that every grower should know about: the plant is simply hot, the air in the room is dry. If it is not possible to move the plant to a colder place, then you need to spray the leaves and crown of the plant from a spray bottle every day, or preferably several times a day, in order to create additional humidification of the air. Next to the pot or tub where the tree sits, you need to put a basin or bottle of water. The water will evaporate, which will create additional moisture in the air. The soil in the pot should not be allowed to dry out. Usually, such a period, when the air is too dry and the plant needs additional care, occurs in summer and heating season in winter.

    Diseases of tangerine why do tangerines turn yellow, dry or fall off the leaves

    Another reason why the mandarin turns yellow may be an invasion spider mite... The pest infects the leaf blade and sucks out the sap from the plant, which leads to yellowing and leaf fall. In order to see the spider mite, you should use a magnifying glass. In the presence of this pest, you need to wipe the plant with soapy water.

    To prepare it, add a small amount of laundry soap to warm water, make a thick foam, then use a cloth or cotton swab to wipe the leaves and stems of citrus with foam. Thus, the tick and its oviposition are removed.

    It is recommended to rinse the wood under the shower before processing. After this procedure, most of the insect will be washed off. The next day after the soap treatment, the soap residues are washed off under the shower. After 2-3 days, re-treatment is carried out. For the complete destruction of the spider mite, it is necessary to carry out 3 treatments of the tree with soapy water. The place where the stricken tangerine stood is thoroughly washed.

    Mandarin leaves dry

    Sometimes it happens that the leaves of a tangerine dry, after which they crumble. If a dry brown crust forms at the edges of the leaf plate, the cause is excess moisture in the soil. In this case, the tree should be transplanted into fresh, air-permeable soil with a predominance of leafy soil and good drainage. If rotten roots are found during transplanting, they must be removed.

    Citrus leaves often dry out due to lack of moisture. You can reanimate a diseased plant as follows. Put the pot in a bowl of water room temperature to keep the water level with the edge of the pot. After that, you need to start watering the ground from above. When the soil is completely wet and stops bubbling, drain off excess water. Then spray the tree with Epin at the rate of 1 ml per 2 liters of water. Spraying is carried out 2 times a week. This method will allow you to reanimate even a heavily dried plant.

    Many mandarin diseases develop due to improper care and a lack of trace elements in the soil. To grow a healthy fruit-bearing tree, it is important to keep this tropical culture in its usual conditions, monitor the slightest external changes and take timely measures to eliminate diseases.

    Mandarin leaves fall and fruit why

    Citrus fruits, when conditions change, often respond to this by dropping leaves and fruits; after adaptation and with proper care, this stops. Analyze the conditions of the tangerine for detection possible mistakes in care. Mandarin is light-requiring, but requires shading from the hot midday sun. Water the tangerine regularly throughout the year, but in moderation, allowing the topsoil to dry slightly before the next watering. Excessive watering leads to acidification of the soil (especially when poor drainage) and the death of roots, and a lack of moisture leads to twisting and falling of leaves. Mandarin does not like drafts, therefore, when taken out into the fresh air in summer, it is placed in a place protected from the wind. If there is no opportunity to arrange a "vacation in the garden" for the plant, then the tangerine standing in the room is provided with a constant flow fresh air, regularly spray the crown with water at room temperature.
    Do not fertilize the plant until the “leaf fall” stops. To maintain immunity, carry out a cycle of spraying the tree with preparations-bioregulators of growth ("Epin", Epin-extra "," Zircon ").

    Ziborova E. Yu.

    All About Citrus on the Gardenia website. ru

    All about exotics on the Gardenia website. ru

    Mandarin care rules, problems of growing pests and measures to combat them, as well as useful healing

    Root family... The most famous is the Unshiu mandarin (seedless). Plants have corrugated leathery leaves. The Unshiu mandarin does not have a distinct dormant period. Leaves falling during the year are replaced by newly formed leaves. Mandarin is propagated by grafting and air layers, very rarely by seeds, since its fruits almost do not have them.

    Mandarin - perennial woody Evergreen reaching in indoor conditions height 1 m, with a well-leafy compact crown. Leaves are dark green, leathery, lanceolate. Flowers with a delicate wonderful scent, white appear in the spring. Mandarins ripen by autumn and can hang on the plant for several months. One tangerine tree can grow up to 50 - 70 fruits.

    Care rules behind the plant:

    Temperature: Tangerines are light and warm. Budding, flowering and fruit setting are best achieved when average temperature air and soil + 15-18 ° C.

    Lighting: Bright, diffused light. It will be good near the east and west windows, as well as on the north window. Shading from direct sun is needed in spring and summer during the hottest hours.

    Watering: In summer and spring, abundantly 1-2 times a day warm water, in winter watering is rare and moderate - 1-2 times a week and also with warm water. However, even in winter, the earthen coma should not be allowed to dry out, as this leads to curling of the leaves and the loss of not only leaves, but also fruits. On the other hand, one should not forget that plants die from excess moisture. Beginning in October, watering is reduced.

    Air humidity: Mandarins are regularly sprayed in summer period, but if they are kept in a room with central heating, then sprayed in winter. When kept indoors with dry air, oranges are attacked by pests (ticks and scale insects).

    Transfer: Young trees should be replanted annually. The transplant should not be carried out if the roots of the plant have not yet braided an earthen ball. In this case, it is enough to change the drainage and top soil layers in the pot. Fruiting trees are transplanted no more than once every 2-3 years. Transplanted before the start of growth. At the end of the growth of the plants, it is not recommended to replant. When transplanting, you should not severely destroy the earthen lump. It is necessary to provide good drainage... The root collar in the new dish should be at the same level as in the old dish. It is not recommended to transplant tangerine trees with flowers or fruits, as this leads to the falling off of both. The soil for young plants needs light, and for large ones it is heavier. The acidity of the soil for citrus fruits should be pH = 6.5-7.

    The soil for young tangerines: 2 parts of turf, 1 part of leafy soil, 1 part of humus from cow dung and 1 part sand.

    Soil for adult tangerines: 3 parts turf, 1 part leaf, 1 part humus from cow dung, 1 part sand and a small amount of oily clay.

    Fertilizer tangerines: In the first half of summer, fertilizing watering is used. It increases the sugar content of the fruit and reduces the bitter taste that is characteristic of citrus fruits at room culture. The plant needs more fertilization, the older it is and the longer it is in the same container. Fertilizers are applied after watering. With additional artificial lighting, tangerines in winter also need to be fertilized. Organic fertilizers (slurry from cow dung) and combined fertilizers are recommended for tangerines. mineral fertilizers, v flower shops you can also buy special fertilizers for citrus fruits.

    Reproduction: Reproduction of tangerines, as well as lemons, is usually carried out by grafting, cuttings, layering and seeds. Under indoor conditions, the most common way to propagate citrus fruits is cuttings, but in order to get orange varieties fully adapted to room culture, you need to remove them from a seed sown in a room and grow them indoors.

    Growing problems:

    • New the leaves are getting smaller Old turn yellow and fall off, there is no flowering, the fruits are not tied- the plant lacks nutrients, it needs to be transplanted into nutrient soil.
    • On the leaves appear Yellow specks Or the edges of the leaves turn yellow, the leaves fall prematurely- with excessive watering, watering should be moderate, that is, the soil should have time to dry out. Also, with irregular watering, when watered more, then very little.
    • Dry shriveled leavessunburn, damage by pests.
    • Sudden Falling leaves- waterlogging of the soil, lack of light in winter, watering cold water, low indoor temperatures in winter, excess nutrients in the soil, or cold drafts.

    Good results in such cases are obtained by spraying with a solution of Epin, Narcissus, Immunocytophyte


    Shield: brown plaques on the surface of leaves and stems, sucking out cell sap. Leaves lose color, dry out and fall off. The buds and flowers dry up, the fruits crumble.

    Control measures... It is difficult to mechanically remove scale insects from a large tree, so you need to spray it with insecticide as thoroughly as possible. Good results are obtained with 0.15% actellik solution (1-2 ml per liter of water); karbofos or decisse can be used.

    Spider mite: appears when the air is too dry - a cobweb appears in the internodes on the stems, the leaves and buds become lethargic and fall off. The fruits are crumbling.

    Control measures... The plant is washed with soapy water, and after it dries, it is washed under a warm shower. If the defeat is not strong, then this is enough. In case of very severe damage, tangerine can be sprayed with 0.15% actellic solution (1-2 ml per liter of water).

    Useful, healthy and tasty: Fruit rind has essential oil, the flavonoid hesperidin. Mandarin fruits are an excellent dietary product. They contain sugar, organic acids, proteins, fats, fiber, carotene, mineral salts, especially a lot of potassium, as their beneficial cardiac patients do. For therapeutic purposes, fresh pulp and freshly prepared juice will be adopted. Infusions and decoctions from the peel of tangerines can be used for coughing, in the form of an expectorant. Tangerines can be very useful for gastrointestinal diseases, especially with a predisposition to intestinal disorders. They can be used for nausea and digestion. Topical use of the juice can help fight fungal skin diseases.

    Mandarin is also used in cooking, as it is wonderful in its taste and useful qualities a fruit that is pleasant to eat both fresh and in the form of jam, jam, to drink in the form of a tincture, liqueur, etc.

    Tangerine peel decoction will soften cough, 1 s. L. Pour the crushed dry peel with a glass of boiling water, insist under a lid in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool, strain. Take no l / 4 - 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.

    Mandarin Jam

    Blanch whole mandarins (with peels) in water for 15 minutes at 90 ° C. Next, the fruits are cooled and kept in cold water within 10 - 12 hours. After cooling, cut into halves and pour hot syrup. It is kept in it for 6-8 hours. Jam is brewed in 4 steps. Sugar consumption per 1 kg of tangerines - 1.2 kg.

    The article used materials: iplants. ru, www. domflowers. ru