A bicycle made of plastic pipes. DIY pvc pipe parking rack

Hello dear readers! If you take a close look at the objects around us, while connecting your imagination, then you can find at least several options for each of them. It would seem that what can be done from PVC pipes, because they are used exclusively for installing sewers, in fact, this material is just a godsend for craftsmen. After all, the simplest PVC pipes can quite easily and quickly transform into incredible household items, below we have prepared for you a whole selection of relevant ideas on this topic, and of course each idea is backed up for clarity by a photo.

How to give one or another shape to PVC pipes.

1. Trunk for a car.

To prevent the child from falling out of bed at night, you can make an impromptu side.

3. Fence for the doorway.

Cutting off a cylinder of the required length from the pipe, and pasting it with a self-adhesive effective film, you can end up with a wonderful vase, inside which you can install a glass of water and put fresh flowers.

5. New Year's decor.

We cut pipes of different diameters into small cylinders of the same length, glue them together to form a wreath, paint with a suitable spray paint, drill holes on top and thread a rope, hang the wreath on the wall, and put small Christmas balls in several cylinders.

Wall tree.

For hardening a child, you can prepare such an impromptu waterfall by connecting two hoses with water turned on to the footrests of the product, and making holes for water drain in the upper bar.

7. Children's house.

In addition to creating shade, such an awning can also serve as a gate for water polo.

9. Holder for glasses.

This "stall" for children's bicycles or scooters will help keep the yard in order.

11. Cells for wine bottles.

The drill stand will help you create identical holes in strictly defined areas of products.

13. Ladders for cats.

In a pvc pipe, using a drill with a special round nozzle, you should drill large holes, then dig the pipe into the ground, and pour soil into it, and then plant strawberry seedlings in the round holes.

15. Stand for kitchen utensils.

Sections of pipes attached to a wooden plank can serve as supports for pencils. And vertically arranged cylinders can serve as a supply for tools. To prevent the tools from falling down, the bottom of the pipes can be foamed with polyurethane foam.

17. Laptop stand.

Summer shoes can be stored in tube cells, and to make them look more presentable, they can be pasted over with a suitable adhesive film.

19. Organizer for scarves and underwear.

From such pipes, you can create whole fences or partitions, along which climbing plants will subsequently trail.

21. Stand and holder for curling iron or hair dryer.

To prevent newborn puppies or kittens from crawling in all directions, you can build a small aviary for them. Well, for more active animals, you can create a large full-fledged enclosure, not forgetting to cover it with a net.

23. Holder for a garden hose.

Continuing the theme of what can be made of pvc pipes, we want to show you a great seasonal idea for a gazebo. This design can be covered with an awning on top or light curtains can be hung on the sides, which will now and then effectively swell even with a slight breeze.

25. Frame for the screen of a street cinema.

Children will love this mini bowling alley.

27. Puppet theater.

It will be more comfortable for the child to play in the sandbox if it is raised above the ground, besides, the sand will not get into the shoes and under the baby's clothes.

29. Shelving.

Rings glued to each other, cut from pvc pipes, will ultimately serve as a wonderful frame for a picture or a mirror.

31. Lamp.

You can assemble a wonderful table from pvc pipes by covering it with a wooden tabletop or build a bench (at the end of the article a video will be presented on how to make a bench out of such pipes).

In the modern world, with its developed industry, there remains a place for a creative solution to any everyday problem. Crafts made from plastic pipes have become a tool for making fantasy come true in decorative arts and engineering structures, right up to carports, greenhouses, swings and more.

What can be made from plastic pipes

Products from plastic pipes, thanks to their lightness, flexibility, strength and ease of assembly, have become a real treasure of ideas for the creativity of many modern "kulibins" and "left-handers". With the help of pipes, you can make pieces of furniture, accessories for the garden and vegetable garden, interior elements, entertainment for children, and even weapons with your hands. And it's not just the low price and availability of materials. The fantasy of people is constantly being embodied in new forms. Below is a selection of 50 of the most interesting projects.

How to shape plastic pipes

Pipes can be formed into almost any shape as they connect and bend. For example, if you need to make a vault for a canopy, they may well bend to a given radius, it depends on the diameter and thickness of the walls.

Homemade plastic pipes require the material to be shaped into certain shapes. This is achieved by heating the material. For heating, use a building hair dryer or a gas burner. It is necessary to warm up the plastic surface and, while it is hot, give it the desired shape. If there is no burner, you can heat the material over a gas stove fire. For not strong heating, it is enough just to fill the pipe with hot water.

Heated plastic is very soft, so special attention should be paid to creases at bending points. Cut plastic with a hacksaw for metal or a jigsaw.

Connection options

There are several ways to connect pipes for homemade products:

  1. Socket connections. To keep the inner tube tight and not loose, a rubber O-ring is installed inside it. Also, chamfer should be removed from the flat end and its tip should be lubricated with silicone. Such a connection is considered not very strong, but it is easy to disassemble. With its help, collapsible home-made structures are made, for example, garden furniture, removed from the yard for the winter.
  2. The second type of connection practically does not differ from the first, except that glue is used during the connection. In order for the segments to adhere better, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease the parts to be joined before applying the glue.
  3. Fitting. can be detachable and one-piece. With the help of couplings, you can fasten pipe sections of different diameters and even materials. Most often, inexpensive plastic compression couplings are used for homemade products. For fastening in places of bending of the structure, you can use another type of shaped elements - bends, tees and crosses.
  4. Heating device ("palnik" or "iron"). It has little in common with well-known household appliances. This is a special machine for welding plastic pipes. The products to be joined are placed in the clamp of such a heater and stick to each other in a few seconds. This is the fastest and most reliable method, all joints are neat and tight. Only one thing is bad - this heater is quite expensive and it is unprofitable to buy it for the sake of one craft.
  5. Use of flanges. One flange is put on the ends to be connected, which is a sleeve of slightly larger diameter than the pipe itself, with a thick washer with holes located at one end. After the flange is secured at each section, they are connected using bolts passing through the holes in the washer. Wide rubber gaskets are used for waterproofing. Not the most popular type of connection for homemade products. Flanges make the appearance of handicrafts rougher, not neat. But if brutality is inherent in the design of a homemade product, such connections will reveal the master's intention as well as possible.

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Garden arch

Arches are used to decorate the yard or personal plot. Very often they are used as an element of decoration of festive events. The upper part of the arch is assembled from curved pipes. To ease bending, they can be heated with a gas burner flame, but best of all, fill with boiling water and bend slowly. The upper part of the craft can be made using collapsible fitting joints. In this case, we get a folding arch, which is convenient to store and transport.

Kindergarten privacy corner

According to the recommendations of the Federal State Educational Institution, the "Center for Solitude and Relaxation" is becoming a mandatory attribute for kindergartens and other preschool educational institutions. The frame of the privacy corner made of plastic pipes can be in the form of a house, a tent or a mink. Inside you need to put pillows, soft objects, plasticine, pencils and paper, developing and distracting toys. Outside, the craft is covered with a fabric of calm, not flashy shades. it is preferable to use materials in pastel colors. All this will allow the baby to relax a little, wait out the stress, escape from troubles and soon return to the group to his comrades.

Beach Search Scuba

Beach scuba is used to search for small objects in the sand - coins, watches, chains, shells, and so on. It resembles a scoop with small holes at the bottom. To make a scuba, you need a piece of plastic pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm, in the lower part of which you need to drill holes for the sand to escape, and in the upper part you need to make a handle. The photo shows a homemade scuba for the manufacture of which a smaller diameter bend, a plug and a thin section as a handle are successfully applied.

Embroidery machine

Another interesting craft made from PVC pipes. In fact, this is a frame on a stand, designed to stretch fabric on it. It is made from pipes connected by 90 degree bends. This allows you to make a geometrically regular square or rectangle. The angle of inclination is adjusted by means of a loose socket of the tee in the frame and a branch in the base.

Large diameter pipe well

A plastic well is the easiest to use or PVC. First, a hole is dug up to the groundwater level. Then PVC of the appropriate diameter and length is placed in it to prevent shedding of the earth. You can place a deep pump in the well and organize the supply of water to the house directly from the tank.

Swing for children

A swing made of plastic pipes is unlikely to withstand an adult. But for children not exceeding 20 kg, this is a completely feasible undertaking, and most importantly - safe. The swing can be installed in the yard and in the country, disassembling them into their component parts with the arrival of winter. The photographs show two versions of the swing - for the street and for the house. Compact home swing does not require any additional materials - only PVC pipes remaining after repair are used in the homemade product.

Child chair

A lightweight highchair made of plastic pipes and a cut of bright dense fabric will surely appeal to children. It can be used as furnishings in a children's home or used as country furniture. The remains of PVC pipes, 90 degree bends and tees were used for the manufacture. The frame is fixed with glue.

Drilling machine

An electric drill or screwdriver is a tool that can always be found in a home craftsman's locker. They can be used to make a home drilling machine. You just need to attach it to the movable bracket. This will make the holes even and spaced apart. Such a homemade product can replace a heavy and serious drilling unit. But it will require painstaking work. An accurate fit and secure knot fastening is essential.

Strawberry bed in plastic pipes

The craft is a thick plastic pipe with holes for plants located on top. This method of planting strawberries allows ripening berries to lie on the plastic rather than on the ground, which makes picking easier. In the photo, a plastic pipe is used as a base for a hydroponic system. Pots are inserted into the holes, to which the plant nutrient solution is supplied.

Vertical beds

This method of planting plants resembles the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Pipes with plants sticking out of the holes in the upper part can be placed in several rows. The foliage covers the frame, giving the impression of plants hanging in the air. In addition to the original appearance, this arrangement of plants allows you to get good yields even from small areas. Vertical beds made of plastic pipes can be placed in the narrow aisles of the summer cottage and even on the loggia or balcony of a city apartment.

Fence - fence for the site

This use of pipes is more decorative than applied. Such a fence will not stop intruders, but will make the personal plot or palisade neater and more elegant. Moreover, the craft can be painted in different colors, which will give an additional decorating effect. All that is required for this is all the same trims, tees, 90-degree angles and plugs.

Rod-pod - stand for a fishing rod

Any fisherman knows what this device is for, and the ability to assemble it from pipes and carry it with you on a fishing trip also makes it convenient. A rod pod provides several rod supports, which can be easily achieved using short pipe lengths and fittings. The main focus is to create a durable, easily assembled and disassembled craft. For a fisherman, you can provide a light chair made of the same material. In the photo - a stand for two fishing rods.

Trellis for plants

These are ordinary racks of thick pipes with horizontally thin ones fixed to them. When building a vineyard, you need to count on the fact that the load on the racks and crossbars will constantly increase, so you need to take into account the margin of safety for such a homemade product. Don't stop at simple rectangular coasters. The plasticity of the material will allow you to achieve the most bizarre shapes for decorating your garden!

Plastic pipe curtain rod

A stylish cornice made of plastic pipes can be made from materials left over from repairs. Flanges put on plastic brackets will help to screw homemade products tightly to the wall. The curtains themselves are attached to the rings worn on the pipe. Such crafts are recommended for light types of curtains. They will not hold heavy curtain fabrics. Eaves can be painted with metallic paints or left as they are.

Wine rack

A shelf or rack is used to store collection wines. For them, pieces of PVC pipes, fixed in the form of a honeycomb, are suitable. At the same time, each bottle will have its own "honeycomb". The structure consists of straight sections sawn at 35-40 cm. They can be folded in any order, fastened together, for example, with glue and filled with collection wine.

Dog enclosure

It is a frame made of pipes of the required diameter, built in the form of a cube. The side walls are also assembled from pipes or partially covered with cloth or chain-link. This kind of homemade products are also suitable for arranging rabbitries, only a cube of pipes will already have sides of no more than 1 meter.

House of plastic pipes for children

It can be made with a gable roof, using 90-degree bends to fix the roof ridge. The walls of the house can be covered with cloth, with windows cut into it. It is not necessary to use a classic-shaped house. Your kids will surely love buildings in the shape of a pirate ship or a space rocket.

Partition made of plastic pipes (screen)

The partition in the photo consists of 3 frames with an opaque material stretched over them. The frames are connected to each other by a movable hinge, which allows folding and removing the screen when it is not needed.

Support under the bushes

This design resembles a support for a vineyard, only on a smaller scale. She supports the plants and guides their branches in the right direction. With a little imagination, you can make, for example, a Chinese rose grow in the form of an arch around the gate.

Fence for a doorway

Such a fence will be useful in homes where there are small children or pets. On both sides of the opening, pipes of a slightly larger diameter are attached, into which the frame is inserted, as shown in the photo.

Polyethylene pipe bow

We use the elastic property of a plastic pipe to create a children's bow for shooting. We wrap the neck (handle) with a piece of pipe insulation and fix it with adhesive tape. The fishing line string is fixed in the groove at the ends of the pipes, which end with plugs. Do not get carried away and give the craft too large a bend radius. Leave a small amount of travel for the shoulders of the bow when drawing and firing.

Light fixtures

Homemade lamps made of pipes are striking in the number of shapes and sizes. It all depends on the imagination of the person. In the photo there are only a few homemade products of different types. The main thing when assembling a luminaire from plastic pipes is to thread the electrical wire in time so that you do not have to suffer with this later, because the design can be quite complicated.

Clothes dryer

Of course, such a simple item is usually bought at a hardware store. But it is much more pleasant and cheaper to use a homemade dryer. The assembly diagram in the photo is self-explanatory.


The simple design of the pots allows you to arrange flower pots not trivially - on the windowsill, but in beautiful stands throughout the house. Now there is no need to be afraid of the puddles flowing out as a result of overflow on the floor and walls.

Homemade sleigh

This homemade product is quite difficult to build, we do not recommend using it as your first pipe craft. But with a little experience, making a strong and light sled will not be difficult. Very comfortable, fun and beautiful.

Heated towel rail in the bathroom

Making a heated towel rail from a polypropylene pipe with your own hands allows you to create a non-standard design for placement in places for which it is impossible to choose a ready-made model. The functionality of such a homemade product is much higher than the usual factory one.

Mobile tent

This is the same orphanage. But in this case, all connections are made with the expectation of easy assembly and disassembly. A very practical thing - it does not take up much space, it is lightweight and convenient. Attention to the tight-fitting fabric - it must be strong and waterproof enough to withstand the vagaries of the weather. The craft can be used to organize a camping kitchen or protect from the sun.

Football goal

You don't have to have a big iron goal to play ball or field hockey. A lightweight construction made of PVC pipes is enough, which, moreover, can be easily disassembled with the arrival of winter. Although the small goal can also be used in winter for playing ice hockey. The craft usually consists of 3 frames, but you can simplify it to 2 or even one frame with a cloth stretched over it.

Clothes hanger

It is a vertical pipe with small "outgrowths" on top for clothes or a complete structure for a dressing room with horizontal pipes for placing a large number of things on a hanger. The photo shows a homemade hanger for children. For adults, the craft should be more durable and use pipes with a slightly larger diameter.

solar collector

A device for heating water. It must be placed on the roof and the longer the pipe is, the more efficient the heating. Therefore, usually "snakes" of the collector made of plastic pipes are laid over the entire roof area.

Flower pots and vases

These crafts can be made from pipes and fittings of various diameters, simply by sawing off a fragment of the desired height. It is customary to decorate finished crafts with colored paper, and you can place them on a shelf for flowers previously made of PVC pipes.

Stand for kitchen utensils

Knives, forks, spoons of different sizes can be inserted into vertically installed pieces of plastic pipes. Crafts are very convenient, and most importantly, practical. They look creative in the kitchen. Your guests will be pleasantly surprised.

Pencil scissors stand

Sections of pipes of different diameters fastened together, placed vertically, are a good storage not only for scissors and pencils. For compactness, they should be fastened into one block. It can be a fully functional desk organizer.

Holder for curling iron or hair dryer

Sections of PVC pipes fixed in the bathroom will securely hold the curling iron and hairdryer, and they will not melt when in contact with the hot elements of the appliances.

Garden hose holder

So that the hose does not lie in the form of an untidy, not untangled heap, it can be wound on a do-it-yourself holder made of PVC pipes. Practical and convenient homemade product for a personal plot.

Frames for paintings and mirrors

An original and even brutal device for storing photos, bordering paintings or mirrors. It looks very impressive and unusual.

PVC pipe bench

Quite simple, but you need to use good glue to connect, because the bench should be not only beautiful, but also durable. A plastic pipe bench for a summer residence - cheap and tasteful.

Garden bench

By complicating the design of the bench, you can additionally make the back - you get a very beautiful bench. Tubes of different diameters can be used, for example 50 mm for the side supports and 25 mm for the back and seat.

Seedling containers

In fact, these are small flower pots or simply cut 5-7 cm sections of the desired diameter. An excellent solution to the problem for those who have plastic scraps left after repair.

Drip irrigation system

The practical direct purpose of a plastic pipe is to supply water. Drip irrigation occurs through small holes that are drilled at specified distances. Now you don't have to worry about watering the plot in between visits to the summer cottage. And the flood of roots with large volumes of water also no longer threatens you.

Table organizer

The device consists of glued together sections of PVC pipes of different diameters and heights. Looks creative on the table, suitable for home and office.

Bathroom organizer

Convenient storage device for toothbrushes, shaving accessories and other small items. Moreover, each device will have its own separate cell. Looks great in the bathroom with other PVC homemade products, such as a heated towel rail and mirror frame.

Shelf for shoes

Convenient storage made of fragments with a diameter of at least 100 mm. Shoes are no longer under the door, but neatly folded on the shelf. Moreover, you can make as many levels as you like.

Holder for glasses

Installed above the bar. A large diameter pipe is mounted horizontally and a cutout is made wide enough to pass the thin stem of the glass. A great addition to the interior in the "loft" style.

Place for bicycles

Homemade product for holding one bicycle by the front wheel, as well as for 5, 10 and more. The number of cells corresponds to the number of bikes in the family. Do not forget about possible guests on two-wheeled vehicles. The craft is easy to disassemble for the winter and hide in the closet for the next season.

Drill stand

The stand is a cut in which the tool is placed, so that it does not have to be looked for or it does not interfere during repair work, lying underfoot. Convenient, and most importantly practical craft.

Outdoor cinema screen frame

The frame of the screen is created by a frame made of PVC pipes with a white canvas stretched over it. You just need to think about the tripod legs. Ready-made factory options are not cheap, and a do-it-yourself screen will cost a penny.

Homemade catamaran made of plastic pipes

Quite a large and complex craft. All fastenings must be carefully glued so that the catamaran does not fall apart. As floats, you can use the hermetically sealed section of a large diameter.

Notebook Stand

Provides a frame to support the laptop. Such a stand not only allows you to conveniently position your desk, bed or sofa for work, but also provides hot air from the bottom and side planes, protecting the laptop from overheating.

Interior decorative items and gifts

A creative approach will help you create truly original things. When making, do not forget to decorate the crafts with colored paper or paints.

Working with plastic pipes is not just a pleasure to create. This is the embodiment of the most daring ideas and fantasies. In addition, a special tool is not needed for work, sometimes a simple hacksaw, ruler and felt-tip pen are enough. Crafts can be done with the whole family, involving children. It strengthens family relationships and develops creative thinking.

August 1, 2016
Specialization: facade decoration, interior decoration, construction of summer cottages, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. He also has experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Plastic pipes are an excellent material from which you can collect not only pipelines, but also all kinds of crafts. Moreover, it is quite easy and simple to work with them, not to mention the fact that this procedure is very exciting. As an example in this article, I will give 10 of the most interesting ideas for using plastic pipes.

Features of making crafts from plastic pipes

Plastic pipes and fittings (corners and tees) in the hands of the master turn into a real designer, from which you can assemble any frame structures. The only thing you need to pay some attention to is the choice of pipes. For example, metal-plastic is not suitable for these purposes, since its bending strength is very low.

Therefore, it is best to use the following types of pipes:

Before gluing the PVC pipe to the fitting, you need to chamfer it to get rid of the burrs that can scrape off the glue during the joining process.

Homemade options

Option 1: Laptop stand

Let's start with the simplest, but nevertheless very useful product - a laptop stand. In the photo below, we see how to make a stand from PVC pipes.

So, the instructions for making it are pretty simple:

  1. first of all, measure your laptop so that the stand fits perfectly;
  2. then cut the tubes according to the obtained dimensions:
    • 2 tubes should be about 5 cm longer than the depth of the laptop;
    • 1 tube should be 2-3 cm shorter than the width of the laptop;
    • 2 short tubes - the height of the stand's rise depends on their length;
  1. now glue the corners to two long tubes and connect them with short tubes, as a result of which 2 L-shaped parts should be obtained;
  2. after that, glue the corners to the short tubes and connect the parts with the longest tube, which should be perpendicular;
  3. then glue the corners to the two ends of the L-shaped parts, which will serve as limiters so that the laptop does not slide off the stand;
  4. at the end of the work, the product can be painted in any color you like with aerosol paint.

Now it will be more convenient for you to work with your laptop, moreover, you can put it on your bed or sofa, and it will not overheat.

Option 2: sledges for children

Sleds made of plastic pipes are a more complex design, however, they are made in almost the same way as a laptop stand. That's why every craftsman will be able to cope with the task.

To make a sled, you will need the following materials:

  • two pipes with a diameter of 40 mm;
  • lugs for pipes 40 mm;
  • pipes with a diameter of 25 mm;
  • tees and angles at 90 and 45 degrees for pipes with a diameter of 25 mm.

Sleds are made as follows:

  1. start by preparing a drawing. In the basis of the design, use any sled in the photo above. The main task of the drawing is to indicate the dimensions of all parts, which will simplify and speed up further work.;
  2. then make runners from forty pipes. To do this, mark the places of their bend with a pencil and heat it over an open fire, rotating the pipe along the axis. When the plastic has softened, the ends should be bent so that the runners slide easily over the snow and do not burrow.
    It is advisable to bend the runners not only in front, but also behind. After that, plugs must be put on the finished runners;
  3. now you need to assemble the upper part of the sleigh, i.e. the frame to which the seat will be attached. The frame must have stands for connecting to the runners.
    This design is a rectangle with stiffening ribs in the form of lintels. Use tees to mount jumpers and racks;
  4. if a small child will ride on a sled, be sure to also make a backrest. To do this, use short tube cuts and 45-degree corners;
  5. when the frame is ready, you need to connect it to the runners. To do this, install it on the runners and mark out, marking the holes into which the racks will be inserted;
  6. now drill holes of the required diameter so that the racks can enter them;
  7. after that, connect the runners with the uprights, inserting them into the holes until they stop. To fix the racks in the runners, use self-tapping screws;

  1. at the end of the work you need to make a seat. To do this, you can use wooden slats, which are screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws or planks.

This completes the sled making process.

Option 3: shelving

Another simple and quite useful design in the household is a rack. It can come in handy in the garage, for storing all sorts of little things, in the country or even in an apartment, in order to conveniently arrange conservation in the pantry.

The process of making a rack is extremely simple:

  1. start work by completing the drawing, indicating the dimensions of all parts;
  2. then, according to the drawing, assemble the racks and connect them with jumpers using tees;
  3. now install the rack and lay the boards on the jumpers, which will serve as shelves;
  4. if the rack is high, you need to provide brackets for fixing the structure to the wall.

Option 4: snowshoes

We figured out how sleds for children are made, now we will consider how to make snowshoes with our own hands from plastic pipes for adults. To do this, you will need the following materials:

  • 2 pipes with a diameter of 20-30 mm and a length of one and a half meters;
  • nylon cord 4-5 mm thick - 40-50 meters;
  • elastic band for fixing the foot.

The snowshoe making process is as follows:

  1. cut a piece 200 mm long from each tube;
  2. on long workpieces in the middle, apply a mark and heat them in this place over an open fire, for example, over a gas burner;

  1. when the plastic softens, bend the pipes around a cylindrical object, for example, you can use a kettle for this purpose. Wherein in the process of bending, do not apply much force, it is better to heat the workpiece again so that it does not crack;
  2. Warm up the resulting sock again and give it an angle of approximately 120-130 degrees. Do the same with the ends of the pipes;

  1. now both ends of the pipe should be connected. To connect pipes, you can use self-tapping screws;
  2. after that, sand the frame of the snowshoes so that the surface is rough;

  1. now you need to weave a nylon cord mesh on the frame. You can connect the nodes according to the scheme above.

In the process of making the mesh, you need to tie a jumper to the snowshoes. When finished, tie the elastic bands to secure the snowshoes to your leg.

The size of the snowshoes depends on the size of your feet. With a foot size of 42, a snowshoe with a length of about 60 cm and a width of about 25 cm is sufficient.

Option 5: catamaran

Fans of outdoor activities can be recommended to make a homemade catamaran from plastic pipes. This design is based on large diameter external sewer pipes. They should be about two meters long.

The manufacturing process of this product looks like this:

  1. place the three pipes at the same distance from each other and connect them with pipes of a smaller diameter using clamps or other fasteners. The distance between the two outermost sewer pipes should be about one and a half meters;
  2. then glue the plugs on both sides of the pipes. To reduce the resistance of the floats, "bend" them in front, using the corners at 45 degrees;
  3. on the base of the tubes connecting the floats, lay a wooden shield that will act as a deck;
  4. a seat should be fixed on the shield, which can be made from boards.

On this catamaran is ready. This swimming facility is perfect for fishermen, as well as just lovers of walking on the water.

Use the paddles from the kayak to steer the catamaran. Of course, if you wish, you can design and implement a more complex design with pedal-driven blades.

Option 6: tent

The tent is made according to the same principle as all other structures - pipes and fittings are used in its basis. The only thing is that the parts do not need to be glued or soldered to make the product collapsible. Another feature is that you will have to sew an awning, for example, from tarpaulin or other suitable canvas.

The construction process looks like this:

  1. to make it easier to work, draw a drawing showing the dimensions of all parts and the location of the fittings. The design of the tent is quite simple - the base is a rectangle, to which four posts are attached at the corners.
    The roof is attached to the posts from above. If the roof is gable, then you will need 45 degree fittings to assemble it;

  1. then cut the tubes into parts of the desired length;
  2. now from the received parts and fittings, assemble the frame according to the drawing;
  3. then you need to make an awning. To do this, cut the material into canvases for each side of the tent, as well as the roof, and then sew them;
  4. now slide the resulting awning over the tent to make sure the job is done correctly.

Use good quality fittings for your tent so that they hold the pipes firmly and do not crack.

Option 7: making a velomobile

For those who like to design and invent, we can recommend making a velomobile. Truth, please note that for its manufacture you will need more durable pipes than for the products described above.

An excellent solution is 1/4 inch diameter PVC pipes with metal reinforcement. However, it is almost impossible to find such material on the domestic market. It can be replaced with 40 mm PVC-U pipes intended for swimming pools, although their disadvantage is the high price of the fittings.

In addition, ordinary polypropylene reinforced pipes can be used, inside which metal pipes of a suitable diameter are inserted. Another option to increase the strength of the pipes is to fill them with polyurethane foam.

The process of making the frame of a velomobile is not complicated. The structure is assembled according to the same principle as all other products - the tubes are connected using fittings and thus the frame is assembled.

The most difficult part in performing this task is to securely fasten the metal parts - the axles of the wheels, and the drive. To do this, use metal plates that can be bolted to the frame. To screw the bolt into the pipe, use the bushings that are glued in.

As for the mechanical part, all the parts are used from the bike. The only thing is, you can use the electric motor, as shown in the photo above. In this case, an electric drive is installed on one rear wheel, and a mechanical drive on the second.

To implement a mechanical drive in the front, an axle with bends in the form of pedals should be positioned, as in the photo below. This axle, in turn, transmits torque to the "sprocket", and then everything is like a regular bicycle.

These are, in fact, all the main nuances of making a velomobile. For other design tasks, you will surely find solutions yourself.

Option 8: zherlitsa

If you love fishing and experiment with different tackle, then you will surely be interested in this idea of ​​using a plastic pipe, which consists in making a summer vest. To do this, you will need a piece of sewer pipe with a diameter of 32 mm and a length of 10 cm, as well as a fishing line, a hook and a sinker.

The zherlitsa is made from a plastic pipe as follows:

  1. remove the edges from both ends of the workpiece;
  2. then drill a hole with a diameter of about 5 mm, stepping back from the edge about 1.5 cm. This hole will be used as a line stopper;
  3. now drill a through hole on the opposite side of the workpiece, i.e. there should be two holes in the tube opposite each other;
  4. now you need to equip the workpiece. To do this, tie a suspension from a fishing line to two opposite holes (for hanging a girdle). The suspension must end with a noose loop;
  5. now tie a line to one hole and wind it around the tube. 10 meters will be enough;
  6. at the end of the line you need to put on a sliding sinker, and also tie a tee hook;
  7. to fix the fishing line in working position, put a tight rubber ring on the workpiece.

Now the tackle is ready, it remains to prepare the bait and go to the nearest suitable reservoir to test it in operation.

Option 9: folding chair

If you liked the previous version of the use of a plastic pipe, then the folding one will certainly come in handy. Moreover, it is made extremely simply and quickly:

  1. from tubes and corners, assemble a rectangle with dimensions of about 40X30 cm, if you wish, you can make the chair even more compact;
  2. now collect the second rectangle of the same size. Its height should be the same, and its width should be a few centimeters less so that it can fit snugly into the first rectangle;
  3. now drill holes opposite each other in the center of the long sides of each rectangle;
  4. then connect both parts with bolts;
  5. at the end of the work, sew a rag seat, as in the photo above.

As a result, you have a lightweight and compact chair that you can even put in a backpack.

Option 10: a waterfall for kids

As you know, children are very fond of splashing in the water on hot summer days. Therefore, if you have a summer cottage, do not deny them such pleasure and make a waterfall.

The design of this device is extremely simple. It is a U-shaped frame. In the crossbar of this frame from below, you need to drill small holes through which the jets of water will fall down.

To keep the crossbar stable on the ground, attach the legs from below, perpendicular to the frame, as shown in the photo above. Attach a hose nipple or threaded fitting to one of the legs. Install plugs on the other ends of the legs.

Now the waterfall is ready, all that remains is to connect the water to it. For these purposes, you can use a summer shower tank or install a special container where the water will be heated under the rays of the sun.


From plastic pipes, as we found out, you can make many interesting and useful crafts. We have considered as an example only 10 options for their use. However, if you strain your imagination a little, you will surely discover a lot of other, no less interesting ideas.

From the video in this article, you can get more information on how to make a sled from plastic pipes. If some points are not entirely clear to you, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

August 1, 2016

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I will try to tell you how the idea of ​​doing pipers came about - handicrafts from pipes. And, in particular, make a balance bike with your own hands.

In 2012, my family and I were vacationing in Slovenia. My son turned one and a half years old there - a holiday, like. We took him to the Ljubljana zoo (the capital of Slovenia, who does not know). And in the zoo, on the central alley, some uncles and aunts grabbed the children and put them on plywood bicycles without pedals. It was then that I saw the balance bike for the first time. But what this crap is called and what it is for, I found out only a year later. Because at that moment I was not impressed at all.
A few days later I saw a couple of four-year-olds on balance bikes, they are also called RunBikes. They confidently kept great speed and looked very organic on balance bikes. And when we drove up to the cafe, we braked effectively: some with heels, and some with a rear brake, that also with a skid. All this looked somehow very dexterous and at ease for such kids. And this picture has already impressed me. And it stuck in the brain: Venya and I approached them, sort of walking, but in fact we studied the structure (see photo below).

A year later, in a fit of affection for my son, I ordered a balance bike. First bike. Perhaps, this time, I was the most patient Internet shopper in the world: I honestly waited two weeks - when the Russian dealer will figure out where and who will deliver the order to me. And then the Moscow office did not get in touch for another two weeks. But the balance bike came, and the dealer paid for the delivery himself - to compensate for his sluggishness.

The first bike was chosen because of its low weight, brake availability and resistance to rain and mud. But what is most important is vandal resistance. Yes, kids are, sometimes, such vandals.
While I was waiting for the package, my friends were really crazy about the cost and waiting time. In the order of chatter, they discussed making with their own hands. I considered making, only from plywood, because the first runbike I saw was plywood. It seemed to me easier to make from plywood.
But then, almost simultaneously, messages came from two friends: one suggested using polypropylene pipes to build a balance bike, the other sent a link to the project of the Spaniard Bruno Gavira: he made balance bikes from a sewer pipe and wheels from a cargo wheelbarrow. The project was called “Pipe Bike”.

As far as I'm in the subject, I think the weight turned out to be in the region of 4 ... 4.5 kg. Mostly because of the wheels. heavy, of course, but not yet critical.
In general, a start has been made - I put in a sketch, determined the main dimensions of the balance bike and went to look for materials. It took two weeks of intensive search to find all the materials. The most difficult thing was to find wheels: I found used wheels for 500 rubles in a children's store. A week bargaining and finally bargaining, which was almost withdrawn from the sale. He quickly stopped getting pissed off and took it at full cost.

It would seem that polypropylene is not plywood, but there was an abundance of debris.

The impossibility of using serious equipment, technologies and materials gave rise to the concept - to do only from commercially available things and from technologies available in everyday life. And this already made a requirement for the overall thoughtfulness of the design. It is necessary to make a reservation - the welded seams of propylene, practically, do not allow achieving a good presentation. But at the same time it is an excellent and cheap material for rapid prototyping and one-off production.

In general, polypropylene is quite difficult to process, and work-related injuries are possible. Although foolishly you can break the horseradish.

Hence the name for the balance bike: Piper CutFinger.
The seat made of an iron corner, of course, turned out to be traumatic. My boy, rolling, with his bare ass hit the edge of the seat. But here is the fate of all test pilots.

In general, the boys liked the run bike. Later he was presented to his nephew Ilya for a lifelong test of reliability. It just so happened that all the children around me are unwillingly testers. Which, however, have not yet complained about.

P.S. While writing a post and looking for a photo of a Spanish balance bike, I found

Whether from the desire to save money, or from an overabundance of imagination, our people learned to benefit from those objects and things that a pedantic European would have long ago sent to the landfill. They build greenhouses and make palm trees, from - pretty garden figurines, and you can assemble any garden furniture from. Scraps of plastic pipes left over from repairs can also be used with benefit. They make the simplest decorative things, beds, chairs and even greenhouses - the scope for imagination is huge, and we have collected only the most interesting ideas for crafts from plastic pipes, which can serve as a guide to action or a source of inspiration.

Pipe connection methods

Plastic pipes are like parts of a constructor... By combining segments of different lengths and connecting them at different angles, you can get anything: a beginner will be delighted that he has built a simple hanger, and a professional will easily assemble a bunk bed. The main thing is to be able to correctly connect the pipes, and then it will be possible to do any thing necessary in the household.

Plastic pipes are a collective name, and are made from polymers. The greatest demand is for and. Sections of different lengths and diameters remain after the repair of engineering networks in an apartment or in a country house, and, as a rule, they rubbish in the closets, or rather, they were rubbish until enterprising folk craftsmen began to use them for other than their intended purpose. Plastic pipes are characterized by low weight, high strength and durability, they are easy to clean and safe.

Polypropylene pipes are connected using a special welding machine. It is expensive - it is more profitable to rent it, and it will take a little time to learn how to work with it. Compression fittings can be used to connect. In any case, the assembled product will be non-separable.

When it comes to crafts made from plastic pipes, usually refer to PVC pipes that can interconnect in the following ways:

  • socket connection with rubber seal... Socket pipes are supplied by manufacturers with a rubber seal located at the end, so that pipe joining is quick and easy, and the joint is tight. At the first stage, the socket of one pipe and the smooth part of the other are cleaned of dust and dirt. A chamfer is removed from the smooth end of the pipe (angle of 15 degrees, chamfering tools can be used) and a mark is applied indicating the depth to which the pipe will enter the socket. The sealing ring of the bell and the smooth part of the pipe are lubricated with a silicone compound and inserted one part into another, focusing on the mark. For plumbing and drainage, this is a good connection, and if you are assembling shelves or furniture, then it is not rigid enough. The main advantages: simplicity and the possibility of dismantling, therefore, such a connection is used for the construction of temporary structures and things;
  • adhesive bond... The ends of the pipes that need to be connected are chamfered (some simply process the surface with sandpaper), then marks are applied indicating the depth of the fitting. The ends of the pipes are degreased with methylene chloride, then the adhesive is applied with a brush to the pipe and inside the chamfer or socket. The pipe is inserted into the fitting (or socket), rotated ¼ turn for better distribution of the glue, then the elements can be pressed for 30-60 seconds. It is advisable to do all the work quickly. The remnants of the glue are immediately removed, and the compound is allowed to dry for several hours. The process is more laborious, but the joint is more reliable;
  • flange connection... Individual sections are connected using special fittings. Before performing work, the ends of the pipes are cleaned. A flange is put on the cut, then a rubber gasket onto which the flange is pushed. The elements are connected using bolts with a counter flange. Then the bolts are evenly tightened to achieve alignment of the flanges. The connection is reliable, the design is collapsible.

When the technology of connecting plastic pipes has been mastered, we can assume that almost any craft can be done. It is only important to draw a sketch or make a drawing in advance, and correctly calculate the length of all segments. You can build anything from such parts - we will list just some ideas for DIY plastic pipe crafts.

# 1. Organizer

The most unpretentious way to use the remains of plastic pipes. You can take pipes of small and medium diameter, even small lengths will fit. The first option is a mobile organizer. It is enough to cut segments of different heights and glue them together in any order or adhering to some scheme (for example, one higher segment in the center, the rest around it). Such a stand is suitable for storing office supplies near the desktop or for organizing all kinds of bolts and other fasteners in the workshop.

The second option is stationary. On one side, the pipe must be cut at an angle (the most popular option is 45 degrees, but less is possible if small items are stored). Then the cut elements are attached to the vertical surface with. You can mount the organizer elements on the wall or on a specially installed board.

# 2. Decorative frame or partition

Thin rings, which are easy to get when cutting plastic pipes, are a versatile material for creating decor. You can use pipes of different diameters - it's even more interesting. The plastic rings will make a wonderful frame. It is enough to draw a layout of the future product on paper in advance and glue individual rings right on it. They can turn out both a strict symmetrical pattern and something chaotic. If you then paint, then such a frame for a mirror or picture will hardly be called a simple craft - it will be a cool design thing.

A decorative partition can be obtained in a similar way. Glueing, of course, will take a little longer, but the effort is worth it. The partition will look very interesting, weigh a little and come in handy, for example, to delimit zones in the bathroom.

No. 3. Shoe shelf and wine bottle holder

There are a lot of options to organize the storage of clothes using plastic pipes, and in implementation all these crafts are quite simple.

No. 8. Shelving for living room, hallway, pantry

By connecting several pipe sections in the required order, you can get a practical and inexpensive rack that will fully satisfy your requirements in terms of size, shape and configuration. It can be either rather modest in size or a real giant. If the rack is located in the living room, then the pipes can be painted, and glass or plywood can be used as countertops. When it comes to or a workshop, there is no particular need for decoration.

No. 9. Football goal

If the suburban area has, then you can build a small football goal. It will only be necessary to make a few connections, but before that, of course, everything will have to be carefully calculated and measured. When the frame is ready, a net is put on it, and the gate is ready. When the kids grow up, the product can be disassembled, and the pipes can be reused to create other crafts.

In a similar way, you can make a small children's playhouse. We all once loved to build huts, get together there and play. It was especially cozy and mysterious. The frame for a house made of pipes is made elementary. Children will only have to throw a thick fabric over it and enjoy their own little castle.

No. 10. Playpen for children

There is nothing complicated in the construction of a playpen. However, the finished product in the store is not cheap. A budget alternative is available to those who have a decent amount of plastic pipes in stock, the time and the desire to learn how to connect individual pieces into a solid structure. You will need a lot of pipes to make, so home craftsmen advise you to just buy them in the store - it will still be cheaper than a ready-made arena, and the pipes can then be reused.

After a diagram of the arena has been created with an indication of its dimensions, pipes are cut. The vertical baffles are interconnected by short horizontal pipe sections at the top and bottom. However, variations are possible in the design of the arena.

No. 11. Chairs made of plastic pipes

Here you will need already confident skills in connecting individual pipe sections. Depending on your desire and degree of preparation, you can make both a simple children's stool and a comfortable chair for adults, or even an armchair. After the frame is ready, the seat is made. It can be woven from threads, rope, or use a thick fabric. Then you can put soft pillows on top. Having mastered the manufacturing technique, it will be possible to build almost all the furniture for a summer residence.

No. 12. Bunk bed

Yes, it is quite possible to assemble a frame from ordinary plastic pipes. Not only supporting elements are made of pipes, but also a staircase, and, of course, lamellas underneath. The level of difficulty here is increased, it is better to take on the work for those who have already tried their hand at making simpler crafts. Do not neglect drawing up a drawing and meticulous measurements.

A bed made in this way will become a real find for a small country house, because not everyone can afford to buy a ready-made bunk bed for a summer cottage, but it is somehow necessary to solve the problem of accommodation.

No. 13. Garden arch

How beautiful the arches, entwined with plants and flowers, look in the garden. The main difficulty in making a garden arch from plastic pipes is that individual segments will have to be bent. The easiest way to shape the pipes is with a gas burner. A separate area is heated to a state where the material will give in to deformation, then it is given the required shape. Someone decides not to bother and just connect several pipe sections at an angle. Then the upper part of the arch will resemble a trapezoid or polygon in shape. Horizontal elements are attached between the two arched vaults so that in the future the arch is covered with greenery as much as possible. Remember to securely fix the structure in the soil.

No. 14. Alcove

Constructing from plastic pipes is much easier than anyone might imagine. If you take long enough segments, then you don't even have to connect anything. Two pipes of the required length are arched and anchored into the ground. The distance between the elements of the future frame should be such that a dining table or other objects fit. It only remains, and everything is ready.

The design of the gazebo may be slightly different, resembling a house in shape. In this case, you will have to connect the individual elements.

No. 15. Carport

The design itself is simple, but difficulties may be associated with a decent size of the canopy, because it must be wide and high enough so that a car can safely hide under it. The frame is assembled with special care, attached to the ground and to the adjacent wall, if any, is covered with a thick awning fabric on top, which will protect the car from the scorching sunlight and rain. Even the language does not turn to call this product a craft - this is already a small architectural form.

No. 16. Greenhouse

A small greenhouse is easy to do. You will need a few pipes, and there will not be very many connections. After the frame is assembled and fixed in the ground, it remains only to cover it with agrofiber. It will be possible to make such a greenhouse in just a couple of hours, and the benefits from it will be enormous.

No. 17. Greenhouse made of plastic pipes

It is, of course, more difficult to build a full-fledged one than a greenhouse. It will take a lot more material, and it will take a lot of time. The size of the greenhouse can be almost anything. The procedure is as follows:

From pipes, you can make a frame for a greenhouse of almost any shape, but the arched one remains the most preferable.

No. 18. Seedling containers

If in the country every square meter counts, then it's time to bring the idea of ​​vertical gardens to life. Thus, it is convenient to grow greens and some berries. Scraps of plastic sewer pipes will make excellent containers if you cut holes in them in advance for seedlings and the outflow of excess water. It remains only to fill the soil containers and arrange the vertical beds one above the other. You can attach them again to a stand made of plastic pipes. Some connect the beds with ropes and hang them from the wall - there are many options.