Differences between a credit cooperative and a bank. How this organization works

What is credit consumer cooperative and the Mutual Credit Society? How to open a cooperative? Who will help a private lender to register a credit union?

The modern financial market is diverse and democratic. For a thinking and entrepreneurial person, he provides a lot of options for implementing potentially profitable and useful ideas.

In addition to banks, investment funds, pawnshops and MFIs, non-profit organizations also have the right to accept finances from the public and dispose of them at their own discretion - credit consumer cooperatives (CPC).

About what these structures are and for what purposes they are created, I, Denis Kuderin, will tell in detail in a new publication.

If you need help in liquidating a consumer cooperative, use the tips from the final section of the article.

So, let's begin!

1. What is a credit consumer cooperative and how it works

People who made Soviet time, still remember mutual aid funds. Such associations were created at workplaces for the purpose of mutual material support of the participants.

People who urgently needed money - for example, newlyweds or young mothers - were given interest-free loans. Funds were formed at the expense of entrance and monthly membership fees.

Credit consumer cooperatives operate on a similar principle. True, loans are issued with interest, but depositors also receive a certain income. At their core, these are non-profit organizations that attract finance from shareholders and provide loans to members of the cooperative.

Credit consumer cooperatives- voluntary unions of citizens or legal entities united according to a territorial, professional or other principle in order to meet the financial needs of the participants in the organization (shareholders).

The activities of the KPC are regulated at the federal level - in particular, by the law of 2009 "On Credit Cooperation". To create such an association, at least 15 individuals and at least 5 legal entities are required. The governing body of the cooperative is the meeting of shareholders.

Simply put, these are groups where people help each other financially. The organization does not aim to make a profit. Those in need of money are given loans on the basis of an agreement between the CPC and the borrower. At the same time, the company does not have the right to issue money to persons who are not members of the cooperative.

Loans come with or without collateral. Sometimes an organization issues loans under the guarantee of individuals and legal entities, in other cases, money is given on the security of real estate, transport, property rights.

Associations that are close in meaning and essence are credit unions, mutual credit societies, etc.

The basic rules of the PDA:

  • each member of the community has the right to count on financial assistance when he needs it;
  • unauthorized persons are not allowed to manage the organization;
  • withdraw from the cooperative or join it only of their own free will;
  • all members of the association have equal rights, regardless of the amount of contributions;
  • decisions are made on the principle of "one shareholder - one vote";
  • all members are equally responsible for the activities of the cooperative;
  • CCPs must be registered with the relevant state structures and be members of an SRO - a self-regulatory organization (in case of compensation for losses of shareholders in case of bankruptcy);
  • The organization has a Charter, which is approved at the general meeting.

What are the benefits of forming a cooperative? Such an organization has the right to tax benefits, guaranteed protection of property, investment activities, however, limited by law.

If a participant wants to borrow money from the cash desk, the meeting will not examine his credit history under a microscope, require income statements and other documents. For people who want to get busy entrepreneurial activity, but do not have regular income to obtain a loan from a bank, a loan from a consumer cooperative is an alternative option to get initial capital.

At the same time, personal savings are attracted to the CPC at rates higher than bank ones by 5-10%. That is, you invest money not for free, but for the purpose of making a profit. And if the money is not a dead weight, but is invested, for example, in government bonds, then the income of each participant increases proportionally.

The main one is that “consumer cooperatives were a legacy of the Soviet period and have sunk into history along with Gorbachev.” In fact, such organizations existed even in Tsarist Russia and are still quite successful.

Such associations exist in the West as well. In the US, the total assets of credit communities amount to hundreds of billions of dollars.

Another myth is “these are some fictitious organizations like financial pyramids.” Yes, by joining the CCP, there is a chance to run into scammers. But only if you are too lazy or do not want to check the legitimacy of the organization.

This is done very simply - all official CCPs are controlled by the state, registered with the Tax Service and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and are members of SROs.

Read the material about another voluntary association of shareholders in order to save and increase money - "".

2. What are the types of credit cooperatives - 3 main types

There are many types and subtypes of credit cooperatives - consumer, industrial, agricultural, construction, garage, country, second-level CCCs, which include the cooperatives themselves.

I'll tell you about the most popular varieties.

Type 1. Consumer cooperative

This is the main type of cooperative communities. The main goal of such an association is the mutual assistance of the participants: those who need funds receive them, and the rest contribute money at interest. The law does not prohibit these unions from receiving income legally.

To insure the savings of shareholders, SROs are organized, into which several cooperatives join at once. Within the framework of these organizations, compensation funds are created, which partly replace the banking insurance system.

How to distinguish a consumer cooperative from a financial pyramid:

  • KPK is a non-profit organization with relevant constituent documents: any potential member of the community has the right to study them;
  • fraudulent organizations are much more actively engaged in advertising and marketing, attracting new members, and cooperatives solve the problems of a specific group of people;
  • in pyramids, for each participant you bring, they promise a reward;
  • financial pyramids do not last long - if the organization is less than a year old, it is better to look for another credit union.

The activities of the cooperative are completely transparent and are regulated by the Charter of the organization. The CCP necessarily has several funds - reserve, property, insurance.

Type 2. Agricultural credit consumer cooperative

The legal basis of agricultural cooperatives is regulated by the Law on Agricultural Cooperation. The priority activity of such organizations is participation in the agricultural sector of the economy.

Agricultural cooperatives specialize in the production and processing of products, supply, marketing, lending to subjects of the agro-industrial sector.


Several farming families united and formed a cooperative. Separately, farmers could not purchase transport for the transport of milk and a machine for the production of animal feed. Together they managed to successfully solve these problems. As a result, the income of each household increased.

Agrarian cooperatives closely cooperate with banking organizations, in particular, with Rosselkhozbank.

View 3. Housing and construction cooperative

Housing cooperatives are created to solve the housing problems of participants. The specific tasks that the participants solve are the construction and improvement of residential premises. Tenants - present or future - pool their funds and solve pressing problems with their help.

When joining such a cooperative, be sure to study the charter and consult with a lawyer. Often, scammers are hiding under the sign of housing associations who want to profit from your money, or even living space. Never sign any document without reading it from beginning to end and knowing the status of the institution.

For a better understanding of the types of cooperatives, study the table:

Types of cooperativesPurposes of creationPeculiarities
1 ConsumerLending to members, savingsNon-profit organizations with a Charter and state registration
2 AgriculturalProduction, processing and marketing of farm products on more favorable termsOperates exclusively in the agricultural sector
3 Housing and constructionJoint maintenance and construction of apartment buildingsStrict control over the movement of funds is required - it is allowed to spend them only on construction and landscaping

3. How to open a credit consumer cooperative - step by step instructions

Would you like to open a consumer cooperative?

This will take time and effort. The most difficult stage is to attract a sufficient number of shareholders who will agree to pay an entrance fee. And then the system comes into play. It is necessary to act strictly within the framework of the law and observing a certain algorithm.

Step 1. Gather participants and hold a meeting

First, an initiative group is created, which includes people who clearly understand the goals and objectives of the organization.

They attract new members and convene a constituent assembly. To start operations, the cooperative will need at least 15 individuals or 5 legal entities. If the composition includes both, a minimum of 7 participants is needed.

Advice: it is desirable that the main group includes a person who knows the basics of financial literacy - a professional accountant or economist. It will be difficult for people without such education to manage financial flows.

A chairman and a secretary must also be appointed. Members of the future community formalize their decision to create the CPC in the form of an official protocol.

Step 2. We prepare documents

The main founding document of the CCC is the Charter of the credit association. It is also necessary to find original name for a cooperative and assign a legal address.


In the Soviet feature film "Garage", the cooperative of shareholders was engaged in the joint construction of a garage complex and was called "Fauna". In some scenes, the articles of the organization's charter are announced.

It is necessary to preliminarily determine the size of the authorized capital and the amount of the initial share contribution, as well as draw up a lending program. When preparing documents, be guided by the provisions of civil law that relate to credit cooperation.

Step 3. Register a cooperative

We write an application for state registration and certify it with a notary. Then we pay the state duty and register the PDA in the Tax Service department at the place of the legal address. Before this procedure, participants must make in authorized capital not less than a tenth of the initial share contribution.

The following documents are attached to the application:

  • list of community activities;
  • evidence of ownership of the premises where the PDA will be located (or a lease agreement);
  • passport data and TIN of the chairman ( CEO) and members of the organization;
  • if the founders are a legal entity, certificates from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are needed confirming their status.

A license from the Central Bank for financial transactions is NOT required.

Step 4. We make a seal and open a bank account

After you receive documents confirming the entry of the cooperative into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you need to make a seal and open a bank account. Notify the tax authorities about opening an account.

Step 5. We become registered in extra-budgetary funds

Be sure to register with extrabudgetary funds: social insurance, pension, medical insurance. The basis for the calculation of taxes in these funds is the remuneration of employees of the cooperative.

Step 6. Organize the control system

Control and accounting are the basis of competent financial management. In addition to internal control, the Federal Service for Financial Markets handles the financial affairs of the CCP. There you need to send a copy of the Charter of the organization and the contact details of the chairman of the cooperative.

Step 7. We join the SRO of consumer cooperatives

Another legal requirement. You must join the SRO within 3 months after the creation of the cooperative. Only after that the organization has the right to accept new members into its ranks and attract their finances.

When opening a cooperative and at all stages of its registration, it is advisable to consult with professional lawyers. The easiest way to do this is remotely - in a company specializing in online consultations.

Thousands of professional lawyers, including experts in civil law, cooperate with this resource. There are free services and paid ones. In the first case, a simple answer is given to question asked, in the second - a detailed written consultation with an algorithm of actions.

4. Professional assistance in registering a credit union - an overview of the TOP-3 law firms

From the previous section, you understood that the creation of a PDA is a responsible and difficult procedure if you do it yourself.

However, there are professional companies that will help, support, advise on the best way, or simply do all the work of registering a cooperative for you. We present an overview of the three most reliable firms such a profile.

The slogan of the company is “Unresolved issues are cancelled”. Specialization - registration and liquidation of legal entities and non-profit organizations, as well as legal and accounting services to individuals and companies.

"Center" registers new organizations economically and on a turnkey basis. Only statutory documents are required from the client, all other stages, including opening a bank account and interacting with the tax service, will be taken over by professionals. Another advantage of the company is low tariffs.

2) Express Registrar

The name of the company speaks for itself - "Express Registrar" works quickly and strictly within the framework of the law. The firm was founded in 1999. It is the leader of the Russian legal services market in terms of the number of registration procedures since its foundation. The company has 4,000 regular customers, 10 offices and 50 experienced staff members.

Advantages - payment only after the fact (no hidden fees), remote interaction with the client through Internet communications (Skype, icq, mail agent). The customer appears in the company only once, when he brings the documents for registration.

Moscow city service for registration of business and non-profit organizations. Operates with the support of Alfa-Bank. Registration 3 days in advance is guaranteed, but there are more quick options. Each client receives a gift in the form of opening and maintaining a current account. The company also provides customers with accessible legal addresses in all inspections of the Federal Tax Service of Moscow.

5. How to liquidate a mutual credit society - 3 practical tips

It happens that a well-intentioned cooperative does not fulfill its obligations and its existence loses its meaning.

In this case, it is necessary to legally competently close the organization. Simply dismissing people at a general meeting will not work. It is necessary to follow the provisions of the civil code.

The process algorithm is as follows:

  1. We draw up the minutes of the meeting at which the liquidation was announced.
  2. We inform the tax authorities about the termination of the activities of the CCP.
  3. We appoint a liquidation commission.
  4. We publish an announcement in the media about the termination of work.
  5. We pay the shareholders the money put to them.
  6. If there is not enough capital to pay off debts, we will sell the property of the cooperative.

Several useful tips, which will simplify the closing procedure.

Relatively new, but successfully developing, for the Russian region, the non-profit association KPK stands for - credit consumer cooperative, rather unusual for our market. What is a credit consumer cooperative? This is a voluntary association of citizens, the purpose of which is to provide material assistance (mutual assistance) by accepting deposits and issuing loans at interest to its participants (shareholders).

At their core, credit cooperatives are similar to microfinance organizations, but have significant differences in some respects.

People unite in such unions (partnerships of mutual credit) according to some common ground(professional, territorial, etc.). The union of credit cooperation is managed by a meeting of shareholders - its members.

What is the main difference between the CPC and other microcredit organizations?

The main point here is that the opening CCP does not have as its main goal the acquisition of income.(although the presence of profit is never superfluous, and when the association is liquidated, it is divided among the shareholders). In fact, this is a mutual benefit fund (an organization created by the shareholders themselves), where the shareholders place their contributions, through which other shareholders receive loans. The issuance and acceptance of funds takes place at interest. They are more on loans, less on deposits. It is possible to attract borrowed funds from the outside, but it is impossible to issue loans to non-members. Also, the CPC cannot act as a guarantor and surety for loans (even for its shareholders) in other financial associations.

People do not turn to the CCP so often because such organizations are not yet so common in the financial market. The low prevalence is explained by the following points:

  • legislation regulating the area of ​​activity of this association was developed relatively recently - in 2009;
  • in the memory of people, memories of all kinds of financial fraudsters, like MMM, are still alive;
  • the level of awareness of such associations is quite low.

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Principles of operation and rules

How this organization works:

  1. Participants (shareholders) pay an entrance fee (the amount of contributions may be different) in accordance with their shares in the organization. The charter of the organization also allows other membership fees: annual, quarterly, monthly, additional;
  2. From the contributions of shareholders of a credit consumer cooperative, an organization fund is formed, which consists of three parts: a reserve (needed to cover unforeseen expenses), a share (from which current needs are paid) and a financial mutual assistance fund for providing loans to shareholders.

What are the features of the organization of the financial fund of the CPC? The budget of the organization is formed from the following sources:

  • contributions of shareholders: membership, share, entrance and additional fees;
  • income received from the activities of the CPC (interest on loans);
  • funds received from outside and other sources.

The rules for the activities of such a union are determined by law and are as follows:

There are also some restrictions regarding the issuance of loans and the acceptance of deposits:

  • the maximum loan amount per shareholder should not exceed 10% of the total amount of loans issued by this association (if the organization has been operating for less than 2 years) and not more than 20% (if the union was formed more than 2 years ago);
  • the total amount of funds that is not aimed at issuing loans (for the reporting period) should not be more than 50% of the attracted capital of shareholders;
  • the size of the reserve fund must be at least 5% of the funds raised.

In addition, there may be some restrictions on the rates of accepted deposits (these restrictions can be both mandatory and advisory in nature).

Varieties of PDA

Since CCPs can include both individuals and legal entities, consumer credit cooperatives can be divided into the following types:

PDA regulations

As for other credit institutions of the Central Bank of Russia, CPC has certain financial standards that must be observed:

  • the size of the reserve fund must be at least 5% of the total amount of funds contributed by the shareholders;
  • the contribution of one shareholder cannot be more than 20% of all funds raised;
  • the volume of the mutual fund must be at least 8% of the total funds of the shareholders;
  • the volume of deposits from legal entities that are not members of the association should not exceed 50% of all deposits

The state monitors compliance with these standards and periodically arranges inspections.

What are the benefits of participating in a cooperative

Is it profitable to be participants such an alliance?

If you regularly pay membership fees, then you can definitely get a loan for personal needs. The advantage of the PDA is that it will not study your credit history, collect documents on income and certificates from the place of work. One of the restrictions on the loan is that you can be given a loan no more than 20% of the total amount of loans that were provided to other members of the organization during the reporting period.

You also have the opportunity to receive a higher rate from a deposit than in a bank. You can manage the activities of the association as a shareholder, i.e. be aware of his financial affairs and influence decisions. With the consent of the general meeting, shareholders may invest cash in own business and earn extra income.

Advantages and disadvantages of PDA

How to distinguish a real consumer credit cooperative from "fakes" - financial pyramids and so on?

Please note that the name must contain the abbreviation KPK or Credit Consumer Cooperative. The presence of other abbreviations - LLC, CJSC, etc. mean something completely different. You are definitely scammers. You can confirm that this is actually a PDA by going to the website of the Bank of Russia. If it appears in the register of the Central Bank and the name is the same as the TIN and PSRN, then you have a real cooperative.

This co-op will not offer rewards or benefits for attracting new shareholders. Be more careful - the CCP's promised interest will, of course, be higher than the bank's, but not several times. If, when depositing money, you are not allowed to familiarize yourself with the documents, or the conditions are not clearly spelled out there, then you should think about joining such an association.


Question answer

What is SPCC among other types of cooperatives?

SPCC is an agricultural consumer credit cooperative. It is the simplest form of cooperation and is more widespread than other types of cooperation. Such cooperatives are created by agricultural producers to meet their needs.

If you try in simple words explain the principles of lending in consumer cooperation, then a suitable analogue would be a mutual benefit fund, which operates on a similar system. Indeed, a credit consumer cooperative is a voluntary association of citizens (as well as legal entities) designed to issue loans to needy participants in accordance with the charter of the organization. At the same time, the main source of the formation of the fund is the contributions of the shareholders themselves, who receive their part from the total income of the cooperative.

What is a PDA

In order to understand what a credit cooperative is, let's first look at the legislation, which clearly states that the CCP is a non-profit organization. Such a cooperative is created not for profit, but to help its shareholders, who can get a loan on favorable terms. At the same time, it is beneficial for participants to place their funds in the CPC fund, because the percentage will be higher than on a bank deposit.

Loan recipients will also not be left behind, because they receive finance with less difficulty than with bank lending. If we compare a credit consumer cooperative with a bank, then in the case of a CPC, there are much fewer difficulties in obtaining money. For example, attempts by a novice entrepreneur to obtain a bank loan for business development are largely doomed, due to his lack of a large income or credit history. But, in such a consumer cooperative, it will be much easier for him to interest good idea to get funding for your project.

The history of the emergence of cooperatives

Russian credit cooperation originated in 1865, when the first savings and loan partnership was established in the Kostroma province. Further development can be called stable - if by the end of the 19th century there were several hundred such associations in the country, then by the revolution their number began to be measured in tens of thousands.

The market for credit products is represented not only by banking structures, but other organizations are also ready to lend money. So, credit consumer cooperatives of citizens work with the population, where, if necessary, you can “intercept” the required amount for some time. Let's see how profitable such offers are and what distinguishes CPC from a regular bank.

Credit cooperative - what is it?

At its core, this non-profit organization is a mutual fund: a cooperative attracts money from shareholders in order to provide financial support to its other shareholders. The service for borrowers is paid, and depositors receive their income for the placement of funds. The profitability for the investor here is higher than in the bank, but the borrower also receives money at an increased percentage. The organization has its share of the commission for managing the activities of the cooperative.

In what situations may it be necessary to apply to a credit cooperative and on what conditions can one borrow here?

When you urgently need money...

Three friends wanted to arrange an extraordinary vacation for themselves and go to the Crimea for a few days, or for several months now, as new beaches and resorts appeared in Russia, and they still have not conquered all the vacationers there.

We agreed that we would fly on a Dobrolet the very next Friday, so that after 10 days of vacation we could return to work. The girlfriends asked for time off from the authorities, instructed the one who with the computer to “you” to order tickets from the domestic low-cost airline on the Internet. No, it turned out to be problematic. And the point is not at all in the absence of air tickets, but in the lack of funds - the management let them go on unpaid leave, and where to get money for great vacation?

It was calculated that each would need 7,000 rubles for a flight and 20,000 rubles for accommodation in an all-inclusive hotel, and they would additionally need to spend on fresh fruit, as well as on entertainment. Well, you need to get ready for the road - update your beach outfits. As a result, each of the girls urgently needed money in the amount of 40,000 rubles. Where can I get a loan for about a month until the next paycheck?

The difference between bank loans and loans in a cooperative is significant:

  • Only relatively small amounts can be obtained from the CPC - loans of more than 30-100 thousand rubles are not available to individuals who have applied here for the first time.
  • You will have to return the money much faster than the bank - only a few months are given to use borrowed resources.
  • But you will have to pay much more - the rate in the cooperative may be an order of magnitude higher than offers from official financial institutions.

There is another significant difference - the speed of registration and the availability of receipt. If a credit cooperative is ready to accept borrowers aged 18 to 70, then banks have their own age limit - from 21 to 65 years. Yes, and you will have to actively prove your trustworthiness in the bank, and in non-profit organization, in addition to your passport, you are unlikely to be asked for an additional document.

What to choose for urgent borrowing?

Anna is an accountant in a reputable company: as the most conservative of this trio, she decided to apply to Sberbank for a cash loan, fortunately, she has been a client of this financial institution for a long time. I went to the nearest branch after work, filled out an application and waited for a call. The issue was promised to be resolved within the next business day.

Yana is a freelancer: she, as the most advanced, chose an online appeal toTinkoff Credit Systems , who promised to deliver a credit card with the required amount within 24 hours by courier directly to the house.

Alla is a salesperson in a private store: she put off resolving the issue until the last day, and only on the last day she ran into the office of the credit consumer cooperative "Credit Center" during a lunch break.

It is important not only how long the lender considers the application, but also its final decision - on the parameters of the loan provided. Additionally, one should not forget that it will take some time to make a decision on extradition, which must be taken into account in case of an urgent need for money.

What can you get with express loans?

Anna was called back from Sberbank on the second day and demanded to bring a certificate of income, which she did. Apparently, nevertheless, the fact of having a salary card in this bank played a role and the loan was approved. On the following terms:

  • Amount - 45,000 rubles ( minimum size consumer credit for Muscovites in this bank);
  • Term - 3 months (it will not be possible to borrow for a shorter period);
  • The rate is 21% per annum (the bank did not like Anna for some reason, since he set the maximum possible rate);
  • There are no additional fees or charges.

Yana received a Tinkoff Platinum credit card the next day after ordering it on the website. She showed the courier her passport, as well as her driver's license, and signed the documents in order to receive the card in her hands. Then it took some time to activate the card, but very soon the money was practically in her hands.

  • The approved amount turned out to be less than the requested - 35,000 rubles;
  • She has the opportunity to repay the debt on credit plastic over the next 20 months, paying the bank minimum payments of 5% of the debt amount, or you can return the entire amount even tomorrow;
  • Interest outside the grace period - 29.9% for non-cash payments and 37.9% for withdrawing money from an ATM;
  • Service - 590 rubles when issuing and activating the card is debited from the account, 290 rubles and 2.9% for each cash withdrawal operation.

Alla was able to get a loan from the CPC "Credit Center" in half an hour upon presentation of her passport and TIN certificate on the following conditions:

  • Size - how much she asked - 40,000 rubles;
  • The term, as it is convenient - 2 months;
  • The rate is 15% per month, which corresponds to 180% per annum;
  • Mandatory payment of fees (entry, membership, share) in the total amount - 1,000 rubles.

It is easier to borrow a small amount in a credit cooperative than in any bank, but simplicity is not always a benefit. The overpayment on such a loan will be higher than on a traditional consumer loan. But you don’t have to run around with papers and supporting documents, as Sberbank usually requires, or painfully calculate credit card debts, which can grow like a snowball due to additional commissions. Making loans in the CPC is convenient way borrow quickly.

The lending market in Russia is quite developed. At the same time, in our time, banks are far from always providing such services. Great alternative habitual for many borrowers of bank loans is membership in a credit cooperative. Both legal entities and individuals.

There are many similar organizations that unite borrowers according to a variety of criteria. Next, we will take a closer look at what a credit consumer cooperative is, how such organizations work, and also who and how can become their member.

The activities of such organizations are regulated by domestic legislation, namely federal law"On credit cooperation" No. 190-F3 dated July 18, 2009. There is also a law of December 8, 1995 N 193-FZ “On agricultural cooperation”, which regulates the activities of agricultural cooperatives.

The law states that a credit consumer cooperative is a voluntary association of persons (both individuals and legal entities) on a territorial, professional or other basis for the purpose of mutual financial assistance.

Such organizations are created for the purpose of mutual assistance to the participants, but not for financial profit. In other words, a credit consumer cooperative cannot be a commercial structure.

According to domestic legislation, in order to create a cooperative by individuals, a minimum of 15 participants is required. If the organization is created by legal entities, then the minimum number of members is reduced to 5.

Is it possible to fix a bad credit history and how to do it? The answer is

There are also mixed-type cooperatives, whose members can be both legal entities and individuals. In such a situation, a minimum of 7 participants will be required to create an organization.

In domestic legislation there is one very important point. If, after the exit of one of the participants in the cooperative, the number of its members falls below the mark established by law, then the organization is automatically subject to liquidation.

The minimum allowable age of participants in such organizations deserves special attention. You can become a member of a credit cooperative from the age of 16.

However, the legislation does not allow underage citizens to apply for loans, therefore, before the age of 18, a member of the organization can only act as a contributor.

Participants of credit cooperatives can become both those who want to receive income from free capital, and those who need additional funds. Earlier it was said that such organizations are created for mutual assistance, and not for commercial purposes.

However, contributors can invest their savings in the organization's fund, which will allow them to earn a profit from interest.

It is worth noting that contributors can be both members of the cooperative and third parties.

However, the issuance of loans is possible only to the participants of the organization (shareholders).

Large domestic credit organizations

Russia has whole line similar organizations that have their offices in most regions of the country.

It is in large and proven organizations that most investors are ready to give their funds.

  • VKB-credit. One of the largest cooperatives in the Volgograd region. The organization has been operating since 2010, issuing loans to improve living conditions and quality of life to its shareholders.
  • Credit Alliance. This organization operates in the city of Dyurtyuli. A fairly large and reliable cooperative issues targeted loans at 29.9% per annum for up to 12 months. According to the members of the cooperative, the organization works very transparently.
  • Fundraising. This cooperative was established in 2014 in St. Petersburg. Provides targeted loans for the purchase of a car or real estate. In the future, the cooperative plans to expand to other regions. Reviews of shareholders indicate the presence of hidden conditions in loan agreements.
  • Russian loan. This cooperative operates in the city of Togliatti, providing loans to its shareholders for the purchase of housing. Judging from the feedback of members, the cooperative issues loans at low interest rates and operates transparently.
  • People's Credit. This PDA operates in the Leningrad region in the city of Luga. Its activity consists in issuing non-purpose loans to shareholders at moderate interest.
  • Mutual credit. The cooperative also operates in the city of Luga Leningrad region. It specializes in issuing both short-term and long-term loans to its shareholders.
  • Saving. This cooperative has been operating since 2010 in Krasnoyarsk. Its shareholders have access to both non-targeted short-term loans and long-term directed lending programs. The organization offers favorable conditions for investors.
  • Credit consumer cooperative trust. The organization has been operating in Amursk since 2010. It has its own representative offices in some other settlements. Here you can get a loan for a period of 1 month to 5 years.