Created by nature: landscape style in landscape design and its features. Landscape English style in landscape design

The landscape style, as opposed to the regular style, does not isolate the garden. On the contrary, it becomes an organic part of the surrounding landscape. In such a garden, a person feels like a part of nature, and not its master. In fact, this natural beauty is the result of carefully thought out planning and the efforts of the gardener, who maintains strict order here.

Natural or landscape style parks are characterized by smooth contours and soft lines, asymmetry, free arrangement of roads, alleys and other planning elements.

Usually here you can find extensive reservoirs, glades, groves. Architectural structures complement and enrich the landscape. Parts of the garden are united by winding paths made of natural materials: wild stone, saw cut tree trunks, grass that is resistant to trampling. If you follow a well-thought-out system of paths, you see a picturesque change of landscapes. The perspective opens up gradually, there is no point from which you can view the entire garden.

All elements of the garden, for example, reservoirs, even of artificial origin, should have a pronounced natural character. They are characterized by uneven coastline, natural framing (pebbles, sand, coastal plants).

The relief of landscape-style parks is usually uneven, with flat areas alternating with hills, imitating the natural landscape.

The landscape garden style that emerged in the 18th century in Great Britain became a logical continuation of the philosophical idea of ​​unity with nature that was fashionable during this period. Researchers believe that the acquaintance of Europeans with the landscape gardens of China contributed to the final formation of the style. British garden architects decided to get rid of the decorations of regular gardens. They led the meadow right up to the house, which now sat proudly in an open grassy area. All around was an idealized forest landscape, water and statues, on which light and shadows played. As a tribute to fashion, pavilions, pagodas, bridges, pavilions in the Chinese style were also built in the parks.

The natural beauty that reigns in the landscape garden is based on a certain order. Plants are planted in tiers - large trees, undergrowth, shrubs, flowers, lawn. For these compositions, imitating the natural landscape, participants are selected that best match each other in color and texture. Often when designing an English garden, seasonal changes in the color of foliage, grass and flowers are taken into account. This makes the garden year-round. In landscape gardens, edible plants (vegetables, fruits, herbs) and purely decorative plants (flowers) often coexist. Flowers attract beneficial insects, which pollinate fruit-bearing plants and prevent pests from multiplying.

Landscape gardens can be made in a more or less pronounced naturalistic style. Among them stand out "natural" and "forest". In such gardens, for example, grassed areas of the garden, where the bulbs of some plants are left for the winter to bloom in early spring, leave without mowing. As a result, cereals and meadow plants can bloom here. In landscape gardens, plants characteristic of the area most often predominate.

However, sometimes in such landscapes there are quite exotic plants. Plants compete with each other for space and the stronger ones can overwhelm and even kill the weaker ones. To prevent this, vigorously growing herbaceous plants are usually removed, overgrown bushes are thinned and pruned, and seedlings of self-seeding plants are weeded out. In this way, natural and landscape gardens are balanced and natural looking, but neglect is prevented.

In modern landscape design, landscape style is used most often. This is probably due to the fact that the inhabitants of cities, with their rectilinear, orderly design of streets and houses in the horizontal and vertical plane, need rest and relaxation. And the naturalness of landscape style gardens helps them with this.

landscape style

The built environment, technological innovations, an increasing number of cities - all this is pushing nature out of our lives. The landscape style of landscape design appeared as a response to these urban processes of our time.

landscape style garden

Gardens in landscape style appearance reminiscent of a natural landscape.

Initially, the landscape style was characterized by the use of plants already in the garden, and its main goal was to improve the territory, i.e., eliminate appearance defects, create paths and paths of irregular shape. This method of arranging a garden is suitable for areas with rich vegetation, does not require large material and physical costs. At the same time, if you use fantasy, you can create many original variants various landscapes.

The main goal of the landscape style in landscape design is to create a garden as close as possible to the natural landscape. All elements of such a landscape are located freely, naturally, there should not be the slightest hint of artificiality, man-made creation, there is no symmetry, the geometric arrangement of objects, excluded correct forms and straightness.

An important feature of gardens in landscape style is randomness - objects and elements of the landscape seem to naturally appeared in certain places under the hands of the only gardener here - nature. In fact, the location of certain elements is carefully thought out.

Mandatory for sites in landscape style is a diverse landscape. If gardens in a regular style exalt the absolute greatness of man over nature, then these gardens with their relief terrain, ravines and hills, reservoirs and paths show the regal power of nature in their territory.

All elements of the composition should be harmoniously combined, the paths should be winding, but without artificially created sharp turns. The color scheme of plants is natural and creates smooth lines and transitions. Decorative elements should also be in natural colors and shapes and made of natural materials. Paths can be made of wild stone, cut tree trunks, lawn, resistant to trampling.

An important role in creating a landscape garden or park is played by water objects - ponds, streams, cascades, swamps. Although they will be man-made elements on the site, every effort should be made to give them a pronounced natural character: for example, create an uneven curved coastline, add natural framing in the form of pebbles, sand, water plants.

A characteristic feature of the landscape garden is the hierarchy in the composition of plants - they are planted in tiers: large trees, undergrowth, shrubs, flowers, lawn. For these compositions, imitating the natural landscape, plants are selected that are best combined with each other in color and texture. When designing a landscape garden, even seasonal changes in the color of foliage, grass and flowers are taken into account. Therefore, landscape gardens look equally magnificent in all seasons.

Vivid examples of the design of the territory in a landscape style are old English manors. Since the landscape style originated in England, it is used in many gardens. At the moment, the landscape style is very popular for the design of sites in our country.

The main features of the landscape style:

- in the relief, flat and elevated areas alternate, both natural and artificially created;

- free natural layout of space, asymmetry, lack of straight lines and axes;

– small architectural forms and decorative elements enrich the landscape style;

– paths in landscape gardens are winding and uneven, they connect different areas of the garden. The paths are made of natural materials: wild stone, cut tree trunks, lawn, resistant to trampling;

- all the beauty of the garden is revealed gradually;

- the main role is played by the compositional combination of trees and shrubs, the harmony of the color and texture of the leaves, the distribution of light and shadow in the garden;

- mainly species of trees and shrubs growing in the area predominate;

- garden flowers are most often planted near the house, while in the garden field and forest perennials are preferred;

- all reservoirs, even artificial ones, should have pronounced natural features: uneven coastline, natural framing - pebbles, sand, near-water plants.

Water features in landscape style gardens

TO water bodies Streams, ponds, decorative small swamps and waterfalls that can blend harmoniously into the landscape garden landscape, as they have a more natural appearance than fountains and pools.

A pond is an artificial or natural body of water with static (non-moving) water, in which there are aquatic plants and animals that appear in it or are specially launched.

Pond in landscape style

The pond will beautify the garden during the summer months and will look attractive and picturesque throughout the year. But in order to achieve such a result, it is extremely important to avoid mistakes in planning and subsequent construction of a reservoir, otherwise it can create a diametrically opposite result - the pond will become overgrown with algae and become an attractive environment for various, not always desirable inhabitants, such as mosquitoes.

The pond size can be from several tens of centimeters to several tens of meters, depending on the area of ​​​​the site and material capabilities. Small ponds are made from ready-made forms, it is also possible to use old barrels, bathtubs and troughs. They are convenient in small areas, although such reservoirs differ from classic look ponds.

real pond with clean water and a sufficient number of plants should have an area of ​​at least 4 m 2 and a depth of at least 0.5 m, in addition, it should be provided with shallow terraces for planting coastal plants.

When constructing a pond, it is important to consider waterproofing the bottom. Previously, crumpled clay was used as a material, now it is not so popular compared to more technological materials. From modern materials concrete is the strongest, but the process of creating a pond with a concrete bottom is a complex and time-consuming operation. Therefore, ready-made rigid plastic molds and flexible waterproofing material are most popular.

The most durable and most expensive of flexible materials is butyl rubber. It is produced mainly abroad. The service life of this rubber is practically unlimited (warranty is about 50 years). Its main disadvantage is low mechanical strength.

In addition to choosing the type of material for waterproofing, its color is also important. Against the background of light colors in the pond, fish and other living creatures are clearly visible, but such a pond looks somewhat unnatural. Therefore, the use of light waterproofing is possible only in formal-style reservoirs, and even then not always. Optimal and versatile color waterproofing coating may be considered black, brown or dark green.

A free-form pond will look more natural if the coastal zone is designed as a decorative swamp, although it is possible to create a swamp as an independent landscape element. In fact, a swamp is the same pond, only instead of water it contains moist, never-drying soil of a certain composition.

Unlike a pond, the waterproofing of a swamp does not have to be complete, because the water in it should not stagnate. To do this, it is enough to make several holes in the waterproofing 10–20 mm in diameter per 1 m 2 of area.

Plants planted in swamps should be moisture and shade-loving. The following types of plants are suitable for growing on swampy soils:

– astilba different types and varieties;

- Volzhanka;

- rogersia;

- buzulnik;

- many types of ferns.

When selecting plants, it must be borne in mind that most of them cannot stand direct sunlight.

Moving water in the form of a stream is often used in the design of landscape gardens. It looks more attractive than static. When determining the direction of the flow and the general route of the stream, you can use the existing slope of the site or create it artificially.

The best example of a man-made stream bed is its alignment with alpine slide, rockeries or landscape composition of a similar plan. This combination is the only possible one for a plot with a flat relief.

When planning and laying the channel of the stream, it is necessary to achieve maximum naturalness. It is better not to make it straight, a winding babbling brook looks much more attractive, in which the water changes the nature of its movement. A stream flowing from a small depression filled with water or from a cluster of several stones will look more natural and spectacular.

The direction and route of the stream also play an important role. Different height differences, changing width and depth make it easy and quick to change the characteristics of the water flow. So, when laying pebbles, natural stone or other materials in the channel of a stream, it becomes possible to quickly change certain properties of the channel, for example, create a new threshold, change an existing one.

The mouth of a garden stream is usually made in the form of a flat stone, along which water flows smoothly into the main body of water, but you can also make it in the form of a waterfall or, by dividing the stream with stones into several branches (duct), imitate a river delta.

Shrubs in gardens in landscape style

Shrubs have always been the most used landscaping element of the site and today do not lose their popularity. The reason is simple - a variety of varieties and species, unpretentiousness, decorative value of shrubs.

Shrubs are ideal for decorating a garden in a landscape style, since this style is characterized by respect for levels, and shrubs create a smooth transition between trees and low decorative herbaceous plants or lawn, and can also act as an independent element of the landscape.

Shrubs are plants whose ground part is represented by multiple, almost identical tree-like shoots-bushes extending from the base near the ground itself or below ground level. This distinguishes them from trees, which, as a rule, have one, less often several trunks.

Shrubs are one of the essential types of plants used in garden design. They can be planted as tapeworms, or in isolated groups. Shrubs are very diverse in the shape of the crown, leaves, appearance of flowers.

At different times of the year, the same bush can be decorated either with flowers or with a beautiful autumn foliage, and some species delight their owners with an unusual color of shoots and fruits even in winter.

Shrubs can be divided into several groups.

1. ornamental shrubs. They have a long flowering period and create a wonderful background for other plants on the site. Such shrubs are relatively unpretentious and easy. They are valued for their crown shape, texture, and leaf color. These shrubs include:

- barberry, hedges from which will enchant with the purple color of the leaves;

- hawthorn, magnificently decorating the garden with bright colors of fruits and flowers;

- shrub cinquefoil, from which magnificent compositions are created;

- action, considered a spectacular tapeworm;

- hydrangea paniculata, sprawling bushes which look amazing against the backdrop of lawns;

- derens, brightly colored shoots of which complement the look of snow.

2. Decorative flowering shrubs. They are an indispensable attribute of many gardens and are valued for their stunning flowers that delight the eye in warm time of the year. These shrubs include:

- a rose, a well-known favorite of many gardeners, blooming all summer;

- mock oranges, filling the garden with a wonderful aroma;

- wolf with fragrant pink flowers;

- forsythia with its golden flowering moths;

- viburnum with lush blooming hat;

- hawthorn, blooming with bright shields of inflorescences;

- spireas with delightful snow-white avalanches of flowers;

- lilac, filling the space of the garden with flowers of various shades;

- broom, showering retaining walls with a rain of golden flowers;

tree peonies, luxuriously blooming in gardens;

- rhododendrons, giving exquisite flowers;

- heather, blooming in late August and shimmering with waves of small but charming flowers collected in long inflorescences;

- hydrangeas that change color by autumn and are remembered for a long time even among winter snowstorms.

3. Decorative deciduous shrubs. These shrubs are a real find for the garden. They look great from early spring to late autumn, decorate the site and perfectly complement any composition. But, since these shrubs were originally bred in countries with warmer climates, they are very demanding on heat, sunlight and soil fertility. Deciduous shrubs include:

- barberry, which has a variety of color leaves: purple, golden, bright green, purple-red, spotted, with various strokes;

- aralia with its luxurious palm-like leaves;

- fieldfare, the leaves of which are painted in an unusual pink color in spring, turning green in summer, and golden in autumn;

- white turf, which will decorate a monochrome brick wall or fence;

- holly mahonia, the leaves of which sparkle magnificently in the sun;

- black elderberry, which has fragrant flowers, black lacquer berries and leaves that seem to be carved from gold.

4. fruit bushes, well accustomed to the territory Middle lane Russia and decorating the garden with bright fruits and berries. Among them are such popular plants as:

- currants with black, red, white and pink berries;

- gooseberry, the bushes of which can be given different shape;

– blackberry, with which you can create around the house hedge if you fix it on wire trellises;

- raspberries, filling the garden with the aroma of their berries;

- Japanese quince, which has unique decorative properties;

- chokeberry - truly a decoration of the garden;

- irga with healthy berries;

- viburnum, which can be used as a tapeworm;

- sea buckthorn, for which group planting is suitable.

All shrubs require special care and especially pruning, which will help to get rid of dead shoots in a timely and correct manner, restrain rapid growth and form a beautiful crown.

Relaxation area in landscaped gardens

Conventionally, gardens can be divided into front and non-front areas. If the front zone is the “face” of the site, then the non-front zone is a recreation area designed for privacy. This zone gives you the opportunity to be alone with yourself.

Relaxation area in landscape style

The front area is usually decorated in a regular style, while the recreation area most often reminds of the beauty of nature, and for example, a landscape style is chosen for it. V modern world the desire of people to unite with nature is becoming more and more in demand, therefore, landscape design styles are often chosen for recreation areas, reminiscent of a harmonious natural landscape.

When designing a recreation area in a landscape style, you can show imagination in choosing certain elements of the landscape, while remaining true to the basic principles of style:

- naturalness;

- uneven terrain;

– natural colors and materials;

- hierarchy in the construction of the composition;

- the presence of water bodies on the site.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that when planning the design of a recreation area, it is worth considering the natural and climatic conditions of the area, the size and landscape of the site.

Rock gardens in landscape gardens

The rock garden is a decorative miniature stone garden that repeats the mountainous terrain with all the characteristic elements, vegetation and water bodies.

The first gardens, which can rightfully be called rocky, appeared in England in the 19th century. The British, who saw the beauty of Swiss nature, decided to create something similar in their homeland. For this, alpine plants were brought to England. However, the natural and climatic conditions of England are very different from those of Switzerland, and the first experiments in growing alpine plants were unsuccessful. Although some plants were able to take root, however, to create a full-fledged alpine landscape, plants had to be brought again and again from the highlands. Only towards the end of the 19th century, thanks to proper care classical rock gardens appeared.

rock garden

The most favorable condition for creating a rock garden is a natural slope on the site. However, if the terrain does not meet this condition, you can form the landscape as you wish. At the same time, it is worth considering that the organization of a rock garden is a very laborious process, and it is better to start its creation from a small area.

Alpine slide is a bright and attractive decoration. The alliance and contrast of two opposites is always attractive. The immovable and unchanging stones and ever-changing plants ensure the originality of the slides and their beauty.

Stones are the main element of the rock garden, a symbol of eternity, strength, strength and courage.

Rock garden is perfect place to create a collection of any undersized and creeping conifers and deciduous shrubs. An additional attraction of the rock garden can give a stream or a small body of water. Sometimes the role of water in the rock garden is played by a stone - light pebbles or gravel.

When making a rock garden, you need to decide on the type of slide and draw up its plan (relief, location of stones, paths). In this case, a number of conditions should be taken into account - the illumination of the site, the peculiarity of the slope, existing plants and soil cover.

It is very important that the rock garden look as natural as possible and fit harmoniously into the landscape environment. When designing a garden in a landscape style, rock gardens will harmoniously coexist with other elements if they are arranged as part of wildlife.

A landscape-style rocky garden is a rock garden in the strictest sense of the word. Rock garden may include a variety of natural elements:

- gorges;

– terraces;

- ledges.

Plants for rock gardens differ in different properties and sizes, most often perennials are chosen, in which (except for evergreen species) in autumn or early winter, and sometimes shortly after flowering, the aerial part dies off. By spring, they begin to grow again and at the height of the season delight with their appearance.

Each rock garden is a kind of unique independent structure. It should be located (if it is not a natural corner) separate from the rest of the garden, have a beautiful background and natural surroundings. For example, it may be surrounded by thickets of heather, included in the rock garden or continuing it.

The steppe flora is often used. Next to the rock garden, free space with a well-groomed lawn also looks good.

The plants needed for a rock garden should be mostly perennial, and sometimes able to grow on rocky soil. These include:

- cyclamens, which thrive in slightly shaded places on permeable soils rich in humus, are especially suitable for decorating rock gardens adjacent to heather or near dwarf trees, both deciduous and coniferous;

- spring plants, which should be planted in slightly shaded corners under sparse ornamental bushes, golden flowers and beautiful leaves which will decorate the garden, starting from February - May;

- snowdrops showing their flowers with the breath of the first spring wind;

- black hellebore, some varieties of which bloom even before the onset of the new year, while others enter the flowering time gradually, until the beginning of April;

- spring eriki, which begin to bloom at the time of snowmelt, differing in a diverse range of colors from snow-white, pale pink and pinkish-red, to juicy carmine-red;

- wolfberry, belonging to decorative tree species, blooming profusely with pink-red and white flowers and having a strong and pleasant aroma;

- jasmine unflowered, attracting attention with its flowers and delicate aroma;

- forsythia, which blooms in a protected part of the garden or on a larger hill from January;

- a stemless primrose, beautifully blooming with yellowish flowers, when cold still reigns everywhere;

- saxifrage, a magnificent exquisite flower that can be admired by the most demanding gardeners;

- hoyfella, with surprising assertiveness breaking through the remnants of melting, sometimes icy snow;

- a copse, on which beautiful blue flowers appear already in March;

- belotsvetnik, characterized by large bell-shaped white flowers with green spots at the ends of the petals;

- Missouri evening primrose, which blooms with bright yellow flowers on summer evenings;

- elecampane - a dry-loving plant, similar to perennial asters, with yellow ray-shaped flowers.

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Tired of the straightforwardness and orderliness of streets and houses, city residents are increasingly trying to create a natural garden style at their dacha. Relaxing in a landscape garden has an amazing ability to create coziness and divert your attention from city problems and bustle, making garden plot the most comfortable for rest.

The landscape style garden plot was invented in Great Britain in the 18th century, replacing regular gardens, from which it is very different. Researchers believe that the creation of the landscape style was influenced by the philosophical idea of ​​unity with nature, which was very popular at that time, as well as the acquaintance of Europeans with unique at that time

Features of landscape garden style, English garden

Features of the landscape garden style - everything should be in harmony with nature.

The main feature of the landscape style- this is the creation of a piece of natural nature on the garden plot, which can organically fit into the surrounding area and create the appearance that the work of the designer was not attached here. The English landscape style is characterized by smooth lines and contours of the constituent elements, randomness, as well as asymmetry and free arrangement of all decorative elements (garden paths, shrubs, alleys, etc.). Do not think that such a landscape garden will seem messy and uncomfortable, on the contrary, with the right layout, you will feel not like the "master" of the garden, but part of it. Same way feature landscape style or English garden style, the hilly relief is considered, which, if necessary, can be created with your own hands.

Flora of an English, landscape garden

The flora of the English garden - a beautiful landscape opens up on the horizon.

For an English garden, a landscape style, plants that correspond to the given area will be characteristic. As such, there is no distribution of plants (because it has already been mentioned that there is randomness in the garden), but landscape designers recommend planting plants according to the principle:,. It also takes into account seasonal changes in the color of foliage, flowers, and, because. at correct selection plants, you can make the garden all-weather. Do not forget to take care of the garden so that it does not “start up”, for this you need to mow the lawn, plant plants in tiers, and also mulch the soil. Although "native" plants for the area are considered more appropriate for a landscape garden, exotic plants are not excluded either. Plants with decorative foliage and color, cereals and hedges will harmoniously join the composition. As for the latter, they can gracefully decorate the arches and pergolas of the garden plot.

Ponds in landscape style

If you have become the proud owner of a garden in which a small natural reservoir is located, then you will not need to create a landscape style. side events. If there is no reservoir (as is often the case), then do not be lazy and. You do not need to make it a strict geometric shape, on the contrary, do not forget that the garden will reflect a piece of wildlife, so the shape of the reservoir should be round, oval or bean-shaped. The coastline should not be clear, optionally decorated with gravel, sand and coastal plants.

Small architectural forms for a landscape garden - an amphora.

Based on the fact that the garden is made as much as possible like a piece of natural nature, architectural forms must be selected taking into account the combination of composition. The right solution would be to install bird drinkers that will add some natural melodies to your garden plot. garden figurines, decorative and various antiques will add originality to the garden. Paths paved with natural materials (such as saw cut wood and natural stone) will be in harmony with those equipped on the pond. Do not forget also about the gardens located in quiet cozy corners, which can be decorated with decorative lanterns and to create a romantic atmosphere.

English garden for modern life

Emphasis on architectural unity is the hallmark of the British designer gardens Christopher Bradley-Hole, his spontaneous sense of beauty adds to the joy.

The chic urban look, especially for urban gardens, has been very popular in the UK since the mid-1990s when it was promoted by (among others) Dan Pearson and Stephen Woodhams. This design trend was a development of the Functionalist, Modernist ideas of John Brooks, who came to prominence in the 1970s with grid-patterned gardens that were specifically designed for the people and their leisure needs, rather than the gardening that had previously been a British tradition. Brooks was influenced by California modernists such as Thomas Church, but his work, and that of his British successors, has always been marked by an unwavering interest in plants. This crossover between horticulture and Modernism was a typical British compromise that actually worked quite well. The look was given mass appeal in the late 1990s and early 2000s with a surge of "makeover" gardening programs on British television promoting the charms of "water features", architectural plants in stainless steel planters and cobalt blue pots for decoration. There has been some backlash from connoisseurs as a result, but the popularity of this approach when implemented on high level, did not decrease.

A traditional English landscape garden, along the edges of the path contains complex and varied "spills" of herbs and perennials.

Modernist Christopher Bradley-Hole

Originally trained as an architect, Christopher Bradley-hole is a solid Modernist, committed to the doctrines of functionalism, asymmetry, and architectural unity that this design ideology upholds. The European New Wave movement has drastically influenced his work over the past decade, but he comes from an entirely different tradition. Naturalistic plantings have always looked good against the sleek white or gray concrete of Modernist buildings or bordered by expansive decks of cedar wood familiar with the Californian Modernist tradition of Thomas Church and others, but Bradley-Hole went much deeper into the planting philosophy than any of his Modernist ancestors or contemporaries.

The Bradley-Hole style is closely tied to the needs of the clients - whether they have children, are keen gardeners, what time of day they like to use the garden. For a London client with a young family, Bradley-hole created the simple space shown below, made up of trees sculpted on colored concrete walls so that children can play open space in the center of the garden, while adults could enjoy an elegant retreat for evening cocktails.

It's Bradleyhole's attention to detail, both in fit and solid materials, that's his signature, a characteristic he attributes to his Modernist background. The typical Bradley Hole garden design combines formal austerity with lush but carefully planned drift plantings of perennials and tall grasses such as Tyrsa in the corner. In one recent garden in Sussex (shown in these pages), he took this methodology to its logical conclusion in formalistic terms, creating a simple (but large) grid of planting areas, designing each one individually. The result is a burnt out, shifting ocean of plants, flooded with golds, blues, purples, and reds.

Bradley-Hole operates primarily for private clients, keeping its practice relatively small and non-corporate, as is the case with most British garden designers. One of his newest projects, however, is undeniably big and loud: a redesign of the area that used to be the playing field at the former football stadium armory in Highbury, North London. Here he transforms the space into a communal park for the residents of the new apartments, informally subdivided into various garden "rooms" organized on an abstract grid of hedges and glass walls, many of which are also waterfalls.

A natural style garden or landscape garden reflects the kind of terrain that we would like to get when it is laid out. A landscape can be called any area that we see around: forest, steppe, sea, village houses or a metallurgical plant. Not all landscapes are equally good, so we try to choose the one that we like the most.

Choosing a landscape garden

The choice of scenery should, of course, match the taste of the whole family. Based on the general family choice, all subsequent work is planned, which will take into account the features of the selected landscape. Consider the version of the forest landscape, which is so familiar to everyone.

forest landscape

To form it, you must follow the rules:

  • if the natural relief, soil and vegetation are preserved on the existing site, then it is better to preserve this natural gift as much as possible. It is better to leave the most interesting areas without any changes during planning;
  • terraforming (creation of hills, reservoirs, etc.), associated with the opening of the fertile cover, must be carried out carefully, preserving the flora;
  • the maximum naturalness of the created landscape will be given by local plant cultures, this will express the stylistic orientation of the garden;
  • varietal plants should be skillfully combined with the species available on the site;
  • it is better not to rush into laying out the garden, but to postpone the controversial decision and think it over thoroughly and only then put it into practice.

Landscape garden - Learn from nature

When considering the layout of a garden with a forest landscape, it is better to collectively go to the forest with a camera, find attractive corners there for everyone. Then the places you like can be reproduced in the garden. Thus, each member of the family will have their favorite place to relax. For the whole family, this landscape garden will be a great place for relaxation, like a magical land where the kind magician from the movie "Cinderella" transferred the guests of the ball.

It is useful to pay attention to the relief of the corner you like, to study the vegetation in a clearing or in a shaded lowland. The plants there will be different, and when decorating the landscape, they should be planted in accordance with their preferences. It is difficult to find an absolutely flat surface in nature, therefore, when creating a landscape garden project, it is a good idea to plan hills and lowlands, a forest clearing and a stream with a bridge, a transparent birch grove and a mysterious spruce forest. If it is possible to harmoniously bring all the attractive elements into a single landscape ensemble, then we can say that the landscape-style garden was a success.

Plants in a forest landscape garden

Not bad if small Christmas trees grow on the territory of the future garden. But you should know that a large number of these trees with age will make the area darker and more gloomy. If there are a lot of Christmas trees, then it is better to transplant them to a certain corner of the garden, creating a wild spruce forest. Young trees will easily tolerate a neat transplant.

But birches and pines are best left in place, because even as they grow, they do not create gloom. You can add an undergrowth of hazel, euonymus, currant, viburnum or various varietal plants to them.

Beauty and organic forest garden add forest low plants planted next to coniferous trees, such as strawberries, stone berries, violets. Together with other low-growing species, they will create beautiful living green carpets. Growing ground cover plants will eliminate the need to break up the lawn, which, moreover, will not look appropriate here.

Landscape style is also good because it does not require too much investment. By saving money, but by investing your soul and love for your native nature, you can get a wonderful place for a family vacation for many years.

The English style in landscape design began to take shape in the 18th century under the influence of eminent figures of the Age of Enlightenment, such as Voltaire and Rousseau. People tried with all their might to gain knowledge about history, architecture, traditions, but at the same time, a return to nature, its primacy and supremacy was promoted in every possible way. For this reason, people began to pay more and more attention to the surrounding space. tried to make it not only original, but also natural. This landscape style is called landscape. The most famous example is Stowe Gardens in Buckinghamshire. English style in landscape design is based on the following principles:

  • open plan;
  • the illusion of natural landscape compositions;
  • emphasizing natural charms and masking flaws;
  • the integrity of the composition.

The priority of the "English" style of landscape design is naturalness.

In contrast to the French Versailles type of gardens, which, with carefully modeled bushes and straight paths, should emphasize the absolute control of mankind over nature, the English natural landscape asserts that art that is indistinguishable from nature has the highest value.

The landscape landscape welcomes uneven natural relief - slopes, hills, natural reservoirs, ravines and swamps.

All architectural structures in this case are secondary. They fit into the natural design in such a way that it seems that all the plants were located here long before the construction, and the person only carved out a free place for the building.

Often masters of garden art beat the "element of surprise" in the design of the site. The latter implies that there are hidden compositions in the park, which the visitor does not know about, and which reveal to him the magnificence of the garden from different facets. For example, a picturesque bridge, a pavilion, or simply beautiful view to the natural landscape.

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Composition features

The design of the garden in the English style suggests a riot of color and an abundance of flowers.

Landscape style is now in vogue, as it allows you to beat the natural features of the relief, simulate a meadow, forest, field. English landscape design allows a person to relax and unwind as much as possible. English design characterized by soft lines, you can not find tiled paths or bare earth here. Often even the contours of houses are decorated and hidden by greenery. Plants and shrubs climb along the walls of architectural structures and tree trunks. All corners are carefully hidden and masked. The English landscape landscape is convenient for those people who do not really like or do not have time to care for the garden. Plants, trees and shrubs are free to grow back without spoiling the design and style of the site. They are cut only when they block the access of sunlight to the windows, or interfere with the passage.

All tracks in English garden lead to the culminating place: to the gazebo, house, pond, bench.

Such a landscape can be made in the form of a meadow of wild and cultivated herbs. Mandatory in this case are honey plants, which are designed to attract bees, butterflies and other insects to the meadow, giving additional charm to the site. All decorative buildings are desirable to be made from natural materials, like stone or wood. They fit well with the design. Landscape landscape style involves the use of those plants that are typical for your area. They are designed to create the most natural and natural landscape. Despite the seeming randomness, such a landscape style requires mandatory planning. It is necessary to place trees, flowers, shrubs and other plants in such a way that they not only fit into the design, but are also provided with light and shade according to their needs.

This landscape style involves planting garden flowers, forest and field perennials closer to home. It is recommended to arrange a reservoir on the territory. Please note that the pool will definitely not fit into the landscape. Stop your choice on a small lake or pond, preferably irregular in shape. Pour sand and pebbles on the shore. To decorate the surface, you can plant in water:

  • nymphaeum;
  • water lily;
  • water hyacinth;
  • water lily;
  • water chestnut;
  • yellow pod.