How to make a country sink with your own hands. Country washstand made of plastic bottles (different manufacturing methods)

An accessory such as a street country sink is an indispensable attribute of any country estate. And if you are thinking about installing such a device, then there are two options - to buy a ready-made product on the market, or to make a washstand yourself.

With any decision, certain difficulties and nuances will await you. In this article we will figure out how to make a washbasin in the country with our own hands as economically as possible, and also consider more expensive solutions.

Let's start our review by comparing the pros and cons of a homemade appliance and a store one.

Which is better - buy or make a washbasin yourself

Let's take a look at everything in the comparison table below.

Washbasin type: Peculiarities:
  1. A finished factory product.
Here, of course, the main advantage is the beautiful, neat appearance of the device. In addition, most often such washbasins have a good capacity in terms of water volume. It is worth noting that in the store you can buy products with a water heater that runs on electricity. As for the shortcomings, this is perhaps only a relatively high cost. finished products.
  1. Homemade construction.
Such a washbasin can look differently - it all depends on the skills of the master. But in general, if you want and try, you can make a very functional and pretty device. At the same time, the price of the project will be very low, and often you will not have to spend money at all.

It turns out that the first option is good because you do not need to spend time on installation, but you will have to invest in a purchase. Well, the second method is suitable for those who do not mind working with their own hands.

As for finished products, there is a selection of such washbasins on sale:

  1. Wall containers... As a rule, they are made of plastic or stainless steel and represent a tank with a water pump. When you press your hand on this water dispenser, water begins to flow out of the tank.

  1. Product with a curbstone... The kit usually includes a cabinet, a tank, a sink. In principle, a good "capital".

Advice: when choosing a design with a curbstone, make sure that the doors and walls are made of a material that tolerates moisture and temperature extremes relatively normally.
The device, after all, most likely will be located on the street and, you see, it will be unpleasant if it does not stand for a season.

  1. Tank with built-in water heater... Very convenient thing however, heating elements require electricity in the country, and the current is not everywhere. For example, in villages where country houses from block containers and garden partnerships very often there are problems with the supply of energy.

Well, if we talk about "economy" options of the ready-made type, then there are relatively primitive devices on sale - like buckets with a tap or ordinary converted cans.

WITH ready-made solutions we figured it out, now let's get acquainted with the ways self-assembly such designs.

How homemade washbasins are made

It should be noted that as illustrative examples we will take the most popular and affordable assembly options for everyone. That is, those washstands that are made from "improvised" materials and do not require any expensive special tools.

Let's start with the easiest and cheapest way.

Plastic bottle fixtures

You can do the job from ordinary two-liter bottles, or you can take large five-liter containers.

Installation instructions in the first case should be as follows:

  1. We tie the bottle upside down to a tree, post or any upright rack, which is available in the yard.
  2. Remove the lid and cut a small triangular hole from the side, as if on the wall of the cork. We screw the lid back on.
  3. We cut off the bottom of the eggplant - we will pour water into the resulting hole.

Here it turns out that if the lid is slightly unscrewed, then water will pour from the hole cut on the side. And when twisting this hole, as it were, "comes" on the thread of the neck of the bottle and thus the channel for the passage of the liquid is blocked.

This method of constructing a washstand requires very careful use of the system.
More specifically, the lid needs to be turned just a little bit - otherwise, due to the low thread, it will simply fall to the ground.

By the way, if you wrap the bottle with wire with rings, you get fasteners into which you can insert toothbrushes and toothpaste, for example.

Now let's look at how to make a sink for a summer cottage from a large plastic bottle with a volume of 5 or 7 liters. Here everything will be a little more complicated.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the hole in the cap will not be enough - the neck height is too small. And the weight of water is more than in a two-liter bottle.

Here you should do a little differently than in the previous case:

  1. We tie the eggplant to a tree or a post with the neck down.

  1. We cut off the bottom almost completely - you need to leave literally a centimeter of plastic. This is necessary so that the bottom can be folded back and closed. When the "lid" is closed, less foreign particles will get into the water.
  2. We unscrew the lid, take a nail with a wide head and punch a hole in the cork with it.
  3. After that, we drag the nail into the hole so that when the plug is twisted, the tip hangs at the very bottom of the structure.
  4. On the edge we prick the most ordinary rubber band or wine stopper(it is needed so as not to get hurt).

Thus, we got a kind of valve - by pressing on the tip, the head of the nail will move away from the plane of the cork and thereby open access for the passage of water.

Tip: try to glue the most common sanitary rubber gasket to the inner surface of the cap.
Due to such a seal between the plane of the cork and the valve head, the bottle will flow less water at a time when you will not use the structure.

Such is the instruction. Now let's try to put together a more capital and beautiful washstand.


The easiest option is to make everything from an ordinary old kitchen table.

Here we act in approximately the following sequence:

  1. We take a table and sew it up from both sides with any available panels, plywood or boards.
  2. The back "wall" is sheathed with more or less durable boards. This "span" must be made as strong as possible, since it is to back wall a rack with a suspended washbasin will be attached.

  1. We either leave the front span completely open, or we mount the doors in it. This part is not sewn up because otherwise it will not be possible to fit a drain bucket under the sink.
  2. Next, we take the sink, calculate its dimensions and use a jigsaw to cut a hole in the countertop.

Tip: this work can be done very quickly - with a jigsaw. If there is still no electricity on your site, then pay attention to such a service as renting a diesel generator for a summer residence. You can connect both a jigsaw and a drill to this device.

A necessary thing in the country or at a picnic is a washstand or washbasin, which can be hung on the site. This practical tool allows you to rinse your hands after garden work, wash tools, rinse vegetables or fruits without going into the house. Such a country washstand can be made easily from plastic bottles, and there can be many ways, we will consider only a few of them.

The most elementary suburban washstand made of plastic bottles

A large plastic bottle with a lid is taken, then the bottom is cut off with a knife or scissors. The bottom can be not completely cut off and folded back (this will be a place for soap). After that, we pierce the holes on the sides with an awl, through which we thread a lace or wire, and hang the resulting washstand.

Alternatively, you can nail the washstand to the holder. Or, if you have holders, attach the washstand to them, as shown in the photo.

Pour water into the washstand. When you need to wash your hands, just unscrew the lid a little.

Inverted plastic bottle option:

You can also adapt the washstand like this:

we take a plastic bottle, make holes in the lid heated over a candle or stove with an awl (there should be a lot of them), we also make holes for the lace in the middle of the bottle so that it can easily turn over, and hang it in such a way that it is with the lid up.

When washing your hands, simply turn the bottle over.

Our country washstand from a plastic bottle is ready! As you can see, it is very simple to make it.

The option is more complex and functional:

We take two plastic bottles of the same size. First, we deal with one bottle, which will be the sink itself. We cut off the part with the bottom, but not evenly, but leaving a small eyelet on the remaining part (this will be the mount for our country washstand).

Cut out the widest part of the second bottle (closer to the base), then finish it as in the picture. We need to make (closer to the top) several pairs of horizontal cuts, 2-3 cm long (we will insert the toothbrushes here). Below we cut through a rectangular window (cut from 3 sides and turn to the side, so that a tube of toothpaste can fit into this tube). We fix the turned-off rectangle around the edges with a stapler.

We put on the second workpiece on the first and get a washstand with additional functions... Put an inverted bottom on top (for soap).

(19 estimates, average: 3,89 out of 5)

If you have a garden plot or a summer house outside the city and do not centralized water supply, then you probably faced the problem of how to wash your hands after working on the site. In this article, we will discuss how to make a washstand inexpensively and with your own hands.

Of course, it's easier to buy a plastic or aluminum outdoor washbasin. suspended structure... But it's still more pleasant to do it yourself, and the kids are interested.

Varieties of washbasins

Let's look at what designs of washstands for summer cottages exist.

Wall-mounted washstand

The simplest washbasin for a summer residence can be made from a plastic bottle. The beauty of this design is that it can be manufactured with little or no cost. a short time and you can hang it in any convenient place.

Homemade washbasin from a plastic bottle is made simply. We cut off the bottom of the bottle, which we then use as a lid for our washbasin. We fix the bottle with the neck down.

The mount can be at your discretion, you can fix to a rigid base using a nail or a self-tapping screw, you can first make holes in the bottom of the bottle, hang it with a cord directly on a branch of a tree.

Easy to use scrolling the bottle cap thereby regulating the flow of water. You can also make a hole in the cap for a 2-gram syringe so that it fits snugly into this hole. Remove the plunger from the syringe and cut the syringe itself about halfway.

Next, insert the plunger into the syringe and the syringe into the hole in the cap. When you wash your hands, press the plunger and the water will run. When finished, pull the plunger down and it shuts off the water. This the simplest option how to make a washstand with your own hands.

And also old plastic or metal canisters, galvanized tin residues, old buckets and even pans... To do this, you need to insert a regular water faucet into them and fix the container on a hard base.

Stand-mounted washstand

In this case, the washbasin for the summer cottage is mounted on racks specially made by you. The washbasin for the garden and the cottage in this design is convenient in that it can be used at any time rearrange to a convenient place for you.

The rack is manufactured from steel reinforcement... This is usually a 180 degree curved rod. In the upper curved part, a rod with ears is welded under the container fastening.

In the lower part, the support bar and transverse stops are welded so that, entering the ground, the structure can withstand the mass of the container with water. Usually up to thirty centimeters. This design is easy to carry, convenient and easy to use.

Country washbasin, moidodyr, do it yourself

This is a more complex design of a washbasin for a summer residence. Country option such a washstand does not require special skills to make it. The material can be selected from what you have left after the repair.

Perhaps there were several bars lying around in the country. Let's look at what kind of building material is useful to us. Since the washbasin is frame structure , we may need:

  • wooden beam;
  • plywood, plastic, polycarbonate, galvanized and so on;
  • filling tank with a tap;
  • sink;

First, we need to take the dimensions of the sink and the filling tank. We draw a simple drawing of the future washbasin. The next step is to cut the bars under right size... Then we connect the frame parts each other according to our drawing.

Now you can take measurements for the material with which we will sheathe the washbasin frame. Now it's time to fix the pre-cut material for the cladding. We fix the filling tank and installing the sink.

Such a country sink has a large supply of water, which means that need to make drainage... To do this, a piece of corrugation must be connected to the sink and taken to the side. This can be a specially dug hole. You can specially make drainage by filling the hole with crushed stone or expanded clay. In some cases, you can simply substitute a bucket under the sink for collecting waste water... One way or another, the dacha washstand is ready.

How to make a heated water basin

A real luxury at a summer cottage is when warm water comes from the tap. This can be especially appreciated in early spring or late autumn when it's already cool. A washbasin for a summer residence with your own hands, and even with heated water, is a real miracle. But this is also possible. For this, a homemade washbasin from the above structures, such as a washbasin, is suitable. Desirable with metal filler.

Of course, sometimes you can just pour warm water into a washstand or use a conventional boiler to heat water. But some craftsmen recommend installing TEN for heating water, with a thermostat.

It is necessary to select TEN according to the volume of water in the filling tank. If it is weak, you will have to wait a long time until the water heats up. The thermostat needs to be adjusted so that the water is at a temperature that is comfortable for your needs.

One more thing is important to pay attention to. Safety plays important role... Wires and connections should be isolated... And it is also necessary to make a water level sensor in the filling tank. It can be a transparent tube with a colored ball that is lighter than water.

A summer cottage is always associated with something good and warm. A hand-made washbasin can simply benefit or decorate your summer cottage life. The work itself will bring satisfaction and joy from the fact that you did it with your own hands.

It doesn't matter if the country washbasin has a marble sink or is just a hammered one. wooden box with a hole for water drain. It is important that you did it yourself. After you have been able to make a washbasin for your summer cottage yourself, it will cost you nothing to make a toy for your children.

How to make a toy washbasin and a washbasin for a summer cottage

This will require carton boxes, self-adhesive, glue, felt-tip pens and so on. At the beginning, we collect the base, the curbstone and the top from the boxes, glue them together.

Then paint with paints or we paste over the curbstone and the sides of the upper part of the sink with colored paper. Instead of a ceramic sink, you can simply cut an oval out of blue self-adhesive and glue it on top of the cabinet, you get such a sink.

It is better to make the front part of the top white in order to draw eyes and a spout in the form of a faucet on it. At the very top, you can put a washcloth and a bowl made of cardboard, instead of a hat. Here we are ready toy children's washbasin for garden. Children are happy and you have had an unforgettable time with the whole family.

Outdoor washbasins can be made with an attractive appearance... On a wooden or metal base. Either way, the goal is usability and also good exterior in the garden area. Of course, in some cases you can get by with a plastic bottle, but it's still better to have a stationary washbasin that fits into the overall composition of the yard.

To do this, you need to select materials that will emphasize the style of your garden plot... If you have a more dominant tree, use it in different variations... This could be the view wooden barrel or a wooden bucket. If you have more metal elements, then you can use fragments of wrought iron in decorating a street washbasin.

Whether you love simplicity in design or a masterpiece of art, everything is in your hands. Don't look at what your neighbors have done, be individual in your choice. Do what you want to see in your garden suburban area.

Any owner suburban area strives to organize the most comfortable conditions on his estate. Especially the inhabitants of cities, accustomed to the comfort and benefits of civilization.

The dacha is a great place to relax, but do not forget about garden work... Not all areas have running water, and the need for water does not disappear anywhere. A street washstand will help to cope with this task in the country.

Currently, there are many ready-made models on the market, but you need to remember that only a hand-made washbasin will perform the functions you need.

In addition, this option is much more profitable in terms of savings. Let's look at several types of washbasins and how to make them for use at their summer cottage.

Manufacturing method and materials

The familiar material is a 1.5 liter plastic bottle, hanging with the neck down. To make the water flow only at the right time, you can do the following:

  • Screw the nail firmly into the cork, the cap should be inside. This method is bad because rust appears on the nail from constant moisture.
  • Attach a small water tap to the bottle. In such a design, it is difficult to regulate the degree of opening of the valve, which entails a breakdown of the cover.
  • In addition to the bottle, you can use a bucket, a basin, Plastic container... It all depends on your goals and capabilities.

There are a number of more complex structures that require more time, and sometimes even more cost.

Types of country washbasins

Before choosing a specific washstand, consider for what purpose it is needed. So, there are the following types of washbasins:

  • suspension;
  • washbasin on the counter;
  • washbasin with a cabinet;
  • heated washbasin.

Each type can be both portable and installed in a designated place.


Let's start from the very simple option- a hand-made wall-mounted washbasin. It represents a capacity of 3-5 liters, shaped like a barrel. Thanks to the fasteners, you can hang such a washbasin on any suitable surface.

Water is poured by hand, but it can be drained either directly onto the ground or into a bucket. Such a washbasin is suitable for rinsing hands, but not for washing dishes, the reason is the small volume of liquid.

Washbasins of this type are also found in larger volumes, up to 18 liters. They are more convenient, because there is no need to constantly replenish the container with water. Often such a washbasin is equipped with a valve tap. The wall-hung washbasin can be used both outdoors and indoors.

On the counter

A more complex option is a country sink on a counter. They are containers attached to the "leg". This option is convenient in its movement and installation across the site.

Some designs have a partition on the washbasin support, making it easier to install by pressing it with your foot. Those parts of the installation that are immersed in the ground must be insulated from moisture.

With a curbstone

Next, consider the option with a curbstone, popularly called "moydodyr". It is the most convenient to use and place. This structure can be installed on the terrace, inside the house, and outdoors. For the construction of such a washstand, you can use the remains building materials and any tools at hand.

The sink acts as the main element; an old unnecessary sink can serve as its role. It is due to this element that it is convenient to carry out hygienic procedures, wash food and dirty dishes in the "washbasin".

The frame of such a washbasin, as a rule, is sheathed with panels, plywood, boards or sheets. To prevent wood elements from collapsing, they must be varnished. Additionally, you can place a do-it-yourself dish dryer next to such a structure. You can collect it from the boards, also later covering them with varnish.

To drain the water, everyone chooses the best option for themselves. The simplest is a bucket for collecting used water. Also, you can make the bottom of the cabinet from boards, between which there are small distances of about 1 cm.This way, the used water can seep into the ground and provide air circulation.


Well, the most difficult, costly, but at the same time comfortable option is a heated washbasin. Typically an improved version of previous version, but can also be placed on a rack.

For heating, use a boiler or thermostat. The first option is the simplest and most budgetary, the second has some nuances. For example, the power should be selected according to the volume of the tank.

If you invent your own heated washstand, do not forget to take care of the insulation of the wires and the mechanism for controlling the degree of water heating.

The article describes the main types of washstands in the country, their design and application features. A careful study of all the nuances and consideration of photos of country sinks will help you make the right choice.

Diy photo of a country sink