Clematis leaves become dark and soft. Clematis withers: causes, methods of struggle, consequences

Wilt clematis, treatment and prevention is the main message of this article. Let's try to give a clear description of the disease and methods of dealing with it.

Clematis are beautiful ornamental plants that are very popular with gardeners. They are unpretentious, resistant to low temperatures... This plant is used for landscaping gazebos, hedges, vertical planes. Clematis attracts with their long-lasting and abundant flowering... But a disease such as wilting or wilt not only spoils appearance, but can also lead to the death of the plant. If you do not take any measures.

Wilt is a disease, the first signs of which are the wilting of the tip of the shoots, especially the young ones. It appears as a result of the vigorous activity of fungi that live in the soil and, when favorable for them, begin to penetrate the stems of the plant. Spores of the fungus, developing in the middle of the stems, disrupt the permeability of their internal vessels, which entails a lack of nutrients and moisture.

In addition, the stems of clematis begin to be damaged at the base.

Withering of shoots is most often caused by the action of a fungus from the genus Phomopsis. It can be in the soil for a long time at rest, and when it begins to develop, it first of all affects the roots, then the shoots. If you look closely, you can see a large number of black spots on clematis - these are the fruiting bodies of a fungus or pycnidia. It is in them that the maturation of disputes occurs.

Wilt is the most dangerous fungal disease that can affect clematis. It manifests itself precisely during the flowering period of vines. When young shoots, leaves and flowers suddenly begin to wither. The affected plants are almost impossible to save and this is due to the fact that the focal lesion is concentrated precisely in the lower internodes above the very surface of the earth, and sometimes in that part that is in the ground.

What to do when a fungal disease Wilt is detected

If wilting shoots, which is one of the most dangerous, were found in the garden on decorative clematis vines, measures must be taken immediately. And so wilting or Wilt, clematis, what to do to prevent further development fungal disease.

First of all you need:

  • immediately remove all damaged shoots to the very base;
  • burn the cut branches.

Then you need to process the soil and the remaining stems (if they are not affected, although this happens extremely rarely) with special preparations:

  • foundation;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • copper sulfate in combination with a soap solution;
  • or others chemicals directional action.

You should also take preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of a fungal disease. It is recommended to process the soil before planting young clematis seedlings biological preparation"Trichodermin", especially if earlier in the garden there were cases of damage to plants by a fungus.

In addition, preventive treatment of clematis with a foundation solution should be carried out in early spring, before the buds begin to bloom and after the leaves fall in the fall. As a preventive measure, this solution must be shed twice a year and the soil in which the vine grows.

Preventive measures include timely harvesting of weeds, fallen leaves, which can become a source of the development of the disease.

You should also regularly loosen the soil and periodically disinfect it. aqueous solution lime.

Compliance with the rules of cultivation and implementation preventive measures, will avoid the death of clematis from Wilt.

Clematis is a climbing plant that is also known as: clematis, warthog or grandfather's curls. It has very beautiful large inflorescences on climbing green vines. There are over one and a half thousand, which is why it attracts all gardeners so much. The plant, depending on the flowering period, is combined into three groups: late spring, early summer, summer. Some varieties are not afraid of frost, they can delight with their appearance until September and even October. Using several different types in your garden, you can contemplate the beauty of this plant for several months in a row.

In contact with

Plant varieties

There are a lot of species of clematis, not only belong to their group climbing vines but also shrubs and herbaceous. Therefore, they are divided into the following categories:

  • curly;
  • not frizzy.

To make it easier to distinguish such a large species diversity flowers, florists have divided them into three types:

  • large-colored;
  • small-colored;
  • herbaceous.

First, decide which varieties are more suitable for your climate, and then plant and breed them for your pleasure.

Reproduction of clematis

There are several possible options for plant breeding:

  1. cuttings;
  2. layering;
  3. dividing the bush;
  4. germination from seeds.

Let's consider in more detail each of the methods.

Cutting clematis is the most known way for the cultivation of bushes that are more than three years old. This procedure should be carried out in early summer (May, early July), when the flower is in the active phase of germination, but in order for it to take root, it is necessary to have time before the flowering stage.

Experienced gardeners advise you to follow a number of rules for successful plant propagation:

  1. It is best to cut off cuttings in the morning or late evening to protect the plant from dehydration. Most the best option for the procedure - cloudy weather.
  2. It is better to cut off the middle part of the shoot, so that one internode and two fully developed buds in the leaf axils are obtained. Leave 3-4 cm of the stem under the knot, and 1-2 cm above it.
  3. The upper cut of the shoot should be straight, and the lower cut obliquely (at an angle of 45 degrees).
  4. It is not recommended to cut off many shoots at the same time, in one procedure there should be no more than 1/3 of them from the bush.
  5. In order for the plant to take root better, it is necessary to treat it with a solution that biostimulates growth, and root it into a soil prepared in advance treated with "hot steam" with peat substrate and sand.
  6. The knot should be deepened approximately 5 mm into the soil. It should be planted keeping a distance of 5 cm between cuttings, and 10 cm between rows. To protect the buds from drought, the cutting should be buried 1–2 cm into the ground.
  7. The ideal place for rooting would be a greenhouse, pot or greenhouse, since the plant needs constant temperature regime within 17-23 degrees.
  8. The main thing in the process of survival is to maintain uniform moisture in the soil and air. Daily watering is required, and after 30 days it can be reduced to 2 times a week. The rooting process takes approximately 50 days.
  9. Peat can be used as a top dressing for clematis.
  10. Until spring, the plants are left in a greenhouse, covered with sawdust, and then planted.

It takes a considerable amount of time to grow a flower from a cut, but the process itself is very simple. It is better to carry out the germination stage late spring or in the fall. For the best result, you should adhere to the following rules:

Breeding a flower by dividing a bush

This method is used for plants that are more than 5-6 years old. It is advisable to divide the bush a month before frost or in early spring, even before the first buds appear. Since the divided bush does not take root well, it is necessary to fertilize the plant a year before so that new young roots germinate.

To divide the bush, you must:

  1. Dig out the bush carefully and shake it off the ground.
  2. Divide the bush into several parts with a good root system and buds.
  3. Plant the resulting bushes.

If the bush cannot be dug up, it can be dug up and a part of the rhizome can be cut off a little. And next year, do the same procedure, but on the other hand.

Clematis seeds This growing method is used for small flowers, wild species flower. The best period for sowing seeds is spring.

Seed growing methods:

  1. Seeds must be stratified before planting. You will need to soak them in water for about a week, and then cover them with wet sand and place them in a refrigerator with a temperature of 1-6 degrees for two months. Disembarkation can be done at the end of April directly into the ground. The soil needs to be moistened periodically.
  2. Plant the seeds directly into the ground in the fall and sprinkle with sand. During the winter they will go through the process of natural stratification, and in the spring they will germinate.

Supports for clematis - do it yourself

Clematis - ornamental plant, which requires additional support, so you will need to make a support for it (wooden pins, grilles, metal arches, etc.).

Support advantages:

  • plant stems do not break;
  • full ventilation of the plant is provided;
  • stems and flowers are not trampled;
  • the light is evenly distributed over the entire plant.

The support option depends on the varietal and species qualities of the plant, for example:

  • Curly varieties are more impressed by cascading supports, on which they can grow in the form of a solid carpet.
  • For species that are not able to cling to supports, a garter to ordinary wooden posts is required.
  • For grassy types, it is advisable to use a mesh with a distance of 15-20 cm between adjacent sections.

Depending on the shape of the support, there are:

  • arched;
  • fan-shaped;
  • pyramidal;
  • cylindrical.

The main requirements for supports are: simple installation, beautiful appearance, durability and ease of use. The size, type and material of construction depends only on your imagination and available materials.

Interesting ideas on how to make supports for clematis with your own hands, in this video:

Diseases of flowers - possible causes and treatment

Among plant diseases, two large groups are distinguished: fungal and viral diseases.

Fungal diseases

Withering- very dangerous disease arising in the root system. Outwardly, the flower looks like a healthy one, and its shoots sharply become lethargic, after which they dry out.

The cause of the disease is in the spores of a fungus that lives deep in the soil. They clog the vessels of the plant, thereby disrupting the metabolic system, and the flower withers. The most favorable period for the development of the disease in early spring from stagnant water, growth in the shade and after a warm winter. As a rule, the disease affects at the stage of active growth, when the plant is at its peak of functioning, which leads to wilting within a few hours. Gray rot After the first signs of wilting appear, it is necessary to eliminate all infected shoots and treat the flower with a solution. Spraying with a solution has an excellent effect copper sulfate... As a prophylaxis against the disease, it is necessary to feed the plant and.

Gray rot- the disease manifests itself on leaves and shoots in the form of brown spots. It spreads very quickly and is able to move to nearby plants. Rot occurs during the rainy season. As a treatment and as a preventive measure, clematis should be treated with a foundation solution. Powdery mildew Powdery mildew- the disease spreads in the form white bloom on shoots, leaves and flowers, underneath the tissue completely dies off. The disease occurs during a hot summer. For prevention purposes, in the spring it is necessary to remove the infected shoots, and the bush itself should be treated with a special solution (dilute 300 gr for 10 liters of water. laundry soap and 30 gr. copper sulfate). You can also spray the plant with a solution of soda ash.

Ascochitosis (spotting)- affects the leaves, they appear brown spots... The leaves begin to crumble and holes form in them. This process disrupts photosynthesis and weakens the plant. The plant is treated with a solution of copper sulfate, and the infected leaves are removed.

Alternaria- the fungus infects weak leaves, causes necrosis in tissues and provokes death. With an intense lesion, the disease spreads to healthy areas. The disease occurs in late August and early September. Any medications containing copper should be used as treatment. Septoria Rust- It is expressed in the form of red pads filled with fungal spores, which are located on the leaves and shoots. For treatment, use 2% Bordeaux liquid and remove all infected areas.

Septoria- manifests itself in the form gray spots with a red edge and infects the leaves. The plant does not receive enough oxygen, it becomes weak and withers. For treatment, a special solution is used (1% copper sulfate and Bordeaux liquid).

Viral diseases

Yellow mosaic on the leaves- carried by sucking insects. There is no way to cure the plant. Its complete removal from the garden is required.

As a prophylaxis against this disease, it is strictly forbidden to plant such plants as delphinum, peony, bulbous or hostu near clematis.

Colorless flowers- occurs due to lack of heat and light or improper fertilization. After eliminating these causes, the flower fully recovers.

Proper care and timely treatment will allow you to breed clematis and enjoy its beautiful flowers.

A detailed video about cutting clematis in the summer:

More than 30 causative agents of fungal diseases were noted on clematis.

The most dangerous disease is Wilt, or wilting. Signs of its manifestation are as follows - young plant during its growing season, for no apparent reason, it fades: the shoots lose their turgor, sink and dry out. And the following happens - microscopic soil fungi Phomopsis, Fusarium and Verticillium, through mechanically damaged shoot bases, enter the vine and, growing, clog the conducting vessels of the plant with their mycelium, it dies from lack of nutrition and moisture. Withering most often occurs in the midst of the growing season (massive shoot growth, budding), when the conductive tissues are working at maximum load.

Chemical measures to control soil fungi.

In early spring, after boredom, and in autumn (before shelter for the winter) - we spill one izrastvorov.

1. Lime milk (working solution - 1 kg. Slaked lime per 1 liter. Water (

1: 1), 100 ml of working solution per 10 liters of water), 4-5 liters per plant. Cons: excessive liming of the soil leads to chlorosis, interferes with the absorption of iron by the plant (see the table in the "Diagnostics of nutritional deficiencies" section). But it should be borne in mind that although such a measure is universally recommended, its frequent use leads to the transformation of iron in the soil into a form that is indigestible for plants and, as a consequence, the development of chlorosis in them.

2. "Maxim" 10 ml. 10 liters. water, 200 ml. for 1 plant.

3. A weak solution of potassium permanganate.

4. Bordeaux mixture or copper-containing preparation, for example "Abigapik" (10 ml per 10 liters of water).

It is necessary to water the plant at the root and cultivate the soil around it. Throughout the growing season, monitor the condition of the plant - shoots and leaves. Cut off and remove sick people, take them out of the site and burn them. To carry out all agrotechnical work in a timely manner: remove weeds, loosen, water, apply fertilizers. Do not overdo it with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, this also contributes to the development of the disease. Everything is good in moderation.

In order to prevent the disease during the intensive growth of the base of the shoots, the soil around the plant is spilled with one of the fungicides, such as polycarbacin, cuprozan, and topsin-M.

Ascochytosis, or leaf spot, is caused by pathogenic fungi of the genus Ascochyta. With a lesion, severely limited spots appear on the leaves Brown color... Diseased leaves dry up, starting lower. Most often, the base of the stem and places of forks are affected, these parts gradually die off. Contributes to the development of the disease high humidity and temperature.

Control measures. Collection and destruction of diseased leaves and shoots. Timely removal of weeds and regular loosening of the soil. If a disease is detected, use the following drugs: Bordeaux liquid (1%), polycarbacin (0.2-0.4%), teneb (0.4-0.5%), topsin-M (0.1-0.2%)

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Do you have clematis growing, but is already sick with something? Find out urgently with what, and treat correctly. And even better - prevention!
Diseases of clematis spoil not only the appearance of such beautiful plant, but they can completely destroy him. From the last article you can find out about powdery mildew on clematis and how to deal with it... Now let's talk about other diseases of clematis.

Gray rot (botrytis fungus) appears on clematis in the form of a brown bloom, on leaves and shoots. Often gray rot appears in rainy summers when it is very humid. Later, a light fluff or plaque appears on brown spots - this is the mycelium and spores of the fungus. Thanks to the wind and moisture, it moves to healthy leaves and clematis shoots.

The fungus botrytis, which causes gray rot, is gluttonous, therefore, having migrated from clematis to others flowering plants, begins to eat them too.

If you notice such leaves and shoots, then remove them immediately. And preferably, as soon as you cut off the leaf, then immediately keep an open bag nearby, where you throw the affected parts. That is, so as not to shake the vine too much and so that the fungus does not fly to other plants with your help.

For example, gray rot is a common disease garden strawberry... This is how it looks:

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How to treat gray rot clematis? After collecting the affected parts of clematis, it is advisable to spray the entire plant with foundation or 2% azocene solution. In general, it is better to spill clematis with a solution of foundationol in spring and autumn. Fundazole is best suited for the prevention and treatment of clematis diseases!

Rust on clematis. Already in early spring, yellow-brown pads or growths on leaves and shoots can be noticeable on clematis. Later, the leaves and shoots curl, become crooked, deformed, then the leaves dry up and fall off.

If this is not dealt with, then the plant can survive, but it will again leave for the winter with the disease. But in the spring, the fungus will again infect young shoots, and then it will already be harder for clematis. Usually the fungus that causes rust on clematis hibernates on diseased shoots that have not been removed, or, imagine, on a wheatgrass weed! Therefore, wheatgrass, if it is nearby, immediately remove it!
And this is what rust on the leaves looks like:
target = "_blank"> 605w "width =" 600 "/> How to treat rust on clematis? As soon as you immediately notice "rusty" spots on the leaves and shoots of clematis, immediately spray the plant with a 1-2% solution of Bordeaux mixture. Or its substitutes - copper oxychloride, oxych, polychrome.

Clematis necrosis. Necrosis is caused by the fungus saprotroph from the genus Alternaria. Necrosis appears on weakened leaves and shoots in the fall, which are already old and begin to die off. That is, there is nothing wrong with that, the fungus helps to remake organic matter. But if it grows strongly, then it goes on to young leaves and shoots. So most of the clematis can become covered with dark olive spots, the leaves are deformed.
This is what leaf necrosis looks like:
target = "_blank"> 640w "width =" 600 "/> How to cure clematis from necrosis? To prevent the plant from drying out from necrosis (or alternariosis, from the name of the fungus), you need to periodically remove all old leaves and shoots, as well as treat the plant with any preparations that contain copper.

Spots on the leaves of clematis. Spots on clematis leaves can appear from various fungi. Now we will list them and suggest treatment.

The spots are different, but you cannot always tell which fungus has infected clematis. It even happens that the plant is affected by all fungi! The leaves have different spots in color and size. But don't worry, everything can be cured.

Spots on clematis leaves usually appear in the middle of summer and appear more and more by autumn. Most often, the spots are caused by a fungus from the genus Askochita - as a result ascochitis. Dark brown spots appear irregular shape, but merging with each other. The edges of the spots are very distinct. And in the fall, on these already darkened spots, black fruiting bodies develop - these are pycnidia, in which the fungus will overwinter.

Cylindrosporiasis causes the fungus cylindrosporium. Look closely, there are ocher-yellow spots on the leaves, limited by leaf veins.

And here septoria causes a fungus from the genus septoria. Gray spots appear on the leaves, surrounded by a reddish border. By autumn, black pycnidia also appear on the spots - a house of a fungus.

Everything fungal diseases, affecting the clematis leaf plate, disrupt such important processes that are associated with photosynthesis. And without photosynthesis, the plant simply dies. Leaf spot on clematis is not only a loss of decorativeness, but also a sign that the plant needs to be treated. After all, it is alive and you are responsible for it!

Spotting causes a deterioration in the entire condition of clematis, a decrease in buds, rhizomes overwinter poorly.
target = "_blank"> 640w "width =" 600 "/> How to treat spots on clematis leaves? The treatment is very simple. Most of the fungi die when the plant is treated with copper-containing preparations. For example, in early spring and autumn, you need to spray clematis with a 1% solution of iron or copper sulfate, and in the summer during the growing season, spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes. And of course, be sure to choose spotted leaves, misshapen and diseased shoots.

Yellow mosaic on clematis. It is a viral disease, but it appears very rarely. This virus is transmitted by sucking pests (aphids, ticks, honey beetle, caterpillars, sawfly larvae). That is, wind and moisture have nothing to do with it. And it does not have to be yellow spots, usually the leaf is discolored.
target = "_blank"> 650w "width =" 600 "/> How to treat yellow mosaic on clematis? If a yellow mosaic appears on your clematis, then immediately remove all the "mosaic" sheets and treat the plant with pesticides from sucking pests - karbofos, colloidal sulfur, potassium soap or trichlometaphos.

Unfortunately, if you do not have time, then there is no special drug that treats yellow mosaic. Therefore, do not just admire clematis, but also look at its leaves.

Advice. Do not plant such plants near clematis that they themselves may be affected by yellow spot. And this sweet pea, bulbous, peony, phlox, hosta, delphinium, aquilegia.

Withering of clematis and its treatment. Withering is also called wilt... This is a common sore, and many cannot understand in any way - where is it from? What is this disease? And these are the usual soil fungi that are bad for clematis. There are several of them and they all lead to the death of this beautiful plant.

Fungi that live in the soil infect root system clematis, from this clematis withers, dries and dies.

Most often, a fungus infects the roots of clematis in the soil. phomopsis... It penetrates from the ground into the roots, then under the epidermis of the shoots, and there pycnidia develop, where the fungus grows and spreads to other parts of the plant.

And here is the fungus fusarium"Smothers" clematis. It gets from the soil into the roots, grows along the vascular system, where the juice important for life flows (like our capillaries and blood) and clog this system with their mycelium.

Fungus of the genus verticillium it acts the same way, only more slowly. As a result, these fungi release toxins and the leaves turn yellow, turn brown, wither or rot.

Fungus of the genus konyotirum on the contrary, it affects not the roots, but the shoots immediately above the ground, leaving brown ulcers and constrictions on them. This is how the aerial part of clematis dies, the fungus can survive on uncleared remains, and in the spring, when young shoots appear, the fungus will infect them too.

Withering of clematis also often appears from a variety of soil pathogens, which are best infect clematis during warm winter when thaws and frosts alternate.

Withering of clematis may still come with very thickened and shaded plantings, with stagnant water or with high acidity... Therefore, during the treatment of clematis for diseases, pay also attention to the agricultural technology of growing clematis, is it growing in a good place?
In the photo, clematis or wilt wilting:
How to treat wilting clematis? If you have already noticed that clematis is withering, then immediately clean the plant from the affected areas, and spill the clematis abundantly 2-3 times under the root with a 0.2% solution of foundationol (benlate).

For prophylaxis, every spring and autumn, spill clematis under the root with a foundation solution. But remember, it slows down the development of fungi well, but does not completely kill them. Therefore, the only correct thing is to observe the correct agricultural technique.

And the most important! If you do not want all sorts of fungi that infect the aerial part of clematis to appear, then be sure to mulch the ground near the shoots of clematis with a 10: 1 mixture of sand and ash. This will block the fungi that may emerge from the ground. And the ash will still acidify the earth, because these plants do not like acidic soil- it will also help and therefore your clematis are ill.

Do you have clematis growing, but is already sick with something? Find out urgently with what, and treat correctly. And even better - prevention!
Diseases of clematis spoil not only the appearance of such a beautiful plant, but can also completely destroy it. From the last article you can find out And now let's talk about other diseases of clematis.

Gray rot (botrytis fungus) appears on clematis in the form of a brown bloom, on leaves and shoots. Most often, gray rot appears in rainy summers, when it is very humid. Later, a light fluff or plaque appears on brown spots - this is the mycelium and spores of the fungus. Thanks to the wind and moisture, it moves to healthy leaves and clematis shoots.

The botrytis fungus, which causes gray rot, is gluttonous, therefore, having migrated from clematis to other flowering plants, it also begins to eat them.

If you notice such leaves and shoots, then remove them immediately. And preferably, as soon as you cut off the leaf, then immediately keep an open bag nearby, where you throw the affected parts. That is, so as not to shake the vine too much and so that the fungus does not fly to other plants with your help.

For example, gray rot is a common disease in garden strawberries. This is how it looks:

How to treat gray rot clematis? After collecting the affected parts of clematis, it is advisable to spray the entire plant with foundation or 2% azocene solution. In general, it is better to spill clematis with a solution of foundationol in spring and autumn. Fundazole is best suited for the prevention and treatment of clematis diseases!

Rust on clematis. Already in early spring, yellow-brown pads or growths on leaves and shoots can be noticeable on clematis. Later, the leaves and shoots curl, become crooked, deformed, then the leaves dry up and fall off.

If this is not dealt with, then the plant can survive, but it will again leave for the winter with the disease. But in the spring, the fungus will again infect young shoots, and then it will already be harder for clematis. Usually the fungus that causes rust on clematis hibernates on diseased shoots that have not been removed, or, imagine, on a wheatgrass weed! Therefore, wheatgrass, if it is nearby, immediately remove it!
And this is what rust on the leaves looks like:

How to treat rust on clematis? As soon as you immediately notice "rusty" spots on the leaves and shoots of clematis, immediately spray the plant with a 1-2% solution of Bordeaux mixture. Or its substitutes - copper oxychloride, oxych, polychrome.

Clematis necrosis. Necrosis is caused by the fungus saprotroph from the genus Alternaria. Necrosis appears on weakened leaves and shoots in the fall, which are already old and begin to die off. That is, there is nothing wrong with that, the fungus helps to remake organic matter. But if it grows strongly, then it goes on to young leaves and shoots. So most of the clematis can become covered with dark olive spots, the leaves are deformed.
This is what leaf necrosis looks like:

How to cure clematis from necrosis? To prevent the plant from drying out from necrosis (or alternariosis, from the name of the fungus), you need to periodically remove all old leaves and shoots, as well as treat the plant with any preparations that contain copper.

Spots on the leaves of clematis. Spots on clematis leaves can appear from various fungi. Now we will list them and suggest treatment.

The spots are different, but you cannot always tell which fungus has infected clematis. It even happens that the plant is affected by all fungi! The leaves have different spots in color and size. But don't worry, everything can be cured.

Spots on clematis leaves usually appear in the middle of summer and appear more and more by autumn. Most often, the spots are caused by a fungus from the genus Askochita - as a result ascochitis. Dark brown spots appear, irregular in shape, but merging with each other. The edges of the spots are very distinct. And in the fall, on these already darkened spots, black fruiting bodies develop - these are pycnidia, in which the fungus will overwinter.

Cylindrosporiasis causes the fungus cylindrosporium. Look closely, there are ocher-yellow spots on the leaves, limited by leaf veins.

And here septoria causes a fungus from the genus septoria. Gray spots appear on the leaves, surrounded by a reddish border. By autumn, black pycnidia also appear on the spots - a house of a fungus.

All fungal diseases that affect the clematis leaf plate disrupt such important processes that are associated with photosynthesis. And without photosynthesis, the plant simply dies. Leaf spot on clematis is not only a loss of decorativeness, but also a sign that the plant needs to be treated. After all, it is alive and you are responsible for it!

Spotting causes a deterioration in the entire condition of clematis, a decrease in buds, rhizomes overwinter poorly.

How to treat spots on clematis leaves? The treatment is very simple. Most of the fungi die when the plant is treated with copper-containing preparations. For example, in early spring and autumn, you need to spray clematis with a 1% solution of iron or copper sulfate, and in the summer during the growing season, spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes. And of course, be sure to choose spotted leaves, misshapen and diseased shoots.

Yellow mosaic on clematis. It is a viral disease, but it appears very rarely. This virus is transmitted by sucking pests (aphids, ticks, honey beetle, caterpillars, sawfly larvae). That is, wind and moisture have nothing to do with it. And it does not have to be yellow spots, usually the leaf is discolored.

How to treat yellow mosaic on clematis? If a yellow mosaic appears on your clematis, then immediately remove all the "mosaic" sheets and treat the plant with pesticides from sucking pests - karbofos, colloidal sulfur, potassium soap or trichlometaphos.

Unfortunately, if you do not have time, then there is no special drug that treats yellow mosaic. Therefore, do not just admire clematis, but also look at its leaves.

Advice. Do not plant such plants near clematis that they themselves may be affected by yellow spot. And these are sweet peas, bulbous, peony, phlox, hosta, delphinium, aquilegia.

Withering of clematis and its treatment. Withering is also called wilt... This is a common sore, and many cannot understand in any way - where is it from? What is this disease? And these are the usual soil fungi that are bad for clematis. There are several of them and they all lead to the death of this beautiful plant.

Fungi living in the soil infect the root system of clematis, from this clematis withers, dries and dies.

Most often, a fungus infects the roots of clematis in the soil. phomopsis... It penetrates from the ground into the roots, then under the epidermis of the shoots, and there pycnidia develop, where the fungus grows and spreads to other parts of the plant.

And here is the fungus fusarium"Smothers" clematis. It gets from the soil into the roots, grows along the vascular system, where the juice important for life flows (like our capillaries and blood) and clog this system with their mycelium.

Fungus of the genus verticillium it acts the same way, only more slowly. As a result, these fungi release toxins and the leaves turn yellow, turn brown, wither or rot.

Fungus of the genus konyotirum on the contrary, it affects not the roots, but the shoots immediately above the ground, leaving brown ulcers and constrictions on them. This is how the aerial part of clematis dies, the fungus can survive on uncleared remains, and in the spring, when young shoots appear, the fungus will infect them too.

Withering of clematis also often appears from a variety of soil pathogens, which are best infect clematis during warm winter when thaws and frosts alternate.

Withering of clematis may still come with very thickened and shaded plantings, with stagnant water or with high acidity... Therefore, during the treatment of clematis for diseases, pay also attention to the agricultural technology of growing clematis, is it growing in a good place?
In the photo, clematis or wilt wilting:
How to treat wilting clematis? If you have already noticed that clematis is withering, then immediately clean the plant from the affected areas, and spill the clematis abundantly 2-3 times under the root with a 0.2% solution of foundationol (benlate).

For prophylaxis, every spring and autumn, spill clematis under the root with a foundation solution. But remember, it slows down the development of fungi well, but does not completely kill them. Therefore, the only correct thing is to observe the correct agricultural technique.

And the most important! If you do not want all sorts of fungi that infect the aerial part of clematis to appear, then be sure to mulch the ground near the shoots of clematis with a 10: 1 mixture of sand and ash. This will block the fungi that may emerge from the ground. And ash will still deacidify the earth, because these plants do not like acidic soil - it will also help and therefore your clemtis are sick.

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