Psychologist in sports or why do you need a child sports psychologist? Center for Sports Psychology Sports Psychology for Children.

Feel free to suggest and try different options. Children are much easier about change. If you don't like swimming, go to football with him, if not football, then wrestling, etc.

Often a coach instills a love for the sport, so you can refer to someone specific on the basis of recommendations and reviews. If the coach sees that, according to the physical qualities, hockey is not suitable for his son, then it is worth listening and turning the child's attention to something else.

But there is no need to force! Find what the child likes and will enjoy, and you will not have to force.

Why do you need a sports psychologist?

If you find it difficult to make a choice, and the desire to go to the sports section does not disappear, you should contact a sports psychologist. Specialists will diagnose the properties and qualities of the child's personality.

For this, computer diagnostics can be used, for example, tests to determine the properties of attention, memory, etc.

With children, projective techniques are often carried out, which can also give certain information to the psychologist and parents. This will help with the choice.

When and who needs a sports psychologist?

Many kids get emotionally overwhelmed when the competition starts. And parents wonder why the results in training are better than in competitions? Or if there is fear of performance and increased anxiety, pressure from the coach and parents, fear of letting the team down, which negatively affects the results. This is the reason for the consultation.

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Your child will not need the help of a specialist if you (or more often a coach) correctly build the psychological preparation for the competition. Support is very important in any outcome.

Which children come to consultations more often?

It is very important who exactly likes the sport: a child or a parent. If mom or dad decided that the child would do exactly gymnastics and nothing else, because they themselves really wanted to do it, or once did not achieve great victories in this form and now want their child to do it for them, then it is important explain to parents that this is a big mistake.

This type of parent is called "compensating", it is they who form the wrong attitude towards sports, competitions, victories, losses, etc.

It happens that an athlete who has been playing football for 5 years comes for a consultation and says that he really would like to swim. But his dad dreamed of his son a football player and did not give the child the right to choose a sport on his own.

Children of such parents come to a psychologist most often. Therefore, when your child has problems in sports, do not hesitate to independently enter into a frank conversation with a psychologist.

It is important not to allow a son or daughter to become a means of achieving parental goals.

But if this happens, you need to learn how to provide adequate psychological support to the child.

In my practice, there was a case when a 6-year-old girl came to me: she was engaged in figure skating, but the training always ended in tears, the coach scolded, something did not work out. A child is sanguine by temperament, such children can engage in almost any sport, a universal type of temperament. Parents were advised not to get hung up on figure skating, try other sports and different coaches.

As a result, the girl is engaged in dancing and she is happy, wins first places, and enjoys. All because they turned in time and did not get hung up on figure skating.

Where can I find a sports psychologist?

Unfortunately, there are very few sports psychology centers in Minsk, and there are practically none on the periphery. But there are such specialists at the Department of Psychology of the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture.

You can also consult at the Psychological Center IPPK BGUFK, MUNIL (Interdepartmental Research Laboratory). The Olympic Reserve School will also give you this opportunity.

Did you responsibly choose a sports section for your child?

Sports psychology as a separate branch of psychology gained worldwide recognition in 1965, when the International Society for Sports Psychology was created in Rome. Now the psychology of sports is experiencing rapid development. The national and Olympic teams of almost all countries have in-house psychologists, often for each sport.

Tasks of a sports psychologist

When working with an athlete, a psychologist must help him solve the following tasks:

  • Clearly set a goal, create an image of the desired result and, thereby, form the correct motivation for training to increase their effectiveness.
  • Help to cope with pre-launch excitement, to concentrate attention.
  • Help the athlete learn how to manage his psychological state, teach relaxation techniques, visualization, etc.
  • To help improve the athlete's relationship with the coach, as well as between team members.
  • Provide an athlete with psychological assistance in crisis situations: in case of loss, injury, etc.

A good sports psychologist has a broad professional outlook and uses in his work all the achievements of various areas of psychology: auto-training, NLP, hypnosis, coaching, etc.

The specifics of the work of a child sports psychologist

The work of a child sports psychologist has its own specifics. First of all, he must find out whether the sports direction has been chosen correctly, taking into account the abilities and capabilities of the child. Often, ambitious parents strive to raise their baby to be a champion and send him to the sports section in early childhood. The task of a psychologist is to determine whether a child will be able to cope not only with physical, but also with a rather serious psychological stress when playing sports and assess how his personal characteristics correspond to the requirements.

Another important task of child sports psychology is the competent upbringing of children in the process of training. At present, children's sports psychology makes it possible to develop effective training programs for young athletes, which take into account their age-related psychophysiological characteristics. For this, psychodiagnostics is carried out, as well as individual and group psychological work with children involved in sports.

In addition, the topic of work with athletes who left the "big sport" and switched to coaching with children or adolescents is a topical issue. And here a sports psychologist is indispensable: as a rule, athletes are poorly versed in child psychology, and it is a child sports psychologist who can help them establish contact with wards, explain the methods of psychological interaction with a child, develop a team spirit in a children's team.

It should be borne in mind that more and more children are being brought up in single-parent families, without male influence, and the coach serves as a model of “male behavior” for them. Therefore, a great responsibility falls on the coach, because his personal characteristics greatly influence the character and manner of behavior of the child. And not the least role in the formation of the correct approach to children in this case is played by a child sports psychologist.

Thus, this specialist takes part in all stages of work with a child, from choosing a sport to building relationships in a team and direct psychological preparation for competitions.

25.05.2010 10:55

Children's athletes are increasingly coming to the attention of sports psychologists and psychiatrists. It is noted that historically, psychiatrists have not dealt with the developmental features characteristic of children-athletes. The main subject of study has always been the physical and motor aspects of development. But often it is precisely such things as non-inclusion in a team and a drop in self-esteem that have a decisive influence on the future fate of sports. Recently, many specialists have become concerned about the appearance of a negative phenomenon associated with an unreasonably early choice of a "narrow" sports specialization. Increasingly, coaches began to involve too young people and children in elite sports. Athletic professionals recognize the detrimental effects of this early engagement from an ethical, physiological and educational perspective. Indispensability and necessity of physical activity for

the child's life activity is not in doubt, but it is important to remember that there is an optimum for each age. Locomotor activity below the optimum leads to a delay in growth and development, as well as to a decrease in the working and adaptive capabilities of the developing organism, and pronounced hypokinesia leads to changes that relate to pre-pathological and pathological conditions. At the same time, excessive mobility (sports hyperkinesia) can lead to
the emergence of a specific complex of functional disorders and clinical changes, primarily from the central nervous system, neuroregulatory apparatus, cardiovascular, endocrine and immune systems, which requires the termination of sports training and the provision of serious medical care.

To achieve world-class results, the modern athlete needs to turn himself into a training machine that conducts two or three workouts a day, serving these results and minimizing any other activity - study, work, creativity, family. Today's results in all sports have grown so much that only athletes who narrowly specialized at a very early age will be able to reach the level of highest achievements, especially in team sports. For some sports (for example, gymnastics), the age of 20 is already close to the veteran age. Despite the increase in athletic longevity, a real increase in results after 30 years is possible only in endurance activities. There is a certain constant, a constant value of different training experience in different sports, due to the biological laws of the development of human motor qualities in ontogenesis, different periods of specialization and age ranges of maximum achievements in different types of physical exercises. For gymnastics, swimming, fencing, figure skating, tennis, the optimal age for starting classes is 7-9 years; for basketball, trampoline, skiing and sailing - 9-11 years old; for wrestling, water flooring, volleyball, rowing, speed skating, athletics, diving, modern pentathlon, football, hockey - 10-11 years; for tobogganing, shooting, archery, kayaking and canoeing - 11-12 years old; for cycling, boxing - 12-13 years old. Specialization (educational and training sessions) begins after initial training from 8 to 15 years old, depending on the type of sport. The earliest specialization is in swimming (from 8 years old), gymnastics, tennis, figure skating (from 9 years old), the latest is in boxing, cycling, weightlifting (from 14 years old).

In addition to the negative impact of early specialization, the attention of specialists is attracted by special pathological patterns of behavior that are formed both in the youngest athlete and in his environment. Characterizing the personality of a young athlete, there is an extremely strong dependence of his self-esteem on success or failure in the competition arena. Being almost the only and certainly the leading and dominant type of activity in which the child is involved, sports activity forms a special value structure of the personality, when each failure becomes a significant blow to the young athlete's idea of ​​himself as worth something. Further research requires such urgent problems as cruelty and aggression in children's sports, as well as the study of the course of mental states in children-athletes, close to pathological, but widespread among children, such as fears, anxiety and other emotional problems, as well as phenomena retardation and acceleration.

Speaking about pathological patterns in the behavior of people around a young athlete, it is necessary to mention the so-called "achievement through an intermediary" - a syndrome that covers a wide range of behavior of parents and coaches, from normal pride to exploitation and cruelty. As the object through which parents and coaches realize their ambitions, expressed in the phrase of one coach “I cannot miss my chance to raise a great athlete”, children bear the burden of responsibility to their environment and are constantly exposed to stress caused by an artificial developmental situation characterized by strict restrictions in those types of activities that are basic for the child, namely play, communication and educational.

Kirill Smirnov

02.06.2010 10:11

The accuracy of assessing and measuring time intervals depends, in addition to the biological cycles of the body, on the functional state and experience, as shown in the work of M.Yu. Shirokoy, on fitness, as demonstrated in the study of S.G. Gellerstein, on the motivation and conditions of the task, as evidenced by the data obtained by V.A. Sadov, "from the consistency of the subjective unit of account with the accepted unit of time measurement."

The use of various methods for assessing the perception of time in a person in professional activity seems to be promising in the diagnosis of fatigue. So for a long time, the measurement of the accuracy of perception and reproduction of micro-intervals of time has been used in sports to assess the emotional tension of an athlete. The test is as follows: the athlete is given a stopwatch and is first asked to measure 7 seconds and at the same time count to himself, checking the pace of his account. After that, no longer looking at the stopwatch, he must measure the time interval equal to 7 seconds. This is repeated several times. Moderate emotional tension is evidenced by the shortening of the measurement by 0.5-1.4 s compared to the results obtained at rest. Stronger acceleration indicates an excessive level of tension. Slowing down of the report by more than 1.4-2 s.

In recent work Igelman presented a block of tests taking into account the peculiarities of the flow of time (TTB - Texas Temporal Battery). It is hoped that a block of small tests may be effective in testing fatigue, fitness for work, and even brain damage. The fact is that the process of perception of time is associated with the work of many areas of the brain, and therefore, even simple tasks for the perception of time can reveal pathology. The tests, developed or modified by Egelman, are based on the principles of the human visual analyzer and include 3 tests that measure 7 different parameters of the brain for the perception of information over time. The first test is for the speed of distinguishing between alternative images. When an image and its negative are presented to a person on the screen at a very fast pace, the person does not see anything. The duration below which two events are perceived as one is called (1) a window of simultaneity. When the brain is fatigued or damaged, the fusion window can increase.

The second test is a simple computer game. On the screen - a 3 * 3 matrix filled with squares. They are all red, except for one green. When the subjects click on the green square, it jumps to another position. Sometimes the square jumps to another position even before the subject has clicked on the square. If the subject thinks that the square has jumped to another position before its action, he should have reported this by pressing the spacebar. Thus, the second test measured not only (2) reaction time but also (3) "veto" time- the time between spontaneously jumping over the square and then clicking on the square. This test also measured (4) temporary variable of causality- that is, the time between spontaneous jumping over the square and pressing a key, at which the subjects believe that the movement occurred spontaneously, and not through their fault. In an additional series of this test, the square jumped to another position only 200 ms after the subject's action. This is the so-called delayed series. It allows you to measure (5) speed of recalibration of temporal parameters of causality.

The third test is aimed at determining the differences in the assessment of the duration of repetitive and new stimuli. The subject looks at the fixation cross in the center of the screen. Stimuli appear around in turn in different places. Due to the phenomenon of constancy of perception, stimuli that last less than 100 ms are perceived as lasting about 100 ms. That is why a person perceives on the screen not one stimulus, but several. This number for the same stimuli and different is different and characterizes the characteristics of the subjects. So in a recent study, it was shown that the differences between the perception of the duration of the same and different stimuli are erased in patients with schizophrenia.

To some extent, the first and second tests of this battery are a modification of the standard test for the critical flicker fusion frequency (CFF). The KChSM method has been known and used for a long time. It characterizes the general FS of the body at different levels of general physical load, is an informative, simple and accessible physiological indicator for assessing the performance and intensity of the load. It has been experimentally established that under the influence of physical exertion, CFFF changes, therefore, observation of the CFSP dynamics makes it possible to judge the degree of body fatigue. However, it has been proven that CFFF is a multifactorial indicator of the psychophysiological state, reflecting the current level of CNS activation. A decrease in the CFFF value indicates the development of fatigue in the central nervous system and the body as a whole, an increase in the presence of excitement or stress, therefore, an adequate assessment and interpretation of CFFF requires additional factors to be taken into account. At the same time, it was experimentally revealed that changes in CFFF during fatigue do not exceed 2-3 Hz, and the transition from the visibility of light flashes to their fusion is blurred and constitutes a zone of uncertainty, on average equal to 1 Hz, which determines the low accuracy of the CFFF method. Therefore, there is a need to find more accurate methods to control the development of athlete's fatigue during training. Taking into account these shortcomings, a new psychophysiological method was proposed for determining the temporal parameters characterizing the inertia of vision, in particular, the recovery time of the visual system - the time between the moment the effect of light on the retina ceases and the moment the corresponding visual sensation disappears. To determine the recovery time, the subject is presented with paired light pulses with a duration of t impulses, separated by an interpulse interval t, repeated at a constant time interval T. During the measurement, the duration of the interpulse interval t pores is determined, at which the subject has a subjective sensation of the fusion of two pulses in a pair into one, equal to the recovery time of the visual system. It is assumed that the method for determining the recovery time of the visual analyzer is a more reliable and comfortable method in comparison with the CFFS method. However, this test is not devoid of a share of subjectivity, since it can simply reflect a different criterion for making a decision. Also, this test can be deliberately cheated. All these disadvantages have been overcome in the Texas battery. Thus, the tests of the Texas Temporary Battery have great potential for use in sports psychology.

08.06.2010 10:52

Technologies have been developed to improve human life support on the basis of comprehensive genetic and virological testing of athletes of the Olympic reserve, including the analysis of genetic variations. drugs and antidepressants.

25.05.2010 10:53

The term psychophysiology combines two seemingly completely different worlds: the world of physiology, the bodily-material, and the world of the soul, mental. Psychophysiology is a branch of psychology that studies the biological components of mental activity. The applied field of sports psychophysiology is still poorly differentiated. Its main task is to apply the basic knowledge and methods accumulated and developed within the framework of psychophysiology for the needs of sports.

At the very beginning of the sports psychology course taught at Stonebridge University, it is argued that understanding the connection between the body and the psyche in sports is key to the preparation of successful athletes. And it is precisely the relationship of the body and the psyche with its application to sports that is the main topic of the study of sports psychology. Sports psychophysiology is trying to reveal the connections between the psyche and the brain and offer its own methods of influencing both physiological and mental processes. Thus, it turns out that without knowledge of sports psychophysiology, competent supervision of athletes is impossible, it is impossible to become an effective sports psychologist.

Moreover, in history there have been cases when it was psychophysiological studies of the brain that led to a change in the rules in sports. So when studying 14 boxers, it was found that among them 6 people have EEG abnormalities, which may be a consequence of brain damage. A few years later, this served as the basis for the introduction of new provisions in the boxing rules. Similar studies have been carried out for football players. They state the potential danger of micro-concussions of the brain that occur when the ball is bounced off the head. These studies highlight the important social significance of psychophysiological research in sports.

Promising areas of sports psychophysiology are psychophysiological diagnostics of individual characteristics of athletes and their functional state, as well as the development and application of methods for managing their state by influencing their physiological processes.

In the section "Modules of Sports Psychology" materials of research and experiments in the field of psychophysiology will be posted. The experts of the Center will comment and analyze the topics and problems proposed for discussion.

Olga Sysoeva

02.06.2010 10:20

The question of what the ethical problems of sports psychology are should begin with a description of the concepts of theoretical ethics. Ethics (from the Greek word "ethos" - temper, character) is a branch of philosophy, the object of study of which is morality. The word "morality" comes from the Latin word "moris" and has the same meaning as "morality" in Russian and "Sittlichkeit" in German. It should also be noted that the word "ethics" originally meant the same as "moral", but now it is used to refer to the field of science. Ethical theories are generally divided into three main areas: metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics.

Metaethics (analytical ethics) is a direction of ethical research that analyzes ethics itself as a scientific discipline using the methods of logical-linguistic analysis.

Normative ethics is directed towards more practical tasks, which is to achieve moral standards that can regulate right and wrong behavior. In a sense, it is a search for the ideal principle of proper behavior. Before acting, a person must consider their responsibilities (usually in the form of principles or rights) to others in their interactions with them. The normative system of ethical principles is based on a kind of Super-Rule, Super-Due. The Golden Rule of Morality is a classic example of the normative principle: "Do to others as you want to be treated to you." This means that people must act in accordance with a certain rule, a duty, which is obligatory to fulfill in any circumstances. As an example, we can also cite Kant with his famous categorical imperative - "act as if the maxim of your action through your will were to become a universal law of nature." Thus, normative ethical theory establishes a single principle on the basis of which any action is considered.

Applied Ethics is an ethics department that studies practical moral issues and analyzes specific contentious moral issues. In recent years, the main areas of applied ethics have been divided into groups such as medical ethics, sports ethics, business ethics, environmental ethics, etc. Here ethics is understood as a system of principles, a set of rules or standards that determine behavior in the field of a certain type of activity. Particular attention is paid to visible deviations from general moral norms, which are dictated by the originality of the profession. For example, in the classical relationship between a psychologist and a patient, the most important responsibility of a doctor is the patient's well-being, but with the emergence of a third stakeholder - a team, a coach, a sponsor, the interests of the patient-athlete may fade into the background, or even not be taken into account at all.

Research into the ethical aspect of the work of a sports psychologist is devoted to the study of issues such as the organizational context in which the work is carried out; relationships with colleagues, with clients; confidentiality of information received by the psychologist; the place of consultation meetings (in the case of a sports psychologist, this does not always happen in a separate specially equipped room). Special attention is devoted to the issues of establishing wages by a psychologist for his services. According to K. Hayes, the annual earnings of sports psychologists vary from $ 0 to $ 300,000, i.e. in this professional field, the variation in payment prices is very large.

When a psychologist works with a sports organization, he is forced to find the optimal balance between the tasks that the organizations set for them and at the same time take into account the interests and needs of each employee individually. A sports psychologist, as a rule, finds himself in a situation of complex interaction with a coach, an athlete, team administrators, etc., whose interests, tasks and actual expectations from a sports psychologist are often very different. Hierarchical relationships in an organization, a sports team can hinder the establishment of trusting contact between a psychologist and employees, athletes. In this case, the psychologist should pay special attention to the issues of maintaining the confidentiality of the information he receives.

A rather difficult situation for a psychologist arises when he is involved in the issues of sports selection, team recruitment. The psychologist should discuss the ethical limitations of his work before committing to work so as not to create false expectations.

Anastasia Soldatova

Guseinov A.A., Apresyan R.G. Ethics: A Textbook. - M .: Gardariki, 2000 .-- 472 p.
L. V. Maksimov, Essay on modern metaethics // "Questions of Philosophy", 1998, No. 10. P.39-54
Immanuel Kant: A Critique of Practical Reason. Science, 2007
Hays K.F. Being fit: The ethics of practice diversification in performance psychology // Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. - 2006.– Vol.37. - No. 3. - P. 223-232
Moore Z.E. Ethical dilemmas in sport psychology: discussion and recommendations pro practice // Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. - 2003. –Vol. 34. - No. 6. - P. 601-610.
Haberl P., Peterson K. Olympic-Size ethical dilemmas: issues and challenges for sport psychology consultants on the road and at the Olympic games // Ethics and Behavior. - 2006. -No.16 (1). - R.25-40.
Pauline J.S., Pauline G.N., Johnson S.R., Gamble K.M. Ethical issues in exercise psychology // Ethics and Behavior. - 2006. -No.16 (1). - R.61-76.

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Most modern parents want their children to be excellent students and winners in any kind of activity. To do this, they hire many tutors in various subjects and take their children to various circles and sections, for such a child the day is scheduled by the minute, and often, none of the parents thinks about whether the child needs this. in our center will help to deal with the questions:

  • How will so many interests affect the personality of the child?
  • Why does he need such a variety?

A sports child psychologist will help you deal with all these issues.

How does it help?

In our arsenal there are many tools for working both with children, athletes, and for working with children and their parents, who have not yet decided what is the best way to deal with a child. We will help you competently shape the development of the child, choose the type of additional activity that will lead to a harmoniously developed and successful personality. The best child sports psychologist in Moscow accepts with us, the results of whose work leave parents in no doubt about the correctness of the decision to visit him.

To make childhood happy, and parents to be proud and happy about the success of their child, you need:

  • correctly determine the abilities and capabilities of the child,
  • choose the right kind of sport for the future champion, taking into account his temperament, character and inclinations.

If the child is already doing something, it is necessary to properly motivate and support his interests so that any activity gives him pleasure.

Even V.A. Sukhomlinsky said that sport becomes a means of education when it is a favorite pastime.


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For a long time I was eaten from the inside by my state of self-dislike, despondency, disappointment in everything. There was no desire to move forward, but the water that stands still starts to stink. So I was, unpleasant (to myself in the first place), "stinking" of my irritability, aggressive attitude, not trusting attitude to everyone and everything. At first there were moments when there was no mood and did not want to see myself in the mirror. Then it became a daily routine - I didn't want to look at myself in the mirror, I was nasty to myself, I saw a creature without goals and desires. Complete zero in the eyes. I asked myself, how is it so young, still quite a girl, but inside there is no spark and enthusiasm. I tried to pull myself together, to curb my fickle moods. I tried to look at the world optimistically, treat myself with love. I knew the whole theory well. But beyond awareness, nothing moved. I wrote a list of desires, goals. I used the principles of positive thinking. But it didn't go ... Yes, I myself could not understand, what do I want? ... More reviews ...

With all my heart I want to sincerely thank Alla Anatolyevna for what she did for me. This is a person who really is in his place! It can help you understand yourself, which some specialists are not able to do. Men! Have problems with sex, insecurity, fear? Do you want to return everything, but do not know how? Alla Anatolyevna is your savior! Go ahead and don't hesitate! Thank God for helping me meet such a person - a specialist as Alla Anatolyevna ... More reviews ...

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Very often, parents send their child to the sports section without thinking about the motives and consequences of their impulse. At the same time, the desire of the child himself is not always taken into account. As a rule, the motivation for parents in most cases is their own unfulfilled desires and possibilities. Much less often, the motivation is the improvement and harmonious development of the child himself.

What is important to know for parents whose child plays sports?

First of all, there are two types of sports: sports and recreation (2-3 times a week) and professional (from daily to 3 workouts a day). That professional pursuits are by no means health-improving, but rather the opposite. It is also necessary to know that there are a number of sports where professionalism begins at primary school age. This includes all types of gymnastics, acrobatics, figure skating, i.e. those sports that need flexibility, most successfully developed during this period.

Parents also need to have an idea about the peculiarities of the child's psyche of primary school age. The fact that it is in the stage of formation and the basic mental processes of will, thinking, motivation have not yet been formed. Younger school age is a period of personality formation.

Let's take an example: a 6-year-old girl was brought in for a psychological appointment. According to her parents, she dreamed of doing gymnastics from the age of two, and now she is engaged professionally, 2-3 workouts a day. According to the parents, the child is experiencing a very competitive relationship with another girl, which is why he cannot perform well and train well. Having worked with the child, I became convinced that this is more of my mother's experience than hers. For 40 minutes of communication, the girl told me about the coach, training and older friends, how they communicate and make friends. The only girl mentioned in passing at the end of the conversation was the very competitor with the best results. In addition, she remembered about her only after my prompting. When I put the child into a trance state of relaxation, she instantly fell asleep. During relaxation, she trembled strongly, nervously twitching her arms and legs, which indicated a great psycho-physical overstrain. And this despite the fact that she does not even go to school yet!

In my youth, being a rhythmic gymnastics coach, I took my pupils to international competitions so that they could see what they should become. Then it seemed to me that nothing could be more important for them. Imagine my amazement when the most talented girl in the group ran up to me in the midst of the competition with an exclamation: "Alla Anatolyevna, look what a doll I have!" The importance of the moment and the doll did not fit together in any way! At that moment, I had a reassessment of values. I realized that my students are ordinary children, they just have an additional game - gymnastics. I wanted to make them champions, but they just played.

At this age, peer relationships are very important for a child, since he develops communication skills, and achievements in sports or studies are of secondary importance for him. The insistent demands of a coach or parents to concentrate on achieving high results are beyond the capabilities of the child's psyche. The need to meet the expectations of the coach and parents, exorbitant physical activity, too high tasks that the child cannot always fulfill - all this can lead to psychological overload. As a result, the child may develop low self-esteem and a sense of guilt, which over time manifests itself in neurotic reactions or goes to the psychosomatic level. Apathy, depression, irritable weakness, moodiness - all this is just the beginning of the consequences of high loads.

How to prevent or prevent such situations? First of all, don't ask your child more than he can. Praise him not only for the result achieved, but also for the efforts made where the result was below your expectations. If you see that the child's body is not recovering and alarming signs have appeared in his behavior, it is better to slightly reduce the load. Either reduce the number of training sessions, or reduce the load during training. If you see that the child is very tired, give him the opportunity to rest. A short break of 10-15 days will only do him good. During this time, the body will recover and enter the supercompensation stage. It is at this stage that the body, after another stress load, begins to increase its motor qualities beyond the usual level. In this case, returning to regular training, the child will be able to show a better result. If, for some reason, neither one nor the other is impossible, it is better to turn to a professional psychologist in time, who knows the techniques of psychophysiological relaxation and energetic recharging of the body.

Love your children and remember that the coach and the parent may have different goals. Do not forget that professional sports are hard physical work with high psychological stress.