Poppy for weight loss. Effervescent tablets "Eco Slim" for weight loss: reviews, composition, instructions for use, side effects

The abuse of dishes rich in fat, sugar, even spices are the main reasons for the rapid increase in kilograms.

Obesity should not be treated casually - being overweight threatens with serious health problems. Not everyone has free time for diets, intensive sports, but you should not get upset - there is an easy way to get rid of the problem at home.

Drinking soda, supplemented with citrus, can easily cope with excess kilograms, make the figure fit, slim, and prevent the re-formation of fatty tissues. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations, not to abuse the means, to abandon experiments.

Useful qualities of sodium bicarbonate

A feature of ordinary drinking soda is a wide range of effects on various processes in the body. The correct use of sodium bicarbonate allows you to cope with the hated kilograms, because a drink prepared on the basis of cooking powder has the following qualities:

  • breaks down fatty tissues;
  • removes harmful substances from the body (toxins, slags);
  • normalizes the water-salt balance;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • reduces the risk of cellulite formation after rapid weight loss;
  • saturates tissues with oxygen.

Expert opinion

Another advantage of baking soda is that regular use of the products helps prevent the re-accumulation of fat cells.

The main rule to remember when losing weight using alkaline solutions is that without some restrictions in the daily diet, the results will have to wait a long time.

Be sure to drink at least two liters of fluid throughout the day. It is not necessary to consume only water - vegetable decoctions, tea (especially green), fruit drinks should be introduced into the diet.

Useful qualities of lemon

A soda-based drink, to which sour citrus juice is added, actively affects body fat. Lemon, like sodium bicarbonate, has many useful qualities that are recommended for weight loss:

  • leads to the activity of metabolic processes in the body;
  • flushes out toxins that oxidize cells;
  • makes the gallbladder work more actively;
  • increases protective forces;
  • accelerates the breakdown of fat cells;
  • improves digestive processes;
  • saturates the body with vitamins;
  • stimulates lymph flow.

Expert opinion

The active elements contained in lemon prevent puffiness, which is often formed in the process of losing weight. Regular use of a delicious sizzling drink allows you not to worry about unwanted complications - getting rid of excess weight will be comfortable and effective.

Preparation of a drink for weight loss based on citrus and drinking soda

The main condition for successful weight loss is the correct preparation of the drink, the absence of errors in application, following the recommendations of doctors, alternative medicine.

How to take soda baths for weight loss

Preparation of a drink that burns hated kilograms:

  1. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a glass (previously pour boiling water over the citrus - this will facilitate the extraction process).
  2. Mix citrus juice, sodium bicarbonate (10 gr.), Pour 25 ml of warm water.
  3. Stir the mixture until the noisy bubbling of the mass ends.
  4. Add warm water (225 ml), stir until particles of sodium bicarbonate disappear.

Expert opinion

It is recommended to drink the prepared remedy at one time. It is advisable to drink a drink half an hour before the main meal. You should not try to improve the taste by adding sweet ingredients (bee honey, sugar), such experiments will affect the effectiveness of weight loss.

Rules for taking a drink based on citrus and baking soda

In continuation of the course, it is necessary to adhere to some rules that will prevent unwanted complications. The main rule is to immediately stop using the effervescent liquid at the first sign of malaise.

Side effects are rare, but it is better not to risk your health, carefully monitor your well-being.

Another requirement is to take fluids for weight loss in courses. Drink a drink for half a month, take a break for the same time. Two weeks is enough for the body to rest from the active influence of alkaline substances, to prepare for the continuation of weight loss.

Expert opinion

If you additionally had to resort to sports to burn the hated kilograms, it is recommended to consume an alkaline liquid shortly after training. It is better to drink in small portions - take the prepared weight loss remedy for an hour.

The combination of drinking soda, citrus and ginger for active fat burning

For women who find a sour sodium bicarbonate-based fizzy drink not too palatable, it is recommended to prepare a liquid with the addition of ginger. The fragrant root also has a long list of virtues that are recommended to be directed to the fight against obesity.

Ginger normalizes metabolic processes, improves metabolism, absorption of nutrients. The active ingredients, which abound in the root, destroy fatty deposits, contribute to their removal from the body.


  1. Chop ginger root (15 gr.) into a fine gruel.
  2. Bring water (220 ml) to a boil, pour the prepared ginger mass.
  3. Infuse for a quarter of an hour, to increase the concentration of useful elements, cover the container, wrap it warmly with a towel.
  4. Strain the liquid, add 15 gr. sodium bicarbonate, pour in the juice squeezed from five slices of citrus.
  5. Stir, take immediately, do not insist.

Soda diet for weight loss

Drink the prepared drink at a time. Storage, even for short periods, reduces the effectiveness of the alkaline liquid.

We should not forget that ginger root also has a list of prohibitions, restrictions on use. Do not use herbal raw materials for chronic diseases at the acute stage, elevated temperature, the presence of malignant, benign formations.

Pregnancy is also a reason to abandon the simple affordable way to deal with body fat in the waist, buttocks, and hips.

It is forbidden to lose weight with a product based on sodium bicarbonate and citrus for such diseases, body problems:

  • pregnancy (regardless of trimester);
  • low blood acidity (it is recommended to undergo a medical examination in advance, which will allow you to find out the desired indicator);
  • diabetes;
  • the period of feeding the baby with breast milk;
  • high blood pressure;
  • serious diseases of the digestive tract.

Another prohibition on the use of hissing liquid for burning fatty tissues is an individual reaction of the body. If after drinking the drink there is irritation of the skin, malaise, nausea, headache, it is better to refuse further weight loss, resort to other means.

"Fizzy" is a familiar word for Soviet children. You can buy treats at any grocery store. What do modern children know about this drink?

Homemade fizz will certainly impress your child, first of all by RїSЂRѕS†RµSЃSЃRѕRј RїSЂRёRіRѕS‚PѕRІR»RµPSRёSЏ. Parents will also enjoy the role of a wizard.

Experience #1 Edible!

You need to prepare:

  • 1 plate or cup;
  • we take a brand new pack of drinking soda (checked, the result is more effective), 1 tablespoon;
  • 2 tablespoons of citric acid;
  • powdered sugar to taste, I recommend 2 large spoons;
  • washed bank;

Cooking process:

In a clean and dry cup, mix soda and citric acid. Then, powdered sugar is added to this mixture. Mix again.

Pour the resulting composition into a dry and clean jar. Close with a hermetically sealed lid. To try lemonade of the taste of childhood, you need to put 1-2 teaspoons of the magic mixture from the jar into a glass with juice or fruit drink.

If you are going to store the prepared mixture, sign the jar. Shelf life 1 month.

The description contains a classic recipe for making a drink. After trying the “pop”, independently determine the amount of dry mixture per glass of liquid.

Children can make an unusual label for a jar.

Experience No. 2 Not edible!

What is the most interesting thing for a curious kid? Naturally, what adults do, but he cannot. The laboratory is a cherished word and a dream to do everything yourself. We propose to conduct another experiment. Delight is guaranteed!

You need to prepare:

  • several spoons;
  • the same number of cups;
  • drinking soda;
  • vinegar;
  • water;
  • tray;
  • food coloring;

Cooking process:

Pour water into the prepared cups, about a little more than half.

Then add some vinegar.

Place the spoons on the tray. Fill them with baking soda powder. Do you want to see your baby's eyes happy and bewildered? Put a little food coloring of different colors in each spoon, and only then cover our secret with baking soda.

The experiment begins! The spectacle promises to be dramatic! Imagine transparent glass, clear water is visible behind it. And by dropping the white powder, you get all the colors of the rainbow! Everything hisses and crawls in different directions. Fun everyone.

Ready to clean up?

If you are bored, you may be puzzled, RєR°Rє RїSЂRёRіRѕS‚RѕRІРёS‚СЊ сочники СЃ творогом, the recipe is already on our website!

How to make "soda"


  • 1 cup;
  • 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 1/2 teaspoon citric acid;
  • sugar 1 teaspoon;

The process of making poppy at home is the same as described earlier. Therefore, without preamble - mix everything and add ordinary water.

"Fizz" of soda and vinegar for weight loss

It's no secret that each of us dreams of being a slender beauty. If not, what do we hear in response? Most often - there is no money or no time. The proposed recipe for "Fizzy" from soda and vinegar is low budget and is prepared in the blink of an eye.

Did you know that the worst enemy of fat is baking soda and vinegar? Try it! Strength comes quickly. The skin becomes clean and soft. Slags are ruthlessly expelled. A pleasant-tasting drink, in addition to everything, normalizes the acid-base balance.


Drink the drink throughout the day, 30 minutes after eating.

The taste will improve if you add natural honey.

What's stopping you from trying?

Source: www.liveinternet.ru

Losing weight with baking soda attracts with its ease. No starvation diets and exhausting exercises for you. From the article you will learn how to use soda correctly and safely for health.

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is a valuable product that is used as a baking powder for baking, cleaning agent in the household, and an assistant in the fight for health. With its help, they make a scrub for the face and body, a deodorant against sweat, an antifungal agent, a remedy for heartburn and mosquito bites. For weight loss, the use of soda is also practiced and not without reason. It is enough to understand the methods, recipes that are not harmful, but only beneficial. Once again, we will clarify that we are talking about food, and not calcined!

Beneficial features

Sodium bicarbonate is able to break down fats, remove toxins, and balance the acid-base balance. Soda activates metabolic processes and normalizes the water balance in the body. Replenishes the lack of oxygen in the tissues. Prevents the absorption of fat and the appearance of cellulite on the skin.

How to lose weight with baking soda

With the help of soda, you can lose weight in two ways: taking it internally and externally. By ingestion, where it interacts with hydrochloric acid. This process increases the release of carbon dioxide, which begins to actively "work" with the gastric walls. The use of soda helps the stomach produce not only juice, but also additional hydrochloric acid, which leads to an acid "rebound" (additional irritation of the stomach walls and fat burning).

External use is possible with the help of baths and a homemade scrub for problem areas. The fight against excess weight with the help of soda baths is popular due to the fat-burning properties of the product. Such baths increase perspiration, open pores and the body is freed from harmful substances (excess fat, toxins, toxins) and excess water. They have a relaxing, calming effect. After taking a bath, not only weight is reduced, the skin becomes soft and elastic.


Baking soda is beneficial for the body. But wrong dosages, non-compliance with the frequency of receptions can harm your health. It belongs to the category of aggressive agents. The use of soda has such contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • open wounds on the body, dermatological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • high blood pressure, varicose veins;
  • tumors / neoplasms of various etiologies, purulent inflammations on the skin;
  • individual intolerance to sodium bicarbonate;
  • with low acidity, including blood. Normal PH should not exceed 7.47. The level of acidity is determined by passing tests.

How to drink

Acceptance of funds in its pure form is not allowed! Only solution is used. For a positive result, take the remedy one hour before meals or 2 hours after. It is more effective to start drinking water with soda in the morning on an empty stomach. During the day - 30 minutes before a meal or an hour after a meal. The main thing is that there is no digestive process in the stomach.

Start drinking soda, first typing it on the tip of a knife, gradually increasing the dosage. For prevention, it is enough to take 1/2 tsp. a glass of water only once a week. The therapeutic dose is a full teaspoon, the course and frequency of administration is selected individually according to the selected recipe.

Method number 1

Baking soda can be put in your mouth, just drink it with water. This method is not suitable for everyone. If you can't swallow, try method #2.

Method number 2

The product must be dissolved in drinking water. Water should be hot (not boiling water), the allowable temperature is from 50 to 90 degrees. A sign of the correct temperature during mixing with water is hissing. During this process, carbon dioxide is released, which helps the soda to be better absorbed. You can wait until the water cools down and drink in small sips.

It is undesirable to dissolve the product in cold water. Absorption into the blood occurs in the intestines, before that water is in the stomach, which has a minimal acid background. Accordingly, part of the agent reacts with hydrochloric acid and is neutralized. No longer effective cleansing drink enters the intestines.

Recipes for weight loss

We bring to your attention several recipes.

Water with soda on an empty stomach

Method number 1

Ingredients: 250 ml of water, 0.5 teaspoon of soda

Take - 7-14 days. A break is made for 14 days and the course is repeated. Mix the ingredients and divide the serving into as many parts as you eat once a day. Drink one hour before meals in small sips.

Method number 2

Ingredients: 1/2 tsp. soda; 50 ml hot water; 450 ml warm water.

Dissolve soda in hot water, add all the warm water and drink the entire portion in the morning on an empty stomach. Apply 2 times a week. The course has no strict restrictions. Drink for as long as your body needs it.

Soda and lemon for weight loss

Lemon juice speeds up the work of the gallbladder, stimulates metabolic processes, "washing out" the remnants of toxins after cell oxidation. It contains the terpene hydrocarbon limonene, which stimulates lymph flow and improves digestion. And, of course, lemon is rich in vitamin C.

Ingredients: 250 ml water, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda.

Take - 14 days, break - 14 days. Squeeze lemon juice, add a little soda and water. After the hissing is over, pour out the remaining soda and add the rest of the water. Use no more than once a day. The course is unlimited. It is advisable to drink after sports and / or 30 minutes before meals. This recipe is suitable not only for those who want to lose weight, but also to improve well-being, increase immunity.

Milk with soda

Milk contains many useful substances: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin A, has emollient properties (reduces the aggressiveness of the product).

Ingredients: 200 ml milk, 1 tsp. soda.

Heat the milk to 80-90 degrees, add soda and stir. Drink in small sips 2 hours after eating. Take - 14 days, break - 14 days.

Kefir and soda

Recipe #1

Ingredients: 200 ml of kefir with a fat content of 1%, 1/2 teaspoon of soda, 1/4 coffee spoon of cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon of ginger. Optionally, you can add greens (dill, celery, cilantro).

All components are mixed, consumed immediately after preparation. Drink in small sips. Kefir cocktail can be consumed daily instead of dinner, 2 hours before bedtime. Take - 14 days, break - 14 days.

Recipe #2

Ingredients: 200 ml fat-free kefir, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp ginger, a pinch of cinnamon, a slice of lemon or 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper, a pinch of soda.

Mix all the components of the cocktail, cut a slice of lemon along with the peel. Drink 2 times a day: 30 minutes before breakfast and instead of dinner (at least after two hours of the last meal) 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

Soda with ginger

Ginger helps the digestive system, speeds up the metabolic process, removes toxins, stimulates blood circulation. Drink with ginger is taken 30 minutes before meals.

Ingredients: 1 tsp. ginger, 1 lemon wedge, 1 tsp. honey, 1/2 tsp. soda.

Ginger root is cut into strips and poured with hot water, infused for 5 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients and the drink is ready to drink. Take - 14 days, break - 14 days.

Bath with soda for weight loss

A complex bath with a soda solution allows you to cleanse the body of toxins, radionuclides, since it is these substances that clog cells and contribute to the accumulation of fats. The metabolism is accelerated, the lymphatic system also starts to work faster. You can add essential oils, such as citrus, according to your preference. They contribute to the normalization of fat metabolism and simply have an excellent flavor.

Any version of the bath with soda is acceptable once a day, before going to bed for 14 days and take a break for a month. Contraindications are the same as in the recipes for the use of the drug inside. The water temperature should not exceed 38 degrees, the ideal temperature is 36-37. If you feel weak, tired, or have undergone intensive cardio training, you can lower the temperature to 30-36. After the procedure, put on warm clothes, wrap yourself in a blanket and relax.

Soda and sea salt

The combination of components helps to fight not only overweight, but also cellulite. The skin becomes firmer and clearer.

Ingredients: water, 125 gr. baking soda, 150 gr. sea ​​salt. If desired, you can add lavender oil, about 5-7 drops.

Dissolve the components in a vessel with warm water (38 degrees) and pour into a filled bath. Water procedure is carried out for 20-30 minutes.

soda and ginger

Ingredients: 500 gr. baking soda, 5 drops of ginger oil.

Dissolve the baking soda in warm water, then pour into the bath. Add ginger oil. The procedure lasts from 10 to 20 minutes, before going to bed after 2 hours of the last meal. It is advisable to take a bath after exercise.

Recipe 1: 2 tbsp. soda, 50 ml of water, 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal.

Mix the ingredients, apply to problem areas of the skin and rub for 10 minutes.

Recipe 2: 50 ml shower gel, 1 tbsp. soda, 2 tbsp. honey.

Apply in the same way as in the recipe for remedy No. 1.

How to lose weight with baking soda in 3 days

Weight loss with soda is a systematic complex. Recipes for taking drinks with soda are designed for periodic use (each course is approximately 14 days). It is believed that with the help of baths with soda, you can lose up to 200 grams in one session. For the course - about 2-2.5 kg. In combination with these procedures, it is important to exclude the use of fried, salty foods, flour products, sugar, and alcohol. And, of course, do not forget about physical activity.

The product helps to remove body fat and toxins, but without your help, tens of kilograms will not go away. For 3 days, using only soda, you will not be able to lose weight significantly, but this is a good start, allowing you to start a major cleansing of the body from the outside and from the inside.

looking for a way easy weight loss at home? Then you are where you need to be. Editorial "So simple!" will share with you a recipe for a drink that will help get rid of not only a couple of extra pounds, but also health problems.


So, today we will talk about the wonderful creative union of baking soda and lemon. Below, we will explain the benefits of each component, as well as share an authoritative tonic recipe that will help you lose weight quickly and easily. And we will tell you how to “wash off” excess weight from yourself. Interesting? Then read on!

Fast home weight loss

A drink made from baking soda and lemon is considered the easiest, cheapest and most effective way to lose weight. But individually, these products are very useful for our body. First, let's talk about soda. The body of a modern person often lacks alkali due to constant intracellular oxidation. As soon as the pH level changes, a person feels general malaise, suffers from insomnia.

The best way to equalize the level of alkali and acid in the body is ordinary baking soda. It is enough to regularly use soda in its pure form to adjust the pH. This will have a beneficial effect on the state of health, normalizes metabolic processes and helps to lose weight.


The second component of the miracle drink is fresh lemon. Drinking pure lemon juice speeds up the work of the liver and gallbladder. Lemon juice has mild diuretic properties. Thanks to them, juice stimulates metabolic processes in the body, flushing out toxins and residual products of cell oxidation. Lemons improve digestion, help to fully absorb useful elements from food, and also saturate the body with vitamin C.


And now that we have figured out the benefits of the components, it's time to learn how to cook our slimming drink. This fizz can work wonders!


  • 300 ml water
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda


It is best to drink the drink in the morning just before eating. With moderate use, the tonic will be a good way to lose weight, help improve your health and just refresh yourself on a hot day. In addition, the drink dulls the feeling of hunger, which also helps to lose weight.

Just do not be zealous with this remedy, because its excessive use can cause irritation of the oral cavity and esophagus, exacerbate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also provoke jumps in blood pressure. Therefore, one glass a day will be enough. And do not forget that without proper nutrition it is simply impossible to achieve the desired result.


And now the most interesting: is it possible to “wash off” excess weight? Yes, you can, and soda and lemon will help with this too. Regular baths with these ingredients are a great way to lose weight and detox. The essence of the procedure is that water penetrates into enlarged pores, washing out toxins and harmful waste products from there.

A soda bath with the addition of lemon essential oil will improve blood and lymph circulation, cleanse pores, and make the skin softer and more pleasant to the touch. In addition, it has a wonderful relaxing effect.

To lose weight and improve your health, you need to take a whole course of soda baths. To make such a bath is as easy as shelling pears: dissolve 60 grams of soda in water at a comfortable temperature, add a couple of drops of lemon essential oil. Soak in the bath for 10 to 20 minutes, repeat twice a week.


A soda bath and a tonic by themselves, of course, will not create a miracle, but they will be a great addition to the overall process of losing weight. Do not neglect them. If you have already decided to reconsider your lifestyle and become slim, then almost all means will be good in this.

Everyone has their own weight loss secrets. Share yours in the comments!

Post Views: 179

Among folk remedies for weight loss there is a drink made from soda (hydrocarbonate / sodium bicarbonate) and lemon juice, the so-called “pop”. But how safe is this method? And how to use soda with lemon juice to lose weight?

Fat-washing food author Anna Louise Gittleman, who has been strongly supported by American bloggers, claims that lemon juice, when taken internally, stimulates the liver and has a beneficial effect on gallbladder function.

It also acts as a mild diuretic, speeds up metabolism, improves digestion and promotes the breakdown of fats.

Lemons, according to Gittleman, contain the hydrocarbon limonene, which stimulates lymph flow.

The pros and cons of the drink


  • intestinal microflora and digestive processes return to normal;
  • edema disappears, as excess fluid is removed;
  • there is a complex cleansing of the body, toxins and toxins are removed;
  • the feeling of hunger decreases;
  • accelerates weight loss;
  • efficiency increases.


  • the method gives a pronounced effect only in combination with physical activity and diet;
  • Drinking regularly can be harmful to health.
  • vitamins and minerals are washed out of the body, their digestibility from food decreases;
  • has contraindications.

Debunking the Myths

  • Soda is not able to break down fat, but at the same time it can emulsify (form an emulsion): fat breaks up into small drops and is easily excreted from the body in this form. A similar principle of operation is typical for many household chemicals: dishwashing detergents, soaps, etc.
  • Lemon juice is also not a fat burning ingredient. But citric acid in its composition, like other organic acids, can emulsify fat molecules.
  • Lemon juice does not affect the digestion of fats in the intestines. Normally, the acidity in the stomach is approximately equal to the acidity of a lemon - about 2. But when it enters the intestines, this acid is neutralized, since the pH of the intestines is higher - from 5.6.

The use of "pop"

Want to lose weight using lemon and soda? Dilute lemon juice with water to reduce the acidity of the drink.

On a note . Baking soda is designed to protect tooth enamel from the damaging effects of lemon juice. Additionally, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with a soda solution (1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of warm water) after each dose.

Take "pop" (soda solution + freshly squeezed juice) twice a day. The first portion - always on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast. The second - before any other meal.

Reference . If the weight is around 70 kg, you will need to squeeze half a lemon, if more than 80 kg - a whole one.

Express weight loss method

This recipe for quick weight loss, designed for 14 days, should be used with extreme caution and only for those who are not affected by contraindications.

The concentration of lemon juice in the drink is gradually increased until the 9th day, and then it is also methodically reduced. No dietary restrictions required.

  • Day 1 . Juice of 1 lemon mixed with cold water.
  • Days 2–7. Juice of 2-7 lemons (+1 every day).
  • Day 8 Unloading. A drink is prepared from 3 lemons and 3 liters of water with a little honey. Use it during the day, refusing to eat.
  • Day 9 Begin to reduce the number of lemons by 1 daily.
  • Days 10–13. Juice of 5-2 lemons (-1 every day).
  • Day 14 Last. Juice of 1 lemon.

Remember: every time after taking a lemon drink, you need to rinse your mouth with soda.

Lemon Soda Recipes

Classic pop


  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 1/2 tsp food/tea soda.


Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a separate container. Add 1/3 cup of water and 1/3 of the soda indicated in the recipe. When the mixture stops sizzling, add the remaining ingredients.

With honey

For lovers of sweeter drinks: use the recipe with the addition of honey. This bee product not only improves the taste of lemon tonic, but also has a positive effect on digestion, softening the action of acid and alkali.


  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1/2 tsp soda;
  • half a medium-sized lemon;
  • 1 tsp honey.


The juice of half a lemon is mixed with soda. After the mixture sizzles, pour in warm water and add bee honey. Stir.

On a note . If you are allergic to honey, you can use low-sugar syrups from the range of health food stores to improve the taste.

With honey and ginger

Ginger is another weight loss aid. It will not only speed up metabolic processes, but also spice up the tonic.


  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice;
  • 1/3 tsp soda;
  • a little ginger root


Mix all liquid ingredients. Ginger is peeled and grated (or finely chopped), added to the mixture and mixed.

Attention! Control the amount of ginger so the tonic doesn't get too spicy.

lemon salad


  • half a lemon;
  • 1/2 tsp soda;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • natural fat-free yogurt.


The lemon is peeled and cut into small cubes. Add 1 tsp. honey and mix. Pour the mixture with natural yogurt.

Attention! Salad should be eaten on an empty stomach. After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth with soda solution to protect tooth enamel.

Bath with baking soda and lemon essential oil

This bath also has a relaxing and aromatherapy effect, relieves fatigue.

Dr. Graham Simpson, a weight loss specialist, confirms the benefits of soda baths for those who want to shed extra pounds and tighten their skin.

Dissolve 60 g of soda in water. Add lemon juice or essential oil if desired. Take a bath twice a week strictly for 20 minutes.

Side effects and contraindications

The use of soda with lemon is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (may lead to inflammatory processes);
  • hypertensive patients (helps to increase pressure);
  • diabetics (affects blood sugar levels);
  • in violation of blood clotting (accelerates blood flow, thins the blood);
  • with dermatological problems (may cause allergies).

Doctors' comments

Doctors tend to trust traditional medicine more, so their opinions do not agree with the opinion of bloggers. But before use, it is still advisable to read the comments of doctors.

Viktor Sergeevich Puchkin(nutritionist, experience - 11 years). I do not recommend doing this kind of experiment on yourself. If any disease develops in your body, the alkaline solution is dangerous. It can provoke a violation in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as cause an attack of appendicitis. It is better to choose simpler and safer diets and exercise for yourself.

Maria Nikolaevna Ivanova(nutritionist, experience - 15 years). I agree with my colleague's opinion on this matter. To expect that a lemon with soda will help get rid of 5-10 kg of excess weight is to be mistaken. Lemon can only speed up metabolic processes, but does not solve the problem. Without proper exercise and diet, the solution can harm the body.

Vera Petrovna Semyonova(gastroenterologist, experience - 10 years). I strongly recommend that you consult a doctor before using this or any other “miracle remedy”. After all, if you have a history of digestive problems, alkaline solutions can do harm. Exercise, eat right, and get in shape quickly.