Manual drilling of water wells: how to drill a water intake by hand. How to drill a water well without equipment

You decided to build a well on your own site to provide your home and family with enough pure water? However, you were shocked by the cost of drilling it? Agree that this event, although quite expensive, is extremely necessary.

The high cost naturally forces us to look for an alternative to the services of drillers. We will tell you how to drill a well yourself. We will help you figure out the peculiarities of the sinking and arrangement of the water source - this is a completely feasible task for those who are not afraid of hard work.

The article discusses different ways well construction. After reviewing them, you will understand if you can perform all the necessary operations. For better assimilation of the information given, the article is supplied with step by step photos and a video showing the process of drilling and making a drilling tool at home.

Before starting drilling operations, you should study the composition of the soil at the site in order to at least roughly imagine your future well.

Depending on the characteristics of the occurrence of the aquifer, three types of wells are distinguished:

  • Abyssinian well;
  • filter well;
  • artesian well.

An Abyssinian well (or a needle well) can be arranged almost everywhere. They pierce it where the aquifer lies relatively close to the surface and is confined to the sands.

To drill it, they use a plugging technology that is not suitable for the construction of other types of wells. All work can usually be completed within one working day.

This diagram allows you to study the features of the device of various wells in order to better understand the technology of their drilling and select the appropriate method (click to enlarge)

But the flow rate of such wells is low. To provide the house and the plot with a sufficient amount of water, it sometimes makes sense to make two such wells on the plot. The compact size of the equipment allows you to arrange such a well right in the basement without any problems.

Filter wells, also called sand wells, are created on soils where the aquifer is relatively shallow - up to 35 meters.

Usually these are sandy soils that lend themselves well to drilling. The depth of the filter well usually varies between 20-30 meters.

This diagram clearly shows the device of the filter well. A filter must be installed at the bottom of it to prevent sand and silt from entering the water.

Work in a good scenario will take two to three days. Needs good maintenance, as the constant presence of particles of sand and silt in the water can cause silting or sanding.

The typical life of such a well can be 10-20 years. The term may be more or less, depending on the quality of well drilling and its further maintenance.

Artesian wells, they are also "limestone" wells, are the most reliable, since the aquifer is confined to the bedrock deposits. The water is filled with numerous cracks in the rock.

Silting of such a well is usually not threatened, and the flow rate can reach about 100 cubic meters / h. But the depth to which drilling is to be carried out usually turns out to be more than solid - from 20 to 120 meters.

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Of course, drilling such wells is more difficult, and it will take much more time and materials to complete the work. A professional team can complete the work in 5-10 days. But if we drill, it may take several weeks, or even a month or two.

But the effort is worth it, because artesian wells can easily last half a century, or even more. And the flow rate of such a well allows supplying water not only to one house, but also to a small village. Manual drilling methods are not suitable only for a device of such a development.

The physical and mechanical properties of soils are also of great importance when choosing a drilling method.

During the work, you may need to go through a variety of layers, for example:

  • wet sand, which lends itself to drilling in almost any way is relatively easy;
  • water-saturated sand, which can be removed from the trunk only with the help of a thief;
  • coarse rocks(gravel and pebble deposits with sandy and clayey aggregates), which are drilled with a bailer or glass, depending on the aggregate;
  • quicksand, which is fine sand, supersaturated with water, it can only be scooped out with a thief;
  • loam, i.e. sand with abundant inclusions of clay, plastic soil that lends itself well to drilling with a screw or core barrel;
  • clay, plastic rock, which can be drilled by the auger or glass.

How do you know which soils lie below the surface, and at what depth is the aquifer? Of course, you can order geological studies of the soil, but this procedure is not free of charge.

Almost everyone chooses the simpler and cheap option- interviewing neighbors who have already drilled a well or built a well. The water level in your future water source will be at about the same depth.

Drilling a new well at a short distance from an existing structure may not follow exactly the same scenario, but it will most likely be very similar.

Simple Well Drilling Techniques

Professional drillers have the equipment and tools to drill in quite literally a couple of days. But an amateur craftsman usually has neither such means, nor the skills to work with them. However, there are drilling methods that do not require this. The most commonly used drilling is auger or percussion rope method.

Method # 1 - auger drilling

As the name implies, this drilling method uses an auger or auger. The device is a bar, to the end of which a working tool is attached. This drilling method also uses a bit to break out boulders, if required. The screw design resembles a screw, the diameter of which can be different.

It is literally screwed into the ground, and the propeller blades help extract the cuttings from the barrel.

The diagram shows auger drilling. The drill is fixed on a tripod and rotated by hand, periodically taken out to free the mine from loosened soil

Drilling is performed as follows:

  1. Rotating the drill bar, a vertical depression is made in the ground.
  2. As the well deepens, the drill with loosened soil is periodically lifted to the surface.
  3. As the shaft lengthens, the bar is increased, attaching new and new parts to it.
  4. To extend the rod, use a reliable threaded connection or clamps.
  5. The borehole walls are immediately protected by casing.
  6. The drill is cleaned and work continues.
  7. Drill until the aquifer is reached.
  8. It is recommended to go through the aquifer completely and go deep into the lower layer of soil by about 0.5 m.
  9. The drill is removed from the well.
  10. Using a drill rod, a filter is lowered into the casing.
  11. Raise the casing pipe so that its bottom edge is approximately in the center of the aquifer, and does not rest against the ground.

It is believed that only a relatively shallow hole can be drilled with the help of a screw - about 20-30 m deep. However, much depends on the condition of the soil. A bailer is recommended for drilling loose sands and coarse deposits.

In auger drilling, a drill can be used to hold the equipment in the correct position. A motor can be used to lift the drill up. If the so-called “wet” drilling is carried out, a place should be provided for the wet soil removed from the well, water sedimentation, etc.

To facilitate the process of building up the casing, its position is fixed with the help of special clamps, which you can make yourself

When choosing auger drilling, it should be remembered that the presence of water in the wellbore has a destructive effect on its walls.

Method # 2 - rotary drilling

Speaking about rotary drilling methods (namely, the auger method belongs to them), it is worth mentioning drilling with a rotor. It is this method that is most often used by drillers for driving workings in rock formations. For its implementation, a special drilling rig with a rotor is used.

Drilling is carried out using the same drill, but it is not rotated manually, but with the help of a motor. The rotor transmits a moving moment to the drill rod, i.e. and on a projectile located deep in the ground.

The soil is destroyed, the tool goes deeper into the rock. To remove it, water is pumped into the well under pressure, which washes away small fragments of soil, or they scoop everything out with a bailer.

Rotary drilling is carried out using a special drilling rig. It is difficult to make such equipment on your own, but you can rent it.

The rotary method is not very suitable for independent drilling, since the equipment for it cannot be manufactured in a couple of hours “on the knee”. You need to buy, rent or lend a special drilling rig with a motor. By the way, such devices work not only on electricity, there are also gas generator models.

In addition to the installation, equipment is needed for intensive flushing of the well and / or powerful compressor to purge it. Finally, skills are required to work with such devices.

The drill should rotate almost continuously, and the nuances that arise, such as getting stuck in the rock, should be dealt with skillfully and quickly. It is usually easier for a novice craftsman to work with a homemade drill or bailer.

With so-called “wet” drilling, the walls of the well get wet, which reduces their strength, so the casing should be immediately lowered into the well.

Rotary drilling still has a number of undeniable merits Is the most quick way drilling, and almost any soil is usually amenable to it. However, with this method of drilling, when water is almost constantly present in the mine, it is especially important to immediately start installing the casing in order to prevent the walls from collapsing.

Method # 3 - drilling with a bailer (percussion-rope method)

The percussion-rope method or bailer drilling is significantly different from auger and rotary drilling, since in this case nothing needs to be rotated.

When drilling an Abyssinian well, first use a narrow auger auger to go through hard ground and reach quicksand

The hose is not lowered into such a well; its role is played by the narrow pipe itself. The pump is installed directly on top of the Abyssinian well.

The casing pipe, which at the same time is the mine shaft, is built up in sections of 1-3 meters, and the threaded connections are carefully sealed with the help of winding and silicone sealant... Compact dimensions allow you to arrange such a well even in the basement of a private house, so as not to take up space on the site.

The Abyssinian well is also called a needle well, since the casing with a filter tip really resembles a needle. Threaded connections of such a pipe should be carefully sealed.

To make a needle borehole filter, a series of holes with a diameter of about 10 mm are made on the bottom of the pipe. The perforated section on the outside is covered with a layer of a special metal mesh of galloon weaving. Such a filter will reliably prevent fine sand from entering the well.

When figuring out how to independently drill or a needle-hole, close attention should be paid to the method of driving a string of narrow casing pipes. This operation can be performed using a rod or headstock. A long metal rod is used as a rod, which is gradually built up as it is lowered along with the casing.

The blows of the rod during operation fall on the tip. At the same time, the pipe joints are also subjected to additional stress and may deform. Sometimes, with strong impacts, the coupling joint can simply break during the driving process, and this is unacceptable. The headstock is a weight with a hole.

A special head is put on the upper end of the casing pipe, on which blows are applied to drive the pipe to the desired depth. With this method of clogging, the load is distributed more evenly, but the integrity of the joints still remains at risk. Therefore, only high quality materials should be used to drill the Abyssinian well.

In this case, only a threaded connection is appropriate, which is coaxial with the center of the pipe. Such a thread can be made correctly only on lathe... A broken pipe will cause a lot of trouble for the master, since a piece of a column stuck in the ground is almost impossible to pull out.

The work will have to start over, and the costs will increase markedly. But if for some reason it was not possible to drill an Abyssinian well, almost all materials can be reused.

Drilling tool manufacturing

As mentioned earlier, you can make your own drilling attachments, borrow from friends, or purchase industrial products.

Sometimes the rig can be rented. However, the goal of self-drilling is usually to keep costs as low as possible. The easiest way to drill cheaply is to do it.

The diagram shows the arrangement of various drilling tools. With the help of a chisel, especially hard soil can be loosened, and then it is removed with a drill, bailer or other device.

Option # 1 - spiral and spoon drill

Hand drilling can be performed with a spiral or spoon drill. For the manufacture of a spiral model, a thick pointed rod is taken, to which the knives are welded. They can be made from a steel disc cut in half. The edge of the disc is sharpened and the knives are then welded to the base at a distance of about 200 mm from the edge.

A self-made auger drill can be different designs... Its obligatory elements are knives with sharpened edges and a chisel installed at the bottom.

The knives should be at an angle to the horizontal. An angle of about 20 degrees is considered optimal. Both knives are positioned opposite each other. Of course, the diameter of the drill should not exceed the diameter of the casing. A disc with a diameter of about 100 mm is usually suitable. The knives of the finished drill should be sharply sharpened, this will facilitate and speed up drilling.

Another version of the spiral drill can be made from a rod and a strip of tool steel. The width of the strip can vary from 100 to 150 mm.

The steel should be heated and coiled, hardened and then welded to the base. In this case, the distance between the turns of the spiral should be equal to the width of the strip from which it is made. The edge of the spiral is carefully sharpened. It is worth noting that it is not easy to make such a drill at home.

A spiral auger for drilling can be made from a pipe and a steel strip, however, it is not always easy to properly roll the tape into a spiral, weld and harden the tool at home.

To make a spoon drill, you need a metal cylinder. In conditions self-made the easiest way is to use a pipe of a suitable diameter, for example steel pipe by 108 mm.

The length of the product should be about 70 cm, it will be difficult to work with a longer device. A long and narrow slot, vertical or spiral, should be made on this body.

A homemade spoon drill is easiest to make from a piece of pipe of a suitable diameter. The lower edge is rolled up and sharpened, and a hole is made along the body for cleaning the drill

Two spoon-shaped knives are mounted in the lower part of the body, cutting edge which is being sharpened. As a result, the soil is destroyed by both horizontal and vertical edges of the drill.

The loosened rock enters the drill cavity. Then it is taken out and cleaned through the slot. In addition to the knives, a drill is welded along the axis of the device in the lower part of the drill. The diameter of the hole made by such a drill will be slightly larger than the device itself.

Option # 2 - bailer and glass

To make a bailer, the easiest way is also to take a metal pipe of a suitable diameter. The wall thickness of the pipe can be up to 10 mm, and the length is usually 2-3 meters. This makes the tool heavy enough to loosen effectively when hitting the ground.

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Water on summer cottage Is an important and necessary resource. Using a remote source will be much easier and cheaper than organizing a central water supply. Carry water in a bucket, especially in large quantities, it is extremely inconvenient, and its quality may be poor.

Therefore, in comparison with the well, the well has a series undeniable advantages... Water intake comes from interstratal or artesian waters, which makes the reserves practically inexhaustible.

Well in everyday life

Installation is carried out when direct water supply is impossible. It is especially important to use the well on garden plots and in settlements where there is no urban water supply:

  1. A remote source gives independence from running water and greatly reduces the cost of using water, being an economically profitable investment.
  2. The water coming from the well is much cleaner than tap water and well water.
  3. The reserves are almost inexhaustible (water is available without interruption all year round).
  4. There will be no problems with watering crops and livestock feed.
  5. Possibility to equip cold / hot water and sewerage (will make living conditions in the house favorable).
  6. No pipe corrosion.

You should take a responsible approach to the issue of well drilling. All important factors must be considered, such as the purpose of use and the number of people who will use it.

If you are not sure of your choice or in doubt about something, you need to consult with experts in these matters.

It is not worth saving when choosing a drilling method. A well that is dug incorrectly can lead to pump malfunction, hole wall collapse, closure and various other problems. Water intake must necessarily be made from certain soil layers. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the purchase of pumps and equipment for.

Is it possible to independently drill a well

Drilling a well is a laborious process because its length can vary from 8 to 260 meters. The depth of the hole depends on the location of the limestone layer. Therefore, before carrying out work, it is necessary to study the structure and location of soil layers, which can only be done by specialists.

It is not difficult to drill a well with your own hands., it is difficult enough to get into a certain layer of soil and create strong walls for the hole. The water drawn from the well is most often used internally. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, then you should not risk your health and the life of your family and friends - it is better to entrust drilling to people who are experienced in such matters.

Types of structures

The amount of work performed depends on the level at which the necessary waters and on the composition of the soil:

    1. Well(well - needle). Excellent filling capacity due to the correct location of the spring, accumulates up to 3 m³ of water. If necessary, you should make another well (at the greatest possible distance from the first). The depth is not less than 12 m. Compulsory soil composition: sand or sand-crushed stone.
    2. Well filtering water through a layer of sand. The pipe, 10 cm in diameter, is dug into the sand layer to a depth of 20 to 50 meters. At the end it has a mesh that acts as a filter.
    3. Limestone artesian well(without a filter). Water is supplied from layers of porous limestone. Such a source is the deepest (from 20 to 200 meters) and with the longest service life. Drilling requires special equipment and specialists.

    Choosing a place for a well

    The place where the well should be located,. The type of well, the location of the storage well, the filter well pipes, the place for irrigation, and will require a lot of space depend on this choice.

    The existence of a shallow aquifer is indicated by the following signs:

    1. Weeds and flowers that love high humidity, localized in one specific place.
    2. There is a large accumulation of mosquitoes and midges in this place.
    3. In such a zone, fog appears in the evening and in the morning. Thawed patches appear in winter.
    4. Cats love to rest in such a place.

    All signs of the presence of a shallow aquifer are indirect, folk. A more accurate result will be geological research.

    Experts will determine at what distance from the surface are deep waters... This, in turn, will solve the problem of choosing a drilling method.

    Independent methods of drilling wells

    Drilling is the passage of the soil with a special tool and the extraction of destroyed rocks to the surface. Production ends at the desired aquifer. It is based on screwing drilling tools into the rock or breaking the ground.

    When drilling a source with your own hands, you need tools and equipment. Not everything that is needed can be done independently from scrap materials and found in your arsenal. Something will have to be purchased in advance in the store.

    Rotary method


    • drill (chisel);
    • derrick;
    • casing;
    • rods and winch.

    This method is used by most people (about 80%). Drilling takes place only after a thorough study of the composition of the soil and its hydrogeological component. The soil is destroyed with a drill (chisel). The rotor rotates it with pipes. The ascent and immersion of the drill to a great depth is carried out using a special drilling tower. When digging shallow wells, the drilling rig can be pulled out manually.

    A tower, if needed, is placed directly above the hole. The guide recess should be dug into the 2 bayonets of the shovel. Water will help to facilitate the rotation of the drill when it is deeply buried. Moving every meter (or 0.5 meter), it is worth clearing the drill from the soil.

    The thread bits are made of steel (about 3 mm). When sharpening the edge, remember that the drill rotates clockwise - from left to right. The diameter of the bits allows you to work inside the casing (needed to prevent the collapse and overlap of aquifers).

    Development starts with a large diameter and gradually decreases. After using all the casing pipes, the production string is lowered inside, which is located in the aquifer. It is determined by the condition of the earth, which is pulled out of the hole. Drilling takes place up to the next layer - waterproof.

    In order to remove dirty water, you can use manual or submersible pump... If after 3 - 4 buckets the dirt has not disappeared, the well deepens by 1.5 - 2 meters. Then you should pump the water until it is visually clean. After that, it can be exploited.

    After 15-20 days, it is necessary to analyze the water from the well.

    Drilling with a drill and pump

    Required tools:

    The occurrence of the aquifer is at least 20 meters. Soil: sand, loam, clay, sandy loam and in some cases limestone layers. The drill is made from a water pump, on which, with the help of a grinder and welding, a low-speed drill is attached.

    First you need to make a hole with a simple drill. After that, you should insert the hydraulic drill into the well, and continue drilling. For the first meters, you can use a stand or a stool, the subsequent passage of rocks occurs thanks to extended pipes. You can pump water from a well in the country with a manual or submersible pump.

    Rope percussion drilling

    Materials (edit):

    • derrick;
    • cable or rope;
    • casing;
    • drilling nozzle (steel knives or crown);

    The tower is made from ordinary logs or pipes and is attached with wire. It has the shape of a tripod and is at least 2 meters high. Drilling is carried out by raising / lowering a special glass. The lower part of the glass is equipped with a "crown" or other attachments that crush and capture the rock.

    From above, the glass is attached with a rope or cable to a tripod. At the distance of the pipe about half a meter, it is necessary to make a hole through which the earth is removed. This should be done every 0.5 m.

    Drilling with various devices

    To make a borehole (mainly filtering through sand), people use a variety of devices. Normal garden drill it is not very convenient for creating such wells, therefore, it is altered or a completely homemade apparatus is made.

    Drilling with a combine


    • agricultural machine auger;
    • rod pipes;
    • welding machine;
    • steel plates;
    • casing.

    The harvester auger can be adapted to make a hand auger. Tubes - rods will increase the height of the column, and their end is bent in the form of a screw. Steel plates (at least 3 mm) are welded on top for drilling and pulling out the earth.

    To screw in the rods, on top of the pipe, it is necessary to attach threaded couplings and a long cross handle (it is more convenient to drill) for screwing in the auger. Drilling up to 10-15 meters.

    Drilling with an ice screw


    • fishing ice screw;
    • rod pipes;
    • casing;
    • shovel and wheelbarrow.

    A fishing ice ax is an excellent substitute for a drill. Homemade pipes- rods (up to 20-25 mm) will be able to increase the height. It is allowed to strengthen the existing cutters with your own hands by welding steel plates to them. You can build a tripod from logs or pipes to pull the ice screw to the surface as needed. Drilling up to 10 - 15 meters.

    Calculation of the cost of self-drilling

    The cost of drilling from specialized organizations ranges from 800 to 1300 rubles per running meter, excluding the cost of pipes. Therefore, the total price for the work ranges from 8,000 to 260,000 rubles. Upsetting pipes cost from 450 rubles / meter (plastic) and up to 1500 rubles / meter (steel).

    For each well you need them different amount, so the price of the bottom is very different (as well as finding the aquifer): from 4,500 to 300,000 rubles. Total from 12,500 to 560,000 rubles.

    Calculation for each method:

    1. Rotary method: drill from 1800 from 4000 rubles + tower from 300 rubles (for wire) up to 4000 rubles + 6000 rubles of rods + 1800/4000 rubles winch + 1000/2000 rubles small materials. Total, without the cost of pipes, it goes approximately from 10,900 to 20,000 rubles.
    2. For drilling with a drill and pump: drill and grinder 3000 rubles + welding machine 2000 rubles + wrenches 600 rubles + pump 4000 rubles + other consumables 2000/3000 rubles. Total comes out about 12,000 or 13,000 rubles excluding the cost of pipes.
    3. Rope-percussion drilling: rope or cable 700/1500 rubles + tower from 300 (wire) to 4000 rubles + drilling bits from 400 to 5000 rubles + 2000/3000 rubles for other consumables. Total, excluding casing pipes, the drilling price will be from 3400 to 13500 rubles.
    4. Harvester drilling: welding machine 2000 rubles + pipes about 4000 rubles + drill bits from 400 to 5000 rubles + 2000/3000 rubles other expenses. Total it turns out from 8400 to 14000 rubles.
    5. Drilling with a fishing ice screw: ice drill 2500/5000 rubles + pipes from 4000 rubles + shovel 250/2750 rubles + wheelbarrow 450/2500 rubles + 2000 other consumables. Total, excluding the cost of pipes, it turns out from 9200 to 16250 rubles.

    On the one hand, self-drilling of a well significantly reduces the cost of the process. On the other hand, this activity requires a lot of time, effort, ingenuity. The disadvantage of such a source is the limited depth, because it is very difficult to make an artesian well with your own hands.

    The positive side of self-drilling a well on the site will be the absence of bulky equipment and consequences from it, rapid pumping of the source to clean water.

Not all owners of suburban areas are ready to spend large sums to attract drillers for the construction of a water well. However, the convenience of using your own water intake is difficult to overestimate. You can save money by building a water source with my own hands... How to do it?

You will learn everything about how manual drilling of water wells is carried out from the article we have proposed. We will tell you how and how the work is done, what will be required for novice drillers to implement the idea. Taking into account our recommendations, you can easily drill and equip the production.

For independent craftsmen we gave and analyzed all the methods of manual drilling, explained in what cases they should be used. We attached diagrams of drilling rigs and shells available for self-production, posted photo selections and video instructions.

Your own source of water is an excellent opportunity to provide yourself and your loved ones with clean life-giving water and meet household needs. By drilling and solving the problem of water supply, it is possible for several decades to come.

The choice of the drilling method and the amount of work on the well arrangement depends on the type of hydraulic structure.

Abyssinian type well

If the water on the site is located presumably at a depth of 10-15 meters, then it is more profitable and easier to arrange an Abyssinian well. This type of hydraulic structure uses an aquifer located above a water-impermeable clay layer. The aquifer feeds on the infiltration of precipitation and waters of nearby reservoirs.

An easy-to-use needle-hole can be drilled even by a novice craftsman who is just mastering the basic skills of drilling

A relatively shallow narrow well is a column of thick-walled VGP pipes with a diameter of 50 - 80 mm. In the lower, very first link of the column, a special filter is arranged by drilling holes from the pipe walls.

The pipes function as a trunk; the Abyssinian needle hole does not require additional casing. It is not drilled, but immersed in the ground by means of driving.

Features of wells for sand

At a depth of the aquifer up to 30 - 40 meters, common in loose, incoherent sediments, a sandy one is constructed. It is so called because it draws water from water-saturated sands.

The fifty-meter depth of the source is not able to guarantee the crystal purity of the water, and therefore the contents of the well should be checked in a laboratory for the presence of chemical compounds

The water-bearing layer of the well on the sand is located only three to four dozen meters from the surface. And in order to reach it, you don't have to go through hard - rocky and semi-rocky rocks. Therefore, it is not difficult to manually drill a sand hole if you apply one of the methods described below.

Deep artesian well

But when planning to drill an artesian well, you cannot do it yourself. Artesian water is distributed along cracks in impermeable rock and semi-rock at a depth of about 40-200 meters.

Only professionals with the necessary knowledge and special equipment for drilling can cope with the task of drilling a well for limestone.

To determine the water depth, they should be guided by the data of hydraulic structures of this kind drilled not far from the upcoming work site.

Since an artesian well is capable of supplying water to several areas at once, it is convenient to order drilling services by teamwork. This will significantly save on drilling and arrangement of the water supply source.

Self-drilling methods

In order to choose the best one for you personally, you must first study their specifics and understand what tool is required, whether it will be possible to drill with your own hands.

Manual auger method

Drilling using a screw is one of the most common and affordable methods. It is effective when constructing wells, the depth of which does not exceed 40 m.

The auger is a helical shaft equipped with a drill bit and angled steel blades

The essence of the method lies in the fact that the auger, like a corkscrew, is screwed into the ground. As it sinks into the soil, the helical rod destroys the layers, and its metal blades carry the waste soil to the surface.

There are two types of augers used for manual well drilling:

  • Rods, the cutting blades to which are welded at right angles.
  • Constructions, the blades to which are welded at an angle of 30-60 °.

The constructions of the second version are more convenient in operation. Due to the position of the blades at an angle, the crushed soil does not fall into the borehole, but is completely removed to the surface.

To facilitate manual labor and speed up the process, you can use small screw installations.

This technique is especially effective if you have to work with complex soils, which include inclusions of rocks.

Small auger installations work on the same principle as a hand drill, but are driven by an electric motor.

You can generally drill a shallow well to take water for watering the garden using a garden drill. True, for casing the walls, pipes will be required from which the shaft of the mine is assembled, and metal pipes-rods required for building.

Core drilling is performed using a special tool in the form of a pipe equipped with a crown. The specificity of drilling and the pipe diameter, which does not exceed 160 mm, allows you to work quickly enough. For a day of work, depending on the density of the rock, you can walk up to several tens of meters.

With the help of the attachment point located in the upper part of the core tube, one and a half meter rods are built up as the tool deepens. The build-up is carried out in stages, forming a technological column from a projectile with rods.

The crown is made of durable metal. The edges of the crown are sharpened so that its incisors can easily cope with dense rocks. The shape and size of the crowns used is determined by the physical and mechanical characteristics of the rock.

As it rotates, the pipe, equipped with a crown, deepens into the rock and forms a hole for a well of the corresponding diameter

When dealing with superhard rock formations, a chisel is used first before sinking the pipe. Then, with the help of a bit, a well is drilled, and the sludge clogged into the drill of the core pipe is raised to the surface.

Falling down with force on the drilling site, the tool breaks the rock, and the cutting thief located in the lower part captures the cuttings and brings them to the surface

The glass is freed from the soil captured by it through its bottom, tapping the walls of the projectile with a sledgehammer. The thief is cleaned through a technological opening located in its upper part.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. In the chosen place, a hole is dug 1x1 meter in size with a depth of 0.5 meters.
  2. A garden drill is placed in the center of the hole at right angles. By turning the tool around its axis, it is buried in the ground. As necessary, the screw rod is extended with a pipe, fixing it by means of a bolted connection.
  3. After the appearance of wet sand, the drill is removed. Instead, a hole is specially installed assembled structure from casing, which is hammered with a sledgehammer.
  4. The rock collapsed during the installation of the casing is removed with a thief. Each time, the projectile, when penetrating into the formation of the rock, captures and retains part of it.
  5. As the casing is deepened, it is increased by another segment of the same diameter. The sections are screwed or welded together in order to obtain a single sealed barrel.
  6. For deepening, the casing is carefully rotated and listened to the sounds emitted. The rattle will occur when coarse sand is rubbed, rustling - finely graded, silence - when passing through clay soil.
  7. For drilling loose rocks, such as loose sand, pebbles, gravel, use a bailer. Clay rocks and dense sands pass through the glass.
  8. After performing a series of successive blows, the glass or thief is raised to the surface, removing the soil from it. After that, the cycle of work is repeated.

As in the previous methods, to facilitate the process of manual drilling of a well, a clay mixture or water is poured into the hole, and then, using a special bucket, it is removed back. If noise appears during drilling, the well should be filled with water. If the water leaves slowly, the pipe should be buried half a meter, but if it is fast - only 20-30 cm.

For shallow development, you can easily. This will require a pipe with a diameter of 100-120 mm, a metal shackle and an eyelet for attaching the cable, which must be attached to the top of the pipe.

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Rotational shock method

The main difference of this method is that the drilling rig performs both percussion and rotary movements in parallel. This approach allows you to speed up the drilling process. This method is especially effective when it is necessary to equip a hydraulic structure, if the geological section in the area is heterogeneous.

The rotational shock method also involves the use of a tripod, which makes it much easier to submerge and then retrieve the drill to the surface.

Shock-rotary and percussion-rope drilling methods are effective when drilling holes in loose soils, the particles of which are not interconnected. Both methods are suitable for drilling and retrieval clay soils: sandy loam, loam.

When drilling in loose rocks, due to insufficient connection of soil particles to each other at the stage of well construction, there is a high probability of crumbling of its walls. Therefore, sand wells are necessarily equipped with casing and filters that prevent large inclusions from entering the extracted water.

Step-by-step auger drilling technology

Among all the listed methods, the screw is considered to be the simplest. But it should be borne in mind that it is effective only when drilling loose and clayey soils.

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Preparing the necessary tools

Before manually drilling a well, you need to prepare the tools:

  • drill or small-sized screw installation.
  • oil rig with a winch.
  • a set of 3-4 rods.
  • casing.

If it is necessary to equip a well at a depth of more than 8 meters, to facilitate the immersion of the drill and its subsequent extraction from the wellbore, the equipment is fixed on.

An oil rig can be constructed from wooden beams or metal pipes, assembled from them a tripod-shaped structure

The size of the tripod should be proportional to the height of the drill string section. To create a structure, the bars are laid in the form of a triangle and fixed by means of a bolted or welded connection.

Holes are made in them for inserting a metal pipe, which will serve as a support. The dimensions of the base are determined only by the stability of the structure.

In the upper part of the structure, a hole is additionally equipped through which the rod will pass.

To protect the wellbore from destruction and shedding of the walls, a casing string is installed from pipes that have a high bearing capacity for shear and compressive formation loads. For work, pipes made of metal, asbestos cement or polymers are used.

To create a casing string, it is convenient to use pipes equipped with a threaded connection on the outer and inner surfaces.

When assembling the structure, the segments of such elements can be easily screwed into each other without the involvement of additional assembly units.

Making an auger from scrap materials

The material for, in this case, a screw-shaped rod, can be a d100mm pipe. For this purpose, it is better to use stainless steel pipes with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm.

The upper part of the structure must have:

  • at the upper end there is a screw thread with outside to connect to the bar;
  • at the lower end - a screw auger with at least two turns.

To facilitate the process of scrolling the drill, a handle 1.5 meters long is welded to the upper section of the pipe. A tee equipped with an internal screw thread will act as a transitional element between the handle and the collapsible rods.

The cutting blades of the drill are made from strips of sheet metal with a thickness of 2-2.5 mm, which are welded to the pipe at an equidistant distance

Rods with a length of 1.5 meters are made from a pipe of a similar diameter:

  • a first rod with an external screw thread at the lower end for attaching a drill;
  • all subsequent rods with threads at both ends of the same size.

Couplings must have the same thread parameters. As necessary to build up the structure, they are simply screwed to the auger, having previously unscrewed the handle.

Some craftsmen use an ice drill as a screw. In this case, the tool knife acts as the cutting blades of the auger. Extension rods are made separately.

In order to use the tool as a drill and be able to reach great depths with it, rods are made for extension from pipes d25 mm

Trying to improve the tool, some craftsmen additionally weld reinforced cutters to the factory edges of the improvised auger.

Drilling operations

A pit measuring 150x150 cm is dug onto it. It is necessary in order to ensure the stability of a vertically installed pipe. So that the walls of the recess do not crumble, they are strengthened with board cuts or pieces of chipboard.

A drill is immersed in the recess and, holding the tool by the handle, they begin to gradually screw into the soil in the clockwise direction

A drill is immersed in the recess and, holding the tool by the handle, they begin to gradually screw into the soil in the clockwise direction. It is more convenient to do this work together: the first will scroll the handle of the tool, and the second will press on it from above.

After passing the first meter, they begin to form the trunk of the structure with a diameter of at least 12-15 cm. For this, the casing is lowered into the recess. The diameter of the pipe should be slightly larger than the size of the blades of the drill. Subsequently, the pipes are plugged in parallel with the deepening of the well.

After deepening the drill by 1.5-2 meters, it will be quite difficult to rotate the tool on its own. The use of pipe wrenches and other grippers will help facilitate the work.

After passing every three to four meters, the screw rod should be removed to the surface, and its mouths should be cleaned of the ground.

When the moment comes that the drilling tool will deepen to its full height during immersion, it should be "built up". To do this, a rod is fixed to it by means of a threaded connection or an extension of the "pin-rod".

At this stage, it is important to ensure the strength of the connection of the elements. To simplify the task of determining the depth traveled, it is advisable to mark the extended rods.

During the passage of the layers, they continue to form the casing, not forgetting to check the verticality of the wellbore. Even the smallest curvature can prevent the casing from sinking freely. Therefore, if during operation the drill begins to beat against the walls of the casing, wooden wedges are hammered between the soil and the casing to correct the verticality of the wellbore.

Work continues until the soil delivered to the surface is wet. This will indicate that the aquifer is already close. To overcome the aquifer, all that remains is to go a little deeper.

It is possible, but not desirable, to mount the casing after drilling is complete. After installing the casing in the completely drilled borehole, it will again be necessary to extract the collapsed soil from the well, but you will have to act with a bailer.

To prevent the stacked casing from sinking into the wellbore until the next section is attached, it is held in place with a clamp

For temporary fixation of the casing, installed in the drilled hole, you should use a device in the form of a clamp equipped with handles. It will not allow the casing to sink into the working before the next section of the casing is connected.

But it is worth noting that this method is far from the most rational, since it requires long-term clearing of the bottom from cuttings. When forming a string, do not lower the pipes to the bottom of the well. They should not reach the lowest point of the bottom by about half a meter.

To form the casing plastic pipes are introduced in series, connecting the elements as they go deeper

To facilitate the drilling process with the auger, experts recommend flushing with water from time to time. The jet pumped into the casing cavity will wash the dump to the surface.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Drilling a well by percussion-rope method:

The subtleties of making a screw with your own hands:

For those who want to know how to correctly drill a water well by hand, we have provided methods that have been proven in practice. It is necessary to choose the optimal drilling method, to seriously approach the choice necessary equipment, and when drilling, strictly follow the advice of experienced craftsmen.

The result of the efforts made will be a self-equipped water supply source that provides clean water to all households.

Do you want to tell how you drilled a well on your own site? Have questions or Interesting Facts on the topic of the article? Please write your comments in the block below.

Drilling a well for water may be required by owners of sites that do not have running water or a well, or the water in them is not potable.

The owners have to choose between an uncomfortable life without water and drilling a well. How to drill a well yourself and produce drinking water, you will learn from this article.

Drilling technology

A water well is a serious hydraulic engineering facility, the efficiency and service life of which depend on the design and adherence to technology.

The first thing to do when drilling a hole in the ground under water is to determine the location of the future source of water. Drilling begins after the planning of the site.

The place is needed not only for the well itself, but also for the drilling rig and additional mechanisms, therefore, there must be an entrance to the future well. It is necessary to provide a place for the drain of industrial water.

Roughly for drilling the well under water, a flat area of ​​40-50 square meters will be required.

So that water transport equipment and a drilling rig can enter it, the width entrance gate must be at least 3 meters. Electric wires should not run over the drilling site.

According to building codes:

  • the trunk must not be drilled closer than 3 meters from the house;
  • nothing can be built over it;
  • there must be an entrance for equipment.

The technology of drilling a well under water involves three types of work.

Destruction of rocks - destruction by various mechanisms is most often used.

In industry, the rock is destroyed mechanically, thermally or by explosive method, but when drilling wells under water in individual areas, the last two technologies are not used.

Digging - Mechanical and hydraulic methods can be used for this job.

In the hydraulic method, the soil from the well is lifted to the surface with a liquid under pressure: water or water-clay solution. With the mechanical method, special equipment is used: drills, augers, bailers.

Strengthening the walls - it is not enough to drill a hole in the ground. To prevent its walls from crumbling, it will be necessary to arrange the trunk.

To fix the walls, a metal casing made of black steel, electrically welded or solid, is inserted into the hole.

Pipe sections can be connected by threaded connection or by welding. If it is assumed that water from the well will be drunk, then a galvanized pipe cannot be used.

The ideal option for pipes through which artesian water will pass is stainless steel, but this material is too expensive.

Nowadays, the most often used arrangement of wells for water using the double casing technology, when a liner from a plastic pipe made of HDPE or PVC is inserted into the main metal column.

This can significantly increase the life of the well.

Four ways to self-drill a well under water

The choice of drilling method depends on the technical and financial capabilities, as well as on the desired technical characteristics future hydrotechnical facility.

The screw method is suitable when you need to drill a shallow well in the area. Drilling is carried out by auger, the blades of which simultaneously destroy the soil and carry it up.

The auger is a device resembling a corkscrew in shape and mechanism of action. Its blades can be welded at right angles - in this case, they enter the soil at right angles and grind it before feeding it to the surface.

In this case, part of the soil may spill to the bottom and require additional extraction to the surface.

A more progressive way of drilling is when the blades are obliquely welded to the axis. Such auger enters the soil and takes it out without crushing and spilling.

Core method - use for drilling special tool in the form of a tube with a nozzle at the end, which is a columnar column with hard metal cutters.

The method is suitable if you have to drill hard rocky formations. In this case, the soil is first broken with a chisel, and then raised to the surface using a crown.

The tube rotates, sludge is clogged into it and is brought to the surface. The completely clogged tube is removed and cleaned of the rock by hitting it with a heavy sledgehammer.

In the process of drilling a well with a core method, water with a suspension of clay must be supplied into the hole - this protects the walls of the well from shattering.

The impact-rope method consists in the fact that the soil is first broken up with a heavy tool, and then removed with the help of a cutting-gripping device located at the end of the pipe.

This device is called a bailer. A two-meter tripod is placed over the place of the future well. A block is equipped on it, through which a cable is passed with a bailer attached to it.

If it is planned to construct a well with a length of less than 10 meters, then the construction of a tripod is optional.

But in any case, if the well is pierced with your own hands, then this device will facilitate the process, since when working with a tripod you do not need to apply a lot of physical strength.

Impact-rotary - in this case, drilling is accelerated due to the fact that the installation makes both impact and reverse advance.

The method is considered the most productive method for drilling channels under water in rocky soil.

Drilling a well under water with an ice screw

If you need to drill a shallow well under water with your own hands in an area with soft soil at minimal cost, then you can take an ordinary ice screw.

In the process of drilling, the tool is built up with homemade stocks. The blades of the ice screw replace the auger, and the rods can be hand-made from steel tubes with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters.

An ice screw is used to drill ice and frozen ground during winter fishing or mountaineering. A fishing ice screw is suitable for drilling land.

Ice drill - light tool with sharp knives. Him correct angle attacks, thanks to which knives easily bite into the ground.

It is quite possible for them to dig a shallow well under water or a hole for pillars on the site. The ice screw takes dry soil well, but gets stuck in wet soil. It is unsuitable for drilling clay.

To speed up the work, the cutters need to be welded to the edge of the blades of the ice auger. In addition to an ice screw and rods, casing pipes will be required to secure the hole shaft, a shovel and a cart for loading and removing soil from the site.

How to properly drill a hole in the ground with an ice screw with your own hands?

The work consists of the following stages:

  • dig a hole with a shovel 40-50 centimeters deep;
  • a drill is placed in the hole and, rotating, it is introduced into the ground according to the rule of tightening the screws;
  • after making 3-4 turns, the tool is pulled out and manually cleaned from the ground;
  • after driving the first meter, you need to start forming a water channel, for this, a casing is lowered into the hole.

Advice: correct when the pipe diameter is slightly larger than the ice screw. When arranging a well with your own hands, it is better to use light plastic pipes that are connected to each other using a threaded connection.

When the tool is fully underground, stop drilling and attach an extension to the drill (using a thread, braze, or steel bar pin).

Drill until the top 10 centimeters of the casing remain on the surface. The next segment is fixed on it.

When arranging the walls, they periodically check their verticality, leveling them with pieces of wood. The wedges are driven into the gap between the ground and the outer wall of the pipe.

Drilling continues until water appears in the well. After that, work is stopped, the tool is removed and the filter is put on.

Tip: the gap in the ground near the pipe must be covered with rubble.

The pipes can be inserted into the hole not during, but after drilling, but in this case, the well will have to be freed from the soil that has spilled down again.

Then the pipes are alternately lowered into the barrel and connected to each other after the next section of the pipe goes down.

Final work

You have drilled a well for water with your own hands, but this is only the first stage. Now you need to carry out the arrangement of your hydraulic structure.

The arrangement includes:

  • installation of a caisson;
  • starting the pump;
  • installation of electrical equipment;
  • laying of pipes for water.

Artesian well construction is mandatory, but if there is not enough funds, then this can be done a little later.

Arrangement is not needed if a decision is made to drill a small well on the site solely for watering the garden and other non-domestic needs.

The arrangement begins with the installation of a caisson. A head is made for the caisson, that is, soil is removed around the upper edge of the casing and the caisson is lowered to a depth of about two meters.

Thus, the hole from which the water will flow will be in the center of the caisson. The pipe is sealed to the inner edges of the caisson.

The installation of a caisson is needed to prevent flooding of the well. groundwater... Without a caisson, the water at the mouth of the hole can freeze in winter.

What is the caisson device? The caisson can be made with your own hands from a piece of ordinary pipe, the diameter of which is approximately one meter.

The wall thickness of the caisson should be about 4 millimeters. From the inside, the caisson is covered with an anti-corrosion compound, from the outside it is isolated from water, from above it should be closed with a lid.

The pipe through which the water rises comes out of the caisson - its upper end is below the freezing of the soil.

The well pump must supply water at sufficient pressure. A waterproof cable is mounted to the pump and a metal cable is attached for insurance.

The end of the cable is fixed to the casing head.

If you wish, you can install automatic controls with your own hands so as not to turn on the pump manually.

The pump control panel allows the device to automatically turn on and off, depending on the pressure under which the accumulator is located.

A hydraulic accumulator (membrane tank) protects the pump motor from dry operation and from voltage surges in the mains.

Practice shows that it is quite labor-intensive to drill a hydro-well with your own hands, but it is possible.

If there is no money to hire drilling equipment and you have to do everything yourself, then you need to approach the matter responsibly - choose the right drilling option depending on the soil on the site, read the instructions.

But as a result, you will get high-quality water from a do-it-yourself hydrotechnical facility.

Any Vacation home must be provided with water that can be used not only for watering the site, but also for cooking, cleaning the house, and washing. However, it is not always possible to connect to the centralized water supply system, but this problem can be solved independently. A well for water with your own hands from a to z, a video for 30 m and how to drill it without using special equipment - those aspects that are discussed in detail in the article.

Diy water well drilling, video

Drilling a well on the site is a grandiose and laborious process, too costly and labor intensive. This statement is wrong. These works can be done by hand. This approach allows you to save on expensive equipment rental. The house will be provided with clean and cheap water around the clock thanks to a well.

Water Well Drilling Kit

A well in sand 30 meters deep is one of the most popular types and can last more than 10-13 years. The well needs to be cleaned periodically, which significantly extends the period of trouble-free operation. The structure of the well on the sand is a pipe that is lowered into the mine. A special stainless steel coarse filter is installed at the bottom. A well is drilled by a screw method. The water level should be checked for the content of chemical and organic substances. Sometimes the aquifer can contain water that needs to be thoroughly cleaned and only then can it be drunk.

Many owners of country houses decide to use a gas drill when drilling. This device greatly facilitates manual labor, and time costs are significantly reduced. An electric or gas auger, by rotation, reaches high speeds and quickly brings the soil to the surface.

Diy water well: principle of operation, diagram

Water wells of any diameter operate according to general principles... After drilling with a gas drill or manually, the casing is installed, which will keep the soil masses from shedding, thereby protecting the water from pollution. The pipe can be metal, plastic, asbestos. Her Bottom part must be perforated for unhindered water flow into the intake channel.

Dacha water supply scheme

For better filtration, a space is left at the very bottom of the channel, which will serve as a sump. All coarse, heavy particles will settle to the bottom rather than flow to the surface. For more better cleaning for liquids from sand and silt, a coarse filter, which is a fine mesh, is installed in the perforated part of the pipe. It will cut off the suction of coarse particles by the pump.

To prevent the backflow of water through the channel when the engine is turned off, additional valves are installed. The power of the electric pump is selected individually, depending on the distance of the house from the well and its depth. For greater convenience, it is better to fully automate the water supply process. This is achieved by installing special equipment, sensors and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure in the system. At the final stage, the pipe system itself is insulated.

A well for water can be made independently at home or you can use the appropriate mechanisms for this. If you decide to do without special electrical or gas equipment, you need to prepare the following tools, namely:

  • metal drill of the required diameter;
  • collapsible drilling rig;
  • a sufficient number of rods;
  • mechanical or electric winch;
  • casing.

Drilling a well with a hand drill 30 meters deep is a rather tedious and time-consuming task. Using a drill and rods, the rig is assembled, and as it deepens, new sections are added. Drilling goes clockwise. Rotation of the drill is performed manually by 2-3 assistants. Experienced craftsmen pour water into the well to soften the soil. The drill must be removed periodically in order to extract soil masses. To do this without a drill tower is problematic and difficult. The use of a winch greatly simplifies this event.

The drilling cycle is repeated step by step. After reaching the aquifer, it must be passed completely until the drill rests against the waterproof layer. Such a well arrangement is more preferable. Thanks to this scheme, water will flow into the water intake faster. The first portions of the liquid are always dirty, but after prolonged flushing, clean water begins to flow. If this does not happen, experts recommend going deeper for another couple of meters.

For pumping water, it is better to use one equipped with filters. A hand pump can also extract water, but the depth of the well makes this difficult. It is much easier to automate water delivery to the surface. In this case, the well is connected to the water supply system for uninterrupted supply in the house. Some owners of suburban areas make a storage for water. This can be a plastic or metal container of the required volume. Water is supplied to the house directly from the settling barrel. Water flows into the container itself automatically after the level drops. If you equip the container with a float, then turning on the pump for collecting water can be automated.

Video on how to make a water well with your own hands by hand:

Drilling a well for water with your own hands from a to z, a 30 m video is of interest to many owners of country houses. Having a source of clean water, you can not only provide the site with irrigation, which will significantly increase the yield garden crops... Well water is the most inexpensive way organize an uninterrupted water supply to the cottage, which will increase the level of comfort during the rest.