What are the flowerpots for giving. How to make outdoor flower pots with your own hands

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A beautiful garden plot should be fragrant with flower beds and delight the eye with intricate plant compositions. In this regard, concrete street flowerpots are a necessary item. garden design... Unlike concrete, plastic containers are not so resistant to temperature extremes, frost and the scorching sun. In addition, large massive pots will add solidity and prestige to any flower arrangement.

Flowerpots with flower arrangements can be a garden decoration

Concrete plant pots perfectly retain moisture and do not dry out on hot days. At the same time, concrete does not heat up in the same way as metal or ceramics, it keeps the roots of flowers at a temperature that is comfortable for them. If you wish, you can make outdoor flower pots with your own hands.

In order for the flowerpot to last long enough, you need to pick up quality concrete for its manufacture. Main material requirements:

  • water resistance, the outdoor vase must resist natural moisture more than one season;
  • strength, in such a container, you will need to transplant plants, loosen the ground, if necessary, move the mini-flower bed to a new place.

For manufacturing, you can use two methods:

  • Option one. For work, you need to prepare: peat or expanded clay - 2 parts, coarse sand - 1 part, cement - 1 part, water. Water is gradually added to the solution until a viscous mass is formed. The resulting mixture is poured into a mold and allowed to harden.
  • Option two. The composition of the mixture: cement - 1 part, sand with medium grain - three to five parts, water. The solution is poured into a prefabricated plywood structure, which is disassembled after the composition has solidified.

When working on the manufacture of concrete outdoor flowerpots, you should adhere to several recommendations:

  • work not in the scorching sun;
  • do not rush to remove the product from the mold;
  • use durable decor elements.

The composition hardens in the form for at least twenty four hours. If you hurry and remove the product from the mold before the deadline, cracks and chips may form. After the pot is removed from the mold, it is advisable to lower it into a container of water and keep it in it for five to seven days.

Forms for large concrete flowerpots

It is not difficult to buy molds for making flowerpots from concrete or to make it yourself from used containers: cans, buckets, cans.

In every private household, you can find many objects suitable for forms. You can find such things at sales and flea markets. The more unusual the shape, the more interesting the flower garden will be. If the mold does not allow the finished product to be removed, it is simply cut or broken.

As a form, you can use any containers, including wicker

For garden pots, you can even use cardboard boxes of different sizes, which can be nested inside one another. To prevent the boxes from falling apart, they are additionally reinforced with tape, and the bottom and walls are laid with polyethylene.

Useful information! Concrete outdoor flowerpots made with large wicker baskets look especially and elegant. A weaving pattern is imprinted on the surface of the concrete, and the pot looks like a basket.

Algorithm for making concrete flowerpots

  • The inner walls of the mold are treated with vegetable oil.
  • For drainage, it is necessary to prepare 4 pipe sections, five centimeters each.
  • The solution is mixed according to one of the above recipes. You can add a dye to the solution during the mixing process.
  • The solution is poured onto the bottom of the mold in a layer two to three centimeters thick. Pipe cuttings are installed in the bottom - these will be drainage holes.
  • After the first layer has set, the inner part of the mold is installed and the walls are poured.
  • After a day, the inner part of the mold is removed, and the larger part remains for another week. During this entire period, the form must be periodically moistened with water.
  • After seven days, the pot can be removed from the outside of the mold and filled with plant soil.

Video: how to make a pot of concrete with your own hands

Decorating outdoor flowerpots

The easiest way to decorate a concrete container is with paint. The surface should be treated with a deep penetration primer, for example, concrete contact. For painting outdoor products, waterproof dyes are used on acrylic base... You can add the desired color to the flowerpot during the filling process by adding the desired pigment to the solution.

For outdoor pots it is better to choose not too bright colors, otherwise they will distract attention from the plants. The vase should only act as a frame for the flower garden. Can be painted flower beds pattern or ornament.

Vases with carved ornaments look unusual and airy. It is applied with a knife during solidification. cement mix... For this purpose, you can also use a power tool, such as a drill.

Another dean decoration option is a bas-relief. The simplest drawing can be made using large leaves burdock or other plants. They are fixed on inside forms for filling. After the mixture hardens, a trace will remain on it. The remnants of the leaves are removed with water, and the print is highlighted with a light tint.

Useful information! Focusing on the street flowerpot will help directed garden lighting... V dark time for days, solar-powered lanterns will illuminate the mini-flower bed and create an original composition.

Concrete outdoor flowerpots can be exquisitely decorated with colored glass, ceramic or pebble mosaics. The decoration of concrete containers with shell rock or jute rope looks original.

In principle, you can buy flowerpots for flowers made of concrete of standard, square or round shape quite cheaply and turn them into real masterpieces using imagination and materials at hand.

  • To drill the drainage holes in the concrete pot, use a stone drill.
  • Before painting concrete surface it is necessary to align and plaster all defects. For coloring the flowerpot in bright hues a preliminary application of white primer is required.

Do-it-yourself flowerpots made of cement and fabric for a garden are an original find that can decorate any backyard landscape. Despite the fact that they appeared in the courtyards only a few years ago, the history of the existence of such decorative elements began quite a long time ago.

The use of outdoor flowerpots made of concrete in landscape design goes back to the ancient gardening art, the works of which were housed in palaces. In the front alleys and parks, exquisite bowls made in the Baroque style were an obligatory attribute. Little by little, such flowerpots began to occupy an honorable place in the landscaping of city parks and gardens, public buildings, ceremonial. Concrete outdoor flower boxes are widely used to decorate the entrance to the house, areas intended for recreation, outdoor terraces... In gardens, they play the role of small architectural forms- their use in the landscape allows you to slightly dilute the monotonous unity of the green grass carpet and create attractive visual accents.

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    Manufacturing of concrete products

    To make concrete flower girls on your own does not require any special labor-intensive actions. You will need to first stock up on ingredients for making the working solution and choose containers where the concrete will be mixed. Select the forms with which the product will be made.

    It is not so difficult to make decorative flowerpots for a summer residence with your own hands if you have imagination and a desire to create. Wonderful garden decorations performed in any shape - they can be made round or square, rectangular, abstract.

    There are many materials available that are suitable for making castings. These are plastic bottles with different capacities, and children's rubber balls, and metal or plastic basins. A flower pot made of fabric and cement can be amazing in beauty - you can create a real masterpiece with your own hands.

    The first flower beds made of fabric and cement with their own hands probably turned out by accident. After all, many people, after repair, simply throw rags soaked in cement mortar into a landfill. But if you lightly conjure over the fabric and fix it with a solution, it will turn out to be unusual and very beautiful.

    How to make a container for flowers

    The simplest version of a concrete flower girl can be obtained as follows:

    1. 1 Pick up necessary materials... In addition to concrete mortar, you will need old towels (terry or waffle towels) or a piece of any thick cloth the right size... To begin with, you can take an unnecessary bucket as a form. You will also need a piece of plastic. Protect your hands with gloves when working with grout.
    2. 2 Dilute the cement with water to a consistency reminiscent of liquid sour cream. Turn the bucket on which you will dry the flowerpot upside down and wrap it with polyethylene, otherwise it will not be easy to remove it after the mixture has hardened. Immerse a towel in a container with the prepared solution. Then take it out and spread it. It should be saturated with the mixture completely, without residue, do not leave dry spots on it.
    3. 3 Place a towel on a bucket that has been turned upside down, then smooth the bottom better so that there are no folds, otherwise the future vase will turn out to be unstable. Straighten the fabric folds any way you like. Leave the resulting structure to dry for a couple of days. After the fabric has hardened, remove the bucket to the outside. Here is your flower girl and ready.

    You can make a flowerpot for a garden with your own hands exactly as you intended it. The resulting product can be painted with bright colors or simply left as it turned out.

    How to decorate your vase?

    If you liked the very idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bmaking decorative flower girls and would certainly like to build such flowerpots for the garden, you can feel free to get to work. Handicrafts always attract a lot of attention, they can be proudly shown to friends and acquaintances. But sometimes you want something more unusual or bright. You can decorate homemade flower girls as you like.

    For example, you may not like the rough outer surface of a homemade flowerpot. You can turn it into a glossy one after a little alteration. To do this, when making a mixture, choose cement and sand of fine fractions or add Rotband dry plaster to the mixture. Use silicate glue instead of water to dilute the mixture.

    Polyethylene is used to form a glossy surface. The following additions will be needed to the main manufacturing method:

    1. 1 Prepare a large, sturdy piece of cardboard. Lay a greenhouse covering material on it and straighten it so that all the folds are smoothed out.
    2. 2 After saturating the fabric with the solution, spread it out on a cardboard and smooth it well so that the towel adheres better to the surface.
    3. 3 Then, the bucket selected to create the shape is placed in the center, after which the entire structure must be carefully and very quickly turned over, while holding it by the cardboard. In this case, the fabric should stick around the bucket along with the film.
    4. 4 Form the folds of the future product to your liking. You cannot make deep creases - it will be difficult for you to get the film out of them. From an already frozen structure, you can try to burn out pieces of film stuck there with a lighter.

    The desired gloss has been achieved, but the product remains small defects... How can this be fixed? Take a brush and smear on the dried vase silicate glue without diluting it. So you can hide all the defects. You can additionally mix paint into the adhesive - this is how you get a pot the desired color and add it to the outer surface of the shine.

    Option with print

    In the process of making a flowerpot, you can perform decoupage. To make the outer decorative layer, you will need a thin printed cloth or loose patterned paper. For example, wallpaper, old newspapers are not bad. No need to use glossy magazines, posters, vinyl wallpapers.

    When manufacturing, the sequence of actions is the same as when performing a glossy surface. You just need to add a layer with a picture. The step-by-step procedure is as follows:

    1. 1 Cardboard with foil is spread with silicate glue. Cloth, newspapers, wallpaper, selected for the drawing, are applied to it. Everything is smoothed out.
    2. 2 The reverse side of the paper material is coated with silicate glue. The glue should saturate the material well - this will take about 10 minutes. If there are dry areas, coat them additionally.
    3. 3 Place the cement-impregnated fabric over the pattern. Everything should be smoothed well, then the cardboard with the resulting "sandwich" should be tipped over onto the mold and left to harden. Straighten the folds.

    If, after the mold has dried, there are protrusions that you do not need, they should be cut with a hacksaw. The resulting roughness can be sanded with a coarse emery mesh, which is easy to find in hardware stores.

    How to prepare the solution?

    To make the flowerpots beautiful, it is advisable to pay more attention to the preparation of the working solution.

    This will provide it with the desired density and solidification rate.

    To get a concrete solution for work, you need the following substances:

    • fine gravel;
    • sand;
    • cement;
    • water.

    Portland cement, white cement works well. Gravel to choose fractions of 3-7 mm, sand will do open-pit fine-grained. Everything is mixed in a container in a ratio of 2 parts of sand, 1 parts each of cement and gravel. Water is added in small portions until the consistency of liquid sour cream is obtained.

    To ready product it turned out lighter, small expanded clay is added to the batch. When using these ingredients, it is better to replace some of the gravel with it.

    After pouring, the molds must be covered with foil or a damp cloth - hardening in this way is much slower. This will prevent the formation of cracks when the concrete dries. The structure should be disassembled not earlier than after 3-4 days. The surface of the resulting product is cleaned using a brush and sandpaper, irregularities are trimmed.

    You can make your own material that is an imitation of tuff or sandstone. For this, a solution is prepared from 1 part of cement, 1 - sand, 2 - peat. Dilute the mixture with water until a mashed potato consistency is obtained. With the help of sculpting, the mass is given the desired shape... You can also use art-concrete for preparation - it allows you to make durable, elegant and lighter products.

    How to paint a planter beautifully?

    The most convenient way to decorate concrete pots is by staining. Suitable for this acrylic paints: they are the most resistant to weathering. Can be made concrete mix add coloring pigment to it.

    The product is dried before painting and a primer is applied. To make a painted flowerpot look beautiful, it is better to choose colors that are not very bright, close to natural ones - the main point for focusing the gaze should be the plants inside the pots, whose task is to create a natural frame for them. You can arrange decorative painting in several colors on the surface, plant compositions, geometric patterns, abstract drawings.

    How to prepare soil and plants for decorative flower girls

    A layer of gravel, expanded clay, crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of a product made of concrete for drainage. A layer of nutrient soil is poured on top, which should include trace elements and mineral supplements. There should be a lot of organic matter in the soil for annual flowers. To provide organic fertilizers peat, compost or rotted manure are introduced into it.

    Those summer residents who are seriously going to grow flowers in street pots should know that before the onset of winter time, it is necessary to prepare flower girls for the next season. In winter, in frosts, the soil completely freezes in the flowerpots. Therefore, in order to create flower arrangements it is better to choose in homemade pots annual plants.

    It is easy to paint the seedlings of annuals with your own hands. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is worth planting plants with bright colors and leaves with a decorative appearance in flower girls. It can be marigolds, annual dahlias, begonias, coleus, Snapdragon... A good visual impression is made by ampelous plants - these are nasturtiums, petunias, nasturtiums. In concrete vases, you can also thicken the planting in order to quickly achieve the desired effect. It should be understood that with such a small amount of land, it will dry out quickly, it needs regular watering.

    You can place interchangeable compositions in flower girls. V spring time it is better to make them from colorful bulbous plants- it can be daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, tulips. For summer compositions, cineraria, lavatera, viola are suitable. In autumn, beautiful flowering is provided by asters, heliotropes, petunias.

    In private houses or near high-rise buildings, residents come up with a variety of decors for decorating flower beds.

    What's at hand is also suitable for flower beds: car tires, different bottles made of plastic and much more. Unusual figures can also be built by any resident. Consider what you can make a beautiful flower garden yourself?

    Rubber flowerpots

    The most accessible material is rubber, it is easy to decorate a cup made of old tires, so that even the thought does not arise that this is a former tire.

    With a creative approach, any hostess can create a work of art from unnecessary things. Flowers are planted in such a rubber structure in early spring, you can change the plants throughout the summer season so that the flower garden always pleases with bright colors of annuals.

    Important! Imported tires are much more elastic, so they are easier to shape.

    Options for flowerpots for plot decoration

    To keep the garden (plot) always in flowers, you can use a variety of pots for the street, they can be placed anywhere. Even annuals will thrive in makeshift pots.

    You can use concrete, metal, wood, plastic or clay as materials for flowerpots. But they all have their own differences:

    Clay is very plastic, soft texture, it is easy to create with it various forms... After firing, the color of terracotta is obtained, the eco-friendly material “breathes” well, the roots in such a flowerpot will not rot. Gladioli and other plants will thrive.

    The stone is incredibly durable, products made from it will serve for a long time, they retain moisture well in the soil. External aesthetics are also undeniable. With skills, stone flowerpots can be made with your own hands, and can be varnished on top for beauty.

    Advice! To enhance the protection of stone (concrete) flowerpots, it is better to treat them with an antiseptic.

    The tree is always in abundance in the country, but the disadvantage will be instability to high humidity... You can eliminate this problem by special impregnation, and then varnish the container. V wooden crafts plant flowers that love moisture.

    Metal - interesting stuff but the products heat up easily. They do not need to be placed on sunny lawns, they need good watering so that the plants in them do not die.

    Concrete for flowerpots on the street perfectly retains the necessary moisture, they will not heat up. But these flower beds are very heavy, suitable only for large areas.

    Plastic can often be found in summer cottages in different decors. If the flowerpots are made of plastic, they are lightweight, but they should be brought indoors in the rain or cold.

    Usually they decorate the paths on the sides, near the gazebos, you can place flowerpots on the steps of the stairs or on the sides on the ground.

    Vinyl records can also be used by giving them original forms... Unnecessary samovars, kettles, boots, cabinet drawers, plastic bottles and other details become unusual decor along the paths, allocate zones for flower beds or are themselves a flower garden for many plants.

    Choosing flowers for flowerpots

    To make bright flowers delight all summer, for example, it is better to choose 2-3 varieties of flowers in concrete flowerpots so that they "get along" with each other. This is a dwarf ursinia and a beautiful gazan.

    For the beauty of the flower beds, tall flowers (pelargonium, etc.) are planted in the center, and low along the edges, so voluminous compositions will turn out. The semi-double aster in the center of the flowerpot will bloom for a long time, it has lush greenery, which is important for the beauty of the flower bed.

    Important! For flowerpots, it is better to choose flowers 15-50 cm high.

    Sun-loving plants are planted in the south of the site, dahlias are excellent neighbors for any plants. Their many colors will decorate the porch and any part of the garden.

    For the base of dahlias or asters, which are tall, you need to choose an ageratum of white, purple or lilac shades. If you need red or blue colors then limnantes is lovely.

    If you need to arrange paths, then violets are suitable.

    Using your creativity, you can create unusual flowerpots to decorate your garden.

    Photos of street flowerpots on the site

    The convenience of growing flowers in outdoor pots is that they can be transferred to different places. Each flower plant needs its own growing conditions. Some need more sun, others need shade or partial shade.

    The flowerpots produced have various shapes and sizes. A large number of colors. Depending on the design of the territory, they can be standing on the ground, suspended or on struts. Flowerpots look good in summer cottages and garden plots. They are accentuated by the curbs of the paths.

    Street flowerpots for flowers you can do it yourself from scrap materials:

    1. 1 Clay. In its natural state, it is a very plastic substance, so the product can be easily given any shape. In the fired state, the clay remains natural material, therefore it has porosity. The root system is constantly enriched with oxygen. If glaze is applied on the outside, these properties are lost.
    2. 2 Stone. Any design ideas are easily embodied in them. Often they come in large sizes with three-dimensional ornamentation. The manufacturing process is very expensive, so the items are made piece by piece. The advantages, in addition to decorativeness and durability, include moisture resistance.
    3. 3 Wooden. Natural wood, impregnated with an antiseptic, fits well into any design. Plants in wooden flowerpots are often placed in summer cottages. They, like stone, hold moisture well.
    4. 4 Metallic. Such containers are made of cast iron, brass or zinc. They have a number of disadvantages. The surface must be painted, because non-ferrous metal oxidizes in air. Plants need constant watering. Do not leave metal containers in the sun for a long time. The root system will burn out.
    5. 5 Concrete. Compared to stone products, they cost much less. The soil retains moisture well. Concrete has a low thermal conductivity, therefore, in hot weather root system does not overheat. Vases are made of significant dimensions and occupy on the garden site large area... Outwardly, they look solid.
    6. 6 Plastic. They have high frost resistance. Perennials are planted in them garden plants... The range of withstand temperatures is +50 ...- 40 degrees.


    A lot of the material at hand that is available can be used to make flowerpots. The pots are made from car tires, old barrels, cans or jugs.

    Then you can create various compositions from several flowerpots. For exterior decoration use pebbles, shells, or broken glass.

    From clay

    The clay solution is rolled out in the form of a pancake, and a circle of the required diameter is cut out. Then you need to make a number of clay ropes. Their diameter is 0.5 cm. The length of the bundle is equal to the perimeter of the circle. It is applied to the base along the outer cut and attached to it. Then the next harness is taken and attached to the previous one. The pot is gradually formed. If it is required to narrow the neck, then the length of the next bundle is reduced.

    The second stage is annealing. At the first stage, moisture evaporates within 2-3 hours. Gradually, the temperature rises to 300 degrees. At the second stage, the degrees increase for 15 minutes to 580. At the last stage, they rise by 15 minutes to 900. After that, the degrees drop to room temperature.

    It remains only to decorate it decoratively. This can be done using painting.

    Making clay flowerpots

    Made of wood

    For the manufacture of flowerpots from wood, stumps are used. They blend beautifully into the garden landscape. The best option a birch stump with a diameter of 40 cm is considered. The upper part is cut off until a flat surface is obtained. A circle is drawn inside the stump. Its diameter is 20 cm less than the diameter of the stump. Around the perimeter, holes of 7-8 cm are drilled as close as possible, to a depth of 10 cm. Then the core is selected with a chisel.

    The bark of the stump must not be touched. Otherwise, the flowerpot will not look natural.

    Drilled inside drain holes, and the soil is filled up. The pot for planting flowers is ready.

    Making a flowerpot from a stump

    From tires

    They are made from old car tires... To do this, the tire is placed on a flat surface and a wavy line is cut from the side with a sharp knife. It can be shaped like petals. To facilitate the work, the knife is moistened in a soapy solution. You can use a jigsaw as a tool.

    With an effort, the tire is turned inside out. The pot is ready. It is only necessary to give the slices the perfect shape. To do this, you can use grinder... Outside, the tire is degreased and painted.

    Making flowerpots from tires


    Such products are not inferior to stone flowerpots. Materials are prepared in advance:

    • Sand and cement mortar.
    • Sunflower oil.
    • 2 containers, buckets can. One is large and the other is slightly smaller.
    • Several pieces of 5 cm long plastic tubing.

    Manufacturing procedure:

    1. 1 A solution is being prepared. 2 parts of cement and 3 parts of sand are mixed. The addition of dye is allowed.
    2. 2 The inner surface is treated with vegetable oil larger capacity... Then the outer surface is smaller.
    3. 3 A solution with a thickness of 2 cm is placed on the bottom of the larger bucket. The drainage tubes are immediately inserted. They are located closer to the center.
    4. 4 The smaller bucket fits into the larger bucket, covering all the tubes. In between is poured cement mortar.
    5. 5 After drying, after a day, the smaller form is taken out.
    6. 6 A large structure is sprayed with water and wrapped in film to dry for a week.
    7. 7 After 7 days, the hardened form is knocked out.

    When knocking out the form with a hammer, a gentle tapping is carried out.

    Making flowerpots from concrete

    Of cement and fabric

    To make a flowerpot from fabric and cement, you need to have rubber gloves, cement and an old bucket. The ground is covered with a film and a bucket is placed upside down on it. For fitting, a rag is thrown on top of it.

    The cement mortar is diluted and the material is dipped into it. The outer surface of the bucket is lubricated with vegetable oil.

    The rag soaked in the solution is thrown over the bucket. At this moment, she needs to give the required shape. Drying takes place within 3 days. The structure is constantly sprayed with water. Then the bucket is removed, the rest continues to dry for a week under a canopy. To reduce porosity, the vase is coated with a primer and painted with an acrylic compound.

    Making a flowerpot from cement and fabric

    Plastic with wood sheathing

    When using a plastic container, to avoid smudges, it is pasted over with wooden strips from the outside. The wood is pre-dried and treated with an antiseptic.

    With the help of a universal glue, the strips are glued to the side surface of the plastic. The narrower they are, the more airtight the container is. Vases serve for a long time, do not dry out and do not swell.

    Making a flowerpot made of plastic with wood sheathing

    From plastic pipes

    If in plastic pipes make stubs, pour earth into them and plant flowers, then they turn into comfortable flowerpots. They can be hung on the side of the house.

    Any non-professional can do the job. Beautiful flowers and white hardware will give the room a completely different look.

    Flowerpots made of plastic pipes

    To beautifully equip a summer cottage or garden, flowerpots are an irreplaceable thing. You can actually make them with your own hands. The main thing is that when minimum costs... Be sure to find an unusable tire or old buckets on the suburban area. With insignificant additional investments, the territory will acquire a completely different look.