Hyperactivity in school-age children: treatment, symptoms, causes. The main signs of hyperactivity in a child

Recently, more and more often you can hear from doctors that your child has hyperactivity, with which something must be done. Such guys differ from their peers with great energy, which almost never dries up. They are constantly on the move, which makes it difficult, for example, to learn new material they have difficulty concentrating for a long time on the same. The question arises: is this behavior the result of insufficient education or deviation? Let's try to understand what hyperactivity in children is school age. Is treatment required or not?

Scale of the problem

Scientists and specialists have been studying this problem for a long time, but the alarm began to sound only when the accumulated data showed its social significance and scale.

According to statistics, hyperactivity occurs almost everywhere in school-age children. Treatment, education play with this problem important role. We'll talk about this a little further.

It is believed, and it has already been practically proven, that such kids are more difficult to adapt to teams, and in adult life there may also be problems later. Scientists have calculated that almost 80% of criminals suffered from hyperactivity in childhood.

In our country, the study of this pathology was taken up later, and even now one can note some ignorance of teachers and doctors in matters relating to this disease. That is why most children diagnosed with ADHD are left without the necessary treatment.

And this is fraught with some consequences, for example, these children often have trouble at school, their parents yell at them at home for their failures, they do not receive enough parental love, and as a result they seek solace in the company of friends. And they, as you know, are different, so the consequences can be quite deplorable.

Causes of ADHD

Hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment and causes of this pathology will be considered in more detail. Let's start by finding out what can trigger the development of hyperactivity. There may be several reasons:

  1. Abnormal course of pregnancy:
  • Insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus.
  • The threat of miscarriage at different times.
  • Frequent stressful situations in an interesting position.
  • Failure to follow dietary guidelines.
  • Smoking.

2. Unfavorable delivery:

  • Too long labor.
  • Rapid childbirth.
  • If you had to resort to drug induction of labor.
  • Prematurity.

3. Other reasons:

If there is a combination of several reasons at once, then the likelihood that hyperactivity will occur in school-age children increases. The doctor must prescribe treatment, but, unfortunately, this can not always be seen. Often even parents do not pay attention to this problem and do not go to see a doctor for help.

Varieties of hyperactivity

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment will depend on the type of pathology. And they are as follows:

  1. Attention deficit without hyperactivity. The child is most often absolutely calm, but lives in some kind of his own world, constantly hovering in the clouds, it is difficult to reach him.
  2. Hyperactivity without attention deficit. This pathology is observed much less frequently. The reason is considered individual characteristics or developmental disabilities nervous system.
  3. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most common case. The child not only suffers from attention disorders, but also shows excessive activity.

Each of the cases needs its own approach to treatment, which is simply necessary.

What is the difference between activity and hyperactivity?

Many parents often ask when to sound the alarm. How to distinguish that the child is not just a very active baby, but there is hyperactivity? To answer these questions, you can use the simple comparison shown in the table.

active kid


The child loves outdoor games, but if he is interested, he can listen to a fairy tale or collect puzzles for a long time.

The child does not control himself, he is constantly in motion. When his strength runs out, hysteria begins, crying.

Interested in everything, asks parents a lot of questions.

Fast speech, often interrupts during a conversation, asking a question, the answer to it may not be heard.

Virtually no disruption digestive system, normal sleep.

Difficulty falling asleep, in a dream can talk, cry. Often there are digestive disorders, allergic reactions.

The child understands where you can show your activity, and where you need to behave calmly, for example, at a party.

The kid is practically uncontrollable, prohibitions do not apply to him, he behaves the same everywhere.

Does not provoke scandals, does not show aggressiveness.

The child himself often becomes a provocateur of conflicts, does not control his aggression, while he can fight, bite, use sticks, stones and other improvised means.

These signs of comparison will help parents suspect a developmental pathology in their child and make them see a doctor. To make the correct diagnosis (hyperactivity in a child of school age), only a competent specialist can prescribe treatment. Don't hesitate to visit him.

How does hyperactivity manifest itself?

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, Dr. Komarovsky recommends starting treatment only when it is established that this is a disease, and not a manifestation of the norm. And in order to find out, you need to know the symptoms of the pathology, it can be divided into several groups:

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment (Komarovsky believes so) may not be needed when the disease manifests itself in a mild form. At the same time, a lot of effort and patience is required, first of all, from the mother in order to help the child learn to cope with their problems.

But often it may be necessary, if there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment. And symptoms other than those listed , the following are added:

If hyperactivity is manifested in this way in children of school age, Dr. Komarovsky advises to undergo treatment without fail. It should be noted that all these signs do not affect mental abilities, but academic performance often suffers, even if the child is smart, so specialist help is needed.

Establishing diagnosis

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment, correction of this condition is required. But for this you need to correctly diagnose. This is done by neuropathologists, who are required to visit if there are appropriate symptoms. It is important to identify the cause of the pathology in order to exclude the presence of more dangerous diseases, and this can only be done by a specialist.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is detected in several stages:

The diagnosis can be delayed for several months, only after all observations, tests and examinations hyperactivity is detected in school-age children, treatment will depend on the symptoms and severity of the pathology. Parents have to put in a lot of effort and patience.

Hyperactivity Therapy

It will definitely be required if the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school-age children is confirmed, treatment. And the signs should reduce their manifestation. But therapy will be long and using many methods and directions.

  1. Correct the motor activity of the child. It is undesirable for such kids to engage in sports with competitive elements, as this can provoke an increase in the manifestation of the disease. It is best to give the child to swimming, aerobic training, skiing.
  2. Help is psychological. In the arsenal of specialists there are various techniques working with these children.
  3. The disease of the child cannot but leave its mark on the parents, especially on the one who spends more time with the baby. They become more irritable, nervous, so the help of a family therapist will not hurt.
  4. Relaxation. Special auto-trainings have a positive effect on the condition of children with hyperactivity syndrome.
  5. Behavior correction. This applies not only to the child, but also to adults. Children with hyperactivity are very susceptible to negativity, there are no prohibitions for them, but they respond quite positively to positive emotions. Given this, it will be more effective to praise such kids for good deeds than to scold for bad ones. Relationships should be built on complete trust and understanding, and prohibit only what really poses a danger to him. Parents should control their behavior, avoid rudeness towards each other, especially with a child.
  6. Medication is also required (if diagnosed with hyperactivity in school-age children) treatment. Drugs, for example in the USA, are often prescribed from the group of psychostimulants, but they have been found to give a lot side effects, which negate all the benefits of their use. In our country, such drugs are not used.

Let us consider in more detail some areas of therapy.

Medical treatment

Most likely, if the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school-age children is confirmed, treatment will be prescribed. Drugs should be selected only by a doctor. To get results as soon as possible, stimulants are prescribed, such drugs help the child improve concentration. This group includes the following drugs:

  • "Dexedrine".
  • "Fokalin".
  • "Ritalin".
  • "Methylin".
  • "Vivans".

Specialists often also prescribe nootropic medications, such as:

  • "Cortexin".
  • "Gliatilin".
  • "Phenibut".
  • "Pantogam".

They help improve cerebral circulation, improve memory, the ability to concentrate.

ADHD treatment in Israel

For "hyperactivity" in school-age children, his clinics may offer an alternative to medication. IN medical institutions Israel, specializing in the treatment of ADHD, use the following alternative way treatment.

Or osteopathy. The system of this treatment is based on the fact that the skull is directly connected with the spine and sacrum. Even minor shifts of the skull bones can eliminate or significantly reduce physical ailments and functional disorders. First of all, the physical cause of the pathology is eliminated, especially for birth injuries, and then it is the turn of other specialists to begin treatment.

Most of the children diagnosed with "hyperactivity" after osteopathy sessions are able to study in a regular school with other guys on an equal footing.

One of these clinics is located in Tel Aviv, and is headed by the famous doctor Alexander Kansepolsky. Thus, we see that if there is a diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in children of school age, Israel offers treatment not only with medication.

Traditional medicine against hyperactivity

Therapy of this disease requires great patience from parents. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations if hyperactivity is diagnosed in school-age children. Treatment folk remedies can also be used, but after consultation with a specialist.

Here are some recipes that will help normalize sleep, the digestive system, and because of this, at least a little, but the baby's behavior will improve:

  1. Has calming properties. For cooking, you need to take 1 tablespoon of chopped roots and pour 250 ml hot water, boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool slightly and strain. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day.
  2. Hop. For therapy, the cones of this plant are used. 1 tablespoon is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 2 minutes, then you need to insist a little, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  3. St. John's wort is also widely used in the treatment of hyperactivity. It normalizes sleep, promotes concentration, improves memory. You need to take 1 tablespoon of chopped grass, pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 5 minutes. When chilled, give the child 1-2 tablespoons three times before meals.
  4. It helps well if there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment folk recipes. Herbal preparations are used quite often. One of them includes the following components: valerian root, lemon balm, mint, lavender flowers, St. John's wort. 2 spoons of this collection brew 0.5 liters of hot water and insist 4 hours. Give the medicine to the child 50 ml in the morning and evening before meals.
  5. Lavender flowers help to remove too much activity of the child, as well as nausea, vomiting, headaches. 1 spoon of flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 10 minutes. Take a tablespoon twice a day.

It should be noted that with the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school-age children, treatment with traditional healers can help, but only if drug therapy is carried out, the baby visits a psychologist, his physical activity.

Psychological help

In the presence of hyperactivity, it is advisable not to refuse the help of a psychologist. The specialist has in his arsenal various techniques that help to remove anxiety, increase the sociability of the child, and reduce his aggressiveness.

By modeling different situations of success, the psychologist will tell parents in which area their baby will feel more confident. He conducts various corrective work, in which the parents of the baby must also be involved. Individually for each child, exercises are selected to develop thinking, attention, memory.

Do not neglect the help of such narrow specialists, classes for a hyperactive baby will only benefit.

How to communicate with a hyperactive child

Treatment is important in the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school-age children. Prevention, meanwhile, is also essential. And it should begin even before the birth of the child. The expectant mother needs to provide all the conditions for the normal course of pregnancy.

To prevent exacerbations, if the baby is already diagnosed with hyperactivity, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Help your child learn techniques that help in the assimilation of school material.
  • During class, remove all distracting objects, create a working environment.
  • Support the child, increase motivation to continue classes.

In addition, parents should adhere to certain rules when dealing with a hyperactive child:

  1. It is necessary to praise the baby even for the slightest success.
  2. The child should have his own assignments, albeit small, but he must fulfill them himself and regularly.
  3. You can practice keeping a diary in which all successes are recorded.
  4. It is necessary to set such tasks that are feasible for the child.
  5. It is necessary to clearly define all the boundaries of what is permitted and what is categorically impossible.
  6. It is necessary to remove the orderly tone from the appeal.
  7. The house must follow the daily routine.
  8. Don't let your baby get stressed out.
  9. TV viewing time should be kept to a minimum.
  10. It is necessary to establish a sleep and wakefulness regimen.
  11. Parents themselves must remain calm in any situation.
  12. Parents should help the child choose a field of activity where he can show his abilities.

If your child is too hyperactive, then do not panic and put an end to it. With the modern possibilities of medicine, it is possible to cope with not such pathologies, you just need to pay attention to this in time and visit a doctor. Psychological help, drug therapy, psychotherapy sessions will do their job, and your child will be able to learn on an equal basis with other children and show all their talents and abilities.

In this article:

For many years, childhood hyperactivity has caused a lot of controversy and controversy. Doctors, teachers, psychologists look at this problem differently.

Behind last years a lot of research has been done. It turned out that common signs hyperactivity is present in children with developmental features of the nervous system. Usually the first manifestations of the disease are seen already in 2-3 years. At this time, the child goes to kindergarten. There he may encounter a number of problems: unwillingness to obey adults, constant activity, problems with communication.

He is really very active, he cannot sit still for a couple of minutes, and calm games are not for him. But if it seems to you that the child is simply cheerful and full of energy, then this is not so. His actions are spontaneous, nervousness is visible, he quickly starts to cry, does he have big problems with sleep? In such cases, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor.

What is hyperactivity

The concept of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been around for many years. This diagnosis is given to children all over the world. Its signs are known to all doctors, but parents cannot always recognize in time that the baby needs treatment. And is it even necessary? Let's understand what ADHD is.

The cause of all problems is the peculiarity of the functioning
nervous system in children. Weak central nervous system very poorly tolerates stress. And not only physical, but also psychological, mental, emotional.

Simply put, it takes a little for the child to get overexcited and move into a state of increased nervous activity. Such states are referred to as neurotic. Hence the many health implications:

  • sleep problems;
  • increased sweating;
  • problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • speech disorders;
  • high blood pressure.

Remember that your child himself is very difficult. Remember the situation when you were very nervous, everything fell out of your hands, you yourself did not know what to take on in the first place. Now imagine that your baby lives like this every day.

Bad Education?

Parents of a child with ADHD often hear that the child is poorly brought up. This is insulting to the mother, especially if she makes great efforts to help him. He broke a plate at a party, cannot complete the task in the kindergarten to the end, gets into conversations, runs away in the middle of class - those around him immediately say that he is poorly educated.

Often problems
education is really present. But the point here is not that parents do not pay attention to education. The standard methods just don't work here. If you notice all these signs and consult a doctor, he will definitely explain to you what to do.

We have to change the tactics of education. You will need:

  • rigid time frames (the baby has a poor idea of ​​\u200b\u200btime);
  • a clear sequence of actions;
  • logical arguments;
  • logical explanations;
  • logic in punishments;
  • the ability to find a compromise.

Of course, there is no need to explain all these subtleties to the curious on the playground. Your child needs your help first and foremost. Help him, ask specialists, communicate with those mothers who have the same problems.

By using right upbringing can significantly alleviate the condition of the baby. He will study, he will have friends and the most ordinary life of a child.

The main signs of hyperactivity

After 30-40 minutes with such a crumb, you will definitely understand that something is wrong with him. A hyperactive baby shows the following signs:

7 Classic Signs of ADHD

There are 7 signs that neurologists and psychologists use to make a definitive diagnosis.

ADHD or just a curious toddler?

Parents should be well aware of the difference and not be scared in vain. The most ordinary inquisitive kid who never loses heart. He is interested in everything, he constantly wants to do something, climb somewhere. Usually his games are accompanied by the roar of objects and his merry laughter. He really has a lot of energy. At 2-3 years old, this is quite normal. True, for parents, such behavior is difficult, because the baby needs an eye and an eye.

Remember these signs of a healthy growing baby. Now remember again what we said about the hyperactive child. He does not have such a positive character - there is a lot of nervousness in his actions, he quickly turns to crying. It is hard for him to play with other children, because he has to follow their rules, but he cannot do this. We can say that his activities are unfocused. The kid can forget why he did something, why he cried, what he fought for. Or, having achieved the desired role in the game, he drops everything and leaves. Changes in activities are usually spontaneous.

These two kids are completely different. The first needs only a good upbringing, and the second, unfortunately, will need help.

What to do next

A hyperactive child needs your love, understanding, care and acceptance. To scold him for what he cannot change is stupid and wrong. But this does not mean that you allow any of his behavior. You need to figure out how you will build his preschool and school life, communication when he may need specialist help.


This is usually the least problem. Children have a lot of free time to play and there is no such strict discipline. Toddlers with ADHD have longer and more painful adjustments to kindergarten. They are very attached to their mother, without her they begin to act up, behave unbalanced.

It is best if the child is taken to kindergarten for the first 1-3 months
someone else. Grandmother, dad, a neighbor who leads her baby to the same garden, a nanny. So it will be easier.

You have a choice:

  • ordinary kindergarten;
  • a special preschool for children with neurological problems.

Many psychologists believe that it is better to send the baby to a regular kindergarten. Yes, it will be hard at first. But the baby will learn to overcome many of his social problems. Being in a society and not following its laws is a difficult test. But it will help you adapt.

If the problem is very acute, then it is better not to torment your child and other children. Take him to a place where professional educators are guaranteed to be able to help. The child there will receive more attention and no less knowledge and skills.


If after kindergarten you see that the situation is leveling off, then go to a regular school. Warn the teacher that the child has ADHD. An experienced and intelligent teacher will treat this normally, and not biased.

Studying at school requires a stricter disciplinary framework. Here
it will no longer be possible to get up in the middle of the lesson and run to play. Or discard an uninteresting task. You should start worrying about this in advance.

You can spend small lessons with the crumbs at home, beating school situations. He is the student, you are the teacher. Give him assignments, explain everything about lessons and changes. If the child is ready, and the situation is not new, then it is much easier to adapt to the new environment.

If there were problems and a special institution was recommended to you even in the kindergarten, then it is better to continue your education in it. Special schools do not differ in their program from general education. At the exit, the child will receive exactly the same diploma as students in ordinary schools.

But in such a school there are more adults who are ready to help. Here teachers, nannies, small groups are formed from students, which means that everyone can be given maximum attention. This is also behavioral control. It happens that after 1-3 years in such a school, the baby can already be transferred to a regular one.

Communication with peers

Your child may experience serious difficulties in communicating with other babies. However, you shouldn't scold him. He does not always understand that he offends kids when he wants to play by his own rules and keep
interesting play roles.

Worth doing it at home. Try to act out scenes of communication, stick to game scenarios. Explain to the kid logically that he can not always be a prince or a superhero. Sometimes you have to accept another role. Or objectively prove that he will do better with this or that playing role. And you can do it in a simple way: today you will be an evil character, and tomorrow you will be kind. The logic of your explanations will help him cope with discontent or aggression.

Consultation with a psychologist

Whatever the level of ADHD, a psychologist should be visited. It is important that a professional clearly shows parents the principles of working with a baby. The specialist sees signs of the development of the problem. Visit him 1-2 times a year for a consultation. This can be useful, because by the age of 6-7, the baby will desperately need to know the answers to the questions:

  • why other kids don't want to play with me?
  • Does the teacher scold me more often than others?
  • Am I any worse?
  • why do i go to another school?

A professional can easily answer these and other questions.


A whole range of surveys is being carried out. Family history is very important, especially if there are other examples of children with hyperactivity in the family. The doctor will definitely ask you to talk about the course of pregnancy, show tests and studies.
Hyperactivity can often be indicated by:

  • severe toxicosis;
  • maternal high blood pressure;
  • too fast delivery;
  • too slow delivery;
  • complications, hypoxia.

This can lead to disruption of the central nervous system of the baby.

Examinations are carried out by a therapist, neurologist, neuropathologist, psychologist, defectologist.

Is therapy necessary?

Mom cannot make such a decision on her own. Even if the crumbs have all the signs of hyperactivity. Be sure to wait for the doctor's opinion, prescribing medications. The child may be receiving medication. It serves solely to reduce the level of nervous tension. You don't have to take it all the time. Already by the beginning of puberty, therapy is being revised.

Questions for a child psychologist

Not all parents can immediately figure out what an ADHD diagnosis means. Someone thinks that nothing terrible is happening, everything will pass by itself. Others are very concerned, attributing a variety of traits to ADHD. The most important thing for mom and dad is to find a good specialist. With him it will be possible to calmly discuss all the nuances of working with the baby, training, therapy, classes.

So, let's look at the most frequently asked questions to specialists regarding children with ADHD.

At 3 years old, the baby was diagnosed with ADHD. They prescribed medication. What happens if you do not give the pill to the child?

Of course, parents can choose whether the child will receive therapy or not. Treatment is usually recommended medicines. Yes, many parents say that feeding a baby at 2 years old with pills, and it’s still not known which ones, is not the most best idea. Others are simply afraid of such advice from a doctor.

However, it
drug therapy is designed for this age. Typically, ADHD is diagnosed at this time. Tablets will not harm the health of the crumbs and certainly will not cause addiction in him. Do not think that by starting to give medicines now, you doom the crumbs to taking pills for life.

Many medicines are discontinued already in adolescence with the onset of puberty. Of course, there are serious cases. But remember that the doctor prescribes medications to relieve symptoms. It will be easier for the child to communicate, he will be able to study calmly at school, enter a university. Medicines enable him to lead the most ordinary life. After all, this is what you go for your crumbs.

The so-called hyperactivity of the son only in the kindergarten. At home, he behaves calmly, quietly. What does it mean?

Most likely, there is no hyperactivity here. In the medical, medical sense of the word. Just you
active child. The kindergarten is full of other children and toys. There he found himself and feels free.

Perhaps the teachers are complaining. Breaks everything, does not want to eat, can bully other children, does not go to bed on time? This is a reason to go to a child psychologist. He, most likely, will simply teach you how to soothe the baby, prescribe baths with aromatic oils before going to bed. Your baby is active, he is cheerful and inquisitive, which is especially pronounced in the society of peers.

If a child has ADHD, does this mean that he will not be able to study in a regular school?

It all depends on the degree of the disease. If it is minimal, then the child will be able to study in a regular school, graduate from it, enter
University or college. It will not be easy, not like with other children. But ADHD is quite manageable. It is necessary to engage in the upbringing of the baby, to inform the teacher.

A special school is not a place where the mentally retarded or unpromising learn. There, children are provided with the conditions in which they can learn, communicate and develop without any problems. There is nothing to be ashamed of for parents.

Do children with hyperactivity disorder have reduced intelligence?

Such combinations happen, but quite rarely. In this case, we are talking about complex disorders of the brain and nervous system. In most cases, the intelligence of the baby is quite normal.

I don't understand this diagnosis. Which doctor should I contact to explain everything to us in detail?

Worth a visit to your pediatrician. Tell him all about existing problems share your suspicions. If there are any conclusions from the kindergarten teacher, bring them. In any case, the pediatrician will prescribe an examination for the child. Then you can get to a therapist, neurologist, psychologist or even a psychiatrist. It all depends on what the reasons for your diagnosis are. There is no need to be afraid of doctors. The most "terrible" examination for the crumbs can be a blood test. Everything else doesn't hurt at all.

How, by whom, and on the basis of what symptoms and what test results, is the diagnosis of ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) diagnosed? How to distinguish a simply active and restless child from a hyperactive one? How to understand in which case the physiology is to blame for the bad and uncontrollable behavior of the child - almost imperceptible changes in the work of the brain, and in which - the shortcomings of our upbringing and the wrong attitude towards our own child? How to understand - he is going crazy because he cannot control himself, or because he desperately lacks our love and in his antisocial behavior he sees the only way to appeal to us: mom! dad! I feel bad, I'm lonely, help me, love me!..

G.N. Monina, in her book on working with children suffering from attention deficit, gives the following definition of ADHD - it is "a complex of deviations in the development of the child: inattention, distractibility, impulsiveness in social behavior and intellectual activity, increased activity during normal level intellectual development. The first signs of hyperactivity can be observed before the age of 7 years. The causes of hyperactivity may be organic lesions of the central nervous system (neuroinfections, intoxications, traumatic brain injuries), genetic factors leading to dysfunction of the neurotransmitter systems of the brain and dysregulation of active attention and inhibitory control.

Characteristics such as inattention, distractibility, impulsivity are inherent in any child, especially if we are talking about the only and slightly spoiled child by mothers and grandmothers. But the main difference between a hyperactive child and an ordinary child who is bored or uncomfortable or just in such a mood today is that a hyperactive child is always, everywhere and in any environment: at home, at school, and with friends. It simply cannot be otherwise. This is not his fault - such is the constitution of his psyche. He is not able to own and manage either his emotions or how to control his body (observations indicate that three-quarters of these children suffer from dyspraxia, simply put, clumsiness). He cannot be blamed for this. The use of harsh educational measures will only exacerbate the feelings of inferiority, imbalance and short temper that are already inherent in children with ADHD.

Despite the fact that the first symptoms of ADHD can appear already from the very birth of a child (increased muscle tone, poor sleep, constant spitting up of large amounts of food), problems with such a child usually begin at kindergarten and become most prominent in primary school. This is due to the fact that, getting into the children's team, the child is forced to obey general rules, to behave quietly, to control your emotions, to concentrate your attention on training sessions that are far from always interesting. Plus, the stress associated with a change in the usual environment and the need to contact with big amount people that a child with ADHD simply cannot do.

And if the kindergarten still assumes some more freedom in the choice of activity, then the elementary school strictly regulates both the duration and intensity, and the choice of activities. Learning activities present a great challenge for children whose ability to concentrate and control their behavior is impaired.

Disorders that suggest that a child has hyperactivity are divided into three groups: attention deficit, motor disinhibition and impulsivity.

American psychologists P. Baker and M. Alvord offer the following scheme for monitoring a child in order to identify possible signs of hyperactivity.

Active Attention Deficit

1. Inconsistent, it is difficult for him to hold attention for a long time.

2. Doesn't listen when spoken to.

3. Takes on a task with great enthusiasm, but never finishes it.

4. Has difficulty organizing.

5. Often loses things.

6. Avoids boring and mentally demanding tasks.

7. Often forgetful.

Motor disinhibition

1. Constantly fidgeting.

2. Shows signs of restlessness (drumming with fingers, moving in chair, running, climbing).

3. Sleeps much less than other children, even in infancy.

4. Very talkative.


1. Begins to answer without listening to the question.

2. Unable to wait for his turn, often interferes, interrupts.

3. Poor concentration.

4. Cannot wait for reward (if there is a pause between action and reward).

5. Cannot control and regulate their actions. Behavior is poorly controlled by rules.

6. When performing tasks, behaves differently and shows very different results. (In some classes the child is calm, in others he is not, in some lessons he is successful, in others he is not.)

According to P. Baker and M. Alvord, if at least six of the listed signs appear constantly (for more than six months) at the age of up to 7 years, the teacher can assume that the child he is observing is hyperactive.

In Russia, psychologists traditionally identify the following signs that are symptoms of ADHD in a child:

1. Restless movements in the hands and feet. Sitting on a chair, writhing, wriggling.

2. Cannot sit still when asked to do so.

3. Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli.

5. Often answers questions without thinking, without listening to them to the end.

6. When performing the proposed tasks, he experiences difficulties (not related to negative behavior or lack of understanding).

7. Difficulty maintaining attention when performing tasks or during games.

8. Often moves from one incomplete action to another.

9. Cannot play quietly, calmly.

10. Chatty.

11. Often interferes with others, sticks to others (for example, interferes with the games of other children).

12. It often seems that the child does not listen to the speech addressed to him.

13. Often loses things needed in kindergarten, school, at home, on the street.

14. Sometimes commits dangerous acts without thinking about the consequences, but adventures or thrill does not specifically seek (for example, runs out into the street without looking around).

All these signs are combined into the same three groups:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • impulsiveness;
  • distractibility - inattention.

Only the figure of the necessary presence of signs differs somewhat. Russian experts consider the diagnosis legitimate if the child has at least eight symptoms from the above list for six months.

The presence of these signs in a child is not a sufficient basis for a diagnosis. This is just a reason for an additional examination by the appropriate specialists. Unfortunately, practicing psychologists note the fact that often the label “hyperactivity” is attached by employees of educational institutions to any uncomfortable child and serves as a kind of cover for the teacher’s unwillingness or lack of experience or ability to properly organize work with children.

Therefore, we repeat once again - neither a teacher, nor parents, nor a school psychologist or a psychologist in a kindergarten can make a diagnosis of "hyperactivity" on their own, without special diagnostic studies and consultations with a neurologist and psychoneurologist. Therefore, if after the next series of tests or just after the next trick of your child, a teacher, psychologist or administration preschool or schools call you in and “diagnose” your child with hyperactivity, then you have every reason to doubt their professional competence. The most they can do is to advise you to contact a specialist. Moreover, it should be noted that this consultation is completely voluntary!

In other words, no one - neither the principal or administration of the school, nor the psychologist, nor the educators or teachers, nor the parents of other children - have the right to require you to undergo a mandatory medical examination or research. On the other hand, neither a psychologist, nor a teacher or educator, nor a school director or head of a kindergarten have the right to communicate to other children or their parents the results of psychological tests or any other medical research conducted in an educational institution, to other children, their parents, or to anyone however, other than the legal representatives of the minor child. This is a violation of medical confidentiality.

If the psychologist or classroom teacher inform you in the correct form about your child's behavioral and concentration problems, it is ideal to start with a detailed and confidential consultation with a good pediatrician who you trust and who will help you develop a plan for further research, advise a good neurologist and, if necessary, a psychoneurologist . And only after receiving the results of diagnostic studies, according to the totality of the opinions of several doctors (at least a pediatrician and a neurologist), the diagnosis of ADHD is made.

We looked at the signs that a preschool or school may suspect a child has ADHD. However, what does a hyperactive child look like in everyday life, when, seeing such behavior, parents can decide for themselves that they need to show the child to a specialist?

First of all, it is necessary to understand the age limits. Although today there is no clear understanding - when and at what age it is possible to diagnose ADHD with certainty, nevertheless, most experts agree that two periods can be distinguished when the signs of this disease are most pronounced: this is the age from 5 (oldest kindergarten group) up to about 12 years and the second period - starting from puberty, that is, about 14 years.

These age limits have their own psychological justification - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is considered to be one of the so-called borderline states of the psyche. That is, in a normal, calm state, this is one of the extreme variants of the norm, but the slightest “catalyst” is enough to bring the psyche out of the normal state, and the extreme version of the norm has already turned into some deviation. A "catalyst" for ADHD is any activity that requires the child to pay more attention, focus on the same type of work, as well as any hormonal changes that occur in the child's body.

The older group of the kindergarten is actually the beginning of schooling - regular classes and homework appear here, and the need for a certain period of time to do something that is not always interesting, and the ability to behave with restraint during the lesson (20-30 minutes) , the ability to limit their physical activity and correlate their desires with what is happening in the classroom. All this increases the load on the ability to concentrate, which is insufficiently formed in a child with ADHD.

There is another reason why serious experts prefer to diagnose ADHD no earlier than five or six years old - one of the main criteria for attention deficit disorder is the presence of learning disabilities, and they can be established no earlier than the specified age, when the child should be psychologically and physiologically ready to learning activities.

The period of puberty is characterized by a general instability of the child's character, the cause of which is the "hormonal boom" that occurs in the child's body. Therefore, it is not surprising that a child with ADHD, already prone to erratic and unpredictable behavior, is in more difficult situation than his peers.

However, despite the fact that the diagnosis of ADHD is rarely made in very young children, experts believe that there are a number of signs that suggest a child's predisposition to this disease even in early childhood. According to some experts, the first manifestations of this syndrome coincide with the peaks of the child's psychoverbal development, that is, they are most pronounced at 1-2 years, 3 years and 6-7 years.

Children prone to ADHD often have increased muscle tone even in infancy, have problems with sleep, especially with falling asleep, are extremely sensitive to any stimuli (light, noise, the presence of a large number of strangers, a new, unusual situation or environment), while awake, are often overly mobile and agitated.

Already at the age of three or four, parents notice that their child is not able to concentrate on one type of activity for a long time: he cannot listen to his favorite fairy tale to the end, play with the same toy for a long time - only picking up one, he immediately throws it and grabs the next one, his activity is chaotic. (So ​​that you are not tempted to hastily enroll your overly active child in the ranks of hyperactive children, I consider it my duty to remind you once again that all the symptoms that we have talked about and will continue to talk about should be of a permanent nature, that is, manifest themselves over time (at least six months) and manifest itself in ANY situation, regardless of the mood, the disposition of the child’s spirit, the presence of grandmothers and other personalities in the visibility zone, in front of whom God himself ordered to be capricious and show your character in all its glory.)

With the beginning of systematic studies in senior group kindergarten or elementary school, parents may notice that their child is extremely restless, very mobile, unable to control his motor activity, focus on one activity. Moreover, it is characteristic that at first such children sincerely try to do as adults ask them, but they are simply not able to fulfill their requirements.

It should be noted that hyperactivity does not imply a lag in the intellectual development of the child, that is, it means that the presence of hyperactivity in your child does not necessarily mean a lag in mental development. On the contrary, children with ADHD often have rather high intellectual abilities. However, the mental activity of a hyperactive child is characterized by cyclicity. Children can work productively for 5-10 minutes, then the brain rests for 3-7 minutes, accumulating energy for the next cycle. At this point, the child is distracted, does not respond to the teacher. Then mental activity is restored, and the child is ready for work within 5-15 minutes.

Children with ADHD have a “flickering” consciousness, they can “fall in” and “fall out” of it, especially in the absence of physical activity. When a teacher requires students to sit up straight and not be distracted, then for a hyperactive child, these two requirements come into direct conflict. When a hyperactive child thinks, he needs to make some movements - for example, swing in a chair, tap a pencil on the table, mumble something under his breath. If he stops moving, he seems to fall into a stupor and loses the ability to think. Stillness is not a natural state for a hyperactive child, and he needs to focus all his mental, mental and physical abilities on consciously remaining calm. He can't think of anything else at this moment.

In addition to restlessness and inability to concentrate, such children may suffer from speech deficiency, dyslexia, lack of curiosity (due to the inability to experience any kind of long-term interest in any type of activity), clumsiness, insufficient development of fine motor skills (the ability to make small precise movements), reduced interest in acquiring intellectual knowledge. N.N. Zavadenko notes that many children diagnosed with ADHD have speech development disorders and difficulties in developing reading, writing and numeracy skills.

All this makes it not surprising that very quickly such children absolutely lose interest in studying at school, the need to attend classes becomes a heavy duty for them, they quickly become famous as hooligans, in adolescence they can get carried away by antisocial activities, they quickly develop an addiction to various bad habits.

It is difficult for such children to get along with their peers, since in everyday behavior they are characterized by inconsistency, impulsiveness, and unpredictability.

No one can ever predict what a hyperdynamic child will do, primarily because he does not know it himself. Such a child always acts spontaneously, as if under the influence of some kind of inspiration, and although he never consciously wishes harm to anyone and does not want to do any prank or stupidity, but most often his actions have devastating consequences that sincerely upset the culprit of the incident.

Such a child is almost never offended when he is punished, due to the peculiarities of his thinking, he is simply not able to concentrate on anything for a long time, on insults - including, therefore he rarely takes offense, does not remember and does not hold evil, even if with someone then he quarrels, then he immediately puts up and forgets about the quarrel. However, despite the data positive features nature, a hyperdynamic child is often unrestrained, irritable, subject to frequent and drastic mood swings, unable to control his actions during any collective activity (for example, during a game or training sessions).

Impulsivity often pushes the child to aggressive or destructive actions - in a fit of anger, he can tear up the notebook of the neighbor who offended him, throw all his things on the floor, shake out the contents of the briefcase on the floor. It is about such children that peers say that "he is mad."

Hyperdynamic children rarely become leaders, but when they do, the company they lead is in a state of constant storm, shock, and stress.

All this makes them if not unwanted members. children's team, then very difficult for life in society, complicates interaction with peers in kindergarten and school, and at home with relatives, especially with siblings and parents (grandmothers and aunts, as a rule, accept their grandchildren without any conditions, such what they are, and devote all their strength to mercilessly pampering their child, “ruthlessly brought up by parents”).

Children diagnosed with ADHD are prone to states of emotional tension, they experience their difficulties and failures very acutely. Therefore, it is not surprising that they “easily form and fix negative self-esteem and hostility to everything related to schooling, protest reactions, neurosis-like and psychopathic disorders. These secondary disorders exacerbate the picture, increase school maladaptation, and lead to the formation of a negative "I-concept" of the child.

The development of secondary disorders largely depends on the environment that surrounds him, is determined by how adults are able to understand the difficulties arising from the painfully increased activity and emotional imbalance of the child, and create conditions for their correction in an atmosphere of benevolent attention and support.

Parents also need to know and remember about such a feature of children with ADHD - as a rule, they have a significantly lower pain threshold and they are practically devoid of a sense of fear, which, together with impulsiveness and uncontrollable behavior, is dangerous for the health and life of not only the child himself, but also for children, whom he can draw into unpredictable fun.

Another problem, in addition to problems that arise directly with communication and organization of school activities, is the problem of nervous tics. Children with ADHD often have twitches and tics.

A tic is a sudden, jerky, repetitive movement involving various muscle groups. Resembles normal coordinated movement, varies in intensity and lacks rhythm. Tic is easy to imitate, always very noticeable, therefore, as a rule, children suffering from tic attacks are often teased by their peers, repeating the child's nervous twitches. A feature of a tic is that the more a person strains the muscles to prevent them from moving, the more intense and prolonged the tic attack becomes.

You can help your child in this case by acting in two directions:

  1. teach him the simplest methods of muscle relaxation - it is the relaxation of a tense muscle that can sometimes help and stop a tick;
  2. inspire him that there is nothing wrong with his tic - it's just a feature of his body, and, if possible, explain that they tease the person who reacts in the expected way - explodes, gets into a fight or, conversely, runs away or throws himself into tears.

Teaching a child to treat himself with a sense of humor is not easy, but the only way to survive the ridicule of peers (and they will certainly be, children are sometimes extremely cruel) without harming their psyche is to learn to laugh at themselves along with others. Laughter is the only unexpected reaction that, as a rule, does not bring joy to the one who teases, therefore teasing a person who laughs at himself is uninteresting and boring.

In addition to all the above troubles, many children with ADHD complain of frequent headaches (aching, pressing, squeezing), drowsiness, and increased fatigue. Some have enuresis (urinary incontinence), and not only at night, but also during the day.

Thus, you see that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is characterized not only by changes in the child's behavior, but also by problems of a purely physiological nature, changes in the state of his physical health.

Therefore, we emphasize again and again that the diagnosis - ADHD - can only be made by a specialist, and a specialist who has medical education, and not having graduated from several universities at once, including one - psychological. Be attentive to who and what diagnoses puts your child. The misdiagnosis of ADHD can cause serious trouble in your child's life and a kind of "stigma" that will not be easy to get rid of.

Recently, you can often hear the phrase "My child is so hyperactive!" from mothers to their restless child. But few of them thought that ADHD (a syndrome and hyperactivity) is a diagnosis, and not empty words. Therefore, if you are really worried about the excessive activity of your child, if you think that there are too many of them, and your friends joke about the fact that you have twins at all - your baby is so smart, you should think about going to the doctor. After all, it is the specialist who can accurately determine whether your child is suffering from this syndrome, or you are sounding a false alarm.

Still, let's look at the main child, in order to either confirm your fears, or completely refute them. However, we strongly recommend that you seek help from a doctor if you still have such experiences.

Main symptoms

First of all, it is worth determining why you need it. You must understand that if such a child is not dealt with, the syndrome can develop into big problems. When your offspring goes to school, his lack of concentration and the need for constant movement will interfere not only with him, but also with his classmates. Thus, if no action is taken, a hyperactive child at school will experience certain difficulties.

If it is difficult for your child to concentrate in a noisy environment, and even in a quiet place he succeeds with difficulty if he does not respond to your words, although from the outside it seems that he is listening to you, if he quits what he started halfway, then perhaps him ADHD. can also be expressed in poor organization, absent-mindedness. Such a baby is often distracted by external stimuli. You may also notice that the child constantly climbs on cabinets, chairs, bedside tables. He really never rests, he is in constant motion and action: he draws, sculpts, does anything, just not to sit still. At school, the symptoms of a hyperactive child are that the student cannot concentrate on the words of the teacher, it is difficult for him to switch from leisure to work.

He constantly swings on a chair, scratches desks, rushes around the class. This happens not because he is harmful, but because he cannot and does not know how to do otherwise. Plus, it does not work properly for him. If you are the parent of such a child or a school teacher, and there are such children in your class, then do not waste your nerves and efforts on trying to verbally calm the fidget. Your prohibition phrases do not reach him. Tactile requests can be a way out for you: when you tell your child to stop making noise or indulging, stroke him on the shoulder or on the head - this way the information will be absorbed better.

Do not worry

It is worth noting that preliminary conclusions can be drawn only when the above symptoms of a hyperactive child manifested themselves constantly from birth to the school age of your child. If this began to happen to him in adolescence, then this is also a reason to worry, but not about the presence of ADHD, but about the possibility that he is taking drugs. Also remember that ADHD is not a death sentence. Our inattentive ones actually have many talents and great intellectual potential. The main thing is not to scare the child with eternal prohibitions, but also not to indulge his whims all the time. Find a balance between discipline and creative freedom, and a worthy person will definitely grow out of your child.

is a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a neurological and behavioral disorder that develops in childhood. The behavior of a hyperactive child is characterized by restlessness, distractibility, difficulty concentrating, impulsivity, increased motor activity, etc. A hyperactive child requires a neuropsychological and neurological (EEG, MRI) examination. Helping a hyperactive child involves individual psychological and pedagogical support, psychotherapy, non-drug and drug therapy.

According to the criteria developed by the DSM in 1994, ADHD can be recognized if the child has at least 6 signs of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity for six months. Therefore, during the initial visit to specialists, the diagnosis of ADHD is not made, but the observation and examination of the child is carried out. In the process of clinical and psychological examination of a hyperactive child, methods of interview, conversation, direct observation are used; obtaining information from teachers and parents using diagnostic questionnaires, neuropsychological testing.

The need for a basic pediatric and neurological examination is due to the fact that various somatic and neurological disorders (hyperthyroidism, anemia, epilepsy, chorea, hearing and visual impairment, etc.) can be hidden behind an ADHD-like syndrome. For the purpose of clarifying the diagnosis of a hyperactive child, consultations of narrow children's specialists (children's endocrinologist, pediatric otolaryngologist, pediatric ophthalmologist, epileptologist), EEG, MRI of the brain, general and biochemical blood tests, etc. outline a plan for corrective work with a hyperactive child.

Hyperactivity in children should be differentiated from fetal alcohol syndrome, post-traumatic CNS damage, chronic lead poisoning, manifestations of individual temperament characteristics, pedagogical neglect, mental retardation, etc.

ADHD correction

hyperactive child needs complex individualized support, including psychological and pedagogical correction, psychotherapy, non-drug and drug correction.

A hyperactive child is recommended a sparing training regimen (small class, reduced lessons, dosed tasks), sufficient sleep, good nutrition, long walks, sufficient physical activity. Due to increased excitability, the participation of hyperactive children in mass events should be limited. Under the direction of child psychologist and a psychotherapist, autogenic training, individual, group, family and behavioral psychotherapy, body-oriented therapy, biofeedback technologies are carried out. In the correction of ADHD, the entire environment of a hyperactive child should be actively involved: parents, educators, school teachers.

Pharmacotherapy is an auxiliary method of ADHD correction. It involves the appointment of atomoxetine hydrochloride, which blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine and improves synaptic transmission in various brain structures; nootropic drugs (pyritinol, cortexin, choline alfoscerate, phenibut, hopantenic acid); micronutrients (magnesium, pyridoxine), etc. In some cases, a good effect is achieved using kinesiotherapy, massage of the cervical spine, manual therapy.

The elimination of violations of written speech is carried out within the framework of targeted speech therapy classes for the correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia.

Forecast and prevention of ADHD

Timely and comprehensive corrective work allows a hyperactive child to learn how to build relationships with peers and adults, control their own behavior, and prevent difficulties in social adaptation. Psychological and pedagogical support of a hyperactive child contributes to the formation of socially acceptable behavior. In the absence of attention to the problems of ADHD in adolescence and adulthood the risk of social maladaptation, alcoholism and drug addiction increases.

Prevention of hyperactivity and attention deficit syndrome should begin long before the birth of a child and provide for the provision of conditions for the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, care for the health of children, and the creation of a favorable microclimate in the family and children's team.