Device for pulling out dents. Reliable tools for easy repair of dents without painting

The inductor is not a panacea or magic wand for removing dents without painting. This is an auxiliary tool, partly replacing routine manual methods (hooks, glue systems, etc.).

Many buyers want to buy this device without even having the basic skills of PDR technology. What is not good! Therefore, if you see comments of the form: "The device does not pull," "Burns the paint", "It is easier to pull out with a plunger" or "Cheaper manual methods", then you can safely consider their grief as amateurs, and not listen to their stupidity.

The essence of the device is simple - heating the metal, if this happens in one press of the nozzle, then the inductor is working. Further - a matter of technology!

Do not carry out PDR work if

  1. damaged paintwork of the car (LCP);
  2. deformation has a complex shape with deep, sharp breaks or on a stiffener;
  3. the deformed area was already painted and the painting was performed poorly;
  4. the car has been in operation for more than 15 years, microcracks and traces of corrosion are visible on the paintwork.

Inductor-repairable dents

  • Removes small, shallow dents. Used to repair hail, parking dents.
  • Convenient to use for body parts that are difficult to remove, and where it is difficult to work with hooks, suction cups and other hand tools.
  • It copes best with local dents on sheet metal: hood, roof, trunk lid, doors.
  • Dents on the iron body.

Dents that cannot be removed with an inductor

  • Sharp, deep (depth is greater than its diameter) dents, as well as a dent in a dent, cannot be pulled out with a tool.
  • On the stiffener, on the edges, because there is practically no metal tension.
  • Areas that have been damaged and remodeled.
  • The aluminum parts of the body are not repaired by the device.
  • You can't put pressure on the dent. You heat the metal by pressing down on it with a nozzle, thereby making the dent even larger.

Features of removing dents with a device

Better to heat the sides with a short pulse heat. Once the metal begins to flatten, you can apply rapid pulses and heat towards the center of the dent.

Dents closer to the center of the metal surface will heal faster.

On a white surface, you need to work more carefully, because paint may turn yellow.

If there are many small dents nearby, for example from hail, then each next dent should be heated as far as possible from the previous one. Since the metal nearby does not have time to cool down.

Do not run at maximum power unless you are a professional and always train on an unnecessary body element.

The temperature in the room where the repair is being carried out should be more than 5 - 10 degrees.

What to do to prevent the inductor from beeping? In T-HotBox devices, before switching on, set the operating mode for 4 seconds.

And most importantly, if you have not studied PDR technology and you do not have the appropriate tool and understanding of how to work with the body, then you should not take an inductor, but should:

  1. Take training in dent repair.
  2. Buy discs and tools.
  3. Come to a free demo, where they will show you everything and suggest the best options.


An inductor is needed when you do not have enough time and energy to work with a hand tool. Hail is a seasonal phenomenon. There are a lot of dents and battered cars too. A competent specialist will recoup the price of the device for the repair of one or two machines. This is a huge plus!

This device is not for everyone and buying one inductor is not enough. Cars with aluminum bodies cannot be repaired. It is very easy to damage the paint with one careless push. In addition, not all dents can be removed by electromagnetic induction. This is a minus!

Video on working with the inductor

Every auto repair technician knows that car body dents are a common problem for their customers. However, not every technician has the necessary tools to repair dents without painting.

What tool do we sell

Looking into the catalog of our online store "PDR Center Moscow", you will find everything you need to complete the task of removing dents without painting: hooks, lamps, glue tools and much more.

In chapter "Tool kits" You will find ready-made kits to help you quickly and efficiently deal with dents and surface irregularities. The main differences between these sets are the number of hooks, the size of the lamps and the presence of a minilifter.

Lightning equipment- no less important purchase than the hooks themselves, because only having a good lamp, diffuser and dimmer can you quickly fix dents on the body in such a way that no one will ever notice it.

By visiting the section " Accessories», You will be able to buy the necessary tools for settling, various suspensions, and loosening. All this will become indispensable helpers in straightening difficult dents.

Of course, the main helpers in the difficult task of pulling out irregularities are hooks and attachments... You can buy hooks of different diameters separately or immediately take a set that is suitable for all occasions. Replaceable handles and attachments are also great for the advanced craftsman.

Concerning adhesive system, in the catalog you can find all kinds of minilifters, glue guns, reverse hammers, as well as fungi from different manufacturers.

Do not forget about additional equipment, which can greatly facilitate the work of the wizard. These are various thickness gauges, pneumatic devices, polishing wheels of different hardness (detailing) and other fast lifting systems.

In this video, you will learn how our store and training center works:

PDR tool prices

In total, we work with more than 30 suppliers, which allows us to keep a high assortment and low prices.

In skillful hands

Having bought the necessary professional tool, you still need to learn how to use it correctly. And our masters will help you in this difficult matter. The training center of the company will tell you how to use this or that equipment correctly in order to return the car to its former shape, teach you how to put each of the devices into practice, and raise your professional level. PDR Center Moscow is your reliable partner and friend.

Often, as a result of minor accidents, minor impacts or even atmospheric precipitation in the form of hail, a certain amount of dents remains on the car, while the body paintwork remains completely intact. In this case, a trip to a car repair shop to carry out bodywork is not always justified, because you can repair the shallow damage yourself, using simple devices for this. The result of the application of innovation in the field of auto repair was the emergence of a device for removing dents. On the market for special equipment, there are devices for pulling out dents without subsequent painting. Such equipment makes it easy to eliminate such small-sized flaws in a car. New from Switzerland, the T-Hot Box is a professional device for removing dents without the need for subsequent painting.

The dent remover can be used to straighten the body after minor impacts or damage from falling icicles, hail. It can be used to repair gentle damage sustained while parking or transporting the machine, as well as to remove flaps (stretched metal).

The principle of operation of the device is based on induction radiation, the effect of which is aimed at heating only the metal. Paint and other polymeric materials on a metal base do not heat up. When heated, the metal base contracts, and due to the fact that the metal stress at the site of damage is directed upwards, the previous profile configuration is restored.

If this did not happen the first time, the procedure should be repeated after the surface has completely cooled down. The use of such a device will undoubtedly facilitate the work of body repair due to many points:

  1. ease and simplicity of operation;
  2. there is no need to disassemble the car;
  3. lack of painting works;
  4. no consumables are needed when using the device.

Car repair with the help of the device becomes possible without damaging the paint, which saves time and consumables for cleaning, putty, painting. Drying is also eliminated from the repair process, which saves time and energy.

This device is specially designed to rid the car surface of various types of irregularities (from hail to large shallow dents), while maintaining its paintwork. Be sure that this device will remove minor damage to the body.

How does the device for removing dents on a car work?

Due to the rapid heating of the metal, it expands. And since the heating area is very small and fast when expanding, the paint and varnish do not burn out. It is a prerequisite to do the next cycle after complete cooling. In one cycle, heating to 80 g. Since on positive and straight surfaces the metal stress ( directed upwards) with minor damage, it rises and takes on its initial shape. This process is explained by the fact that the speed of movement of atoms inside increases and that is why the degree of their attraction also increases, which entails the above changes.

With this dent straightener, you can get rid of different types of damage. This device will be useful to you in the following cases:

  1. when getting rid of the elongation of metal surfaces;
  2. when eliminating minor superficial damages;
  3. when removing deep dents (for example, in case of unsuccessful parking) with the PDR hook.

Device complete set

  • T-Hot Box PDR device;
  • traction (induction) head with cable;
  • case for carrying and storing the inductor;
  • user manual - download.

How to properly work with T-Hot Box HTR-02

Let's go directly to the process of removing dents T-HotBox HTR-02 with an inductor. Please note that for best results, it is advisable to remove the insulating material (if any) before use.

Before switching on, you need to place the induction head at the very edge of the damage, and only then activate the induction flux with one light push of the button. After that, you will be able to observe its penetration into the middle of the metal. The frequency with which these procedures are repeated depends on the amount of damage to your vehicle.

The exposure time on average lasts from 1 to 4 seconds (it directly depends on the metal you are working with, as well as on its thickness). If it is necessary to repeat the procedure, it is necessary to wait until the surface has completely cooled. Failure to follow this rule may result in additional damage such as burning paintwork. In order not to face such difficulties, it is best to practice on other similar materials that you are not afraid to spoil before using. Such training will teach you to “catch” that dangerous moment of burning and will protect you from its repetition already during the main procedure with a car.

The scope of the device for removing dents on a car:

  • Parking dents
  • A device for removing, eliminating and repairing dents on a car without painting.
  • Hail dents
  • Dents received during transportation of the vehicle
  • Dents from external damage such as vandalism or other influences
  • Elimination of "claps" (stretched metal)

Device advantages

  1. Lightning fast work
  2. Easy to use, no effort required
  3. Diverse range of applications on all metal structures
  4. No time-consuming disassembly of parts
  5. The ability to repair the car without damaging the paint
  6. Elimination of unnecessary paintwork
  7. Leveling and filler work becomes redundant
  8. Lack of consumables when working with the device
  9. Saving time and consumables for cleaning, puttying, painting, as well as saving energy required for drying

Effect when using an inductor

The result after using the T-HotBox PDR inductor can be enhanced by combining it with the adhesive alignment method. This method will help to pull out deeper dents. This technique allows you to work on the edges of parts, as well as in hard areas of difficult access.

There are several ways to align dents. The traditional option involves straightening, filling and repainting or replacing the damaged part. However, if the paintwork is intact, repairs can be greatly simplified by using the non-paint dents removal equipment discussed below.


This alignment technology can be used on all metal car body parts. The main condition for leveling dents with the considered method is the integrity of the metal and paintwork. That is, in the damaged area, the presence of metal breaks, cracks, chips and other paint defects is unacceptable. However, minor damage, such as scratches, is acceptable and must be removed by polishing.


Levers and bumpers

This unpainted dent repair tool is used for mechanical alignment from the inside. An elongated pin or a flat bar can be used as a lever. The technology under consideration is based on differential pressure. The principle of work consists in squeezing out the washed area from the back side with a lever placed in the technological hole. When the material is returned to its original place, a click occurs. You need to press gently and gently, controlling the appearance of edges and peaks. To straighten them, a fluoroplastic bumper is used.

However, since this method is associated with penetration into the car, the scope of its application is limited, since not all parts of the body can be approached with a lever through the technological holes.


This is a specialized set of tools for repairing dents without painting, including an applicator, glue and a mini lifter. This specialized kit is used for the external straightening of dents. It is based on a device in the form of a bracket with two rubber tips. In addition, the set includes glue, a gun, a set of nozzles.

The previously damaged area of ​​the car is degreased. Then the heated glue is applied with a pistol to one of the attachments (also degreased) and set in a circular clockwise motion in the center of the dent. In this case, excess glue comes out through the holes in the nozzle. The setting time is 2 - 3 minutes. After it dries, the dent is pulled out with a mini-lifter - a bracket is installed on the nozzle and screw it with a thumb until the defect is completely straightened. At the end of the work, the device is left on the work surface for 5 minutes. At the end of the work, the surface is cleaned of glue.

There is also other equipment for removing dents without painting by this method. For example, a piston is used in a similar way. It is also glued to the damaged area and the dent is straightened by pulling. It is also possible to use a non-professional tool such as a set of suction cups. The technology for their application is the same.
The glue method has a much wider scope of application, since almost all dents can be straightened from the outside. At the same time, the work is very simple to do it yourself.

Vacuum suction cups

The technology of using vacuum suction cups differs from the above-mentioned suction cups fixed to glue, since this equipment is installed on the working surface by a vacuum method.

The previously damaged area of ​​the car is cleaned. Then a suction cup is installed and a vacuum is created in it with a pump. Finally, the pump hose is disconnected and the dent is pulled out. At the end of the work, the vacuum is disposed of by opening the valve and removing the suction cup. This technology compares favorably with the glue method in the absence of the need to clean the body after repair.

Lever set

Such equipment is used when straightening dents using PDR technology. The set includes a variety of hooks that differ in shape, length and curvature of the working part. In addition to these, you will need a hair dryer, a plastic pad called a drift, and a mallet. It may be necessary to dismantle the interior trim and adjacent vehicle parts before starting work. On a pre-cleaned working surface, the stress of the metal is removed at the bending points. Then the damaged area is heated to 40-50 ° C. The edges of the bend are tapped lightly with a punch to avoid damage to the paintwork. Alignment is carried out by pressing on the damaged surface from the back. To do this, select a lever depending on the conditions of the location of the defect, insert it into the technological hole and, by scrolling the handle, act on the surface. Professional kits are equipped with polymer wedges that are placed under the hooks to prevent damage to parts. The technology in question is the most difficult for DIY repair, as it includes various repair methods. It is usually used to correct complex and extensive defects.


This tool is used to straighten dents by pulling. A rag is placed under it so as not to damage the paintwork. The magnet is moved from the edges to the center of the indentation, pulling slightly.

Hair dryer and compressed air can

The use of such a set involves a thermal method of straightening dents. It is based on the desire of the metal to return to its original shape under the influence of temperature. First, the damaged area of ​​the car is heated with a construction hairdryer, and then air is directed at it from a spray can. In this case, the metal is leveled. When straightening large dents, this operation will have to be carried out at several points. Moreover, their location is not chosen randomly, but depending on the shape of the defect. So, for round dents, the points are located along the radius, and for oval dents, along the narrow side. If there are rigid elements in the defect zone, alignment begins with them. This method does not always allow to completely straighten the damage, therefore, for complete straightening, a mallet with a rubberized backing material is used to protect the paintwork.

Also, among other things, you will need a set of protective equipment in the form of gloves and a mask, since these works are associated with high temperatures (300 - 650 ° C).

There is also an option for performing repairs using this method using household materials. So, a gas burner is suitable as a heating tool, and water can be used for cooling.

Set of rubber mallets and anvil

This equipment is used to knock out dents from the back, and the anvil is placed on the outside to prevent the metal from bending in the opposite direction. Percussion begins at the center of the dent, moving to the edges in a circular motion. The force of impacts should be controlled, as exceeding it can lead to thinning of the metal. In the absence of access to the damaged area, a set of hooks is used.

All three methods are quite simple, they can be produced by hand, since they do not require expensive equipment and special skills. Removal of dents without painting is carried out by vacuum, glue and PDR technology.

To begin with, it is necessary to inspect the damage; repair of dents without painting cannot be carried out if:

  • damaged paintwork;
  • the deformation has a complex shape with deep, sharp breaks;
  • the deformed area was already painted, and the painting was performed poorly;
  • the car has been in operation for more than 15 years and microcracks and traces of corrosion are visible on the paintwork.

In all other cases, you can straighten the dents with your own hands.

Pulling out dents is done using a special Pops-a-Dent set.

It includes a special plastic rocker arm. It has wide legs with a soft polymer sponge at the ends to prevent damage to the surface. Several nozzles of various sizes, it is their soles that stick to the defect and straighten the dents. Thermal gun and some refills with silicone hot melt glue.

  • Using this device, it is quite simple to remove a dent with your own hands: Degrease the defect and wipe it dry. There should be no dust on the surface.
  • We quickly apply the melted glue to a clean nozzle and press it against the deformed surface, as if twisting it left and right by a quarter of a turn.

ATTENTION! The glue must necessarily protrude through the technological holes in the bottom of the nozzle, this will give the fastening additional strength.

  • Cooling time 2-3 minutes.
  • We pass the handle of the nozzle into the hole.
  • We screw the thumbs onto the thread and begin to slowly straighten the dent to the level of the surrounding metal of the body.
  • Leave it in this position for 5-7 minutes.
  • We unscrew the lamb and remove the arc.
  • We heat the plastic with a construction hair dryer at the lowest temperature.
  • We separate the nozzle by slightly scrolling it to the right and to the left.

However, if you drive carefully and dents are atypical damage to your car, buying the whole set is completely redundant. It is enough to purchase a glue gun, which can be useful on the farm. The arc can be easily made with your own hands from wood, and as a nozzle you can use a regular screw with a wide head. Pulling out dents will take place in a slightly different way:

  • glue is applied directly to the defect;
  • a bolt head is applied to the molten mass;
  • waiting a minute, one and a half, for the plastic to grasp slightly;
  • a new layer is applied over the cap and the old glue so that the layers stick together.

The further process of removing dents on the machine will be similar to that described earlier.


Removing dents without painting using a vacuum method is similar to the adhesive technology. However, it has one indisputable advantage over her. Once the repair is complete, there is no need to remove the adhesive, risking damage to the paintwork or re-deforming the surface.

Removing a medium-sized dent on a machine is done using a vacuum suction cup. Different models have different sole areas. The ideal option is the case when the sole of the suction cup is slightly missing to the border of the defect.

The preparatory process is limited only to cleaning the work surface. The installed suction cup creates a vacuum using an electric or hand pump. Once a snug and secure fit has been achieved, the hose is detached and the dents can be straightened out.

After the surface has taken its original form, a special valve opens and the suction cup can be easily removed from the car body.

PDR technology

This process is the most difficult to do with your own hands. It will require a set of rather expensive special tools - levers.

Such repair of dents without painting is used for extensive and complex damage. The process consists in the impact on the dent on the car from the inside of the body surface. If necessary, remove the inner lining and dismantle the parts that hinder access.

The hooks used to remove dents on the machine come in various shapes and lengths. Their working parts, which directly affect the metal, are bent at different angles.

  • Before straightening the dent, the work surface is cleaned.
  • In places of bending damage, the stress of the metal is relieved.
  • The part is heated with a building hair dryer to 40-50 ° C.
  • The edges of the bend are lightly tapped through the plastic spacer (punch).
  • Alignment of dents is carried out by pressing on the metal surface from the inside.

The most suitable shape of the lever is introduced into the technological hole, scrolling the handle, pressing the surface is applied. Removing dents with hooks requires skill and precision. In professional kits there are special wedges made of polymers, which are placed under the hook metal so as not to deform the elements of the car.

See also video