Wage rates in construction. Formation of the basic part of remuneration: wage scale or grades

Any enterprise, regardless of the form of management, pays for the labor of its employees differently, as indicated in the staffing table, but the ratio of the salaries of employees at the enterprise is fixed in the wage scale.

This is one way to calculate wages at the enterprise, which is formed on the basis of local or legislative acts, it is she who determines the coefficient for multiplying the minimum wage, depending on the qualifications of a specialist and other related ones.

When forming the tariff schedule, the following is taken into account:

  • The intensity of the work load;
  • Harmful and hazardous production;
  • The duration of the employee's working time and length of service in one position;
  • Branch of production, since each type of production uses its own coefficients;
  • Employee qualifications;
  • Features of climatic conditions.

Important: the rate scale is always based on the cost of an employee's hour of work.

The volume of work performed by him per shift can be taken into account, while it is subsequently still broken down by the number of hours per shift or working day. This leads to the calculation of the employee's hourly rate in any production.

The differences between the tariff system and are discussed in this video:

Important: rates and salary increases may not depend on categories. The tariff scale is formed according to the categories, usually 6 categories are used in its formation, such a system is used mainly for budgetary institutions.

If the enterprise is engaged in production and a rather complex is used large quantity categories up to 23, but the same coefficients are applied as in the budgetary sphere.

The size of the salary of each employee depends on the coefficients used.

Application of the tariff scale in organizations

Remuneration for labor in production is formed in accordance with the legislation of Art. 143 - 145 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and when using tariff and qualification reference books.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation Article 143. Tariff wage systems

Tariff systems of remuneration of labor - systems of remuneration based on the tariff system for differentiating the wages of workers of various categories.
The tariff system for differentiating the wages of workers of various categories includes: tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), a tariff scale and tariff coefficients.
Tariff scale - a set of tariff categories of work (professions, positions), determined depending on the complexity of the work and the requirements for the qualifications of workers using tariff coefficients.
Tariff category is a value that reflects the complexity of work and the level of qualifications of an employee.
Qualification category - a value that reflects the level of professional training of an employee.
Tariffication of work - assignment of types of labor to wage categories or qualification categories depending on the complexity of the work.
The complexity of the work performed is determined on the basis of their tariffication.
The tariffication of work and the assignment of tariff categories to employees are carried out taking into account the unified tariff and qualification reference book of work and professions of workers, the unified qualification reference book of the positions of managers, specialists and employees, or taking into account professional standards... The specified reference books and the procedure for their application are approved in the manner established by the Government. Russian Federation.
Tariff remuneration systems are established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law... Tariff remuneration systems are established taking into account the unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers, a unified qualification reference book of the positions of managers, specialists and employees or professional standards, as well as taking into account state guarantees for labor remuneration.

These guides are a list of activities and various professions that are available in enterprises and institutions. They fully contain the characteristics and qualifications, as well as the complexity of all types of professions. In addition, they indicate the requirements for the skills and experience of employees, determine their degree of responsibility.

Important: the reference book is intended to define and assign a category to each employee.

Of course, at the enterprise, the management has the right to develop its own tariff qualification handbook taking into account the peculiarities of the organization's activities.

Important: this should not infringe upon the guarantees and rights of the employee, in particular, labor should not be paid below the minimum wage.

Classification according to new standards

Classification in the tariff scale is based on several components:

  • Industry-specific;
  • Government and commercial organizations;
  • Division within the enterprise.

For example, in the tariffication of payments for medical workers, their categories, the base salary and the amount of the minimum wage take part.

In addition, tariffs are based on:

  • A centralized act established by the authorities;
  • The contractual basis is a collective agreement.

At the same time, a new remuneration system is applied, but taking into account the old foundations.

Payment categories and coefficients.

Rank odds and rates for payment

The coefficients used may differ depending on the industry of application, but at the same time for budgetary organizations fixed indicators are used in almost any area.

For example, for budgetary organizations in medicine, the following numbers are used:

1 1 1 100
2 1,04 1 144
3 1,09 1 199
4 1,142 1 256,2
5 1,268 1 394,8
6 1,407 1 547,7
7 1,546 1 700,6
8 1,699 1 868,9
9 1,866 2 052,6
10 2,047 2 251,7
11 2,242 2 466,2
12 2,423 2 665,3
13 2,618 2 879,8
14 2,813 3 094,3
15 3,036 3 339,6
16 3,259 3 584,9
17 3,510 3 861
18 4,500 4 950

Important: at the same time, if an employee works in a rural area, then 25% of the base salary is added to his salary.

If this is a deputy, then his salary is 10 - 20% lower than the head, taking into account qualifications, degree, honorary title.

If the specialty is not indicated in the tariff cross-sectoral reference book, then such a specialist is paid the salary according to the unified tariff and qualification reference book.

Examples of payment calculations

If hourly wages are used, then there is a simple multiplication of the number of hours worked by the rate per hour.

An employee worked 150 hours in a month, his rate per hour is 134 rubles, it follows that he earned:

150 * 134 = 20 100 rubles per month.

Since he fulfilled the plan, according to the collective agreement he is entitled to a bonus in the amount of 20% of earnings, that is:

  • 20 100 * 0.2 = 4 020 rubles premium. you will find out according to what rules the monthly bonus is calculated for employees.
  • 20 100 + 4 020 = 24 120 rubles earnings.

In addition, he has a 5th grade, and this involves the use of a coefficient of 1, 268, which indicates the employee's earnings in a given month of 30 584, 16 rubles.

Important: if the employee has not fulfilled the plan, then the employer has the right to deprive him of the allowance.


The pay scale is a great advantage if it is used in accordance with innovations and, first of all, the value of the employee, his experience and the complexity of the production process are assessed, and the rank of a managerial position is already at the next level.

How to build effective system wages at the enterprise - see here:

1 . Tariff rate - it's monetary the sizeremuneration of an employee for the performance of labor dutiesa certain qualification per unit of time.

Tariff rates are set at enterprises depending on .

From complexity, intensity; working conditions and its significance in the form fixed quantities. The size of the wages of workers is determined precisely by the tariff rate (for time workers - when determining the amount of payment for hours worked; for pieceworkers - when determining piece rates).

First class tariff rate is the initial value of the formation of tariff wages and represents the level minimum wage the most simple labor. It cannot be lower than the minimum wage established by law. Tariff rates of the second and subsequent categories are calculated by multiplying the tariff rate of the 1st category by the corresponding tariff coefficient

2. There are three types of tariff rates, depending on the unit timepieces :

sentries tariff rates - used on works for which there are established time norms;

daytime tariff rates - applied on works, which are rationed by production rates;

period tariff rates or salaries - apply for time workers, serving the main production. Of particular importance in the organization of wages are hourly rates. rates, since in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the establishment of some additional payments to the basic wage is made on their basis (additional payment for overtime work, for work at night and etc.).

3. Factors affecting the size of tariff rates : \ financial condition enterprises;

Effectiveness of collective bargaining regulation wages at the federal, regional, sectoral, local levels;

working conditions, reflecting the influence of a set of factors of the working environment on human performance. Increased wages in difficult, harmful, especially difficult and especially harmful conditions are established by increasing tariff rates and through the introduction of additional payments to the tariff wages;

labor intensity. Many enterprises practice the establishment of differentiation in wages depending on the form of remuneration (the wage rates of piecework workers are higher than the rates of time workers).

Question 49. Tariff grids

    Tariff scale concept

    Tariff scale parameters

    Types and principles of building tariff scales

1 . Tariff grid - this is set of wage grades of work(professions, positions), determined depending on the complexity of the work and the qualification characteristics of workers using tariff coefficients. Tariff grids are an integral part of the organization of wages at the enterprise.

Tariff coefficients show how many times the tariff rates of the second and subsequent categories are higher than the rates of the first category, while the tariff coefficient of the first category is always equal to unit.

Tariff categories characterize one or the other level is difficultlabor or the qualifications of workers. The first category is assigned to workers who have lowest qualification level, performing the most simple work... Employees are charged with the last category the highest level of qualifications, performing the most complex work.

2. Parameterramies of tariff scales are :

    the number of tariff categories;

    tariff coefficients;

    the range of the tariff grid, i.e. the ratio of the tariff coefficients of the first and last categories of the grid;

    absolute increase in tariff coefficients - shows the difference between tariff coefficients of adjacent categories of the grid;

    the relative increase in tariff coefficients - reflects, on how many percent the employee's wages increase during the transition from category to category.

3. In the current practice of tariffication for most jobs and professions of workers, six-bit range (light, food industry, building materials industry, etc.). Workers employed in oil and gas production, rolling and pipe production of ferrous metallurgy, repairing equipment for power plants and networks are charged based on of seven digits. The smallest contingent of workers in terms of specific weight is employed in industries that are characterized by the highest complexity of labor, corresponding eighth grade (locksmith and assembly, welding, production of folk arts and crafts, blast furnace and steel production, etc.).

An example of a six-bit grid is provided in tab. 5.

Table 5

Six-bit tariff scale

Tariff categories

Tariff coefficients

Depending on the nature of the change in tariff coefficients toms from category to category are distinguished by several types of tariff nets.

    tariff scales with uniform growth tariff coefficients;

    tariff scales with increasing progression tariff coefficients;

    tariff scales with decreasing progression tariff coefficients;

Tariff grids with mixed character their changes (combination of uniformity with progression or regression etc.).

The construction of tariff scales at enterprises should be carried out act on the basis of the following principles :

    tariff scales with increased range and with increasingprogression tariff coefficients, as a rule, increase the interest of workers in improving their qualifications, performing complex and important work - they are set for the highest grades;

    the nature of the mesh is due to professional and qualification balance personnel of the enterprise. For example, with a persistent shortage of highly qualified workers, their material incentives are provided by an increase in the progression of tariff coefficients of the highest categories of the tariff scale. The shortage of low-skilled workers and their high turnover can, to a certain extent, be constrained by

by increasing the progression of tariff coefficients of the initial categories of the grid;

The choice of tariff scale parameters is largely determined by financial capacity enterprises. Thus, the growing progression of tariff coefficients in the tariff scale is more economical than their uniform change.

The tariff scale is a scale that determines the ratio of tariff coefficients, the number of categories, categories of workers, as well as inter-category coefficients.

Currently, there are two types of tariff scales: the Unified Tariff Schedule (ECT), which has 18 categories and a 6-bit tariff scale used in agricultural enterprises.

Using the wage scale, the ratio of wage rates is determined depending on the qualifications of the employee (labor complexity).

The tariff scale consists of tables with hourly or daily tariff rates, starting with the first (lowest) category. In each grid, tariff rates are provided for paying for the work of pieceworkers and time workers.

The ratio of tariff rates of different categories is precisely determined using the tariff scale: the coefficient standing in the tariff scale opposite each category, starting from the second (the first category has a coefficient of one), shows how many times the tariff rate of this category is higher than the rate of the first category. The range of the tariff scale is the ratio of the tariff rates of the extreme categories.

In the context of entrepreneurship, such differentiation is easier, since there is a more flexible opportunity to manipulate the wage fund (of course, within the framework of the relevant legislation). The budgetary sphere is in a more difficult position (the salary system simply cannot adequately respond to price increases and fluctuations in the labor market), and this required the organization new system wages.

In order to strengthen the stimulating role of wages and differentiation in the levels of remuneration of workers in education, health care, culture, social protection and other budgetary institutions, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a decree "On differentiation in the levels of remuneration of workers in the public sector on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule" dated 14. 10 1992 No. 785, which entered into force on December 1, 1992.

The uniform wage scale has 18 grades, of which grades from 1 to 8 are allocated for workers, and from 2 to 18 for employees.

Each category corresponds to a tariff coefficient. By multiplying the rate (salary) of the first category established by the Government by this coefficient, the salary for a certain position is determined. The higher the rank, the higher the coefficient, and hence the salary.

The base wage rate of the first category is periodically reviewed, tracking the rise in consumer prices and the corresponding change in the minimum wage, and this sets the entire wage scale in motion.

Rates and salaries are established according to the results of certification and tariffication of each employee, since he must be assigned a certain category according to the wage scale.

For leading professions in industries, salaries are set in the range from minimum to maximum.

The commonality of functions performed by employees in various sectors of the non-production sphere made it possible to establish the same tariff range for them - and this is one of the great advantages of the ETS.

In addition to comparing the labor functions of various groups and categories of personnel, specific job duties of employees and their educational level, the following factors are taken into account during certification:

Variety (complexity) of work;

Leadership of subordinates;

Degree of independence;

Responsibility level.

Such positions of employees as accountant, economist, typist or stenographer, engineers, technicians, head of the office, warehouse, economy and others, are tariffed in the same way in all branches of the non-production sphere.

For example, the position of an accountant is available in all institutions, regardless of the industry, but the level of training, education and qualifications of employees are different, and often very significant.

This means that a novice accountant will most likely be assigned a lower grade than an experienced one. In addition, different positions, and therefore a different amount of work and responsibility, should be paid differently. It is not by chance that the position of “accountant-auditor” has been allocated in a separate line of tariffication (this is a high qualification and great responsibility).

Highly qualified workers employed in important and responsible jobs can also be set rates and salaries based on the 9-10 grades of the UTS according to special industry lists approved by the Ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, and in especially important and especially important jobs - according to the list approved by the Ministry of Labor and the employment of the Russian Federation, based on the 11th and 12th grades of the ETS, although in general for workers there are grades up to the eighth inclusive.

The salaries of deputy managers are set, as a rule, by 10-20%, and assistant managers are 30-40% lower than the salary of a manager.

It should be noted that in budgetary organizations, the additional payment of the difference in salaries resulting from the assignment of higher salaries to workers is made at the expense of saving the wage fund.

In order for the categories to be assigned not arbitrarily, but according to certain criteria, tariff and qualification requirements have been developed and the qualification reference book of the positions of managers, specialists and employees continues to operate.

The requirements of these documents are linked to the categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule. These are the main regulations, for which billing is made.

The requirements for technical performers are simple - these are general secondary education and individual training or special training according to an established program (courses, etc.). In some cases, secondary specialized education is required.

The requirements for specialists, of course, are higher - this is education from a general to a higher relevant profile and work experience, since to occupy a certain position, work experience is necessary within the standards specified in the reference book. Experience indirectly characterizes qualifications.

It is the responsibility of the administration to carry out certification of employees of an organization or institution for the purpose of assigning ETS grades to employees.

The joint resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 27 of 23. 10. 1992 approves the main provisions on the procedure for attestation of organizations and enterprises that are on budget funding.

Thus, the Unified Wage Scale makes it possible to largely unify the wages of employees, at the same time preserving the possibility of flexible management of these wages - this is very important to stimulate labor, because every employee wants to be able to grow and receive fair wages for their work.

Therefore, many enterprises in the non-budgetary sphere create their own tariff scale, using some of the ETS principles and making additions here based on the specifics of their industries.

This is especially beneficial to those enterprises where there are many workers, a large number of various personnel and due to inflation, wages often change - then, by changing the base rate of the first category, it is easy to calculate all other rates and salaries, and for workers there is complete clarity in wages since they know their rank in advance.

1. Unified wage scale for public sector workers

Unified tariff scale (hereinafter ETS) in different options operated in Russia since 1992. And even before, in Soviet times, the level of salaries largely depended on similar principles. The tariff scale divides all public sector employees into 18 categories. Such a system was convenient in times high level inflation in the country, as it made it possible to promptly index the salaries of all public sector employees. But the ETS has and negative sides- this is a very rigid structure, if there is an increase, then at the same time for everyone, regardless of the situation in each individual industry. Consequently, each indexation required serious budgetary expenditures. But most importantly, the ETS did not take into account the specifics of professions, equating the work of a school teacher with the work of a doctor at a district clinic or a circus artist. It is difficult to undertake an assessment of the complexity and usefulness of a particular profession, but you should adhere to an individual approach to remuneration of budget workers. There is an opinion about the moral obsolescence of the UTS, about the need to tariff the salaries of public sector employees based on the objective realities of today.
Formally, since 2005, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been asked to develop their own own systems... However, it was not possible to get rid of the unified grid at that time: in fact, most of the regions, not bothering to develop differentiated payment schemes, continued to focus on the UTS and the salaries of state employees-regionals. The unified tariff scale, which operated in a uniform manner throughout the country, did not take into account the peculiarities associated with the functioning of a particular industry.
Egorsheva N., Russian newspaper... October 4, 2007.
According to Appendix No. 1 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1992 N 785 (invalidated - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 27, 1995 N 189), the size of the tariff rate (salary) of the first category is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The rates (salaries) of employees of the remaining categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule are established by multiplying the tariff rate (salary) of the first category by the corresponding tariff coefficient.
Professions of workers are charged in accordance with the Unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and occupations of workers from 1 to 8 categories of the Unified tariff scale. Highly qualified workers employed in important and important jobs and in especially important and especially important jobs can be set wage rates and salaries based on 9-12 categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule according to the lists approved by the ministries and departments of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.
The official salaries of deputies are set 10 to 20 percent lower than the salary of the respective manager.

Unified tariff scale:

Pay grades
Tariff coefficients

by industry-wide positions of employees
(Appendix 2 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

dated October 14, 1992 785):

Range of discharges
I. technical performers

Pass bureau attendant




Dressing gown










Secretary typist








Cashier (including senior)




Freight Forwarder









II. Specialists
Dispatcher (including senior) 4-5
Inspector (including senior) 4-5
Laboratory assistant (including senior) 4-5
Technicians of all specialties and names 4-8
Accountant 5-11
Engineers of various specialties and titles 6-11
Interpreter 6-11
Dactylologist-translator 6-11
Psychologist 6-11
Editor 6-11
Sociologist 6-11
Commodity specialist 6-11
Physiologist 6-11
Painter 6-11
Economists of various specialties and titles 6-11
Legal adviser 6-11
Architect 6-13
Constructor 6-13
Mathematician 6-13
Programmer 6-13
Technologist 6-13
Painter 6-13
Electronic 6-13
Accountant-auditor 6-13
III. Leaders


luggage room


pass office


copying bureau








the office


typing bureau


Site foreman (including senior)


Site manager (shift)


Work supervisor (foreman), including


Head of the economic department


Site manager (shift)

Work supervisor (foreman), including the senior 8-11

Department head




Chief Specialist

Head of an institution, organization, enterprise 10-18

Pay grades of a unified wage scale
for the main positions of employees in the public sector
(Appendix 3 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated October 14, 1992 785):

Categories and positions of employees
Range of discharges


Chief specialists: in departments, divisions, laboratories, workshops 12-14
Chief Engineer(designer, technologist, architect) of the project of a scientific organization 13-15
Head of the main structural unit, academic secretary 13-16
Branch director (head, manager) 13-16
Head of institution (organization) 16-18
Pedagogical staff of public education institutions
Teachers of all specialties, teacher,

educator, accompanist


Methodist, industrial training master

Higher education institutions


Public education institutions

Head of structural unit

Directors (managers): out-of-school institutions, children's preschool institutions, schools, boarding schools, orphanages, lyceums, gymnasiums, vocational and secondary special educational institutions, colleges, training rooms, etc. 10-16
Higher education institutions

Head of the main structural unit


Branch Manager


< Раздел 1. ОТРАСЛЕВАЯ СИСТЕМА ОПЛАТЫ ТРУДА РАБОТНИКОВ СФЕРЫ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ2. Принципы отраслевой системы оплаты труда >

on remuneration of employees of federal government agencies.

Inter-class coefficients are the coefficients by which the rate of the 1st category of the tariff scale is multiplied to determine the rate of the corresponding category.

Tariff grid by category for 2017-2018

For example, the 15th grade rate is 6982.8 rubles. (2300 rub.H 3.036).

The tariff rates (salaries) of workers from the 2nd to the 18th category of the UTS for the remuneration of employees of federal state institutions are determined by multiplying the tariff rate (salary) of the 1st category by the corresponding inter-category tariff coefficient.

The size of the tariff rate (salary) of the deputy head is set one or two categories lower than the tariff rate (salary) of the corresponding head.

In the period from September 1, 2007 to December 31, 2008, for employees of federal budgetary institutions and civilian personnel of military units, whose remuneration is carried out on the basis of the UTS, new remuneration systems will be introduced in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2007 No. 605 " On the introduction of new systems of remuneration for employees of federal budgetary institutions and civilian personnel of military units, whose remuneration is carried out on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule for Remuneration of Employees of Federal State Institutions ”.

In the period of preparation for the introduction of new wage systems in order to form motivation to improve the quality and efficiency of labor, from September 1, 2007, all categories of employees of federal budgetary institutions and civilian personnel of military units were assigned incentive bonuses of 15% to the tariff rates (salaries) determined in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 29, 2006 No. 256 (order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of October 19, 2007 No. 660 "On approval of the clarification on the increase from September 1, 2007 of the remuneration of employees of federal budgetary institutions in which new remuneration systems have not been introduced") ...

download Choice of tariff scale (this is a set of categories and its range). We define the range of discharge, what type of discharge will be, what tariff coefficients will be.
For workers, a 6 or 8-bit wage scale is most often used.

At one time, they used a tariff scale (18-bit) for budgetary organizations, which was recommended for other industries. It has its pluses, its minuses.

What is the difference between 6-bit or 8-bit grid, 18-bit?
We are trying to enter into the 18-bit grid all types of work in an enterprise, in an organization, including work of a physical, mental nature, and a manager.
In this case, trying to fit everything into one grid is not entirely correct.
Most often, where wage scales are used, the wage scales of workers (6-8 categories) are taken as the basis, for specialists and employees, their own wage scale is developed, their grade classes (they can be called classes, whatever you like; for example, an engineer of the first class; this can the name of the category; there is no difference, it is still an attempt to divide all workers according to a certain criterion, first of all, the sign is the complexity of the work performed by the employee, and the complexity of the work lies in the determination of the wage scale.
Industry-specific tariff scale that takes into account the specifics of the industry. It is most often developed by an industry tariff agreement. In this case, practically all enterprises in the industry use this particular grid.
Regional tariff scale: if we take the subsistence minimum as the 1st category rate, then we should take the subsistence minimum for the region.
Since the cost of living changes, the price level can also be different, then in this case it turns out that the regional grid is a reflection of the specifics of the region. Not the fact that it is used, it can be used.
Factory, corporate, tariff scale - what is reflected in the collective agreement of the enterprise, where it is first of all fixed. Why can a company have its own tariff scale? It may have its own specifics. Differentiation of the complexity of work can be different. Diversified enterprise. The specifics should be reflected.
Then the specifics of the development of their tariff schedule arise.
For some reason, businesses like the grading system more.
Tariffication of works. Before the tariff scale is introduced, the tariffication of works at the given enterprise is carried out. That is, all types of work carried out at a given enterprise, we must paint-evaluate the complexity of the work, take some work as a standard. For a unit vector, and from it to make billing of works.
To rate the work, you should use the analytical method for assessing the complexity of work, which is based on assessing the complexity for a certain set of factors using a scoring system, etc.
We align the works, analyze, rank from the least simple. First, work is charged, then only workers and employees.
We build a table. Some work is taken as a unit vector.

i1 1 1 1 1 1 1
i2 1 2

Justification of the principle of increasing tariff coefficients is absolute and relative:

  1. equal (uniform): 1, 1.05, 1, 1.1, 1.15, 1.2; 1.0, 1.05, 1.15, 1.45
  2. progressive-regressive (associated with social protection); the wage rate of the first category is so small that it is difficult to find an employee for the 1st and 2nd category. Examples: 1.0; 1.05; 1.1; 1.45; 1.9; 2.7. With an increase in the discharge, its growth rate increases. And vice versa: 1.0; 1.5; 1.9; 2.2.

The factory wage scale is developed primarily for workers, then for managers, specialists and employees.

The choice of forms of remuneration

The use of piecework and time-based wages depends on the conditions of production, the quality of labor rationing, and the possibilities of increasing the volume of production (sales, services).

Two forms of remuneration. The choice of the form itself depends on the conditions of production, the quality of labor rationing, the possibility of increasing the volume of production. In modern conditions, the use of only one form of remuneration is limited.
Usually, both forms of remuneration are applied.

1 2 3 4 5
100 120 130 140 150

Average tariff rate: 135 rubles.
Average category of workers: P (workers) = SUM (number of workers of this category * number of category) / SUM (number)
Average category of work: P (work) = SUM (labor intensity of work * number of category) / SUM (total labor intensity)
Average category of jobs: P (jobs) = Smaller AND Big Between Which is the Tariff Rate (m) + (Tariff Rate (average) - Tariff Rate (small)) / (Tariff Rate (large) - Tariff Rate (small))
Average category of jobs: P (jobs) = Smaller AND Big Between Which is the Tariff Rate (b) + (Tariff Rate (large) - Tariff Rate (medium)) / (Tariff Rate (large) - Tariff Rate (small))
Rrabot = 3 + (135-130) / (140-130)
You can also use the odds, because knowing the rates, we can use the odds.
TariffRateAverage = SUM (Tariff rates * Headcount OR Labor intensity) / SUM (Headcount OR Labor intensity)

  1. K (s) = SUM (K * Number) / SUM (Number)
  2. K (s) = SUM (K * Labor input) / SUM (Labor input)
  3. K (c) = K (m) + (K (b) - K (m)) / (P (s) - P (m))
  4. K (c) = K (b) + (K (b) - K (m)) / (P (b) - P (s))

Tariff wage system

Labor rationing is the establishment of scientifically grounded labor costs and its results: norms of time, number, controllability of service, production, standardized tasks.
The tariff system is a combination of various regulatory materials, with the help of which the level of salary of employees is established at the enterprise, depending on their qualifications ...
The main elements of the tariff system include:

  1. tariff scales,
  2. tariff rates,
  3. tariff and qualification reference books,
  4. official salaries,
  5. tariff directories of employee positions,

The tariff rate is the absolute amount of wages expressed in monetary terms per unit of working time.

On the basis of the tariff scale and the tariff rate of the first category, tariff rates for each subsequent category are calculated. According to…

Daily and monthly rates are calculated:

[hourly rate] * [number of hours per work shift - daily] * [average monthly number of hours worked per month - monthly]

Tariff and qualification reference books are normative documents with the help of which ...
Simple remuneration systems form the employee's earnings depending on one indicator of the accounting of labor results: working time (time-based remuneration systems) or the amount of products manufactured (piece-rate remuneration systems).
A simple time-based system forms the employee's earnings according to his wage rate and actually worked hours. Accordingly, tariff rates are applied: hourly, daily and monthly. When applying hourly and daily wage rates, the size of the employee's earnings is determined by the formula: Z (p) = C (t) * T (f).
What happens? For example, the number of hours an employee owes: 180 hours, for example. Hourly tariff rate = 20 rubles. in hour. The employee worked 150, respectively, we are 150 * 20. Why are the salaries different?
This month: 20 business days, another month: 22 business days. Let's put a report: 20 t. P. A specialist worker worked 15 days in the first month, and 20 in the second.
Employee's monthly wage rate:

Z (n) = (C (t) * T (f)) / T (pn)

We need: time sheet, tariff rate.
The size of the employee's hourly wage rate (the employee has a monthly salary of 10 thousand rubles)

Annual working time fund for 2006 based on a 40-hour work week (1980 hours).

Employee's average monthly working hours: 1980: 12 months = 165 hours

Hourly wage rate of the employee: 10 thousand rubles. : 165 hours = 60.606 rubles.

During the month, the employee actually worked 180 hours:
The wages according to the tariff were:

RUB 60606 * 180 hours = RUB 10,909.08

Time-based bonus system:

Salary accrued for the hours actually worked (month, quarter), supplemented by a percentage allowance (monthly or quarterly bonus)

(Tariff rate set for the employee; Time sheet; Regulations on Remuneration (About bonuses))
Example 2: The terms of the collective agreement provide for the payment of a monthly bonus in the amount of 25% of the employee's salary, subject to the organization's monthly production plan. The employee's salary is 10 thousand rubles. The employee worked in the billing month all days according to the schedule.

Accrued to the employee:

Salary - 10 thousand rubles.

Prize - RUB 10,000 * 25% = 2 500 rubles.

Monthly salary: 10,000 + 2,500 = 12,500 rubles.
In the calculated months, the employee worked 15 out of 20 working days.

Salary - 10,000 rubles. : 20 days * 15 days = 7500.

Bonus 7500 * 25% = 1,875 rubles.

Monthly salary: 7500 + 1875 = 9375.

The employee was twice involved in work on weekends. Overtime work with time-based wages, their pay is prescribed in the collective agreement, although the Labor Code says that you need to calculate at an increased rate. Most often used: the first two hours at 1.5 rates; subsequent hours: double. The employee was credited with:

Salary: 10000: 20 days * 15 days = 7500

Payment for work on weekends: 10000: 20 days * 2 days * 2 = 2000

Bonus: (7500 + 2000) * 25% = 2375 rubles.

Total amount: 7500 + 2000 + 2375 = 11875.
Simple piecework wages are structured in such a way that the worker's earnings depend on the piece rate, which is the amount of payment per unit of manufactured products (work performed), and on the amount of products produced (work performed).
The amount of earnings is determined by the formula: З (sd) = R * q.
Piece-piece form of salary is characterized by a variety of methods for calculating piece rates and methods of establishing ...
In practice, the following piece-rate pay systems can be applied:

  1. Individual:
    1. Simple piecework
    2. Piece-by-piece progressive
    3. Piecework regressive
    4. Piece-bonus
    5. Indirect piecework
  2. Collective (brigade)
    1. Accordnaya
    2. Using the Labor Participation Ratio.

The individual direct piecework system of wages is characterized by the fact that the worker's earnings are determined by the results of his personal labor.

Unified tariff scale

This is expressed in the number of products (parts) made by the worker or the number of operations performed by him for a certain period. In this case, a direct, direct connection is established between the costs and results of the worker's labor and his earnings.

R = Average Rate / Production Rate or R = Average Rate * Rate
Change in the size of the price (DeltaR) in %% when changing the rate of production (y):

DeltaR = (100 * y) / (100 + y) OR DeltaR (1) = (100 * y (1)) / (100 - y (1))

The direct individual piece-rate system is very simple and understandable for the worker and excludes - when high quality rationing - equalization in payment.
Any remuneration system must be clear.
It is expedient where, according to the conditions of production, it is possible and justified ...
Organization of individual piecework wages in conditions of multi-station service: if a piecework worker works according to the norms of time on several machines, but within the established norms of service, then piecework rates are determined by the formula:

R = (Average Tariff Rate / Number of Machines) * N (wr)

If a piecework worker works according to production rates on machines with different productivity, or different character work within the established service rate, then piece rates are determined for each machine separately:

R (i) = C (tr) / (n * H (ext; i))

R (k) = SUM from 1 to N (C (t; i) * (1 / (Team production rate))

R (indirect) = C (t. Int.) / Norm

If an employee performs different types works:

ZP progressive = R (n (1) Ky (1) + ... + n (L) Ky (L))

ЗPregressive = R * (n (1) / K (1) +… + n (L) / K (L))
Progressive and regressive scales can be used: if we use a piece-rate bonus with a progressive bonus scale. What is meant? Either in the collective agreement, or in the provision on bonuses: if the company has fulfilled the monthly plan, then the employees are charged a 25% bonus from the salary. If the brigade has overfulfilled ... If the brigade has fulfilled the plan, then for the fulfillment of the plan he receives 25%, for each percentage of the overfulfillment of the plan - 5% of the salary. If the% of overfulfillment exceeds 10% ¸ then an additional 3% will be added.
qplan + 15% overfulfillment of the plan (15% q)
Salary = salary + 25% of salary + 5% * salary_for_10% + 3% for 5%.
Collective forms of remuneration:

The lump-sum form of remuneration assumes that payment is made for the entire volume of work at predetermined rates, taking into account the maximum period of work. When applying the lump-sum form of remuneration (with a lump-sum contract), the entire volume of work is determined, the deadline for their completion and the amount of wages are established. There is no transaction fee.

To increase interest in completing a piecework assignment on time or even ahead of schedule, a bonus can be additionally established.
Lump-sum earnings, calculated on the basis of the assessment of the lump-sum assignment, are distributed on the terms determined by the brigade:

  1. in proportion to the hours worked;
  2. in accordance with the coefficient of labor participation;
  3. in proportion to the qualifications of employees, depending on the complexity of the work performed;
  4. in other ways provided for in a collective agreement, regulation on remuneration, etc., or in a contract for the performance of work concluded with an employee.

Finished on slide 25.

See also:

For workers, a 6 or 8-bit wage scale is most often used.

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8. Classification of building materials by purpose and performance 4

I. N. Kalinauskas

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How the state is being destroyed

Unified Transport System (UTS)- a technologically and economically balanced set of modes of transport that perform out-of-city transportation. The ETS includes rail, sea, river, road, air and pipeline transport. Interact with the ETS different types city ​​pass, and industrial transport. The development of modes of transport as component parts ETS allows the most complete use of the technical and economic features of each of them and thereby provides the most effective solution transport problems of the country. In 1990, in the total freight turnover and out-of-city passenger traffic in Russia and the country as a whole, the largest share was accounted for by railway transport.
Railway almost all types of products manufactured in the countries of the former USSR are transported by transport, but the bulk of its cargo turnover is bulk cargo: coal and coke, oil cargo, miner, building, materials, ferrous metals, timber cargo, ores. External cargo prevails in the turnover of sea transport. trade. By river transport, predominantly. bulk cargo, primarily a miner, builds, materials, timber (on ships and in rafts), oil and oil products, coal. Automobile transport is carried out mainly in local traffic, as well as the delivery of goods and passengers to the main lines of communication and the delivery of goods to places of consumption. In transportation work air transport St. 80% is accounted for by pass, transportation. Crude oil is pumped through oil pipelines, light oil products are pumped through oil products. The specified features of the modes of transport determine cf. the range of transportation by them and their share in the UTS.
The total freight turnover of the UTS of Russia and the USSR in 1990 amounted to 5.9 to 8.3 trillion, respectively. t-km net, extra-urban passenger turnover - 9.7 and 1.19 trillion. pass. - km. The length of the communication routes that the transport systems had in Russia and the USSR is given in Table. 1.
Tab. 1. - The structure of the transport network in 1990

The unity of the transport system requires the coordinated development of all types of transport, the coordination of their operational activities, the mutual coordination of some parameters of the rolling stock, the coordination of tariffs and organizational measures. Until the end. 1991 this unity was based on public ownership of the means of production and was ensured by appropriate planning targets and centralized leadership. In market relations, it is provided by transport. legislation providing for the creation of a single market for transport. services, and economic leverage.
A feature of the transport system of Russia is a large beats.

Tariff grid and categories to it

the weight in it of railroad transport, which provides most of the most important interregional connections, connects isolated sea and river basins, receives cargo from road and pipeline transport, and reserves other modes of transport if necessary. Direct railway communication is carried out practically between all regions of Russia, with the exception of the regions of the Asian north and northeast. Most of the inter-district lines have double-track lines.
Another significant feature of the UTS of Russia is great degree the concentration of traffic on highly equipped highways with a relatively small density of communication lines in comparison with other developed countries. Average load density railroad general use in 1990 amounted to 28.4 million t-km / km; on a significant part of the railway network, the average freight density was more than 50 million t-km / km. On a number of lines, the density of cargo movement in one direction exceeded 100 million net tonnes per year, with large passages and traffic. The average cargo density of main oil pipelines and the loading of the largest of them are comparable to those of the railway. Multi-line systems of main gas pipelines pump up to 200 billion cubic meters of gas per year.
A significant concentration of traffic allows the use of advanced and high-performance vehicles and achieve high efficiency of transportation. Increasing the transportation capacity of the transport system, increasing speeds and reducing the cost of communications between different regions and points are factors contributing to the growth of business activity, increasing production efficiency, improving the living conditions of the population. In this regard, it is necessary to systematically develop and improve the UTS, which must be balanced with the economic and social objectives, meet environmental, resource-saving and other requirements.
Much attention is paid to these issues in all industrial developed countries with market economy... The transport policy of these countries is based, as a rule, on a rational delineation of functions. government controlled transport (through the relevant legislation, taxes, subsidies, benefits and other economic levers) and functions for the direct implementation of transportation, carried out completely independently in their economic activities by transport companies and enterprises.

Schedule "Automated information analytical system" obverse:

1 … 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 … 22


To compile the tariffication of teachers, you need:

  • set the load of teachers in the section Loads On the page Classes , Teachers or Items ;
  • enter additional information on teachers in the section Loads On the page Billing .
  • define the list of columns of the rate table in the dialog Customizing the Table On the page Billing .

Tariff management

Control Panel

Tariff management is performed using the buttons located on the control panel:

Rice. Charging control panel

Dialogue Billing

The billing includes additional data about teachers that are not used in scheduling. To enter this data, use the dialog Billing ... The dialogue consists of two pages, Attestation and Supplements .

It is not necessary to fill in all the fields on the pages of the dialog to build a rating table. The following will show you how to select the required columns of the table.

Consider the page Attestation .

Rice. DialogueBilling, pageAttestation

Page Attestation consists mainly of three groups of elements - Qualification , Pedagogical work experience and Education and Position .

Note... Date formats in the dialog match the format specified in the Control Panel operating system computer. You can change the format in Start / Settings / Control Panel / Date and Time. Date format in examples: year-month-day.

If the experience is calculated incorrectly, check the system date on your computer.

  • Education and Position .
    • Education ... Options: higher, incomplete higher, secondary special.
    • Education document ... Information about the diploma in free form.
    • Position ... Options: teacher, head teacher, director, trainee.

Let's move on to considering the second page of the dialog - pages Supplements .

Rice. DialogueBilling, pageSupplements

  • other information .
  • Extracurricular work (% of the rate) ... Extracurricular work allowance as a percentage of the rate.
  • Circle work (hour) .
  • Homeschooling (hour) .
  • Classroom leadership ... A drop-down list with class names appears only if the checkbox is selected.
  • Cabinet management ... A drop-down list with cabinet names appears only if the checkbox is checked.
  • Coordinates .
    • Telephone .
    • Email ... E-mail address.

Salary is calculated per unit of time (hour, day, month). A special indicator is used in the calculation - the tariff rate, which depends on the level of professionalism of the employee and the industry.


The tariff rate is a cash payment to an employee for completing tasks of a certain complexity in a timely manner. This amount is fixed in the employment contract and is the minimum guaranteed wage, below which the employee cannot receive, provided that all duties are fulfilled. At the enterprise, wage rates, wage scales and staffing tables can be developed, based on which the employee's salary is determined. The rules by which the calculation is carried out are presented in labor legislation.

How to calculate your salary?

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the tariff and qualification reference book of a specific industry in order to find out the size of the tariff rate, the number of categories provided, and the presence of additional payments. The formula for the calculation is as follows:

  • Bet = Bet of the 1st category x Increasing coefficient.

In the calculations, monthly rates are used only if the actual payment coincides with the norms, daily rates - if the number of days of actual attendance at work during the week differs from 5. The hourly wage rate of an employee is necessarily used when calculating wages:

  • in dangerous, difficult and harmful conditions;
  • for excess production;
  • on night shifts;
  • on weekends.

It is calculated by dividing the salary by the number of hours worked per month (or the average number of hours worked per year). The exact calculation algorithm is spelled out in the Collective Agreement.

Payment schemes

The wage system is the ratio of the measure of labor and remuneration for it. This also includes the conditions and procedure for calculating incentive payments and bonuses. The approved system is fixed in the Collective Agreement.

Time system

With a time-based system, normative tasks are developed, the amount of time required to complete them is established. To calculate earnings, the amount of time worked should be multiplied by the rate. It can be hourly or monthly.

Example 1

The hourly wage rate for a worker is 75 rubles. For a month, he worked 160 hours at a rate of 168 hours. An employee's salary is: 75 x 160 = 12 thousand rubles.

Information for calculations is taken from the "Timesheet" and the employee's personal card. Most often, the hourly rate is used in calculating the remuneration of industrial workers, and monthly salaries are established for specialists and managers.

Example 2

An accountant in the organization has a salary of 15 thousand rubles. For a month he worked 17 days out of the set 20. His salary is: 15,000: 20 X 17 = 12.75 thousand rubles.

Forms of payment are established:

  • Simple time-based - provides for payment for the amount of time spent on the task.
  • Time-bonus system - provides additional payments for product quality.

Piecework wage system

The amount of the salary may depend on the number of manufactured products. In this case, the rates are determined by multiplying the rate by grade and the output rate. Let's consider in more detail the forms of remuneration.

Direct piecework

In this system, the salary is directly proportional to the number of manufactured products based on the established rates. The calculation procedure will depend on the type of rate.

Example 3

The locksmith's tariff rate is 180 rubles / hour at a production rate of 3 pcs / hour. 480 parts were produced in a month. Salary: 180: 3 x 480 = 28.8 thousand rubles.

Example 4

The turner's tariff rate is 100 rubles / hour at a time rate of 1 hour / piece. 150 parts were produced in a month. Salary: (100: 1) x 150 = 15 thousand rubles.

Similar calculation schemes can be applied not only to a specific employee, but also to the brigade as a whole.

Example 5

The team, which includes three workers, completed the specified amount of work in 360 hours. Under the terms of the contract, she is entitled to a payment of 16 thousand rubles. The rates for team members and the actual time spent are presented in the table.

1. Calculation of tariff salaries (rubles):

Alexandrov: 60 x 100 = 6000.
Ravens: 45 x 120 = 5400.
Karpov: 45 x 140 = 6300.

The salary of the entire brigade is 17.7 thousand rubles.

2. Find the distribution coefficient:

16: 17,6 = 0,91.

3. The actual wages of workers are shown in the following table.

Piece-bonus system

This scheme provides for bonuses for production in excess of the established rate. Such additional payments are considered part of the actual earnings and are set in relation to the salary.

Example 6

The worker fulfilled the quota by 110%. According to piece-rate estimates, his salary is 6 thousand rubles. The regulation on bonuses provides for a remuneration in excess of the norm in the amount of 10% of the salary. The calculation will be as follows:

6000 x 0.1 = 600 rubles. - premium.
6000 + 600 = 6600 rubles. - accrued salary.

The salary of employees servicing the equipment is calculated according to indirect piece rates and depends on the number of manufactured products.

Chord system

In this case, the timing of the work package is estimated. The salary depends on the calculation of each type of work and overall size payments. The system provides bonuses for early completion of the task. It is used to calculate the salaries of employees involved in the elimination of the consequences of accidents and other urgent tasks.

Example 7

The worker fulfilled the quota by 110%. According to piece-rate estimates, his salary is 6 thousand rubles. According to the "Regulations on Bonuses", for work in excess of the norm, a remuneration is provided in the amount of 150% of the salary. Payment:

(6 x (1.1-1): 1) x 1.5 = 0.9 thousand rubles. - premium.
6 + 0.9 = 6.9 thousand rubles. - accrued salary.

Combined systems

The considered systems of remuneration depend on the quantity of manufactured products. But according to the requirements of labor legislation, the salary should also depend on the quality of the work performed. Therefore, in practice, the considered remuneration systems are differentiated depending on the quality of the manufactured products, that is, they are used combined systems... For example, the wage rate is calculated according to a direct piece-rate system, and bonuses are paid when work is performed in excess of the norm. To calculate salaries for differentiated systems, the following are used:

  • Tariff reference books of professions.
  • Qualification characteristics.
  • Workplace Assessment Act.
  • Tariff rate.
  • Tariff grid.
  • Ratios of payment of allowances.

"Unified qualification reference book of positions and salaries"

The tariff rate of remuneration in state institutions depends on the results of certification of tariffs from " A single reference book positions ”(EKS). It presents job characteristics and skill level requirements. It is used for billing work and assigning categories to workers.

The reference book presents tariff rates per unit of time, depending on the category of the worker.

The rate of the 1st category is the remuneration for labor of lower qualifications. Its size cannot be lower than the minimum wage, and the multiplying factor is "1". Calculation of the tariff rate of the 2nd category is carried out by multiplying the rate of the 1st category by the corresponding coefficient, etc. All these indicators, supplemented by regional coefficients of surcharges and allowances, are grouped into a tariff scale.

Incentive payments

The additional payment is monetary compensation for non-standard working hours, working conditions and labor intensity. A bonus is a payment that stimulates an employee to improve their qualifications and skill level. The legislation provides for the following types of incentive payments:

  • for work on the day off;
  • overtime and night work;
  • multi-shift mode;
  • combination of positions;
  • an increase in the volume of work, etc.

To calculate each type of additional payments, an algorithm must be developed for determining deviations of actual working conditions from standard ones. That is, it is necessary in employment contract prescribe the working hours at night, instructions for each employee, etc. Then, by comparing the actual working conditions with the normative ones, calculate the amount of the allowance and make payments.