Methodological development on the topic: Training for educators “Cohesion of the teaching staff. Training for the rallying of the teaching staff in the kindergarten "Together

The training is aimed at rallying the teaching staff, developing communication skills, emotional stability, self-confidence, and a friendly attitude towards each other. Performing training exercises, teachers learn to understand each other. The training motivates teachers to self-improvement, reflection, mastering the mechanisms of communicative competence.

Training objectives:

Formation of a favorable psychological climate

Finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them

Development of the ability to work in a team

Group rallying

Awareness by each participant of his role, function in the group

Improve the communication skills of teachers

Increase your mood for good luck, happiness, kindness and success.

Necessary materials:

Sheets of format A - 4 according to the number of participants, simple pencils, felt-tip pens

Calm music for relaxation

Plates, jug of water

sheets in a cage, ballpoint pens by number of participants

Course of the training:

Educational psychologist:

Dear colleagues! Today we will talk with you about the psychological climate of the team, as well as the importance of team cohesion.

The psychological climate is the interpersonal relationships typical of the work team, which determine its basic mood.

In one climate, a plant may flourish, in another it may wither. The same can be said about the psychological climate: in some conditions, people feel uncomfortable, tend to leave the team, spend less time in it, their personal growth slows down, in others, the team functions optimally and its members get the opportunity to fully realize their potential.

Building a psychological climate and team cohesion is the most important thing not only for the administration, but also for each member of the team.

The climate is called favorable if the atmosphere of goodwill, care for everyone, trust and exactingness reigns in the team. If team members are ready to work, show creativity and achieve High Quality, working without control and bearing responsibility for the case. If everyone in the team is protected, feels involved in everything that happens and actively enters into communication.

Exercise 1. "Greeting"

Purpose of the exercise: to determine the purpose of a smile as a means of conveying a message

Task: greeting a communication partner with a smile

Instruction: today instead of the word "hello" we will greet each other with a smile. You have the right to choose different variants smiles: sincere, arrogant, ironic, insincere.

Exercise analysis:

1. By what signs did you guess that the smile is sincere, ironic, arrogant?

2. How did you feel when you received a smile instead of a greeting?

3. How often and in what situations do you usually use a smile to establish contact?

Exercise 2. "My mood"

Purpose of the exercise: expression of mood

Task: draw your mood at the moment

Instruction: On a sheet of format A - 4, depict your mood.

We will arrange an exhibition of our moods, give our neighbor only a good mood, accompanying the gift with these words: “I give you my good mood ...”, and then let it be yours sweet Nothing, an appeal that is usually addressed to your loved ones and loved ones.

Exercise analysis:

1. What did you like about this exercise?

2. What emotions did you experience when giving and receiving a “mood” in the form of a drawing?

Exercise 3. "Compliment"

The purpose of the exercise: creating a positive emotional attitude towards the interlocutor, mastering the compliment technique.

Task: come up with a compliment that matches the personal qualities of the interlocutor.

Instruction: remember the words of B. Okudzhava

"Let's exclaim, admire each other,

High-sounding words are not to be feared.

Let's compliment each other

After all, these are all love happy moments ...!

Today we will say compliments to each other. Choose a partner for the task. The exchange of compliments will take place in the form of a dialogue. It is necessary not only to receive a compliment, but also to return it.

For instance:

Natasha, you are such a kind person!

Yes it is! Also, I'm kind!

And you Olya, such beautiful eyes!

A compliment is accepted in a certain form: Yes, it is! And also I ... (added positive quality) and the compliment returns to the speaker.

Exercise analysis:

1. What difficulties did you encounter while doing this exercise?

2. Were there any pleasant moments in the exercise, which ones?

Exercise 4. "Flower" (to the music)

The goal of the game is to help participants experience feelings of mutual support and trust, mutual understanding at a deep level.

Participants are divided into pairs, one of them represents himself as a bud. It describes its color, shape, soil on which it grows.

The second - represents himself as a hero supporting the bud.

He approaches the sitting, grouped, bud from the back, gently wraps his arms around him, and begins to rock him.

The bud is gaining strength and "blooms". Then the partners change places.

Exercise analysis:

1. Tell us about your feelings after the exercise?

2. What difficulties did you face?

Exercise 5

The purpose of the exercise: to develop mutual understanding in the group, to understand and discuss the patterns of mutual assistance

Task: a group of participants, silently with their eyes closed, passes a plate of water around in a circle.

As a result, during the transfer, communication methods develop, the search for the partner’s hands until the plate is passed, the warning about the transfer by touch.

Exercise analysis:

1. What do you think went wrong?

2. How can this be fixed, what needs to be done?

3. What emotions did you experience during this exercise?

Exercise 6

The purpose of the game is to bring the members of the group together and establish trust between them.

The psychological meaning of the exercise

Development of communication skills, cohesion of group members, trust.

This exercise provides an excellent opportunity to experience what trust is.

Task: standing with your back to your partners, fall into their arms. Conducted in turn with each member of the group.

Exercise analysis:

1. What was easier to do, fall or catch?

2. How did you feel about it?

3. Is there any real life situations where you experience similar feelings?

Participants talk about what helped or, conversely, interfered with the task. What felt those who fell, and what felt those who closed the circle.

Exercise 7. “What I have learned”

Purpose: reflection

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I learned….

I have learned that….

I was surprised that…..

I like it,………

I was disappointed that….

The most important thing for me was...

Completion. Circle discussion:

What have you learned today...

What will I use in my work ...

Thank you all for your active participation!


1. Moreva N. A. Training of pedagogical communication. Practical guide. M. 2009.- 78 p.

2. Stishenok I. V. Fairy tale in training: correction, development, personal growth. St. Petersburg 2006. - 176 p.

3. Vopel K. Psychological groups: Working materials for the presenter: A practical guide. M., 2005. - 256 p.

4. Manual for a beginner trainer, "I want to conduct a training." Novosibirsk, 2000. - 205 p.


Target - bringing together group members to jointly solve assigned tasks, developing the ability to express sympathy and respect for each other.

Cohesion is a group variable, that is, it depends on the attitude of all members of the group. Group cohesion differs from all other variables in that it affects the functioning of the group and at the same time depends on it.

Several factors influence the development of cohesion in a group. The first one is the type of job being performed. The higher the level of interaction required by the task, the higher the potential cohesiveness of the group. The second factor is the group's history of success in completing past tasks. The more such successes, the greater the cohesion.

Certain characteristics of the group itself also contribute to group cohesion. For example, the presence of a common goal among group members leads to greater cohesion than its absence. Another contribution to group cohesion is made by personal characteristics group members. People love more those of their acquaintances whose views are closer to their own. The more such people in the group, the more united it is.

So, the development of cohesion in a group depends on group interaction, group success, common goals and mutual sympathy between group members. Once developed, group cohesion can have a significant impact on the future of the group. One consequence of group cohesion is that group members spend more time interacting with each other, thus increasing both the quantity and quality of group interaction. In addition, a cohesive group has a great influence on its individual members.

Another consequence is that members of a cohesive group get more job satisfaction, which is very important. Finally, group cohesion is closely related to productivity. Members of a more cohesive group will be in more adhere to group performance guidelines than members of a less cohesive group.

1) "Break into the circle"

Group members hold hands and form a vicious circle. Based on the results of the past sessions, the facilitator preliminarily determines for himself which of the group members feels least included in the group, and invites him to be the first to start the exercise, that is, to break through the circle and penetrate into it. Each participant can do the same.

2) "Typewriter"

Participants are given a word or phrase. The letters that make up the text are distributed among the members of the group. Then the phrase should be said as quickly as possible, with everyone calling their letter, and in the intervals between words, everyone clap their hands.

3) "Package"

Participants sit in a circle, close to each other. Hands hold neighbors on their knees. One of the participants "sends the package" by lightly slapping the leg of one of the neighbors. The signal must be transmitted as soon as possible and must return in a circle to its author. Possible signal options ( different amount or types of movement).

4) "Tangled chains"

Participants stand in a circle, close their eyes and hold out in front of them right hand. When confronted, hands clasp. Then the participants extend their left arms and again look for a partner. The facilitator makes sure that everyone holds the hands of two people. Participants open their eyes. They should unravel without opening the hands (only changing the position of the hands is allowed so that the hands do not dislocate). As a result, either a circle is formed, or several linked rings of people, or several independent circles or pairs.

5) "Meeting the eyes"

All participants stand in a circle with their heads down. At the command of the leader, they simultaneously raise their heads. Their task is to meet someone's gaze. That pair of players who succeeded leaves the circle.

6) "Wax stick"

One participant goes to the center of the circle and falls back with their eyes closed. The other(s) catch him at the very last minute.

7) "Blind Walk"

Instruction:Invite your partner to take you on a "blind" walk where they provide you with a variety of objects so that you can experience the shape, size, texture, temperature, and other characteristics of real objects using your kinesthetic abilities.

If you want to reduce or suppress the rational-verbal activity of the brain (its left half), you can try to count in direct or reverse order while everything else is going on.

8) "Any number"

The leader calls by name of any of the players. He must instantly name some number from one to the number,

equal number of participants in the group. The host commands "three - four." At the same time, as many players as the number named must stand up. In this case, the player who called this random number can stand up himself, or can remain seated. The host stops the game after two or three successful attempts.

9) "Answers for another"

Participants take a large sheet of paper and divide it into three parts with vertical lines. At the top of the middle column you need to write your game name. Above the left column - write the name of the person sitting on the left, but through one person. Above the right column is the name of the person sitting on the right, also through one.

Instruction : So now there are questions. You don't need to write them down. Number the questions and write down the answers you think your partners are giving. Don't rush, try to get used to inner world the person on whose behalf you have to write. In the middle column, you are responsible for yourself. Answer briefly and definitely.

Possible list of questions:

Your favorite color.

Your favorite male name.

Your favorite female name.

Do you have sympathy for domestic animals? If so, who do you prefer: dogs, cats, birds, fish or someone else?

Your favorite pastime.

What genre of films do you prefer?

Musical preferences.

9) "Three degrees of trust"

The group is divided into two equal parts. One half of the participants stand in a circle, close their eyes and take each other's hands. Participants from the second subgroup are located behind them. The first degree of trust: those who are inside fall out. Those outside keep them at some distance. The second degree of trust: the same, but without holding hands.

Third Degree of Trust: People in the inner circle turn 180 degrees with their eyes closed and fall face outward. At each trial, the people in the outer circle change places.

10) "Silent and speaking mirror"

The facilitator invites a volunteer to enter the circle, who will “look in the mirror.”

Instruction: Your task is to guess which of the group members came up from behind only by the “reflection in the mirrors”. One "mirror" will be alive, but silent: it will be able to explain to you who is behind your back, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures. The second "mirror" is a speaker, it will explain what kind of person this is, without naming him. Choose your “mirrors” from the group.

"Mirrors" stand next to the wall. The main player is in front of them. All other members of the group are located behind him and silently approach him from behind. Reflection in the "mirrors" occurs in turn. At first, a silent “mirror” works. If the main player did not guess the person behind his back, then the speaking “mirror” comes into play and pronounces only one phrase. If the player again does not guess, then he again reflects the silent “mirror”, and so on. The player's task is to guess the person behind his back as quickly as possible.

11) "What's new in it"

Instruction : Take a good look at each other. Try to see everyone, paying attention to how this person looks today, what condition he is in, how he manifests himself. We will have 3 minutes for this. Then a three-minute pause. And now you will throw the ball to each other, while telling the person to whom the ball is addressed what you saw in it that was new compared to yesterday. Be careful and try not to miss anyone.

12) "Mirror"

Instruction: Complete four simple tasks, or rather, simulate their implementation. The tasks are as follows:

sew on a button;

we are going on the road;

we bake a pie;

we perform at the circus.

The peculiarity of these tasks is that you will perform each of them in pairs, and the partners will stand against each other, and one of them will become a mirror for a while, that is, it will copy all the movements of its partner. Then the partners switch roles.

13) Feelings

Instruction: Let's see who can name more words for different feelings. Take turns calling the words and write them down on a piece of paper.

Information for the facilitator: You can conduct this exercise as a competition between two teams or as a group brainstorming session. The result of the group's work - a piece of drawing paper with words written on it - can be used throughout the lesson. As you work, you can add new words to this list - this is a dictionary that reflects emotional experience groups.


Which of these feelings do you like the most?

What feeling do you think is the most annoying?

Which of these feelings do you know best (worst) of all?

14) "No mask"

Each participant is given a card with a written phrase that does not have an ending. Without any pre-training he must continue and complete the sentence. The statement must be sincere. If the other members of the group feel false, the participant will have to take another card.

Approximate contents of the cards:

“I especially like it when people around me...”

"Sometimes people don't understand me because I..."

"I believe that I..."

"I feel ashamed when..."

“It especially annoys me that I…”

“What I really want sometimes is...” etc.

15) "Color of emotions"

The leader is chosen. On a signal, he closes his eyes, and the rest of the participants think of some color among themselves, for starters, one of the main ones is better: red, green, blue, yellow. When the driver opens his eyes, all participants, by their behavior and emotional state, try to depict this color without naming it. The driver must guess what color it is. If he guessed correctly, then another driver is selected, if not, then the same one remains.

16) "Prophet and Long Spoons" (Eastern parable)

One Orthodox person came to Elijah the prophet. He was worried about the question of hell and heaven, because in accordance with this he wanted to pass his life path. "Where is hell and where is heaven?" With these words, he approached the prophet, but Elijah did not answer. He took the questioner by the hand and led him through the dark Alleys to some kind of palace. Through the iron portal they entered the great hall. There were crowds of people, poor and rich, wrapped in rags and adorned precious stones. In the center of the hall, on an open fire, stood a large pot of bubbling soup, which in the East is called "ash". A pleasant aroma spread throughout the room. People with thin cheeks and sunken eyes crowded around the pot, each trying to get himself some soup. The man who came with Elijah the prophet was surprised because the spoons that each of these people had were the same size as themselves. Only at the very end the spoons were made of wood, and in the rest of their part, in which so much food could fit that could saturate a person, they were made of iron and therefore heated from the hot soup. Greedily, the hungry tried to scoop up food with spoons. But no one succeeded. With difficulty they pulled their heavy spoons out of the soup, but since they were very long, even the strongest could not bring the spoon to their mouths. The fastest burned their hands and face or poured soup on the shoulders of their neighbors. Cursing, they rushed at each other and fought with the very spoons with which they could satisfy their hunger. Elijah the prophet took his companion by the hand and said: "This is hell." They left the hall, and the infernal scream was no longer audible. After passing through long gloomy corridors, they found themselves in another room. There were a lot of people here too. In the middle of the hall, soup was also seething in a cauldron. Each of those present in his hand had the same huge spoon as those that Ilya and his companion saw in hell. But the people here were well-fed, and only a light, contented hum of voices and the rustle of spoons being lowered into the soup could be heard in the hall. Each time there were two people at the boiler. One scooped up soup with a spoon and fed the other. If a spoon was too heavy for someone, then two others helped, so that everyone could eat in peace. As soon as one satisfied his hunger, the next one approached. Elijah the prophet said to his companion: “This is paradise!”

This story has been passed down by word of mouth for over a thousand years. It is taken from life and is repeated even in our time, when we observe difficulties in the family, disagreements between father and mother, quarrels between children and manifestations of aggression in relations between parents and children, when we consider the confrontation of a person with the outside world and contradictions between groups and peoples. . "Hell" is working next to each other, but against each other; each - only for himself and against others. Paradise, on the other hand, suggests a willingness to enter into positive relationships with others. Both groups - people in heaven and people in hell - have the same or similar problems. But where they live - in heaven or in hell - depends on how they try to solve these problems.

Heaven and hell are within ourselves. We have the opportunity to choose. How great this chance of choice is is largely determined by our experience, how we have learned to solve our problems, and our willingness to use our experience.

Purpose of the training: To rally the newly formed teaching staff of the kindergarten.


1. Form a trusting relationship in the group;

2. Association, team building;

3. Development of the ability to work in a team

4. Create group health.

Forms and methods of work:

A set of exercises designed for teachers. The duration of the meeting is 2 hours.

Training takes place in the afternoon. The training involves working with a group of 15-20 educators.

Expected results:

  • Teachers get to know each other better.
  • The quality of interaction between educators will improve.
  • The performance of the group will increase.
  • Teachers will develop the ability to work in a team.
  • The psychological climate in the team will improve
  • Increase the cohesion of the teaching staff



Petrova Yu.M.

Teacher - psychologist

MBDOU "TsRR-d / s" Luchik "

Training "Cohesion of pedagogical DOW team»

Purpose of the training: To rally the newly formed teaching staff of the kindergarten.


  1. Build trust in the group
  2. Association, team building;
  3. Development of the ability to work in a team
  4. Create group health.

Forms and methods of work:

A set of exercises designed for teachers. The duration of the meeting is 2 hours.

Training takes place in the afternoon. The training involves working with a group of 15-20 educators.

Expected results:

  1. Teachers get to know each other better.
  2. The quality of interaction between educators will improve.
  3. The performance of the group will increase.
  4. Teachers will develop the ability to work in a team.
  5. The psychological climate in the team will improve.
  6. The cohesion of the teaching staff will increase.


Exercise "Funny Train".


  • Team building;
  • uplifting mood;
  • stress relief

Time: 10 minutes

Exercise: Front music hall, participants are divided into 2 "trains" The highest is first, the lowest is at the end. Then all the participants, except for the first in the ranks, cover their eyes with scarves and, under command, begin to move into the music room, raising their legs one by one, the task of the “locomotives” is to seat their “cars” on chairs without colliding with each other.


Exercise "Recognize by drawing"


  • help participants get to know each other better;
  • create motivation to work together.

Time: 20 minutes.

Attributes: flipchart; markers; sheets of paper;

Exercise: The psychologist asks the participants a question: “How long have you been working together and do you know each other well?”

After the participants' answers are given next instruction: “Please draw your portrait in this team in 5 (10) minutes, as you see yourself in it, in order to say: “This is me.” The drawings are not signed.

After completing the work, the psychologist collects the drawings in a common pack. He then takes each drawing out of the stack, attaches it to a flipchart (you may want to move the drawing around before doing this so that everyone can look at it more closely) and discusses it with the group on the following questions:

  • What is this person like?
  • Who could it be?

After the group has found out who the author of the drawing was, the psychologist asks him to tell something additional about himself (at the request of the participant).


Main part

The exercise. "Compliment"

Purpose of the exercise : creating a positive emotional mood for the interlocutor

Time 10 minutes

Exercise: come up with a compliment that matches the personal qualities of the interlocutor.

Instruction: remember the words of B. Okudzhava

"Let's exclaim, admire each other,

High-sounding words are not to be feared.

Let's compliment each other

After all, these are all love happy moments ...!

Today we will say compliments to each other. Choose a partner for the task. The exchange of compliments will take place in the form of a dialogue. It is necessary not only to receive a compliment, but also to return it.

For instance:

Natasha, you are such a kind person!

Yes it is! Also, I'm kind!

And you Olya, such beautiful eyes!

A compliment is accepted in a certain form: Yes, it is! And I also ... (a positive quality is added) and the compliment returns to the speaker.


Exercise "Empire State Building"

Purpose: To develop the ability to act harmoniously.

Time: 20 minutes.

For the game you will need markers or felt-tip pens, A3 sheets, task cards, namely:

Draw a building with 10 floors.

The outline of the building should be purple.

The windows of the building should be 2 on each floor.

The building must fly a blue flag

There should be as many cards as there are participants. If there are too many participants, then they can be divided into groups, then fewer cards will be needed. Each participant is given a card. His task is to silently draw what fell to him. Participants also do not talk to each other. All group members draw at the same time. For the convenience of the game, it is better that a sheet of paper is attached to the wall, and the number of participants does not exceed 5 people. For excitement, you can arrange competitions for a while, then you need a stopwatch.


The exercise. "Plate of Water"

The purpose of the exercise: to develop mutual understanding in the group, to understand and discuss the patterns of mutual assistance

Time 15 minutes.

Task: a group of participants, silently with their eyes closed, passes a plate of water around in a circle.

As a result, during the transfer, communication methods develop, the search for the partner’s hands until the plate is passed, the warning about the transfer by touch.


The exercise. "Who quickly?".

Purpose: team building, coordination of actions, distribution of roles

Time: 10 min

Task: groups should build different geometric figures(square, triangle, circle, etc.), and do it in complete silence.


Final part

Exercise "Tell a story"

The exercise shows how the participants are able to effectively transfer the initiative to each other, which is important in effective communication training or team building.

Time: 10-15 minutes.

Description: The psychologist or group writes on a flipchart:

  • The name of any item that can be seen in the store.
  • The name of any item that can be given to mom for her birthday.
  • Any sport.
  • I love food.
  • The name of any celebrity.
  • Any crime.
  • Any profession.

The psychologist explains that now the group will need to come up with a story. In this case, the first participant will have to begin with the words “Once I discovered a completely unusual thing... ". The next in the group continues the story. Everyone should speak one sentence at a time and include in the story the characters and objects indicated on the flipchart.

Total Behavior: For effective communication in a group it is necessary to be able to transfer the initiative and let everyone speak.

Sentence. 2 minutes. Everyone says one word to make a sentence.

The exercise is repeated several times. This exercise is also diagnostic. If the game stops on any participant several times in a row, then he is not sufficiently activated, or he is excited about something. This is a signal to the psychologist - to pay attention to him.


The exercise. "What I've Learned"

Time 10 minutes

Purpose: reflection

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I learned….

I have learned that….

I was surprised that…..

I like it,………

I was disappointed that….

The most important thing for me was...

Completion. Circle discussion:

What have you learned today...

What will I use in my work ...


Goal: Creating a positive emotional mood.

Time 10-15 minutes.

Instructions: Group members express a wish to each other for the day. It should be short, preferably one word. You throw the ball to the person to whom you address the wish, and at the same time say it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next, expressing his wish for today. We will be careful to ensure that everyone has the ball, and we will try not to miss anyone.

Thank you all for your active participation!


  1. Vopel, K. Group Cohesion. Psychological games and exercises. Per. with him. – M.: Genesis, 2010. – 336 p. – (All about the psychological group).
  2. Vachkov, I.V. Fundamentals of group training. – M.: Os-89, 2000.
  3. Monina, G.B., Lyutova-Roberts, E.K. Communicative training (teachers, psychologists, parents). - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2007. - 224 p.: ill.
  4. Starshenbaum, G.V. Skill training practical psychologist. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2008. - 416 p.


Group cohesion is necessary condition to create a comfortable microclimate in the team. Group cohesion is promoted by: positive emotional condition teachers, friendly atmosphere in the group; positive relationships and sympathy between the participants, mutual understanding. Thus, when a comfortable microclimate is created in the group, its members gain confidence, strive to work and create. Team building training is one of the effective ways creating such an atmosphere.

Program goal: increasing team cohesion


  • Improving the emotional state of teachers
  • Promote positive relationships, mutual understanding between teachers
  • Removing the emotional stress of teachers

Course of the training

Teacher-psychologist: Good day! I am glad to welcome you to our training! Today we have the opportunity to relax a little, relax, play, learn a little more about ourselves and our colleagues, and most importantly, become a little closer to each other.

Exercise "Let's say hello"

Psychologist: At the beginning of our meeting, I propose to say hello, but we will do it in an unusual way. First of all, we need to break into pairs (teachers form pairs). If you hear 1 clap - we greet with our hands, 2 claps - we greet with our shoulders, 3 claps - we greet with our backs. During the task, we remain silent, only parts of our body greet. When I ring the bell, your task is to find a new partner.

Magic hat game

What can make a meeting enjoyable? (statements of teachers). Any meeting will be pleasant, heard a compliment. We will pass the hat around while the music is playing, when the music stops, the one who has it left puts it on and compliments the one sitting on the right. It is necessary not only to receive a compliment, but also to return it. A compliment is accepted in a certain form: Yes, it is! And I also ... (a positive quality is added) and the compliment returns to the speaker.

Exercise "Recognize the drawing"


Each of us received a compliment. A compliment improves mood, allows you to look at yourself differently. Draw, please, in 5 (10) minutes your portrait, how you see yourself in the team or how you want to see yourself. Drawings do not need to be signed.

After completing the work, the trainer collects the drawings in a common pack. He then takes each drawing out of the pack, pins it to the board or flipchart (you can run the drawing around before doing this so that everyone can look at it closer) and discusses it with the group on the following questions:

  • What is this person like?
  • Who could it be?

Exercise "Flower"

On each flower is written a statement that needs to be completed:
IM proud of…
Most of all I want...
The person I admire is...
Most of all I love…
I'm dreaming…
Three places where I lived ..
Three things I like...
Three things I don't like...
My hobby…
You still don't know about me that I am..

Exercise "I'm just like you"

Teacher-psychologist: The previous exercise led me to the idea that we are all different, but in some ways we are similar. I have a ball in my hands. The one who gets this ball throws it to any teacher and, addressing by name, explains why he is the same: I am the same as you, because ... ". The one to whom the ball is thrown expresses agreement or disagreement and throws the ball to the next one.

Exercise "Learn by touch"

Psychologist: Do you think we have learned enough about each other to know each other without words? (statements of teachers)
I suggest that one of you now enter the center of the circle, sit on a chair, place your hands on your knees, palms up, and close your eyes. We all, in no particular order, will walk up to him and put our hands in his palms. The person sitting on the chair must understand whose hands they are. Each time we will clap our hands if the approacher is named correctly, and "no in case of mistake."

Exercise "Heart of the team"

Teacher-psychologist: Each team has its own heart. I propose to create the heart of our team. To do this, write the name on a piece of paper and fold it. This is necessary so that each of you can draw lots with someone's name. Come up with a friendly pleasant phrase to the one whose name you have drawn by lot. Take a small heart and write on it what you have come up with. And now, look what a big heart I brought. It will become the heart of our team after we glue all the small hearts on our big heart (teachers glue small hearts to the music)

Exercise "What I've Learned"

Teacher-psychologist: Our training for today is coming to an end. I would love to get feedback. Let's light a candle and pass it around. Whoever has the candle in his hands says that he liked it, what surprised him, that he found out what was most important to him.

List of used literature:

  1. Aralova M. A. Formation of the team of preschool educational institutions. Psychological support - Moscow: Sfera, 2005. - 60 p.
  2. Vachkov, I.V. Fundamentals of group training. – M.: Os-89, 2000.
  3. Monina, G.B., Lyutova-Roberts, E.K. Communicative training (teachers, psychologists, parents). - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2007. - 224 p.
  4. Psychological training in the group: Games and exercises: Tutorial/ Auto-stat. T.L. Buka, M.L. Mitrofanov. - 2nd ed. – M.: Psychotherapy, 2008. – 144 p.
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Team building training

(workshop for teachers)


    To form a sense of community and integrity in the team.

    Prevention of professional burnout of teachers.

    Contribute to improving the efficiency of the pedagogical process.


    Teachers of all categories

    Leading (teacher-psychologist)

Conduct form: workshop

Scenario plan

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! As an epigraph for today's meeting, I chose the poem "Free Conversation":

- Let's talk?

- About what?

- About miscellaneous and other things.

About what's good

And not very well.

You know something.

And I know something.

Let's talk?

- Let's talk.

Suddenly it will be interesting.

Interpersonal relationships at work have a multifaceted effect on a person's emotional state. It depends on the well-being of the emotional and psychological climate in the team whether a person will feel comfortable in the workplace, how productive and high-quality his work will be. Therefore, we will hold our workshop with the aim of even greater unity, emotional liberation, diversity of our working days and getting positive emotions.


As you know, any meeting begins with a greeting, I suggest you say hello to colleagues in an unusual way:

"Greetings with elbows"

Target: Establishing contact between participants, destroying the usual stereotypes of greeting, developing creativity.

Content: all participants count on 1, 2, 3. Participants with number 1 fold their hands behind their heads so that the elbows are directed to different sides; No. 2 - rest their hands on the thigh so that the elbows are also directed to the sides; No. 3 - they hold their arms folded crosswise on their chest, while the elbows are turned to the sides.

After the participants take their starting position, they are invited to say hello as much as possible on a signal (ringing a bell). large quantity those present, saying at the same time: “Hello, how are you” and touching each other with their elbows.

Well, here we are with you and greeted each other. And now we would like to know why you came to this training and what you expect from it.

2. The game "Why are we here today."

Teachers are invited to take out pieces of paper from the basket, on which comic answers to the question “Why did I come to the training” are written. And read them.

3. The game "Magic glasses".

Participants stand in two circles facing each other. Host: “I have magic glasses through which you can see only the good that is in a person, even what a person sometimes hides from everyone. Let each of you try on these glasses, look at your colleagues and try to see as much good in everyone as possible, maybe even something that you did not notice before.

4. The game "Airplane"

The teachers are divided into pairs.Pairs of participants take each other by the hand and make a paper airplane with their free hands. At the end of the game, questions are asked: “Was it easy to cope with the task? Have you tried to agree with each other, distribute who will do what and complete the task together?

5. The game "Putanka"

The participants of the game become in a circle, holding hands, then they begin to get confused. When everyone is completely confused, you will get one big "beast". After the "beast" has formed, the leader should ask the questions "Where is the head of the beast?", "Where is the tail of the beast?", "Where is the beast's right?", "Where is the beast's left?". When all questions are answered, the beast should start moving. He must go 5 steps forward, 5 steps back, the same number to the right and left. Then he must run a few meters (depending on the size of the room where the game is being played). This game will help improve the mutual understanding of its participants.

I invite you to take part in the game "Associations". This game will help you look at yourself from the outside, and find out what character traits you have. Perhaps you did not even suspect that you have such traits!

6. Game "Associations"

A driver is selected who leaves the hall for a while. The remaining participants "guess" one of the people present here. The driver is invited and asks questions like:

If it were a tree (house, flower, weather, curtains, book, dog), what would it be?

Participants think, trying to imagine this person, and answer, for example: It would be a birch growing in an open field. The driver tries to understand which of them fits this definition.

7. The game "Heart of the team"

The contour of a large heart is drawn on the paper. Teachers are told that this is the heart of the team. But it is still empty, not filled, one might say lifeless. There is no sound of heartbeats yet. Let's fill this heart (positive wishes are written on small hearts to their colleagues, then they are glued to the outline of a large heart). Then they are read aloud. Now the heart of the team is filled, and can beat in unison with yours. Listen (click your fingers once, then hit your palm on your chest once, another snap of your fingers and two palm claps on your chest, etc.)

Final part.

reflection of the training. Exchange of ideas, thoughts and feelings on a given topic. Summing up the results of the workshop.

Thank you for your attention until we meet again.