Kalanchoe Kalandiva: features of care and reproduction at home. Kalanchoe Kalandiva: growing and care at home

Kalanchoe Rosalina is the closest relative of Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Kalandiv. The flower is suitable for growing at home, where, when creating an optimal microclimate, it will feel comfortable and pleasing long flowering... Since the plant belongs to succulents, it does not need special conditions for keeping, but requires minimal care and attention.

Rosalina is a descendant of Blossfeld's Kalanchoe (like Kalandiva), brought from the island of Madagascar. Differs in compact size and long flowering exceeding 10 weeks. The color scheme of terry buds is varied and varies from pink and light orange to purple, crimson shades.

The fleshy leaves of Rosalina mix are distinguished by their ability to accumulate moisture, their shape is round or oval, and the edge itself is wavy. They are characterized by a glossy shine, which is especially evident with proper maintenance. The color of the leaves is light green and becomes even lighter on the back.

A miniature bush takes up little space on the windowsill, it reproduces well by cuttings, so it is easy to get young seedlings from one mother plant.

Features of home care

The main element of caring for Kalanchoe Rosalina mix is ​​the creation of suitable temperature conditions, especially during the period of intensive vegetation. Also, the plant needs correct lighting and watering, periodic feeding and transplanting will also not interfere, which will help the bush to develop correctly.

What should be the temperature

Optimal temperature regime during the period of active growth, it should be within + 15- + 25 degrees Celsius. In winter, during rest, the mark should drop to + 14- + 15 degrees.

There are also other temperature requirements:

  • To extend the budding period, day and night temperatures should be at around + 18- + 20 and + 15- + 17 degrees, respectively;
  • The growth and condition of the bush will be positively affected by being on the veranda or balcony in the warm season;
  • In winter, it is not recommended to place the pot near heating appliances, as well as opening vents.

Kalanchoe Rosalina can withstand heat (above +30), but it often causes a weakening of the plant's immunity. The minimum critical mark is considered to be + 4- + 6 degrees Celsius, in cooler conditions even a bush full of health dies.

Correct lighting

Caring for Kalanchoe Rosalina mix includes organizing daylight hours, the duration of which should be approximately 8-10 hours. With more prolonged lighting, the bush stops blooming, which becomes a real dilemma for the grower. To "trick" a succulent plant, in the summertime, cover it with a paper cap or take it out into a darkened room.

Since the Kalanchoe Rosalina is sensitive to light, a window sill, where direct sunlight does not fall, will be an ideal option for it. If the pot is on a south window, shade it by covering the glass with reflective tape or paper to prevent unsightly burns on the leaves.

The dark corner of the room is not suitable for Rosalina, because with a long stay in such conditions, the bush loses its aesthetic appeal:

  • Leaves become faded and small;
  • Shoots are stretched and weakened;
  • The number of buds is significantly reduced, and flowering can also completely stop.

When the duration of daylight hours is insufficient (in winter, with cloudy, rainy weather, fogs, etc.), it is advisable to supplement Rosalina mix with the help of LED or phytolamps. When choosing a source of artificial lighting, you need to monitor the glow temperature (ideally - 6500 K).

How to water

Like other varieties of Kalanchoe, Rosalina reacts negatively to soil flooding. That is why you need to water the bush sparingly and only after upper layer the soil will dry out. It is important to remember here - it is better not to top up than to overdo it. The approximate frequency of soil moisture depends on the specific conditions of detention, however, on average, it is 1 time in 7-10 days in summer and 1 time in 14 days in winter.

  • Water - room temperature, settled or filtered;
  • Excess from the pallet should always be drained so that the roots do not get stuck;
  • When watering, it is important to ensure that moisture does not get on the leaves, shoots and trunk, and also does not accumulate in internodes;
  • Watering can be top and bottom, directly into the pallet.

A little about humidity

Rosalina mix is ​​a plant that is not demanding on air humidity. If desired, the bush can be sprayed with a small spray bottle at a distance of 25-30 cm during the absence of budding. This will help create a "cloud" of wet fog around the flower, which will be sufficient.

"Water" procedures are especially relevant in summer, when the pot is next to an open window and dust gets on the leaves, polluting them. In this case, the bush can be washed in the shower by covering the earthen lump with a plastic bag. It is also allowed to wipe the hardwood mass with a damp cloth or cotton pad.

Water for spraying should be separated, at room temperature, you can use the same as for irrigation.

Top dressing and pruning at home

Proper care of Kalanchoe Rosalina includes fertilization to maintain the health of the bush. You need to feed it only in the warm season, once every 2-3 weeks; in winter, the flower does not need additional nutrition.

As top dressing, special mixtures for cacti and succulents are most often used, however, universal fertilizers for indoor flowering plants... It is necessary to introduce the compounds only into wet soil, because otherwise root system will suffer from burns.

When buying fertilizers, pay attention to the composition - it must contain potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Pruning helps to maintain the compactness and aesthetic appeal of the bush, the shoots of which can stretch over time. Often, flower growers practice pinching the tops, as well as shortening the branches at the level of 3 pairs of leaves. You need to carry out manipulations starting from the very early age bush so that it takes on a beautiful shape.

The main nuances of the transplant

The signal for a transplant will be the state of the root system of Rosalina mix, which braids the entire earthen lump. In this case, it is necessary to transplant the plant into a new, more spacious pot and fresh substrate. Usually the need for "relocation" occurs once every 2-3 years for adult bushes, but young seedlings need to be reloaded annually.

A flowerpot with a diameter of 2-3 cm larger than the previous one is suitable as a container, with drain holes at the bottom. Be sure to place a layer of expanded clay and pebbles on the bottom, which will prevent the roots from rotting.

The substrate should not be overly nutritious, so it is ideal ready mix for succulents, to which you need to add a small amount of coarse sand. You can also prepare the substrate yourself by mixing the following components:

  • 1 part of sod and leaf land;
  • 1 part of peat and coarse sand;
  • A small amount of perlite.

It will not hurt to add crushed charcoal to the ready-made earthen mixture, which prevents the development of rot.

Kalanchoe Mix combines compact size and luxurious bloom... His homeland is the hot tropics, hence the bright exotic colors: pink, red, yellow, orange.

To grow a magnificent Kalanchoe Mix, as in the photo, you need to create optimal conditions for it.

Blooming Kalanchoe Mix

  1. The plant is very fond of the sun, so it is recommended to keep it on the windowsill. In those hours when the rays become especially hot, the Kalanchoe is best covered light cloth or cover it with a sheet of plain white paper. It's a bad idea to move the pot for a while, it should be in one place.
  2. The room temperature should be around 20 degrees. A slight decrease for the Kalanchoe is not scary, but excessive heat has a bad effect on it.
  3. With sufficient watering, the level of air humidity does not matter.

If everything is done correctly, the plant will bloom in early February and will delight with its appearance until the end of March.

Kalanchoe Mix care

To make the flower feel comfortable, it is enough to remember and observe the following important points:

  1. Watering the Kalanchoe is a responsible task. The plant loves moist soil, but does not tolerate excess water. Therefore, it should be applied in small portions every three days. If the room is hot, then more often. It is best to focus on the state of the topsoil - if it's dry, it's time to water.
  2. Kalanchoe should not be sprayed. Moreover, it does not tolerate the ingress of water on the leaves and stems, therefore, when watering, you must be careful so that the liquid falls strictly under the roots.
  3. The plant must be replanted once a year. This can be done at any time, except for the flowering period. Kalanchoe is suitable for standard soil for indoor plants. When replanting, it is important to make sure that the new soil is identical in composition to the old one.
  4. Due to frequent transplants of Kalanchoe, additional fertilizers are rarely required. If the plant looks weak, the leaves begin to wither, it is necessary to add mineral dressing. Perfect option- remedies for cacti. Plants are fed as needed, but only in the absence of peduncles.
  5. To shape beautiful plant, it is necessary to periodically remove excess leaves and peduncles. This also cannot be done during the flowering period. Since the Kalanchoe leaves are not very many, it is usually enough just to periodically remove the old and drying ones.

The most popular Kalanchoe species, the Kalanchoe Kalandiva flower is often found in apartments. This unpretentious plant adapts well to room conditions, undemanding in care, pleases the hostess for a long time abundant flowering.

When creating a favorable microclimate, the culture will bloom for 5-6 months.


The culture in question belongs to succulents. The plant is obtained by selection, does not occur in the wild. Close relatives of the flower can be found in different corners our planet.

Kalanchoe is ornamental plant with long flowering, in the form of a compact bush with powerful shoots. Inflorescences of fleshy petals unusual shape... The height of the bush rarely exceeds 30 centimeters.

Kalanchoe develops well in winter with short daylight hours... Depending on the variety, flower petals can have different colors. The most popular shades are salmon, red, pink or yellow. The culture throws out the first inflorescences in the middle of winter, flowering lasts 5-6 months.

Advice! Careful plant maintenance is essential when it is dormant. this usually occurs in the middle of summer.

Popular varieties

The following varieties of Kalanchoe can be grown in the apartment:

  • is a small bush. This culture is undemanding to care for, forms inflorescences of different colors. The color of Mix petals can be white, red, yellow and even orange. This flower reproduces well by cuttings, tolerates drought, as it has significant moisture reserves in its stems. The plant can be used to treat various diseases (edema, flu and colds).

  • Variety Mini characterized as an undemanding, tenacious plant. The stems of this culture are thick, rounded. Small flower bush with numerous shoots.

Despite the limited choice, growers can pick up suitable grade, but it is better to place both varieties of Kalanchoe on the windowsill... At proper care these flowers will delight their owner for a long time with beautiful, lush inflorescences, as in the photo.

Care after purchase

Kalanchoe is sold in stores in small pots, therefore the initial task of the grower is considered to be a transplant after purchase, preferably soon.

To do this, you need to prepare a flowerpot and a nutrient substrate. To transplant a plant, moisten the soil, remove the crop from the pot, rinse the roots, then place the flower in new soil.

Kalajoe kalandiva (calandiva) is unpretentious in care, develops well in any conditions. For normal growth, the flower needs sunlight, but not direct rays. In this regard, it is better to place the pot with the purchased plant on the windowsills, where the sun is not very for a long time(it east or west part of the house).

It is not recommended to place the flower in shaded areas or in sunny areas, southern windowsills. When the flowerpot is located in the shade of the plant, the leaves will begin to fade. Under the influence of direct sunlight, burns may appear on the leaves.

Important! Kalanchoe is afraid of drafts. Under the influence of cold air, gray rot may appear on the leaves and shoots of the flower.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva: home care

Crop care consists in timely watering and fertilization. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the shape of the bush, which is achieved through periodic pruning.

Watering and feeding

Water the plant in small doses warm water... With waterlogging, rotting of the roots and further death of the culture is observed.

The signal for subsequent moistening is the drying out of the earthy coma. For watering Kalanchoe, rain or settled water at room temperature is used.

Important! Foliage wilting indicates the need for a more intensive soil moisture regime.

To feed the plant, complex mineral fertilizers with a small dose of nitrogen. This trace element is required during the growth phase.

At the flowering stage, the plants are fed fertilizers with a high concentration of potassium and phosphorus... The interval between fertilizing is 3-4 weeks.

The specialist tells in detail about fertilizers for Kalanchoe:

Flowering period

The beginning of the formation of inflorescences in a plant falls in the middle of winter, but not all housewives know how to care for the crop correctly.

It is known that additional inclusion of phytolamps in winter period can extend flowering up to 6 months. Lighting include in the morning and evening, as well as during the daytime in cloudy weather.

Important! If the Kalanchoe has not formed inflorescences at the right time, inspect the plant for pests or signs of disease. If symptoms of infection are pronounced, start immediate treatment.

Dormant period

During the transition of the plant to a dormant state, which usually occurs in summer, it is necessary to put the pot v cool place and reduce the number of waterings.

Bright light to culture during this period is contraindicated. Intense lighting will stimulate further development, which will lead to the depletion of the flower.

Plant pruning

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a fast-growing flower that needs periodic pruning... If you do not take appropriate measures, then the bush will increase in size and lose its decorative effect.

After flowering, they begin to fall off from it. lower leaves... This behavior of the flower serves as a signal for pruning.

Note! The formation of young plants involves pinching the shoots, old crops with well-developed roots are completely pruned.

Diseases and pests

The plant in question is almost not affected by pests, but it can suffer from various diseases.

Let's list the main diseases of culture:

  1. Late blight rot expressed as brown or brown spots on the leaves of the flower. To treat the infection, it is necessary to spray them with fungicides, reduce watering, and also change the nutrient substrate in the pot.
  2. Signs of another disease gray rot can be identified by weeping spots, or ash deposits on the leaves of the culture. The drug Fitosporin or other drugs bought in a specialized store will help to defeat the infection.
  3. Ring spot expressed in Kalanchoe leaves in the form of rings. The disease does not respond to treatment, so infected crops are destroyed to prevent further spread.
  4. Powdery mildew appears on the leaf blades of the culture in the form white bloom... The disease occurs through dry indoor air. In this regard, when the heating is running, the crop must be sprayed with a spray bottle.

To prevent the appearance of diseases, you need to constantly monitor the state of the culture, carry out preventive spraying, apply additional fertilizing, and, if necessary, change the soil in the pot.


For flower propagation, you can use leaves and cuttings.

The vegetative parts are cut off from the mother bush and dried for 2 hours.

After that, the plants are placed in a moistened nutrient substrate for rooting or in water. So that the culture can quickly form roots, the cutting is placed in wet sand.

For propagation by seeds, the grains are poured onto the surface of pre-sifted, moistened sand and covered with glass or foil. With such care the first shoots will appear a week after sowing... After a week, the plants dive into separate containers.

Planting and transplanting procedure

Young Kalanchoe plants under the age of 3 years are transplanted annually in early spring. For adult crops, similar operations are performed every 4 years. During the flowering period, as well as in the resting phase, the plant is not touched.

Advice! When transplanting a culture, choose a container 2 centimeters wider than the previous one, the diameter of flower pots ranges from 12-16 cm.

Suitable soil

You can make the soil for a flower yourself or buy it at a store. The nutrient substrate should have neutral acidity, normal aeration.

At the bottom of the pot, drainage from expanded clay or pebbles is poured, the thickness of which is within 2 centimeters.

There are several options for nutrient soil for Kalanchoe:

  • Sand of a coarse fraction of a part and 1 share of store soil;
  • Take humus, low-lying peat, and leafy soil. These components are taken in equal amounts, mixed until smooth.

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting

Moving a flower to a new container occurs in stages:

  1. Water the Kalanchoe, wait 10-15 minutes, pull the plant out of the pot along with the soil.
  2. We place the culture in a new flowerpot, add fresh soil, compact the soil a little.
  3. Moderately moisten the soil, transfer the plant to a shaded room, leave it for 3-4 days, then return to normal care.
  4. We mulch the earth sawdust, which will prevent moisture evaporation.

As mentioned above, a newly purchased plant must be transplanted immediately.

Caring for Kalanchoe Kalandiva at home is not difficult if you follow the recommendations experienced gardeners and carry out all the necessary procedures in a timely manner. The advantages of a flower are its unpretentiousness in care, quick adaptability to different conditions, long and beautiful flowering. The plant is also known as Kalanchoe mini Kalandiva. Is an a separate species Blossfeld and bred through selection. This hybrid variety differs from mother plants its small size, as well as abundant flowering. On a small bush up to 30 cm high there are a lot of small double buds bright shades... The flower belongs to the group of succulents.

Optimal microclimate

Kalanchoe Kalandiva accumulates moisture and nutrients in foliage and stems, which are very fleshy. Many shoots are straight, bare. Inflorescences are corymbose. Small flowers - no more than 15 mm in diameter. Terry petals, bright colors. A feature of the Kalanchoe Kalandiva is its long flowering- from six months to 8 months with proper care. The leaves are dark green with a glossy finish. They are egg-shaped and fleshy. Up to 6 cm in length. They have an opposite arrangement. Slightly serrated along the edges.

The name often contains the prefix "mix". It is not a separate variety. This means a mixture of 3-5 plant species with different tones of inflorescences. The most popular are pink and white, although peach, yellow, lilac and red also look spectacular.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a completely unpretentious flower. But in order for it to bloom next year, it needs a kind of rest, so the conditions for the growing season and the resting phase are different.

In autumn and winter, the following conditions are required:

  1. 1. It is necessary to choose a place where there is a light partial shade. But complete blackout should not be allowed.
  2. 2. The temperature should be between 14 and 16 degrees. This is required in order for the flower buds to form for the next season.
  3. 3. The level of air humidity that is present in ordinary apartments is quite acceptable. It is better to remove the container with a flower away from heating appliances.

Such conditions are optimal for Kalanchoe Kalandiva.

Transplant and reproduction

Usually, a transplant is carried out after buying a flower. Kalanchoe Kalandiva must be transplanted annually while it is still young - up to 3 years. It is better to carry out the procedure in spring, as soon as possible. As for adult, already formed plants, it will be enough to transplant them once every 3 years. During periods of rest and flowering, the Kalanchoe should not be disturbed.

For all subsequent transplants, it is necessary to choose a pot whose diameter will be a couple of centimeters larger than that of the previous one. For an adult culture, containers with a diameter of 12-18 cm will be optimal.

It is necessary to select the correct soil. You can use a common substrate that is sold in flower shops... Choose one that is suitable for succulents and cacti. Some people prefer to prepare their own soil. The requirements for it are simple. Only sufficient aeration and neutral acidity are important. You can mix 1 part river sand coarse fraction with 4 parts of universal soil. A mixture of leafy, turfy soil, sand and humus is perfect - take all the same volumes. It is imperative to make a drainage layer at the bottom of the container.

The transplant procedure is as follows:

  1. 1. Water the flower and wait 10 minutes. Remove the Kalanchoe from the container along with the soil around the roots.
  2. 2. Place the flower in a new prepared container and sprinkle with soil. Tighten it a little.
  3. 3. Water the plant in moderation, and then rearrange it for 3 days in a place with partial shade. After that, return to its original place.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe Kalandiva is carried out by the leaf and stem method using cuttings. You must choose a completely healthy flower.

  1. 1. Take a sharp knife, disinfect it and cut off the upper shoot. The length should be about 5 cm. Instead of a branch, you can only cut 1 leaf. Treat the cut sites with cinnamon, activated carbon or chalk.
  2. 2. Air dry the cutting for 4 hours.
  3. 3. In addition, sprinkle the cut site with a preparation that will stimulate root growth. Kornevin will do.
  4. 4. Pour sand into the container and moisten it. Plant a stalk there, deepening 2 cm. Cover with a transparent bag or glass to create a greenhouse effect. The light should be diffused. Open the stalk every day for 10 minutes. Moisten the substrate regularly.
  5. 5. You can keep the cutting not in the sand, but in Epin's solution, or even plain water... In the second case, it is supposed to change the fluid every few days.

Usually, the roots appear in 1.5-2 weeks. Then you can transplant the plant to a permanent place.

If Kalanchoe Kalandiva is unpretentious plant, this does not mean that care is not required at all. It is very important to pay attention to this flower.

Don't forget about watering. It should be moderate but regular. It is recommended to use water that has already settled. It should be at room temperature. Watering in hot weather is carried out every 3-4 days. The next watering procedure should take place when the top layer of the substrate dries up a couple of centimeters in depth. Waterlogging of the soil must not be allowed, as this will lead to rotting of the roots. V winter time watering the plant is enough once every 1.5-2 weeks. Be sure to monitor the condition of the foliage. If it loses its tone, becomes lethargic, then it is recommended to water the flower.

Fertilization is another important aspect. Experts advise using ready-made complex fertilizers that are suitable for succulents and cacti.

But organic matter should in no case be used, since the nitrogen that is present in it will increase the intensity of the formation of foliage and shoots, so that flowering will never come - the flower simply will not have the strength to do it.

It is supposed to prepare a solution for feeding strictly according to the instructions for fertilization. Watering a flower with such a solution should be 1-2 times a month and only during the growing season. No feeding is required during the resting phase.

The flower grows quickly, so that in a year it can expand in diameter up to 30 cm. That is why it is very important to prune in time and correctly. Young plants must go through the pinching procedure, that is, it is supposed to remove a couple of leaves from each upper branch. This must be done as soon as their active growth begins. In one procedure, it is allowed to remove no more than 25% of the entire green mass of the flower. Pruning should not be carried out during the flowering period.

There are such main problems that a florist may face:

  1. 1. Formation of rot. The base of the leaves begins to turn black, like the shoots. Then they are separated from the stem. This is due to over-watering. It also makes the situation worse low temperature in the room where the flower stands. To get rid of rot, it is necessary to trim all damaged areas to where the tissue is without disease. All cut sites must be treated with crushed activated carbon. Experts also recommend transplanting a flower, changing both the soil and the container.
  2. 2. On the leaves, spots of a brownish tint are formed, and then the foliage crumbles. Two factors can provoke such symptoms. Water scarcity may be the cause. In this case, you need to water the plant more often than usual. Similar symptoms may be associated with a lack of nutrients... Then experts advise to pick up complex fertilizers and apply them regularly to the soil.
  3. 3. The foliage begins to turn yellow. This is caused by a lack of lighting or water. To solve the problem, you need to put a flower near the lamp, water it regularly.
  4. 4. Black spots appear on the foliage. This is a symptom of the activity of the fungal culture. This is also facilitated by improper irrigation of the flower and low temperatures. To get rid of the fungus, it is recommended to transplant the flower into another pot with new soil. All damaged branches and leaves must be cut off beforehand.
  5. 5. The foliage loses its tone, becomes softer if you press it. Wrinkles appear gradually. This means that there is not enough watering or the air in the room is too dry. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to increase the frequency and volume of watering the plant. You need to try to increase the humidity in the room with various available ways... You can always keep damp pebbles in the pallet, periodically spray the leaves of the flower.
  6. 6. Powdery mildew. This is a very common problem that usually develops due to drafts and high humidity indoor air. The disease manifests itself as a whitish bloom on the leaves. It is necessary to reduce the volume and frequency of watering, remove the flower away from drafts. You cannot do without fungicidal preparations. Bordeaux liquid and Oxyhom will do.
  7. 7. Aphids. This is a common problem in all plants. Aphids are one of the most "versatile" pests. For the Kalanchoe, it is also dangerous. Aphids are small insects that stick around buds and young branches. Usually, aphids are brought in either along with other flowers, or from the street. The affected flower must be isolated as soon as small pests have been discovered. It is necessary to wash the leaves, buds and shoots with a mild soapy solution (use only laundry soap). Then it is supposed to make a warm shower for the flower. In the end, it remains to use insecticidal drugs like Decis, Intavir or Fas.

For the abundant and long flowering of Kalanchoe Kalandiva, all the rules must be followed. In fact, such a variety is not capricious and undemanding, and if you take good care of the plant, it will delight you with beautiful and bright flowering for 8 months.

Rosaline's ancestor- Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, native to the island of Madagascar. In the early 1980s, on its basis, breeders bred a variety with double petals, called Kalandiva.

Get a range of flowers from pink and light orange to crimson, purple

Appearance Kalanchoe Rosalina very close to the Kalandiva variety, but Rosalina is smaller. The leaves are wide, rounded or oval, with a wavy edge, glossy.

The color of the leaves is bright green, on the back it can be lighter. Flowers with double petals, range - from pink and light orange to purple.



Home care per Kalanchoe Rosalina carried out in the same way as for Za and Kalandiva, since they are the closest relatives.

Temperature regime

The temperature should be at least +15 and not higher than + 25C, a period of active growth. Rest period - near the lower limit: 14-15 C.


Kalanchoe Rosalina, like all succulents, tolerates a lack of moisture well, but suffers from an excess of it.

This plant watered very carefully and in moderation, be sure to monitor the temperature of the water: it should be slightly warm.

Cold water is the most common reason decay of roots.

The dormant period in Kalanchoe is slightly shorter than that of other succulents, but the plant rests for at least 2 months before the next growing and flowering season.

Lack of moisture manifests itself in much the same way as the lack of lighting, the leaves, especially the lower ones, can become saggy and turn yellow

In families where several people are involved in caring for flowers, it is more likely that succulents will become overmoistened.

The soil

It may seem to an inexperienced grower that ground compilationdifficult task ... In the store you can buy soil for cacti, it is quite suitable for kalanchoe.

Basic soil requirements: not heavy, not oversaturated nutrients... Mandatory good drainage.

Light mode

The mode depends on the length of daylight hours and the weather in your area. Artificial lighting it will be beneficial if: rains or fogs are frequent; short daylight hours; the window faces north.

For additional lighting, special lamps are used. Conventional lamps incandescent will not be useful, since they do not shine in the desired spectrum and generate a lot of heat.

Air humidity

In summer, in extreme heat, Kalanchoe can be sprayed, provided that it does not bloom.

Kalanchoe undemanding to air humidity, but it is good if sometimes you clean the leaves from dust.

In summer, this is especially true, since the windows are open and dust gets from the street.

Spraying carried out from a distance of at least 25-30 cm, drops should not fall on the leaves. A cloud of wet fog should form in the air around the flower, this is quite enough.

It is better to take water for spraying the same as for irrigation: settled or filtered, warm or at room temperature.


Fertilized in warm time of the year starting in April. The frequency of feeding depends on the age and condition of the plant.

Usually, two or three additional dressings per year are enough. For this, liquid mineral fertilizers are most often used.

If the plant has just been transplanted into fresh soil, additional feeding is not required for another 1-2 months (or more).


In the vast majority of cases flowers sold in the same compact pots in which they were transported.

At home, the plant needs to be transplanted into a larger pot. but it is best not to do so on the day of purchase. Let the plant rest and acclimatize for a day or two.

It's good if you have chosen in advance and made room for kalanchoe from which you will not move it. Succulents are very sensitive to the angle of incidence of sunlight. It is not recommended to turn it, at least not often.

It's good if there is any sign on the pot, decorative element pointing. which side of the flower was turned.


Propagated by stem and leaf cuttings... They are rooted in wet sand or water

Flowering Kalanchoe

It blooms during shorter daylight hours, that is, from autumn to early spring. In the fall, buds are laid.

However, there are technologies to influence the flowering period. First of all, they are associated with a change in the length of daylight hours, with temperature and with the feeding regime.

Pruning after flowering

The appearance of such a flower may seem slightly sloppy to someone, but natural and beautiful to someone. Pruning tools should be sharp and disinfected.

Pinching of the shoots is necessary so that the plant retains a compact, neat appearance.

If it is too long in height, it may affect flowering - such plants are reluctant to bloom. The easiest way is to tear off the stems of the shoots, carefully, leaving the length of the stem with 3 pairs of leaves. The last pinching of the season is no later than October-November.

Diseases and pests

Kalanchoe may suffer from: scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites, aphids.

In general, these plants are resistant to diseases and pests.

Subject to simple rules Kalanchoe care Rosalina will delight you with flowers every season and give only positive emotions.

Useful video

How to transplant Kalanchoe correctly: preparing plants, pots and soil? See further: