How to store inventory. How and where to store tools: savvy gardeners share secrets

Most often gardening Tools the summer resident occupy the entire usable area of ​​the barn: "the storage space is meter by meter, and everything is filled with shovels, choppers and rakes - you can't get through." Let's see how the most accurate and organized FORUMHOUSE users have arranged the storage of shovels and rakes, trimmers and other devices.

Stand for garden tools do it yourself

It is easy to make such a stand with your own hands. First, calculate how many cells you will need to store your shovels and flat cutters. Nail the crossbars 40 centimeters long and 6 centimeters wide to two boards: one on top, the other on the bottom. The boards should be in the center of the crossbars. Make a lower box (it is needed both for the stability of the structure and for fixing the inventory in the cells). Supports, boards 70 centimeters high are nailed from the ends to the box and the grate.

If you are too lazy to make a stand, you can buy it: plastic racks for storing equipment with long cuttings of various diameters are sold in many gardening stores.

Some, by the way, use upturned beer crates, insert shovels, pitchforks, etc. into it.

All these coasters do not take up much space, but they do take up some. Therefore, many users of our portal prefer a different approach to organizing the storage of shovels and flat cutters: when some kind of special space, and already existing walls and ceiling are involved. To do this, holes are made on all the cuttings and laces are tied to hang on nails under the ceiling, special semicircular devices are nailed to the walls for storing hoses and extension cords, etc.

Stayer4x4 FORUMHOUSE user.

I recommend mastering not only the floor surfaces, but also, if possible, hanging the tools on the walls. Through the block it is very convenient to lift bicycles during storage, you can also hang chainsaws, garden vacuum cleaners, gas and electric trimmers on various hooks.

"Grip" for the trimmer

TigraOSP figured out how to store a gas trimmer - a thing "very horny to store." The device of the shelf in the store prompted him to decide: there should be such a protrusion of two “bars” with a semicircle at the end, similar to a grip for a Russian stove for a cast iron. The hook-shaped hanger was welded to the size of the trimmer, put on a rubber hose to avoid scratches on the trimmer, and nailed almost to the ceiling.


Hanging and not noticeable, just class. He came up, took the shaft, lifted it, took it out of the grip, and here it is yours.

Organizers for garden tools

We will show you several examples of counteracting chaos, allowing you to keep garden equipment in excellent condition for a long time, brought to life by the users of our portal.

Pirmid built a shed and set aside such a special compartment in it with a separate entrance for entrenching tools and other small things for the garden. “After a futile attempt to fish out of a twisted pile of pitchforks, this design was born.”

na zzz also arranged small room for storage of garden equipment and tools. The staples are from a hardware store, the bars, hooks, and drawers from a hardware store.
Now storing shovels in the barn on a hanger looks like this:

Here is another inspiring example - a rack for shovels and rakes:

PVC pipe niches

FORUMHOUSE User Limmpopo offers such an option for storing inventory: all garden "adapters" stand on the line in special niches made of PVC pipes.

Everyone liked the idea: simple, but how beautiful! But - not so convenient. To insert a shovel or rake into such a rack, they need to be raised almost to the ceiling. FORUMHOUSE has improved this know-how: a cut is made in the side of the pipe, which, by the way, will allow you to insert a tool with a handle on the handle into the rack. You can make something like a fastener: cut a strip from plastic bottle, fix one side of it motionlessly on the wall, and make a hole in the other. He put the tool against the wall - "fasten the loop into a carnation on the second wall."

Another idea, for really pedants: make notches at the bottom, limiters from the sewer with a diameter of 50 millimeters, and put the tools not upside down, but with the working edge down. Then exactly, as if by a string, they will stand not only in the picture, but also in reality. By the way, you can try to make such racks from plastic bottles.

Here's how else you can store any garden tools on long cuttings in the country. The simplest do-it-yourself stand: two brackets, one is tied with a string with a carnation at the end - an invention Anna Sokolova. Tools neatly stand in a corner, do not get underfoot, and are easily removed as needed. And best of all, they take up very little space!

Storage of small tools

It is convenient to store small garden tools in these bags:

Or hang it on metal rails with hooks (they are more reliable and cheaper than plastic coasters).

And here is just brilliant. design idea: small garden tools, all these shovels and rippers are hung by the teeth of old rakes, which, in turn, are hung on a carnation driven into the wall.

Room for garden tools

In general, the storage system for garden tools is highly dependent on the room. It's one thing if you have at your disposal half a garage or a change house specially built for this purpose, and another thing if all you and your tools have is a corner under the stairs measuring a meter by a meter. “First, the premises, then bringing beauty and convenience to the placement of such buckets, shovels, pitchforks, rakes, etc. that we need,” they say at FORUMHOUSE. Yes, at Stella777 there is a separate room for storing tools - a continuation of the kitchen, but with a separate entrance. Stella777 she sheathed the walls with clapboard, varnished, bought hooks and shelves in hardware stores and now has “order and a free approach to tools.”

One more important point A: Before putting the tool back in place, most FORUMHOUSE users clean it or wash it. If you clean the shovel even after simply digging the ground, wash the flat cutter under a tap or in a bucket of water, over time you will develop a wonderful habit of keeping your working tool in order.

We offer you our article about unusual, but effective, a video about novelties in the market of garden tools, a discussion on the topic: "garden tools: what to choose."

For summer residents, the issue of organizing the storage of garden tools is often quite acute. if you have country cottage area or own house, then you probably use a lot of garden tools. And you, most likely, are familiar with the situation when you need to look for a shovel or pruner all over the site or try to pull it out of a pile of other garden tools. But in the midst of the summer season, it is necessary that the tools are always at hand, but at the same time, you, in the literal sense, do not have to step on a rake.

For all these problems, there is one simple solution - once you spend time and equip a place to store garden tools.

The first thing to do is to disassemble the entire tool. Sort it by size: large inventory into one group, small scoops, shovels, rakes into another, hammers, chisels, screwdrivers into a third. So you can understand which of the storage methods to choose. Also, inspect the tools to see if they need to be cleaned, sharpened, and generally tidied up.

How to store shovels and rakes

In order for shovels, pitchforks and other equipment with long handles not to take up much space and not get in the way, you can make a kind of organizer: you need 2-4 boards, a feather drill, a hacksaw, sandpaper and screws. In the boards, mark the location of the holes (so that they match the diameter of the tool handles), drill them with a feather drill, make side cuts with a hacksaw, sand and fix them flush on the wall with screws.

Also, a storage device can be wooden pallet. Fix it on the wall as shown in the photo and simply place the inventory in it.

In addition, if you have a wide board, you can use a hacksaw or jigsaw to cut grooves in it of such a width that the cuttings of the tool fit freely into them. Using a metal corner, fix the board to the wall and “hang” the shovels and rakes with the working surface up.

Take polypropylene pipe of a suitable diameter, cut it at an angle into pieces 5-7 cm wide. Fix them with screws on the wall. Individual storage compartments are ready.

An old leaky plastic barrel or a tank with a lid can still serve you. Make holes in the bottom or lid and insert inventory into them.

How to store tools in the country

If you have a large number of screwdrivers, that is an easy way to conveniently place them in your shed or pantry. In a board 10-15 mm thick, drill holes of the desired diameter, fix such a shelf on the wall and simply stick screwdrivers into the resulting holes.

To accommodate the pliers, you can make a bar. Fix 2 small bars 3-4 cm wide with screws on the wall, nail a narrow bar on them.

Hanging pockets can be very useful. You can put gloves, secateurs, small spatulas or other small but useful items in them.

How to store nails and screws

Do you have a lot of nails and screws? Grab a few cans right size, put nails in them. Fix the covers with screws under a shelf convenient for you. Now just "screw" the jars onto the lids.

Purchase large metal coat hooks and attach them to the wall. Now just hang your hoses on them.

Searching for anything is always a waste of time. A mess in a barn, in a pantry, or, as you know, causes a lot of inconvenience - everyone knows this, who at least once, absolutely truly stepped on his own favorite rake. We suggest starting general cleaning and putting things in perfect order with a rack for garden tools, which is easy to make with your own hands.

And right now, when the summer season is already over, it's probably time to start building such garden tool storage rack. If we were talking about storing a rake, a shovel, and one or two scissors, the mess would not be worth worrying about. All problems would be solved by hanging a couple of hooks on the wall. But the garden tool is not limited, fortunately, only to these items. Fortunately - because the numerous variety of special garden tools makes most work in the country a pleasure. That is why we often cannot resist buying one or another expensive, but such a necessary tool.

As a rule, these tools are used quite rarely and as a result they often “disappear” somewhere. And at the most inopportune moment - just when they are so needed. Now, if each of them had their own, strictly designated place ...

We bring to your attention several different hangers, holders and racks for storing garden tools. Or just a shelving unit for storing all garden equipment and tools. Some of them are designed to store tools with different kind handles, others were designed to hold a specific tool. All holders for such a rack are easy to make from planks and scraps of boards. A solid board hanger can be fixed horizontally along the wall. The width of the board should not exceed 15 cm, so as not to visually clutter up the room.

Deep Cut Wooden Tool Rack

Surely in the box with scraps you can find a board 10 cm wide. Let's make a tool hanger out of it. Make in it with a hacksaw and U-shaped cutouts with a diameter of 35 mm. The distance between the cutouts of 15 cm will be practical. The third part of the width of the board is left empty in order to glue the patch strip under it. This plank is screwed directly to the wall.

There are many ways to keep the tools from falling out. To the left and right of the slots, you can screw in screws and pull on a rubber strip (left), attach a hook (center), or attach a rotating bar between the slots (right). In a horizontal position, it fixes the tools, and in a vertical position it releases.

The tree will endure

Everything ingenious is simple! Wooden pegs - perfect solution for our hanger. They can be used to store a shovel with a T-handle, an electric extension cable and pruning shears. Pegs diameter - 15 mm. Their edges are best rounded slightly with sandpaper.

Support base for tools with long shafts - shovels, pitchforks, rakes, etc.

Attachment for secateurs and scissors

This holder is suitable for tools with a wide base. The board is fixed with two screws. The width of the board and the distance to the wall are determined based on the size of the inventory. In a similar way, a mount for a pruner is also made. In this case, the attached board is wider and is fixed with four screws, which ensures that the scissors are held firmly.

Railing with hooks is always useful

Small objects, as well as tools with handles, can be conveniently hung on hooks. The railing for this purpose is made from a shovel handle and two wooden blocks. The edges of the pads need to be beveled and sanded. Then with inside drill one blind hole of the appropriate diameter, glue the handle and screw the railing into place.

Ax in a case

The third option for making a tool holder from scraps of boards is a place for an ax. The intermediate board has a triangular shape to securely fasten the ax.

Each handle - a pipe

Clever holders free up space and create order. This holder consists of boards and pipes.

Holes for pipes (40 mm) are cut at a distance of 25 cm from each other with a hacksaw, and the recesses in the main board are made with a Forstner drill. The planks located below are glued, and the boards are screwed to the wall - first the bottom, then the top.

Everything is at your fingertips on the desktop

A couple of boards are enough for the desktop to have shelves. If the wood is impregnated protective composition, then the table can stay outside throughout the year.

It only takes half a day to make. True, for successful work, an assistant is simply needed.

First, the boards are screwed to opposite sides of the table, after which it will stand steadily. Then install the remaining four boards to form a right angle. Holes for tools are pre-cut. For inventory with long handles, it is necessary to provide individual, more spacious places. Consider their location in advance.

If you don’t have time or it’s difficult to make a rack for storing tools, then, of course, you can always buy ready-made fixtures for inventory, which are quite a lot in garden and hardware stores. Here are some examples.

You can't do without garden tools in the subsidiary gardening. It will be needed to cultivate and loosen the soil, care for plants, and harvest. Proper care and storage of garden tools in compliance with certain rules is a guarantee that the devices will last you a long time and will not become unusable in winter.

Meanwhile, special care very few devote time and effort to inventory. AT best case after work, it is cleaned in a barn or under a canopy. And sometimes they just throw it in the beds. It is obvious that he will serve in the country for a maximum season.

Remember the main thing - every time after work, the inventory must be thoroughly cleaned. First, remove visible dirt, clay, grass, dust, and so on. You can then walk through working surface stiff brush or metal scraper.

After that, pitchforks, rakes, shovels, choppers are poured with water until the beginning of the handle, left for 20-30 minutes and washed with a washcloth or a hard sponge. If heavily soiled areas or stubborn stains remain, add finely chopped laundry soap or dishwashing liquid. After wiping with a clean cloth, everything is left to dry outside for 2-3 hours.

Before objects are put away in a specially designated place, the dull metal edge is sharpened if necessary, and a thin layer of lubricant is applied to the cutting edges to prevent the development of rust. Surplus is erased.

Complex inventory such as a pruner, before being removed, is disassembled and lubricated each part separately. Stored assembled.

Care is required and wooden cuttings. Especially often they loosen at the place of attachment of the metal part due to heavy loads. Slight loosening can be corrected by placing the cutting in a deep container of water, or by placing the object flat in the water. If this does not help, strengthen the structure with a small wedge, change the nails, wrap the handle with a rag.

Before winter, so that the shaft does not dry out, additional cleaning, grinding and varnishing are recommended. Lacquer can be replaced with any vegetable oil. In addition, this procedure will allow you to avoid splinters in the future.

All tools like scissors, saws, secateurs, hacksaws are stored in special cases, securely closed. cutting edge. Covers can be made with your own hands from any dense fabric, old winter clothes or soft rubber. As a last resort, wrap them in several sheets of newspaper.

The best place to store garden tools in the country is a barn. A small utility room can be built with your own hands. If only it were dry and dark. Ventilation is also desirable.

The largest items that are constantly needed, place at the entrance. Otherwise, it will be very inconvenient to get them every time. Do not put shovels, rakes, pitchforks, choppers and other equipment directly on the floor - hang them on special holders with the handle down. In this position, they will not become damp from condensate, which accumulates mainly at the bottom.

Holders can be purchased at any hardware store or made with your own hands from ordinary wooden bars, nailed to the wall at a slight angle. Another option is to cut holes of the appropriate diameter in a strip of plywood. A few thick nails driven into the wall at such a distance as to hold the handle will do.

Attach the same holders to the edges of ordinary shelves or racks in the barn, cans or small pieces plastic pipes. Or nail a bar with drilled holes of a suitable diameter. Then the inventory can be stored in a horizontal position.

For those who do not have enough space in the barn, for a small tool that is not used daily, you can build a hanging shelf under the ceiling. Special attention give fasteners.

No need to mix all the items in one pile. Inventory for garden work store separately from tools, vehicle parts and equipment such as chainsaws, electric jigsaw, grinder etc. Choose a place for storing such electrical appliances based on what is indicated in the instruction manual.

If there is no shed or other utility room in the country house, a garage is also suitable for storing tools in winter. It is desirable that it be dry and equipped with ventilation. If there are windows, choose a place where it will not get sunlight.

Take care that the inventory does not damage the car. Don't place it too high - it will do more damage when it falls. Remove it from the vehicle as far as possible - at least a meter.

For those who don't want to spoil appearance dachas and a plot with an unpresentable barn, there is interesting ideas on the topic "storage of garden tools". You can make most of them with your own hands with minimal building skills.

If a high porch leads to a house or terrace, the space under it is almost certainly wasted. A height of at least 50 cm from the ground means that you have solved the storage problem. The wider the porch, the wider your options. Each step can be turned into a kind of box. Saw out a small door on the side, slightly ennoble the interior, and the tool storage is ready. Separate craftsmen they manage to place in such a place not only inventory, but also a bicycle, and even a boat. By the way, this design will give the porch additional strength.

There is almost certainly at least one bench on the site. Under it, you can place a tool box. The advantages are obvious - firstly, you no longer need to mow the grass under the bench (and this is quite inconvenient), and secondly, you win in the overall aesthetics. This bench is more like a stylish sofa.

Special multifunction box. First, think about how much inventory you need to store and, based on this, estimate the size of the box. If done drawers or side-opening doors, the upper plane remains unused. Transform it into an outdoor dining table, ping pong table. You can put seedlings on it, prepare top dressing, cut flowers, and so on, so as not to drag dirt into the house. In addition, you do not have to constantly run from the garden to the house and back. Put a mattress on top - you get a comfortable sunbed.

For those who have special tapestries entwined with creeping roses, wild grapes, etc. climbing plants can be recommended from reverse side attach some hooks. Purchase them at any hardware store or make your own from thick wire. Dense greenery will hide inventory from prying eyes. This method is especially suitable where it is dry and hot in summer.

Your brownie.

Most often, country house and the surrounding area, including a garage and a barn, is a storehouse of seasonal items, tools, sports and garden supplies, dispersed everywhere at random. But after all, you can organize the space in such a way that working in it brings pleasure, saves your time and effort, and the atmosphere becomes functional and just neat.

Advice: Before you send a broken thing for storage in a country shed, with the hope of someday repairing and exploiting it, admit to yourself that this moment will most likely never come. So why litter an already modest space with superfluous, obsolete objects, because it is better if the tools really needed in the household take their place.

Get rid of jars old paint, broken crates with wormholes and rusty garden tools, long time lying in the open air. We also recommend disposing of wiped gardening gloves, expired fertilizers and chemicals, broken equipment and remnants of building materials. You will need a clean and free area in order to create comfortable conditions storage.

Ways to organize storage systems in the country

Arranging the work area

Periodically, in the country, you have to repair furniture parts, replant potted plants, clean working tools and the like. Therefore, a comfortable desktop and chair will certainly come in handy on the veranda of the house, in the barn or garage.

The table should be completed hanging shelves or built-in drawers under the tabletop, as well as high-quality directional light (a pair of sconces, a table lamp).

If desired, wooden boxes can be hung on the wall above the table to the right tools were always at hand.


Use hanging storage systems

Shelves along the walls inside the barn will allow you to organize its space, freeing up floor space. Hanging cupboards and ceiling containers can store seasonal items, sport equipment, sharp tools.

The shelves can be attached to the vertical rails to accommodate crates, buckets, tubs and small garden tools. In addition, ordinary hooks can be used along the walls, on which you hang bags, watering cans and rubber boots, work overalls or an apron, bundles of dry herbs, onions and garlic.

Mezzanine cabinets are useful for placing some types of seaming, storing children's sledges, skates, skis or snowboards. Metal hooks built into the ceiling will help save floor space if you hang large objects from them, for example, bicycles, sledges, garden furniture.

Install spacious shelving

Modular or stationary, shelving does a great job of keeping all sorts of things neatly organized anywhere and anytime, while giving each item a place and making the environment look more organized.

So, on the shelves of the rack, which occupies the area of ​​​​one of the walls of the garage or barn, it is quite possible to place all the things you need in the country: garden and garden accessories, Construction Materials, dishes, planters, seams, clothes, tools, baskets and boxes of vegetables.

Group your garden tools

The summer cottage needs proper care throughout the year, such as: loosening, harvesting fallen leaves, harvesting and transplanting plants, leveling the soil relief, and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the storage of garden tools, and make sure that each item, whether it be a rake, a shovel or a watering can, always ends up in its strictly designated place.

For example, you can construct a wall-mounted container from planks with several compartments of sufficient depth and width so that the sharp parts of the inventory are out of reach.

The walls of the garage can also be used to store shovels, forks and rakes, if you attach special holder hooks to the surface.

Advice: If you store your garden supplies outdoors, it is best if they are placed in a container with a canopy that will prevent rust build-up on metal parts.


Select a separate area for tools

If you have mastered the carpentry craft at least a little, or from time to time you are faced with the need to repair this or that thing, then there are many tools in the country house, for which order is very important.

Nails, drills, hammers and nuts, screwdrivers, etc. should be stored in a separate area so that they do not get lost among other items that fill the space of a barn, garage or workshop.

To do this, we recommend using wall panels with rails, hooks, baskets and containers, magnetic strips. They will allow you to place the tools so that they are always in sight, and you can quickly find the item you need.

Use sealed containers

Often in the country we store building materials, mixtures, varnishes and paints, chemicals. In addition to them, in the barn you can find various fertilizers, sprayers and other unsafe substances used during gardening. For them, special storage places with tightly closed plastic containers should be provided.

It is better if such containers, as well as paint cans, sealants and fertilizers in original packages, were located on the highest shelves of racks or in mezzanine cabinets.