How to grow a pomegranate in a pot. Indoor pomegranate: how to care

The popular pomegranate tree, oddly enough, can be grown at home. But in such a situation, there is no need to hope for full-fledged fruits, since the plant will primarily perform decorative functions. For the purpose of growing at home, plants of the dwarf variety are better suited.

The dwarf grant variety is an exotic plant, but unpretentious and therefore perfect for growing at home. In the open field, a shrub plant can grow in tropics or subtropics. On the territory of our state, the plant is grown on window sills and in greenhouses in special containers or flower pots.

According to legend, garnet was brought to us from Carthage and was called the "Punic apple". The wife of the sun god, the Hero, presented the fruit as an emblem of marriage. The Greeks believed that pomegranate fruits symbolized fertility, and the ancient Persians personified it with passionate love. But whatever the pomegranate is associated with in different countries, its beneficial properties are familiar to everyone.

How to grow pomegranate at home?

If a home grower decided to grow pomegranates on his windowsill, then he will be very pleased with the ease of care and planting of an ornamental plant. The only important thing to understand is that if you want to get tasty fruits in addition to enjoying the decorative beauty of the plant, then it is not recommended to grow an edible fruit from the seed. In such a situation, it is advisable to plant a dwarf pomegranate with cuttings.

A convenient material for planting is a stalk on which there is 6-8 buds and mature wood... The sprout is cut at an oblique angle and must have a smooth surface, for which the cut is made with a sharp blade or scalpel. Such a cutting takes root easily and quickly, especially if it is placed in water in which the agent for stimulating root growth is diluted for 6 hours. From the first days after planting, the plant does not require special care measures. The main thing is to prepare a fertile soil composition.

Temperature indicators, soil and feeding

Indoor pomegranate is demanding on temperature conditions, especially at the time of flowering. The plant feels great when the indoor temperature slightly exceeds +20 ° C. If the temperature in the room is higher than +25 ° C, foliage may fallcausing inhibition in the development of the grant. In order to reduce the temperature, spraying the foliage with cool water is suitable.

In order for the fruits of the plant to ripen qualitatively in the autumn, the pomegranate must be taken out to the balcony where the temperature will be + 14-16 ° C. During the period when the plant is at rest - from November to March, it is better to put the pomegranate pot on an unheated windowsill, where the temperature will not exceed + 10-12 ° C. The minimum temperature that a houseplant can withstand is -5 ° C. A further decrease in temperature can lead to the death of the shrub.

Despite the fact that a dwarf plant grows in its usual environment in poor soil without moisture, at home, he will need high-quality enriched, drained soil. To create favorable conditions for growing decorative pomegranates, it is better to use the following soil mixtures:

  • ½ part of sod land, diluted with 25% leaf humus and the same amount of sand;
  • ¼ part of loam and peat, supplemented by sand;
  • clay-sod soil composition in the volume of 2 parts, 1 part of leafy soil and in the same volumes of humus and sand.

Indoor pomegranate needs to be fed at least 2 times a month. In the spring, it is better to use fertilizers containing nitrogen. At the time when pomegranate flowers appear on the plant, phosphorus fertilizer is used, and with the onset of autumn - potassium fertilizer. Fertilizer is applied to wet soil in cloudy weather. With the onset of autumn, the frequency of dressing decreases significantly, as does the temperature in the room where the home pomegranate is located. This allows the plant to be prepared for winter.

Plant care at home

Home-grown decorative pomegranate is already releases the first flowers after 2 years, and with proper care it can bear fruit. And despite the fact that the plant is unpretentious in terms of care, you need to know some of the nuances of growing pomegranates on the windowsill:

Such completely unpretentious plantgrown at home, during the growing season must travel to different rooms with different temperature regimes.

How is the crown of a bush formed?

When growing a tree on your own, its crown can be easily formed, embodying your most bizarre fantasies. To this end, home-grown pomegranates are regularly pruned from the first year of growth. Shearing the plant forms a rather lush crown with a large number of skeletal branches. Pruning is best done in February, which allows with the onset of spring to get new shoots capable of blooming and even bearing fruit. When shaping the crown, it is important to take into account that it is advisable to completely remove the weakened shoots, and cut the rest in half.

Nuances of reproduction of pomegranate seeds

A houseplant such as pomegranate can propagate both by cuttings and by seeds. For seed propagation, it is better to use seed from specialized stores. Growing a houseplant from seeds purchased from a gardening store - the first flowers may appear in the first year, and fruiting 2-3 years after planting the pomegranate.

Naturally, as seed you can use seeds from a fresh fruit, which do not lose the germination quality within six months. Seeds are suitable only from large and fully ripe fruits. Sowing of the plant is carried out in April under glass, to a depth of half a centimeter. For fast germination of seeds, it is important to maintain a temperature regime within + 25-27 ° C. With the onset of the growth phase, when 2-3 leaves appear, the strongest shoots are transplanted into a separate container. During the growth of seedlings, they require proper care, which means maintaining a comfortable temperature and regular watering.

Houseplant propagation by cuttings

When propagating an exotic plant, it is important observe the following simple rules.

  1. The stalk is taken from an adult houseplant that has borne fruit several times.
  2. In the summer period, it is advisable to use semi-lignified shoots, and with the onset of winter, completely lignified shoots.
  3. Cuttings are prepared with 4–6 buds, and the lower part is planted at a certain angle in moist soil, consisting of sand and peat, mixed in equal proportions, to a depth of no more than 3 centimeters.
  4. The cuttings are covered with a cut-necked plastic bottle or glass jar.
  5. Shoots are kept in a humid environment and are regularly ventilated.
  6. Before direct planting, the cutting is processed by the rooting machine.

After 3 months, the matured seedlings are transplanted into separate pots. Flowering comes very quickly, but in the first year, flowers are recommended to be completely cut off.

Diseases encountered when growing pomegranate

Despite all the unpretentiousness of the plant, even in an apartment, it is susceptible to the development of various diseases, the most common of which is the spider mite. To combat the pest, the pomegranate is periodically sprayed with garlic tincture. But it is important during the procedure to protect the soil with a film.

If during the growing season yellowing and foliage is observed, then most likely the plant is affected by the whitefly, which is fed by pomegranate juice. To combat the pest, you can use shop agent "Derris", which is applied several times for the best effect.

Abundant flowering is a guarantee of fruiting

A properly grown plant at home, both from the seed and from the cuttings, has flowers of different types - male predominant on pomegranate and female, most often found in inflorescences. They differ in their shape, which makes the plant outwardly even more attractive and exotic, because at this moment the shrub is covered with beautiful flowers of bright purple color with many stamens. The ease of caring for decorative pomegranates is also due to the lack of the need for additional pollination.

Those who want to get the maximum number of fruits from a plant should understand one minor subtlety that experienced specialists use when growing pomegranates. The trick is due to the fact that for watering during flowering you need to use cool water, the temperature of which must be within + 18–20 ° C. Also, so that the plant does not grow fat and does not release a huge number of male flowers, you need to use a small and narrow flower pot.

Many growers use another minor trick - reducing the amount of watering. But at the same time, it is important to exercise the utmost care and not overdo it so that the grenade does not die. It is better to donate several ovaries than to let the plant wither.

If the plant throws out a very large number of flowers, practically without forming fruits, you should pay attention to the pot in which it grows. It is necessary, as already mentioned many times, to use narrow container of small size... Also, during the wintering of the grant, you need to keep the tree in a fairly cool place. During fruiting, props are used to avoid breaking off branches under the weight of the crop.

If brown spots appear on the leaves, then the plant does not have enough moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider the frequency or amount of watering. But at the time of fruit ripening, watering should be moderate to prevent cracking of the skin. The crown of the plant is formed only before the beginning of the growing season.

If the plant is planted not by cuttings, but by seeds, it is important choose bones with pulp... The dried seed loses the ability to germinate well. According to the advice of many experienced gardeners, before planting pomegranate directly, it is advisable to soak the seeds for several hours in warm milk or water with the addition of growth stimulants.

As you can see, it is not difficult to grow a decorative pomegranate at home. The main thing is to adhere to the advice of experts and an exotic tree will delight the grower for many years.

Growing a pomegranate from a seed on your own at home is a pleasure that only avid experimental gardeners can understand.

A very ripe fruit is suitable for planting, only without rot and mold.

Before planting, the grains are washed with running water so that the remnants of the pulp do not begin to mold and do not destroy the barely hatched seedlings.

The ripe, viable seeds are dark ivory and very hard to the touch. Soft greenish seeds will not sprout, as they are unripe.

Before planting, it is useful to soak the seeds in a solution of epin or zircon - this will disinfect them and activate them for germination. For this, water is poured into a shallow bowl or saucer on the bottom of the water, so that the seeds are about half filled, and two or three drops of epin or zircon are dripped into the water.

The seeds should not be completely covered with water - without oxygen, the germination process will be ruined. Leave them soaked in this liquid for about 10-12 hours, and during this time there should be enough water. The swollen bones left without moisture will begin to dry out, crack and die.

Seeds practically do not change externally after water procedures. They are sown no deeper than a centimeter. The first shoots appear in about a week. The germination rate of the pomegranate is close to 100%, but it is stretched out in time - after six months, a seed may germinate for no apparent reason, which everyone has forgotten about.

The emerging seedlings practically do not require care, pomegranate is not the most capricious plant. But in order to grow a fluffy tree, you need to do some manipulations.

When the first pair of true leaves appears, the seedling needs to be transplanted into a deeper container, along the way it will be useful to dive during transplantation, so it will stretch less. Then, after waiting for the third pair of true leaves, the fourth is pinched, thus stimulating the pomegranate to grow with two tops.

In the future, these two branches are also pinched at the phase of the third pair of leaves. Without this, the pomegranate from the stone will grow upward in one twig and there will be little beauty in it for a long time.

The first bloom can occur at the age of 10 months, if the pomegranate has enough light. It is easy to determine this - a plant that has enough light does not stretch, and its new branches almost immediately begin to build up bark, they are reddish, the leaves grow wide and dark green, with brown veins on the wrong side.

When there is not enough light, the distances between the pairs of leaves are large, the branches themselves are light green and very thin, the leaves are also light green, transparent, narrow, without veins.

If the sprout begins to stretch, and there is no way to add lighting, it is better to pinch all new shoots under the root and reduce watering, it is just as good to place the pomegranate in temperatures lower than usual, up to 10 degrees.

Pomegranate is one of those plants that shed their leaves every fall and rest in the winter for a month or two. But for this he needs a low temperature. As soon as the temperature rises to 15-20 degrees, the pomegranate will begin to grow leaves and branches again.

The soil for a room pomegranate grown from a seed is the same as for citrus fruits, for example, you can take ready-made soil for lemon in a store.

Growing pomegranate from a stone at home: tips, photos

Florists who are fond of exotic plants grow lemons, tangerines and even pomegranates at home. Lemon and tangerine bushes are often sold in flower shops, so getting them is not difficult. Pomegranate is rare on sale. But if desired, it can be grown from a bone. An ordinary pomegranate will turn into a miniature tree and will bloom and bear fruit. Of course, there will be few fruits on the plant, but beautiful pink flowers and their unique smell will atone for this shortcoming. Taking care of a pomegranate is not difficult at all, but the rules for planting and growing need to be learned.

Homemade pomegranate tree - description, photo

Home grown plant reaches a height of only 90-100 cm... The exotic pet blooms abundantly and constantly. The tree is simply strewn with bright flowers that bloom both in inflorescences and individually.

The pomegranate grown from the seed will bloom and will bear fruit no earlier than three years after planting.

For a pomegranate tree, you need to choose a bright place. The plant loves bright, but diffused light. Direct sunlight will burn the leaves. Therefore, the tree grown on the southern windowsill must be shaded from the midday sun.

How to plant a pomegranate?

If you are thinking of growing a pomegranate from a seed, then first of all you need take care of the planting material:

While the seeds are soaking you can prepare the ground... You can use an all-purpose earthy mix available from flower shops. If possible, the soil can be prepared independently from fertile soil, peat and sand.

Pomegranate seeds are planted in containers filled with earth for seedlings to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Then they are sprinkled with earth, sprayed with warm water and covered with polyethylene. It will turn out to be a kind of greenhouse, in which the seeds will hatch quickly. The temperature for pomegranate germination should be at least 25-30C.

Seeds planted in November or early spring should emerge in a couple of weeks. If they are planted at other times of the year, they can hatch within a few months.

Care of young sprouts

As soon as the first seedlings appear, the container with seedlings must be placed in a bright place. It is also necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out. It's better to water it by spraying from a spray bottle.

Seedlings with two or three true leaves are transplanted into separate pots. Young plants are planted in the ground, for the preparation of which you need to mix:

  • leaf humus - 1 part;
  • turf - 2 parts;
  • sand - 0.5 parts;
  • peat - 0.5 parts.

The pomegranate has a shallow root system, so the tree can grow in small containers. The main thing is good drainage.

Care for young plants consists in abundant and regular watering, which is carried out as the earthen mixture dries. The soil in the pots should always be slightly damp. Excess water must be poured out of the pan.

Plants planted in autumn during the winter season will need provide additional lighting... Otherwise, with a lack of light, the seedlings will elongate or will not grow at all.

Features of growing a pomegranate tree

Taking care of pomegranate grown from a bone is not difficult at all. The plant is unpretentious, but requires compliance with some rules of care:

Crown formation

To make a beautiful and fluffy bush from a young plant, a pomegranate annually you need to do a haircut.

Pruning should be done before the plant begins to actively grow, that is, in February. With aging, one of the tree trunks is replaced by a young strong shoot. Therefore, a haircut stimulates branching. Pruning young shoots should be done on the outward looking bud. As a result, two to five pairs of leaves should remain on the branch. The shoots remaining from pruning can be put on cuttings.

The crown of the tree can be made in the shape that you like best. The bush can be formed into a ball, or made from it an oval tree.

If you want to try yourself in the art of bonsai, then the pomegranate is perfect for this. The desired shape can be given to the bush by repeatedly pinching and pruning it, bending old branches to the ground, and bending young branches with the help of wire. You can form a garnet in almost any style.

While cutting don't be afraid to cut off excess... In the spring, the tree will gain strength, and new branches and leaves will quickly grow back. Do not forget to regularly remove dried flowers and leaves from the bush.

Pomegranate pests and diseases

The first flowering of a pomegranate tree with good care can be expected already 10-12 months after the appearance of the Sents... A home-grown plant will bloom several times a year, and delight, albeit few, but tasty fruits.

How to grow pomegranate from a seed at home: collecting and preparing seeds for planting

Indoor pomegranate will delight you not only with beautiful flowers, but also with exotic fruits. Even a novice florist can do it. Usually pomegranate is propagated by cuttings or seeds. The second way is simpler and you can select planting material from a purchased pomegranate. How to grow a pomegranate on a windowsill?

Collection of planting material

Seeds for cultivation can be selected when the fruit is purchased at the market or in the store. The pomegranate should be large with a deep reddish hue. If the fruits are rotten, the seeds will not germinate well.

Ripe seeds are white or cream-colored, firm and smooth to the touch. If they are soft and green, then they are not suitable for planting. When buying seed, you also need to pay attention to their quality.

The package must contain: name of the variety, address of the company, logo, expiration date, batch number, weight of seeds. You should not buy seeds from strangers in the market. It is better to buy in specialized stores. It should be remembered that the yield is influenced not only by the quality of the seeds, but also by the correct growing conditions and care.

Preparing seeds for planting

Before planting, the seeds must be peeled from the pulp and rinsed well. If some of the pulp remains on them, then the seeds will become moldy. First, the peeled seeds must be soaked. Pour water into a small saucer and add a few drops of Epin's solution and add seeds. Instead of Epin, you can use Zircon solution.

This procedure stimulates the seeds to germinate. Moreover, they should be located in the water by half. Leave them in this state for 12 hours. It is not recommended to close the saucer completely; oxygen must flow to the seeds. All this time it is necessary to monitor the water in the container.

If it evaporates, then be sure to add. Otherwise, the seeds will dry out and the shell will crack. The container should be kept in a cool place, avoiding drafts.

What should be the soil

This exotic soil can grow in almost any soil. A special substrate can be purchased at a garden store and prepared by yourself. For planting pomegranate seeds, you can use peat and coarse river sand in equal amounts.

Previously, the sand should be doused with boiling water. Turf and humus can be used instead of peat. Mix these two components, and add river sand before planting. It is an excellent source of minerals and will make the soil loose and soft.

Landing features

It is advisable to plant pomegranate seeds in a clay container. Place a drainage layer on the bottom and fill the pot with substrate. Then make several depressions 1-1.5 cm deep and moisten the soil. Spread out the seeds and sprinkle with earth, but do not tamp.

After that, sprinkle lightly with water and cover the container with cling film. For quick germination of seeds, it is recommended to place the pot in a warm and dry place. It is important not to forget to open the film from time to time and ventilate the sprouts. They must be watered and monitored so that the substrate is not too wet.

With proper preparation of seeds and soil for planting, germination is quite high. Some seeds may hatch within a week, while others may take a month or more. The film is removed after the first leaves appear. At this moment, a pick is carried out into separate pots. Planting is best done in winter, so that sprouts appear by spring.

Pomegranate care

Pomegranate is not whimsical to care for. It is advisable to place the pot on the south side, where there is enough light and warmth, but it is better to cover the plant from bright sunlight. In summer, the pomegranate tree can be taken out to the balcony for fresh air. If he lacks light, the leaves will become sparse, and the plant will stretch in height. Watering pomegranates in summer is necessary at least 4-5 times, and in winter they are reduced to 2 times.

If necessary, you can use a spray bottle if the topsoil dries quickly and the inside is damp. Use warm water for irrigation. Fertilizers are applied in spring and summer. It should be fed every 2 weeks. Usually, liquid fertilizers intended for indoor plants are used.

Organic fertilizers can also be used: manure, aquarium water. Just before feeding, the tree should be watered abundantly. The pomegranate needs pruning. This allows you to form a beautiful crown. The first haircut is done with the appearance of four leaves on the tree.

Gently pinch off the last leaves. After two branches grow, they are also cut off. The transplant is carried out with a strong growth of the tree.

When transplanting, not only the capacity is changed, but also the soil. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every three years in the spring. It should be noted that the pomegranate tree, which is grown from the seed, only blooms, and it is recommended to graft it for the appearance of fruit. The pomegranate has the ability to shed its leaves. This usually starts in late November and early December.

When the latter falls, you need to take the pot to a cool room. During flowering, plants can be pollinated using a brush or cotton swab. It is possible that several fruits will appear by the fall. Like other plants, pomegranate is also susceptible to disease.

They usually develop with improper care. Most often, pomegranate is affected by spider mites, pomegranate moths, and aphids. It is necessary to regularly inspect the pomegranate tree, wipe the leaves, do not overmoisten the soil. These activities will help you grow a pomegranate tree at home without difficulty.

Video on how to grow pomegranates at home:

Homemade pomegranate: photo and growing from a stone

Home pomegranate or indoor pomegranate, or dwarf pomegranate is grown at home. This culture is a miniature and rather decorative tree, reaching no more than 1 m in height. The attractiveness of the plant is given by large bright red flowers.

However, it will not be possible to get a good harvest from a dwarf pomegranate, since very few fruits are tied on it, but they are all large in size (up to 5 cm in diameter), have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and are valued for their beneficial properties.

How to grow pomegranate at home

Since the tree is unpretentious and does not require careful maintenance, it is not difficult to grow pomegranates at home.

When growing in a room, they choose places well-lit by the sun. It is best to place the pot on a windowsill that faces south or southwest. However, direct sunlight will damage the leaves of the tree, so shading should be created in strong sunshine. In summer, the bush is taken out into the garden and buried in. In winter, store in a cool room at a temperature of 5-10 ° C. In the shade, the plant slows down and stops blooming.

How to plant pomegranates at home

Propagated by pomegranate seeds and cuttings. Before planting pomegranates, cuttings are chosen at home. This is done in late autumn after the leaves fall or in winter. Before planting, prepare a soil consisting of humus, garden soil and sawdust. Peat and sand are added to the soil in small quantities. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. The soil for planting pomegranates should be loose, water-permeable and retain moisture well.

The pot is filled with substrate. A drainage layer is preliminarily laid on the bottom. The stalk is placed in soil and watered abundantly. The container with the seedling is covered with polyethylene. In the spring, small, few leaves appear on it. The cutting will take root completely by summer, when the plant has a root system. At the end of summer, the seedling can be transplanted into a larger pot.

Growing pomegranate from a stone on a windowsill

Pomegranate seed growing is also popular. The seeds for planting are obtained from the fruit. To do this, choose large, bright red, fully ripe pomegranates. Sow freshly harvested seeds immediately, as they very quickly lose their germination. Dried seeds may not sprout. The best time for sowing is winter. Several seeds are placed in the pot to a depth of 2 cm. When watering, pay attention to the soil. It should not be excessively dry or waterlogged. Shoots appear in April - May. Weak and diseased shoots are removed. In the summer, the seedlings are taken out to the balcony or garden, where they stand until the first frost. In the fall, healthy, vigorous, well-developed seedlings are transplanted into separate pots. With the onset of cold weather, the plants are transferred to a cool place, where they will be dormant throughout the winter period.

Homemade pomegranate grown from seed begins to bear fruit later than grown using cuttings.

Caring for pomegranate at home

Caring for a pomegranate at home is quite simple. In summer, the tree is taken out into the fresh air, choosing a place protected from the scorching sun. Watering is carried out as the land dries up. Top dressing is applied 2 times a month. Liquid complex fertilizers are applied to the soil or the bush is sprayed. In August, the amount of watering and dressing decreases. In September, the bush is brought into the house.

In winter, home pomegranate care is not required. In December, after dropping the leaves, the tree begins to prepare for a dormant period, which lasts until spring. The flowering of the next year depends on how the plant survives the dormant period.

Before removing the pomegranate for winter storage, dry the earthen lump and remove the remaining leaves. A young tree does not have to be removed for wintering in a separate room, if it is possible to create the necessary conditions on the windowsill or loggia. The plant will easily endure this period at a temperature of 11-15 ° C and good lighting. At the end of winter, during budding, pomegranates are exposed to a warm place and provide abundant watering. After a while, the plant becomes covered with dense, green foliage. At the ends of the annual shoots, buds are formed.

Growing indoor pomegranate

When growing indoor pomegranate, periodic pruning is performed. The crown is formed in such a way that the plant takes the form of a tree or shrub. In the spring, stimulating branching is carried out; for this, young shoots are trimmed, leaving 2-5 pairs of leaves. Pruning is done on the outer bud. When pruning on the inner bud, a shoot will form, thickening the bush.

Growing a pomegranate at home is an easy task, thanks to which you can get a beautiful plant that is perfect for forming bonsai in any style. Carrying out constant pruning, pinching, bending young shoots with a wire, the grenade can be given the desired shape.

Pests and diseases

When growing pomegranates on a windowsill, one must not forget about diseases and pests that affect this culture. Most often, the bush is damaged by aphids, spider mites, scale insects and whiteflies. When fighting aphids, pomegranates are sprayed with tobacco infusion with the addition of laundry soap. Against other pests, an infusion of onions and garlic is used, which is also sprayed on the plant.

Knowing how to grow pomegranates at home, you can get an attractive, unusual tree that delights the eye with its beauty and decorates the room.

How to grow pomegranate from a stone at home

Growing various exotic plants at home is an exciting experience. Indoor gardening fans love to experiment. Seeing the images of a flowering pomegranate bush, there is a desire to plant pomegranate seeds and grow a plant on your own windowsill.

A tree can be grown from a bone


By following simple instructions and knowing how to properly grow such a plant, you can get a beautiful bush with oval green leaves, beautiful red flowers and edible fruits. Correct agricultural technology will allow you to get a positive result in such an experiment. It is necessary to approach responsibly to all stages in growing pomegranate from a stone.

In order for a pomegranate bush to appear on the windowsill, you need:

  • select seeds and prepare them for sowing;
  • prepare the soil;
  • sow seeds;
  • carefully care for the bush.

Seed selection

High quality seed will be the key to the successful cultivation of a strong and healthy pomegranate bush. If you use seeds from store-bought pomegranates, you need to remember that these are hybrid varieties and a bush that will grow from seeds will not produce fruits with the same qualities as the mother fetus. But this does not prevent to grow a pomegranate from the seed, which will delight you with a lush crown and high decorative qualities.

The seeds for planting are taken from a healthy ripe fruit without damage. Pomegranate pits should be:

  • solid;
  • ivory;
  • no mold or damage.

These characteristics affect germination and future plant health.

Seeds should be selected from healthy large fruit

Seed preparation

Selected pomegranate seeds must be prepared before sowing in the soil so that they grow well. To do this, the seeds are washed in clean water so that no pulp remains on them. Clean seeds are dried on a towel for 24 hours.

Already dried seeds for stimulation are advised to be treated with Epin or another phytostimulant; for this, a solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions.

A piece of cotton cloth or gauze is moistened with the solution, and the seeds are wrapped in it. Leave to swell for at least 10 hours. They make sure that the bones do not dry out or become moldy.

Soil preparation

For sowing pomegranate seeds, a universal soil mixture is suitable. You can add river sand to it, in a 3: 1 ratio. Pomegranate is a plant that is not demanding on the soil, which should be:

  • moderately nutritious;
  • loose;
  • with a pH level of 5.5-7.

The soil for sowing pomegranates must be disinfected, as when planting any other plant. This can be done in different ways:

  1. Spill the soil with a weak solution of magnesium permanganate.
  2. Fry in the oven at 90 ° C for 30-45 minutes.
  3. Spill the soil with boiling water.

After such treatment, the chances of infection of young plants with diseases and pests are significantly reduced.

The soil for the pomegranate must be loose

Sowing seeds

For sowing, a container is chosen, it can be a small flower pot, plastic containers, a balcony box. Before use, the containers must be washed well and rinsed with boiling water. The containers are filled with prepared soil, watered with clean water. When the water is absorbed, the seeds are sown to a depth of 1-1.5 cm and covered with foil. They are placed in a warm, well-lit place. Seedlings appear on average after 14 days, but it happens that this may take longer.

A few days after the emergence of sprouts, they begin to open the film for a while. After a week, the film is removed completely. Make sure that the soil does not dry out and slightly moisten it. Pomegranate seedlings do not tolerate excess moisture. If a lot of plants have sprung up, then they are thinned out, removing weak and poor-quality ones.

Sprouted pomegranate seeds are only half the success, so that young seedlings turn into a pomegranate tree or bush, you will need to carefully care for it.


After 2-3 months, the seedlings will grow up, and they need to be planted in separate pots. For the first transplant, you need to pick up flower pots with a volume of 2-2.5 liters. It is not necessary to plant pomegranate seeds in large containers at once, this can slow down their growth. And with a large volume of soil, the plant will use all its strength to develop the root system, and the aboveground part will develop poorly.

Pots 2-3 cm are filled with drainage, for this it is suitable:

  • expanded clay;
  • small pebbles;
  • broken brick;
  • shards of ceramic pots.

This will ensure good drainage and prevent excess moisture from accumulating at the bottom of the pot.

The soil for growing pomegranate from the stone is used universal. Fill the pot, make a depression in the middle and moisten slightly. A young plant with an earthen clod is carefully transplanted.

The day after transplanting, the pomegranates are watered with Kornevin to stimulate rapid rooting.

The next transplants are carried out as the plant grows in the same way, gradually increasing the volume of the pot. By the age of 5, you need to plant a pomegranate in a tub or pot with a volume of 10-20 liters.

Bush formation

In order for a pomegranate from seeds to grow into a beautiful bush or miniature tree, it must be formed by pinching and pruning branches. The first pinching is done a couple of months after the germination. Pinch the top of the seedling so that it forms side branches. As they grow back, the next pinching is carried out to form the branches of the next order. In this way, you can form a lush crown of a tree or a beautiful branchy bush. Pruning home pomegranates is carried out in the spring before flowering, or at any time if there is a need to prune long branches. In an adult bush, you can cut off the branches growing inward, this will improve its shape, and the plant will look neat and well-groomed.

Pomegranate branches bend easily and, by fixing them, you can create a bonsai-style tree with an intricate crown shape. It will look especially impressive during flowering and fruiting.

Conditions and watering

Pomegranate is a thermophilic plant. For him, you need to choose a well-lit place. In the southern regions, the grown pomegranate tree can be planted in open ground. In a cooler area, it is practiced in the summer to keep the plant in the garden or on the balcony.

This crop grows well even in drought conditions, but for full growth and development requires regular moderate watering. In the hot season, watered twice a week. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature. In winter, when the air temperature drops, the plant begins a dormant period and can last about two months. At this point, watering is reduced and watered no more than once a week.


For full growth, flowering and fruiting, pomegranate, like other fruit plants, requires regular feeding, especially if it grows in a limited amount of soil at home.

Top dressing is carried out from early March to November every two weeks. To do this, use:

  • mineral complex fertilizers;
  • organic feeding.

You can use one type of fertilizer or alternate. For feeding in specialized gardening stores, you can choose the optimal fertilizer for this purpose.

It can be a soluble mineral supplement for citrus or fruit plants. She will be able to fully satisfy the pomegranate's need for nutrients. For adherents of organic farming, humate-based fertilizing is suitable. They are completely sustainable and highly nutritious.

Pomegranate at home can partially or completely throw off the leaves, this indicates the onset of a dormant period. During this period, it is important to remember that fertilizers do not need to be applied. If the seed pomegranate does not have a dormant period in winter, the bushes are fed once a month, reducing the dosage recommended in the instructions by half.

Fertilizer for fruit plants is great for pomegranate


It is not always possible to protect plants from pests. Grenades can hit:

These pests deplete plants and prevent them from developing fully, so immediate treatment may be required. To get rid of pests, tobacco ardor and garlic infusion are used.

  1. When aphids or spider mites are found, tobacco dust is sprinkled on the leaves and lightly sprinkled on the soil. You can prepare an infusion, for this 2 tbsp. l. powder is added to 1 liter of water, infused for 24 hours and sprayed on the bush.
  2. To combat the scale insect, an infusion of garlic peels is prepared. Take 2-3 tbsp. l. the husks are poured with 250 ml of hot water and insisted for at least a day. The prepared infusion is sprayed with pomegranate.

If these funds have not coped with the pests, you can treat the plants with Actellik or Intavir. After treatment with insecticides, the room must be ventilated. The best option would be to spray outdoors.

Intavir - insecticide for pest control

Flowering and fruiting

To grow a pomegranate from a seed, caring for it, everyone is looking forward to the moment of flowering and fruiting. The first flowering is possible in 2-3 years. The pomegranate blooms for a long time, from late spring to mid-summer. The bright red flowers have a bell-shaped shape with protruding stamens, they give the bush a special decorative effect.

With the appearance of the first flowers, the first fruiting can also be achieved; for this, pollination must be carried out. Use a cotton swab to transfer pollen from the stamens of one flower to the queen of another.

It is good to pollinate between two bushes, then the percentage of the formed ovary increases. To improve the effect, you can spray with Ovary.

After successful pollination, in a few days the bush will be decorated with small pomegranates, which will ripen in mid-November. Home-grown fruits will not be able to have the same size as in the southern gardens, but their value is great. Small pomegranates will be proof of proper cultivation and care.


Following all the recommendations for growing and caring for pomegranate from the stone, you can get a wonderful result. Such a plant will decorate the windowsill, delight you with incredibly beautiful flowering and surprise your friends with the fact that the pomegranate from the seed bears fruit. A positive experience of growing such an unusual plant on a windowsill is a direct path to new experiments in breeding various exotic plants at home.

How to grow pomegranate from seed?

I want to warn you right away that growing exotic on a windowsill is a creative work for the soul, because you never know what will happen in the final. But imagine, if everything works out, what pride you will take for your exotic pet! Not to mention the growing process itself. It's like some kind of miracle, when a luxurious plant is obtained from a bone that was placed in your palm after a while. I didn't have to think for a long time about planting such an exotic one, fate decided everything for me. I just love pomegranates and in winter, having properly filled my body with vitamin berries, I decided to plant a couple of seeds so that, as they say, not to let the good go to waste. Moreover, due to my passion for Eastern philosophy, I often like to do everything according to Feng Shui, which prompted me to grow a pomegranate tree at home. It is known that the pomegranate brings positive energy to the house, as well as wealth and family well-being. Its second name is "tree of life"!

pomegranate tree - a symbol of well-being in the family

  1. Pomegranate contains a huge amount of vitamin C, trace elements and iron. The best fruit that increases hemoglobin.
  2. Pomegranate seeds are an excellent remedy for lowering blood pressure in hypertension.
  3. Pomegranate membranes, dried and added to tea, act as a natural sedative and hypnotic.
  4. The crushed dried pomegranate peel is effectively used in cosmetology, and also heals burns.
  5. Plucked pomegranate fruit is well stored outside the refrigerator for a long time, retaining all its useful qualities.

Decided ?! We will grow pomegranates, especially since it looks quite decorative and will give our interior a special atmosphere of the East.

pomegranate can germinate in 3 weeks

How to prepare a bone before planting?

I advise you to take the seeds fresh, then they will quickly take root. The main thing is to remove all the pulp to prevent decay. Another important nuance - for good shoots, it is necessary that the pomegranate is ripe, because greenish seeds will not sprout.

Pomegranate seeds must be soaked in water for 12 hours before planting. Zircon solution can be added to improve and intensify the germination process. To prepare the solution, you will need two or three drops of zircon on a saucer of water.

Greenhouse period

The soil. It is believed that pomegranate is unpretentious to the soil. It can be planted in an ordinary purchased universal earthen mixture, or you can make it yourself - earth + humus and sand (1: 1: 1)

Landing. You can choose a large pot for planting at once, or you can plant it in a temporary greenhouse. We deepen the bone by a maximum of 1 cm.

We create favorable conditions. The recommended temperature for seed germination is +25 ° C. While our pomegranate has not yet sprouted, you can help it by covering it with a film or glass on top. Remember to ventilate and spray it every day with warm water. It is also useful to slightly fertilize our pomegranate - dilute 0.5 teaspoon of ash in 0.5 liters of water, just do not fill the plant. He needs diffused light, in winter, additional lighting may be needed.

pomegranate seeds remain viable for up to six months

pomegranate is transplanted every 2 years

Growing features

  • Pomegranate is a deciduous plant, therefore, with a sharp change in temperature, it can fall into a dormant period and discard foliage. Two months later, he wakes up and again becomes overgrown with leaves.
  • After planting, pomegranates can bloom in 10 months, flowering looks very decorative. If your pomegranate hasn't risen within a month, don't rush to despair! This is such a wayward plant that can easily appear on the surface even after six months.

bonsai pomegranate

pomegranate - cross-pollinated plant

fruits 9 months after planting


Although the pomegranate blooms very beautifully, I advise you to cut off the first flowers to conserve strength for the benefit of the future harvest.
For the best fruit set during the flowering of the pomegranate, you can work as a "bee", pollinating the flowers with a regular brush. In gratitude for the care, your exotic pet will repay you with its beautiful fruits, although much smaller than the usual pomegranate. You can go further and grow not just a pomegranate dwarf tree, but a whole work of art - a pomegranate bonsai. Of course, this is already aerobatics! However, for those who do not get tired of experimenting and are ready to move to a new level, the formation of a bonsai is ideal. But this is a topic for a separate article, which I undertake to write in the near future. I sincerely hope that I have made you want to experiment. Remember that "the road will be mastered by the one walking", do not be afraid of mistakes on your way, look, observe and create! And I am always ready to support you with practical advice and rejoice at your success. I hope that my master class will be useful to you!

Best regards, always experimenting Ivan Yarovoy.

© "GreenMarket", with full or partial copying of the material, reference to the source is required.

If you've ever wanted to start a fruit-bearing tree at home that doesn't require much care, doesn't need a lot of time, and bore fruit on top of everything else, then be sure to pay attention to the indoor pomegranate. After all, it is always pleasant to enjoy the fruits of your labor, especially if this pleasure is not only spiritual, but also physical!
In this article I will tell you about this wonderful tree, its habitat, I will give 5 practical tips for growing a healthy and fruitful tree and some recommendations for caring for it.

Pomegranate (from Lat. Punicia) in the wild is mainly a tree of short stature, about 2-5 meters in height. A little less often there is a shrub, the fruits of which are as large as those of trees, but give off sourness, which gives a special piquancy to the taste of the fruit.
Due to its unpretentiousness, the plant is distributed in a wide range of latitudes, and grows mainly on two continents: Eurasia and Africa. In various sources, there is information about the origin of pomegranate in North Africa, Western Asia and southern Europe, one thing is clear for sure - this type of fruit appeared independently and quite a long time ago, and domestication does not have a specific historical place of origin. I cannot but tell about the history of the origin of the name Pomegranate itself: from Latin punicus it is translated as Carthaginian or Punic. The Punyans (now their state is called Tunisia) supplied the most delicious pomegranates to Rome. Since then, the name has "stuck" to the heroes of this article. There are also two more names for this fruit, which were popular among the people: malum granatum and malum punicum (malum from Latin "apple"). Indeed, the similarities are obvious. In ancient Greek culture, pomegranate takes its rightful place, personifying and symbolizing a happy marriage, love full of passion, and fertility.

Room representatives

Indoors, indoor pomegranate is cultivated more often as a shrub, the basis of which is 5-7 large trunks, with a large number of branches. Less often, there are trees, but this appearance does not contribute to the healthy growth of the plant, since mainly the thickness of the branches and trunks is only 1-1.5 centimeters. Indoor pomegranate is classified as a deciduous plant, so do not be surprised, or even be glad, that in the fall he will shed the foliage and prepare to rest. There are thorns on the branches; during flowering, they form two types of flowers. The so-called "male" and "female". Fruits are tied only in "female" flowers. It is quite simple to distinguish them: in future fruits, the shape of the flower is similar to a jug, but from the bell-shaped flowers of berries you can not wait. The fruits of the indoor dwarf pomegranate of the Carthage variety are quite small. For cultivated garden trees, fruits are considered to be 15-18 centimeters in diameter.
In addition to healthy and tasty fruits, indoor pomegranate is grown for its small red, but numerous flowers. On average, they are 4-5 centimeters in diameter and there are a lot of them on one bush. Sometimes it's nice to enjoy this view in your own apartment or house.


At home, the most suitable varieties of indoor pomegranates can be considered: Carthage dwarf pomegranate and baby pomegranate,

Indoor pomegranate variety Carthage

At home, it grows in the form of a tree about 80 cm high.If you buy it as a plant, pay attention to the size of the leaves, for the NANA pomegranate they are about 2 centimeters long, when, like an ordinary garden one, about 3-4. Even when planted with seeds, and this happens most often, it begins to bloom and even bear fruit at approximately 6-7 years of age. Seed germination of this variety is 10-70%, yes, it is such a large spread. Carthage's fruits are small, 5-6 centimeters in diameter. Pomegranates are edible, you can also squeeze juice from them, which tastes sweet and sour. Unfortunately, indoor pomegranate does not always bear fruit, there are cases that it does not even bloom. If your pomegranate has not bloomed either, I suggest you graft a branch from a fruiting tree to a plant grown from seeds.

"Baby" indoor pomegranate

Most often grown from seeds, which are sold in packs of 5 seeds. This is a shrub, but already smaller in height: 30-50 cm. Leaves, however, are elongated, grow in groups on branches, and these groups are distributed evenly throughout the bush. Baby blooms for 3-4 years with bright red flowers up to 7 cm in size, but in the first year it is usually a barren flower. The germination rate of this pomegranate variety is on average more stable and amounts to 50-60%. Fruits are 3-4 cm in size. It is advisable, even if you have more than 7 fruits on the bush, leave about 5-7 fruits for ripening.


I will tell you about what kind of care a room pomegranate requires at home.


Since the plant comes from hot countries, you can guess that it needs a lot of light. At a young age, protect the seedlings from too bright light, but gradually, as they grow, accustom them to well-lit windows of your room. Despite the fact that an adult plant is very photophilous, you should not leave it in direct sunlight. If you have a balcony or terrace, take your plant there. The optimum temperature for any varieties of pomegranate is considered to be 25-30 degrees above zero.

Advice 1. If you have a summer cottage or your own garden, then in the summer you should not keep a room pomegranate at home, but rather transplant it to the street. For planting choose the western side and the shade of the garden trees. You can dig in the plant right in the pot, thereby making it easier to dig it up in the fall.


Why do we recommend choosing a well-ventilated room for keeping pomegranates in hot weather? Because the plant at low humidity and high temperature turns on self-defense and sheds part of the foliage, the growth rate slows down significantly.
In winter, the temperature of the content must be kept within 5-10 degrees above zero. At this temperature, indoor pomegranate sheds its leaves, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on flowering in the future. The rest period lasts 4 months, starting in November. At this time, water young plants lightly, about 1 time in 10 days. Along with the maturation of "punicia", watering is carried out in winter less and less, and at the age of 4 years it is brought up to 1 time per month or even one and a half (it all depends on the size of the bush).

Advice 2. In winter, take the pomegranate to the loggia, if the temperature there is about +6 degrees above zero, and the plant becomes hardened and the pests will die, if of course they were there.

Soil and its volume

Neutral soil is best for planting. Amateur flower growers most often prepare the soil for pomegranate on their own, mixing humus, peat, black earth and coarse river sand in equal proportions. But if you do not have all of the above at hand, buy soil for roses in the store or any other, but most importantly with PH7. The root system grows more in diameter than in depth, respectively, it is better to select a pot wide and not very deep. Be sure to lay good drainage at the bottom, ordinary and everyone's favorite expanded clay will do. Another advantage in keeping indoor pomegranate varieties is not demanding on a large volume of soil. The size can be selected as follows: in the first year of life, a 0.5 liter pot is enough, then every year, up to 5 years of age, the size of the pot is increased by 0.5 liters per year. At the age of 6 years, the varieties Carthage and Baby are considered adult plants and do not require an increase in the volume of pots and they can be finally determined in 4-5 liter containers. All of the above is, of course, true for the average plant sizes and needs to be adjusted in each specific case. When transplanting, try not to overdo it, but rather carry out transshipment with an increase in the size of the pot, this will not harm the roots of the plant, and will only have a positive effect on growth and health.

A little about watering

Indoor pomegranate does not tolerate stagnant water in pots, now you understand why it is so important to organize good drainage. It is worth watering it abundantly, but also maintain sufficient breaks to dry out the top layer of soil a couple of centimeters thick.

Tip 3. As an indicator of soil moisture, an ordinary toothpick stuck next to the bush is perfect.

We adjust the watering depending on the season and the periods of plant growth as follows: during the sap flow - from March to May - we increase in order to saturate the plants, during flowering, we reduce the watering a little, that is, quite a bit, this will help to set the fruit, then, with the appearance of "pomegranates" watering is performed again a little more often, but with caution, because they may crack
Also, indoor pomegranate responds positively to foliage spraying on hot days. This helps maintain the necessary moisture on the surface of the plant.

Fertilizers and feeding

I am often asked what to feed the indoor pomegranate with? It is best to perform top dressing at intervals of 2-3 weeks, and divide into 3 periods: in the spring we apply nitrogen fertilizers and achieve active growth, in the summer we gradually switch to phosphate fertilizers, the use of which will promote flowering, and in autumn, for the ripening of fruits and stock we feed energy for the winter with potassium compounds. We prepare fertilizers and apply them to the soil according to the instructions on the packages.

Advice 4. When applying nitrogen fertilizers, wrap the plant trunks with polyethylene so that the solution does not fall on the plant itself, otherwise burns may appear on its surface.

Cultivation and reproduction

Indoor pomegranate can be grown in two very popular ways:

From seed

The method is very simple: after buying and unpacking a pack of seeds, we soak them in a solution with a growth stimulator for 6-10 hours (thus, we increase the percentage of successful shoots). We plant them in one container to a depth of no more than 2 cm, moisten the soil and create a greenhouse. For these purposes, a cling film or cake lid is suitable. We monitor the moisture content of the soil - do not overmoisten it, since there is a high probability of rotting of the shoots. After the emergence of seedlings, and this happens about 2-3 weeks after planting, we regularly water them, and do not forget to air the mini greenhouse once a day for 20 minutes. After the appearance of 4 main leaves, the film can be finally removed.

Using cuttings

This is the best way to get all the characteristics of the parent's variety from the offspring. For propagation by cuttings from a fruiting branch of an adult plant, "sticks" with 5-6 buds are cut. The lower 1-2 buds should be removed. Soak our "slices" in a rooting stimulator for 3-5 hours, to a depth of just these 2 buds. Next, we plant the cuttings in prepared, moistened soil to a depth of 3-4 centimeters, and also create greenhouse conditions.

Beneficial features

All varieties of pomegranate are valuable raw materials in folk medicine, almost all parts, including roots, bark and partitions in fruits, are used. Eating the "pomegranates" themselves help to normalize blood pressure and relieve headaches, at the same time digestion problems go away, appetite increases. In addition to fruits, dried and crushed bark of trees (as an anthelmintic or remedy for loose stools) and leaves for making tea are also used.

Plant formation

The heroes of this article quite easily endure all kinds of trimming, tying and other kinds of "bullying". Do you see what I'm getting at? In addition to the fact that good bonsai trees are obtained from the pomegranate, the root system described above also contributes to this. True, I will allow myself to give a little advice, bonsai is the art of growing miniature trees from large ones, so use a garden pomegranate for this purpose.

Tip 5. In the fall, before the time of rest, cut off dry branches, at the same time form the required shape of the bush.

Diseases and pests

Unfortunately, the fruit plant has no immunity against these misfortunes, so regularly inspect foliage, branches and trunks. If you find a scale insect, whitefly or other insects, immediately start treatment: with a small number of individuals, you can collect them, but be sure to continue monitoring, in case of a large population of these creatures, do not hesitate to use chemicals. If you suspect root decay, and this can be determined by a large number of yellowed leaves, it is necessary to transplant the plant with pruning of decaying roots to healthy tissues and further drying and coal treatment of the cut sites.


At the end of the article, I would like to say that, following our simple recommendations, it will not be difficult for you to grow indoor pomegranates, both from seeds and using cuttings, as well as provide it with the necessary care.

The pomegranate is not picky about the soil - it grows well on clay, gravel and sandy soils, on neutral or calcareous. On moisture-consuming fertile, well-drained loamy soils, it gives the best fruits.

Pomegranate growing on properly prepared soil produces many long-styled flowers of the first flowering period and, accordingly, more fruits.

Pomegranate growing on improperly prepared soil slows down or stops growth and flowering, ceases to resist diseases and pests.

What kind of land is needed?

The soil mixture for the pomegranate culture at home is prepared from four components: sod and leafy earth, sand and humus in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 0.5.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing soil for a houseplant

Preparing an earthen mixture for indoor pomegranate:

  1. River sand must be rinsed with running water to get rid of excess clay.
  2. The components are mixed in the right proportion, sieved or crushed - the lumps should be the size of a pea.
  3. The resulting soil is disinfected in a water bath for an hour.

The bottom of the container is laid out with a drainage layer of expanded clay, clay shards or coarse sand, and the soil mixture is poured.

Preparation of soil for planting in open ground

Step-by-step instructions for preparing an earthen mixture for growing a pomegranate tree:

  1. Sod land - in meadows and fields, layers of earth with turf are cut, stacked in pairs with grass to each other, watered. After 2 years, a nutritious soil is obtained that is well permeable to water and air.
  2. Leaf land - woody leaves, except for oak, willow and chestnut, are raked into heaps in autumn. Turn it over and sprinkle it regularly.

    To eliminate excess acidity of the substrate, slaked lime is added to the leaves - 500 g / m³. For 2 years, fertile leafy land is obtained.

  3. Compost prepared from soil and any organic materials - manure, fresh grass, straw, hay, kitchen waste. A layer of organic matter 25 cm high is sprinkled with 4 cm of earth. The pile is watered periodically. The compost is ready after the organic matter is completely decomposed.
  4. Sanduse river, washed in natural conditions.

The ingredients are mixed and filled in a trench or planting hole.

The composition and cost of the purchased mixture

Various potting mixes are available for growing pomegranatecontaining all the essential nutrients.

Ready-made soils for the grenade launcher, composition and cost.

Name Structure Volume (L) Price in rubles
In Moscow In St. Petersburg
Hera "Good Land"
  • Peat;
  • river sand;
  • a complex of fertilizers with the addition of dolomite flour.
10 91 95
Bio-soil "Air"
  • Peat;
  • vermiculite;
  • sand;
  • fine crushed stone;
  • dolomite flour;
  • compost.
40 359 365
Peter Peat "Garden" Peat soil with a hydroreagent. 10 94 98
Biomass "Russian Fields" It is used for making up soil mixtures 5 95 91
Hera "3 D" universal for home and garden
  • Peat;
  • sand;
  • complex mineral fertilizer;
  • dolomite flour.
50 300 303

Ready-made mixtures are used for planting and transplanting, as well as for filling or changing the top layer of soil.

The value of fertilizer for the shrub

Pomegranate responds positively to the application of mineral fertilizers. Top dressing is carried out when the plant has completely taken root. Nutritional Deficiency Symptoms:

  • nitrogen - growth slows down, leaves color changes;
  • phosphorus - growth, root development and flowering stops;
  • potassium - brown spots and burns appear on the leaves;
  • calcium - points of growth of roots and apex are affected;
  • magnesium- the process of plant respiration is disrupted, the leaves turn pale;
  • iron - leaves turn yellow, pomegranate lags behind in growth;
  • manganese - leaves curl, development slows down;
  • boron - weak flowering, the growth point dies off;
  • zinc - small leaves with pale spots.

With an excess of nutrients in the pomegranate, there is a drooping of the bush, leaf burns, and growth arrest.

How to apply top dressing correctly?

  1. In the phase of growth, flowering and at the beginning of fruiting - in the summer.
  2. Immediately after removing the winter shelter from the plants, they are fed with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers.
  3. Indoor pomegranate is fed during the growth period every 2 weeks with complex fertilizers.

When should you fertilize?

Mineral starvation is judged by the appearance of the plant. - in this case, feeding with the necessary elements is carried out. A combination of root and foliar dressing gives good results.

Types of mixtures

Mineral and organic fertilizers are used, as well as micronutrient fertilizers containing elements necessary for the plant in small quantities.


Ready-made fertilizers, which include the entire nutritional complex, can be purchased in specialized stores.

Name A type Act Volume Price in rubles
In Moscow In St. Petersburg
Soft power for fruit trees Horse manure bioconcentrate Stimulates growth and root formation 1L 132 139
Chicken droppings Dry granules Increases soil fertility 5 Kg 286 280
Potassium humate Microfertilizer Increases resistance to diseases and pests 10 g 22 25
Iron chelate Microfertilizer With iron deficiency 10 g 22 24
Health turbo Powder Stimulates root growth, increases winter hardiness 150 g 74 76
Urea Powder Enhances growth and development 1 kg 92 91
Dunamis Biofertilizer is added to the soil during planting and as root dressing Enriches the soil 1 l 93 90

Finished fertilizers are used strictly according to the instructions.

How to feed them?

What to look for when choosing?

Buy fertilizers intended for fruit and berry crops... Pay attention to the composition: for dressing they take complex fertilizers, to replenish the missing trace element - micronutrient fertilizer.


Organic fertilizers are humus, rotted bird droppings or farm animal manure.

For top dressing, solutions of organic fertilizers are used, which contain all the necessary substances and have a prolonged effect.

How it differs from purchased ones - advantages and disadvantages

Natural fertilizers contribute to the normal functioning of beneficial soil bacteria, which transform compounds that are difficult to reach for plants into easily digestible ones.

The disadvantages include the cost of fertilizers and the complexity of preparation.

How to do it yourself?

For the preparation of dressings, natural fertilizers are infused in water for several days.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Solution: fill the container up to half with chicken droppings, horse or cow dung, fill with water to the brim, leave for two days. Dilute the mother liquor with water - to 12 liters of water 1 liter of the mixture. Apply as root dressing.
  2. Organic fertilizers in combination with mineral fertilizers: mullein or bird droppings, poured halfway into the barrel, pour water and hold for 5 days. Mix 1 liter of uterine infusion and 10 liters of water. When feeding for 0.5 liters of solution, add 1 g of superphosphate and 0.5 g of ammonium nitrate.
  3. Let the compost or humus (0.5–0.7 kg per 10 l of water) stand for two days, stirring regularly. Consumption of masterbatch for feeding - 0.5 liters per bucket of water.

In favorable conditions, the deciduous subtropical pomegranate dwarf shrub, like a tub culture, blooms continuously from April to late autumn, and after 2-3 years it begins to bear fruit. In temperate latitudes, pomegranate grows and develops in open ground, withstanding frosts up to 10–12º C.

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Pomegranate - in Latin "granular". In the wild, it has been known since the days of Carthage. In cultural gardening, two autonomous species are grown - the Common and the Socotran, although there are many wild pomegranates. Traditionally, pomegranate groves are part of the Mediterranean landscape. It is unrealistic to grow this exotic tree in our country garden in our latitudes. But if you really want to get pomegranate from the seed, growing at home will be a good way out. Moreover, it is not difficult at all, and there is a special third type of indoor plant - Dwarf pomegranate.

This deciduous subtropical plant rarely grows up to two meters in culture. In the wild, it can grow up to six meters. In indoor cultivation, its growth is unlikely to exceed 80-100 cm, but its low growth will not affect the fruiting of a tree.

By the way. Dwarf pomegranate is popular, along with lemons, oranges, other citrus fruits, home cultivation of pineapple and coffee tree.

The fruit of the plant is a berry, which consists of 6-12 sections, arranged in two rows and filled with more than a thousand seeds. It is from these seeds that pomegranate is grown.

By the way. Pomegranate begins to bear fruit in the garden from the age of three, and with careful care it can continue to bear fruit for up to forty years. A dwarf pomegranate is able to bear fruit in the second year, but this will last for a maximum of seven years. And there is a high probability that the fruits will not appear at all.

Nevertheless, the cultivation of any indoor exotic, which is impossible, due to the inadequacy of climatic conditions, to have in the garden at a dacha outside Moscow is an exciting activity.

Prices for indoor pomegranate seeds

indoor pomegranate seeds


Pomegranate seeds are on sale today, they can be purchased packed in a beautiful bag with a bright realistic picture, on the Internet or when visiting a store. But it is better for sowing to take fresh seeds of the fruit of another indoor pomegranate.

Important! The fruits that are sold on the market can have excellent taste. But, unfortunately, they are all hybrids, which means that plants grown from their seeds will not retain their maternal qualities. Most likely, they will not bear fruit at all, although decorativeness will remain high.

The process of planting a pomegranate step by step

Removing the bones is simple. They need to be peeled from the pulp and carefully examined. Only hard grains of light cream color are suitable for sowing, if they are green and soft, it is not worth planting.

The prepared bones are left in water for 12 hours by adding a few drops of the Epin biostimulator. You need to have a little water - it should not cover all the bones, since they will need oxygen.

The substrate is being prepared. It becomes loose, soft and fertile. Although the plant is unpretentious to the soil structure and composition under normal conditions, it will need additional nutrition in the house. You can buy universal seedling soil at the store, or you can make it from peat, sand and leaf turf. All ingredients in equal amounts.

Growing capacity may be small. When the seedling develops and outgrows the pot (this will happen in a year or two), it will need to be transplanted into a large container. You can read about how to make seedling containers yourself in

After soaking in a solution, the seeds are well dried and buried in a moistened substrate. Planting depth is about 1.5 cm.

Council. It is immediately recommended to sow several seeds in one pot. After the emergence of seedlings, it will be clear which of them are strong and have a high growth potential, and which ones are better to be removed immediately so that they do not consume useful substances from the soil. If all seedlings are of good quality, they can be simply transplanted into individual pots later.

Crops are thoroughly watered and covered with glass. The pot is placed on a windowsill, where the sun is for the maximum number of hours.

By the way. If the planting was carried out at the very beginning of spring, and there is enough light, the seedlings can hatch in two to three weeks. Sowing at other times may take months for the seeds to germinate.

Soil prices

soil for plants

Seedling care

A room grenade needs special comfort and the best possible conditions. Care for seedlings begins as soon as they appear from the soil.

Table 1. Stages of caring for pomegranate seedlings.


You will need a room with a stable temperature of about + 25ºC. Saplings need clean air, but ventilation should be done carefully so that the plants do not get into the draft zone.

Humidity is maintained at a fairly high level - about 80%. To achieve this indicator, you can place wide containers of water near the heating devices, use a humidifier and regularly spray pomegranate leaves from a spray bottle. The spray water should be warm.

This plant is very light-requiring. The seedling pots must be sent to the sunniest windowsill. The grenade needs direct rays of the sun for at least two hours daily.

If the seeds are sown in winter, there will be insufficient lighting in any case. Additional supplementary lighting will be required for two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening before daylight hours increase.

A pomegranate does not need a large amount of moisture in the soil. It is enough to water it twice a week with a small amount of warm water, which has settled in the room for at least two days.

In a pot with a seedling, there must be drainage holes, and at the bottom there is a drainage layer of expanded clay so that the roots can breathe. After each watering, for better aeration of the soil, it is necessary to loosen its top layer.

The apex removal procedure is mandatory. For the first time, pinching is carried out when three pairs of leaves have formed on the seedling. It will not allow the tree to stretch too much and will allow two tops to develop. In the future, a pretty lush crown will form from them. The branches will be thicker, the fruits will not break off.

After a while, it is necessary to trim the tops again. And so do it for six months after every three pairs of leaves on each shoot.

When the first true leaves are formed and the seedling is formed, you can transplant it, or plant it if several seedlings of equal quality have grown in one container.

When transplanting, the root is shortened by a third. The root cut is sprinkled with crushed coal.

Each pot should have drainage and fresh nutrient soil. After transplanting, the seedlings are not exposed to direct sun for a week.

Organomineral complexes will do. It is also good to fertilize the seedlings with infusion of mullein or droppings, any organic matter. But it is worth remembering that an excess of nitrogen will give a rapid formation of a leaf mass to the detriment of fruit formation. Therefore, in everything you need to observe the measure.

Caring for an adult tree

It may take about eight months from the moment of germination to a pomegranate to become a mature indoor tree. After that, it can already be treated like an adult plant.

  1. Transfer to a room with a temperature of + 20ºC, that is, a tree can live in any room at normal room temperature.
  2. It is advisable to keep the light intensity and the amount of direct sunlight, at least until the plant blooms.
  3. The pomegranate still needs regular airing.
  4. Watering can be reduced to once a week.
  5. To see the pomegranate bloom, he will need feeding.
  6. In winter, the pomegranate should shed its leaves and have a dormant period.

Winter rest

The tree can bloom nine months after germination. It starts and continues in the summer. The flowers are produced in two varieties. The one that looks like a jug is bisexual and sets a fruit. A bell-shaped one is sterile.

After flowering, if the fruits are set, they will ripen during the fall. Then the tree will definitely shed its foliage, signaling that it is time for it to dive into peace.

Council. Do not stimulate pomegranate growth in winter. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for him to relax. Otherwise, the plant will quickly deplete and eventually die.

To give the grenade a rest, in winter it should be moved to a room where the temperature does not rise above + 12ºC. Watering is reduced to twice a month. All feeding is stopped. The tree should be at rest for two months.

The fact that the dormant period is over, the pomegranate will make it clear with the appearance of new leaves. After that, it must be returned to its original premises, intensively watered and fed with organic matter.

Watering features

When watering, it is necessary that water is delivered only to the root. Better to use a small, narrow-nosed watering can.

Important! Watering decreases during the flowering period of the pomegranate, increases when fruits begin to form and ripen, and decreases at rest.

Water is always two degrees warmer than the air in the room. You need to defend it for at least a day.

If the room is dry, the humidity rises by spraying the leaves with non-cold water, preferably boiled water.

Fertilization rules

An adult tree older than one year old is fertilized every two weeks with a complex organomineral composition. An exception is the dormant period, during which no additional feeding is applied.

If the pomegranate is grown not as an ornamental tree, but for fruits that will be eaten, it is fed with mineral fertilizers only until the flowering period. As soon as the tree blooms, feeding with slurry or chicken droppings diluted in water begins.

By the way. Manure and droppings are not the best fertilizers for plants that are grown in an apartment - their smell may not like the rest of the residents. For feeding, you can take out the pomegranate every two weeks for several days on the balcony, especially in the summer.

Transplant features

From the time of the first transplant of the seedling to the second, a year should pass. It is necessary to take into account the following - the larger the pomegranate pot, the more sterile flowers will form on it. The capacity should be chosen tight. It is time to replant after the first year, when the root of the tree braids the entire earthen ball, filling the pot.

By the way. With each next transplant, the capacity increases in diameter, first by two, and then by three centimeters.

After four years, they stop replanting the tree, but every year they remove about five centimeters of the top layer of the substrate in a pot and replace it with a new one.


This plant bears fruit on young shoots of the current year. Pruning is an important part of pomegranate care. Its crown must constantly be shaped so that it grows in the form of a lush bush or tree with three to five skeletal branches.

On each first, branches of the second order are laid - up to five pieces. On them, the third order of branching is formed, where the formation of fruits occurs.

Council. It is imperative to cut the shoots under the root if it appears in the pot. Also remove all fat branches and shoots in the inner direction of growth.

After three years, you can start cutting off old branches that are no longer involved in fruiting.

Healing pomegranate

This tree has a lot of pests in apartment conditions. The most serious diseases are root and branch cancers.

Table 2. Ways to destroy pests.

Pest typeDestruction methods
AphidProcessing with tobacco infusion. 40 g of tobacco powder is poured with a liter of eighty-degree water. After two days of infusion, dilute in half with water and dissolve four grams of grated laundry soap in the infusion. Method of processing - spraying. Quantity - three times with an interval of two days.
Scale insect, whiteflyThis group of pests can be destroyed all at once by treating the plant with infusion of garlic or onion peels. It is taken 20 g and immersed in a liter of water. For five days, the husk is infused, filtered, and daily spraying begins until the pests completely disappear.
Fruit mothThere is no safe and non-toxic way to get rid of the moth. For prevention, you need to carefully collect all fallen leaves and pomegranate fruits from the surface of the pot soil. If the fruit is affected by a pest on the tree, it must be removed and discarded.
MealybugYou cannot get rid of this pest in a safe way either. When it is found, it will be necessary to spray the tree with Aktara, Confidor and analogues three times every five days.
Spider miteDestroyed by drugs "Aktellik" and "Fitoverm".

Diseases and other problems

Most often, the pomegranate tree is threatened by cancer of the roots or branches. It manifests itself on the bark by cracking or swelling. If the degree of damage is strong, shoots, branches and even the top of the trunk may dry out.

Immediately after the detection of the disease, it is necessary to clean out the affected areas, cutting them off to intact tissue. Then carry out processing with the composition of copper sulfate. From above the wound is covered with pitch.