What is a hyperactive child? Child hyperactivity - what is it? Who is to blame and what to do.

How, by whom, and based on what symptoms and results of what tests, diagnoses ADHD (attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder)? How to distinguish a simply active and restless child from a hyperactive one? How to understand in which case physiology is to blame for the child's bad and uncontrollable behavior - almost imperceptible changes in the work of the brain, and in which - the shortcomings of our upbringing and the wrong attitude towards our own child? How to understand - he is going crazy because he cannot control himself, or because he desperately lacks our love and in his antisocial behavior he sees the only way to appeal to us: Mom! dad! I feel bad, I am lonely, help me, love me! ..

G.N. Monina, in her book on working with children with attention deficit, gives the following definition of ADHD - it is “a complex of deviations in the development of a child: inattention, distraction, impulsivity in social behavior and intellectual activity, increased activity with normal level intellectual development. The first signs of hyperactivity can be observed before the age of 7 years. The causes of hyperactivity can be organic lesions of the central nervous system (neuroinfection, intoxication, craniocerebral trauma), genetic factors leading to dysfunction of the brain's neurotransmitter systems and dysregulation of active attention and inhibitory control. "

Characteristics such as inattention, distraction, impulsivity are inherent in any child, especially if it comes about the only child, slightly spoiled by mothers and grandmothers. But the main difference between a hyperactive child and an ordinary child who is bored or uncomfortable or just such a mood today is that hyperactive child this is always, everywhere and in any environment: at home, and at school, and with friends. It simply cannot be otherwise. It is not his fault - this is the constitution of his psyche. He is unable to own and control either his emotions or how he should control his body (observations indicate that three-quarters of these children suffer from dyspraxia, to put it simply - clumsiness). He cannot be scolded for that. Using harsh parenting measures will only exacerbate feelings of inadequacy, imbalance, and irascibility that are already inherent in children with ADHD.

Despite the fact that the first symptoms of ADHD may appear from the very birth of a child (increased muscle tone, bad dream, constant regurgitation of large amounts of food), problems with such a child begin, as a rule, in kindergarten and become most noticeable in primary school... This is due to the fact that, getting into the children's team, the child is forced to obey general rules, to behave quietly, to control their emotions, to concentrate their attention on training sessions, which are not always interesting. Plus to this is added the stress associated with a change in the usual environment and the need to contact big amount people that a child with ADHD simply cannot do.

And if Kindergarten nevertheless, it still presupposes some freedom in the choice of activity, then the elementary school strictly regulates both the duration and intensity, and the choice of types of activity. Learning activity is very difficult for children whose ability to concentrate and control their behavior is impaired.

Disorders that suggest hyperactivity in a child are divided into three groups: attention deficit, motor disinhibition and impulsivity.

American psychologists P. Baker and M. Alvord propose the following scheme for monitoring a child in order to identify possible signs of hyperactivity.

Deficit of active attention

1. Inconsistent, it is difficult for him to hold attention for a long time.

2. Doesn't listen when asked.

3. Takes on the task with great enthusiasm, but never completes it.

4. Has difficulty organizing.

5. Loses things often.

6. Avoids boring and mentally demanding tasks.

7. Often forgetful.

Motor disinhibition

1. Constantly fidgets.

2. Shows signs of anxiety (drumming with fingers, moving in a chair, running, climbing somewhere).

3. Sleeps much less than other children, even in infancy.

4. Very talkative.


1. Begins to answer without hearing the question.

2. Unable to wait for his turn, often interferes, interrupts.

3. Poor attention.

4. Cannot wait for a reward (if there is a pause between the action and the reward).

5. Cannot control and regulate his actions. Behavior is poorly governed by rules.

6. When performing tasks, it behaves differently and shows very different results. (In some lessons the child is calm, in others he is not, in some lessons he is successful, in others he is not.)

According to P. Baker and M. Alward, if at the age of up to 7 years at least six of the listed signs are constantly (for more than six months) manifest, the teacher can assume that the child he is watching is hyperactive.

In Russia, psychologists traditionally identify the following signs that are symptoms of ADHD in a child:

1. Restless movements in the hands and feet. Sitting on a chair, writhing, writhing.

2. Cannot sit still when asked of him.

3. Easily distracted by outside stimuli.

5. He often answers questions without hesitation, without listening to them to the end.

6. When performing the proposed tasks, experiences difficulties (not associated with negative behavior or lack of understanding).

7. Has difficulty retaining attention when completing assignments or playing games.

8. Frequently moves from one unfinished activity to another.

9. Cannot play quietly, calmly.

10. Chatty.

11. Often interferes with others, sticks to others (for example, interferes with the games of other children).

12. It often seems that the child is not listening to the speech addressed to him.

13. Often loses things necessary in kindergarten, school, at home, on the street.

14. Sometimes commits dangerous actions, not thinking about the consequences, but adventures or thrill does not specifically look for (for example, runs out into the street without looking around).

All of these features are grouped into the same three groups:

Only the figure of the required presence of signs is somewhat different. Russian experts consider the diagnosis to be legitimate if the child has at least eight symptoms from the above list within six months.

The presence of these signs in a child is not a sufficient basis for a diagnosis. This is just a reason for an additional examination by the appropriate specialists. Unfortunately, practicing psychologists note the fact that often the label “hyperactivity” is glued by employees of educational institutions to any uncomfortable child and serves as a kind of cover for the teacher’s unwillingness or lack of experience or the ability to properly organize work with children.

Therefore, we repeat once again - neither the teacher, nor the parents, nor the school psychologist or the psychologist in the kindergarten can independently diagnose "hyperactivity" without special diagnostic studies and consultations with a neurologist and neuropsychiatrist. Therefore, if, after conducting the next series of tests or just after the next trick of your child, a teacher, psychologist or the administration of a preschool institution or school call you and "diagnose" your child with a diagnosis of "hyperactivity", then you have every reason to doubt their professional competence... The most they can do is advise you to see a specialist. Moreover, it should be noted that this consultation is absolutely voluntary!

In other words, no one - not the principal or school administration, not the psychologist, not the educators or teachers, not the parents of other children - has the right to require you to undergo a medical examination or research. On the other hand, neither the psychologist, nor the teacher or educator, nor the head of the school or the head of the kindergarten have the right to share the results of psychological tests or any other medical research conducted in an educational institution with other children or their parents, other children, their parents, or anyone else. whatever else, except for the legal representatives of the minor child. This is a violation of medical secrecy.

In the event that a psychologist or class teacher correctly informs you about the presence of problems with behavior and concentration of attention in your child, it is ideal to start with a detailed and confidential consultation with a good pediatrician whom you trust and who will help you develop a plan for further research, will advise a good neurologist and, if necessary, a neuropsychiatrist. And only after receiving the results of diagnostic studies, according to the combination of opinions of several doctors (at least a pediatrician and a neurologist), a diagnosis of ADHD is made.

We looked at the signs on the basis of which preschool or school professionals may suspect that a child is diagnosed with ADHD. However, what does a hyperactive child look like in everyday life, when, seeing such behavior, parents can decide for themselves what they need to show the child to a specialist?

First of all, you need to understand the age limits. Although today there is no clear understanding of when and at what age it is possible to confidently diagnose ADHD, nevertheless, most experts agree that two periods can be distinguished when the symptoms of this disease are most clearly manifested: this is the age from 5 (older kindergarten group) until about 12 years old and the second period - starting from puberty, that is, about 14 years.

These age boundaries have their own psychological rationale - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is considered to be one of the so-called borderline states of the psyche. That is, in an ordinary, calm state, this is one of the extreme variants of the norm, but the slightest "catalyst" is enough to bring the psyche out of the normal state, and the extreme variant of the norm has already turned into a certain deviation. A "catalyst" for ADHD is any activity that requires a child's increased attention, concentration on the same type of work, as well as any hormonal changes that occur in the child's body.

The older group of kindergarten is actually the beginning of school - here there are regular classes and homework, and the need to do not always interesting things for a certain period of time, and the ability to behave with restraint during the lesson (20-30 minutes) , the ability to limit their physical activity and correlate their desires with what is happening in the classroom. All this increases the load on the ability to concentrate, which is not sufficiently developed in a child with ADHD.

There is another reason why serious specialists prefer to diagnose ADHD no earlier than five to six years - one of the main criteria for attention deficit disorder is the presence of learning disabilities, and they can be established no earlier than the specified age, when the child must be psychologically and physiologically ready To learning activities.

The period of puberty is characterized by a general instability of the child's character, the cause of which is the "hormonal boom" occurring in the child's body. Therefore, it is not surprising that a child with ADHD who is already prone to erratic and unpredictable behavior finds itself in more difficult situation than his peers.

However, despite the fact that very young children are rarely diagnosed with ADHD, experts believe that there are a number of signs that suggest that a child is prone to this disease at a very early age. childhood... According to some experts, the first manifestations of this syndrome coincide with the peaks of the child's psycho-speech development, that is, they are most pronounced at 1-2 years old, 3 years old and 6-7 years old.

Children prone to ADHD often have increased muscle tone in infancy, experience problems with sleep, especially with falling asleep, are extremely sensitive to any stimuli (light, noise, the presence of a large number of strangers, a new, unusual situation or environment), during waking hours are often overly mobile and agitated.

Already at three or four years old, parents notice that their child is not able to long time focus on one kind of activity: he cannot listen to his favorite fairy tale to the end, play with the same toy for a long time - only picking up one, he immediately throws it and grabs the next one, his activity is chaotic. (So ​​that you do not have the temptation to hastily enroll your overly active child in the ranks of hyperactive children, I consider it my duty to remind you once again that all the symptoms that we talked about and will still talk about should be permanent, that is, manifest themselves over time. (at least six months) and manifest in ANY situation, regardless of the mood, disposition of the child, the presence of grandmothers and other personalities in the visibility zone, before whom God himself ordered to be capricious and show your character in all its glory.)

With the beginning of systematic studies in senior group kindergarten or in elementary school, parents may notice that their child is extremely restless, very mobile, unable to control his physical activity, to focus on one activity. Moreover, it is characteristic that at first such children sincerely try to do as adults ask them, but they are simply not able to fulfill their requirements.

It should be noted that hyperactivity does not imply a lag in the intellectual development of the child, that is, it means that the presence of hyperactivity in your child does not necessarily mean a lag in mental development. On the contrary, children with ADHD are often characterized by rather high intellectual abilities. However, the mental activity of a hyperactive child is characterized by cyclicality. Children can work productively for 5-10 minutes, then the brain rests for 3-7 minutes, accumulating energy for the next cycle. At this moment, the child is distracted, does not react to the teacher. Then mental activity is restored, and the child is ready to work within 5-15 minutes.

Children with ADHD have a “flickering” consciousness and can “fall in” and “fall out” of it, especially in the absence of physical activity. When a teacher requires students to sit up straight and not be distracted, then for a hyperactive child, these two requirements are clearly in conflict. When a hyperactive child thinks, he needs to make some kind of movement - for example, swing in a chair, bang a pencil on the table, mutter something under his breath. If he stops moving, then he kind of falls into a stupor and loses the ability to think. Immobility is an unnatural state for a hyperactive child, and he needs to focus all his mental, mental and physical abilities to consciously remain calm. He is not able to think about anything else at this moment.

In addition to restlessness and inability to concentrate, such children may suffer from speech deficiency, dyslexia, lack of curiosity (due to the inability to experience any kind of long-term interest in any type of activity), clumsiness, insufficient development of fine motor skills (the ability to make small precise movements), reduced interest in acquiring intellectual knowledge. N.N. Zavadenko notes that many children diagnosed with ADHD have speech impairments and difficulties in developing reading, writing and numeracy skills.

All this makes it no surprise that very quickly such children absolutely lose interest in learning at school, the need to attend classes becomes a heavy duty for them, they quickly acquire the fame of hooligans, in adolescence can get carried away with asocial activities, they quickly develop an addiction to various bad habits.

It is difficult for such children to get along with their peers, since in their everyday behavior they are characterized by inconsistency, impulsiveness, and unpredictability.

No one can ever predict what a hyperdynamic child will do, primarily because he himself does not know it. Such a child always acts spontaneously, as if under the influence of some kind of inspiration, and although he never consciously wishes any harm to anyone and does not want to do any prank or stupidity, most often his actions have destructive consequences that sincerely upset the very culprit of the incident.

Such a child almost never takes offense when he is punished, due to the peculiarities of his thinking, he simply is not able to concentrate on anything for a long time, on offenses - including, therefore, he rarely takes offense, does not remember and does not hold evil, even if with someone then he quarrels, then immediately reconciles and forgets about the quarrel. However, despite these positive character traits, a hyperdynamic child is often unrestrained, irritable, subject to frequent and drastic changes in mood, and does not know how to control his actions during any collective activity (for example, during play or training sessions).

Impulsiveness often pushes the child to aggressive or destructive actions - in a fit of anger, he can tear apart the notebook of his offended neighbor, throw all his belongings on the floor, and shake out the contents of the portfolio on the floor. It is about such children that peers say that "he is mad."

Hyperdynamic children rarely become leaders, but once they do, the company they lead is in a state of constant storm, shock and stress.

All this makes them if not unwanted members. children's collective, then very difficult for life in society, complicates interaction with peers in kindergarten and school, and at home - with relatives, especially with brothers-sisters and parents (grandmothers-aunts, as a rule, accept their grandchildren without any conditions, such as what they are, and they devote all their efforts to mercilessly pamper their child, "mercilessly brought up by parents").

Children diagnosed with ADHD are prone to states of emotional tension, they are very acutely experiencing their difficulties and setbacks. Therefore, it is not surprising that they “easily form and record negative self-esteem and hostility to everything connected with schooling, protest reactions, neurosis-like and psychopathic disorders. These secondary disorders aggravate the picture, increase school maladjustment, and lead to the formation of a negative “I-concept” of the child.

The development of secondary disorders largely depends on the environment that surrounds him, is determined by how adults are able to understand the difficulties arising from the painfully increased activity and emotional imbalance of the child, and create conditions for their correction in an atmosphere of benevolent attention and support. "

Parents also need to know and remember about this feature of children with ADHD - as a rule, their pain threshold is significantly reduced and they are practically devoid of a sense of fear, which, together with impulsivity and uncontrollable behavior, is dangerous to the health and life of not only the child himself, but also for children, whom he can draw into unpredictable fun.

Another problem, in addition to the problems that arise directly with the communication and organization of school activities, is the problem of nervous tics. Twitching and tics are common in children with ADHD.

A tick is a sudden, abrupt, repetitive movement that engulfs various muscle groups. Resembles normal coordinated movement, varies in intensity and lacks rhythm. The tic can be easily imitated, it is always very noticeable, therefore, as a rule, children suffering from tic attacks are often teased by their peers, repeating the child's nervous twitching. A feature of tics is that the more a person strains the muscles to prevent them from moving, the more intense and prolonged the tic attack becomes.

In this case, you can help the child by acting in two directions:

  1. teach him the simplest techniques of muscle relaxation - it is the relaxation of a tense muscle that can sometimes help and stop the tic;
  2. instill in him that there is nothing terrible in his tic - this is just a feature of his body, and, if possible, explain that they are teasing the person who reacts in the expected way - explodes, gets into a fight, or, conversely, runs away or throws himself into tears.

Teaching a child to treat himself with a sense of humor is not easy, but the only way to survive peer ridicule (and they will certainly be, children are sometimes extremely cruel) without harming their psyche is to learn to laugh at themselves together with others. Laughter is the only unexpected reaction that, as a rule, does not bring joy to the one who teases, so teasing a person who laughs at himself is uninteresting and boring.

In addition to all of the above troubles, many children with ADHD complain of frequent headaches (aching, pressing, constricting), drowsiness, and increased fatigue. Some people experience enuresis (urinary incontinence), and not only at night, but also during the day.

Thus, you see that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is characterized not only by changes in the child's behavior, but also by problems of a purely physiological nature, changes in the state of his physical health.

Therefore, we emphasize again and again that the diagnosis - ADHD - can only be made by a specialist, and a specialist who has medical education, and not graduated concurrently from several universities at once, including one - psychological. Be attentive to who and what diagnoses to your child. A misdiagnosed ADHD can cause serious trouble in your child's life and can be difficult to get rid of.

Currently, more and more parents are looking for an answer to the question of what to do if doctors diagnosed a "hyperactive child". Unfortunately, excessive activity prevents the baby from leading a normal life, so there is a need to give practical advice for adults who are faced with such a pathology in children.
Scientists have separated hyperactivity from other pathologies and have defined "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" (ADHD). However, such a deviation in the psyche has not yet been fully investigated.

To distinguish a hyperactive child from a simple fidget, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • An active kid has great cognitive interest and uses his restlessness to gain new knowledge. Unlike a hyperactively aggressive child, who neglects the opinions of others, he listens to the comments of adults, happily enters the game.
  • Fidgets rarely show strong emotions; in unfamiliar conditions they behave more calmly.
  • The lack of inclination to provocations of active kids helps them to build conflict-free relationships with other children, which is beyond the control of hyperactive children.
  • Children without mental abnormalities have a sound sleep, they are energetic, but obedient.

Such a disorder manifests itself at the age of two years. However, there are some signs of a hyperactive child that can be noticed in a year. Often adults do not pay attention to this until the toddler grows up. Then they begin to expect more independence from him. However, the baby is unable to show it due to mental developmental disorders.

Attention deficit disorder is more common in boys. Their number reaches 22%, while the number of girls with ADHD is only 10%.

Why is the child hyperactive?

There are many reasons for this disorder. The most common ones are:

  • Infectious diseases carried by children in early age.
  • Stress, hard physical work of the mother during gestation.
  • The mother's taking drugs, alcohol.
  • Head injuries during childbirth.
  • Heavy or premature labor.
  • Scanty or improper diet of the crumbs.
  • The disease can be transmitted at the genetic level.
  • Family conflicts.
  • Authoritarian parenting style.

What kind of child is hyperactive?

Medical specialists classify a child as "hyperactive" if he or she exhibits the following symptoms:

  • Passion for business lasts no more than 10 minutes. With any distraction, his attention switches.
  • The toddler is constantly agitated, inattentive. During classes or lessons, he cannot sit still, constantly moves, twitches.
  • His behavior is not burdened by shyness. Shows disobedience even in unfamiliar places.
  • Asks many questions, but does not need an answer. Sometimes he gives an answer without having listened to the whole sentence. During games, it requires everyone to focus on his person.
  • Speech accelerated, swallows the endings of words. Often jumps from one action to another, without finishing what he started.
  • Be restful sleep- one of the signs of a hyperactive child. Nightmares, urinary incontinence occur.
  • Constant conflicts with peers prevent you from making friends. He cannot play calmly, interferes with the game of other guys. During lessons, he shouts out from his seat, interferes with his behavior.
  • Hyperactive children often do not learn the curriculum of the school course.
  • Abnormalities in the work of the brain when processing information. Performing tasks, he often has difficulties.
  • It seems that the child does not hear what the adults tell him.
  • Absent-minded, loses personal belongings, school supplies, toys.
  • Awkwardness in the movements of a hyperactive child is often the cause of injury and damage to things.
  • Has problems with fine motor skills: has difficulty buttoning, tying shoelaces, calligraphy.
  • Does not respond to comments from adults, prohibitions, punishments.
  • Prone to frequent headaches, there are nervous tics.

Remember, only a doctor can diagnose ADHD. And only if the doctor found at least 8 symptoms of a hyperactive child. The diagnosis is made based on the results of MRI of the brain, EEG, and blood tests. With sufficiently developed mental abilities such children have problems with speech, fine motor skills, low cognitive interest. Mediocre learning ability, poor motivation for learning activities does not allow our inattentive hyperactive children to receive high level education.

If your child has been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, do not be afraid and give up. There is no need to hope that the problem will be solved by itself. A hyperactive child really needs help from parents and recommendations from specialists.

What should a parent of a hyperactive child do?

To solve the problem, parents of hyperactive children should consider the following tips:

  • Take care of your daily routine. Do not forget about daily rituals: systematic reading of bedtime stories or morning exercises will extinguish the excessive overexcitation of the crumbs. Try not to change the regime moments. This will save from evening tantrums, make his sleep calmer.
  • Weather in the house. A friendly and non-conflict family relationship will reduce destructive activity. Avoid noisy parties, unexpected guests.
  • Sections. Sports activities will direct the energy of the zest in a positive direction. Control the regularity of attending classes, for a hyperactive child this is important. Avoid competitive sports. Better to choose aerobics, skiing, swimming. It has a beneficial effect on the development of thinking of a toddler playing chess. During chess games, both hemispheres work at the same time, which has a positive effect on the development of mental abilities.
  • Burst of energy. If the behavior of children does not interfere with those around them, you do not need to restrain them. Let them express their emotions. After such "self-cleaning" the child will become calmer.
  • Punishments. When there is a need for educational influences, try not to choose such punishments in which the little one will have to sit still for a long time. This is an impossible task for him.
  • Golden mean. No need to put too much pressure on the fidget. Excessive requirements, rigidity in raising a hyperactive child will only harm. But you should beware of unnecessary care for such a baby. Children feel the weakness of adults, they quickly learn to manipulate. Then the upbringing of overly active children becomes uncontrollable.
  • Nutrition. Food for such children should be healthy. Eliminate sweets, foods with artificial additives, sausages, convenience foods. You can improve brain function by taking a complex of vitamins in the off-season. The daily menu should contain vegetables and fruits. Be sure to introduce foods containing calcium, iron, magnesium into the diet.
  • Superfluous impressions. Crowded places excite a hyperactive toddler. Avoid visiting supermarkets and public transport together.
  • TV. Limit TV viewing of aggressive content. However, a couple of good cartoons a day will help. While watching TV, a fidget trains perseverance.
  • Promotion. Do not regret words of praise for too active children. It is important for them to realize that they are on their way to conquering negativism.

Treatment and correction of a hyperactive child

There are several practical advice for the treatment of a hyperactive child:

  • Massotherapy. The prescribed massage will help relieve muscle tension, soothe the baby, relax it.
  • Physiotherapy. Improves the supply of the cerebral cortex with blood electrophoresis with drugs.
  • Consulting a psychologist. Play therapy will help to correct behavior and learn how to restrain impulsive impulses. Classes with a psychologist or psychotherapist develop the baby's speech, improve fine motor skills hands of a hyperactive child. With systematic exercise, attention is improved.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics, swimming pool. With their help, the nervous system is strengthened, and excess energy goes away.
  • Alekseev's technique, autogenous training, Schultz's model. These sets of exercises will be useful for relaxing the muscles, they will help him sleep peacefully. At first, such therapeutic work with a hyperactive child is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.

Psychologists give the following advice to parents of a hyperactive child:

  • Treat the child's manifestations of hyperactivity not as shortcomings, but as features of his character.
  • Be prepared that such a kid will not hear your requests the first time, be patient and repeat them several times.
  • Don't shout at fidgets. Your excitement will badly affect the little one, he will lose control over his emotions. Better hug the baby to you, pat him gently, then in a low voice ask what happened to him. Repetitive phrases soothe, relax the fidget.
  • Music helps to tune the baby to a calm, positive mood. Play a classical piece of music more often, or enroll it in a music school.
  • Try not to give the zinger a lot of toys at once. Let your toddler learn to focus on a single subject.
  • A hyperactive child should have his own cozy corner in which he will curb negative emotions and come to his senses. Your own room with walls in a neutral color is suitable for this. It should contain favorite things, toys that help him to relieve unnecessary nervousness.
  • Watch the child's behavior closely. At the first sign of growing aggression, switch his attention to other activities. Hysterical attacks are easier to stop at the initial stage.

How to calm a hyperactive child?

You can also treat a hyperactive child at home using:

  • Medicines... This method should be resorted to last. The doctor may prescribe sedatives based on herbal ingredients. Nootropic drugs have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the cerebral cortex, improve memory and attention of the baby. You should not expect quick results from sedatives for hyperactive children, the drugs will take effect only after a few months.
  • Relaxing baths... Soothing baths can be used daily before bed. The water temperature should not be higher than 38. Add the extract from hop cones and needles to the water.
  • Folk remedies... To relieve stress, decoctions of soothing herbs are used. They are taken half a glass twice a day. You can prepare a mixture to strengthen the nervous system from cranberries with aloe, twisted in a meat grinder, with the addition of honey. This delicious formula is given in a six-month course three times a day.

Doctor Komarovsky about a hyperactive child

The famous Ukrainian pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky believes that:

  • A child who has problems communicating with friends at school or in kindergarten can be considered hyperactive. If the collective does not accept the toddler, and the school curriculum is not assimilated, then we can talk about the disease.
  • In order for the hyperactive toddler to listen to your words, you must first attract his attention. When the baby is busy with something, he is unlikely to respond to the request of the parents.
  • You don't need to change your mind. If you prohibit something, then this prohibition should be in effect constantly, and not from time to time.
  • Safety in a family with fidgets should come first. It is necessary to organize the living space for hyperactive children so that he cannot injure himself while playing. Demand composure and accuracy not only from the baby, but also from yourself.
  • You don't need to ask the zinger to do challenging tasks... Try to divide such work into simple steps this way you will achieve better results. Use the action plan in pictures.
  • Should be praised whenever possible. Even if the little artist has not completely painted the picture, praise him for his accuracy and diligence.
  • You need to take care of your own vacation. Parents should rest whenever possible. You can use the help of relatives and ask them to take a little walk with the baby. When raising hyperactive children, the calmness and balance of his parents is very important.

Your special baby should have no doubt that his parents love him dearly. Correct behavior parents in raising a hyperactive child will solve this problem. Pay attention to the little one, follow the advice of experts.

Or just active. Only a symptom specialist will be able to determine your baby's condition. Some say that hyperactivity is a disease, others believe that such is the nature of a child. Where is the truth after all? What is hyperactivity? What is your kid? What to do with the activity of the crumbs in this case? You will now learn about this and many other things.

What is Childhood Hyperactivity?

Children cannot be alike: one is active, the other is calm - they are all individual. Many mothers argue: they say, if their baby is too mobile, it means that he is hyperactive. However, this is not quite true. Hyperactivity is overexcited and accompanied by too much activity.

This state is always characteristic of him, even at night. He cannot sit in one place, nor can he walk slowly. Everything is done very quickly and not always deliberately. At the same time, you never know what to expect from a hyperactive person in the next minute. He makes all decisions spontaneously. It is believed that not enough attention is paid to such a child. Therefore, he comes up with new pranks. Hyperactivity is She begins to express itself clearly at the age of two, and by school age the momentum is gaining, and then the baby becomes uncontrollable: he ceases to fully observe discipline, shows his aggression, is rude to adults. There is no authority for such children. About 150 years ago, doctors tried to understand and solve the problem of hyperactivity. To date, some questions have been disclosed, but far from all. There are many books and advice on this subject.

What is the difference between children's activity and hyperactivity?

Active children are very nimble, they are fidgets who constantly want to know everything. They learn about the world thanks to their restlessness. But at the same time, they listen to adults, they can be carried away for a while by an interesting activity. For example, sculpting, appliqué or folding puzzles. It all depends on the interests of the child. Excessive emotions are rarely manifested in them. If active children are not worried about anything, they are not hungry or sick, then only their laughter is heard. Mobility often manifests itself only at home - when visiting or on a walk, the baby behaves differently, more modestly and quieter. An active child does not conflict with children, but if he is offended, he will give back without hesitation. He himself does not provoke scandals. Physical activity is accompanied by cheerfulness, enthusiasm, energy, obedience. During the day, the child gets tired very much, so he sleeps very well at night.

Hyperactive children can also be carried away, but for no more than 10 minutes. They do not have a calm state. The kid demonstrates his behavior absolutely everywhere, does not know what shyness is. Speaks quickly, jumping from topic to topic. Asks a lot of questions. Without waiting for an answer, he asks further. In the speech, it is noticeable that he does not finish the endings, he wants to say something so quickly. Sleeps in constant anxiety, turns, falls out of bed, emotions and behavior are possible uncontrollable and uncontrollable. Physical activity develops quickly into aggressiveness. In a company, hyperactive children often conflict with everyone.

Hyperactivity in children: symptoms

Is your child unable to sit still in one place? Do not immediately run to the doctors and think that he has childhood hyperactivity. First, pay attention to the features of your baby's activity:

  • restlessness and impulsivity;
  • inattention;
  • aggression, nervousness and endless tantrums;
  • problems in communication with peers and adults;
  • immunity to learning;
  • clumsiness, inability to complete the matter;
  • indiscipline.

All of the above signs characterize hyperactivity. The symptoms you find should alert you. It may be worth taking some measures to improve your child's behavior. After all, aggression is shown too often and expressed.

Any parent will get tired of fighting this behavior. These kids quickly lose contact with friends, as a result, no one wants to be friends with them, and even adults try to avoid communication with such personalities. If they received a task, they will never be able to complete it completely, as they are too overexcited, inattentive and may forget about the serious work entrusted to them. Pay attention to hyperactivity in children. Their symptoms may vary. After all, as already mentioned, each child is individual.

Nutrition for hyperactive children

Everyone knows that every child's nutrition should be complete and balanced, and most importantly - healthy. If parents allow ordinary children to eat chocolate or candy, then such a product should be excluded from the diet of hyperactive ones. In late winter - early spring, it is necessary to give a complex of vitamins to improve memory and brain activity. As soon as the first vegetables and fruits begin to appear in gardens and trees, be sure to include them in the daily menu. And in general, they should always be present on your table.

Fish once a week, or preferably two, should be present in your baby's diet. The same applies to all products containing magnesium, iron, calcium, etc. But the child should not even see pastries, cakes, sausages, purchased dumplings. They are harmful not only to health in general, but also to the behavior of the child. This has been proven by doctors for a long time. In addition, it must be remembered that children with hyperactivity need to be given food only on time. Many do not believe that the baby's behavior depends on the diet, but science has proven that this is so.

Why did hyperactivity appear

Where did this behavior come from? Maybe inherited? Many parents think so. However, the reasons for hyperactivity must be sought elsewhere. Think about how your pregnancy went. Perhaps the mother was a lot nervous, was ill, or was taking medications, which subsequently affected the baby. It even happens that a woman led an overly active lifestyle, thanks to which the baby began to get used to it in the womb. Difficult childbirth can also provoke hyperactivity in the baby. In addition, quite often the reason can be a lack of attention from others. Perhaps the child's relatives do not communicate enough with him or play. Then the children try to attract the attention of adults with their terrible behavior.

Factors provoking hyperactivity

Parents are happy if their child is cheerful, cheerful and active. However, when aggression and incomprehensible behavior wakes up in a baby, adults do not understand what triggered this situation. First of all, pay attention to your own attitude towards your baby. Perhaps you are not kind and affectionate enough with him. This behavior is possible if the child often eats food that contains pesticides. It has a very harmful effect on the baby. Carbonated water is also on the list of prohibited foods.

Therefore, try to avoid eating junk food. Family relationships, inattention to the child - all this affects the state of the baby's nervous system, remember this.

What do the doctor's say

The opinions of experts were divided. Some are sure that hyperactivity in children before school age is normal, others say it is serious illness... The pediatrician refers the patient to a neurologist and psychiatrist. European scientists believe that there is no such disease as hyperactivity. It's just that the child is very nimble and restless, and over time he will definitely outgrow. Hyperactivity is a myth, not a disease. It was invented in the early 80s to justify the increased activity of toddlers. Besides, it turns out that the age of the children also matters. The study showed that students' behavior changes by the second or third grade. They become calmer and more balanced. If the child is too nervous and inattentive, it is possible that he has a mental disorder. However, according to European doctors, children should not be stuffed with psychotropic and other medications. The consequences may be undesirable. In the future, the child will no longer be able to feel normal without medication. This affects his psyche even more. It is better to achieve normal fidget behavior with gentle words and conversations. You always need to remember: all the achievements or problems of the child are the fault of the adults themselves and the environment.

Games with hyperactive children

Any child needs to be able to lure. Games for preschool children are offered to a greater extent active. This way the little ones will use their energy for good. To develop attention and obedience, you can play the game: "Do it the other way around." Adult lowered right hand- the kid raised the left one. An adult has one eye closed, and a toddler closes the other, etc. Play the Edible - Inedible game with the child. Only the theme needs to be changed very often so that the baby does not get bored. For example, you voice the names of furniture - the child catches the ball, say another word that does not relate to the topic - beats it off. Work with children with increased activity is carried out regularly. This way, they will feel that they are receiving sufficient attention and will behave energetically, but without unnecessary, unnecessary emotions. Play noisy and emotional games with the little ones from time to time.

Thanks to them, babies develop dexterity, thinking, Movable children love the game "Silent - a chant." An adult prepares 3 circles in advance, the colors of which correspond to the traffic lights. Show the kid red, at this time let him run, shout, knock, etc. (2 minutes). Show the yellow circle - the child should talk and do everything very quietly. Green color means that you need to shut up and do nothing at all for 2 minutes. With each "session" the time increases. The next active, but quiet game will captivate children for a while. This is "The sea is worried once" - fun, known for a long time. She forms obedience and fantasy in fidgets. For any age you can find Interesting games... Parents and caregivers interested in reducing the child's hyperactivity should learn to make noise, shout, run and jump with him. You will see how the baby will change.

With hyperactivity, work with children is carried out regularly. They need to feel constant attention from others. Organize a clear daily routine for your baby. Try to have him eat and go to bed at the same time. Be sure to listen to the child's opinion, do not ignore him, even if it seems to you that he is saying absurd things. If you think that the kid is wrong, prove your point, just not harshly. The child will believe the truthful facts, find and give examples. Try to articulate your request clearly, without shouting, in a benevolent tone. When the child begins to be capricious or hysterical, try not to punish or beat him, but to distract him with a game.

Even a banal kiss will calm a raging baby. If no requests and persuasions work, leave him alone - you will see, when he realizes that there is no one to throw tantrums, he will calm down. It is often undesirable for a child to say the word “no”. It is necessary to formulate the ban in such a way that it looks like a request. If you prohibit him from sticking an object into an outlet, try to explain why it is dangerous. Punishment incomprehensible to the child will provoke a terrible tantrum and scandal. There is also no need to order, it is better to simply ask calmly. If the child does not want to apologize, it is not necessary to force him, since the nerves of every family member will once again be spoiled.

As mentioned above, games for preschool children should be a compulsory activity, and they should play both with other children and with adults. Overactive children should not be given several tasks at the same time: after completing the first, such a child will still forget what to do next. Better to ask to complete this or that task in stages. Do not give a sedative to your baby - it negatively affects his general condition. It is better to provide regular good nutrition instead of medications, and do not forget about vitamins - there should be a lot of them. Firmness in upbringing should be present, but only without negative emotions. Get your toddler to be able to get things done without stopping halfway. Each child has individual signs of hyperactivity. Affectionate and kind attitude will change his behavior.


In the case of hyperactive children, remember to apply specific parenting and play techniques if you want to achieve desired result... Parents and educators should work together with these babies. A kindergarten teacher or a psychologist should explain to parents that there can only be a quiet and calm atmosphere in a family, so as not to provoke hysterics of the baby. From the very birth of a child, you need to gently demand accuracy and obedience. He must be able to respect others, communicate with them in the proper tone: not to be rude or rude. Hyperactive kids are not very different from active tomboy. A little perseverance - and you can communicate with them quite normally. It's just that every little person wants constant attention. The sooner teachers and parents start working on the child's hyperactivity, the more effective the result will be.

Hyperactivity is a violation of the child's behavior, expressed in increased activity and excitability. The first signs of hyperactivity can be seen in a newborn baby. Most often, symptoms of hyperactivity appear in boys. Why? Male babies are born larger and therefore have a greater risk of injury during childbirth.

How does hyperactivity manifest in children per month

It is very difficult to determine hyperactivity in infants, sometimes almost impossible. Pronounced signs of the disorder begin to appear only at the age of 5-6 years. This is why, if your child, who is not yet one year old, has been diagnosed with hyperactivity, it makes sense to check the diagnosis with another specialist.

Nevertheless, the following signs can be wary and suggest hyperactivity in a newborn child:

  • sleep disorder, hyperactive children sleep little, often wake up, biorhythm disturbances can be observed (they sleep during the day and stay awake at night);
  • the legs and arms of such a baby are constantly in motion;
  • hyperactive babies are constantly crying and screaming a month;
  • increased muscle tone in a child;
  • possible vomiting "fountain" "after feeding;
  • these children react violently to any stimuli. For example, they may burst out crying loudly if they hear a harsh sound or if dark room turn on the light;
  • hyperactive children violently resist swaddling.

Advice: as practice shows, please such a kid, create comfortable conditions and it is almost impossible to adapt to it. That is why, if your child's behavior is excessively restless, he practically does not sleep, often cries for no reason, you should see a doctor. Perhaps, to calm such a baby, medication, osteopathic techniques and special massage will be required.

It is important to note that signs of hyperactivity such as increased activity and excitement are also characteristic of healthy children, but only periodically. Overactive children are agitated and overly active all the time.

Why does hyperactivity occur in a baby

Hyperactivity in a child can be triggered by the following factors:

  1. Complications during pregnancy - the likelihood of hyperactivity in children increases if the mother suffered from toxicosis during pregnancy or high blood pressure and also if the fetus had hypoxia.
  2. Complications during childbirth - premature, prolonged labor, artificial stimulation, the use of forceps during childbirth can provoke hyperactivity in children.
  3. Infectious diseases that children have suffered in the first weeks after birth.
  4. Childbirth through cesarean section are one of the risk factors for the development of hyperactivity. However, not all babies who are born through a cesarean section subsequently suffer from hyperactivity.
  5. Incorrect actions of the obstetrician during childbirth.
  6. Genetic predisposition - if one of the parents of the baby had hyperactivity in childhood, the likelihood of its occurrence in the child increases.
  7. Overactive babies are more likely to be born to mothers who drank or smoked during pregnancy and who also experienced stressful situations.

Treatment of hyperactivity in children under one year old

Treatment of hyperactivity in young children under one year old comes down to two methods:

  • medication;
  • non-drug.

At the same time, medical methods of treatment are used only in extreme cases. It should be noted that precise methods for diagnosis at such an early age does not exist: they are all subjective. Therefore, treatment must be approached with extreme caution, and a thorough examination must be carried out before therapy. Thus, some symptoms characteristic of hyperactivity can be caused by diseases and dysfunctions of the thyroid gland.

Among the non-drug methods of treating hyperactivity in children under one year old are used:

  • massage;
  • osteopathic treatment techniques;
  • relaxing baths;
  • educational work with parents.

In extreme cases, the doctor may prescribe nootropics.

Soothing baths

In case of excessive activity, children are shown soothing herbal baths. Here is a recipe for one of them:

The collection of valerian, thyme, motherwort and oregano has a good calming effect. The herbs must be taken in equal parts and mixed. For 1 liter of water, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture. Pour boiling water over the mixture. After half an hour, strain and pour into the baby's bath.

Coniferous baths also soothe children. They need to be done every other day, before bedtime. The needles solution should not be concentrated.

Remember to monitor the temperature of the water when bathing your baby. It should be no lower and no higher than 37-38 degrees. Bathing should not exceed 10 minutes. Before doing such baths, you should consult your doctor.

Osteopathic treatments

Osteopathic methods have the greatest effect in the treatment of children under one year old, and even better up to 3 months. Therefore, it is important to show the baby to the osteopath as early as possible. By the way, in many European countries, children at birth are examined not only by a neonatologist, but also by an osteopath.

An osteopathic doctor works only with his hands: he feels the child's head in search of anomalies in the shape or abnormalities of the bones of the skull, received during birth trauma. Some mothers are afraid of such manipulations in relation to their child, but in fact, every movement of the doctor is carefully calibrated and does not cause the slightest pain to the baby. In most cases, after the osteopath's sessions, children feel much better and become calmer.

  • If you find signs of hyperactivity in your toddler, see your doctor as soon as possible. Remember that only an experienced professional can diagnose the disorder. Symptoms that are similar to those of hyperactivity can hide other medical conditions.
  • If, after a comprehensive examination, the child is still diagnosed with hyperactivity, follow the recommendations of the doctors.
  • Caring for a newborn baby requires a lot of effort from the mother and can negatively affect the state of her nervous system. We strongly recommend that you seek help from your relatives so that you can have a rest at least sometimes.
  • If your baby is very restless and cannot sleep, try swaddling him. Some babies calm down after swaddling.
  • It is important from birth to teach the child to comply with the daily regimen: feed by the clock, put to bed at the same time. It is very important to spend a lot of time outdoors.

In our time, hyperactivity is increasingly manifested in children of preschool and school age. What are its signs? How to deal with it? How should parents of a hyperactive child behave? All this important questions requiring a timely response.

Hyperactivity is a mental condition based on a behavioral disorder. It is associated with exceeding normal activity. At the same time, a person is too excitable and in his behavior is guided more by emotions than by common sense.

Hyperactivity in children. What it is

This concept arose in the 60s of the last century, when it was considered a pathological condition that was caused by minor disorders of the brain.

In the 80s, excess physical activity received the status of an independent disease. It became known as ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

This syndrome affects children of preschool age, primary and secondary levels of education, who have a violation of the functions of the central nervous system. At the same time, they have a decrease in concentration, poor memory and learning problems.

It is difficult for the brain of a child with ADHD to perceive and process information; it does not have a clear motivation to study.

The hyperactivity syndrome in children begins to manifest itself in 2-3 years, when they begin to attend kindergarten. V to a greater extent behavioral disorder becomes noticeable in elementary school, when the child needs to study, spend a long time at the desk, be focused and attentive.


To diagnose ADHD, you need to observe the behavior of the child in at least two social groups and confirm their similarities.

At an early age, this can be difficult to do, since babies under one year old are usually only with their mother and father, that is, in the family. When the baby enters preschool, he enters the second social group... Behavior in it can be similar to home or dramatically different from him.

Observing the child, the parents themselves are able to see the warning signs in the child and seek psychological help in time. Experienced psychologists and educators will help determine what this activity is related to.

The main symptoms of hyperactive behavior are divided into two groups.

Signs of attention deficit Hyperactivity and impulsivity
Reduced Selective Attention:
  • lack of the ability to be focused on the subject for a long time,
  • not being able to detect the details of an object
Uncontrolled movements of arms and legs during excitement
Lack of preservation of attention:
  • inability to carry out actions to the end,
  • incompleteness
Jumping, sharp climbs and fast running
Addressing a child does not cause him any reaction (he does not seem to hear) Inability to maintain a static position even for very short periods of time
Disorganization, often jumps from one to another Conversations in class, spontaneous shouts
Lack of desire to perform difficult tasks and exercises that require serious mental stress Failure to wait for the end of the question, premature attempt to answer
Forgetfulness Interfering with other people's business and conversations
Distraction by the slightest noise or movement from the side Lack of the ability to take turns and give in to other children
Frequent loss of things

Different children show every sign of any one group, but both are found.

Thus, the signs that should prompt parents that the child needs qualified help from a psychologist, neurologist, psychiatrist are as follows:

  • excessively high physical activity;
  • impulsiveness;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • increased excitability;
  • incessant attention deficit.


The main causes of hyperactivity in children include:

  • difficult and premature birth;
  • birth trauma;
  • late pregnancy of the mother;
  • various infections, including intrauterine;
  • minor injuries sustained by a child as a result of falling and hitting the head;
  • poisoning with hazardous substances, such as lead;
  • poor nutrition;
  • asocial behavior of parents, etc.

According to statistics, boys are more likely to suffer from this syndrome than girls. Male children are much larger in weight, their brains mature later. In this regard, they are more often obtained different kinds injuries both in the womb and during childbirth.

Nowadays, ADHD affects up to 10% of children of primary school age.
A child of 8-10 years old should actively learn and behave normally in society. Requirements are made to him from teachers and parents in the manifestation of independence, perseverance and concentration.

However, it is difficult for a hyperactive child to live up to the claims of an adult. Insomnia or restless sleep, nocturnal enuresis, speech disorder, heart attacks can be added to the above symptoms.

Diagnostics and treatment

Diagnosis of hyperactivity is carried out as a result of complex observations of a whole group of specialists. If they detect the presence of all the signs of hyperactivity (see table), then the child may be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.

  1. In this case, drugs of a nootropic type are prescribed, which improve blood circulation, normal blood circulation in the region of the brain, enhance its functionality and sensitivity to the surrounding reality.
  2. The second, main component of the treatment of this syndrome is the organization of psychological and pedagogical assistance. The use of medication is not always necessary and desirable. A well-established system of training with the hyperactive can eliminate all existing problems.

To help educators, parents should maintain the child's good physical well-being and increase his immunity. In addition, sedative folk remedies should not be neglected.

Only comprehensive measures and joint efforts can help a child overcome a difficult mental state that interferes with learning normally at school. Competent behavior correction can affect the success of a student with ADHD.

How to calm your child

Hyperactive children are highly overexcited from rapid, chaotic movements during the day.

What should parents do to “calm down” their child before bedtime:

  • change the environment (go from one room to another, where it is quiet and calm);
  • invite the child to look out the window, at the sky or a passing car, people walking along the road;

  • drink water or a cup of herbal tea, eat something sweet;
  • lie down (play with a toy) in warm bath with foam and useful decoctions of medicinal plants;
  • make a relaxing massage to a calm melody;
  • before going to bed, mom or dad can stay with the child for a while, read a book to him or just talk. This is especially important when a boy or girl is in school.

All this will help the child to tune in to a healthy restful sleep, and in the morning he will get up vigorous, cheerful and tuned in to positive activities.

Do I need to take medication

Medical intervention is possible when all psychological and pedagogical methods and techniques have been tried. How to treat a child and what drugs to use in this case, only a doctor can decide.

In order not to aggravate the situation, it is important to get professional advice and follow the doctor's orders.

Video: School of Doctor Komarovsky