Business in crisis what to do. What to do in a crisis? Current business ideas

During periods of crisis, business activity is noticeably reduced. Create new business units are resolved. It is extremely difficult to predict the development of the market situation, and the risk of losing investments is very high. But experienced businessmen and prominent economists are sure that the crisis is the best time to create a new business. The reason is the decrease in competition due to mass bankruptcy. It is important to minimize the cost of organizing your business and operating costs.

If you focus on these criteria, then the most viable option is a home business. We bring to your attention 15 business ideas that are in demand even in the most difficult periods and do not require significant investments.

1. Food

This direction is only partially affected by the crisis - the demand for expensive products is declining. The need for everyday goods - bread, cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits, inexpensive meat remains and even increases due to the reduction of the share of delicacies. Oddly enough, the demand for chocolate is not falling either. Most likely, the desire to please children and at least a little sweeten life during stressful periods is too high.

Study the needs in your locality and choose the most popular destination. A significant part of the products can be grown in the country or garden, cooked on home cooking. Register an IP and start working.

2. Car repair

Sales of new and expensive cars are falling. But the demand for vehicle maintenance and repair is growing. That is why auto-repair is recognized as one of the anti-crisis areas of business.

You can even start in your personal garage, the only requirement is professionalism.

3. Virtual assistant

In times of crisis, businesses face a vital need to reduce the cost of performing secondary tasks that do not bring immediate profit. Permanent employees are fired, and their part of the work is outsourced. Many tasks can be performed by freelancers who work on the Internet.

Such specialists are needed by large companies, individual entrepreneurs. This direction is very promising and is not subject to cataclysms in the economy.

4. Home staging

During the crisis, the real estate market is seriously affected. Finding home buyers is becoming very difficult. One of the ways to help sell real estate is to increase its attractiveness. That is why there is a growing need for the services of designers, including landscapers, repairmen and other home staging specialists.

5. "Green" business

The world community is seriously thinking about preserving the ecology of the planet. The production of products from pure raw materials, waste processing, and the cultivation of organic products are very popular areas. This trend will be strengthened, now is the best time to occupy a new and promising niche. It is worth considering how possible variant and consultancy for the optimization of waste recycling.

6. Help the older generation

The aging of mankind does not stop. Helping people of retirement age and people with disabilities is becoming an increasingly important area. Their care is not limited to medical care. Help in everyday life, organization of leisure, travel and even the organization of feasible options for earning are in demand.

7. Cosmetics

In any, even the most difficult times, women need to look well-groomed and elegant. Lovely ladies are ready to give up going to a restaurant, a trip to a resort or new jewelry. But they will definitely buy the necessary minimum of cosmetics. It is worth paying attention to the manufacture of natural soap - this is a very promising area that can be mastered at home.

8. Online video

Even regardless of the crisis, interest in the entertainment that the Internet offers is growing at an impressive pace. It is not necessary to shoot high-quality films and videos - an interesting plot is important. Funny situations from real life, animal videos, video blogs. You can shoot and sell your videos on special channels or create your own resource and earn money from views and advertising.

9. Trade consultant

In modern conditions, this profession has acquired new features. In search of affordable goods, Russian consumers began to take an interest in the world-famous eBay and Craigslist platforms. They hold auctions that offer quality items at very low prices. Not everyone can understand the intricacies of the work of these online stores. You can offer your services. Ample opportunities are offered by special programs for participating in an auction on behalf of another person. You can help the client to purchase the right thing and get a pre-agreed percentage of the transaction.

10. Sites about discounts and sales

Another opportunity to earn on the massive desire to save money. You can create a special site where network users will be offered information about all planned or current discounts and sales. Your earnings are a commission from stores whose products are advertised on the site.

11. Direct sales

Work in network marketing is again relevant. Most are well-known cosmetic companies. But a similar way of distributing products is used by manufacturers of kitchen utensils, household appliances and chemistry, innovative products and natural health products. Look for a direction close to your preferences, be sure to check the availability of certificates and start a new business.

12. Blog

To maintain and make money on your own blog or information site, writing talent is not required. It is important to find a topic that is in demand and interesting to you, regularly replenish the resource with new articles. You can hire a specialist to write articles. When you reach the required number of visitors, you can earn on advertising.

13. Franchise

Popular brands offer their best practices, experience and trademark budding entrepreneurs. Among the franchises there are also attractive home or family business options.

14. Educational courses

During periods of crisis, the study of new and in-demand professions begins to be in great demand. Do not forget about children - parents do not save on their education and harmonious development even in the most difficult times.

This area is not suitable for everyone, deep knowledge in the financial sector is required. The crisis period is characterized by a sharp increase in debt and a decrease in interest in investing. Many are simply afraid of losing their money.

The need for expert advice on safe investments and how to get out of a difficult situation at this time is very high.

Business in a crisis is not going through better times. A sharp drop in income leads to a decrease in consumer activity of the population. The crisis is merciless to all types of business, but first of all, the sphere of goods and services of secondary need is losing profitability. When earnings are only enough to pay for communal services and food, the desire to spend money on entertainment disappears sharply. On the other hand, new market segments open up during a crisis. It is necessary to catch the fluctuations in consumer sentiment in time and fill the opened niche.

Features of starting a business in times of crisis

In addition to the difficulties, during a crisis, a novice businessman also has some advantages. First, a sharp drop in income from competitors who have not been able to adapt to new conditions leads to the emergence of free space in certain market segments.

Secondly, as a result of a general price reduction, the cost of starting a business is significantly reduced. Thirdly, new goods and services that are better adapted to crisis conditions are gaining popularity. For example, the production of affordable food, or essential goods that can be produced at a lower cost. And, fourthly, as a result of mass layoffs, qualified specialists who urgently need work are left without work.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise during a crisis to start a business with minimal involvement loan funds. High risks reduce the attractiveness of even very profitable projects. Another feature of business in difficult times - high blood pressure from the side of the state.

The sharp decline in revenues to the treasury forces officials to look for additional opportunities to replenish the state budget. Particular attention should also be paid to legal issues. You should not rely on the honesty of partners, because financial hunger often pushes people to dishonorable acts. Contracts should contain clauses with clear and concise wording.

Market segments that stagnate during a crisis

The most affected by the crisis are businesses focused on the production of goods and the provision of services, which begin to interest customers only after basic needs are met. Most often from the crisis suffer losses:

  • cinemas;
  • manufacturers of confectionery, meat, dairy, alcohol and other products;
  • distributors of sports equipment and nutrition;
  • fishing markets and pet stores;
  • manufacturers of various equipment;
  • various entertainment establishments;
  • construction companies;
  • building materials manufacturers.

Hardest hit by the crisis large enterprises. Even small downtimes can lead to large debts that, if production rates remain low, there will be nothing to pay.

Market segments not affected by the crisis

Some services and goods, despite the decline in consumer activity, are still popular. As a rule, these are the production of budgetary and essential food products (for example, baking bread), inexpensive textiles, hygiene products, car repair and farming.

In addition to the above areas, such areas of business as:

  • network marketing;
  • educational courses;
  • design services;
  • production of original works of art.

Small businesses are the easiest to adapt to the economic crisis. The ability to freely scale down and scale up production capacity is the key to survival and prosperity.

Actual ideas for business in a crisis

Small businesses are the easiest to adapt to ever-changing market conditions. Some goods and services gain additional popularity during a crisis.

Business without investment

The implementation of some ideas does not require financial costs. Using tools available to everyone, you can create complex and sought-after products without the use of any material material. Information Technology open wide opportunities to create useful goods and services.

YouTube channel

A video blog on YouTube allows you to convert your own creativity into real money. Earnings come from advertising, but you can only get a stable income if you have a large number of subscribers and views. The main difficulty in such a business is right choice channel topics and attracting the attention of the audience. As a rule, charismatic bloggers become YouTube stars. If you have 100,000 followers, you can count on earning from $ 1,000 per month.

Site layout

Despite the crisis, the relevance of this type of service will only increase in the near future. Large IT companies charge decent money for their services, but for a small business such an information product is, firstly, too expensive, and secondly, unreasonably functional. Layout of business card sites for private entrepreneurs can bring good income. Salaries of IT freelancers can reach $1.5-2 thousand per month.

Article writing

Business with minimal investment

There are many small business options that do not require huge financial outlays but have excellent ROI.

Sale of second hand

In the context of a sharp deficit in the family budget of most citizens of the country, second-hand is of particular relevance. Inexpensive foreign-style clothing allows you to look stylish even with relatively small earnings. To open a business, you need to rent a room, produce in it renovation work and establish contacts with the supplier. Starting costs for a small store can range from 200 to 300 thousand rubles. In a few months, you can fully return the initial investment.

Production of designer items

When there is not enough money for an expensive gift, you can replace it with original designer items. The production of beautiful ikebanas, gingerbread, mugs, pictures, vases and other decorative products will allow you to earn a decent income without any special costs by selling your creativity.

Service business

Some services in times of crisis are losing their popularity a little, but their profitability still remains high.

To open your own auto repair shop, it is quite enough to have a garage room and a standard locksmith tool. In the workshop, you can carry out repairs, tire changes and car tuning. For repairs in the garage, it is necessary to equip a special recess in the floor. The cost of opening such a business can range from 20 to 60 thousand rubles. Despite the crisis, the popularity of car services does not fall.

Accounts in social networks are gradually becoming the information face of their owner, so high-quality content directly affects the image. Thanks to the growing popularity social networks professional photographers have additional earning opportunities.

High-quality sweatshirts and portfolios for beginner models, in addition to traditional accompaniments of weddings and special occasions, have become an excellent option for starting your own business. Photography and image processing skills will allow you to earn from $300 to $1000 per month. How to make money on photos on the Internet can be found here -

Concerts for weddings

Despite the crisis, every wedding is accompanied by live music. By organizing a small ensemble, you can make great money at several weddings a month. Earnings, depending on the level of the event, can range from 20 to 100 thousand rubles per month.

How to develop an existing business in a crisis

So that the crisis does not ruin the implemented business project, it is necessary to revise the strategy for its development. Models that were effective in pre-crisis times are losing their relevance in the face of a sharp decline in household incomes. Before the negative consequences of the crisis begin to affect business, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Close investment projects.
  2. Reduce some of the staff.
  3. Close business development projects.
  4. Carry out overall cost optimization.
  5. Reduce payroll and bonuses.
  6. Sell ​​non-core assets of the company.
  7. Close unprofitable lines of production.
  8. Develop a new strategy for doing business in a crisis.

approach to acceptance management decisions need to be careful, so the leaders of large enterprises hire anti-crisis managers.

Summing up

The economic crisis is, first of all, a time of cardinal changes. Skillful asset management, and the ability to adequately assess the situation on the market, will be a great help successful business activity even in the most difficult times.

How to open a business in a crisis - the opinion of a professional business coach

Own business is not only a status, it is a freedom of choice and an opportunity to bring significant benefits. This is the stability that employees do not have. These are numerous preferences that help to cope with difficulties in the early stages of activity.

Since March 2015, the Government has adopted, according to which individual entrepreneurs who open their own business for the first time are exempt from taxes for 2 years. In this document we are talking about industrial enterprises, processing of agricultural raw materials and food production, as well as about those who intend to work in the field of innovation and IT. In April, absolutely all regions introduced this law, and it is already in effect.

The nuances of starting a business in a crisis

The crisis for the Russian economy is more familiar than frightening. It was hard to work after the collapse of the USSR due to rampant crime, in the late 90s - due to the arbitrariness of the authorities, the beginning of the 2000s was marked by raising taxes, and in last years Russia was covered by a wave of world crises.

Despite the difficulties, small business lives and develops, constantly increasing the share of revenue in GDP. If in 2011 it was 22%, then in 2014, according to Rosstat, it was already 22.6%. In terms of the number of people, these are several million new small and micro enterprises, which provide almost 17 million jobs.

Of course, starting your own business during a crisis is fraught with great risks. But these risks can be avoided if you have a clear understanding of what today's market wants from business.

And the market is saturated with trading companies, there are so many of them that each new wave decadence washes them from their homes by the thousands. More than half of small enterprises are trade: shops, boutiques, wholesale companies. They experience all the negative consequences, while profitability falls catastrophically. This does not mean that life is worse during a crisis, but that the economy is demanding, and the government is turning towards manufacturing workers and the service sector.

What not to do at a time like this

In the context of the current crisis, extremely it is undesirable to open a company or individual entrepreneurs who will be engaged exclusively in trade. The time for quick money is gone, so it’s worth investing in more promising areas, which will be discussed later.

The crisis throws weak players out of the market, but consumer demand remains. Entrepreneurs who fill the vacated niches must use more efficient production models and management methods in order to be competitive.

Fear of competition is the first obstacle for a young person with good ideas.

Fear arises from the fact that in our lives we rarely compete and simply do not know how to do it. Overcoming this fear is a psychological moment, trainings, books, and exercises can help here, and it is not difficult at all.

Most entrepreneurs are essentially artisans. They know their business and know how to sell their products, but they are sorely lacking in competent management skills. Every person has a ceiling of possibilities. If you work alone, it is reached very quickly, and further movement becomes impossible. Only the ability to organize work, knowledge of modern management methods contributes to constant growth.

Knowing how to prioritize is another important skill, without which it will be difficult to invest money wisely. At the start, you do not need to spend money on external attributes: offices, furniture, expensive cars on credit. These things do not win over customers, but they take out of circulation funds that are more reasonable to spend on advertising, hiring specialists or purchasing equipment.

As already mentioned, the time of easy money is irrevocably gone, although the mentality still makes you dream of fairy tales and look for instant earnings. Many craftsmen profit from this, and novice entrepreneurs who want money but do not know where to get it become their victims. The success stories of such giants as R. Kiyosaki and T. Edison are, of course, instructive, but they have nothing to do with Russian reality.

You need to study, and a lot and diligently, acquiring management skills, developing knowledge about production technologies and adopting the experience of more successful competitors. Knowledge is power, and today this thesis is more relevant than ever.

What areas are not affected by the crisis

The crisis had the strongest impact on wholesale trade, that is, on intermediaries. In an effort to cut costs, manufacturers are looking for the shortest route to consumers, and inefficient links simply fall out of this chain. The same thing happened with the sellers of so-called excesses: expensive boutiques, design studios, and floristic studios are closing down. People are not yet ready to spend money on it.

Whatever the conditions in the economy, there are areas that are not subject to significant fluctuations:

  • Producers and sellers of food products.
  • Manufacturers of construction and finishing materials.
  • Metalworking enterprises.
  • Manufacturers of industrial goods.
  • any work - from accounting to cleaning the premises.
  • Medical services.
  • Domestic services: hairdressers, dry cleaners, laundries.
  • Fitness and cosmetology industry.
  • Car repair and maintenance.
  • Construction contract.
  • Web workshops, advertising agencies, software development.

Obviously, in any of these niches, a young entrepreneur will be able to realize himself. Of course, there is competition, but the market is hungry today, so you can find your place. The main condition is to replenish the baggage of knowledge and strive for development.

All of the above areas can be divided into two groups:

  • enterprises operating to meet the needs of the population;
  • firms whose clients are other businesses.

Guided by this division, the aspiring entrepreneur must study the needs of his target group and their desires. Small business itself creates infrastructure around itself. Understanding the general trend helps to anticipate the desires of potential customers.

Options for successful ideas for implementation

Successful business ideas are born in the minds of those who closely follow the situation on the market and want to contribute to the development of production. Based on the current trends, here are some promising directions in which a young entrepreneur can move:

  • Food production under the conditions of import substitution. Sanctions have increased the cost of equipment and complicated the lending process, but have become a boon for agricultural producers. The lack of high-quality butter, cottage cheese, cheese and meat on the shelves is an empty market niche that aspiring entrepreneurs can fill, even if they have only one production line. Moreover, organic and homemade products are in vogue: cheeses, smoked meats, milk and sour cream.
    The cost of equipment in this case starts from the figure of 400 thousand rubles, the purchase of raw materials is possible in small batches, and at first 2-3 people can work. Certification will be required, which will cost 30-40 thousand rubles, if you deal with it yourself.
  • Our country has enough raw materials for production of deep-frozen products, semi-finished products and canned food. The counter-sanctions freed the market from Baltic fish and Polish vegetables and opened the way for young entrepreneurs. By analogy with the previous method of earning, it does not require large investments.
  • Construction contract and renovation of premises. Despite the fact that very few people buy housing, and the real estate market has risen, apartment renovations and private construction projects do not subside. Having organized your own construction team, you can start looking for work. Clients will recommend diligent craftsmen to each other, and over time, a package of recommendations will be typed, prices will increase, and a constant high income will appear.
  • Production of building and finishing materials, fasteners, hardware. In small volumes it is possible to produce dry mixes, foam blocks, silicate brick. Nails can be cut in the basement and shipped to hardware stores throughout the area, the production of self-tapping screws does not require expensive equipment, and demand for them does not fall. Fortunately, today there are many small hardware and hardware stores that are happy to buy such a product in small quantities.
  • Always in demand hairdressers, cosmetologists and masseurs. A woman will stop visiting salons only in one case: if there are no salons at all. Fitness centers in residential areas, designed for a female audience, will not be left without clients. You have to work more, stress becomes stronger, and sports relieve nervous tension. The popularization of a healthy lifestyle in recent years has borne fruit, now it is fashionable and prestigious to go to training.
  • Consulting and outsourcing- these are business-to-business services, so it is important to be able to anticipate the client's desires, strive to solve his problems. Consulting does not require significant investments in the early stages, it is important to take care of the professionalism of the team and massive advertising, since the competition is quite high.
  • Maintenance of Internet projects demanded like never before. Retail industrial goods migrated from the pavilions to the network. Online store sites need competent support, which means that the market needs web studios, smart programmers, designers, advertising specialists and copywriters.

The conclusion suggests itself: the secret of success in a crisis is professionalism, efficiency and the desire for new knowledge.

In this material:

What ideas can be used for business in a crisis? Crisis times in Russia come not for the first time. Suffice it to recall the period of 2008, 1998, when the life of ordinary citizens was like survival, and hard times came for business. During the financial crisis, the state saves itself and its government, and ordinary citizens can only look for ways to earn money and develop.

Is crisis always synonymous with decline and regression? A large number of entrepreneurs started their business in times of crisis, and they achieved great success. In an environment where you can rely only on yourself, your knowledge and intuition, the best business idea matures. What kind of business to do in a crisis? Are there favorable areas for the activity of a novice entrepreneur?

The most relevant business in times of crisis

It is necessary to consider, think over and choose which business to open in a crisis, assessing the opportunities and the situation in a particular region. While in one region small businesses reduce salaries to employees during the crisis, carry out layoffs and exist at zero, in another region they open new individual entrepreneurs that work for profit. In order for a novice entrepreneur to understand what kind of business to do in a crisis, one should apply logic and select those areas whose position only benefits from the difficult financial condition of the country. There are such business ideas, and there are many of them.

No matter how there is a business in a crisis, people never cease to need food and treatment. Food is needed anytime, anywhere. When the financial tension in the country grows, people try to save on everything, especially on food. The economic situation is pushing retailers to remove delicacies and expensive products from the shelves, replacing them with cheap ones. The food sector is considered the least affected by the crisis. Business ideas related to food production are getting a good start and development.

Bakery production is an excellent example of a win-win option for opening an IP. A small bakery in a residential area with fresh pastries and competitive prices will provide a good turnover. The idea does not have to be innovative and creative - this does not affect success. A stably operating small enterprise that provides residents with inexpensive bread is doomed to success. It is important to understand what exactly people need in a crisis and how to cover this need at the lowest cost.

The sweet business is flourishing like never before during a crisis. The experience of the 90s showed that sweets, chocolates and sweets sell well in difficult times. It has to do with the psychology of a consumer who wants to sweeten up a hard life. Expensive gifts are replaced with boxes of chocolates, chocolates and confectionery.

A profitable business goes into crisis when it is possible to recognize an unoccupied niche, a product that consumers need, and set a competitive price. It is necessary to correctly calculate all the indicators, draw up a business plan and follow it carefully.

Sell ​​your opportunities

Successful small business ideas are based on the management of financial resources. If a person has knowledge and experience in the field of consulting, but does not have the opportunity to invest on his own, then he may well sell his ideas and knowledge in consultations to businessmen and investors. In a crisis, ordinary people need new ideas on where to invest their savings, how to save them until the end of the economic downturn, etc. For this they are willing to pay. Consulting services are a great example of a small business in crisis that does not require a large initial investment.

Another working business idea is a car service. New cars are an illiquid commodity in a downturn, but old ones continue to break down. People do not have the opportunity to update old models, and they go to fix them. For the working class, in most cases, the car is not a means of luxury, but a means of survival. Someone starts to earn extra money in a taxi, someone gets an additional job related to the transportation of goods. Business development in a crisis in the field of auto repair has been popular since the early 90s. You can start repairing cars, gradually considering offers to buy a parts store or a car wash in your neighborhood.

Entrepreneurial women can organize their tailoring business. To do this, it is not necessary to rent a property - you can get by with a room in your own apartment. Since buying good clothes is becoming too expensive for the population, many are looking for an alternative way out and go to dressmakers to alter an old coat, make new trousers, a three-piece, a dress. Owning a business for women who can sew does not require any costs if you have the minimum necessary equipment.

Ideas for business in a crisis can be gleaned from the experience of Western colleagues. Companies in a crisis are trying to reduce costs by cutting salaries and headcount. By reducing the staff and rented space, they manage to emerge in difficult economic realities. At the same time, such companies use outsourcing services. Freelancing and outsourcing are becoming more and more popular these days. Companies hire an incoming specialist to service office equipment, and another company or a private worker who is ready to serve online for bookkeeping. When compiling an anti-crisis business plan, companies are actively looking for opportunities to save money. If you quickly navigate the needs of such companies, you can profitably sell your services.

Service business

Many ideas in a crisis are related to caring for the elderly and young children. Since most of the citizens, due to lack of money, are trying to get a part-time job or a second job, children and the elderly are left unattended, and care services are required for them. can organize enough profitable business as a private kindergarten. Few things bring so much joy and pleasure. There are more and more working mothers, and state children's institutions cannot cope with the volume.

Parents are forced to send their children to special groups where they will be looked after while they try to earn money more money to the family. The situation is similar with older people who require special daily care. If earlier a person could afford to take care of elderly parents on his own, then in a crisis and lack of money, he will most likely go to work, and hire a specialist for them.

Actual business in the 21st century is the creation of a video blog. The most popular youtube platform allows anyone to create channels without restrictions and investments. All that is required of a blogger is to create popular content, get a large number of subscribers and start earning from advertising. This business is not easy, but with the right approach it is very profitable. Many girls and young people, opening a blog for entertainment, in times of crisis began to seriously consider it as a source of income.

Internet business is relevant in times of crisis more than ever. Online stores are becoming an alternative to regular shopping: those who want to save money order clothes and groceries online, and the owner receives his percentage without spending money on renting premises and staff. When choosing a direction for a store or a blog on the Internet, you need to evaluate what kind of business is currently relevant. For example, selling children's clothes or goods from China.

New in crisis

How to open a business in a crisis, what to do? Women who want to increase their income, in times of crisis, start selling cosmetics. Surprisingly, but true: in a difficult economic time girls buy more cosmetics than in calm stable times. This phenomenon has a psychological explanation, and this must be used. Any enterprising girl will be able to open her own business in a crisis selling inexpensive skin and body care products.

Recently, online stores offering environmentally friendly tonics, handmade creams, soaps and hair masks have become widespread. Mastering a small home production of simple creams, gels and tonics is not so difficult.

You can start a business with home cooking small batches, and then develop to your own store.

If there is a crisis, what to do actively young man? Start your own trading assistant business. Due to the onset of a difficult economic situation, people begin to sell their property in order to pay off debts or simply survive. Those who have at least once tried to sell property through an ad on the Internet have encountered a number of difficulties that can be skipped by hiring a sales assistant. For a small percentage of the transaction, this person will disseminate information on the necessary resources, organize the delivery of things from the seller to the buyer and receive favorable conditions for everyone. Owners are willing to pay for it. This is a relatively new business that is just coming into Russian reality.

Starting a business from scratch is very difficult, and especially in a crisis. It is during this period that network marketing flourishes, offering its adherents a high income without investment. The network business idea is as old as the world, but it gives obvious advantages to those who want to have unlimited earnings. In times of crisis, goods from the catalog are perceived better than in any other period, so you can and should start building your business on this.

Before you open your business in a crisis, you need to assess the situation on the market, understand the needs of people and identify open niches. They are always there, as needs grow and change. The most profitable small business is built on low costs and high demand. Think about what you can present to the market that others cannot. Doing business during a crisis is no more risky than at other times. You always need to be able to assess risks and calculate profitability. Those who keep their nose to the wind quickly switch to new things if they see problems ahead.

There are types of businesses that will be relevant at all times, for example the following:

  • grocery;
  • medical;
  • services sector;
  • car service.

But their success depends on how to develop and how to manage. The crisis is the time to think about how to start living by your own rules, which will not depend on the decisions of the state.

it doesn't matter Auto Bijouterie and accessories Hotels Children's franchises Home-based business Online stores IT and Internet Cafes and restaurants Inexpensive franchises Footwear Training and education Clothing Leisure and entertainment Catering Gifts Manufacturing Miscellaneous Retailing Sports, health and beauty Construction Home goods Health goods Services for business (b2b) Services for the public Financial services

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Investments: Investments 350 000 ₽

The company, as a furniture manufacturer, was founded in 2009. Today it is a dynamically developing manufacturing enterprise. We produce more than 20 thousand products per month. Over 100 stores. The furniture half-price brand was created in 2014 for a retail chain of furniture stores in the format of a furniture discounter. In the same year, the first store was opened. As expected, the project...

How to make money in a crisis without waiting for better times? This question has to be solved by each new generation - crises "please" with enviable regularity. Offer people something they can't do without, and they'll find ways to pay for your work.

Our generation was lucky - it did not know the hardships of war, famine, repressions of dictatorial regimes. But life is arranged in such a way that, apparently, no one succeeds in getting around the difficulties in it. The most severe economic crisis of the times of the collapse of the USSR, the economic crises of 1998 and in just a couple of decades set new tasks for the young Russian business, the experience of solving which could not be.

Each crisis has its own causes, but the symptoms of all of them are similar. If governments try to deal with the causes of the crisis, then its symptoms (or consequences) become the problems of ordinary citizens who have no choice: they must survive and get out of difficulties with dignity. Every enterprising person understands that in a crisis you can rely, first of all, on your own strength.

Opening own business in a crisis, it seems at least strange, because it is at this time that a lot of companies go bankrupt, people are left without work. In the context of a sharp drop in the purchasing power of the population, opening a new business looks adventurous also because, as a rule, there is no one to support a new entrepreneur. Investors, creditors or potential partners do not trust a novice businessman and refuse to support him. In general, mistrust becomes the basis of any economic crisis (see "").

But no matter how difficult it is, a person cannot be inactive. Many are forced to open a new business because they have lost their savings, people are deprived of their livelihoods. Are there types of businesses that you can bet on in a crisis?

Since businessmen are extremely limited in funds, the proposed business should be low-cost, and it is better to do without initial capital.

What to do in a crisis?

We will offer several options for a small business to open during a crisis. Of course, they cannot be considered as universal means that will necessarily prove to be effective. Each proposal should be carefully considered in relation to specific conditions.

1. Food production

No wonder, since people always need to eat. During a crisis, the food market is fundamentally reshaped: trade in delicacies, expensive imported products is sharply reduced or completely stopped, production facilities are being reorganized into inexpensive food products.

But there is a main group of products that are needed in any conditions. For example, bread and pastries should always be fresh, and for the holidays, the buyer should be able to buy cakes, pastries, etc.

Chocolate is in constant demand (and especially in difficult times). Remember the numerous stalls of the early nineties, which were littered with suspiciously manufactured chocolate, lollipops, packaged nuts, chewing gum, etc.? All of these sold well. Psychologists say that in difficult times people especially need sweets, everyone subconsciously tries to “sweeten” reality.

The most important thing for a businessman is to correctly identify an unoccupied niche and set the right price for hot commodity. The price should be such that everyone can buy the product. You need to determine what exactly you are going to cook in your own kitchen, where it will be sold, register and get down to business.

2. Financial consulting

In times of crisis, many businessmen experience financial difficulties: investments are risky, payments are delayed, obligations are not fulfilled. Proper money management becomes very important.

If you have professional knowledge in this area, you can successfully advise clients. Advice from individuals on the subject of savings from inflation is in particular demand. Investors are interested in promising areas in a falling market. The business is interesting because the owner does not incur any costs, selling only his own knowledge and experience.

3. Car repair

Cars in a crisis are sold poorly, but the old ones continue to break down. You always have to spend money on a car - a person gets used to a car and cannot imagine life without it. Car repair is a stable business in times of crisis. Having taken care of it, you can additionally monitor the possible profitable acquisition of a car dealership or an interesting franchise.

4. Home design, landscaping, home staging

The crisis hits the real estate market the hardest. Sales volumes are falling so much that realtors are often on the verge of despair. To find a buyer, they are ready for reasonable investments to give an apartment or house an attractive look. To carry out such pre-sale work, home staging specialists are usually hired - preparing housing for sale. Works can be very different: interior design, furniture arrangement, landscape design etc.

Of course, without special training, a person cannot master such work. But, if you have knowledge and experience in this area, then such a business can turn out to be very promising in a crisis.

5.​ Ecobusiness

In recent years, environmental orientation has become a very fashionable trend. Release of products that contribute to protection environment, in a crisis can also be promising. You can try your hand, for example, in the cultivation of organic vegetables or in consulting on the optimization and disposal of waste. It all depends on what knowledge you have, on your desire and the availability of free land.

6.​ Virtual assistance

During a crisis, many companies, reducing their own costs, transfer the solution of many tasks to outsourcing. In this way, savings can be made by reducing the rent of office space and reducing the staff that was previously involved in this work.

Fulfill different kinds works can be done by being a remote user and using email or online. Such workers are needed by large and small companies, as well as private entrepreneurs. Outsourcing - rare view organization of a business that expands during a crisis due to low costs.

7. Caring for the elderly

The elderly care industry is developed throughout the civilized world. The crisis does not stop the aging of people, so the care of the elderly will remain relevant in difficult times. Many retirees love to travel. Here’s another great business theme – travel for the elderly. To choose an activity that suits you, open thematic sites and familiarize yourself with the work of social services for the elderly. If you are disposed to such work, then you will surely find something that will interest you.

8. Online video production

Movies and TV, which were familiar yesterday, have now been replaced by the Internet for many. During the crisis, people go to clubs, cafes and cinemas less. For an entrepreneur who loves and knows how to shoot interesting videos, you can offer a business selling your own film materials on specialized sites.

9. Selling cosmetics

Cosmetics for a woman is a cure for depression at all times. Analyze the cosmetics market in your city. You can create an online store and successfully sell perfumes, lipsticks, shadows, mascaras, creams, etc. Quality products and lack of additional costs will provide attractive prices and good results, since similar cosmetics in stores will be at least a third more expensive.

10. Trading Assistant

Many people during a crisis are ready to offer unnecessary things for sale in order to earn at least a little. eBay and Craigslist, for example, run auctions to sell unwanted items. A rare layman will meticulously understand what kind of auctions they are, how they work and how you can trade through them. These portals have options to sell on behalf of a third party, allowing you to earn a certain percentage of the sale. This is what a sales assistant does. Despite the seeming frivolity, this profession is quite in demand during the crisis.

11. Sale websites

In times of crisis, people especially need goods sold at discount prices. Sites that provide information about trade enterprises selling goods with discounts and all sorts of sales. These sites make money from ads.

12. Your own blog

Maintaining a personal blog or website can be profitable business. The main requirement is that the published materials should be interesting and attract a large number of visitors. On well-visited blogs, advertisements are placed on which the blogger earns (see "" and "").