Interesting stories about ancient India. Newspapers and magazines

Not everyone knows the most interesting facts about the country of India, but first things first. India is an incredible country with an amazing history, a very colorful population, unusual cuisine, beautiful nature, rich flora and fauna.

Someone, having been here, will want to return to India again. Well, for some, one trip will be enough to get a vivid impression. But it is clear that visiting this country greatly affects the mind of a person, forcing you to look at some things from a completely different angle.

As practice shows, we know very little about this state. Well, for example, Did you know that chess comes from India? And the fact that many basic sciences became known to the world precisely thanks to the ancient scientists living in India? But she is much older Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome!

If you are curious about what else India is famous for, interesting facts about the country will really surprise you. Read on.

General Facts

Let's start with the facts that you need to know if you are interested in India and Indian culture:

  • India is the seventh largest country in the world in terms of land area and the second by population (1 billion 170 million people).
  • Samo The country got its name "India" due to the fact that the first settlements were located along the banks of the Indus River. .
  • The flag of India, consisting of three horizontal stripes of different colors, has a deep symbolic background. Bright orange - altruism, courage. White - the desire for peace and truth. Green - fertility, fidelity, nobility. In those days when India was not yet independent, the symbol of a spinning wheel was depicted in the middle of the white stripe. But when the long-awaited independence was gained, the symbol, personifying the wheel of life, began to decorate the flag instead of a spinning wheel.
  • India is a multinational country. This is confirmed by the fact that 780 languages ​​​​and more than 1000 dialects formed from them are spoken on its territory.. It is striking that one of the dialects - Tamil - is considered one of the most ancient. True, over the past 50 years, about 250 dialects have ceased to be used. Or the constitution.
  • It is forbidden to export from the country and import Indian rupees into its territory.
  • For the last 10 thousand years, India has not invaded foreign territories. .

Unusual facts about traditions and religions

It is known that India is a very religious, spiritual country, saturated with ancient philosophy. At the same time, there is an amazing diversity of religions and a very tolerant attitude of the inhabitants towards this. About 80% of the population are Hindus, approximately 11% are Muslims, the rest are Sikhs, Christians, Zoroastrians, etc.. Here are some more known facts:

  • A wedding is highly anticipated and significant event in Indian life. Even those who have an average income invite a very large number of guests (300-1500 people) to the celebration. Usually the tables were vegetarian (unless, of course, we are talking about Muslim weddings). Yes and. However, the dishes are prepared in such a volume that they could feed several thousand guests. Read more about this in the article "".
  • In the city of Tirupati in the X century was erected a temple of Vishnu. It is one of the most famous places of pilgrimage. It is visited by approximately 30 thousand visitors per day. Mecca and Rome are visited by a much smaller number of pilgrims.
  • Cows roaming freely on the streets of India. These animals are sacred to the Indians, as it is believed that one of the progenitors of all mankind was just a cow. You can also find out.
  • India is a country of fables and fairy tales. Moreover, many of them are very ancient and there are a whole lot of them.
  • The color of clothes, folds and even the order of the strands in a woman's hair is given great value. By such signs, a resident of India can accurately determine who exactly is in front of him: practically a saint or a representative of an ancient profession.. You can also learn more about Indian clothes or.

Facts about the daily life of Indians

The life of Indians is very different from the life of a European person. 35% of the inhabitants of this country are below the poverty line and barely make ends meet. But at the same time, more than a million Indians are. This, of course, affects the way of life of the population:

  • Meet the Indians at home washing machine- almost unbelievable. Those who have that kind of money to buy such equipment can usually afford a housekeeper who does laundry, cleaning and cooking. The rest are washed by hand in the nearest body of water.
  • The labor force in India is one of the cheapest in India. For example, daily cleaning 3 room apartment and cooking dinner for several people a month will cost approximately 3,500 rubles ie 3 thousand rupees. True, the quality of such services is far from always good level.
  • The most developed art is dancing. They are given great importance. With the help of dances, accompanied by expressive gestures, any information is transmitted. In various ceremonies, as well as in temples, you can see the corresponding ritual dances. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with.
  • It is not customary among Indians for a wife to address her husband by his first name. Otherwise, it is considered disrespectful..
  • It is very difficult for widows in India. And all because there is a belief here: a good wife’s husband would not die . Some communities do not even allow such women to attend important social events and be near the newlyweds.
  • In the ancient and Middle Ages in India, such a rite was practiced as. It consisted in the fact that after the death of her husband, his body, along with the living widow, were indulged in public burning.
  • Most Indians do not use toilet paper . To carry out appropriate hygiene procedures, a small shower hangs in decent places in the toilets near the toilet. In simpler places, a tap with water is equipped for this and there is a small bucket nearby.

Facts about Indian medicine and science

Despite the fact that there are many uneducated and non-literate people in India, this country has its own great achievements in science and the field of medicine:

  • Algebra and geometry originated here.
  • Indian medicine appeared 2500 years ago thanks to the first physician Chakara. But the first operation was carried out much earlier. Sushruta is considered the progenitor of surgery. He performs operations to remove cataracts, on the brain, caesarean sections and even prosthetics! You can learn more about Indian medicine from ours.
  • In ancient India, they knew a lot about anatomy and physiology, and also possessed knowledge of the implementation of anesthesia.
  • Back in the 6th century, the Indian mathematician Baudhayana managed to formulate the Pythagorean law and calculate the number Pi with high accuracy.
  • The first concepts of the science of navigation were also presented to the world by ancient Indian scientists.
  • Incredibly, back in the 12th century, the talented astronomer and mathematician Bhaskara was able to accurately calculate the time it takes for the Earth to make a complete revolution around the Sun. There is also interesting article about .

So we talked about some interesting facts about India. This country has rich history several millennia long.

Although it was once prosperous, today it has to go through difficult times. But we still love her because she is so bright, amazing and extraordinary.

Thinking about India, we draw picturesque pictures in our imagination - fabulous silks, saris, national dresses, bright headdresses, bewitching dances, extraordinary collections of jewelry, luxurious handmade carpets embroidered with gold.

Everything is present in India - fabulous wealth and poverty, majestic palaces and shacks, ancient masterpieces and modern luxury.

India is an ancient independent state in South Asia. As for the population, it is the second in the world, the seventh in terms of the size of the territory. Countries bordering India are Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar. In the period from the 18th to the 20th century, India was a colony of the British Empire.

Everything changed in 1947, when the country gained independence. As India has developed, it has made great strides in many areas. By the end of the 20th century, thanks to the right strategy, India's economy became one of the fastest growing in the world.

« Land of dreams and romance, unprecedented wealth and unprecedented poverty, luxury and poverty, palaces and shacks, hunger and plague, spirits and giants, Aladdin's lamps, tigers and elephants, cobras and jungles, a country of hundreds of peoples and languages, thousands of religions and two million gods …”- these words belong to Mark Twain, they were said over 100 years ago, but, in truth, little has changed since then.

Live and learn

Reverence for knowledge distinguishing feature Indian civilization. Logic, ancient philosophy, psychology, astronomy, chemistry, religion - all these areas of ancient Indian thought are embodied in the Vedas, theories, textbooks.

The mathematics of ancient India was represented by such thinkers as Aryabhatta and Varahamihira (5th-6th century AD). They are the progenitors decimal system calculus, the discoverers of geometry and algebra, trigonometry.

The medical practices of India are valued all over the world. Treatises of ancient Indian healers on surgery, diagnostics, anesthesia and medicinal plants have survived to this day.

Indian builders, decorators, architects, artisans have made a huge contribution to the treasury of world culture. It was they who created sculptures, ensembles, temples, museums, palaces, mausoleums, massive fortresses, which for centuries amaze everyone with their grandeur.

Yoga was born here

Yoga originated in India. In India, you can start doing yoga with a real teacher - guru. In India, the guru is an indisputable authority. There are many centers in this country that aim at both a fairly deep immersion of a person in yoga and introductory training in master classes. Each center has an individual teaching style and uses its own methods in preparing students.

Holidays in India

India gives us its gorgeous beaches on the ocean and sea coasts, cozy bays with clean water, unforgettable acquaintances, meetings with history.

Material selection: Iris Revue

Very strong) To be there and not to fix at least in some primitive way the pictures seen is a great blasphemy. Therefore, I decided to put the interesting facts about India collected by me and other travelers into an article and reflect a little on this topic myself.

What do you know about India? Travelers can give a banal answer to this question: India is a country of contrasts. I will not argue with this, but in one word “contrast” it is impossible to convey all the mystery and magic of this piece of land.

The culture of India has evolved over the centuries, therefore, despite the modern pace of life, some of the old customs have survived to this day.

  • As a handshake, there is a special gesture called "namaste". It means "I salute God in you". To perform it correctly, you need to bring folded palms and fingers to chest level.
  • Basically, marriages are not created under the influence of love, but by a clear choice of parents. One of the main parameters that they pay attention to when choosing a bride or groom are religious beliefs and caste.
  • There are practically no divorces in India. Many people get married once and for life.
  • In many villages, the land is still plowed with the help of buffaloes and plows, which, against the background of good 4G Internet reception, creates a special contrast (along with a break in the pattern)
  • The groom is forbidden to look at the bride during the wedding ceremony, he can only see her through the reflection in the mirror.
  • It has long been believed that a girl born on a certain date promises death to her husband. Therefore, such "lucky women" got married twice, and for the first time - for an inanimate object.
  • Well, everyone knows about cows. Here they calmly walk the streets and sometimes sleep right on the roadway. In Rishikesh, specially trained people feed them stew
  • Shipping was founded in India, about 6,000 years ago.
  • Continuing the conversation about the country, it is worth noting that until the 17th century India was considered the most economically stable and one of the richest in the world.

Ghats of Varanasi

Sacred animals on the streets of Pushkar

For the sweet one anywhere

Like any other country, India is rich in various customs. And looking at them, I am sometimes very glad that I myself am not a Hindu.

  • Sati is an ancient ritual, according to which the wife must completely and completely share the fate of her husband. Including his death. When performing sati, the wife goes with her husband to the funeral pyre. At present, this custom is practically not practiced, its implementation is equated with a crime. Therefore, in order to avoid temptations, only men are present at the funeral.
  • Residents of some Indian settlements adhere to such a ritual as throwing a newborn child from the roof of a house onto big piece fabrics. But do not be afraid, everything happens absolutely safely. According to legend, this rite promises a newborn good luck, health and long life. What will happen if the child suddenly misses the fabric, history, of course, is silent.

Through me

The history of India, like its present, is very rich in various cultural customs and facts:

  • The ancestor of the famous game of chess was India.
  • Crystalline sugar from cane was first made in India.
  • Nowadays, most people like to relax on a Saturday night in a hookah bar. Not everyone knows that India is the birthplace of hookah.
  • Ancient India left a colossal mark in mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Most of the mathematical terms were coined by the Indians.
  • The most ancient literary heritage is the Vedas. According to historical data, they were created about 3,500 years ago.
  • The Indians were not only not afraid of a huge elephant, but they were the first to tame it
  • As many as 5 world religions were born on the territory of this wonderful country: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Bahaism. In addition, representatives of absolutely all possible religions and beliefs live here. Recently, even an Orthodox church was opened near Chennai.

Temples in Hampi, one of the UNESCO cultural heritage sites

Climate, geography and weather

Continuing the conversation about facts, it is worth saying a few words about geography and climate.

The highest point in India is Mount Kanchejunga (8560 m), the 3rd highest in the world, after Everest and Chogori (K2)

  • In India, there are all climatic zones: from the equatorial to the arctic. The second such country is.
  • The state of Meghalaya is the rainiest place in the world.
  • The absolute height difference in India is 8500 meters. From sea level to the top of Kanchenjunga
  • In the farthest Indian north, in the town of Dras, a record-breaking low temperature at -57 degrees. Hindus consider the coldest place in the world after Yakutia. Of course, this information is very "conditional", like much that is said in India, but it greatly emphasizes the significance of this or that place.

We are in Dras. On the right in the photo - information about the coldest place


  • Most Big City- Mumbai with a population of about 19 million people
  • The population of Uttar Pradesh is larger than that of all of Brazil.
  • According to 2014 data, about 315 million students studied in India, which is many times more than the total number of residents in Russia.
  • In 2013, more than 120 million people took part in the jug festival.
  • The progress of the birth rate in India is going through the roof. So, for example, if we take data from 1901 to 2016, we can observe a growth rate of 332%, which is a kind of record.
  • Everyone knows about the Indian slums, but no one knows that about 65 million Indians live there, which is approximately the number of inhabitants of Thailand.
  • The population density is 382 people per square kilometer. In the state of Bihar, the figure is 1,102 for the same area.


  • Do you think the UK has the largest number of speakers? in English? But no, according to the data received, this record belongs to India
  • There are 2 official state languages: Hindi and English
  • Regional languages ​​- 22 + 447 local languages ​​and about 2000 dialects. Against the backdrop of such a motley variety, it is not surprising that it became necessary to look for some kind of universal way of communication.

The medicine

Medicine in India was not only developed many centuries ago, but also has its own interesting facts.

  • Sushurata is the founder of surgery, who lived more than 2,600 years ago in India. At that time, he could successfully perform a number of operations, including: cataract removal, caesarean section, plastic surgery, etc.
  • In the study of ancient scriptures, scientists found that in India, back in the days of ancient civilization, anesthesia was used with might and main.
  • The first school of medicine in human history, Ayurveda, was founded over 2,500 years ago.
  • The pharmaceutical company Bayer produced a new drug in its laboratory in 1898. It helped with coughing and also relieved pain. At the same time, when using it, patients felt like real heroes. This drug was given a name - heroin. In India, until 1910, it could be bought at a regular pharmacy.
  • Pharmaceuticals is one of the most important branches of the Indian economy.


In India, even ordinary roads have several interesting nuances that can cause an ordinary European, if not shock, then surprise, for sure.

  • Indian railways ranked third in the world in terms of length, after the United States and Russia
  • Trains are often late here. Don't be surprised if you arrive somewhere 20 hours late
  • Judging by the news, it happens that they also go astray and go in the wrong direction
  • It is strictly forbidden to smoke in a car in Delhi. If you suddenly did this, then you face a considerable fine.
  • In Mumbai it is forbidden to leave the car with the engine running
  • Very few people follow the traffic rules here. On the roads - chaos, subject to an unknown controller
  • You can move around the streets of Kolkata on a cart that is pulled by a person and on a taxi ordered through UBER.
  • If you notice a cow on the road during a trip, then you should be extremely careful. In the event of even a minor collision with an animal, you face a fine, and in some cases, even a prison term.
  • Mumbai commuter trains carry about 8 million passengers per day. This is more than the number of inhabitants of some countries
  • India has one of the highest mountain roads in the world,. A special pleasure is to drive it on the good old Royal Enfield

We are at the Tanglang-La pass (5330 m) during a motorcycle trip through Kashmir and Ladakh

A few words about Goa

The picturesque resort of India is famous not only for its numerous recreational opportunities, but also for interesting facts.

  • Goa is a former Portuguese colony that became part of India only after 1961.
  • In many resort restaurants you can order dumplings, and even okroshka.
  • It's very beautiful nature and few big cities
  • Most of the population is Christian

Church of St. Xavier in Goa (as early as the 16th century, by the way)

Some more interesting things

As you can see, there are many interesting things in India. If you are not tired, please do not close the page.

  • There are 32 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India. Among them is the famous Taj Mahal complex.
  • Despite the fact that 80% of Indians are followers of Hinduism, representatives of all world religions can be found in India.
  • Indians don't use toilet paper. Near each push there is a faucet with water and a ladle
  • Almost 40% of Indians are vegetarians, so the country is the most "herbal" in the world.
  • The largest postal system operates in India. Here you can see a post office located at an altitude of about 4440 meters, or a post office floating right in the lake.
  • is one of the oldest in existence today. According to legend, it was created by the deity Shiva about 5,000 years ago.
  • Hindus often use banana leaves as a plate.
  • Lovers of natural features will be able to see the so-called "living bridges" in the state of Meghalaya. They were created by nature itself for 500 years.
  • The largest sundial located in Delhi and Jaipur.
  • Do you like sweets? Then you will love various Indian desserts. National cuisine India consists of 140 desserts for every taste.
  • When riding a bus, do not be surprised that there is no glass in it.
  • Yoga was born about 5,000 years ago and today it is included in the so-called. UNESCO intangible heritage.
  • If you want to make a vivid impression on an Indian, tell her that her walk is similar to that of an elephant and then you will win her heart (honestly, I have not tried it, but if you have experience - share it, please?)
  • In the state of Rajasthan, it is not uncommon to see camels harnessed to carts on the roads.

Finally - my favorite photo, which I briefly called "India, summer, Yaroslav." As you can see, the contrasts are just off scale.

Of course, this is not all that I have collected in my memory and on the Internet. I will continue to supplement and expand this list, and maybe even make another article.

If you have useful additions to interesting facts about India, share them in the comments, please?

India is the largest country in South Asia. It has a large area and a very large population. Included in the top ten countries in the world for these two indicators. Birthplace of ancient Indian culture. On its territory there are many historical and architectural monuments. Contemporary fast development countries contributes to technological progress and improve the quality of life of the population, but, according to European standards, they are still low.

The natural wealth of the country makes it an incredibly popular travel destination. Since ancient times, other nations have sought to see all its wonders with their own eyes. Each state is a hotel set of attractions, among which it is easy to find places for every taste.

Large cities (New Delhi, Mumbai) are megacities, noisy and active. Outback - jungle villages, secluded beaches. There are many exotics in the country, in all spheres of life. The nature of the tropics, intricate palaces and temples, the great Ganges and the Indian Ocean, colorful saris and spices. In India, there is almost nothing familiar to a resident of another country. The main directions of tours: excursions ("Golden Triangle"), beach (Goa), Ayurveda and spiritual practices. A separate direction is the Himalayas. As souvenirs, you can bring wonderful fabrics, spices, tea, jewelry. Best time visiting the country - from October to March.

The best hotels and hostels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see in India?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

The most famous and majestic mausoleum of the country. Snow-white huge tomb of Shah Jahan and his wife. The building is made of rare marble inlaid with semi-precious stones. Visited by millions of tourists, protected by UNESCO.

The oldest city in India. Located on the Ganges River, it serves as a place of pilgrimage for many locals and visitors. Ritual actions are performed on the banks. The center of the world for Hindus, the most important and revered place for them. It has a unique history, architecture, way of life.

The largest and longest river in India. It has great economic and cultural significance for the country. Sacred river for Hindus, a place of numerous rituals. It originates in the Himalayas, descends to the Bay of Bengal. Partially navigable. Flora and fauna are gradually becoming poorer, but are still of interest to tourists. Many cities and temples were built along the banks.

A relatively young temple in New Delhi, built in 1986. Outwardly, it is very similar to a huge, white flower lotus. The main temple of the Baha'i religion in India. Exceptional, in terms of architectural design, the building is unusually spectacular at any time of the day. There is a garden next to the temple. One of the most popular places for tourists in Delhi.

The most unusual building in Mumbai, its symbol. The architecture of the station is bizarre and very decorative, reminiscent of the Maharaja's palace. Built by British architects, during the colonization, but stylized according to local traditions. Formerly named after Queen Victoria. It was used for filming Slumdog Millionaire.

Buddhist temple complex. It is a set of rooms for prayers and the life of monks, carved in stone and decorated with rich carvings and columns. The wall paintings of the complex are interesting and valuable; many of the surviving fragments are classified as traditional Indian miniatures.

Place ancient city capital of the Vijayanagar Empire. Now there are the remains of ancient buildings and functioning Hindu temples. There are 18 ancient architectural and historical monuments in the Hampi area. Protected by UNESCO.

One of the tallest minarets in the world. It is a 72-meter building made of brick, decorated with carvings and artistic masonry. It was built in Delhi by several generations of sultan rulers. Protected by UNESCO.

Monument to Indian soldiers who died in the First World War. Opened in 1931. Located right in the center of the capital. It looks like the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The monument is made of sandstone, about 40 meters high. The names of the dead are engraved on the walls of the arch. Nearby is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There is a large park around the memorial.

Symbolic arch gate built on the embankment in Mumbai. It was established in honor of the visit of the country by King George V. Through this symbolic gate, the last British soldiers left India after gaining independence.

Located in the city of Jaipur, its second name is the Palace of the Winds. An architecturally unique structure, all pierced with windows. Since the palace was built for a harem, all the windows were closed with marble bars, White color which goes well with the red walls of the building. Five floors, about a thousand windows framed in lacy stone.

A grandiose fortress built of red sandstone. Located in Agra, is one of the two most significant attractions in the region. It was built by several generations of the Great Mughals, the beginning of construction is attributed to the middle of the 16th century. Inside the impregnable walls is a whole complex of buildings, palaces and parks. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

A huge fortress-palace on top of a mountain. Located in the state of Rajasthan, directly above the city of Jodhpur. Construction began in the middle of the 15th century, along with the construction of the city. The walls and gates were erected for several centuries and became simply monumental. Until the middle of the 20th century, local rulers lived in the fortress. Inside there is a museum, palaces and viewing platforms on the city.

The palace of the local ruler was built right in the center of the reservoir. On the surface of the water is a white-stone eastern castle, richly decorated with carvings. Currently, it is rented to tourists and there are about a hundred luxurious rooms inside. One of the James Bond films, Octopussy, was filmed here.

The largest waterfall in India. Located in a natural park - the largest in Goa. The road runs through the tropical forests, in the real jungle, which is home to many animals and birds. You can get to it only by special transport (jeeps). The jets fall from a height of 300 meters and are white in color. There is a romantic legend explaining this feature.

Indian state, where about 100 km of beaches go one after another. It is divided into North and South. The northern coast is more “youthful”, it can be noisy and fun here. The southern one is quieter, there are fewer hotels on it and they are more expensive. Almost all beaches are sandy and ideal for relaxation. The proximity of the sea determines the richest diet of fresh seafood.

Spring Festival, which is celebrated annually in India. It is celebrated for several days, has its obligatory traditions. One of the brightest and most popular is sprinkling each other with a special coloring powder. All participants in the fun are painted in different colors head to toe.

An Indian film factory named after Hollywood. Located in Mumbai, one of the largest film concerns in the country. It releases films in several languages, both sharply social and entertaining. Works with great productivity, film production never stops.

“India, cradle of the human race, birthplace of human speech, mother of history, grandmother of legend and great-grandmother of tradition. The most valuable and most instructive lessons in the history of mankind are valued only in India” (Mark Twain).

1. Among the countries of the world, India ranks second after the United States in terms of the number of English speakers. In India, it is spoken by about 125 million people, which is only 10% of the country's population. The number of English-speaking Indians is constantly growing.

Ganges River, Varanasi

Express info by country

India(Republic of India) is a state in South Asia.

Capital– Delhi

Largest cities: Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata

Form of government– Parliamentary

Territory– 3,287,263 km2 (7th in the world)

Population– 1.285 billion people (2nd in the world)

official languages– Hindi, English (+ 21 more)

Religion– Hinduism

HDI- 0.609 (130th in the world)

GDP– $2.048 trillion (9th in the world)

Currency– Indian rupee

Borders with: Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar

2. Lives in India largest number vegetarians in the world. Whether it's for religious or personal reasons, around 40% of Indians are vegetarians. India has the lowest per capita meat consumption in the world.

3. Until diamonds were found in Brazil in the 18th century, India ranked first in the world in the extraction and production of diamonds. Diamonds were first discovered in alluvial deposits in the Guntur and Krishna regions in the Krishna Delta.

4. Up to 100 million people attend the Kumbh Mela Festival, a gathering of pilgrims that takes place every three years. It is the largest gathering of people in one place in the world.

5. 13 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in India. Breathing the air in Mumbai for one day is equivalent to smoking 100 cigarettes.

On the street of Delhi

7. About 70% of all spices in the world come from India.

8. India is home to 14 million slaves, the largest number of any country in the world.

9. To make money on a Big Mac, the average person in India would have to work almost 6 hours.

10. Judaism appeared in India 2500 years ago. Since then, the local population has never shown any signs of anti-Semitism.

11. India is projected to be the most populous country in the world by 2050. The number of inhabitants by that time could reach 1.6 billion people, which will be almost equal to the population of the United States and China combined.

12. Indian households own 11% of the world's gold. This is more than the combined reserves of the US, IMF, Switzerland and Germany.

13. 74% of young Indians prefer an arranged marriage over their personal choice. Perhaps that is why only 1 out of 100 marriages in India ends in divorce. This is one of the lowest rates in the world.

14. The inhabitants of North Sentinel Island in India are among the last people whose lives remain untouched by modern civilization.

15. Mawsynram, a village in Meghalaya, is the wettest inhabited place in the world. It has the highest average rainfall in the world.