The GUI is the chief project engineer. Job description

Modern realities allow the customer to choose any design organization that suits all parameters, terms, price and quality of services provided. As before, the chief engineer plays an important role in creating a construction project. Deciphering the abbreviation GIP - chief engineer of the project. The duties of such a specialist include not only affixing a certification signature on project documentation in line with specific normative documents in the construction industry, but also a wide range of responsibilities.

In a broad sense, a GIP is a specialist with a higher construction education, certain work experience, periodically taking refresher courses, and excellent organizational skills. The quality of the project will also depend on the flexibility of the mind and the experience of such a specialist. The chief engineer must propose new and original ideas that can satisfy all the needs of the customer, at minimal cost.

Myths about the CEO position

Many customers are still fully confident that the GUI is the person who is fully responsible for the quality of all documentation. In fact, previously such a specialist made personal decisions and was responsible for their consequences. However, today such a person is just a project manager. Main functional duty official- ensure a dynamic flow of investments and return on financial investments. Simply put, a person looks at the entire project from an economic point of view, optimizing processes that will allow you to get more income while minimum investment. Decisions of a technical nature are made by other project participants, of course, in agreement with the ISU.

The chief project engineer cannot even physically check all the stages of the project creation, he is just one of the members of the project creation team.

Planted or not

Do not think that in the event of an accident, an engineer will be imprisoned. In fact, the pre-trial investigation implies the appointment of identifying the designer who made incorrect coefficients or made incorrect calculations in order to bring charges against the contractor. It turns out which organization gave the expert opinion. Although the punishment may also apply to the inspector, in this case the ISU puts his signature on it, thereby confirming that he has checked the documents.

The highest qualification

A stable, but not correct, opinion that the GUI is the most qualified specialist from the entire design organization. In fact, when a candidate is selected for a position, the employer is guided by other criteria. For some, it is important that the applicant has a second education, economic or major, for example, a diploma in the field of creation ventilation systems. The candidate must have excellent communication skills, be organized in order to keep under control the deadlines for the implementation of all stages of the project, be able to negotiate and other skills.

Which side is the GUI on?

The project manager is a kind of arbitrator who must reconcile the parties. If a heat engineer and an electrician cannot agree, it is natural that the chief engineer cannot be more qualified in specific matters than highly specialized designers. So he must convey to both sides economic feasibility dispute resolution, in fact, to protect the interests of the investor without loss of quality and full compliance with safety regulations.

job description requirements

There are no special requirements for the form of the job description of the Chief Executive Officer, however, his rights and obligations should be clearly stated.


It is natural that the best way when a specialist has a specialized education for the first time, the second one can act as an additional plus when making a decision when choosing an employer between candidates.

As a rule, the chief engineer in construction should have at least 8 years of experience in the declared vacancy. If the object has a huge and industrial scale, then 10 years. The logical conclusion is that the applicant cannot be younger than 28 years old. There are usually no requirements for the upper limit of applicants for such a position, since even people of retirement age are mostly full of energy with vast and invaluable design and project management experience.


The GUI is the key person. He has a wide range of responsibilities.

The project manager is obliged to carry out technical management of design and survey work. To carry out architectural supervision of the direct construction of the object, its commissioning.

The GUI is obliged to take all possible measures to improve the quality of the estimate and design documentation. It also prepares all data for concluding contracts with customers.

Responsibilities include the formation of calendar plans and tasks for subcontractors. In the future, he must monitor the fulfillment of obligations by the contractor.

It is also obliged to check the patentability of materials and equipment that are used for the first time. Must defend the project.

The GUI must justify deviations in the project from the current building codes. Prepare conclusions on rationalization inventions and proposals of designers.

Must assess the immediate risks that may arise in the way of project implementation. Responsible for monitoring customer satisfaction with the company's services. Interact with state and non-state organizations in the field of expertise. Must defend the project in the bodies of expertise and authorities.

The chief construction engineer distributes responsibility between the developers of design solutions and managers. Interacts with the contract department, accounting and other services of the employer.

Develops proposals for possible candidates for developers of specific design solutions.

Must organize work to eliminate inconsistencies in technical documentation and design estimates. To help reduce the cost of project documentation.


Architectural supervision today is a voluntary matter and is not regulated by any normative act, therefore, such a function can only be provided for in local acts, that is, in the job description.

The chief engineer in construction can participate in the working commission for the selection of routes and sites for construction, take a direct part in the design and survey. It should be remembered that site selection and engineering surveys are not the responsibility of the GUI, this function is entrusted to the customer. The chief engineer can only take part in the commission and express his special professional opinion. Has the right to participate in the examination of projects.

Has the right to negotiate during the conclusion of contracts with contractors, determine prices and participate in bidding and tenders for design and survey work.

Can make proposals to top management on entering data on the introduction of new legal requirements in design and estimate documentation.

What the GUI should know

The chief engineer in his work must be guided by the current norms and laws, SNiP, GOSTs, and the Urban Planning Code. Understand and apply in practice the provisions and requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011 and GOST ISO 9001-2015. The ISU is obliged to engage in self-education and advanced training on an ongoing basis. Also must have an idea about the organization and management of production. Must keep abreast of new developments in the field of design and construction. Know the rules and regulations of labor protection, the basics of copyright and patent law.

A responsibility

The chief engineer of the project may be responsible, under the current legislation, for architectural solutions and technical and economic indicators at the facility under construction, the timeliness of preparation and completeness of the design and budget documentation. Also, the job description may provide for liability in the framework of non-execution of the signed job description.

Occupation: assistant chief engineer

Not so long ago, a new profession appeared - the assistant to the GUI. Even a young specialist with no work experience can be hired for such a position. As a rule, the work consists in direct assistance to the chief engineer. The main requirements include the following personal and professional qualities:

  • higher or secondary construction education;
  • ability to read blueprints;
  • activity;
  • sociability;
  • knowledge of the computer and special programs.

Naturally, the job responsibilities of such a specialist are a bit like secretarial or, nevertheless, this good opportunity for a novice engineer to gain work experience and understand the intricacies of work, with a further prospect of becoming a chief engineer of the project.

A project manager (project manager or Project manager) is a specialist responsible for the successful completion of a project:

  • within the terms specified by the customer;
  • with the required quality;
  • with a fixed budget and limited human resources;
  • as required by the customer.

Eventually, main result the work of this manager is customer satisfaction.

The position of the project manager imposes a high responsibility on the specialist, because it is he who manages all the processes of the project and the final result of the work depends on him. The career path of a project manager always leads to top management and towards projects with a larger budget.

Places of work

The project manager profession is in high demand in many industries:

  • information technologies (programming, automation, website development);
  • building;
  • finance;
  • insurance
  • pharmaceuticals;
  • organization of events;
  • sport.

The concept of Project Manager was born in the field information technologies, therefore, there is the highest demand for managers. At the same time, in each big business the profession of a project manager is needed and economically justified.

History of the profession

Leaders, commanders and leaders appeared many thousands of years ago. Someone ruled the state, someone - an army or a ship, someone - construction. talking modern language, each of their tasks was a project, and they were its leader.

The history of the project manager profession is associated with the emergence of the term "project" in the era of rapid economic development in the 20th century.

A project is a task that has a beginning and an end, a well-defined deadline, resource constraints, quality criteria, and successful completion. First, the positions of project managers (Project Manager) appeared in IT companies, then in construction and manufacturing, and later in other industries.

Project Manager Responsibilities

Job responsibilities of a project manager strongly depend on the field of activity of the company, but at the same time they have a common set of tasks:

  • project management (quality control, deadlines, budgets and risks);
  • communication with the customer (coordination of plans, deadlines, requirements, budgets);
  • project team management;
  • maintenance of design and technical documentation:
    • calendar plans;
    • technical specifications;
    • functional requirements;
    • financial reports;
    • etc.
  • participation in the sale process and the conclusion of contracts (including participation in tenders);
  • post-project management of customers and additional sales.

Sometimes the functions of a project manager include the tasks of a sales manager: actively searching for clients, preparing commercial offers, negotiations, conclusion of contracts, etc.

Project manager requirements

Requirements for project managers depend on the scope of the company. At a construction site, one thing is needed, in IT - another, in the banking sector - a third. The average set of requirements is:

  • Higher education (preferably in the profile of the company);
  • At least 1 year work experience (serious positions require more than 3 years);
  • Good knowledge of the field of activity and its market;
  • Ability to prepare documentation (technical and design);
  • Leadership experience (within project teams);
  • Excellent communication skills.

Sometimes among the requirements for project managers you can find:

  • knowledge of MS Project;
  • spoken and written English;
  • understanding of project management principles (e.g. PMI)
  • willingness to travel.

project manager resume sample

How to become a project manager

The required baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities of a project manager significantly depends on the profile of the company.

Let's take construction as an example. To become a project manager in construction, you must have a higher technical education and experience in construction companies (usually more than three years and preferably in managerial positions).

You also need to be able to manage a team of more than three people, negotiate at a high level and be able to defend your point of view, master time management skills, and have a stable psyche.

project manager salary

The salary of a project manager can vary from 20 to 150 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, there are always a lot of bonuses, bonuses, percentages from sales or completed stages in the payment system. Therefore, the final income may be significantly higher than the declared salary. The average salary of a project manager is approximately 50 thousand rubles per month + bonuses based on performance.

determines the order of work of this employee. About what nuances you need to consider when compiling itjob descriptionwhat does he do and what is his circle official duties, we will tell in the article below.

Who is a project leader?

A project is a work task that implies the achievement of specific goals and has clearly defined start and end points; The project manager is the person responsible for the execution of the project. As it is clear from the title of the position, the project manager does not work alone and has a team under his command, which he organizes and leads to the result.

At the same time, the position of project manager can be involved in various areas of business. The most popular of them:

  • IT technologies;
  • building;
  • financial direction;
  • insurance;
  • pharmaceutical activity;
  • organization of sports and other events.

In connection with such diversity, the content of the job description of the project manager, which each organization develops independently, is determined by the field of activity of the specified specialist and may provide for various requirements for the candidate for the position, the scope of the employee's labor duties, his rights and responsibilities. Even so, there is a standard set of sections included in a document anyway.

Typical sections of the job description of the project manager

Job description for the project manager, as well as for a specialist in any other profession, must comply with the requirements for any other documents of this kind. Since the job description is an internal document of the organization, it is approved by the head of the company. A note about this indicating the date of approval and the signature of the responsible official with a transcript is affixed in the upper right corner title page instructions. Here, at the top or at the end of the document, there is a place for the signatures of employees with whom the document was agreed upon at the stage of development and approval.

The main part of the job description is presented in 3 sections.

  1. General provisions
    The section includes all the information related to the selection of a specialist for the position of project manager and determining the place of this staff unit in the overall structure of the enterprise. Here, in addition to the requirements for education, age, work experience, each organization can add its own requests to the applicant for the position. These can be certain personal qualities, professional skills, place of residence, etc. In the same section, as a rule, a list is provided normative documentation, with which the applicant for the position must be familiarized, the procedure for hiring and dismissing an employee, replacing him for the time of absence is determined, and his immediate supervisor is also indicated.
  2. Job duties and rights
    The most important part of the job description, which determines all further labor activity an employee in a position in a particular organization. Responsibilities should be defined in as much detail and as clearly as possible. At the same time, official rights and obligations are not limited to the professional direction of the employee's activities and can (and should!) Include general points regarding labor discipline, working hours, and guarantees provided by labor legislation.
  3. Employee Responsibility
    This section of the project manager's job description specifies the responsibilities established by labor law. However, it is important to remember that the internal documents of the enterprise cannot establish the responsibility of an employee more strictly than that established by law.

Standard requirements for a candidate for the position of project manager

The requirements for applicants for the position of project manager can be divided into several groups, which relate to:

  • education;
  • work experience;
  • professional skills;
  • personal qualities.

The education required to work as a project manager directly depends on the direction in which the organization operates, so it is impossible to single out any one general specialty in this case. We can only say that it should be higher education, preferably according to the profile of the enterprise or the direction in which the work is to be done.

The work experience required of a potential project manager generally depends on the complexity and severity of the assignment. Usually it takes from 1 to 3 years of work as a project manager or in the required specialty.

The list of professional skills that the project manager must possess is related to the specialty and education of the employee, although it may also include skills general plan, For example:

  • ability to prepare and execute the necessary documentation;
  • knowledge of foreign language;
  • having a driving license;
  • understanding of project management principles;
  • Ability to work with computers and office equipment.

Personal qualities are not always listed among the requirements for a candidate for a position, but for the position of a project manager this is an important criterion for selecting candidates. Among the personal qualities necessary for a project manager, the following stand out:

  • the ability to organize a team and lead a group of people;
  • sociability;
  • willingness to travel.

General Job Responsibilities of a Project Manager

Most of the duties of this employee are related to the field of activity in which he works. Among the general job responsibilities that can be imputed in most cases to the project manager, the most relevant are:

  1. Project implementation control (compliance with quality, deadlines, budget, etc.).
  2. Communication with the customer (coordination of deadlines, plans, key requirements for the project).
  3. Organization and management of the project team.
  4. Doing working documentation(calendar plans, terms of reference, road maps, financial reports, etc.).
  5. Participation in tenders and negotiations.
  6. Project warranty service.

The main thing when working on a job description for a project manager is to pay considerable attention to the area of ​​activity in which the employee will work. Both the requirements for the candidate for the position and the range of his job responsibilities will largely depend on the specialization or direction of the project. Successful fulfillment of the tasks set to a large extent depends on their clear definition.

The project manager is one of the most important employees in a project. This man is playing leading role in project planning and execution. The project manager is also the "face" of the project within their organization and for external teams. Since the role and responsibility of the project manager is so great, the responsibility for his choice should lie with the top management. In large organizations, a group (or committee) is usually set up to help select a project manager from a pool of candidates for the position. The time it takes to select a project leader can vary. In larger organizations, a project manager may be appointed after the task giving "move" to the project is signed off by the top management. It is necessary to remember one rule - the earlier the leader and working group are involved in the planning of the project, the more they will commit to its implementation. (This also applies to other employees of the organization, whose strength and experience are necessary for the implementation of the project.)

Selection criteria. the main objective when selecting a project manager, to appoint to this position a person who is experienced, competent and capable of obtaining the final product or service in compliance with the planned time schedule and financial estimate and in accordance with the terms of reference. From this point of view, all the main qualities of an effective project manager can be classified into one of the following five categories:

1. Education and experience.
2. Leadership and strategic thinking.
3. Technical competence.
4. Ability to work with people.
5. Proven ability to manage.

Row good performance in any one category alone may not be sufficient grounds for hiring a project manager. The categories listed here provide a balanced set of key characteristics for evaluating a candidate. With the help of the project manager selection quality checklist at the end of this chapter, you can review in detail the characteristics summarized below.

Education and experience. The education and experience of the prospective project manager should be appropriate to the nature and requirements of the project. As they say, "a drop of experience can outweigh a ton of theory." So, the goal is to appoint a manager who can do the job within the allocated funds. The project manager should have a good basic education in addition to work experience in the field. In practice, you should look for a candidate who shows an acceptable combination of fundamental knowledge, analytical thinking, management theory and experience practical work.

Leadership and strategic thinking. The project manager is the leader who helps develop, coordinate, control, and execute the work plan. The project manager remains "on the wheel" until the delivery of the final product for the project is reached. Leadership and strategic thinking means the ability to imagine and actually embody the "big picture", or all stages of project planning and implementation, while working on individual tasks. This means being able to see the forest for the trees. Strategic thinking also involves the ability to formulate "leading questions" that control intermediate goals and planned outcomes along the critical path. The project manager must be able to separate strategic thinking, planning, and decisions from the tactical or ongoing aspects of the project. The candidate's ability to focus on the end result is one of the best performance that he is capable of strategic planning and project execution.

technical competence. No project manager technical training which would be so perfect that it would allow him to understand all the subtleties of all the technical issues that arise in the implementation of a complex project. However, you are looking for a person who is able to control, evaluate and accept right decisions on technical problems associated with the project. The project manager, therefore, must have technical experience, which consists in having knowledge and skills both in the area related to the issues raised in the project, and in the field of project management, in the means and ability to manage it. Required special training - and here the focus is on engineering projects- should include:

Knowledge of the technologies used in the project;
knowledge of technical tools and methods;
knowledge of relevant markets, customers and requirements;
knowledge of product applications;
knowledge of technology development trends;
familiarity with related technical areas;
getting to know people who are part of the "technical community".

Whatever the nature of the project, project managers should have experience in one of its core areas, be it construction, technology, hardware, or software, teaching methods or preparing conferences. Project managers must understand the markets, clientele and technology involved in the project; they should be associated with a circle of professionals in their field of activity. As it may seem at first glance, the checklist below requires such perfection and competence from the candidate that there will be no one worthy of becoming a project manager; so remember that this is a general guide.

Ability to work with people. The project manager must be able to:
to interest, inspire, encourage and educate;
listen carefully to suggestions and provide "feedback"
insistently - but not aggressively or submissively - relate to others and distinguish among others feelings, needs, concerns and interpersonal conflicts related to the project;
prevent and resolve conflicts;
communicate tough decisions, even if they affect the interests of others; and
be flexible - behave correctly in different situations (be able to play different roles well).

There are such roles as a formal leader; a person who binds the team into one; disseminator of information; labor intermediary; the person involved in the negotiations; person who resolves conflicts; and finally, the person allocating resources. Other important roles: politician, sales agent, chargé d'affaires, assistant, controller and adviser. Signs of people skills include favorable references from employees who have worked with or under the candidate's guidance on a successful previous project.

Proven ability to manage. The past is one of the best indicators of the future. The ability to manage, obviously, is to get the final product or service, while remaining within the established limits on finances, time and resources. To achieve this, the project manager must master the basics of management, that is, understand how to organize work, determine the need for personnel, formulate project needs, interact with other levels of management, relate the project goal to the activities of the enterprise, and, finally, reward and punish employees.

Another practical way the selection of capable administrators is to find individuals who can: manage entrepreneurs, use organizational tools without making them excessively bureaucratic, effectively and conveniently interact with superiors, inferiors and peers in large organizations, as well as take credit for tasks performed .

IT project manager sounds proud. But what does such a specialist do, how much does he earn, and why do many want to become one?

What are these projects

In principle, there are also typical projects, for example, application development, website creation or implementation of CRM systems. Of greatest interest are non-standard tasks. These include fundamentally new products that have not yet been on the market.

Why Become a Leader

There is a high demand for such professionals. If a specialist is successfully engaged in non-standard developments, then competing companies will themselves lure him to their place on more interesting terms. And such managers are needed in any organization. In addition, the salary in this industry is very attractive. If in the regions it averages 55 thousand rubles, then in Moscow it can reach up to 250 thousand rubles.

Tasks of a specialist

It is the leader who leads the entire project. He compares the goals and objectives of the client and the company, develops a plan, appoints executors and controls their work, monitors business correspondence and makes decisions in case of force majeure.

First of all, such a person must have excellent organizing skills. The quality of work and deadlines depend on it, so it is important to be able to manage people and resources. You can’t get around without conversational talent either, otherwise no one will bring news and progress in the common cause to colleagues. In addition, it is important to be a bit of a marketer, because the understanding of the monetization of the future product, its potential, as well as alternatives depends on this.

Where to begin

For starters, with education. Today, there are many courses that will help you get a little comfortable and take the first steps in the profession. After that, you can not be afraid and take small project personally for yourself. You can also use freelancers to whom you should delegate any small tasks. So there will be a portfolio that can already be shown to more interesting customers. Don't be afraid of leadership roles. Even supervising an intern can have a positive impact on the managerial experience.

Some managers take on several projects at once, which they successfully manage. Subsequently, they become excellent office workers. Others choose a different path - scale and volume, turning each next job to a more global one than the previous one. So there is a choice.

Do you want to master this profession? Tell your friends about it - make a repost!