Deformation of cucumbers in the greenhouse. The shape of cucumbers with a lack of fertilizers: we determine what substances the plant needs

Do you like crunchy and fresh cucumbers? Then learn how to grow them properly. It only seems at first glance that everything is simple. In fact, you need to devote a lot of time to them before harvesting. The most frequently asked question of novice gardeners: "Why do crochet cucumbers grow?" We will tell you about this and not only in this article.


There are several main reasons that affect the formation of fancy cucumbers. Before you learn how to deal with this, you need to know why this is happening. Here's a detailed list:

  1. Choose the right vegetable seeds. It is not recommended to grow different types of cucumbers on the same bed, for example, parthenocarpic and bee-pollinated.
  2. If you want to plant both species, then do it in different beds and under individual shelter.
  3. Severe drought. If you are wondering why crochet cucumbers are growing, then you are watering your vegetables incorrectly. When the soil is not wetted, the cucumbers lose their shape and hooks begin to form.
  4. To answer the question of why crochet cucumbers grow, remember how and with what you feed them.
  5. If, for unknown reasons, the shape of the cucumbers is not corrected, remove such fruits from the garden. They take away extra strength from the plant.
  6. Experts do not recommend planting cucumbers too often. Because of this, they can lose their shape and taste spoiled.
  7. Lack of heat reduces the quality of the crop. In this regard, do not rush to clean the shelter ahead of schedule.

We have figured out why crochet cucumbers grow. Now it is worth paying attention to the prevention and treatment of plants.


To make you happy with the harvest, use the advice of experts. They, like no one else, know everything about cucumbers.

Advice 1. Thorough watering. Moisten the soil in the morning until ovaries form. When the first cucumbers appear, water in the evening.

Advice 2. While the leaves are growing at the vegetable, it is necessary to fertilize it with phosphorus. During flowering and the appearance of the first cucumbers, feed with potassium and nitrogen. Important! All fertilizers must be applied strictly on demand. To do this, watch the appearance of the leaves and the fruits themselves.

Tip 3. Do not fertilize cucumbers in cold weather. There will be no sense from this, but there is plenty of harm.

Tip 4. For better growth of cucumbers, you can plant cabbage between them.

Cucumbers can grow poorly not only outdoors. Under cover, if the necessary conditions are not created, the plant does not develop well. Let's answer the next question: "Why do cucumbers crochet in a greenhouse?"

Under the hood

If ugly cucumbers appear in the greenhouse, then the same reasons apply here as in the open field. Gardeners should pay special attention to the soil. It must be fertilized with potassium. The problems don't end there. Let's consider the main ones:

  1. Do not plant self-pollinated varieties with others in the same greenhouse. If there is no room, then insulate them from each other with gauze.
  2. Water vegetables in the greenhouse only with water that has settled in the sun.
  3. If the nights are still cold, it is necessary to heat the cucumber greenhouse. To do this, use plastic bottles filled with hot water or stationary heaters.

If you follow the instructions, then you no longer have to study the question of why crocheted cucumbers grow. The correctness of the form may depend on the neighborhood. You can plant corn next to the cucumbers in the greenhouse. It not only has a beneficial effect on the plant, but will also serve as a support for it.


The hooked shape is not the only problem with cucumbers. On top of that, you will get an unpleasant bitter taste. All this directly depends on the correct care. In particular, if you don't water it thoroughly, the plant will dry out and taste bad. Remember! When it's hot outside, each cucumber root consumes 4 liters of liquid per day. Accordingly, you must replenish soil reserves.

Now you know why crocheted cucumbers grow. You just have to learn how to properly care for them.


A rich and high-quality harvest depends only on you. Using the knowledge of why crocheting cucumbers and what to do with this problem, you will get delicious fruits to your delight and the envy of your neighbors.

Kirill Sysoev

Callous hands do not know boredom!


Every farmer wants to get a presentable harvest, because the buyer primarily focuses on external parameters. Problems often arise with cucumbers, especially if they are grown in greenhouse conditions - vegetables are curled. This does not affect the taste, but consumers try to bypass the deformed product.

Why do cucumbers curl in a greenhouse

The first fruits almost always have a beautiful shape - they are even and small. Why then do cucumbers crochet in a greenhouse? This is due to poor conditions of detention, features of the neighborhood and specific varieties. Some nuances of the fruit twisting process:

  • The totality of many phenomena affects the condition of the fetus. Since the microclimate in the greenhouse is maintained artificially, a person can easily make a mistake, forming optimal indicators. The method of disembarkation also affects the process.
  • A cucumber loses its normal shape if it lacks nutrients, light and warm water. Because of this, it slows down its growth, the skin becomes denser, not enough liquid is retained in the pulp and the fruit begins to curl.
  • If the cucumber is pear-shaped (thickens in the place where the flower was), it lacks potassium. The reverse form of "pot-belliedness" indicates a deficiency of nitrogen, sunlight and watering.

Why crooked cucumbers grow with an unsuccessful neighborhood

It depends on the neighboring plants how beautiful and generous the harvest will be. Why do cucumbers crochet in a greenhouse and how do nearby crops affect the shape of green fruits? The reason for the failure is as follows: the proximity of varieties of different types of pollination. Do not cultivate close to each other plants pollinated by bees and parthenocarpic varieties (self-pollinated - hybrids). If they are not isolated from each other, then there is a high probability of getting a crop of crooked cucumbers.

What to do? Close off the greenhouse for pollinating insects. Cover crops with gauze when leaving them outdoors. It is better if cucumbers of different varieties grow in different ends of the garden or greenhouse. The least crooked fruits are obtained from such hybrids:

  • Othello;
  • Octopus;
  • Paratunka;
  • Twixie.

Only 5% of these varieties of cucumbers are curled. Fruiting "Pasamonte", "Pasadena" is not so successful, since about 30% of the fruits are crooked. Poor performance of "Santana", "Prima Donna", "Talisman", "Emelya" - closer to autumn, almost half of the crop has an irregular shape. The situation is even worse with the varieties "Prestige", "Champion", "Buyana", "Patti": almost all of these cucumbers grow poorly and have a crooked shape by the end of summer.

Why cucumbers are deformed when agricultural technology is violated

The reason for the formation of irregular fruits is a lack of potassium. Nitrogen, phosphorus and organic fertilizers are often applied with interest, and potassium-containing dressings are forgotten. Remember a simple rule: while the plant is in the growing season (not bearing fruit), fertilize the crop with phosphorus. During flowering and fruit formation, the cucumbers should be fed with nitrogen and potassium. Observe the required proportions and feeding technology.

Why do cucumbers crochet in a greenhouse and how to fix it? Watering with cold water also leads to deformation of the fruit. The liquid must be kept in the sun, then the harvest will be even. The second point that concerns watering - you need to carry out the procedure in the morning and add water in sufficient quantities. If the soil stays dry for a long time, then the growth of cucumbers will slow down, the fruits will harden and deform.

In order for the cultivation of this crop to give positive results, it is necessary to properly care for the soil. Dense soil with a crust on the surface prevents normal air exchange. Use a hoe or a toothed tool to loosen the soil before sowing. Then you should do it very carefully or completely abandon the procedure - there is a risk of damaging the root system. To prevent the formation of an earthen crust, the soil is mulched - the soil surface is covered with peat and humus.

Without exception, all gardeners had to deal with such a problem as crooked cucumbers. How to feed so that the greens do not grow bent from now on? First of all, potash dressings. However, the lack of nutrients may not necessarily be the cause of crooked cucumbers.

About such a common problem as gnarled cucumbers, we propose to talk today.

Why do cucumbers grow crooked? Main reasons

Lack of elements, mainly potassium

Potassium is a macronutrient responsible for the formation of fruits, be it cucumber, raspberry or carrot. The complex fertilizers that you apply (if you apply) when planting, such a powerful plant consumes even before the formation of fruits, and at the time of filling the greens it requires new, shock doses of potassium. There is nowhere to take them to a cucumber, except from dressings.

These are the greens that grow with a lack of potassium

With potassium starvation, cucumbers most often have a narrow "bottom" and a wide lower part, where there was a flower. But this is not a mandatory indicator - it may simply be severe twisting or other deformation. Also, the lack of this element will be indicated by a yellow border along the edge of the leaves. It is curious that the lack of potassium in tomatoes is manifested in a violation of pigmentation: it slowly ripens near the "bottom", sometimes in spots, unevenly. If there are such tomatoes on your site, at the same time feed them with potash fertilizers.

Lack of potassium appears on the leaves of cucumbers with a yellow border

Cucumbers lack potassium: how to feed?

-root top dressing - ash... Yes, ordinary ash, and preferably herbal, obtained after burning grasses and weeds. There is more calcium in wood ash, which also does not harm, but in this case it will be slightly off. Moderately lazy gardeners can simply close up the ash in the root zone of the plant, but it will be more useless, there is to prepare the so-called. mother liquor. A bucket of water is added to one and a half liter cans of ash, they insist for several days and a concentrate is obtained. One liter of such an ash concentrate is again diluted with a bucket of water and a gorgeous potash dressing is obtained. Potassium sulfate is also sold in stores - half a liter of solution (3-4 tablespoons per bucket of water) under each bush will help fix the problem.

- foliar feeding."Align" the cucumbers will turn out faster if, in addition to the root, foliar feeding is also carried out. You can take the same ash solution or potassium sulfate, but in a concentration that is two times lower. In cold, gloomy weather, foliar feeding should be preferred.

However, if you have calculated that squiggling cucumbers grow precisely because of a lack of potassium, it is not a fact that there is little potassium in the soil. At low temperatures, as well as temperatures over 30-35 ° C, potassium is simply not assimilated by plants. Therefore, in the heat, the greenhouses are regularly ventilated, the roofs are whitened, and in the cold season, on the contrary, barrels of water are installed, which collect heat during the day and give it back at night. For open field cucumbers in cold weather, you can build a mini-greenhouse.

Crop rotation plays a significant role here. Naturally, after pumpkin cucumbers should not be planted. But even after strawberries, eggplants, tomatoes and other crops that need high doses of potassium, the cucumber will be uncomfortable. Therefore, fertilize the plants not only when the cucumbers are curled up, but regularly. Fertilizers for cucumbers are given every one and a half to two weeks during watering or after rain, alternately using either organic matter or mineral fertilizers. And since the seedlings of cucumbers are planted rather late, you can easily manage to enrich the soil with siderates - for example, oats, the most "potash" of green fertilizers.

But if the plant itself is pale, and the fruits - with a wide "bottom" and a narrow end where the flower was, - the cucumbers lack nitrogen. In this case, it is best to fertilize with chicken droppings or herbal infusions - this is where the real cocktail of organics and microelements is.

Nitrogen-deficient cucumbers

Other reasons why cucumbers grow uneven:

- Improper watering ... Due to the rare watering of cucumbers, when the ground remains dry for a long period, the cucumbers are arched.

Cucumber not getting enough moisture

And if you water the cucumbers with cold water, or when a rather cold night comes to replace the still warm day, the cucumbers get a kind of screeds in the middle, the greens take the form of a crooked barrel. Do not forget to mulch the soil - this will preserve moisture and smooth out the temperature difference.

- Unsuitable variety ... It happens that cucumbers do not have the opportunity to develop normally due to the fact that the length of daylight hours does not suit them. You need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging

- Remove ripe cucumbers regularly ... The presence of overgrowths on the lash, especially the yellow ones, gives the command "stop" to the development of further fruits, the supply of nutrients is disrupted, and you are provided with crochet cucumbers. If you can't regularly visit the dacha, cut off the harvest at the gherkin stage, from 4 cm.

As you have seen, the main reason why cucumbers grow curves is a bias in mineral nutrition, a lack of certain elements. Therefore, you need to feed the cucumbers from the very beginning of their growing season, using both mineral and organic dressings. And proper watering and smoothing of night temperatures will reduce the possibility of the appearance of gnarled cucumbers to zero.

I buy seeds of cucumber hybrids in the store, take care of them according to the recommendation, and collect a small crop in the greenhouse. Flowers and ovaries crumble, during the day the plants wither, cucumbers grow ugly. Why is this happening?

This is because you are doing something wrong when growing cucumbers. Let's take a look at the possible mistakes.

1. You grow bee-eaten hybrids, and bees do not fly into the greenhouse because of the high temperature.

2. It was very hot in the greenhouse and the cucumbers were poorly pollinated. Flowers crumble from dry air and soil, and you hardly used additional pollination. By the way, in parthenocarpic hybrids (self-pollinating), the fall of some of the flowers is normal, since the plants are not able to feed all the fruits.

3. If the cucumber plants wither during the day, then the humidity in the greenhouse is insufficient. I recommend watering the soil abundantly and placing a container of water without covering it with a lid.

4. The reason for the growth of twisted, ugly fruits can also be a very high temperature (above 32 degrees). As well as dry soil and irregular watering. Due to a lack of moisture, plants are poorly pollinated, and irregular fruits are formed.

5. Lack of nutrients in the soil, which is often observed towards the end of fruiting, - feeding has already ended, all nutrients are used up, and the ovaries continue to form, as a result, cucumbers are not pleasing with beauty. On the last point I will hold your attention, I think it will be useful for other summer residents. If the cucumbers are pear-shaped, the plants require potassium fertilization, use potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). To help them get this fertilizer faster, sprinkle the nutrient solution over the leaves in the evening.

Cucumbers are similar in shape to carrots (pointed at the end, closer to the place where the flower was), which means that the plants need to be fed with nitrogen. You can water with diluted mullein (1:10), poultry droppings (1:20), or use ready-made organic fertilizer BIUD at a dilution of 1:20. It is good to water the soil with fermented grass or urea (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water).


In the greenhouse, cucumbers had a lot of flowers, but they dried up and crumbled. He watered the cucumbers well. What is the reason?

Apparently, you grow bee-pollinated cucumbers in the greenhouse, and the bees do not want to fly into the greenhouse, as there is high humidity and their wings get wet. To attract bees, you can put a bunch of flowering onions, dandelion, oregano, borago (cucumber grass) near the cucumbers.

I spray the plants with honey or sugar solution (less often). Moreover, it is necessary to spray, and not pour the honey solution into a saucer: the bees will take everything for
cucumber flowers will not sit down, so pollination will not occur.

If this does not help, I advise you to work for the bees, that is, to carry out manual pollination. To do this, pick a male flower (it is larger and without an ovary), cut off the petals and with the anthers of the stamens, touch the stigma of the female flower (with an ovary) several times. It is better to do this before 12 o'clock. If after a few days the ovaries of the pollinated plants begin to grow, then the operation was successful. Otherwise, you will have to repeat it. Troubled? Yes, but the harvest is more expensive. Grow parthenocarpic cucumbers in the greenhouse next year, they pollinate themselves without bees.


We work and visit the site once a week, and the cucumbers need to be watered more often. Advise what to do.

The leaves on cucumbers are very large and evaporate a lot, so they need to be watered every other day or two. With a rare visit to the dacha, I advise you to put buckets or other containers with water to increase the humidity in a cucumber bed under a film or in a greenhouse, then the cucumbers can be watered less often. At the same time, do not forget to open the ends on the bed under the film, and in the greenhouse - the door so that the plants do not overheat.

You can fill plastic bottles with water, make several punctures in the lid and immerse them in the soil. To prevent the holes from clogging up with earth, place the bottle in a hole filled with coarse sand or fine gravel.

I also saw how some summer residents took plastic bags, filled them with water and tied them tightly. Then a hole was made on the side and the bags were placed near the plants. Water, slowly seeping into the ground, moisturizes it, it turns out a kind of drip irrigation. In addition, the water in the bag is always heated and warm. A weak nutrient solution for plant nutrition can also be poured there, if necessary. It is also attractive that with this method of irrigation, the holes are not clogged with earth.

Bitter from heat and dryness

Why are cucumbers bitter? I take care of them, buy varietal seeds in the store.

Some older varieties have inherent bitterness in the fruit. And yet more often the degree of bitterness of cucumbers depends on the weather and growing conditions. High temperatures, bright sunlight with low watering, lack of moisture in the air contribute to the accumulation of bitterness. So, in unusually hot and dry weather in the Moscow region, even a very tasty hybrid Zazul tasted bitter. After the heat subsided, the cucumbers that appeared were all without bitterness, sweet. By the way, such bitterness is harmless to the body, and if you don't like it, then peel the fruits, starting from the flower to the tail, so that the knife does not smear the bitterness all over the cucumber.


Why do some cucumber plants wither during the daytime even though I water them well?

Sometimes plants wither during the day due to surface watering of the soil: water does not get to the bulk of the roots. It is better to water in 2-3 doses or to make vertical punctures in the soil with a pitchfork.

If everything is in order in this respect, then the cucumbers could get sick with root rot. See if all the plants are withering. If not all, but only 1-2, then the likelihood of the disease is high. Sick plants first lag behind in growth, then wither during the day, and recover at night. As the disease progresses, they stand at night with leaflets drooping, as if wilted. Root rot affects both seedlings and adult plants in open ground, under a film and in a greenhouse. First, the tip of the root dies off, the root collar turns brown, then the stem becomes thinner, and the plant, poorly attached, falls. Even fruiting bushes get sick - cucumbers fall off them.

If you shake off the soil from the stem to the roots of a diseased plant, you will notice that the roots are yellow-dark with cracks, and the stem is rotten. The spread of the disease is facilitated by irrigation with cold water, sharp temperature fluctuations, growing cucumbers on heavy clay soil, deepening the plantings and applying manure.

It is no longer possible to save such cucumbers. When 1-2 plants are sick, you need to dig them out with the roots, remove the soil from the holes by 10 cm, replace with a new one. If the cucumbers grew in a greenhouse, you will have to disinfect it, it is better to do this in the fall. Insist 400 g of bleach in a bucket of water for 3-4 hours, then drain the liquid and spray it over all overlaps, film (or glass), and use the sediment to coat the cracks. The soil can be coated with dry bleach and covered with a rake.


How to improve the flowering and fruiting of cucumbers in the greenhouse?

During flowering, plants can be sprayed with boric acid (1/4 teaspoon per 10 liters of water). You can spray with growth substances, for example, an ideal (a cap of liquid per 1 liter of water), gumi (10 drops per 1 liter of water) or biostimulants, for example, an ovary (2 g per 1 liter of water). Good results are obtained by spraying with epin (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water).

Processing is carried out twice: at the very beginning of flowering and during the period of maximum appearance of flowers. These drugs are especially effective in cool weather.


What are parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids, how do they differ from common varieties?

There are two types of cucumbers. Bee-pollinated, in which, for fruit setting, pollination of flowers by bees, bumblebees and other insects is required. Both male and female flowers are laid on such plants, and there are always more male flowers (without ovary), their stamens have pollen for pollination of the female flower. For example, such famous cucumbers as Muromsky, Nezhinsky are bee-fed.

In contrast, parthenocarpic cucumbers, also called self-fertile, form fruits on their own, without insect pollination, so they do not have male flowers.

Those who come to the garden plot only on weekends are better off growing parthenocarpic hybrids. For those who constantly live in the country, you can plant bee-pollinated cucumbers. In this case, the door to the greenhouse or the film in the garden bed must be opened in the morning so that bees and other insects can fly in for pollination. Keep your greenhouse closed at night, however, as cucumbers love warmth.


How to extend the supply of fresh cucumbers in late summer - early autumn?

In mid-August, when the temperature drops, especially at night, the harvest falls, diseases may occur, and you can forget about cucumbers. To prevent this from happening, the plants must be covered. Warm the film stretched on arcs by throwing in a second film or non-woven material.

With the onset of a cold snap, the absorption of nutrients by plants is reduced, therefore, for active growth of fruits, instead of root feeding, go to foliar with small doses of fertilizer - spray on the leaves.

At the end of the season, reduce the number and amount of waterings. In this case, be sure to water in the first half of the day. Grow parthenocarpic hybrids for less of a hassle.

All housewives know that even cucumbers are better suited for preservation. But often you come across irregular cucumbers. Where do pear-shaped or crocheted cucumbers come from? Such cucumbers are suitable only for salads and pickles in barrels, but such cucumbers are not suitable for pickling in a jar - it takes up a lot of space.

Why do cucumbers grow crooked?

It is based on a violation of the rules of cultivation agrotechnology. Namely:

1. Incorrect planting of cucumbers

It is impossible to grow bee-pollinated varieties and parthenocarpic varieties nearby. It is recommended to plant cucumbers in the ground according to the type: bee-pollinated near honey plants, parthenocarpic - can be planted in places where bees are less common.

What to do if the cucumbers are crooked (growing recommendations):

Parthenocarpic cucumber varieties are best grown in greenhouses made of non-woven fabric. Such a device will protect the plant from cold snap or heat, and will help nourish the soil during rains. Meanwhile, the cucumbers will set the fruit and ripen;

It must be remembered that the best predecessors for cucumbers are cabbage, tomatoes, corn, beets and peas;

Plant seedlings with cucumbers in the same place as before;

Plant accompanying plants next to cucumbers: beans, lupines, raspberries. These plants enrich the soil with nitrogen;

Basil, cucumber herb, and tomatoes all produce saponin. Saponin promotes vigorous plant growth and development.

2. Lack of micronutrients

Plants often lack micronutrients. During the growing season, if you save on feeding, there may be a deficiency in trace elements such as potassium and nitrogen. This is the main reason for the appearance of curvature of cucumbers.

- Lack of potassium

By the middle of summer, potassium reserves in the soil are depleted. When the temperature changes, potassium is poorly absorbed by plants - the cucumbers turn yellow and take on the shape of a pear. The leaves brighten, become stained and curl.

How to deal with the problem?

We will correct the situation by processing the plant. The options are:

A solution of potassium salt (30 g of salt per 10 liters of water);

Sprinkle with water and sprinkle the soil with potassium sulfate (50 g per 1 sq. M.);

Water the plant with ash water - 1 liter per bush (0.5 kg of ash or 10 liters of water).

- Lack of nitrogen

Cucumbers brighten and taper on one side. The plant is stunted. The stem becomes thinner and stiff. Leaves stop growing.

How to feed?

The options are:

Spray with a solution of urea (5 g per 1 liter of water);

Sprinkle the bed with ammonium nitrate (30 g per 1 sq. M);

Water the plants with a solution of ammonium nitrate (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water);

Drizzle with mullein solution (1:10);

Drizzle with herbal infusion (tops from the garden).

It is important to remember - with an excess of nitrogen, the ovary can crumble!

- Lack of a general complex of trace elements

In the case of acquiring a bizarre cucumber, we can talk about a lack of a complex of microelements in the plant. How to fix:

Leave it as it is and enjoy the harvest of the fancy cucumber shape;

Treat the plant with a solution of nitroammophoska and water (25 g per 1 liter of water). Repeat after a week.

3. Watering errors

Cucumbers are extremely sensitive when watering to changes in water temperature.

After the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to loosen the soil and water;

When ovaries appear, the ground under the cucumbers should be watered every 2 to 3 days;

Acceptable water temperature for watering cucumbers is from +23 to +28 degrees;

When the soil is overdried, the fruits grow in "hooks", so it should be watered regularly;

Mulching the soil should be taken as a rule, this will prevent the formation of a soil crust after watering and create a moisture reserve for plants;

Drip irrigation is the best device for high-quality watering of cucumbers. The main advantage is root watering.

4. Temperature drop

By the end of the season, the cucumbers take on a "narrow-waisted" shape. This is due to the fact that it is still hot in summer and already cool at night. In this case, you should cover the cucumbers overnight (for example, with agrofibre).

5. Improper pollination of cucumbers

The cucumber has a hooked shape with an uneven color, lightening towards the flower.

Optimally, it is to acquire seeds of parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids;

For prevention, carry out artificial pollination;

In case of missing the point, you can try to treat with boric acid (3 g per 1 liter of water).