What color represents life. Red, Blue, Yellow, Black

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 35 minutes


Everyone sooner or later tends to favor certain colors in clothes and interiors. We are ready to contemplate some colors for a long time and note that they pacify us, calm us down, give a feeling of security or energy. Other colors, on the contrary, can irritate us, disturb us, awaken unpleasant emotions and feelings. Psychologists have long noticed a close connection between a person's character and the choice of a favorite color ... If you look from a different position, each color that a person chooses can tell about his character, if not all, then a lot.

Color psychology of a woman

Women much more sensitive than men perceive the subtle matters of the surrounding world. They able OK distinguish more shades , and receive true pleasure from certain color combinations in clothes , makeup, surrounding space ... It is interesting that the choice of a favorite color has a great influence on the character of a woman, on her style of behavior with men, success or lack of success in her career, and the style of raising children.

Character the girl who likes white

Most ambiguous of all colors because it is achromatic , "Devoid of color", but, in fact, has absorbed the entire spectrum of colors and shades of the rainbow. This color obliges , he is solemn , pristine , cold ... In various world cultures White color is a symbol of purity, innocence, or even a mourning color (Japan, India), so the person who chooses white is undoubtedly extraordinary and very versatile .

It has long been known that people with a pessimistic disposition avoid white colors in their clothes and the space around them. Consequently, those women who prefer white, are optimistic , tenacity ... These women neat , sometimes before pedantry , they - faithful wives and very attentive mothers ... Sometimes a woman who prefers white in life is distinguished by a dry character, prudent, achieves great heights in her career and is in no hurry to have children.

Which girls love black?

it's the same achromatic a color that can symbolize both the severity of a business suit and the infinity of the night sky. Black color many associated with mourning, in many cultures, mourning clothes are black. Black is not a flat monochrome color, it can also come in various shades that you may or may not like.

Women who prefer black to all others confident in their abilities , very secretive , collected and restrained ... These women know how keep your emotions in hand in any situation, and they really need black color in clothes in order to have protection from the negativity of the outside world, because black does not allow negative energy to pass through, serves as a "screen" for the negative reflecting it from a person. Women, adherents of black, do not like to let strangers into their personal lives. They are very selective in choosing a pair , and will make high demands on the chosen one. The same overstated requirements these women present themselves, they are able to always achieve what they want, and can reach any heights in their careers.

Gray - Which girls love gray?

This is another color from the line achromov that stands between black and white. Gray is the color of the autumn sky, rain, dust, it able to muffle and soothe, hide and soften ... The color gray is meant to to hide a person from outside influences and views , do not draw the attention of other people to it. Very often adherents of gray are called "Gray mouse" and these people really shy , shy and very secretive .

Women who prefer grey colour any other color are able to argue for a long time , and sometimes a huge amount of time is devoted to hovering in their illusions ... They do not like take excessive commitments , remain due ... As a rule, these women tend to shift responsibilities and responsibilities to other people , be free from any obligation. But under the gray shell of such women it is not uncommon hides a very hot temperament and a whole storm of passions ... They may worry too much, but outwardly they rarely allow emotions. They have a very developed self-esteem, they sometimes cherish completely extravagant ideas. As a rule, they are distrustful of men, but if they fall in love, they can commit passionate emotional outbursts.

Red and girl character. Who Loves Red?

This color speaks for itself. This is the color victories , celebrations , vitality, activity and optimism ... This color will gladly share energy, stimulate action, ignite. But with its excess, red can suppress weak people, make them nervous, disturb .

Psychologists say that red classic color is more of a "masculine" color, speaking of strength, power, energy. Women who prefer red in their clothes or interiors, possess some qualities of the "stronger" sex - courage, quick temper, great will to win, optimism and courage. These women are very hard to win they will be the first in everything, no matter what they undertake. Women who like the color red are very fond of communication, they make a lot of acquaintances. They are proud and self-willed, but altruists, always, if necessary, disinterestedly help their neighbor.

Orange color and character of the girl. Which girls love orange?

Sunny and bright color, which many associate with the sun or orange. Orange color challenges others , he bold , revolutionary , defiant ... Many people love Orange color, but in excessive quantities it can tire, drain a person, therefore, only very strong personalities are able to constantly withstand this color.

Women who like orange things in the interior or wardrobe, possess OK developed intuition ... They differ strong will and determination, love to rule ... In life, such women are not conservative, they easily go through any changes and strive to travel, communicate. These women endowed with extraordinary energy , they often are in constant motion , they are not satisfied with stability. In relationships, these women are more likely than others to flirt, jealousy, stormy scenes. Such women are characterized by ambition, prudence with their frivolity.

Brown color and character of a woman. Who Loves Brown?

The color of the earth, tea, cinnamon, chocolate, tree bark. Brown color gives stability,reliabilityb , it can be described as warm, solid ... This color has a variety of shades, from the lightest to almost black. Traditionally Brown color choose for decorating the floor of the dwelling, finishing details. As is known, room having wooden furniture or details, it becomes more comfortable .

Women who choose brown in interior or wardrobe details, solid in their judgments, calm, moderately demanding ... They are real keepers family traditions , hearth, very attentive and caring mother. In a relationship, they value calmness, trust, they will not arrange tantrums or scenes of jealousy over trifles.

Yellow and feminine character

Such light and warm , according to its characteristics, it is very similar to orange, but has much more nuances of tint. It is joy and delight, the color of the bright sun, dandelions and buttercups in the meadow. From yellow breathes with joy, warmth, optimism and sensuality ... But it is very difficult to combine it with other colors, because it is self-sufficient .

Women who prefer yellow all the remaining flowers, very sociable, curious, brave ... They are not interested in the opinion of society, they purposeful and original ... Such women are very easily adapt to any living conditions and will also accept any character of their man. This woman will never become boring and dull, she always strives to develop and learn, she will strive for new things all her life.

Which girls love pink?

Today it is very often called "Glamorous", puppet, color "Barbie" ... In fact, pink color much deeper than it seems, it exists in many shades, from pale pink to bright flashy fuchsia. Modern stereotypes have attributed many negative qualities to the color pink, but it must be remembered that it is the color of the flesh, birth, the human body, it can calm and give warmth.

Pink color in clothes or interior is preferred women who don't want to grow up ... This is very kind and caring mothers which are at the same time moody, spoiled girls who want to have strong patrons. These women love and know how to flirt, they are romantic, proud and ambitious. As a rule, women who prefer pink in their clothes enjoy the increased attention of men.

What kind of character do women like blue?

It is the color of water, sky, air, ice. He disposes to meditation, pacification, calmness, harmony ... This is the symbol stability and accomplishment, rest after victories and reign ... Psychologists call blue - color of fidelity, devotion, depth of feelings .

Women who choose blue in things for themselves and things of the surrounding space, do not like fuss andmess ... They prefer tradition, organization ... it soft and very kind natures who are able to empathize, tend to philosophize, idealize other people. Such a woman will become equally good, successful in the field of her career, and in the labyrinths family life... She - caring mother and skillful housewife who will guard the bastion of her family. This woman a little melancholic ... She has extensive knowledge in many areas of life, she knows how and loves to try her hand at almost all the things that fascinate her.

Green and woman character. Which girls love green?

The color of the grass, foliage. This is the color optimism, commitment, healthy ecological space, knowledge, growth ... Green color in any interior pacifies, calms, allows you to be closer to natural sources ... Do not forget, however, that there are many shades of green - from delicate light green to color sea ​​wave, which have additional characteristics from the complementary color, which is also included in its spectrum.

Women who like green things in the interior or clothing, very proud, principled ... They always ready to zealously defend their own opinion, and will not tolerate injustice ... These women know how to manage not only their emotions, forces, but also the people who are nearby. They have the desire to assert themselves, to achieve heights in training, career ... In relationships, these women are maximalists, who are very strict and demanding of themselves and their chosen one. This woman cannot be controlled, she will always be independent , like those forces of nature, which are reflected in her favorite color.

Which girls love purple? The character of a woman by color.

The color of mysticism, magic, winter fantasy. This color awakens emotions and imagination , it refers to the "mix" colors that can be very much liked or completely rejected by different people... The purple color is often found in natural habitats we are used to - this is iris, pansies, phlox, peonies, asters.

Women passionately in love with purple in clothing or interior decor, large individualists ... They prefer harmony and tranquility , and just designed to delight, charm men ... In their emotionality, these women are superior to others, they easily suggestible, easy to panic or joyful euphoria ... These women - highly spiritual natures who love to set and follow rules, live by the laws, are conservative ... Women who love purple are in great need of protection and support, their inner world very gentle and vulnerable, although outwardly they can look monumental calm in all situations. You will never be bored with them, they are very love to dream, always see in ordinary reality what passes by other people unnoticed .

Blue and feminine. Who Loves Blue?

Very soft, he able to calm ... Differing from deep of blue color, blue is the color of the morning sky, pure water, planet earth. He evokes a slight sadness and nostalgia, but is able to inspire, delight and envelop ... Blue things make even gray days bright and clear.

Women who seek to choose a pale blue color in wardrobe or interior items, it is quite conservative and strict although they capable of reflection and change ... it respectable mothers and hostesses , they put the interests of their relatives above all else, inclined even To sacrifices for the sake of loved ones. Women who love the color blue are able to easily cry even from a slight offense or a sensitive series. They are very careful , and are incapable of rash actions. The strength in their character is harmoniously combined with softness and tenderness.

Turquoise color and feminine character. Which girls love turquoise?

This color is quite complex and contradictory. It is delicate and light, but combines different shades of blue and green, being at the same time both warm and cold. Although this color not bright, and not intrusive , many people subconsciously avoid turquoise items in their wardrobe or interiors.

Women who love things in turquoise are very secretive, arrogant and proud ... They have a very difficult ornate character , it is difficult to get along with them and find in common. These natures have very rich imagination , they can never accurately determine their requirements and desires, and often people around them seem disorganized, erratic and wayward.

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    White is a symbol of purity and perfection. It includes all the colors of the spectrum and is associated with virtue and divinity. It has a cleansing effect on human energy.

    People who choose white for their color are usually neat, honest, and sincere. But sometimes they can be very demanding.

    Positive "whites" keywords: intactness, completeness, dedication, openness, unity, lightness, versatility, revealing the hidden and the false.

    Negative "white" keywords include isolation, sterility, stiffness, frustration, stiffness, boredom.

    Hang a mirror opposite front door or directly against the bed. In the first case, the energy is immediately directed back to the door, in the second it destroys the marriage or (which is also bad) causes a rival to appear on the horizon.

    White brightens up and illuminates dark rooms. It gives a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.


    Red color vital energy... It is a very stimulating and energizing color that heightens human passions. In nature, red is used to attract the opposite sex. It warms and activates, attracts the eye and communicates danger. It can be used to raise body temperature and increase blood circulation.

    People who prefer this color are bold and courageous, but can be vengeful. They are often optimists. But this color is also inherent in hot-tempered, sociable types.

    Positive "red" keywords: leader, perseverance, struggle for one's rights, creativity, dynamism, persistence, appreciation, multiplication, rebirth, gratitude, pioneer.

    Negative "red" keywords: physical violence, lust, intolerance, cruelty, destruction, warmongering, hooliganism, stubbornness, shamelessness, shame, guilt.

    Red should be used in rooms where activity and energy are needed.

    Dress in red when you want to look bold, extravagant and sexy.


    Orange is the color of creation. The color of optimism, freedom and motivation for action. He reveals the hidden capabilities of a person, helps to get rid of fears and depression. It symbolizes good nature and stimulates sociability.

    People who wear orange are proud, independent, have a strong influence over other people, and strive to become popular.

    Positive "orange" keywords: strength, mercy, generosity, tolerance, excitement, inexhaustible energy, fearlessness, sociability, justice, love of freedom.

    Negative "orange" keywords: pride, pessimism, forgiveness, deliberateness, a tendency to take and not repay debts, self-justification, deception.

    It is good to use orange in social rooms. People will be friendly and open.

    Use orange when you want to look fun, young, funny and relaxed.


    Yellow stimulates mental capacity and helps the assimilation of information. Useful for insecurity and shyness. Brings laughter and joy. Like orange, it helps revive the love of life.

    The color of energetic people, perhaps talkers or artistic, creative personalities.

    Positive "yellow" keywords: agility, quick wit, joyful outlook on life, originality, diligence, sensitivity, tolerance, honesty, fairness, self-confidence.

    Negative yellow keywords: acrimony, sarcasm, treachery, absent-mindedness, ignorance, love of chatter, criticism, intolerance, inclination to discuss others, absent-mindedness, stupidity.

    Yellow can be used in rooms where concentration and vigorous mental activity is needed.

    Yellow in clothing works the same way as orange.


    The most harmonious and balanced. The color of emotional relationships is conducive to love. Helps relieve negative feelings and eases anxiety. Calming effect on nervous system... It is a fresh, natural color that symbolizes life and harmony.

    People who prefer green are usually compassionate and sentimental, love companionship. They are persistent and trusting.

    Positive green keywords: discernment, tact, practicality, stability, efficiency, generosity, developed imagination, progress, reform, commitment, sociability.

    Negative green keywords: jealousy, resentment, forgetfulness, selfishness, greed, lack of imagination, disorder, frustration, hypochondria, deficiency.

    Green can be used in any room.

    Wearing clothing is almost always acceptable. You will be visible, but without aggression.


    Blue is a cooling and calming color. It symbolizes peace, tranquility, wisdom and poise. Disposing to rest and relaxation. Instills confidence in a better tomorrow.

    Blue is preferred by people seeking spiritual achievement. Not selfish, but sometimes spineless.

    Positive blue keywords: wisdom, patience, truth, achievement of reason, spirituality, philosophy, contemplation, calmness, healing, honesty, devotion.

    Negative blue keywords: weakness, emotional imbalance, anger, superstition, complacency, sentimental love, coldness, deceit, rancor.

    Blue is perfect for lounges, bedrooms, wherever you want to experience a sense of peace.

    A color that is desirable to use when you want to look naive, indecisive and innocent.


    Promotes inspiration and fulfillment of desires. The color of devotion and justice.

    Blue indicates loyalty and friendliness, but also independence.

    Positive blue keywords: receptivity, organization, rule-keeping, idealism, fortitude, purification, intransigence, obedience.

    Negative "blue" keywords: fanaticism, fascism, submission, ritualism, confidence in one's own infallibility, deceit, addiction.

    If you want to look serious and inaccessible, then give preference to blue.


    The color of the highest kindness, love and wisdom. It is a powerful color companion to leaders. Sharpens vision and senses. Helps balance physical and spiritual energy.

    Perhaps people who prefer purple are somewhat prone to importance. They probably have a good feeling. dignity... But they may not be aware of their own shortcomings. Creative personalities prone to mysticism.

    Positive "purple" keywords: management, dedication, dignity, humanity, ingenuity, oratory, creative mindset, unlimited, medium ability, faith, secret leadership.

    Negative purple keywords: fraud, cruelty, arrogance, bombast, venality, careerism, megalomania.

    Purple is good for meditation rooms.

    In order to intrigue someone, to create the impression of an incomprehensible and intelligent person, it is good to use this color.


    Black is a mysterious and mysterious color. Symbolizes the unknown and hidden.

    Black is preferred by the calm strong people with dignity. But black can also act as a denial of everything and symbolize insecurity and a gloomy perception of life.

    Positive "black" keywords: motivated use of force, creativity, learning, foresight, meaningfulness, hidden treasures.

    Negative "black" keywords: destructiveness, use of force as a manifestation of weakness and selfishness, suppression, depression, emptiness, abstinence, limitations.

    Color for the expression of independence, sophistication and authority in clothing.

All of the above information is based on data from psychology and the modern Intuitive School of Feng Shui.

Classic Feng Shui is built according to slightly different laws. The main role in it is played by the Yin-Yang ratio and the interaction of five types of energies, which, for simplicity, are called 5 elements. They are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. They enter into certain relationships with each other. The most important for the use of flowers (at the initial level of Feng Shui application) is the Circle of Generation. In this Circle, the elements interact favorably, alternately reinforcing each other.

Red is the most powerful color available. colors... In the Old Slavonic language, the name of this color sounds like "black for a new", that is - "the best." This color is considered the color of men because it symbolizes Yang - energy.

Scarlet. Alizarin. Crimson. Pink. Scarlet. Carmine. Cardinal. Bardovy. Crimson. Fiery. Red-brown. Dark red. Cherry.

Red in mythology

The color red is very often used: leaders and kings were dressed, in Africa, in red, and only they were able to pass the death sentence; in Africa, this color used to mean crazy, crazy love. This color was also associated with complete loss self-control and with the hot season.

Red speaks of power, will to win, leadership.

Red is the color of strong energy

He symbolizes passion: passionately hates, very passionately loves, waits passionately.

This color is a manipulator of sexual relations. He pushes for an intimate relationship, even if there are no true feelings.

Red "wanders" in the eternal search for justice. People who are not indifferent to this color always speak directly, without hints. "Red" people are excellent leaders and bosses. They have endurance, openness and courage.

In the psychology of relationships, this color also plays an important role. He is always associated with love, with feelings, with comfort, with warmth, and with the beginning of life. Red is the "guardian angel" of all female representatives. It is used to combat rivalry and the evil eye. Red is the color of eroticism and everything erotic.

What can a deficiency of red in the human body lead to?

To nervous disorders, diseases and headaches.

If you, in winter time are usually very cold, then this color should be present in your wardrobe. Red color perfectly warms, radiating warmth.

An excess of this color will lead to misunderstandings, quarrels, disagreements and aggression. This color, in abundance, leads to bustle, anxiety, inattention to important (and any) matters, and to a complete lack of self-control.

Red color fully corresponds to choleric temperament, fire, modernity. It stimulates life and creative types energy, awakens passion and unexpected bold action.

What miracles does red food do?

First of all, it removes everything from the body harmful substances and activates the liver. Compensates for iron deficiency and relieves constipation. It also saves from melancholy and depression (at any stage of the manifestation of these conditions). Helps in the treatment of smallpox, scarlet fever and hypersthesia (the initial stage of neurasthenia). Red is used in the treatment of apathy and anemia (childhood): the child has an appetite, he gains weight. Due to its ability to penetrate deeply into the skin, this color helps to heal wounds.

This color, chosen, is mainly popular with young people. The older a person becomes, the less his craving for a given color.

People who reject this color suffer from mental and physical exhaustion. This color annoys those people who are distinguished by an inferiority complex, who have a huge fear of any quarrels, who love solitude and inexorably strive for stability in everything.

Who Loves This Red? What does it mean?

Is your favorite color Red? You are amorous, sexy, emotional, optimistic, cheerful. You are distinguished by courage, quick temper, sociability, altruism.

If you dream of being noticed, just buy a bag or red shoes (either of these accessories, or both) and you, for sure, will not go unnoticed.

Psychology and the meaning of red in clothes

Now let's talk a little about what red means in the world of clothing. Undoubtedly, this color evokes sympathy for many people. However, not everyone dares to wear red clothes.

If, in your closet, a lot of red things "live", then psychologists say the following about you: you are an impulsive and cheerful person, although sometimes you can be very aggressive. It is difficult for you to accept someone else's opinion if it does not coincide with yours.

Don't wear red outfits when you're depressed and stressed.

Red color in the interior. What does this color mean?

In the interior - red - the "king" of all colors. He creates, around him, a cozy and warm atmosphere... However, and with such a cute color, you should be careful: he knows how to be very exciting.

Red is the color of the holiday. He is certainly associated with fun and joyful mood. It is not for nothing that significant dates in the calendar are marked with this color, and not with any other.

Don't look too long at this color. Admiring it for a long time can lead to irritability and negative mood.

At the very beginning of the article, we talked about what shades of red are found in nature. Do they have any meaning in the world of symbolism? You will find out now.

If you prefer a raspberry shade, then you are not one of those who throw words down the drain. You are sincere, impulsive and extremely unpredictable.

Do you like burgundy? You cannot imagine life without deep reflection, you have tremendous willpower, you often dwell on events that have long been in the past.

If you sympathize with the fiery shade, then you are a very diligent and patient person. You always achieve what you want, overcoming, at the same time, any obstacles and obstacles.

Do you love the scarlet color? Your motto is “All or nothing”. Unfortunately, you have an incorrigible tendency to make rash decisions. In addition, you always stand your ground, often not understanding why you need it at all.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about what the color red is in psychology. You will learn the meaning of the color itself, as well as its shades. Find out how it affects people who are positive and negative sides... Let's talk about the use in the interior and clothing.

Historical background

  1. Scientists noted that ancient people, making rock carvings, used this red.
  2. The tribes of Africa covered their bodies with red paint before carrying out certain rituals. They were convinced of him magical properties... In this regard, the leader of the tribe dressed in outfits of shades of red.
  3. In the period of antiquity, a parallel was drawn between the red color and Mars. Seen as a manifestation of strength masculine, belligerence.
  4. In Western Europe, it was recognized as a symbol of power.
  5. In ancient Egypt, it was defined as a sacred color. It was believed that only the empress had the right to wear shoes of this color.
  6. In antiquity, red was associated with love.
  7. In ancient times, among the Slavs, brides wore red dresses.
  8. If we consider the Christian culture, then given color identified with the sacrifice (sacred), the blood of Christ.
  9. In European heraldry, it is defined by a symbol of power and strength.


Demonstrates strength, energetic impulse, is directly related to sensuality, increased activity, aggression and sexual energy. It energetically energizes and excites a person. Seeing something red, a person involuntarily thinks about the type of blood.

The symbolic meanings of this color are varied, at times contradictory. Red can symbolize beauty, fullness of life, joy, love, while combining a hostile mood, war. Since ancient times, he has been identified with sexual desires and aggressiveness. It symbolizes passion, both for love and hate, that is, it manifests itself as much as possible in feelings.

TO positive qualities include:

  • perseverance;
  • creation;
  • persistence;
  • assertion of rights;
  • striving for leadership;
  • dynamism.

Among the minuses are:

  • cruel attitude;
  • lust;
  • stubborn disposition;
  • intolerance;
  • violence, including physical;
  • destruction.


  1. Scarlet develops sensuality, while having a predisposition to fanaticism.
  2. Raspberry is manifested by the love of life, the achievement of goals, while there is unpredictability and impulsiveness.
  3. Fiery. There is a shade of orange, characterized by increased zeal, willpower. In doing so, it can help.
  4. Red-brown develops enthusiasm, self-confidence, does not seek to impress other people. Excessive use of this color leads to exhaustion and overwork.
  5. Maroon is characterized by the presence of willpower and a predisposition to deep reflection, while there is an obsession with past events that were unpleasant.
  6. The dark shade of red is characterized by indulgence.

What kind of people like

  1. In psychology, they personify with leadership inclinations and the desire to rule.
  2. Such persons can be selfish, stubborn and cruel.
  3. Red can also indicate a love of adventure, new discoveries.
  4. A lover of this color will not sit in one place, will always be in motion, have an optimistic outlook on life.
  5. Sociability, eccentricity of behavior, willpower and decisiveness, there are no obstacles on the way of a person, no difficulties do not scare him.
  6. Irritability and irascibility. A person easily loses his temper, while calming down quickly enough.
  7. Powerfulness. He does not tolerate when he is controlled, he tries to keep everything under control. In a career, this contributes to the achievement of success, in personal life, it gives rise to problems, especially if this individual is paired with the same competing and domineering person.
  8. Energetic people who strive for vigorous activity.
  9. In the psychology of a woman, the preference for this color indicates a desire to become a hunter, to be active in sexual relations, and to dominate a man. Girls who love red outfits are impulsive individuals that can be aggressive.

If a person hates this color:

  • he is an insecure person;
  • prefer to be alone with themselves, does not like to be paid attention to;
  • such an individual is afraid of conflicts and quarrels, because of which he often ignores his needs.

If a particular person used to like the red color very much, but now they do not, this indicates that there is moral or physical exhaustion. For example, such a manifestation can occur in people who have experienced violence.

Impact on health

  1. Given the energetic power of red, it is recommended for people who are tired and have low self-esteem.
  2. He motivates, inspires to accomplishments, helps to reveal his own, to demonstrate talents.
  3. It is believed to help increase the number of red blood cells, since this color is the color of blood. Accordingly, it helps with anemia.
  4. Promotes opposition to pessimistic sentiments.
  5. Affects the increase in appetite. Therefore, it is better to avoid it if in this moment are on a diet. But if available, it is recommended to surround yourself with red things.
  6. Contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the reproductive system.
  7. Going to gym, it is better to put on some things, accessories of red color or its shades. It is believed that this will allow the muscles to become more elastic and the joints to be mobile, helps to reduce the likelihood of injury, and increases the effectiveness of training.
  8. It is unacceptable to use in the presence of high temperatures.
  9. The abundance of red contributes to the appearance of headaches and.


  1. In clothes, red indicates a person's desire to be in everyone's sight, to attract attention to himself.
  2. Such things demonstrate the courage of their owner, his decisiveness.
  3. Such clothes are worn by strong personalities who want to take leadership positions.
  4. These clothes are a manifestation of optimism, passion and emotional mood.
  5. When going to a meeting with a new employer, avoid red in your clothes. He can provoke negative emotions, create the wrong impression. You will be mistaken for a frivolous person with overestimated ambitions.

In the interior

Warm colors are used to create coziness in the room. So red and its shades can be used for interior decoration. But it should be borne in mind that this color can enhance human emotions, so you should not abuse it, especially for bright shades.

  1. You need to understand that scarlet curtains and walls can negatively affect the human psyche and even provoke bouts of anger.
  2. If you have problems with blood pressure, hypertension is diagnosed, then it is unacceptable to use this color in the interior.
  3. On the curtains, a red pattern can add comfort to a room.
  4. If you correctly furnish a room using red, then you can help the person who will be in this room become more confident, his energy reserve increases.
  5. When they want to decorate a holiday, they definitely use red elements that add solemnity.
  6. It is not recommended to oversaturate the dressing room and bedroom with red.
  7. Ideal for red in the interiors of the kitchen, hallway, gym, office.
  8. In the children's room, it is unacceptable to use excess red. It can irritate the child's psyche, lead to.
  9. It is often used in the decor of restaurants, in the interior of these premises, as it increases appetite.

Now you know what red means in human psychology. As you can see, this color has both positive and negative qualities... It is necessary to take this into account, giving preference to things and the interior of this color. Do not forget what kind of people red objects are suitable for, how they affect the psyche.

Color ... When I think about color, the brain immediately gives out a beautiful rainbow covering the entire sky. Seven colors and infinite shades. A what do these colors mean? In this article I want to talk about the meaning of color. Without a doubt, the impact of color on many aspects of our lives is enormous. Such outstanding personalities as Newton, Hegel and Plato were once engaged in the study of color ...

Scientists believe that color is the sensation that occurs in the organs of vision when light of a certain wavelength hits them. Accordingly, color affects our emotional and physical state, and our behavior can also be determined from the color. There is even such a direction in medicine as Color therapy, and this direction is gaining increasing popularity.

Each person has their own “happy” colors that help them attract confidence, well-being, support well-being and mood, and encourage creativity. They can be identified by a feng shui master by date of birth.

It is interesting that in feng shui the color scheme of five primary elements is taken as a basis:

Green, primary element Wood- Stimulates development, growth. Awakens awareness of life, restores strength. This color is recommended for use in the treatment of the heart. Also, green color relieves headaches.

Red, primary element Fire- the color of blood. Symbolizes the flow of vitality, happiness, joy, passion. Mobilizes the entire body. Forms resourcefulness, quick reaction. Increases blood pressure.

Yellow, primary element Earth- sunny optimism, strengthening of hope, a feeling of warmth and comfort. trust and safety. Affects the gastrointestinal tract, helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

White, primary element Metal- universal color. Reflects all other colors. Releases energy. Nothing can be hidden on a white background. Sincerity, clarity of thought, purity and cleanliness.

Black, primary element Water- absorbs all other colors. Secret. It stimulates mental activity, but everything black in clothes speaks of a lack of hope.

The rest of the colors are considered mixed and correspond to one of the primary elements.

Fire gathers around itself raspberry, cherry and all very bright tones that give a feeling of joy. A promising burgundy is a sign of charm and strength.

Earth attracts to itself the entire beige-brown gamut, ocher, olive, terracotta, pink.

Metal correlates with all very light pastel colors, gray, silver and gold.

Water collects black (at night the water is black, if not illuminated by the sun), dark blue, as well as all other muted dark tones.

Color can be used to solve a wide variety of problems:

Look for a job- dress in green colors;

Want to be listened to carefully- dress in dark blue;

If you are depressed or things are not going well- colorful bright clothes can significantly improve the situation.

V medical institutions the color of clothing and furnishings may correspond to the disease profile.

  • In cardiology, green will improve the work of the heart and respiratory organs;
  • In the convalescent ward, red will be favorable;
  • For nervous and mental patients best color- soothing blue, pink, yellow and blue;
  • In infectious diseases, where patients heat, cooling blue will be helpful.
  • Red color relieves inflammation well ...

You can also dress in these colors at home if you get sick.

In addition to the primary colors discussed above, there are colors that are no less significant for humans. Let's not ignore them and see what the remaining colors mean.

Orange- the color of pleasure. It is made by mixing red (blood) and yellow (sun). orange color means health, improves the functioning of the whole body, relieves the feeling of loneliness, enhances the feeling of devotion, drives away fatigue.

Blue- symbolizes depth and coolness, adds peace and confidence. Helps with insomnia, stress, anxiety, lowers blood pressure. Visually expands the space.

Pink- the color of pleasure, love, tenderness, youth. quivering feelings. If you need love, light pink candles more often, "highlighting" this color.

Purple- a very powerful color in its effect. Combines strength and softness. The color of hidden possibilities, as well as the color of protection. Helps to balance emotional instability. Suppresses appetite. Candles purple will calm your nerves and prevent your appetite from going wild.

Blue- strengthens self-esteem, decision making. helps with diseases of the eyes, sinuses, has a positive effect on the spine. Light a blue candle to successfully pass exams or before a long journey.

Brown- useful in the house to stabilize the financial situation. if there is a question of a change of residence or material problems - add this color to the interior design or buy a brown handbag / wallet.

Silver- secret dreams. delay in decisive action, waiting. If an important matter has stalled, light a silver candle.

Gold- action, large-scale plans, power. If you are running for president, the golden candles in your home should not be translated.

It is now more clear what the colors mean. If you remember them and apply them in your life, you can influence many events, your condition, health, mood. be attentive to the colors of your clothes and interior. Your efforts will not go to waste, but will bring harmony and improvement to your daily life.