Study of variability, species criteria, results of artificial selection. Laboratory work studying the results of artificial selection on the example of breeding cultivars

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Study of variability, species criteria, results of artificial selection.

Purpose: to consolidate in practice knowledge of the criteria for the species and its structure.

Progress: 1) To compile morphological, physiological and ecological-geographical characteristics for these living organisms.

2) Compare them and draw conclusions about the species affiliation of these organisms, the causes of similarities and differences.

3) Answer the questions:

A) Is it possible only on the basis of the criteria given to us to judge the species affiliation of organisms?

B) Justify why there are species that are similar, it would seem, in all respects, but not crossed?

C) What is a population and its role in the evolutionary process?



A medium sized toad, 5 - 9 centimeters in length. The parotids are separated from the bone ridges behind the eyes, or connected with them by a short spur. Parotids are elongated. Postorbital ridges high, without pronounced swelling. The skin of the back is covered with an orgomic amount of small and medium warts. Warts are also developed on the dorsal side of the lower leg. A characteristic feature is small dark spots on the back with greatly enlarged warts. Coloring is very variable. The basic tone varies from tan to brown. A greenish pattern may be present on the sides. Warts are usually reddish or brown. It feeds on insects and other invertebrates. Captive feed - insects. Distributed in North America from Labrador and the Hudson Bay and Manitoba in the north to North Texas, Louisiana, central Alabama, north Georgia and North Carolina in the south.


The gray toad is one of the largest toads and the largest in Russia. The body length of males is 8-10 cm, females are larger - up to 20 cm, but usually about 13 cm. Above it is painted in gray, brown or gray-olive color with more or less developed dark spots-stripes. Dorsal skin with rounded tubercles, sometimes with a pointed apex. The background color during the breeding period becomes uniform. The parotids are large. The male differs from the female in the presence of corns (in the form of dark-colored densified areas) on the 1st toe of the front foot (during the breeding period - on the 1st, 2nd, and / or 3rd), smaller body sizes and in some proportions. The yearlings immediately have a reddish-brown coloration with darker (to black) parotids. The males do not have resonators, but during breeding they attract females with single, deaf, thumping sounds. Distributed throughout Europe, northwest Africa and in Russia to Sakhalin. The toad inhabits all variants of the forest and the steppe strip; it is capable of climbing mountains up to 3,000 m above sea level.


Dwarf Birch

Deciduous strongly branched shrub 20-70 (up to 120) cm high, with upright or open shoots. Young shoots are densely velvety or fluffy, later almost naked, with a dark brown or reddish-brown bark. The leaf arrangement is alternate. The leaves are rounded, rarely roundish-oval, 5-15 mm long, 10-20 mm wide, rounded at the base or, often, widely wedge-shaped, with a rounded apex, broad-wedge-shaped base, with blunt dentate edges. Leaves above are dark green, glossy, below are light green and diffusely fluffy; sticky at a young age. Petioles are short, 4-6 mm long. The flowers are small, nondescript, same-sex. Stamen earrings are sessile, erect, 5-15 (up to 20) mm long, 1.5-2 mm in diameter, with yellow anthers. Pistil - on short, pubescent legs, oval or elongated-ovoid, light brown, 5-8 mm long (with fruits up to 12) mm, diameter 3-5 (with fruits up to 6) mm. Bracts of scales 2.5-3 mm long, with three upward directed, linearly-oblong, slightly ciliary lobes. The species range covers almost the entire territory of Europe, except for the extremely southern regions, and almost the entire territory of Canada. On the territory of Russia grows in the north of the European part of Russia, in Western Siberia and Yakutia, Chukotka, and Kamchatka.


Under favorable conditions, it reaches 25-30 m in height and up to 80 cm in diameter. The bark of young trees is brownish-brown, and whitens from 8-10 years. Young individuals can be confused with alder species. In adulthood, it differs well from other trees in white bark; the bark almost to the very base of the trunk is white, smooth, without black cracks, only at the bottom it does not crack superficially in old age. The tree is monoecious, but the catkins are dioecious. Fruiting earrings 2.5-3 cm long, on pubescent legs, seed scales 3-5 mm wide, ciliary on the edge. A nut about 2 mm long, oblong-elliptic. The wings are equal or wider than the nut. It grows throughout the European part of Russia, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the mountains of the Caucasus. Outside Russia, it is distributed throughout Europe, with the exception of the Iberian Peninsula.


Manul - an animal the size of a domestic cat: the length of his body is 52-65 cm, tail 23-31 cm; It weighs 2-5 kg. It differs from an ordinary cat in a denser, more massive body with short thick legs and very thick coat. The eyes are yellow, whose pupils in bright light, unlike the pupils of the eyes of a domestic cat, do not acquire a slit-like shape, but remain round. On the cheeks are bundles of elongated hair (tanks). The tail is long and thick, with a rounded tip. Manul breeds once a year. The race takes place in February and March. Pregnancy lasts about 60 days. Kittens are born in April and May. There are 2-6 kittens in the litter, less often more. The length of the newborn Pallas is about 12 cm, weight - up to 300 g; dark spotting is noticeable in their color. Manul is distributed in Central and Central Asia, from the South Caucasus and western Iran to Transbaikalia, Mongolia and North-West China.


Forest cats are brown in color with black stripes. It is larger than a domestic cat, with a thick tail, as if chopped off at the end. Body size from 45 to 80 cm in length, weigh from 3 to 8 kg. The average height is about 35 cm, and the tail length is about 30 cm. Females reach puberty after 9-10 months, while males only in the third year of life. Forest cat lives in Europe, North Asia and Africa. It preys on small mammals, birds and other animals of a similar size. Forest cats are very shy, often aggressive and try not to get close to human settlements. They lead a solitary lifestyle and hold an area of \u200b\u200babout 3 km².

2) If we compare all living organisms, the main criteria for their differences, perhaps, will be their habitat and conditions of existence (ecological and geographical criterion). Their color will depend on the external environment, that is, the toad will adapt its color to the external environment. In some species of toads, the skin is painted in one color, but in other species of toads, the body has stripes, spots on the sides, legs, or in general throughout the body, which will also be an environmental and geographical factor. Or, for example, African subspecies of forest cats are usually smaller and lighter in color.

A) No, because in order to determine whether an individual belongs to some kind of insufficient one criterion, it is necessary to take into account the totality of all criteria, in this case we lack the genetic criterion.

B) Due to the difference in the chromosome set between individuals of different species, there is reproductive isolation: genital apparatuses are arranged differently, spermatozoa cannot penetrate the egg, if fertilization occurs, the embryo dies or the young organism is born unviable, if the hybrid is viable, then it not prolific.

C) A population is a collection of individuals of a given species, occupying a certain part of the territory within the range of a species, freely interbreeding and partially or completely isolated from other populations. Actually, the species exists in the form of populations. The gene pool of the species is represented by the gene pools of populations. A population is an elementary unit of evolution.

Short description

Purpose: to consolidate in practice knowledge of the criteria for the species and its structure.
Progress: 1) To compile morphological, physiological and ecological-geographical characteristics for these living organisms.
  2) Compare them and draw conclusions about the species affiliation of these organisms, the causes of similarities and differences.
  3) Answer the questions:
  A) Is it possible only on the basis of the criteria given to us to judge the species affiliation of organisms?
  B) Justify why there are species that are similar, it would seem, in all respects, but not crossed?
  C) What is a population and its role in the evolutionary process?

Laboratory work No. 2

Study of variability, species criteria, results of artificial selection on cultivated plant varieties

Purpose: to identify the hallmarks of plants of one species of different varieties

Type of crop: tagetis erect

Tasks: To study the features of the external structure of plants, to determine the criteria on the basis of which plants of different varieties belong to one species

Working process

Task 1. Study carefully the general description of plants of the species.   tagetis erect,determine what kind of species criteria are involved, enter the results of the analysis in the table

“Criteria of the species tagetis erect”

Type Criteria Name

Proof of

Task 2. Read the description of varieties erect tagetis

Task 3. Indicate the distinctive features. Record the information received in the table.

Stem height


Type of basket inflorescence

Inflorescence coloring

Branching of the stem

Task 4. Based on the studied varieties of tagetis to conclude: what criteria indicate the belonging of all the varieties you studied to the species tagetis erect

Tagetes erect or African -Tagetes erecta

Family: Asters (Asteraceae)
Homeland: Southern Mexico

The bush is compact or sprawling with a distinct main shoot. The stems are strongly branched, 80-120 cm tall, glabrous, upright, finely ribbed, branched, lignified at the base, lateral shoots directed upward, form bushes with a pyramidal shape. They form lignified at the base.

The leaves are pinnately separate with lanceolate, sharp lobes, serrate along the edge, from light to dark green, arranged in the next order. The color of the inflorescences is monophonic. Inflorescences are large baskets 6-15 cm in diameter, single, simple, semi-double or double, on long peduncles. It blooms from late June - early July. The color of the inflorescences is plain, light yellow, yellow, bright yellow, orange or two-tone. In 1 g, up to 300 seeds that maintain viability for 1-2 years.
Most classic terry varieties belong to this type of marigold.

Homeland - Southern Mexico. In the culture of the XVI century.
Varieties are distinguished by height: giant - above 90 cm; high - 60-90 cm; medium - 45-60 cm; low - up to 45 cm tall.

Essential oil is used in the production of oriental confectionery, in the alcoholic beverage, soap and perfumery and cosmetics industries. Flavor tea with marigold flowers. In folk medicine, an aqueous infusion of flower baskets was used as a urine, diaphoretic, and anthelmintic.
The content of marigold essential oil in the aerial part of flowering plants is 0.30-0.55%, in the budding phase - 0.22-0.30%; it is maximum in inflorescences (0.45%) and leaves (0.28%). Essential oil of yellow or brown color, mobile, the smell is floral-spicy with fruit tones. Its main component is Ocimen (50%); D-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, limonene, n-cymol, citral, linalool, D-terpinene are also present.
Cultivated as an ornamental plant. Recommended for flower beds, rabatok, high groups, vases, balconies, cuts. Marigold erect can be grown for cutting. They stand in water for about three weeks. They are used in all types of flower beds. They are not suitable only for a reservoir and a shady garden.

Tagetes erecta Antigua Gold, Primrose, Orange

Variety "Antigua"  belongs to the group of erect undersized - up to 20 cm high - border tegetes. Plants with a strong, branching stem. Inflorescences are large baskets 6-13 cm in diameter, single, simple, semi-double or double, on long peduncles. Abundant flowering, 25-30 inflorescences per plant, long.

WITH ort mary helen  - these are marigolds erect (tall). A magnificent variety with a tall bush up to 90 cm tall, terry inflorescences, clove-shaped, hemispherical inflorescences up to 10-12 cm in diameter. Bright lemon-yellow, used for flower beds, perennials, high groups on a lawn background, are very good for cutting.

B arkhatians erect Lemon Prince.  One of the most common annual plants of the Astrov family. It forms a bush with a height of 70 cm with a clearly defined main shoot. Inflorescences are large (8-10 cm in diameter), densely terry, spherical, lemon-yellow in color. It blooms from June to September. Photophilous and thermophilic, do not tolerate frost. They are undemanding to soils, but prefer fertile light soils. They are grown, as a rule, in seedling method. Sowing is carried out in the second half of March-early April. Shoots appear 4-8 days after sowing, seedlings dive in the phase of the 2nd true leaf. Seedlings are planted in early June, the distance between plants is 30-35 cm. Used for planting in flowerbeds, in groups, to obtain a cut.

B arkhatians erect Kilimanjaro  (F 1)

It forms a bush 60-70 cm high with a clearly defined main shoot. Inflorescences are densely doubled, 10-12 cm in diameter. It blooms from June to September. Photophilous and thermophilic, do not tolerate frost. They are undemanding to soils, but prefer fertile light soils. They are grown, as a rule, in seedling method. Sowing is carried out in the second half of March-early April. Shoots appear 4-8 days after sowing, seedlings dive in the phase of the 2nd true leaf. Seedlings are planted in early June, the distance between plants is 30-35 cm. Used for planting in flowerbeds, in groups, to obtain a cut.

Grade Hawaiian - marigolds are upright (tall) with a tall bush and strong stems 90 cm high, inflorescences are clove-shaped, double, large - up to 12 cm in diameter, with bright orange color, do not require garters

Laboratory work No. 6



Working process:

2. Fill in the table

  Compare Features   The name of the variety of apples
  Antonovka   White filling   Saffron Pepin   Wild apple tree
  Fruit coloring   Yellowish.   Greenish yellow   greenish yellow
  Pulp coloring
  Taste   sweet and sour   sweet and sour
  The size Fruit  middle the size  (about 90 g). Wild apple fruit  from 2 to 5 cm in diameter.
  Ripening time


Laboratory work No. 11

Subject: Construction of a variation series and a variation curve

Purpose:become familiar with the laws of modification variability, the methodology for constructing the variation series and the variation curve.

Equipment:anthropometric data of students (from 10-25: growth, separately for boys and girls, oak leaves, poplar, cherry (or any other plant), bean seeds (20 - 30 pieces), a simple pencil, pen, notebook, ruler.

Working process:

  1. Measure the length of the bean seeds (20 - 30 pieces)
  2. Build a variation series in which V is the length of the seeds and P is the frequency of occurrence. Fill the table.
  V (mm)
  P   I   III   IV   IV   V   VI   VII   VII   VI   IV   II   I

3. Build a variational curve. Mark the highest point on the curve.

4. Measure the growth of your classmates, friends.

5. Record the received data in a notebook.

6. Count the number of students having the same height.

7. Fill in table 2.

8. Build a variational curve, which is a graphical expression of the variability of the characteristic. On the horizontal axis, mark the growth of students, and on the vertical axis, the number (number) of students in this group.

9. Determine the average magnitude of expression according to the formula: f \u003d n / N, where f is the frequency of occurrence, n is the number of students in the class interval, N is the total number of students.

10. Make a conclusion.

Table "Research Results":

Variational curve.

11. Measure the length of the leaves of any plant (20 pieces) and write down their parameters.

12. Determine the number of samples that are similar by the considered attribute.

13. Make a variation series - enter the data into a table in which in the first line indicate the individual values \u200b\u200bof the characteristic (v), and in the second line - the frequency of occurrence each value (p)

14. Build a variational curve - display on the graph the relationship between the value of the sign and the frequency of its occurrence.

Variational curve.

15. Make a conclusion about what pattern of modification variability you have discovered.

They reveal the laws of modification variability in the mass of random phenomena and determine their practical significance. A variational series of modification variability was found here. A variation series is a series of modification variability of an organism’s properties, which consists of individual properties of modifications placed in order to increase or decrease the quantitative expression of a property.

16. What are the biological reasons for the distribution of variants in the variation series? What does the variation curve show? Formulate a conclusion.

In the variation series are placed in order of increasing or decreasing the quantitative expression of the property (leaf size, change in growth rate, etc.). A single indicator of the ratio of two factors in the variation series (for example, the length of the coat and the intensity of its pigmentation) is called a variant. Variation curve - displays both the range of variation of the property and the frequency of individual variants. It can be seen from the curve that the most common medium manifestations of the sign.

Conclusion: Modification (phenotypic) variability - changes in the body associated with a change in the phenotype due to environmental influences and are, in most cases, adaptive in nature. The genotype does not change. In general, the modern concept of “adaptive modifications” corresponds to the concept of “certain variability”, which was introduced into science by Charles Darwin. A variation series is a series of modification variability of an organism’s properties, which consists of individual properties of modifications, arranged in order of increasing or decreasing the quantitative expression of the property (leaf size, change in growth rate, etc.). A single indicator of the ratio of two factors in the variational series is called a variant. Variation curve - displays both the range of variation of the property and the frequency of individual variants. It can be seen from the curve that the most common are average variants of the manifestation of the sign (Quetelet's law). The reason for this, apparently, is the effect of environmental factors on the course of ontogenesis.

Laboratory work No. 10

Laboratory work No. 13

The rule of ecological pyramids very conditionally conveys the pattern of energy transfer from one nutrition level to the next, in the food chain. These graphic models were first developed by C. Elton in 1927. According to this law, the total mass of plants should be an order of magnitude greater than herbivorous animals, and the total mass of herbivorous animals is an order of magnitude greater than predators of the first level, etc. to the very end of the food chain.

Laboratory work No. 1

Option number 1.

Table No. 1 "Similarities and differences between plant and animal cells."

  Cell structure features   Plant cell   Animal cage
  Similarities   Nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosomes, Golgi complex, lysosomes, self-exposure, self-regulation.   The nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, Golgi complex, self-exposure, self-regulation.
  Features   There are plastids (chroloplasts, leukoplasts, chromoplasts), vacuole, a thick cell wall consisting of cellulose, capable of photosynthesis. Vacuole - contains cellular juice and toxic substances (plant leaves) accumulate in it.   Centriol, elastic cell wall, glycocalyx, cilia, flagella, heterotrophs, glycogen as a reserve substance, integral cell reactions (pinocytosis, endocytosis, exocytosis, phagocytosis).

Option number 2.

Table No. 2 "Comparative characteristics of plant and animal cells."

  Cells   Cytoplasm   Core   Dense cell wall   Plastids
  Plant naya   The cytoplasm consists of a thick viscous substance in which all other parts of the cell are located. It has a special chemical composition. Various biochemical processes occur in it, ensuring the vital activity of the cell. In a living cell, the cytoplasm is constantly moving, flowing throughout the cell; it can increase in volume.   contains genetic information that performs the main functions: storage, transmission and sale of hereditary information with protein synthesis.   A thick cell wall consisting of cellulose is present. Plastids are present (chroloplasts, leukoplasts, chromoplasts). Chloroplasts are green plastids that are found in the cells of photosynthetic eukaryotes. With their help, photosynthesis occurs. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, the formation of starch with the release of oxygen. Leukoplasts synthesize and accumulate starch (the so-called amyloplasts), fats, proteins. Found in plant seeds, roots, stems and flower petals (attract insects for pollination). Chromoplasts - contain only yellow, orange and reddish pigments from a number of carotenes. They are found in the fruits of plants, give color to vegetables, fruits, berries and flower petals (they attract insects and animals for pollination and distribution in nature).
  Animal   Present, it consists of a colloidal solution of proteins and other organic substances. 85% of this solution is water, 10% are proteins and 5% are other compounds.   containing genetic information (DNA molecules) that performs the main functions: storage, transmission and sale of hereditary information with protein synthesis.   Present, cell wall elastic, glycalix   No.

4. Formulate a conclusion.

Conclusion:_All plants and animals are made up of cells. A cell is an elementary unit of the structure and vital activity of all living organisms. In the plant cell there is a thick cellulose membrane, vacuole and plastids, in animals, unlike plants, there is a thin glycogen membrane (carries out pinocytosis, endocytosis, exocytosis, phagocytosis), and there are no vacuoles (except protozoa).

Laboratory work No. 2

Working process

1. Remove the lower skin of the onion scales (4mm 2);

2. Prepare a micropreparation, examine and sketch 4-5 cells of what you saw;

3. On one side of the coverslip, apply a few drops of sodium chloride solution, and on the other side with a strip of filter paper, draw water;

4. Examine the microdrug for a few seconds. Pay attention to the changes that occurred with the cell membranes and the time during which these changes occurred. Draw a changed object.

5. Apply a few drops of distilled water at the edge of the coverslip and pull it on the other side with filter paper, washing off the plasmolytic solution.

6. Inspect the microproduct under a microscope for several minutes. Note the changes in the position of the cell membranes and the time during which these changes occurred.

7. Compare what you saw with the image of the object in Figure 1.

8. Draw the studied object.

The formation of plasmolysis in the cell

The cells stretched, began to lose their shape. The parietal layer of the cytoplasm was separated from the hard shell of the plant cell, since water was lost.

Cell in plasmolysis

9. Make a conclusion in accordance with the purpose of the work, noting the rate of plasmolysis and deplasmolysis. Explain the difference in speed between the two processes.

Deplasmolysis occurs more slowly than plasmolysis.

Answer the questions:

1. Where did the water (in or out of the cells) move when the tissue was placed in a salt solution?

Water moves from the cell to the solution, while the concentration of Na + ions tends to equalize outside and inside the cell.

2. What can explain this direction of water movement?

Laboratory work No. 6

Subject: Study of the results of artificial selection

Purpose:identify the similarities and differences of plant varieties as a result of the implementation of the tasks set by man in the course of artificial selection.

Equipment:  models of various varieties of apples, pears, illustrations of various breeds of animals, varieties of plants.

Working process:

1. Consider the proposed varieties of apples, find the similarities and differences between them and their wild ancestor.

2. Fill in the table

  Compare Features   The name of the variety of apples
  Antonovka   White filling   Saffron Pepin   Wild apple tree
  Fruit coloring   Yellowish.   Greenish yellow   greenish yellow   green yellow, often red or whitish yellow
  Pulp coloring   Slightly yellowish, juicy, medium density, granular.   white, loose, tender, coarse-grained, quite juicy in optimal maturity, sweet and sour taste with an excess of acid, with a weak aroma.   creamy, dense, juicy, wine-sweet taste with a spicy delicate aroma, good taste.   white, fragrant, dense, winter ripening.
  Taste   The taste is good, with some excess acid and a peculiar aroma.   sweet and sour   sweet and sour   sour or sweet and sour, sometimes with bitterness.
  The size   The size of the fruit depends on the clones and weather conditions of the year.   The fruit is round, medium and large (80-130g). Fruit  middle the size  (about 90 g). Wild apple fruit  from 2 to 5 cm in diameter.
  Ripening time   Maturity depends on the meta growth. Usually it is collected in late September and early October.   A variety of summer ripening. The fruits ripen in late July - early August.   Saffron pepin is a typical autumn variety. The fruits are removed in late September - early October.   From mid-August to mid, and sometimes the end of October.

3. Explain the reasons for the differences, formulate a conclusion.

They were located in different areas, and each species was affected by a certain environment characteristic of it. They differ geographically and ecologically. They differ in the type of fruiting.

Conclusion: The result of artificial selection is the variety of plant varieties and animal breeds. Artificial selection is one of the main breeding methods that can be used both independently and in combination with other methods. For example, hybridization of closely related organisms provides a wide range of variability, which serves as fruitful material for artificial selection. Artificial selection was a major factor in the emergence of domestic animals and cultivated plants. The concept of artificial selection includes the selective selection of animals or plants by a breeder who, under the influence of the external environment and changing habits, have developed devices useful not for the animal or plant itself, but for humans.

Laboratory work No. 11


Subject: Study of plant variability. Construction of a variation series and a variation curve.

Purpose: To study the statistical laws of modifikatsіyno variability, learn to assess the nature of variability of the studied trait, build a variational series and a variational curve.

Equipment and materials: herbarium plant samples, acacia leaves, rulers, magnifiers.

Working process

1-2. Consider several herbarium samples of plants of the same species, for example, wheat and compare them with each other. They differ in insignificant signs - the size of the stem, the number of grains in spikelets, leaf length, and the like.

The main species characteristics of different individuals of wheat are unchanged: the structure of the flower, type of inflorescence, type of stem or type of fruit.

Compare different types of cereals to determine by what characteristics they differ, but by some similar.

Comparative characteristics of plants of the cereal family




fibrous type

fibrous type, very branched

fibrous type

erect, straw, 40-50 cm

erect, straw, 50-60 cm

simple, sedentary, linear; small tongue and ears

simple, sedentary, linear; big tongue, no ears

simple, sedentary, linear; short tongue, big ears







small, inconspicuous,




complex spike

complex spike




3. Thus, wheat, oats and barley have many common characteristics, which unite them into a family of cereals. They have the same root system, a hollow stem is a straw, the structure of flowers and fruits is similar. Types of cereals can be distinguished by the most reliable sign - the structure of inflorescences. In wheat, an inflorescence is a complex spike of 3-7 simple spikelets, and oats have a panicle inflorescence. If inflorescences have not yet appeared, the species are distinguished by the presence of tongues and ears - membranous outgrowths at the transition of the leaf blade into the vagina.

The differences between individuals of the same species are explained by different conditions of existence. They cause modifikatsіynu variability.

These are phenotype changes acquired during the individual development of the body. For example, in wheat, this is the length of the stem, leaves, the size of the grains, and the like.

Modifications are adaptive in nature and are not inherited through sexual reproduction. In many plants, modifications are inherited due to vegetative propagation.

4-6. The study of statistical patterns of variability modifikatsіyno

1. Compilation of the variational series of modifikatsіyno variability (for example, 10 acacia leaf blades).

Sheet size (cm)

Sign frequency (pcs.)

Size of leaf blades - option (V).

The frequency of manifestation of the sign is R.

The total number of leaf blades is n (10 pcs.) We determine the average value of the sign (M) by the formula:

We construct a variational curve of modifikatsіyno variability. To do this, on the abscissa axis, we postpone the options (V), and on the ordinate axis, the frequency of the sign (G)

It can be seen from the variational series and the variational curve that the rate of response of a trait has certain limits.

The sizes of leaf blades range from 1 to 3 cm. The greatest number of variants falls on the middle part of the row, which corresponds to the average value of the trait (G \u003d 2.02 cm).

Modifikatsіyna variability is a change in the phenotype caused by the influence of environmental conditions. The length of the series and the range of modifikatsіyno variability depends on environmental conditions. The more stable they are, the shorter the variation series. Modification changes are adaptive and help adapt to changes in environmental conditions.

Laboratory work Study of variability, species criteria, results of artificial selection on cultivated plant varieties. Compiled by Elena Bobrovskaya. Biology teacher MBOU "Lyceum" Scrabble ", Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory. Lesson in grade 11 profile level. UMK Zakharov. Textbook: V.I. Sivoglazov, I.B. Agafonov, E.T. Zakharova. Biology general biology classes.

Purpose: to identify the distinctive features of plants of the same species, different varieties Type of cultivated plant: upright marigold Tasks: 1. To study the features of the external structure of plants 2. Read the description of the varieties of upright marigolds 3. Indicate the distinctive features 4. Based on the studied varieties of tagetis draw conclusions about the distinctive features plants of the same species but of different varieties

Tagetes erecta Tagetes erecta Family: Asteraceae (Asteraceae) Homeland: Southern Mexico The bush is compact or spreading with a distinct main shoot. The stems are strongly branched, cm tall, glabrous, upright, finely ribbed, branched, lignified at the base, lateral shoots directed upward, form bushes with a pyramidal shape. They form lignified at the base. The leaves are pinnately separate with lanceolate, sharp lobes, serrate along the edge, from light to dark green, arranged in the next order. The color of the inflorescences is monophonic. Inflorescences are large baskets 6-15 cm in diameter, single, simple, semi-double or double, on long peduncles. It blooms from late June - early July. The color of the inflorescences is plain, light yellow, yellow, bright yellow, orange or two-tone. In 1 g, up to 300 seeds that maintain viability for 1-2 years. Most classic terry varieties belong to this type of marigold. Homeland - Southern Mexico. In the culture of the XVI century. Varieties are distinguished by height: giant - above 90 cm; high cm; medium cm; low - up to 45 cm tall.

Essential oil is used in the production of oriental confectionery, in the alcoholic beverage, soap and perfumery and cosmetics industries. Flavor tea with marigold flowers. In folk medicine, an aqueous infusion of flower baskets was used as a urine, diaphoretic, and anthelmintic. The content of marigold essential oil in the aerial part of flowering plants is 0.30-0.55%, in the budding phase - 0.22-0.30%; it is maximum in inflorescences (0.45%) and leaves (0.28%). Essential oil of yellow or brown color, mobile, the smell is floral-spicy with fruit tones. Its main component is Ocimen (50%); D-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, limonene, n-cymol, citral, linalool, D-terpinene are also present. Cultivated as an ornamental plant. Recommended for flower beds, rabatok, high groups, vases, balconies, cuts. Marigold erect can be grown for cutting. They stand in water for about three weeks. They are used in all types of flower beds. They are not suitable only for a reservoir and a shady garden.

Tagetes erecta Antigua Gold, Primrose, Orange The Antigua variety belongs to the group of erect, undersized - up to 20 cm high - curb tegetes. Plants with a strong, branching stem. Inflorescences are large baskets 6-13 cm in diameter, single, simple, semi-double or double, on long peduncles. The flowering is plentiful, according to inflorescences on the plant, long.

Grade Mary Helen is a marigold erect (tall). A magnificent variety, with a tall bush up to 90 cm tall, terry inflorescences, clove-shaped, hemispherical inflorescences with a diameter of up to 1012 cm. Bright lemon-yellow, used for flower beds, perennials, high groups against a lawn, are very good for cutting.

Marigold erect Lemon Prince One of the most common annual plants of the Astrov family. It forms a bush with a height of 70 cm with a clearly defined main shoot. Inflorescences are large (8-10 cm in diameter), densely terry, spherical, lemon-yellow in color. It blooms from June to September. Photophilous and thermophilic, do not tolerate frost. They are undemanding to soils, but prefer fertile light soils. They are grown, as a rule, in seedling method. Sowing is carried out in the second half of March-early April. Shoots appear 4-8 days after sowing, seedlings dive in the phase of the 2nd true leaf. Seedlings are planted in early June, the distance between plants, see. Used for planting in flowerbeds, in groups, to obtain a cut.

Stems erect, 35 cm tall. Inflorescences of the basket up to cm in diameter, dark orange in color. Open sown in late May and early June. Shoots appear on the 5-10th day. For seedlings sown in late March - early April. Flowering will begin in June. Marigolds planted next to garden crops reduce their damage to fungal diseases, especially Fusarium infection, and protect against certain types of nematodes.

It forms a bush with a height of cm with a clearly defined main shoot. Inflorescences are densely terry, cm in diameter. It blooms from June to September. Photophilous and thermophilic, do not tolerate frost. They are undemanding to soils, but prefer fertile light soils. They are grown, as a rule, in seedling method. Sowing is carried out in the second half of March-early April. Shoots appear 4-8 days after sowing, seedlings dive in the phase of the 2nd true leaf. Seedlings are planted in early June, the distance between plants, see. Used for planting in flowerbeds, in groups, to obtain a cut.

Stems erect, 20 cm tall, highly branched from the base, lateral shoots deflected. Inflorescences of a basket of bright orange color, cm in diameter. In open ground can be sown in late May and early June. Shoots appear on the 5-10th day.

Stems erect, 20 cm tall, highly branched from the base, lateral shoots deflected. Inflorescences of a basket of bright lemon-yellow color, cm in diameter. In open ground can be sown in late May and early June. Shoots appear on the 5-10th day.

Information sources Literature: 1. Borodin P.M., Vysotskaya L.V., Dymshits G.M. Biology. General biology classes. Textbook for educational institutions. Profile level. Part 1 / Ed. VC. Shumny, G.M. Dymshitsa - M .: Education, - 303 p. 2. Biology. General Biology: Workshop for students of cl. general education. Institutions: profile level / G.N.Dymshits, O.V. Sablina, L.V. Vysotskaya, P.M. Borodin; Grew up. Acad. Sciences, Acad. Education, Enlightenment Publishing House. - M: Enlightenment, - 143 p. 3. General Biology: A textbook for classes with in-depth study of biology at school. Vysotskaya L.V., Dymshits G.M. et al. (2001, 264 pp.) General Biology: A textbook for classes with in-depth study of biology at school. Vysotskaya L.V., Dymshits G.M. and others. 4. Biology in tables and diagrams. Comp. Onishchenko A.V. (2004, 128 p.) Biology in tables and diagrams. Comp. Onishchenko A.V. (2004, 128 pp.) Internet sources: Description of plants: Sources of illustrations: Photographs of varieties and species of marigold: // /tagetes.html 2.http: // p \u003d 760http: // p \u003d 760 3.http: // : //