Wall decoration with plasterboard frame and frameless methods. How to properly mount the frame under the drywall inside or outside the apartment, how to mount it under the plasterboard cladding Sheathing partitions with plasterboard

A lot has been said and written about how to sheathe the walls of the gypsum board with your own hands. Consider the most important points of this process in order to avoid mistakes and get a perfectly flat and high-quality surface as a result. By strictly following all the recommendations, you will reduce the risk of defects in work to zero.

Tools and materials for wall cladding GKL

To complete the wall cladding with drywall sheets, you will need:

1. Any sheets of drywall - depending on the purpose of the room. That is, regular, moisture resistant, fire resistant, laminated, or purple.
2. Metal profile or wooden bars with a section of 30x30 or 40x40 mm.
3. "Crabs", expansion dowels and special hangers.
4. Small grinder, metal scissors, impact drill, screwdriver.
5. Self-tapping screws for drywall.
6. A simple pencil or marker, a construction knife, a tape measure, a level, a plumb line;
7. Reinforcing tape, putty and a set of spatulas.

Choosing the right drywall installation method

There are two types of plasterboard wall cladding - frameless and frame. In the first case, the gypsum board is attached to the walls using special glue. However, this mounting method has some limitations.

Firstly, the height of the walls should not exceed the height of the drywall sheet. Otherwise, you will not achieve smooth horizontal mates.
Secondly, the initial state of the walls should be fairly even, carefully prepared.

Sheathing the walls of the gypsum board with the frame method is more practical and popular. This is done relatively quickly and easily. Laying the gypsum board on a frame base allows you to sheathe any walls, regardless of their condition and size. Under the sheets of drywall, you can hide all kinds of communications, which will make the appearance of the room more attractive.

GKL are attached to a wooden frame or to a frame made of a metal profile. The profile is the best option for making a frame base. Its installation should be considered carefully, the result of your work will depend on the quality of the frame.

Plasterboard wall cladding - video tutorial

GKL fastening technology

1. Using a level on the ceiling and floor, mark the places where the horizontal guide profiles will be installed. The required lengths of profile pieces are cut using a grinder or metal scissors and fastened at the marked points with dowel-nails. A full profile requires at least six holes, they can be drilled directly through the metal with a hammer drill or a powerful impact drill. Use safety glasses when drilling to keep dust and debris out of your eyes. Particular attention should be paid to the accuracy of the markup. This is done with the utmost care using a plumb line or level.

2. The next stage of work is the installation of the central rack profiles. In order to make the whole structure reliable, the distance between them is 40-50 cm. The profile is mounted to the walls using metal supports-suspensions. The optimal step between the supports is 60 cm.

Be sure to consider in advance whether you will hang heavy objects on the wall. If you plan to have shelves, cabinets or plasma TVs on the walls, then you need to take care of additional amplifiers. For this, a solid wooden block is inserted inside the transverse profile.

3. After the process of creating the frame is completed, if necessary, you can insulate the space with a special heat-insulating material. This is especially true if the external walls will be sheathed with plasterboard.

4. GKL can be easily and simply cut with an ordinary stationery knife. You just need to apply the required dimensions to the sheet, then, using a building level or a metal ruler, cut the cardboard with a knife. Letting a few millimeters of plaster fall under the blade will make the process easier. We put the plasterboard on the table with the whole side and carefully break the sheet along the notch line. As a result, the two pieces of drywall stick only to the cardboard layer, which is also cut with a knife. The option of cutting the gypsum board with a hacksaw is also possible, but it is more laborious and dusty.

5. Fasten drywall sheets better together. Still, the size of the material is impressive, and it will not be easy for one person to hold the sheet and cope with a high-quality installation.

It should be remembered that the sheet should not rest against the floor or ceiling, so cut it 1.5-2 cm shorter than the required size.

6. We install the gypsum board in place and fasten it with self-tapping screws to the metal profile. The optimal step is 25 cm, the distance from the edge of the gypsum board is at least 1 cm. Screw in the screws carefully and carefully! A self-tapping screw that is too recessed can pierce through a sheet of drywall, which means that you will have to add another one elsewhere. But, protruding above the surface of the drywall, the "under-screwed" self-tapping screw is also not very good. When installing the gypsum board, it is advisable to leave a small gap between the sheets, about 3-5 mm.

Final works

After the main and most laborious work on plastering the walls with plasterboard is completed, you can proceed to the next stage - sealing the seams between the gypsum board. For this, a special plasterboard putty, a spatula, reinforcing tape and a small trowel are used.

Approach this procedure thoroughly! The seams must be sealed properly and smoothly. If you want to get a perfect surface as a result, then you should not neglect all the rules and recommendations of experts.

A layer of putty is applied to the joints between the sheets, on which, pressing lightly, the tape is laid. Then another layer is applied on top, and carefully leveled with a spatula. After the putty is completely dry, the seams must be well sanded with fine emery cloth or a special float.

Not only seams, joints and fastening points with self-tapping screws are putty. It is imperative to go through the entire surface of the gypsum board with a finish!

Now you can start finishing work, the options for which are completely your choice.

As you can see, plasterboard wall cladding is a fairly simple and budget option for creating a perfectly flat surface. With the help of gypsum boards and profiles of various types, you can create unique design projects for rooms. You can change the usual shapes and sizes of rooms in your apartment or country house beyond recognition. It all depends on your imagination and patience.

Following all of the above rules, you will ultimately be satisfied with the result of the work performed. It is all the more pleasant when it is made with your own hands.

An example of finishing a wall with plasterboard sheets Anyone who has no experience in construction can cope with this work. To mount drywall on walls, you need to choose an installation option: frame or frameless.

Option 1

Horizontal markings are made on the wall, along which the rack-mount profile will be installed. The position of the vertical profiles should be marked on the floor, the installation spacing of the elements is 60 cm.

Measurements are made along the axes of the elements. Sometimes, for the rigidity of the structure, it is reduced to 40 cm.

Assembling the frame

Measure the width of the bearing wall according to the markings and cut the required number of profiles according to these dimensions. For convenience, it is cut into one centimeter less.

A sealing material is glued to the guide profile before screwing. If there is none, then you can coat the back surface with a sealant. Fasten the profile according to the marks and fasten it with a dowel - nails. Rack profiles are installed in the guides, in the places where the marks are placed. The connection is made by "seeds" - small screws.

Each profile is checked for verticality with a plumb line. As soon as the third profile is installed, you need to attach a plasterboard plate to the structure.

Its edges should end in the middle of the third rack profile. Install jumpers between the rails of the frame - this will give rigidity to the structure. If a switch is supposed to be on the wall, then it is worthwhile to stretch the electrical wire behind the frame and bring out the ends. In places where pieces of furniture are attached to the wall, mortgages are installed.

An example of installing mortgages for fixing cabinets on the wall Once all the stages of frame installation are completed,.

Sheathing the frame with plasterboard

First of all, whole slabs are screwed to the frame, make sure that the sheets converge with each other exactly in the middle of the profile. The self-tapping screws are located at the seam points in a checkerboard pattern with a distance of 15 cm. On the sheet, the self-tapping screw pitch is 25 cm. For fastening, black self-tapping screws are used, which should be screwed into the drywall, deepening them by 1 mm.

The screwdriver must be put at low power so as not to spoil the fragile surface of the gypsum board. In the places where the sockets are installed, holes are made with a crown and special cups are installed into which the ends of the electric wire are brought out.

Frameless method of plasterboard wall decoration: step-by-step instructions

This method involves gluing sheets of gypsum board directly to the wall, without constructing a structure from profiles. The first step is to prepare a plane for further installation. The preparation of the surface of the walls must be given special attention, it must be carefully prepared so that the installation of drywall on the walls is successful. If the walls were previously painted with oil paint, it doesn't matter, just make a notch on them.
Applying glue to a drywall sheet This work can be done using a perforator with a certain notch or a simple ax. If there are cracks or potholes in the wall, they need to be repaired with plaster or foamed. The polyurethane foam will penetrate deep into the crack, filling it to its full depth. Once the foam is dry, cut it off flush with the wall.

Next, you need to remove dust from the wall, this is done with a wide brush. The next step is priming. The primer is applied in two layers, it is advisable to choose a material with antiseptic properties. The soil should dry well, usually it takes 6-10 hours.

While the primer is drying, you can check the vertical of the wall, for this you can apply:

  • level;
  • long rule;
  • plumb line;
  • timber with a perfectly flat surface.

Often, when performing this action, a strong curvature of the surface of the walls comes to light, they will have to be leveled. This can be done with plaster or glue when attaching the sheets. The video describes and shows how to glue drywall to the wall.

The process of installing drywall on the wall

You can fix drywall sheets with glue or foam. If the walls are even, then the glue can be applied over the entire surface using a notched trowel with a tooth height of 0.9 cm. After that, a sheet is substituted and pressed firmly to the surface. For reliability, the structure can be additionally fastened with nails along the perimeter.

If the wall has irregularities, then the glue is applied in small cakes in those places where there is a gap between the wall and the material set on the level.

It is necessary to install the sheet and press it without breaking the geometry. Once the glue is dry, you can proceed with the finishing as described above.

GK sheets on a metal frame. Features of the frame method, advantages. The technology of collecting the frame base. Fastening of sheets and subsequent coating with putty.

Wall cladding with plaster

Plasterboard sheets are used for uneven walls, hiding communications, heat and sound insulation of the room. Facing the walls of the gypsum board on a metal frame is carried out only with very "filled up" walls, where the frameless method is not suitable. And also in other cases.

When facing the walls of the gypsum board, certain rules are observed, taking into account the nuances of the materials.

Feature of plasterboard wall cladding on a metal frame: technology

Plasterboard sheets are attached to a metal frame in the following cases:

  1. "Filled up" wall - the curvature of the surface is more than 5 cm.
  2. Concealment of communications - by creating a metal base, wiring, Internet cables, TV, pipes, hoods are hidden in it.
  3. Wet rooms - in such rooms, the frameless method is not suitable because the sheets can peel off and deform.
  4. Insulation and sound insulation - heat-insulating, noise-absorbing materials are placed in a metal crate. The room becomes neat, warm, quiet.
  5. The shelf life of a wall made of gypsum board on a metal basis is longer than sheets glued to an adhesive solution.

The creation of a metal lathing requires additional costs, but this method is of a higher quality, stronger, longer service life.

The technology for creating a frame base involves the following work:

  1. Surface preparation - it is necessary to prepare the walls for fixing profiles, laying heat-insulating materials, wiring.
  2. Purchase of material and collection of the necessary tools. If there is no power tool, you can rent it.
  3. Marking is an important stage, where each line should be perfectly flat, each point should be in the right place.
  4. Fixing profiles - selection of fasteners, correct step-by-step installation of each guide and fastener.
  5. Checking the strength, evenness of the frame base.
  6. Fastening drywall - correct fixing of sheets.
  7. Finishing - joint reinforcement, priming, filling.
  8. The topcoat can be wallpaper, paint, tiles.

Each stage includes step-by-step instructions, the observance of which will not allow making mistakes and avoiding problems in the future.

Assembling a metal frame with your own hands: installation

Before embarking on the installation of a metal crate, a number of actions are performed.

Preparatory work: surface preparation, collection of tools, procurement of materials.

To work with the surface you will need:

  • deep penetration primer and roller;
  • fiberglass reinforcement mesh;
  • plaster (gypsum-based);
  • construction gun or heater;
  • putty knife;
  • lime, copper sulfate.

Surface preparation. The walls are freed from the old coating:

  • wallpaper - they must be removed in order to assess the rough base;
  • paint - peeling paint is removed with a spatula;
  • tile - it is upholstered, there may be many cracks under it, a wet wall.

The rough base is cleaned of dust, cobwebs. Inspect for cracks, chips, holes. If there are gaps, they must be repaired, otherwise they will subsequently be larger. To do this, the crack on the sides is cleaned with a spatula, it expands slightly. It is reinforced with plaster and mesh. For these purposes, a fiberglass mesh is chosen. She will not let the crack go any further. After reinforcement, a layer of plaster must be applied to cover the mesh. Do the same job with holes.

Wet walls must be dried. To do this, use a heater, a construction gun, or open windows and doors for ventilation (in dry, hot weather). After that, dried traces of mold are swept from the wall. The wall is treated with a solution of lime with copper sulfate. This kills the fungus remaining in the surface. Dry again. The final step is to coat the wall with a deep penetrating primer. It will protect the surface from the reappearance of mold and the growth of fungus.

After the work done, the surface should dry well. This is done within 24 hours.

To create a metal frame, you need a tool:

  1. Roulette, square, marker - for marking.
  2. Shears for metal - for cutting the profile into the desired lengths.
  3. Perforator, screwdriver, hammer.

From materials:

  • profiles - NP (UW), PS (CW);
  • straight suspensions, crabs;
  • GKL - gray, green (depending on the place of installation);
  • Insulation;
  • serpyanka or Knauf paper tape;
  • putty for joints;
  • primer;
  • dowel-nails 6/40, 6/60;
  • self-tapping screws for a metal frame 13, 16 mm;
  • self-tapping screws for gypsum board 3.5x25.

The material is taken according to the calculations + 10%.

To complete the markup, you need to find the largest protrusion of the wall. To do this, use a plumb line. Points are marked above and below, on adjacent walls. A square is drawn along the marked points - floor-ceiling-adjacent walls. The guide profile will be fixed on these lines.

Further, 40 cm recede from the edge along the wall and draw a vertical line. Such lines along the wall are placed every 40 cm. For the strength of the frame, transverse ones are needed. Lines for them are placed horizontally every 40 cm. Cells are obtained.

All unlabeled lines should be checked with a level for evenness.

  1. Creating a metal frame

To fix the profiles in the correct order, the work is done as follows:

  1. First, NP (UW) is attached to the semi-adjacent walls in a quadrangle. To do this, use a dowel-nails.
  2. Direct suspensions are attached to the walls along vertical lines at a distance of 30 cm. Fixation is carried out with dowel-nails.
  3. The rack profile is inserted into the guide and fixed with self-tapping screws 13. Along the line, the rack profile is attached to straight suspensions.

It turns out a metal crate. If it is supposed to hang objects or equipment on the wall, then stiffeners are made to stiffen the frame. Sections are cut from the rack profile and fixed horizontally between the vertical elements. Fixation to the vertical PS is made with crabs.

The entire metal structure is checked for strength, evenness, rigidity.

Wiring, cables, insulation are laid in the crate.

GKL sheathing on the profile

The sheathing of the frame base is carried out in this order.

Fastening of whole sheets begins either from the corner, retreating to 5 mm, or from the center of the wall. Whole sheets are fixed with self-tapping screws to the profile so that the horizontal joints do not coincide. That is, the first sheet is fixed from the floor, the second from the ceiling.

The remaining windows are measured out, pieces of gypsum board are cut out for them and sewn up. If double sheathing is planned, then it is necessary to fasten the second layer with 2.5x35 self-tapping screws so that the joints do not coincide with the first layer.

After sheathing the frame, all joints are reinforced with a joint putty and serpyanka (paper tape). Fastening points are sealed with putty.

The joints should be checked for chamfering. If not, then cut it out with a construction knife.


After all the joints are dry, the excess putty is removed and rubbed. The entire plasterboard surface is covered with a primer. After that, putty is applied in a thin layer. It should be gypsum-based.

All materials used must be of the same manufacturer.

The putty is applied in a thin layer of 1-2 mm and left to dry. After grouting with sandpaper, remove excess stones, strips. The surface becomes smooth, ready for further finishing.

Before finishing the surface, it is primed.

The finishing is carried out according to the desired style. It can be light-colored wallpaper, decorative plaster, tiling or plaster "brick". If the frame base was created with stiffeners, you can hang shelves for books or a TV on the wall using wedge anchors.

Drywall is a versatile building material. Niches and shelves are made of it, communications and pipes are hidden under it. Alignment of the wall with GK-sheets is carried out by the frameless method and with the creation of a metal crate. For wall cladding with "dry plaster" you will need a set of power tools and precision in the work performed.

Useful video

Plasterboard sheets (GKL) are an excellent substitute for the usual method of leveling walls - plaster. The article discusses the main methods of using this material.

Plasterboard wall cladding

Plasterboard sheets are available in sizes 1200 * 2500 mm, thickness varies from 6.5 to 12.5 mm. The technical characteristics of drywall allow it to be used for interior decoration in all premises. There are types of drywall with increased moisture or fire resistance.

Interior plasterboard: advantages and disadvantages

Wall and ceiling cladding has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • the ability to hide under the sheets of communication, for example, electrical wiring or heating pipes;
  • the ability to level even very uneven walls;
  • high speed of installation;
  • in the voids between the wall and the cladding, mineral wool can be laid to increase sound and thermal insulation.

Of the significant drawbacks, it should be noted that, relative to plaster, the cost of material and work, the impossibility of hanging heavy objects without preliminary preparation.

Plating methods

GKL surfaces are decorated in 2 ways:

  1. On the frame.
  2. Directly on a wall or ceiling.

The frame is usually made of a galvanized metal thin-walled profile, but it is also possible to manufacture it from wood. When fixing sheets without a profile, special glue and dowels with self-tapping screws are used.

GKL cladding on the frame: technology

When attaching material using a frame, it is very important to mount it correctly.

  • The guides fixed to the walls must be strictly vertical, as well as the intermediate posts.
  • The distance between the centers of the posts should be 600 mm, i.e. such that the joint of the sheets falls on the profile.
  • To strengthen the structure, the size can be reduced to 400 mm.
  • If it is necessary to dock the sheets vertically, a horizontal profile is installed to tie 2 sheets together.
  • Drywall is attached to the metal frame with black self-tapping screws for metal, 25-32 mm long, to the wooden frame - with self-tapping screws for wood of the same length.
  • To improve the strength and insulating properties, it is possible to sew with sheets in 2 layers. In this case, the sheets are sewn in a checkerboard pattern.

How to sew drywall without a frame

GKL without using a frame can be fixed on special glue or mechanically, using dowels and self-tapping screws. It is allowed to combine these 2 methods by fixing the sheets first on the adhesive composition, and after it dries on the screws. In this case, it is important to fix drywall with hardware in those places where the glue is applied, and not between them, because the coating can be deformed and even broken.

GKL decor

Plasterboard walls and ceilings are painted, pasted over with wallpaper, plain or for painting, trimmed with decorative plaster compounds. The walls are faced with tiles, decorative bricks, stones, etc.


Only light items such as photographs, decorative shelves, and light mirrors can be hung on drywall walls. To screw the screws into the gypsum board, special dowels are used: drive, molly or "butterflies". Provided that the location of the profile is precisely known, you can screw metal screws to hang various objects directly into the frame elements. For attaching heavier items (cabinets or bookshelves), you need to arrange special mortgages.

Do-it-yourself profile mounting technology on walls

For the device of false walls made of drywall, the following tools are required:

  • Roulette, square, pencil.
  • Level.
  • Plumb line.
  • Thread (lace).
  • Scissors for metal or grinder.
  • Perforator.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Pliers.
  • Profile cutter.
  • Construction knife.
  • Plasterboard planer.
  • Putty knife.


  • Guide profile PN.
  • Post profile PS or ceiling profile PP.
  • Straight suspension.
  • Single-level connector (crab).
  • Dowels.
  • Self-tapping screws for wood, metal, black.
  • self-tapping screws for thin plates with a press washer pointed (bugs).
  • Damper tape.
  • Serpyanka tape or paper tape for joints.
  • Putty.

Dowel attachment methods: how to install

A damper tape is attached along the perimeter of the future wall, and a guide profile is attached to it. The frame element is installed on the floor in the form of an inverted letter "P", fastened with self-tapping screws to a wooden floor or dowels and self-tapping screws to a concrete floor. After that, the guide is fixed strictly vertically above the floor profile to the ceiling, then the guides are attached to the walls.

Strict verticality must be observed, unless otherwise provided by the design.

How to choose fasteners for brick, concrete and wooden walls

For attaching hangers and guides to the walls, you may need various hardware, depending on the material of the walls. The frame elements are attached to the wooden walls with wood screws. For installation on brick or concrete surfaces, you need to use dowels with self-tapping screws or dowel nails. The use of dowel nails increases the speed of work, but they are more difficult to dismantle if necessary to redo the structure

How to properly mount and lay a profile

After installing the guides around the perimeter, mark the location of the rack profiles. Usually they are located at a distance of 600 mm between the centers, so that the vertical joints of the sheets fall clearly in the middle of the profile. To make the frame more rigid, the distance is reduced to 400 mm. Vertical lines are drawn from the points obtained, direct suspensions are attached to them with a step of 400-500 mm. Insert the cut-to-size rack-mount profile with the ends into the guides on the floor and in the ceiling.

The rack profile should be cut 5-6 mm shorter than the distance between the floor and the ceiling.

The rack profile is set vertically and attached to the guides with "bugs" or with a cutter, then attached to the suspensions, constantly checking the verticality using a level. When all the profiles are fixed, you should check the plane using a rule, a long level or thread. A deviation from the plane of more than 2 mm should be corrected.

At the joints of the sheets in height, additional horizontal profiles are installed. It is recommended to arrange such joints at the bottom of the wall.

How to screw gypsum plasterboard sheets to the frame: installing drywall on the walls

Plasterboard sheets are fixed with self-tapping screws for metal 25 mm long. The sheet is installed in place, fastened to 1 self-tapping screw, then adjusted in level and fastened to the rest. The fixing pitch should be approximately 200 mm or more. The hardware is twisted so that the head is flush with the surface of the sheet without breaking the paper.

You need to fasten the sheet in one direction, for example, from left to right from bottom to top. If you fix the sheet in different corners, it can bend with further attachment.

First, whole sheets are fastened, then the parts are cut to size and the remaining parts of the wall are closed. The edges of the cut are processed with a drywall plane.

Before stitching the wall with sheets, sound and heat insulation materials and wiring can be laid under the frame.

Grouting seams and holes from dowels: how to finish

Seams with a factory bevel on the wall are glued with serpyanka tape or paper tape for joints. Seams without a chamfer are cut with a construction knife. The surface is primed. Seams and grooves from self-tapping screws are putty with plaster-based putty mixtures. As a rule, it is indicated on the packaging of the material whether it is suitable for sealing gypsum boards or not.

Sheathing and finishing the ceiling in the apartment yourself: what you need

For the device of the plasterboard ceiling, you will need the same tools as for the walls. Additionally, you will need a hydro level or a laser level, a coated marking cord and a T-shaped post made of bars or a profile. It is more convenient to do all work on the ceiling with a partner.

How to attach to a concrete base on the ceiling

The locations of the ceiling profiles are marked on the ceiling. They are usually placed along a short wall in 600 mm increments. The most convenient way to do this is with a coated cord. Then the suspensions are attached to dowels with self-tapping screws or dowel-nails. If the ceiling is lowered to a considerable distance from the rough one, you need to use special suspensions, similar to the armstrong ceiling mounts.

Fastening the guides

The attachment point is marked using a laser level or a hydro level, marking points in the corners of the room at a given height, usually as close as possible to the rough ceiling, and drawing lines using a marking cord. A damper tape is attached to the wall, then the guide profiles. The GKL ceiling can be lowered for laying insulating materials or communication devices.

How to hang sheets correctly

GKL is attached to the frame, starting from the corner, with the long side along the short wall, parallel to the ceiling profiles on the plane. It is most convenient to fix the sheets by supporting them with a special stand, which can be purchased in a store or made independently from a bar or profile in the shape of the letter "T". It is recommended to use moisture resistant gypsum board.

Do not let go of the sheet until it is secured with at least 15 screws.

Do-it-yourself cladding of uneven walls: what is worth remembering

When facing walls, it is important to maintain verticality and make sure that the profile does not deviate from the plane. If the gypsum board is attached to the wall without a frame, it is important to fasten the screws in places where the sheet will not "walk", otherwise the screws will protrude on the surface. Before facing the walls, it is advisable to sweep or vacuum them and the space behind the frame, it is also recommended to prime them to avoid the appearance of dust.

How to install faster

To increase the speed of installing drywall on the wall, you need to correctly mount the frame and fix the first sheet without deviations in level. The fastest way to do such work is two or three, when one person is busy installing sheets in place and cutting to size, and the remaining 1 or 2 are pulled with self-tapping screws. The use of professional screwdrivers with a tape supply of hardware significantly increases the speed of work.

What can be mounted on a plasterboard wall

With appropriate preparation, almost any object, including cabinets and storage water heaters, can be attached to gypsum plasterboard walls. For this, in the manufacture of the frame, they arrange the so-called mortgages from plywood or boards. Lumber is sewn onto the rough wall so that the front surface of the mortgage is in the same plane with the frame. If the mortgage is deeper than the frame, it will push through the wall when attaching hinged objects.

How can you cover plasterboard cladding

After sealing the seams and holes from the fasteners, the wall made of gypsum plasterboard can be painted or pasted over with wallpaper, covered with decorative plaster, covered with textile wallpaper. It is recommended to cover surfaces made of moisture-resistant plasterboard with a continuous layer of putty, otherwise the green color may be visible through the topcoat.

Also, the walls can be covered with tiles, decorative stone or brick, stucco, panels. It is not necessary to process seams and traces of self-tapping screws before facing.

Plasterboard is a modern finishing material that allows finishing work with minimal labor and time costs.

Useful video

Drywall firmly occupies a leading position among the materials used for rough wall decoration. This is not surprising - large in area and even sheets help to eliminate and mask surface defects in the shortest possible time, which makes repairs quick and easy. Also, the material has good sound and heat insulation properties, and this is an important factor when renovating an apartment in our country, because most of the housing stock has obvious shortcomings in these matters.

Plasterboard wall decoration has a number of nuances that need to be dealt with before proceeding with the repair, therefore our today's material is designed to shed light on them and tell you how to sheathe walls with drywall quickly and efficiently.

The success of the repair largely depends on the actions preceding the main work, and therefore it is worth recalling the key stages in the preparation of the material, the surface of the walls and tools.

Material calculation

The amount of drywall required is calculated quite simply - you need to calculate the total surface area of ​​the walls, subtract the area of ​​windows and doors from it, and then divide by the area of ​​one sheet of drywall. We will need some margin, and therefore we multiply the result by a factor of 1.2, if we are talking about a standard Russian room measuring 10-20 sq.m. If the room is larger, then the safety factor can be reduced, if less, it can be increased.

If drywall is used to improve the insulating properties of the wall, then it makes sense to sheathe it in two layers, in which case the amount of material required is doubled. The same rule applies to partitions, because they will have to be sheathed on both sides. A standard drywall sheet has a length of 2.5 - 3 m and a width of 1.2 m, but you can find or order options that are more suitable for you.

Required tool

The set of necessary tools for sheathing the walls of the gypsum board depends on the method by which the installation will be carried out. If you decide to finish the walls with drywall with your own hands in a frameless way, then you will need:

  • The material itself;
  • Dry gypsum mixture and a container in which you can dilute it;
  • A knife, preferably a painting knife;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Rubber hammer;
  • Roulette, line and level.

If you plan to install drywall on the frame, then you will additionally need a number of metal structures and electrical appliances:

  • Profiles and metal hangers;
  • Screws, dowels, screws;
  • Punch drill or grinder;
  • Screwdriver.

Surface preparation

Before you start attaching the drywall to the wall, these walls must be tidied up. The lifespan of drywall will directly depend on how carefully you have carried out the preparatory work, and therefore do not ignore this stage. Otherwise, the sheets may not adhere sufficiently to the wall, and mold or other bacterial environment has every chance of forming in the gaps, therefore, the walls must first be cleaned of traces of previous finishing and any contamination.

If your walls have several layers of plaster applied at different times, they must be removed, otherwise it will inevitably begin to fall off over time and the drywall sheets will fall off along with it.

If, after removing the plaster, defects in the form of cracks and chips were found, they must be repaired. After that, the walls should be primed with a deep penetration compound and allowed to dry in accordance with the instructions on the package. Sheathe the walls with plasterboard with your own hands after the surface is completely dry!

Plasterboard wall cladding technology

With a frame

This technology for installing drywall on walls is based on the use of galvanized steel profiles. Previously, a similar method was also implemented on the basis of a wooden lathing, but today its use in heated rooms is not relevant - the thermal effect negatively affects the tree and after a few years cracks go along it.

We have already cleaned the walls, it remains to protect the electrical wiring and pipes with the help of strobes and crossbars. Then we need to mark the wall, which will be used as a reference point. We set marks on the floor and ceiling, retreating from the wall about 4 cm, after which we pull a rope between them and check the horizontal level with a building level.

In accordance with the marks, the guides should be fixed, after which the profiles are installed in the vertical plane. The profile should be screwed in with dowels in increments of 30-40 cm, remember that careful adherence to the markings guarantees a high-quality result. Vertical guides are mounted with self-tapping screws at a distance of 60 cm from each other.

After we have prepared our frame, it's time to sheathe the walls with plasterboard with our own hands. Self-tapping screws for metal serve as fasteners for drywall, sheets are stacked in a joint. Self-tapping screws should penetrate into the surface of the sheet by 1-2 millimeters, but not push through it.

After fixing the gypsum board in the profile, you need to process the joints, holes from self-tapping screws and irregularities with putty. After completing this part of the work, we completely cover the wall with a primer mixture and wait for it to dry. After that, the walls are finally ready for front finishing.

Frameless way

This method of attaching drywall to the wall is somewhat easier to implement, but it has a number of flaws, the main of which is the demand for the initial evenness of the walls. Just as in the previous version, first we prepare our walls - we clean and level, putty and prime. Brick walls with recesses at the junction must be carefully flattened.

Now we must decide which side to attach the drywall to the wall - the installation is carried out inward with the back side on which the marking is applied. Next, the glue solution is applied in accordance with the scheme below on a sheet of material. The glue dries quickly, so be quick when doing such work.

The attached sheet is leveled with a level and propped up until the glue is completely dry. When preparing the glue, do not ignore the instructions and prepare it immediately before installing the sheets. If you follow all the recommendations on how to properly attach drywall to the wall with glue, then there should be no problems.

Next, the remaining sheets are installed, followed by puttying and priming, as in the frame method. We answered the popular question of whether it is possible to mount drywall directly to the wall, but remember that to use this method, you must initially have fairly flat walls. But you can save precious space that would otherwise have gone to the frame.

Pros and cons of drywall

Like any other material, drywall is not devoid of strengths and weaknesses. These products are distinguished by their low cost, ease and simplicity of installation, as well as good thermal insulation qualities. Some types of drywall, produced using a special technology, are characterized by high fire and water resistance. By the way, many believe that in the question of which side to attach the moisture-resistant drywall to the wall, you need to focus on the color of the side - this is not the case, the side on which the groove is formed when the end is at an angle is attached.

The disadvantages of finishing works based on drywall include the high fragility of the material and poor sound insulation, although the influence of the latter aspect can be minimized by using mineral wool between the wall and the sheet, or by gluing the drywall to the wall with mounting foam.