Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children (ADHD in children) causes, treatment, symptoms. hyperactivity in children

Every child is active and inquisitive, but there are children whose activity is increased in comparison with their peers. Can such children be called hyperactive or is this a manifestation of the child's character? And is the child's hyperactive behavior normal or does it require treatment?

What is hyperactivity

This is the abbreviated name for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is also abbreviated as ADHD. This is a very common brain disorder in childhood which is also found in many adults. According to statistics, 1-7% of children have hyperactivity syndrome. Boys are diagnosed with it 4 times more often than girls.

Timely recognized hyperactivity, in which therapy is required, allows the child to form normal behavior and better adapt in a team among other people. If a child's ADHD is left unaddressed, it persists into an older age. A teenager with such a disorder acquires school skills worse, is more prone to antisocial behavior, he is hostile and aggressive.

ADHD - a syndrome of excessive impulsivity, hyperactivity and stable inattention

Signs of ADHD

Not every active and easily aroused child is categorized as having hyperactivity disorder.

To diagnose ADHD, you should identify the main symptoms of such a disorder in a child, which are manifested:

  1. Attention deficit.
  2. Impulsiveness.
  3. Hyperactivity.

Symptoms usually begin before the age of 7 years. Most often, parents notice them at 4 or 5 years old, and most often age period referral to a specialist is 8 years and older, when the child is faced with many tasks at school and around the house, where his concentration and independence is needed. Babies who are not yet 3 years old are not immediately diagnosed. They are monitored for a while to make sure they have ADHD.

Depending on the predominance of specific signs, two subtypes of the syndrome are distinguished - with attention deficit and hyperactivity. Separately, there is a mixed subtype of ADHD, in which the child has symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Signs of hyperactivity are more common in children 4-5 years old.

Attention deficit symptoms:

  1. The child cannot concentrate on objects for a long time. He often has sloppy mistakes.
  2. The child does not manage to maintain attention for a long time, which is why he is not collected during the task and often does not complete the task to the end.
  3. When a child is approached, the impression arises that he is not listening.
  4. If you give a direct instruction to a child, he does not follow it, or he starts to follow it and does not finish it.
  5. It is difficult for a child to organize their activities. He has frequent switching from one activity to another.
  6. The child does not like tasks that require long mental stress. He tries to avoid them.
  7. It is not uncommon for a child to lose the things he needs.
  8. The kid is easily distracted by extraneous noise.
  9. In everyday life, the child is noted for increased forgetfulness.

Distraction of attention in children with ADHD

Overactive children find it difficult to complete tasks that require mental stress

Manifestations of impulsivity and hyperactivity:

  1. The child often gets up.
  2. When a child is worried, he moves his legs or arms vigorously. In addition, the baby will periodically shiver in the chair.
  3. He rises from a place very abruptly and runs often.
  4. It is difficult for him to participate in calm games.
  5. His actions can be described as "wound up".
  6. During classes, he may shout from a place or make noise.
  7. The child answers before hears the question in full.
  8. He can't wait for his turn during class or play.
  9. The child constantly interferes with other people's activities or their conversations.

To make a diagnosis, a child must have at least 6 of the above signs, and they must be noted for a long time (at least six months).

How hyperactivity manifests itself at an early age

Hyperactivity syndrome is detected not only in schoolchildren, but also in preschool children and even in infants.

In the smallest, this problem is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Faster physical development, when compared with peers. Hyperactive babies roll over, crawl, and walk much faster.
  • The appearance of whims when the child is tired. Hyperactive babies are often aroused and more active before going to bed.
  • Shorter sleep duration. A toddler with ADHD sleeps much less than it should be at his age.
  • Difficulty falling asleep (many children need to be rocked) and very light sleep. Hyperactive child reacts to any rustle, and if he wakes up, it is very difficult for him to fall asleep again.
  • A very violent reaction to a loud sound, a new environment and unfamiliar faces. Because of these factors, babies with hyperactivity get excited and become more capricious.
  • By quickly switching attention. After offering the baby a new toy, the mother notices that new item attracts the attention of the crumbs for a very short time.
  • Strong affection for mom and fear of strangers.

If your toddler is often moody, reacts violently to new surroundings, sleeps little and has difficulty falling asleep, this may be the first sign of ADHD.

ADHD or character?

The increased activity of the child can be a manifestation of his innate temperament.

Unlike children with ADHD, a temperamental healthy child:

Causes of hyperactivity in children

Previously, the onset of ADHD was associated mainly with brain damage, for example, if the newborn suffered hypoxia while in the womb or during childbirth. Nowadays, studies have confirmed the influence on the appearance of the syndrome of hyperactivity of the genetic factor and violations of the intrauterine development of the baby. The development of ADHD is promoted by too early childbirth, caesarean section, low birth weight, a long anhydrous period in childbirth, the use of forceps and similar factors.

ADHD can occur with difficult childbirth, impaired intrauterine development, or inherited

What to do

If you suspect your child has hyperactivity disorder, the first thing to do is go to a specialist. Many parents do not go to the doctor right away, because they do not dare to admit the child's problem and are afraid of the condemnation of their acquaintances. By doing so, they waste time, as a result of which hyperactivity becomes the cause of serious problems with the child's social adaptation.

There are also parents who bring a completely healthy child to a psychologist or psychiatrist when they cannot or do not want to find an approach to him. This is often observed during crisis periods of development, for example, at 2 years old or during a three-year crisis. At the same time, the baby does not have any hyperactivity.

Having found some signs of hyperactivity in your child, contact a specialist without postponing this problem until later.

In all these cases, without the help of a specialist, it will not work to determine whether the child really needs medical help or just has a bright temperament.

If the child is confirmed to have hyperactivity disorder, then the following methods will be used in his treatment:

  1. Explanatory work with parents. The doctor should explain to mom and dad why the child has hyperactivity, how this syndrome manifests itself, how to behave with the child and how to raise him correctly. Thanks to this educational work, parents stop blaming themselves or each other for the child's behavior, and also understand how to behave with the baby.
  2. Changing learning conditions. If a student with poor academic performance is diagnosed with hyperactivity, he is transferred to a specialized class. It helps to cope with the delay in the formation of school skills.
  3. Drug therapy. The drugs prescribed for ADHD are symptomatic and effective in 75-80% of cases. They help facilitate the social adaptation of children with hyperactivity and improve their intellectual development. As a rule, medications are prescribed for a long period, sometimes until adolescence.

ADHD treatment is carried out not only with medication, but also under the supervision of a psychiatrist

Komarovsky's opinion

The popular doctor has come across in his practice many times with children diagnosed with ADHD. The main difference between such a medical diagnosis and hyperactivity as character traits, Komarovsky calls the fact that a healthy child does not interfere with hyperactivity to develop and communicate with other members of society. If a child has a disease, he, without the help of parents and doctors, cannot become a full-fledged member of the team, normally study and communicate with peers.

To make sure whether a child is healthy or has ADHD, Komarovsky advises contacting a child psychologist or psychiatrist, since only a qualified specialist will not only easily identify a child's hyperactivity as a disease, but will also help parents understand how to raise a child with ADHD.

  • When communicating with your baby, it is important to establish contact. If required, for this child, you can touch the shoulder, turn towards you, remove the toy from his field of vision, turn off the TV.
  • Parents need to define specific and enforceable rules of conduct for their child, but it is important that they are adhered to at all times. In addition, each such rule must be clear to the child.
  • The space in which the hyperactive child resides must be completely safe.
  • The regimen should be adhered to constantly, even if the parents have a day off. According to Komarovsky, it is very important for hyperactive children to wake up, eat, walk, swim, go to bed and perform other usual daily activities at the same time.
  • All difficult tasks for hyperactive children must be broken down into parts that will be understandable and easy to do.
  • The child should be constantly praised, noting and emphasizing all the positive actions of the baby.
  • Find what the hyperactive child does best, and then create the environment for the child to be able to do the job and get satisfaction from it.
  • Provide the hyperactive child with the opportunity to spend excess energy channeling it in the right direction (for example, walking the dog, going to sports clubs).
  • When going to the store or on a visit with your child, think about your actions in detail, for example, what to take with you or what to buy for the child.
  • Parents should also take care of their own rest, because, as Komarovsky emphasizes, it is very important for a hyperactive baby that mom and dad are calm, peaceful and adequate.

You can learn even more about hyperactive children in the following video.

On the role of parents and many important nuances You will find out by watching the video of the clinical psychologist Veronica Stepanova.

Probably, there is no other such condition that would cause so much controversy and doubt among doctors, parents and psychologists, as hyperactivity. Some argue that the problem is far-fetched and does not actually exist, while others believe that undetected and uncorrected hyperactivity in childhood threatens career growth, social adaptation, and a person's personal relationships in the future.

Which of them is right, what kind of hyperactive child he is, what to do if the doctor has put such a conclusion to your baby, we will talk in this article.

In this article, you will learn:

Most parents who have ever heard about childhood hyperactivity are actually quite vague about what it is about, sometimes investing in this concept not medical, but everyday meaning. Therefore, first of all, let's understand the terms.

Hyperactivity, or motor disinhibition- This is a state of the child's nervous system, in which the processes of excitation in the brain are more active than in ordinary children. In other words, brain cells constantly generate nerve impulses that simply prevent the baby from sitting still.

Therefore, a hyperactive child is not just a very mobile, naughty, capricious or inattentive bully, as many mothers are used to thinking, but a baby, in whose behavior the neuropathologist (and only he!) Saw deviations. The presence of hyperactivity in a child can be determined at any age.

Hyperactivity in infants should not be confused with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is a developmental disorder that can be detected no earlier than 3-4 years of age.

Hyperactive versus active: what's the difference

A healthy baby is by nature always full of energy, mobile, stubborn and even capricious. These qualities help him to know the world around him and his place in it. Therefore, it is so difficult to distinguish motor disinhibition from character traits. However, there are some starting points that can induce parents to pay more attention to the behavior of their child.

Hyperactive babies - what are they?

Most often, these babies are well developed physically. They learn to sit, crawl, walk before their peers. It is difficult for them to sit still, their day passes in motion. Babies are so indefatigable and fearless that they often fall from furniture, changing tables, and open windows.

They don't seem to know how to get tired. Even when the strength is running out, the hyperactive child will continue to move, accompanying him with crying, tantrums, whims. Only mommy can stop him, picking him up in time.

Such children sleep very little, which amazes relatives and friends. 2-3 month old babies can stay awake for 4-5 hours in a row, while their peers divide the day between mother's breast and sleep.

They sleep very lightly, waking up from the slightest noise, and then they cannot fall asleep for a long time. Easily get used to motion sickness.

A setting full of sounds, unfamiliar faces, bright light (the arrival of guests or a trip to the clinic) leads hyperactive babies to real euphoria, forcing them to redouble their tricks.

These kids love toys, but rarely play with them for a long time. It's easy to get them interested in something, but it's hard to captivate them. Interest in a new toy or game disappears after a few minutes.

Hyperactive children are very attached to their mother and rarely get along well with strangers. They are prone to fits of anger, throw toys, bite, fight. In addition, babies are jealous, they solve conflict situations with the help of tears and roars.

How not to be mistaken?

Since babies in the first year of life are not yet well-developed speech and other methods of communication, parents often worry in vain, mistaking age-related joie de vivre for hyperactivity. There are several distinguishing features of a mobile healthy baby from a hyperactive one. Temperamental healthy children, as a rule:

  • move a lot, but get tired, prefer to lie down or sit;
  • fall asleep well, the duration of day and night sleep is age appropriate;
  • sleep peacefully at night;
  • a well-developed sense of fear, remember dangerous actions and situations and try to avoid them;
  • easily distracted during moods and tantrums;
  • they begin to realize the word “no” early;
  • during whims they are non-aggressive;
  • have a temperamental mom or dad.

I would especially like to dwell on the last point. Unlike others, it must be skillfully applied. Very often, moms and dads, who do not have a fiery temperament, "suspect" their baby of hyperactivity. A logical connection works: calm parents cannot have a naughty child. The situation is aggravated by grandmothers and grandfathers on both sides, who say in surprise: "who did he become like that", "my children have always been below the grass, quieter than water."

This is the wrong approach. Genetics is a complex science, and genes that have not manifested themselves in mom and dad can “play” in a child.

Therefore, I would like to advise all calm mothers once again: before turning to a neurologist for help, analyze what the baby “bothers you” with. He is unbearable, annoying with his mobility, curiosity and completely unlike you in character, or he is really unstoppable with all your understanding of childish nature.

Who is guilty?

A child's hyperactivity always has a physical cause, that is, changes in the functioning of the nerve cells of the brain. This can occur if:

  • the baby was born through a cesarean section;
  • labor was difficult, long, accompanied by the imposition of obstetric forceps;
  • the child was born very premature or underweight;
  • there was a failure in the laying of the nervous system in the prenatal period due to the flu, colds, under the influence of adverse factors environment, bad habits;
  • there is a hereditary predisposition, that is, the closest relatives suffered from hyperactivity in childhood.

There is no cure, you can help

If you have a hyperactive child, what can you do to help him or her? Most importantly, you need to understand that hyperactivity is not a disease, but a type of behavior that depends on the characteristics of your baby's nervous system. That is, it cannot be cured in the broad sense of the word, but it can be taken under control in such a way that this condition successfully “grows out” and does not pass into adulthood.

Treatment of hyperactivity consists in the sequential development of the following stages:

  • Psychological preparation of parents;
  • Educational approaches to the baby;
  • Daily regime.

Psychological preparation of parents

Probably the most important stage... After all, how smoothly the next ones go depends on his success.

Parents need to firmly learn:

  • hyperactivity is NOT a DISEASE, but a personal quality of the baby;
  • the child does not deliberately hooligan and causes them anxiety, it is just that this is how his nervous system works;
  • there is no one's fault in what happened;
  • it is necessary to accept the child as he is - a mischievous, "lively", capricious and jealous, but dearly loving mom and dad;
  • hyperactivity in infants, with the right approach, does not have a negative effect on physical and mental development in the future;
  • the baby does not have to be similar in his behavior to the son of Maria Ivanovna or the daughter of Elena Sergeevna, no matter how good they are. He can also act very differently than mom and dad at his age. A small person is a big person and has the right to individuality, even through hyperactivity.

Some of these points are difficult to accomplish. But if the parents accept them, then we can assume that the child's hyperactivity is taken under control by half.

I would like to say a special word to moms and dads who have a "hyperactive" character. If your temperament is hot, like an Arabian stallion, then it's time to take it under control. Calmness, a pre-planned program for the day, the absence of surprises will not only help create a favorable environment for a hyperactive baby, but will improve the overall emotional background in the family.

Educational approaches to the baby

A hyperactive child, like no other, needs the support of mom and dad. After all, his nervous system is very vulnerable and easily depleted. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the child is often not upset. This does not mean indulging in every whim. You just need to protect the baby from negative emotions: do not leave him crying for a long time, do not lock him in the room as punishment, interrupt his roar and tantrum as soon as they begin. It is best to distract the baby with a toy, pick it up, go out onto the balcony or go to the window.

Do not scold the child and blame him, he is still so small that he cannot justify himself and say about love for you.

Praise, kiss, and reward your baby at any age. A baby may not understand the words, but an approving tone will be his best reward.

Find a balance between strictness and connivance. The kid should gradually begin to understand the word "no".

It is necessary to protect the child from too noisy environment. For example, strangers, crowds, public transport. This does not mean keeping him in isolation, but it should be remembered that shopping center and a party with friends is not the right place for a hyperactive naughty guy. But a walk in the park, on the playground, a family picnic is a good reason to throw out energy without harming yourself and those around you.

Be always ready to help the baby when something goes wrong. Hyperactive kids are very sensitive to failure and get frustrated right away if the goal is not achieved the first time. Achieve it together, calmly and wisely support the baby in his exploits.

Daily regime

It is best to cope with manifestations of hyperactivity in a child daily regime... He not only balances the nervous processes, but also disciplines the parents.

It is best if the hours of waking up and going to bed are the same every day. This will train the baby's nervous system and develop its own rhythm.

An important role in the formation of restful sleep is played by the "evening ritual", which is repeated every day and consists of the same actions. This will teach the baby's body to prepare for bed. It can be, for example, “bath-lullaby-sleep at the breast-transition to the crib” or, if you are not used to bathing your baby every day or the bath, on the contrary, has an exciting effect, then “dressing up in pajamas-lullaby-breastfeeding or a bottle with the mixture - sleep in your own bed. "

You should limit outdoor games 1 hour before going to bed.

It is better to place a baby's bed up to a year in the same room where the parents sleep. Overactive babies often wake up at night, tormented by disturbing dreams. The affectionate voice of the mother who is nearby is enough to calm down.

In the room in which the baby spends most of the time, the TV or radio should not be turned on. Bright colors, music, constantly changing pictures on the screen disinhibit the nervous system. If the children's room is decorated with bright pictures - stickers, posters, large toys, they should be removed. The baby still does not understand their meaning, and bright spots have an exciting effect on the nervous system.

The chandelier and lamps in the children's room should be made of frosted glass, which gently diffuses light and does not give disturbing glare.

Hyperactive children must consume energy by all means. . This will be helped by gymnastics, massage, outdoor games. Duration should be strictly monitored active games... Hyperactive children do not feel tired and cannot stop themselves. Therefore, depending on age, periods of outdoor games must be alternated with calm ones.

Final word

Dear parents, your baby is a miracle, whatever it is. Therefore, instead of asking the question “I have a hyperactive child, what to do now and how to live with these further,” try with him to calmly and wisely go through this difficult period of the formation of a small personality.

In our time, hyperactivity is increasingly manifested in children of preschool and school age. What are its signs? How to deal with it? How should parents of a hyperactive child behave? All this important questions requiring a timely response.

Hyperactivity is a mental condition based on a behavioral disorder. It is associated with exceeding normal activity. At the same time, a person is too excitable and in his behavior is guided more by emotions than by common sense.

Hyperactivity in children. What it is

This concept arose in the 60s of the last century, when it was considered a pathological condition that was caused by minor disorders of the brain.

In the 80s, excess physical activity received the status of an independent disease. It became known as ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

This syndrome affects children of preschool age, primary and secondary levels of education, who have a violation of the functions of the central nervous system. At the same time, they have a decrease in concentration, poor memory and learning problems.

It is difficult for the brain of a child with ADHD to perceive and process information; it does not have a clear motivation to study.

The hyperactivity syndrome in children begins to manifest itself in 2-3 years, when they begin to attend kindergarten. Most of the behavioral disorder becomes noticeable in elementary school, when the child needs to learn, long time spend at a desk, be focused and attentive.


To diagnose ADHD, you need to observe the behavior of the child in at least two social groups and confirm their similarities.

V early age it can be difficult to do this, since babies under one year old are usually only with their mother and father, that is, in the family. When the baby enters preschool, it hits the second social group... Behavior in it can be similar to home or dramatically different from him.

Observing the child, the parents themselves are able to see the warning signs in the child and seek psychological help in time. Experienced psychologists and educators will help determine what this activity is related to.

The main symptoms of hyperactive behavior are divided into two groups.

Signs of attention deficit Hyperactivity and impulsivity
Reduced Selective Attention:
  • lack of the ability to be focused on the subject for a long time,
  • not being able to detect the details of an object
Uncontrolled movements of arms and legs during excitement
Lack of preservation of attention:
  • inability to carry out actions to the end,
  • incompleteness
Jumping, sharp climbs and fast running
Addressing a child does not cause him any reaction (he does not seem to hear) Inability to maintain a static position even for very short periods of time
Disorganization, often jumps from one to another Conversations in class, spontaneous shouts
Lack of desire to perform difficult tasks and exercises that require serious mental stress Failure to wait for the end of the question, premature attempt to answer
Forgetfulness Interfering with other people's business and conversations
Distraction by the slightest noise or movement from the side Lack of the ability to take turns and give in to other children
Frequent loss of things

Different children show every sign of any one group, but both are found.

Thus, the signs that should prompt parents that the child needs qualified help from a psychologist, neurologist, psychiatrist are as follows:

  • excessively high physical activity;
  • impulsiveness;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • increased excitability;
  • incessant attention deficit.


The main causes of hyperactivity in children include:

  • difficult and premature birth;
  • birth trauma;
  • late pregnancy of the mother;
  • various infections, including intrauterine;
  • minor injuries sustained by a child as a result of falling and hitting the head;
  • poisoning with hazardous substances, such as lead;
  • poor nutrition;
  • asocial behavior of parents, etc.

According to statistics, boys are more likely to suffer from this syndrome than girls. Male children are much larger in weight, their brains mature later. In this regard, they are more often obtained different kinds injuries both in the womb and during childbirth.

Nowadays, ADHD affects up to 10% of children of primary school age.
A child of 8-10 years old should actively learn and behave normally in society. Requirements are made to him from teachers and parents in the manifestation of independence, perseverance and concentration.

However, it is difficult for a hyperactive child to live up to the claims of an adult. Insomnia or lack of sleep may be added to the above symptoms. restful sleep, nocturnal enuresis, speech disorder, heart attacks.

Diagnostics and treatment

Diagnosis of hyperactivity is carried out as a result of complex observations of a whole group of specialists. If they detect the presence of all the signs of hyperactivity (see table), then the child may be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.

  1. In this case, drugs of a nootropic type are prescribed, which improve blood circulation, normal blood circulation in the region of the brain, enhance its functionality and sensitivity to the surrounding reality.
  2. The second, main component of the treatment of this syndrome is the organization of psychological and pedagogical assistance. The use of medication is not always necessary and desirable. A well-established system of training with the hyperactive can eliminate all existing problems.

To help educators, parents should maintain the child's good physical well-being and increase his immunity. In addition, sedative folk remedies should not be neglected.

Only comprehensive measures and joint efforts can help a child overcome a difficult mental state that interferes with learning normally at school. Competent behavior correction can affect the success of a student with ADHD.

How to calm your child

Hyperactive children are highly overexcited from rapid, chaotic movements during the day.

What should parents do to “calm down” their child before bedtime:

  • change the environment (go from one room to another, where it is quiet and calm);
  • invite the child to look out the window, at the sky or a passing car, people walking along the road;

  • drink water or a cup of herbal tea, eat something sweet;
  • lie down (play with a toy) in warm bath with foam and useful decoctions of medicinal plants;
  • make a relaxing massage to a calm melody;
  • before going to bed, mom or dad can stay with the child for a while, read a book to him or just talk. This is especially important when a boy or girl is in school.

All this will help the child to tune in to a healthy restful sleep, and in the morning he will get up vigorous, cheerful and tuned in to positive activities.

Do I need to take medication

Medical intervention is possible when all psychological and pedagogical methods and techniques have been tried. How to treat a child and what drugs to use in this case, only a doctor can decide.

In order not to aggravate the situation, it is important to get professional advice and follow the doctor's orders.

Video: School of Doctor Komarovsky

The content of the article:

Hyperactive children are increasingly encountered in modern world... What signs give out a hyperactive child, what to do to parents, how to raise a hyperactive child, how is ADHD treated - these questions will be answered by a psychologist.

What is ADHD Diagnosis, or Who Are Hyperactive Children?

If your child has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), don't be alarmed. This does not mean that he will have 100% learning problems or difficulties in communicating with peers. It's just that such children need to pay more attention so that the manifestations of hyperactivity are smoothed out. Early correction and treatment of ADHD will help bring up a mentally and physically developed personality.

ADHD is usually a consequence of fetal hypoxia during pregnancy or at the time of natural childbirth, when the baby's brain has received less oxygen. A child with this syndrome is characterized by increased muscle tone, while he is very sensitive to sounds and light stimuli. Sleep in children with ADHD is restless, and during periods of wakefulness they show excessive mobility and agitation.

These kids often start walking and talking earlier than their peers. At the same time, relatives rejoice at the crumbs' abilities and believe in his special talent. But from the age of three, parents begin to notice signs of concern. It becomes clear that the baby is unable to focus on any one activity. He may not listen to the end interesting fairy tale to the end or throws the game if you need to concentrate.

Behavioral problems are most noticeable at events that require organization (for example, holidays in kindergarten), a hyperactive child cannot resist in one place, he constantly turns and sways.

V school age one more feature is found out, which is very upsetting to the relatives of the hyperactive baby. A child cannot sit at a desk for a long time, concentrating on classes. He is constantly distracted by something, often gets up, walks, can interfere with classmates. Impulsive actions and overly active behavior are not the only problems in school. Already in the first grade, it becomes clear that it is not easy for a child to learn teaching material... Difficulties may arise with counting, reading and writing. Parents are naturally very upset. Indeed, in the first years of life, their hyperactive baby developed so quickly that he seemed just a child prodigy. And now he does not stand out among his classmates or may even lag behind them.

Neuropathologists, child psychiatrists, psychologists and speech therapists have long been involved in the problems of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

What to do with a hyperactive child

Treatment of hyperactive children can be roughly divided: 1) into medical assistance and 2) the conditions and efforts that the parents must create for the child. Moreover, the role of parents is no less important for medical treatment, and in some cases is decisive.

Treatment of hyperactive children

A neuropathologist prescribes medication and general strengthening physiotherapeutic treatment for a hyperactive child, which are aimed at normalizing the central nervous system.

Medication for ADHD

For children diagnosed with ADHD, neuropathologists prescribe courses of medications that inhibit arousal and normalize the activity of the nervous system. First of all, the child needs B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, and nootropic agents (for example, glycine or hopantenic acid, more serious drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor). The specialist may also recommend an additional treatment - herbs with a calming effect. Usually it is fennel, lavender, motherwort, valerian, mint, St. John's wort. Remember that self-medication is not acceptable, especially when it comes to children. All these funds can be given to a child only with the permission of a doctor.

Drug-free treatment for ADHD

To help hyperactive children, not only medications are used. They are recommended massage procedures that help relieve increased muscle tone, as well as physiotherapy (electrophoresis with drugs to improve blood circulation in the brain). In addition, the method of biofeedback (BFB) and remedial gymnastics are effectively used in the treatment of hyperactivity.

If possible, it is worth registering the child in the pool. Swimming has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and allows children to use up unnecessary activity. At home, you can carry out very useful water procedures: baths with salts and soothing herbs.

One more important point in the development of hyperactive children - correctional classes under the guidance of specialists - speech therapist, psychologist. The purpose of such classes is the development of speech, coordination of movements, fine motor skills, attention and memory, the ability to control one's behavior and restrain arousal.

What parents of a hyperactive child should do

The next step in helping a child is creating comfortable conditions in family. Naturally, all parents try to make their child as good as possible. But in this case, a special approach is important. It is necessary to properly organize the daily routine and food, be attentive to family relationships, devote time to developing games and activities. Given below are detailed recommendations parents of a hyperactive child.


A good daily routine is very important for children with ADHD as it helps them become more independent and organized. A great option is to draw up it in writing and hang it in a conspicuous place in the children's room. If the baby has not yet learned to read, the routine can be indicated by pictures: getting up, exercising, having breakfast, etc. Of course, not everything will work out right away, but over time, the child will acquire the skills of self-organization, obedience, and accuracy that he needs very much. It is extremely important to develop in the child the ability to plan things and bring them to the end, to develop in him responsibility for all his actions.

To make it easier for the child, help him by making tips. Write or draw on pieces of paper what to do during the day and hang them on the refrigerator. For example, disassemble books, pack things for school, clean up on the shelf with toys, and many other simple tasks.

Walks in the open air

Fresh air strengthens the body, calms the nerves, and also helps hyperactive children get rid of excessive physical activity. Therefore, do not forget about the need for regular walks. When picking up your child from kindergarten or school, do not rush home. Spend an hour and a half at the playground. This is a great opportunity for a child to get relief after a strict routine. educational institution... Let him jump, run, ride on a swing. Just remember that kids with ADHD overwork too quickly. If signs of fatigue begin to appear, sit on a bench and let your child calm down and get a good rest. Then take your time for a walk.

A very good influence on hyperactive children is exerted by activities related to physical activity - rollerblading, scooter, skiing, etc. Try to keep your baby busy interesting activities, come up with an exciting game, make a snowman in winter, throw snowballs, ride down a hill. On weekends, if possible, go out of town to be in nature. Clean air and a calm environment have a positive effect on the nervous system of hyperactive children. A child from such a useful and exciting leisure the emotional background will improve, and it will be easier for him to focus on his studies, as well as to complete the tasks that you give him.

Proper nutrition

Most hyperactive guys have stomach problems. Why is this happening? The reason lies in the excessive tearfulness and anxiety of such children, their imbalance, and frequent mood swings. That is, they are often under stress. And stress, as you know, has the most negative effect on digestion. This means that the diet and diet of such children require special attention... Make sure your child regularly receives healthy eating... It is necessary to teach him to eat at the same time, exclude fast food, chips, sugary carbonated drinks from the diet. Vegetables and fruits, as well as preparations with bifidobacteria, will be very useful.

Hobbies and sports sections

The next step is to find an exciting hobby for your baby. Nowadays, there are many different sections and circles. The advantages of such leisure are obvious: while doing something interesting to him, the child learns to focus on one activity and sit still for 40 minutes. In addition, he gets used to communicate in a team where the discipline of behavior is constantly maintained. And this is very important for preparing for studies.
So, a small child will be very interested in modeling lessons, applications, drawing. Such activities develop well fine motor skills, which in hyperactive children is very often insufficiently formed.

Vigorous activity is also very useful: aerobics, dancing, various kinds of sports. Thanks to such activities, the child will be able to throw out excess activity, as well as develop a sense of balance, coordination of movements, strengthen various groups muscles.

We should also talk about chess separately. This game contributes to the formation in children of the ability for abstract and logical thinking, it simultaneously involves two hemispheres of the brain, which contributes to its harmonious development. In the left hemisphere, the processes associated with the creation of sequential chains are activated, while the right hemisphere simulates possible situations... Also, chess develops a child's memory well, because during the game, both operational and long-term memory are used. Moreover, the child works with different kinds information: digital, visual, color stimulus. Young chess players acquire many valuable skills, such as the ability to predict the development of events, acceptance important decisions, miscalculation different options etc. Problems with concentration, memory, inability to organize oneself are characteristic of all hyperactive children. Therefore, it can be argued that playing chess regularly is one of the most effective techniques when raising them.

Sports activities in teams will also be of great benefit to children. It is, first of all, about such sports: football, basketball, volleyball, water polo, hockey. Children will be able to usefully spend excess energy, learn how to interact with peers, observing the rules of team play, and control their actions. And with hyperactivity, this is very important.

But in no case should you overload the child. Do not give it to many circles at the same time. Overactive children should not be overworked, otherwise they will form a negative attitude towards all the activities that are offered to them, including studying at school. Find exactly the activity that attracts your baby the most.

All relatives of the baby should clearly understand what ADHD is. Such children do not always manage to control their actions, they often cannot calm down in time. This should be treated not as a disadvantage, but as a feature. Therefore, all family members need to develop a single tactics of behavior and strictly adhere to it. The main rule is to avoid extremes when raising a child. On the one hand, you should not overprotect him, and on the other hand, you should not make excessive demands and treat the baby too strictly.

Remember that parents' mood swings and their different responses to similar situations negatively affect the psyche of a child with ADHD. Therefore, the behavior of parents should be even and calm, the most appropriate tactic, according to psychologists, is "gentle severity." Do not be annoyed in any way and have a lot of patience. It will be useful to you, because usually any questions and requests when communicating with hyperactive children have to be repeated more than once.

Parenting a child with ADHD is a challenge for parents. To make it easier to cope with this difficult task, it is advisable to seek the help of a professional psychologist. Good specialist will carefully study the situation, analyze it and select a model of behavior suitable for your family, advise on ways that will help you successfully cope with certain problems.

Remember that a positive assessment of his actions by loved ones is of great importance for a child. Therefore, be sure to praise him for every achievement (albeit small). For example, a kid drew a picture or was able to solve a difficult problem. Say that you are proud of him, tell others how smart he is. And next time the child will try even more.

But in no case should you shout at such a kid. This will not calm him down, but, on the contrary, will bring him to excessive overexcitement and loss of self-control. If the baby is too active, it is better to act. soft methods... Press him close to you, stroke his hair, take his hand and in a low voice begin to calm him down, repeating the same words: "Hush, hush, don't worry, don't worry, tell me what happened." Repetition has a calming effect on the child's psyche, and the child relaxes.

Specialized school preparation courses will be of great benefit. Classes are usually started from the age of four. The kid will learn to read, write, count, and it will be much easier for him to assimilate the material at school. Also, psychologists advise music lessons, because they provide beneficial influence on the children's nervous system.

And finally, it is worth noting - communicate with your child as much as possible. Engage in conversations, read books, invite yourself to invent interesting stories... This is much more useful than watching TV or playing monotonous computer games... Pay attention to the child, listen to him, show concern and participation. Remember that your irritability and misunderstandings can be very stressful for a child with ADHD.

If the family has a hyperactive child, there are always signs of neurological-behavioral disorders. Children are consistently more active than adults. But some kids are extremely active. In practical medicine, their diagnosis sounds like ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. If such a child lives in a family, many problems arise. Many parents would like to know whether hyperactivity in children is a disease or a manifestation of character traits.

Causes of Hyperactivity Syndrome

Medical aspect of the problem: this condition is based on minimal brain dysfunctions. Hyperactivity in children is a medical term. It occurs if the child was born, having experienced asphyxiation, stimulation, caesarean section during childbirth, or he received any minor injuries. His brain appears to be healthy, with no obvious serious damage, but there are minimal impairments. Therefore, in his nervous system instead of the balance of processes of inhibition and excitation, the latter prevail. Children are easily aroused. But such a child is not able to stop at the right moment.

It is believed that the cause of this syndrome as a disease is a deficiency of certain hormones that are produced only when the child is on the move. When such a baby is at rest, he does not feel well. Therefore, he is forced to run all the time and do something. Symptoms of hyperactivity often appear before a year. Hyperactive children are very restless and cry a lot.

ADHD has varying degrees of manifestation

Mild child hyperactivity is noted in slightly nervous emotional babies. They are distinguished by an accelerated speech rate, very sharp movements. They are normally adapted in society. Such children love to learn, they are very smart. These students are intellectually more gifted than others and have quick thinking. Schoolchildren light up easily, get carried away, think quickly. But often they have serious problems with discipline. A highly hyperactive child is often unable to concentrate. When someone talks to him, the baby turns away, twists and picks something, fidgets and twitches. What to do when the child behaves like this?

The psychological aspect of the problem

Science interprets ADHD as a lack of self-control, an attention disorder. This syndrome is characterized by specific manifestations.

Indicators of hyperactivity

Many parents tend to exaggerate their problems. They consider normal living children to be hyperactive. However, ADHD has clear signs.

You can easily determine the presence of this syndrome in a baby:

  1. He is constantly on the move. Children are constantly fidgeting, running, pinching their fingers in the door, banging their heads on door jambs... They are constantly moving, doing something all the time.
  2. A hyperactive child is impulsive. He does not hold back his impulses. It is difficult to keep him in place, he constantly commits rash acts.
  3. When adults talk to him, the baby is not able to listen to them. Due to excessive physical activity, he definitely needs to continuously perform some kind of action.
  4. He practically does not perceive the words of another person. The child does not notice those around him, every now and then he hovers in the world of dreams, indulges in his dreams.
  5. Fine motor skills are usually impaired in hyperactive preschool children. It is very difficult for a kid to perform scrupulous precise actions, to draw small parts, paint the picture with paints without going beyond the contour. They can't button up, tie their shoelaces.
  6. Such a child at school shows attention deficit in everything. For this student, thoughts overtake actions. In his notebook, words often begin with the second or third letter. Often they do not have an ending, letters and words are not completed. Their notebooks are torn, their notes have been crossed out many times. In the notebooks of such students, slips of the tongue most often appear. When checked, these students are usually inattentive. They do not see the mistakes they made when writing the text.

The nature of behavioral problems

Excessive activity as a disease: symptoms of hyperactivity in children are a manifestation of a borderline state, not a pathology. In such children, some other neurological symptoms are added to natural mobility.

  1. Since the function of inhibition is less developed than the function of arousal, infants with symptoms of hyperactivity are less likely to develop various life cycles. Excessive excitement is reflected in all spheres of life of such children. They often have speech disorders, enuresis, and nervous tics.
  2. They are characterized by hysterical behavior. Any minimal reason is enough, and they begin an uncontrolled behavioral reaction. All emotions are manifested in them very violently. They are accompanied by loud crying, vigorous gesticulation, squealing, lamentations, shouts.
  3. Babies who have symptoms of hyperactivity find it difficult to maintain a regimen. After a noisy game, they cannot sleep.

Without the help of medical specialists, psychologists, a restless child is not able to be a normal member of the team, to live fully. He has conflicts in communication with peers, he cannot study, does not respond to any persuasion.

What if the child has signs of hyperactivity?

This problem of restless children is professionally dealt with by child psychiatrists and psychologists. Parents need to seek help from these professionals.

Hyperactivity as a personality trait: sometimes symptoms of hyperactivity appear under the influence of certain adverse living conditions. An unloved child constantly feels rejected by his parents. Therefore it has mental disorders, lives in a state of prolonged anxiety, in anticipation of impending danger. The kid is distinguished by motor disinhibition, inattention, restlessness. Therefore, experts consider this mode of the child's life as a manifestation of a borderline state on the verge of illness and health.

Hyperactivity in children is a character trait if they are not raised correctly. It is necessary to limit their desires, actions and needs.

Such a child is capable of being a full member of society. He can develop normally. This feature does not prevent the child from communicating with peers.

Raising a restless child with signs of ADHD

If a hyperactive child is growing up in the family, what to do?

Pedagogical guidelines for parents of hyperactive children:

  1. This child is a very active fidget. It is very difficult for him to perceive difficult tasks. Therefore, they should be simple, specific and phased.
  2. But first you need to establish contact with him. Having tenderly touched the baby, you should look into his eyes, say pleasant words addressing him. Anything that might interfere with contact with him must be removed. TV, music, toys will distract your baby from communicating with you. Other people shouldn't be annoying.
  3. It is necessary to develop rules of behavior for the child, which must always remain constant.

What to do for parents of a hyperactive child

If parents suspect their child has hyperactivity disorder, you need to see a doctor... If the syndrome is of a biological nature, this is where the solution to the problem should be started. Consultation with a specialist is required. A neuropathologist, a psychologist can give recommendations to parents. Children's neuropsychologists work in this borderline area. They possess specific diagnostic techniques that differ from medical diagnostic studies. With their help, you can identify the causes of hyperactivity in children.

If ADHD develops, this child needs supportive care. A pediatric neuropsychologist can offer parents the necessary individual correction program. A specialist may recommend medications, homeopathy, and soothing herbs. Their use will help to normalize the impaired functions of the body of a small patient. Symptoms of hyperactivity will be less pronounced if you follow the correct hygiene regimen. The day of the baby should be well organized in order to give him the opportunity to use up his irrepressible energy. It is important that he has physical fatigue. The over-activity of the baby should stop 2 hours before bedtime.

Hyperactive toddlers need adequate exercise stress... They need to engage in outdoor games, jump a lot, run. But one should not allow the appearance of nervous, intellectual fatigue. It is very helpful to take a shower or bath before bed. Rituals are extremely important. Calm music, reading a fairy tale, quiet conversation predispose to falling asleep, relaxing, calming down.

Hyperactive children are more difficult than others in everything. This kid is always active. Such children are more difficult to bring up.

Treatment for hyperactivity can be successful.

For this, the child first of all needs to feel the love of the parents, the feeling of comfort in the family.